Rivere TR

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October 29, 2023

W. Cully Hession, P.E.

Professor of Biological Systems Engineering
204 Seitz Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Dear Dr. Hession,

Enclosed is the requested Technology Review for the “RIVERE Ecological Center Parking Lot
and Stormwater Management Plan.” This document covers current information relating to the
specifications and limitations of urban development in floodplain areas. It also includes
information regarding Best Management Practices for stormwater treatment and design
considerations depending on water quantity and water quality standards. Finally, this review
contains four appendices that outline brainstorming sessions for possible solutions, present team
member responsibilities, highlight anticipated design challenges, and provide a proposed project

This report has been reviewed by our advisors. Please contact the team below with any questions
or concerns.


Emma Reilly Oare Noah LaFleur Makenna Moore

Enclosure: Technology Review

RIVERE Ecological Center Parking Lot
and Stormwater Management Plan

Technology Review
BSE 4125 Comprehensive Design Project
29 October 2023

Team River Reps

Team Members: Noah LaFleur, Makenna Moore, & Emma Oare
Advisors: Dr. David Sample & Dr. Tess Thompson
With the ever-growing global population, urban development and growth have also
increased to support people and their needs. This is especially evident in large cities. More than
half of the global population lives in highly dense cities (Roser, 2019). In the United States, the
urban population has increased by 6.4% between 2010 and 2020, giving rise to the urbanization
phenomenon (US Census, 2022). This has led to cities growing and increasing their amount of
residential, recreational, and professional areas. Increasing these types of land uses creates many
benefits for the community. It boosts the city’s economy, bringing in more businesses,
restaurants, and tourist attractions to the area. However, it can also create several adverse effects.
One of which is the increased water pollution caused by the increased industrial activity of the
urban residential population. In turn, this can affect the water quality of the nearby waterways.
Much of this is due to the construction of impervious surfaces, such as buildings, roadways, and
parking lots. These impervious surfaces decrease water infiltration, increasing the risk of
flooding and water quality issues. Impervious surfaces allow water to run off the surface and
carry pollutants as it travels to the nearest water body (University of New Hampshire, 2007).
Particularly in a high-density urban area, this can be a significant concern due to the number of
industrial chemicals and sewage systems in place. Pollutants from urban areas can affect natural
aquatic ecosystems and increase health risks for downstream communities that depend on the
same waterways for the supply of drinking water.
In the United States, environmental laws, such as The Clean Water Act as amended in
1972, allow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate pollution sources and
implement water quality standards (EPA, 2023). State governments can then request to obtain
the regulatory authority from the EPA within the state limits. The state authority then establishes
water quality standards. To meet the state standards, local governments have National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit programs to control pollution discharges into
waters. NPDES permits are required for point source discharges, such as industrial site waste,
and municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4). To meet the water quality standards of
stormwater discharge, Best Management Practices (BMPs) are implemented. BMPs help to
remove a portion of the pollutants in the stormwater. BMPs applicable to urban areas include
bioretention areas, pervious pavement, riparian buffers, and detention ponds. Such practices can
help control and limit the amount of runoff while also providing infiltration, pollutant filtration,

Page 1
and water quality improvement prior to the water being discharged to a receiving waterway
(Crafton et al., 2013).
The difficult balance of providing for urban growth to accommodate an increasing
population while maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems and water quality is evident in
Fredericksburg, Virginia. The historic city has seen an influx of residents in the past eleven
years, going from 24,356 residents in 2010 to 28,367 in 2021, a 16.5% increase (USA Facts,
2022). This has led to an increase in residential buildings, such as homes and apartments, along
with more commercial and industrial areas, and other recreational facilities. The downtown area
especially has seen growth in all of these types of land uses. The Rappahannock River runs along
the downtown area, creating a scenic hotspot for new downtown businesses and tourist
attractions. RIVERE, a recently created non-profit, has partnered with a local landowner to
develop plans to build a state-of-the-art ecological educational and research center along the
river. The ecological center would promote environmentally sound practices and showcase the
benefits of the Rappahannock River and its ecosystem to the community. Additionally, the
landowner has plans to develop an adjacent brewery to provide a tourist venue and serve visitors
of the center. However, the close proximity of the proposed site to the river presents several
Specifically, this design team will be focusing on creating a parking lot next to the two
buildings that will provide sufficient amounts of parking for the brewery and ecological center.
The local landowner and RIVERE both want available parking for visitors to both sites.
Additionally, both buildings will require a loading area for delivery of supplies along with
providing a drop-off area for school buses to allow students and others wishing to tour the
ecological center and/or brewery. RIVERE would also like the parking lot to be an extension of
their center, being environmentally friendly and have educational aspects. Our team will be
focused on creating a parking lost design that provides stormwater BMPs to properly treat runoff
water before entering the Rappahannock River, while also making the design an integrated part
of the ecological center, providing educational opportunities within the parking lot to showcase
the effect parking lots have on water quality and how BMPs play an important role in
maintaining proper stormwater management and an overall healthy and safe river ecosystem.
This paper includes a review of literature that applies to the design challenge, specifically
providing information on development in floodplains, design considerations for BMPs, parking

