Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
With various governments and industry groups battling their way to prevent
spam, organizations can in the meantime take a proactive approach in
combating the phishing threat. By understanding the tools and techniques
used by these professional criminals, and analyzing flaws in their own
perimeter security or applications, organizations can prevent many of
the most popular and successful phishing attack vectors.
This updated paper covers the technologies and security flaws phishers
exploit to conduct their attacks, and provides detailed vendor-neutral
advice on what organizations can do to prevent future attacks. Armed
with this information, security professionals and customers can work to
protect themselves against the next phishing scam to reach their inboxes.
While phishing has been in existence for over 10 years, the vectors used
by these professional criminals have continued to improve and become
more successful. Since the original “Phishing Guide” was published mid-
2004, there have been many advances in both attacks and defenses.
This updated Guide covers the latest techniques and trends in phishing
and anti-phishing, and includes updated information on the following:
The word “phishing” originally comes from the analogy that early Internet
criminals used e-mail lures to “phish” for passwords and financial data
from a sea of Internet users. The use of “ph” in the terminology is partly
lost in the annals of time, but most likely linked to popular hacker naming
conventions such as “phreaks” which traces back to early hackers who
were involved in “phreaking” – the hacking of telephone systems.
The term was coined in the 1996 timeframe by hackers who were stealing
America Online (AOL) accounts by scamming passwords from unsuspecting
AOL users. The popularized first mention on the Internet of phishing
was made in the alt.2600 hacker newsgroup in January 1996; however,
the term may have been used even earlier in the popular hacker
newsletter “2600”.
By 1996, hacked accounts were called "phish", and by 1997 phish were
actively being traded between hackers as a form of electronic currency.
There are instances whereby phishers would routinely trade 10 working
AOL phish for a piece of hacking software or warez (stolen copyrighted
applications and games). The earliest media citation referring to
phishing wasn’t made until March 1997:
The Phishing Guide
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Over time, the definition of what constitutes a phishing attack has blurred
and expanded. The term phishing covers not only obtaining user account
details, but also includes access to personal and financial data. What
originally entailed tricking users into replying to e-mails for passwords
and credit card details, has now expanded into fake websites, installation
of Trojan horse key-loggers and screen captures, and man-in-the-middle
data proxies – all delivered through any electronic communication channel.
Due to the phishers high success rate, an extension to the classic phishing
scam now includes the use of fake jobsites or job offers. Applicants
are enticed with the notion of making a lot of money for very little work –
just creating a new bank account, taking the funds that have been
transferred into it (less their personal commission) and sending it on as
an international money order - classic money laundering techniques.
Phishing attacks rely upon a mix of technical deceit and social engineering
practices. In the majority of cases, the phisher must persuade the victim
to intentionally perform a series of actions that will provide access to
confidential information.
Dear friend,
Thank You,
Web Hosting............. $29.85
Setup................... $30.00
The scope of what constitutes a phishing attack has changed over the
last ten years. The original purpose of phishing was to acquire the login
credentials of other customers using the same subscription service.
For a long time, phishers focused upon theft of login credentials using
e-mail as both the delivery and acquisition method – i.e. the phisher
sends out an e-mail requesting the recipient to e-mail them back the
necessary information. As the recipients of the e-mails became wary of
these faked messages, the phishers switched to other delivery mechanisms
with increasingly more complex return methods.
The Phishing Guide
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Today phishers continue to make use of e-mail, but also utilize message
boards, web banner advertising, instant chat (IRC and instant messenger)
and more recently Voice over IP (VoIP) to deliver their persuasive message
and convince victims to either respond with their credentials or drive
them to a more sophisticated automated credential stealing mechanism.
Figure 3: Typical graphical “trust” and “secure” validation tokens embedded within a website.
These graphical tokens are usually supported through links to the third-
party validation authority which presents some version of “this site is
trusted” message to customers who click on them. The messages are
similarly easy to fake and the phisher can instill a higher level of customer
trust in their faked website.
• Attachments to e-mails -
Some phishing e-mails may include attachments that contain
executable content which is referenced within the text of the
e-mail. Typically there will be instructions to open the “trusted”
attachment in order to verify some transactional detail. These
attachments may install Trojan keyloggers or other dangerous spyware.