Page 2
lot standards and requirements, and various permeable pavements. The paper also provides team
brainstorming sessions, expected challenges, proposed timelines, and outlines team member
Technology Review
The construction of the RIVERE Center will require an outdoor space that integrates
innovative stormwater management practices with educational aspects. Given RIVERE’s
location on the Rappahannock River, the risk of flooding is likely, as indicated by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) in Figure 1 of
Appendix E which estimates the various flood risk zones (10% to 0.1%) as well as the floodway,
which is the location of the channel which will carry the bulk of the respective flood flows.
Therefore, solutions must be identified to construct the parking lot associated with BMPs to
effectively manage stormwater, minimize the adverse effects of flooding, and maintain water
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has resources on the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) website on best practices for drainage and BMPs
(VDOT, 2021). Before beginning any project, VDOT recommends considering the location of
the drainage facility. Degradation of local water bodies due to stormwater, such as dissolved
oxygen depletion, increase in pathogen concentration, and increase in toxicity, must be taken into
account with the quantity of runoff during high flow events. Data needed for planning includes
topographic data, channel characteristics, hydrologic data, basin characteristics, precipitation,
flood data, existing structures, vegetation, and baseflow water quality. After data collection,
hydrologic analysis will be performed. VDOT recommends evaluating several hydrologic
methods for watersheds greater than 200 acres. The Anderson Method (USGS), USGS Regional
Regression – Urban, and USGS stream gage data can be used for drainage areas ranging from
200 acres to 20+ square miles (VDOT, 2021). Runoff volume can be estimated using the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Curve Number Method. After analyzing the available
data, an appropriate method will be selected to determine the hydrologic characteristics of the
project site.
The VDOT Drainage Manual reviews various components of stormwater management
that could be incorporated into the RIVERE project, like storm drains and Erosion and Sediment
Control (ESC) practices. The primary function of storm drains is to intercept flow at the inlet

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points, conveying flow to a suitable outlet location, and reducing the possibility of backwater
throughout the storm drain system. The four major classes of inlets are curb-openings,
combination, slotted drains, and iron grates. Curb-opening inlets can convey large amounts of
water and debris, while most other designs include grates that may require more frequent
maintenance and cannot carry high flow capacities. Inlet locations will be determined based on
hydrologic analysis. Common examples are sag points, on side streets, and behind curbs and
sidewalks. A table containing the criteria for inlet design is in Table 1 in Appendix E.
A wide range of solutions for stormwater management are now available to provide
treatment of runoff from RIVERE site. Within the parking lot, infiltration through the pavement
is crucial. The VDEQ recommends integrating permeable pavements as an alternative to
traditional impervious pavements (Crafton et al., 2013). Permeable pavements allow stormwater
to filter through pores in the asphalt or concrete into a stone reservoir where it is stored or
infiltrated, removing some nutrients in the process. Some permeable pavements can remove air
pollutants by amending concrete with photocatalytic compounds (Shen, Burton, Jobson, &
Haselbach, 2012). The effects of urban heat islands can be reduced from permeable pavements
by using whiter materials such as concrete. Gridded designs can slow car traffic and provide
pleasing aesthetics, like permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP). Nonetheless, there are
limitations to permeable pavement use. Locations that are stormwater pollution hotspots or are
expected to be used for unloading, storage, or spills are not suitable for permeable pavement
applications (Office of Water, 2021b). Additionally, some gridded pavers can cause difficulty for
disabled persons, pedestrians with high heels, bicycles, and senior use.
The basic structure of permeable pavement includes a permeable surface layer (2 to 4 in.
thick), a stone reservoir underneath, and a filter layer along the bottom. A few types of
permeable pavement include concrete grid pavers, porous concrete (PC), porous asphalt (PA),
and PICP. When considering various options of permeable pavements, it is essential to keep in
mind construction cost, longevity, traffic-bearing capacity, and other properties. For example,
PICP can cost $5.00 to $10.00/sq. ft., while PA only costs $0.50 to $1.00/sq. ft. (Crafton et al.,
2013). However, the longevity of PICP is 20 to 30 years, which is longer than the lifespan of PA,
which is only 15 to 20 years. Still, PC has the highest design permeability of 10 ft/day. A full
comparison of the permeable pavement properties is shown in Table 2 in Appendix E. The size
of the proposed parking lot is also considered when selecting an appropriate permeable