The Phishing Guide
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For recipients using e-mail clients that render HTML e-mails correctly
(such as Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express), the e-mail looked like
the following:
• The e-mail was sent in HTML format (some attacks use HTML e-
mails that are formatted to look like they are plain text – making is
much harder for the recipient to identify the hidden “qualities” of
the e-mail’s dynamic content).
• Several hints that the e-mail is not quite right due to the use of language:
• The embedded date of the e-mail “Février 28, 2006” – French
for February.
• Spelling mistakes such as “reciept” and “commitement”.
• The e-mail is addresses “Dear Customer”, yet the next
sentence refers to “clients”. It is not uncommon for phishers
to copy content from multiple legitimate e-mails and paste
them into one e-mail.
• Bad grammar, such as “…will keep your investments in Safety”,
are strongly suggestive of a non-native English author.
• Within the HTML-based e-mail, the URL link: in fact points
to an escape-encoded version of the following URL:
This was achieved using standard HTML coding such as:
<a href="
Figure 7: The website used by the phisher to steal authentication credentials from the victims
Once the e-mail recipient clicks on the link contained within the phishing
e-mail, they are presented with a copy of the Barclays website. Key
points to note about this attack:
The phishers most likely wished to capture the whole word in a single go
and it is likely that only the most vigilant customers would have identified
this unexpected change as a security breach.
AustraIia's First Bank
Please do not answer this message and follow the above mentioned
New on the phisher’s radar, IRC and Instant Messaging (IM) forums are
likely to become a popular phishing ground. As these communication
channels become more popular with home users, and more functionality
is included within the software, specialist phishing attacks will increase.
As many IRC and IM clients allow for embedded dynamic content (such
as graphics, URLs, multimedia includes, etc.) to be sent by channel
participants, it is a trivial task to employ many of the phishing techniques
used in standard web-based attacks.
The common usage of bots (automated programs that listen and participate
in group discussions) in many of the popular channels, means that it is
very easy for a phisher to anonymously send semi-relevant links and
fake information to would-be victims.
While the delivery medium for the phishing attack may be varied, the
delivery source is increasingly becoming home PC’s that have been
previously compromised. As part of this compromise, a Trojan horse
program has been installed which allows phishers (along with spammers,
warez pirates, DDoS bots, etc.) to use the PC as a message propagator.
Consequently, tracking back a phishing attack to an individual initiating
criminal is extremely difficult.
That is not to say that phishers are not capable of using Trojan horse
software against a customer specifically to observe their confidential
information. In fact, to harvest the confidential information of several
thousand customers simultaneously, phishers must be selective about
the information they wish to record or be faced with information overload.
The Trojan key-logger was designed specifically to capture all key presses
within windows with the titles of various names including: commbank,
Commonwealth, NetBank, Citibank, Bank of America, e-gold, e-bullion,
e-Bullion, evocash, EVOCash, EVOcash, intgold, INTGold, paypal,
PayPal, bankwest, Bank West, BankWest, National Internet Banking,
cibc, CIBC, scotiabank and ScotiaBank.
Once armed with a list of addresses specific to their quarry, the phishers
send email that appear as though it may have come from the employer
or someone who would normally send an email message to everyone
within the organizational group (such as head of marketing and sales,
the IT support team, the owner of the message board, etc.). In reality,
the message sender information will have been faked (i.e. spoofed).
The Phishing Guide
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The contents of the message will vary with each attack, but will use any
information the phisher can to personalize the scam to as specific a
group as possible. The messages commonly focus upon requesting
login credentials (such as user name and password) or entice their
victims to open infected attachments.
2.2.7. Whaling
The adoption of the term ‘Whaling’ within phishing is fairly new and may
have been derived from the use of ‘Whales’ within gambling to refer to
big-time gamblers and high rollers, but most likely come from the
colloquialism for “big fish”.
By focusing on this small group, the phisher can invest more time in the
attack and finely tune his message to achieve the highest likelihood of
success. Note that these messages need not be limited to email. Some
scams have relied upon regular postage systems to deliver infected media –
for example, a CD supposedly containing evaluation software from a
known supplier to the CIO, but containing a hidden malware installer.
The Phishing Guide
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• Man-in-the-middle Attacks
• URL Obfuscation Attacks
• Cross-site Scripting Attacks
• Preset Session Attacks
• Observing Customer Data
• Client-side Vulnerability Exploitation
This form of attack is successful for both HTTP and HTTPS communications.