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pavement. PA, PC, and PICP pavements can be used for large-scale projects (over 10,000 sq. ft.).
Many larger-scale projects may experience heavier loads, such as school buses visiting the
RIVERE center. Although many permeable pavements can handle heavier loads, the increased
use can cause accelerated deterioration and clogging from the eroded material (Office of Water,
2021b). This can lead to increased maintenance, increasing costs and temporarily decreasing
environmental benefits.
The properties of the project site can determine many factors of the proposed parking lot
design. First, if it is identified that the pavement may not be capable of infiltrating all of the
expected runoff, inlets can be installed to handle excess runoff from extreme storm events. A
choker course, also called a bedding course, can be added below the permeable pavement for
sites requiring a stabilized bed surface, shown in Figure 2 in Appendix E. The design of the
subbase reservoir depends largely on water storage requirements, traffic expectations, soil type,
and the need for frost protection. Generally, the stones will be uniform and ¾ inch to 2 ½ inch in
diameter. An underdrain should be installed if the site contains less permeable soils (Hydrologic
Soil Groups (HSG) C or D). The underdrain is a perforated pipe that carries runoff to an outlet
structure and thence is conveyed via piping to a discharge point. The slope of the site can affect
the grading needed. If the slopes present are greater than 2 percent, the subgrade may require
terracing. If the parking lot is adjacent to construction or high sediment yield activities, increased
maintenance, such as vacuum sweeping, may be necessary to prevent premature clogging of the
permeable pavement.
Other green parking practices will be incorporated into the design. The US
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) defines green parking as “several techniques that,
together, reduce stormwater discharge from parking lots” (Office of Water, 2021a). The most
straightforward strategy for integrating green infrastructure is by reducing the number of parking
spaces to average demand rather than for peak seasons. For example, for an office building, the
Urban Land Institute and Institute of Transportation Engineers recommend a standard rate of 3.8
and 2.84 parking spots per 1,000 ft2 of gross floor area (GFA), respectively. However, a study by
Kimley-Horn (2016) showed that only 0.56-2.88 parking spots were required per 1000 ft2 GFA.
The unused land can be transformed into green spaces that provide stormwater management
benefits and aesthetic value to the parking lot. Providing a mix of parking space sizes that
accommodate compact cars to large trucks can minimize impervious surfaces by not using only

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large parking spaces. Now, smart parking reservation systems can even assign drivers to a
parking space within the parking lot based on their vehicle’s size and special needs (e.g.,
charging stations, handicapped access) (Caicedo, Blazquez, & Miranda, 2012). Setting specific
parking spaces aside as carpooling or hybrid spots and adding bike racks can also encourage
visitors to adopt more environmentally friendly transportation modes.
BMP placement in medians, along edges, and where space allows will also provide
effective stormwater management and water quality improvement for the RIVERE site.
Bioretention areas are filter beds that temporarily pool runoff during storm events and then
infiltrate water through the system within 72 hours after the event (Crafton et al., 2013).
Individual bioretention cells are highly effective for impervious drainage areas of less than 2.5
acres, which is within the bounds of the RIVERE parking lot area. Generally, bioretention cells
are used within parking lots where sheet flow is the major stormwater inflow. To accomplish the
goals of maximizing runoff reduction and nutrient removal, bioretention cells include an
underdrain, overflow inlet, gravel bed, and engineered soils, illustrated in Figure 3 in Appendix
E (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 2023). If the site has permeable
soils, a low groundwater table, and low risk of groundwater contamination, the water can be
percolated into the native soils. Since parking lot grading is designed for sheet flow, bioretention
areas can be placed as islands between rows of spaces or along the edges before runoff enters the
storm drains. Effective designs can remove up to 90% of organics and suspended solids, 95% of
metals, and 75% of nutrients from stormwater (Un, 2016).
The structure of bioretention cells lends itself to incorporating scenic landscaping that can
add to the aesthetic value of the property (Crafton et al., 2013). Along the edges of the basin—
where sheet flow will be produced—a maximum of a 3:1 slope is recommended. Once the water
reaches the basin, it will infiltrate through an upper layer, such as a 3-inch mulch layer. The
water then travels through a much larger depth of bioretention soil media that is 36 inches or
deeper. The choker layer at the bottom, consisting of well graded gravel, provides an additional
level of filtration for stormwater treatment before the runoff carries into the surrounding land or
into an optional stone reservoir for storage. Native trees and shrubs are planted within the
bioretention basin to facilitate water uptake during ponding events. To prevent groundwater
contamination or failure of the bioretention cell, the bottom of the cell should be at least 2 feet
above the water table. Bioretention facilities should also not be installed within the 100-year

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floodplain. As with permeable pavement installation, HSG C and D will usually need an
underdrain added to the design. Table 3 in Appendix E contains material and design
specifications for bioretention cells.
Adding other BMPs that facilitate infiltration throughout the design can also improve
stormwater management and water quality. Dry and wet swales are vegetated channels with
permeable soil that convey runoff (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2023). Dry swales are
shallower and more linear than bioretention cells (Crafton et al., 2013). The surface of the dry
swale can be turf grass, meadow grasses, herbaceous cover, or trees. Dry conveyance swales are
aligned along impervious surfaces, like parking lots, and follow the length of the surface to
capture lateral flow. Much of the pollutant removal is achieved through settling, infiltration, and
plant uptake, as in bioretention cells.
Wet swales are similarly arranged in straight lines with gentle slopes adjacent to impervious
surfaces. The difference occurs in the purpose of the structures; wet swales are designed to
remain wet along the bottom of the swale, where the channel meets with the water table (Sample,
Fox, & Hendrix, 2020). Wetland vegetation is planted within the channel to enable biological
uptake and microbial decomposition, improving nutrient and sediment removal rates. Still,
limitations are present. Wet swales are unsuitable for extremely high-sloped or flat areas, and the
maintenance of wetland vegetation can be extensive. Furthermore, wet swales do not achieve
runoff volume reduction credits and should be considered only if pollutant removal is needed
after upland reduction methods have been used.
The design of dry and wet swales depends on the project site. Dry swales can fit within
narrow spaces and only need 3% to 5% of the contributing drainage area, which should be less
than 5 acres (Crafton et al., 2013). The hydraulic capacity of dry swales is designed to convey
runoff from the 2-year storm event and contain the 10-year storm volume within the swale.
Infiltrated stormwater will be transported through at least 18 inches of native soil above the stone
choker layer. Underdrains are included in most dry swale designs to ensure timely draining after
storm events, as shown in Figure 4 in Appendix E. The perforated drains should be surrounded
by 1 foot of gravel bed and be placed at least 4 inches above the final stone layer. Most Level 2
designs include multiple treatment cells with trees and shrubs and a deeper media depth than
simpler designs. Wet swale structures differ slightly from dry swales. Wet swales function best
when placed on impermeable soils, like HSG C or D soils. The hydraulic capacity should be