The customer connects to the attacker’s server as if it was the real site,
while the attacker’s server makes a simultaneous connection to the real
site. The attacker's server then proxies all communications between
the customer and the real web-based application server – typically in
• Transparent Proxies
• DNS Cache Poisoning
• URL Obfuscation
• Browser Proxy Configuration
Transparent Proxies
URL Obfuscation
Using URL obfuscation techniques, the attacker tricks the customer into
connecting to their proxy server instead of the real server. For example,
the customer may follow a link to instead of
The Phishing Guide
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• or evená
Finally, it is worth noting that even the standard ASCII character set
allows for ambiguities such as upper-case “i” and lower-case “L”.
Phishers may substitute the username and password fields for details
associated with the target organization. For example the following URL
sets the username =, password = ebanking and the
destination hostname is[email protected]/phishing/fakepage.htm
This friendly login URL can successfully trick many customers into
thinking that they are actually visiting the legitimate MyBank page.
Because of its success, many current browser versions have dropped
support for this URL encoding method.
If this URL does not work, please use the following alternative
link which will redirect to the full page -
Best regards,
MyBank Customer Support
Most Internet users are familiar with navigating to sites and services
using a fully qualified domain name, such as For a
web browser to communicate over the Internet, this address must to be
resolved to an IP address, such as This resolution of
IP address to host name is achieved through domain name servers. A
phisher may wish to use the IP address as part of a URL to obfuscate
the host and possibly bypass content filtering systems, or hide the
destination from the end user.
• Decimal –
• Dword – http:// 3532038435/
• Octal –
• Hexadecimal – or even
• In some cases, it may be possible to mix formats (such as
URL Obfuscation
While there are numerous vectors for carrying out a CSS attack,
phishers must make use of URL formatted attacks. Typical formats for
CSS injection into valid URLs include:
In the previous example, the customer has received the following URL
via a phisher’s e-mail:
While the customer is indeed directed and connected to the real MyBank
web application, due to poor application coding by the bank, the e-banking
component will accept an arbitrary URL for insertion within the URL
field the returned page. Instead of the application providing a MyBank
authentication form embedded within the page, the attacker has managed
to reference a page under control on an external server
Unfortunately, as with most CSS vulnerabilities, the customer has no
way of knowing that this authentication page is not legitimate. While the
example URL may appear obvious, the attacker could easily obfuscate
it using the techniques explained earlier. For example,
In this class of attack, the phishing message contains a web link to the
real application server, but also contains a predefined SessionID field.
The attacker’s system constantly polls the application server for a
restricted page (such as an e-banking page that allows fund transfers)
using the preset SessionID. Until a valid user authenticates against this
SessionID, the attacker will receive errors from the web-application
server (such as 404 File Not Found, 302 Server Redirect).
The Phishing Guide
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The phishing attacker must wait until a message recipient follows the
link and authenticates themselves using the SessionID. Once authenticated,
the application server will allow any connection using the authorized
SessionID to access restricted content (since the SessionID is the only
state management token in use). Therefore, the attacker can use the
preset SessionID to access a restricted page and carryout his attack.
The following figure shows how the Preset Session Attack (sometimes
referred to as Session Fixation) is conducted:
• Hidden Frames
• Overriding Page Content
• Graphical Substitution
Hidden Frames
In the following example, two frames are defined. The first frame
contains the legitimate site URL information, while the second frame –
occupying 0% of the browser interface – references the phishers
chosen content. The page linked to within the hidden frame can be
used to deliver additional content (such as overriding page content or
graphical substitution), retrieving confidential information such as
SessionID’s or something more nefarious; such as executing screen-
grabbing and key-logging observation code.
• Hide HTML code from the customer. Customers will not be able
to view the hidden pages code through the standard “View
Source” functions available to them.
• “Page Properties” will only indicate the top most viewable page
source in most browser software.
• Load images and HTML content in the background for later use
by a malicious application.
• Store and implement background code operations that will report
back to the attacker what the customer does in the “real” web page.