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engineered to capture the 1-, 2-, and 10-year storms, potentially increasing the surface area
required for the BMP. Check dams can be installed periodically throughout the design to
maintain the preferred slope of the swale (below 4:1 slope), and the individual segments should
be approximately 25 to 40 ft long, as shown in Figure 5 in Appendix E. The design specifications
for dry and wet swales are shown in Tables 4 and 5 in Appendix E, respectively. Overall, the soil
structure and the water table height should be studied before designing a dry or wet swale (U.S.
Department of Transportation, 2023).
Many design standards are associated with altering land within floodplains, building
parking lots, and handling stormwater flow. These standards exist at the city, state, and national
levels and may be subject to other regulations depending on nearby waterways. The standards
most pertinent to the project are as follows:
o Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification
o City of Fredericksburg Code of Ordinances Section 72.53
o Virginia Asphalt Association Parking Lot Design
o Virginia Department of Transportation Park and Ride Design Guidelines
The Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification discusses details of implementing
stormwater management BMPs. Firstly, it clarifies what data should be provided for planning
BMPs, including topographic data, hydrologic data, basin characteristics, flood data,
precipitation, vegetation, and water quality. It provides guidance on the ideal location of a
drainage facility or drainage BMP for various situations. Furthermore, the DEQ provides in-
depth standards for implementing various permeable pavement options, including permeable
interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), concrete grid pavers, pervious concrete, and porous asphalt.
These specifications contain the compressive strength of the materials and important guidance
regarding the proper installation of permeable pavement. Finally, the DEQ discusses in detail the
recommended maintenance and upkeep for permeable pavement options (Crafton et al., 2013).
Section 72-53.1 of the City of Fredericksburg Code of Ordinances provides off-street
parking and loading standards. This code dictates the minimum number of spaces per square foot
within a building, dependent upon the building’s use. For a brewery or specialty eating
establishment, 1 parking space is required per every 240 square foot of food/beverage
preparation and consumption area, and 1 space is required per every 1000 square feet of brewery
operations area. For the RIVERE center, approximately 1 space is required per every 335 square

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feet. The parking lot should not exceed 125% of the required parking spaces. All off-street
parking, loading, and circulation areas should be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick, pavers,
or crushed stone in floodplain areas. The code also states dimensional standards for parking
spaces and aisles and methods for measuring width and length, dependent upon the parking
angle. Eating establishments require at least 1 on-site loading area as well as 1 additional space
per every 25000 square feet of gross floor area, and must be at least 15 feet wide by 25 feet deep.
Loading areas must be paved with a durable, dust-free, rigid material. The code provides an
excellent resource for the local design standards for parking lots (City of Fredericksburg Code of
Ordinances, 2020).
The Virginia Asphalt Association Parking Lot Design contains basic state-wide design
standards for constructing parking lots. Notably, it discusses the standards related to choosing
parking angles and the minimum size requirements for parking spaces. This is pertinent to the
project as the parcel of land available for development is limited to outside the regulatory
floodway. The importance of drainage planning is emphasized. A minimum slope of 0.4%
should be used for paved surfaces to avoid the possibility of ponding. A slope between 2% and
5% is recommended for paved surfaces in a parking lot. Pavement for loading areas must be
thicker due to the weight associated with trucks, typically a minimum of 3” of base asphalt under
the surface course and over a 6”-8” aggregate subbase. At no time in any part of the parking lot
should less than 6” of aggregate subbase be used. Design standards for full-depth asphalt
pavement, asphalt with aggregate subbase pavement, full-depth asphalt pavement for truck and
bus lanes, and asphalt with aggregate subbase pavement for truck and bus lanes are explained.
Paint stripes should be no less than 4 inches wide, and the parking areas should be marked with
symbols, words, and numbers to direct traffic flow (VAA Parking Lot Design, 2023).
The Park and Ride Design Guidelines provided by VDOT discuss design standards for
three different types of parking lots: high density, medium density, and low density. The design
project will be best described as a low-density lot with one-way traffic patterns, angled parking,
and natural features to help manage stormwater runoff. ADA-accessible parking, including van-
accessible parking, is required at the closest space to the building. Parking aisles must be 15 feet
wide at a minimum for lots with one-way traffic and 60-degree parking. Directional signs and
traffic control signage must be installed. Basic green infrastructure, such as vegetation and
stormwater management BMPS, is also required. Recommended BMPS for low-density lots are