• Combined with client-side scripting languages, it is possible to
replicate functionality of the browser toolbar; including the
representation of URL information and page headers.
var d = document;
d.write('<DIV id="fake" style="position:absolute; left:200;
top:200; z-index:2">
<TABLE width=500 height=1000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=14><TR>');
d.write('<TD colspan=2 bgcolor=#FFFFFF valign=top height=125>');
Graphical Substitution
In the example below, the attacker uses carefully positioned fake address
bar and padlock/zone images to hide the real information. While the
phisher must use graphics that are appropriate to the manufacturer of
the browser software, it is a trivial exercise for the attacker's fake website
to determine the browser type and exact version through simple code
queries. Therefore, the attacker may prepare images for a range of
common browsers and code their page in such a way that the appropriate
images are always used.
Figure 13: Site impersonation with browser address bar, secure padlock and zone substitution
The Phishing Guide
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The purpose of key loggers is to observe and record all key presses by
the customer – in particular, when they must enter their authentication
information into web-based application login pages. With these credentials
the phisher can then use the account for their own purposes at a later
date and time.
Key-loggers may be pre-compiled objects that will observe all key presses –
regardless of application or context (such as they could be used to observe
the customer using Microsoft Word to type a letter) – or they may be
written in client-side scripting code to observe key presses within the
context of the web browser. Due to client-side permissions, it is usually
easier to use scripting languages for phishing attacks.
Screen Grabbing
The sophisticated browsers customers use to surf the web, just like any
other commercial piece of software, are often vulnerable to a myriad of
attacks. The more functionality built into the browser, the more likely there
exists a vulnerability that could be exploited by an attacker to gain access
to, or otherwise observe, confidential information of the customer.
Similar to the threat posed by some of the nastier viruses and automated
worms, these vulnerabilities can be exploited in a number of ways. However,
unlike worms and viruses, many of the attacks cannot be stopped by
anti-virus software as they are often much harder to detect and consequently
prevent (i.e. the stage in which the antivirus product is triggered is usually
after the exploitation and typically only if the attacker tries to install a well
known Backdoor Trojan or key-logger utility).
location.href=unescape('[email protected]/phish
The problem lay with how Media Player downloaded customized skins
and stored them. For example:
Will be executed with codebase="file://c:/" and the applet will have read
only access to C:\.
<APPLET CODEBASE="file://c:/"
ARCHIVE="Program files/Windows Media Player/SKINS/wmp2.wmz"
<PARAM NAME="URL" VALUE="file:///c:/test.txt">
RealPlayer is the most widely used product for Internet media delivery,
with in excess of 200 million users worldwide. All popular web browsers
offer support for RealPlayer and the automatic playing of media.
The Phishing Guide
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3.2. Client-side
Most users of desktop systems are familiar with locally installed protection
software, typically in the form of a common anti-virus solution. Ideally,
desktop systems should be configured to use multiple desktop protection
agents (even if this functionality duplicates any corporate perimeter
protection services), and be capable of performing the following services:
• The ability to detect and block “on the fly” attempts to install
malicious software (such as Trojan horses, key-loggers, screen-
grabbers and creating backdoors) through e-mail attachments,
file downloads, dynamic HTML and scripted content.
• The ability to identify common spam delivery techniques and
quarantine offending messages.
The Phishing Guide
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Advantages Disadvantages
HTML-based E-mail
E-mails will then be rendered in plain text, preventing the most common
attack vectors. However, users should be prepared to receive some e-
mails that appear to be “gobbledy-gook” due to textual formatting issues
and probable HTML code inclusions. Some popular e-mail clients will
automatically remove the HTML code. While the visual appeal of the
received e-mails may be lessoned, security is improved substantially.
Users should not use other e-mail rendering options (such as rich text or
Microsoft Word editors) as there are known security flaws with these
formats which could also be exploited by phishers.
Attachment Blocking
Advantages Disadvantages
Onerous Blocking
The default blocking of “dangerous” attachments often
results in technical users attempting to bypass these
limitations in commercial environments that are used for
attaching or receiving executable content.
The most popular web browsers offer such a fantastic array of functionality –
catering to all users in all environments – that they unintentionally provide
gaping security flaws that expose the integrity of the host system to attack
(it is almost a weekly occurrence that a new vulnerability is discovered
that may be exploited remotely through a popular web browser). Much
of the sophistication is devoted to being a “jack of all trades”, and no
single user can be expected to require the use of all this functionality.
The Phishing Guide
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To help prevent many phishing attack vectors, web browser users should:
There are a number of vendors that offer web browsers that are more
secure against a wider range of attack vectors – including phishing. A
popular “stripped down”, but fully configurable, web browser is Firefox
( With a default install the web browser is one of
the most secure around, yet it can still be managed within a corporate
environment and is extensible through selective add-on modules.
The Phishing Guide
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Anti-Phishing Plug-ins
Figure 15: The anti-phishing feature, Google Safe Browsing, in the Google Toolbar for Firefox
Advantages Disadvantages
Plug-ins Responsiveness
The current anti-phishing plug-ins are only as good as the
managed provider maintaining the list of known phishing
scams and sites. Plug-ins are typically only good for well
known, widely distributed, phishing attacks.
Almost all popular e-mail client applications support the signing and
verification of signed e-mail messages. It is recommended that users:
There are currently two popular methods for providing digital signing.
These are S/MIME and PGP (including PGP/MIME and the newer OpenPGP
standard). Most major Internet mail application vendors ship products
capable of using and understanding S/MIME, PGP/MIME, and OpenPGP
signed mail.
Although they offer similar services to e-mail users, the two methods
have very different formats. Further, and more important to corporate
users, they have different formats for their certificates. This means that
not only can users of one protocol not communicate with the users of the
other; they also cannot share authentication certificates.
The Phishing Guide
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Advantages Disadvantages
General vigilance (in addition to what has been covered in sections 3.2.1 to
3.2.4) includes:
• If you get an e-mail that warns you, with little or no notice, that an
account of yours will be shut down unless you reconfirm billing
information, do not reply or click on the link in the e-mail. Instead,
contact the company cited in the e-mail using a telephone number or
Web site address you know to be genuine.
The Phishing Guide
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• The phishers now have the majority of the money from the original
exploited accounts and when the money is traced by the banks or
police, the mule is left accountable.
Figure 17: A typical fake recruitment page and supporting site for attracting “mules”
Advantages Disadvantages
Changing Battlefield
Phishers are constantly developing new deceptive
techniques to confuse customers and hide the true nature
of the message. It is increasingly difficult to identify attacks.
The Phishing Guide
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3.3. Server-side
• Respond quickly and clearly about phishing scams that have been
identified. It is important that customers understand that the threat is
real and, importantly, how the organization is working to protect them
against attack. However, organizations must take care not to swamp
customers with information.
Advantages Disadvantages
E-mail Personalization
Examples include:
Organizations must ensure that they do not leak other confidential details
about the customer (such as full address details, passwords, individual
account details, etc.) within their communications.
While these methods of e-mail referral are valuable, they are also complex for
the customer to validate. There are no guarantees that the customer still
retains access to a previous e-mail to verify the sequence – and is especially
so if the organization sends the customer a high volume of e-mails, or
frequent advertising-type messages.
The Phishing Guide
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Digital Signatures
If the message fails the authenticity checks, the message should be manually
verified by the organization to evaluate whether the message contains a
malicious phishing attack.
Advantages Disadvantages
Customer Awareness
Customers may not use or be aware of the significance of
these personalized protective actions.
The Phishing Guide
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Securing web-based applications offers the greatest “bang for the buck”
method of protecting customers against phishing attacks.
Content Validation
More information can be found in “URL Encoded Attacks” and “HTML Code
Injection and Cross-site scripting” by Gunter Ollmann.
The Phishing Guide
Page 56
Session Handling
URL Qualification
Authentication Processes
For many phishing scams, a key goal of the attack is to capture the customer's
authentication credentials. To do so, the attacker must be able to monitor all
the information submitted during the application login phase. Organizations
can use multiple methods to make this process more difficult for the phisher.
Image Regulation
As many phishing attacks rely upon hosting a copy of the target website on a
system under the phisher's control, there are potential avenues for organizations
to automatically identify a faked website.
Depending upon whether the phisher has mirrored the entire website (including
pages and their associated graphics) or is just hosting a modified HTML
page (which reference graphics located on the real organizations servers), it
may be possible to disrupt or uniquely identify the source of the attack.
• Image Cycling
Each legitimate application page references their constituent graphical
images by a unique name. Each hour, the names of the images are
changed and the requesting page must reference these new image
names. Therefore any out-of-date static copies of the page that make
reference to these centrally stored images will become dated quickly.
If an out-of-date image is requested (say 2+ hours old) a different
image is supplied – perhaps recommending that the customer login
again to the real site (such as “Warning: Image Expired”).
• Session-bound Images
Extending the image cycling principle further, it is possible to reference
all images with a name that includes the user’s current SessionID.
Therefore, once a fake website has been discovered (even if the
phisher is using locally stored graphics), the organization can review
their logs in an attempt to discover the originating source of the copied
website. This is particularly useful for fake sites that also use content
that requires authenticated access and could only be gained by a
phisher actually using a real account in the first place.
Advantages Disadvantages
Customers of the legitimate web-based application may use a physical token such
as a smartcard or calculator to provide a single-use or time-dependant password.
Due to high setup and maintenance costs, this solution is best suited to high
value transactional web applications that are unlikely to require a large number
of users.
Advantages Disadvantages
Instead, keep the URL as clean as possible and manage this extra information
through appropriate server-side session management techniques (preferred),
or keep the data within hidden fields of the HTML document and only use
HTTP POST commands (less preferred).
The Phishing Guide
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Advantages Disadvantages
Visible Identification
A simplified naming convention makes it much
easier for customers to spot fraudulent links and
understand their site destination.
Easy to Explain
Organizations can explain quite simply how their
naming convention functions, and provide valuable
advice on identifying and reporting malicious links.
3.4. Enterprise
Businesses and ISP’s may take enterprise-level steps to secure against phishing
scams – thereby protecting both their customers and internal users. These
enterprise security solutions work in combination with client-side and server-
side security mechanisms, offering considerable defense-in-depth against
phishing and a multitude of other current threats.
Alternatively, through the use of Secure SMTP, e-mail transport could be conducted
over an encrypted SSL/TLS link. When the sender mail server connects to
the recipient mail server, certificates are exchanged before an encrypted link
is established. Validation of the certificate can be used to uniquely identify a
trusted sender. Missing, invalid or revoked certificates will prevent a secure
connection from occurring and not allow delivery of e-mails.
If desired, an additional check with the DNS server can be used to ensure
that only authorized mail servers may send e-mail over the secure SMTP
The purpose of validating the sending server’s address is to help cut down
the volume of spam, and accelerate the receipt of e-mails known to come
from a “good” source. However, both systems can be overcome with poor
server configuration – especially if the sender server can operate as an open
relay agent. It is important to note that Secure SMTP is not commonly deployed.
However, e-mail server validation is useful in intra-corporate communications
when combined with mail server rules that block/disallow inbound e-mails
that use “From:” addresses which could only come from internal users.
Advantages Disadvantages
Extending the processes for digitally signed e-mail discussed in section 3.2.4,
enterprises can configure their receiving e-mail servers to automatically validate
digitally signed e-mails before they reach the recipient. This process may
prove to be more efficient for an organization, and automatic steps can be
taken to alert recipients of invalid or unsigned e-mails.
Figure 21: Digitally signed e-mail – receiving mail server validation of authenticity
There are numerous agencies that allow the registration of domains previously
owned by an organization that have not been renewed. Since many organizations
own multiple domains, great care must be made to manage renewal payments
if they wish to retain it. Failure to reregister domains in a timely fashion will
result in a loss of service (i.e. domain name lookup no longer associate to an
IP address) or the domains may be purchased by a third-party.
For example, assuming the organization’s name is “Global Widgets” and their
normal website is, the organization should keep a
watchful eye out for:
There are now commercial services available that help organizations monitor
the domain name service and alert when potentially threatening new
domains are registered. Similarly, alerting services exist that will observe
popular hacking chat rooms and posting forums for discussions on phishing
and other spoofing scams.
Advantages Disadvantages
Preemptive Protection
Malicious code can be blocked from entering the
Advantages Disadvantages
Timely Intervention
Legal writs may be generated as a result of active
monitoring of content, and identification of
inappropriate use even if no phishing e-mails have
been detected.
Section 4: Summations
4.1. Conclusions
Phishing started off being part of popular hacking culture. Now, as more
organizations provide greater online access for their customers, professional
criminals are successfully using phishing techniques to steal personal
finances and conduct identity theft at a global level.
4.2. Resources
Information Links