Page 9
bioswales and bioretention cells. Vegetation, which can be included as aesthetic landscaping,
should consist of native, context-sensitive plants across 10-20% of the parking lot. Bike parking,
pedestrian walkways, shelters, boarding areas, and lighting are recommended features. VDOT
provides design standards that not only meet the minimum requirements, but also apply
environmentally-friendly BMPs in a small available area (VDOT Park and Ride Design
Guidelines, 2018).
Constructing a parking lot for the RIVERE site is a complex endeavor that will require
overcoming several obstacles. Building on the site is extremely limited due to its adjacency to
the Rappahannock River. Federal, state, and local regulations prevent construction within the
regulatory floodway or RPA alongside the river. This reduces the land available for a parking lot
to the parcel's portion outside the floodway. As this remains within a major floodplain,
regulations also exist to limit and guide any development that may impact the floodwater quality,
quantity, and other ecological considerations. Changes to the floodplain should be minimized at
every possible turn, and ecological measures should be taken to offset the impact of unavoidable
changes to the floodplain. At every level, standards require that construction and development be
kept to the minimum necessary to complete the project, such as by planning a variety of sizes of
parking spaces and avoiding building unnecessary parking spaces. For this project, offsetting the
ecological impact of construction on the floodplain could include using permeable pavement
options for building the parking lot, incorporating infiltration or basin facilities such as
bioretention areas, or planting a riparian buffer in the RPA to offset the effect of flooding of the
river. More data collection should be conducted to determine which method(s) are best suited to
the project and area. Soil data, precipitation rates, and vegetative cover should be investigated
further as essential factors in the design. If appropriate, the city should be petitioned to permit the
addition of infiltration or basin facilities within the regulatory floodplain. Following their
construction, these additions may reduce the flooding of the river on the site or accelerate the
rate at which flood water is absorbed on the site, but their construction would cause temporary
disruption to the floodway and thus would need to be approved. The overall project budget will
be a significant determining factor when designing the site plan and, therefore, must be finalized
as soon as possible. There should be tolerance built into the project completion timeline to allow
the opportunity to test the performance of the stormwater practices on the site. If further

Page 10
improvements can be made to decrease the impact of this project on local water quality, they
should be instituted within the post-completion timeframe.
With the increased demand of a growing population on the Earth’s resources and space, it
is becoming increasingly essential to responsibly plan urban development to decrease harmful
impacts on the environment. Avoiding unnecessary development, designing conscientious
facilities, and building ecological offsets in conjunction with urban development are practices
enforced by regulations at the city, state, and federal levels. As an ecological facility, RIVERE
should take the lead in implementing mindful site planning and ecological measures. By
following the guidance set forward in this technology review and emphasizing minimization of
ecological impact in the design, the RIVERE parking lot project will set a precedent for
responsible urban development in the City of Fredericksburg for years to come.

Page 11
Bureau, U. C. (2023). Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-
Caicedo, F., Blazquez, C., & Miranda, P. (2012). Prediction of parking space availability in real
time. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 7281–7290.
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations, State Water
Control Board 9VAC25-830 (2022).
City of Fredericksburg, VA: Off-street parking and loading. (2020). Retrieved from
Crafton, S., Hirschman, D., Collins, K., Battiata, J., Hoffman, G., Woodworth, L., … Beisch, D.,
Virginia DEQ stormwater design specification (2013). Richmond, Virginia: Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2023). Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/laws-
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (2016). (rep.). Parking generation—Replacing flawed
standards with the custom realities of Park+. Richmond, Virginia.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. (2023). Retrieved from
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Floodplain Management Requirements: a study guide
and desk reference for local officials (2005). Alexandria, Virginia: U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Office of Water, NPDES: Stormwater best management practice—Green parking (2021).
Washington, DC: EPA.
Office of Water, NPDES: Stormwater best management practice—Permeable pavements (2021).
Washington, DC: EPA.
Roser, H. R. (2019, November). Urbanization. Retrieved from Our World in Data:

Page 12
Sample, D. J., Fox, L. J., & Hendrix, C. (2020). (publication). Best Management Practice Fact
Sheet 11: Wet Swale. Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Shen, S., Burton, M., Jobson, B., & Haselbach, L. (2012). Pervious concrete with titanium
dioxide as a photocatalyst compound for a greener urban road environment. Construction
and Building Materials, 35, 874–883. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.04.097
Un, K. (2016). Retrieved from https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/fact-sheet-bioretention-
University of New Hampshire. (2007). (rep.). The impacts of impervious surfaces on water
resources, NHEP . PREP.
USA Facts. (2022, July). Our changing population: Fredericksburg city, Virginia. Retrieved
from USA Facts: https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/population-and-
U.S. Department of Transportation. (2023). Retrieved from
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). (2023). Virginia DEQ. Retrieved from
Water Quality Standards: https://www.deq.virginia.gov/our-programs/water/water-
Virginia Asphalt Association. (2023). Retrieved from
Virginia Department of Transportation - Home. (2018). Retrieved from
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Bains, V., Swanson, C., & Mills, R., VDOT
drainage manual (2021). Richmond, Virginia: VDOT.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), BMP maintenance manual: A guidance manual
for maintenance of BMP facilities (2016). Richmond, Virginia: Maintenance Division.

Page 13
Appendix A. Brainstorming

Are there other examples of previous projects that are similar?

Potential Which questions should we ask during the site visit?

how many spots, what is the budget, etc.

Which information/files should we have prepared for the site visit?
FEMA maps
Any calculations or programs to create a successful design?
Questions: To consider: Is the bank stable?
Potentially identify what is controlling water flow into the canal.

Potential Design Goals:

1. Parking lot that has x number of spaces

will this depend on the designation of the building?
Is there any changing to the standards based on the designation of the building?

2. Access by large trucks/buses on main pavement

they want to have school buses for field trips
they will need trucks to be able to drop off supplies

3. Provide innovative stormwater education

- educate them on BMPs
- history of Rappahannock River and Power Plant

4. Avoid impeding the flow

Page 14
Appendix B. Challenges
The biggest challenge with this project is the site location and its proximity to the
Rappahannock River. The existing power plant building and the proposed location of the
RIVERE ecological center are both in the floodway of the river. With this, many development
regulations and standards must be followed. First, regulations prohibit any building or
development on a regulatory floodway, limiting the space for development substantially. This, in
turn, limits the space available for a parking lot adjacent to the buildings. Secondly, the space
available for development is within the 100-year base flood elevation of the river, which has its
own set of development regulations. Within the 100-year base flood elevation, no rise of the
floodplain is permitted. These restrictions place many obstacles to developing a parking lot for a
recreational facility. All construction must be constantly checked to ensure that it stays level with
the current floodplain and that any additional structures are doing the same.
Another challenge that stems from the site’s location is the need to ensure proper water
quality. There will be great emphasis on treating any stormwater that reaches the site for
potential harmful pollutants before it enters the river. Water quality treatment must be a priority
and primary factor in BMP design and implementation for the site. This will mean calculating
the expected quantity of stormwater the site will receive, estimating the nutrient content of the
water, and finally designing BMPs that will effectively reduce the concentration of pollutants of
the stormwater entering the site. This will apply to water from the surrounding downtown area
and locally from the adjacent infrastructure, to meet the standards the city has implemented.
A third and final challenge of this design project is providing enough parking and loading
areas for the building and ecological center. Given the limited space to develop the parking lot,
difficulties will arise in providing the standard parking spaces required for a recreational facility.
This will require creative engineering and thoughtful design to make the most out of the
available area. Also, with the proposed brewery potentially requiring loading trucks to bring in
the necessary supplies, a loading dock or loading ramp must be constructed. This same ramp
could also be used to meet the desire of RIVERE to have school buses be able to drop off
students or tourists at the ecological center for educational tours. However, to provide a loading
ramp that could withstand the weight and force of loading trucks or buses, calculations must be
performed to ensure that the design will not fail under such stresses.

Page 15
Appendix C. Timeline
Gantt Chart Project Timeline

Page 16
Appendix D. Responsibilities
Project Startup and Website Creation Responsibilities:
1. Create website bones and Title Page – Reilly
2. Reach out to RIVERE, Constraints and Criteria – Noah
3. Design Problem page and Gantt Chart - Makenna
4. Proposed End Product – Reilly
5. Email Dr. Sample about filling out poll and providing files – Reilly
Site History and Recent Reports Responsibilities:
1. Review standards in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Federally, read and take notes on RPG
Fred Report - Noah
2. Make maps given Fredericksburg and VA data– Reilly
3. Review the site history in Teams, Review the AsBuilts and Background – Makenna
Site Visit Responsibilities:
Before Site Visit:
1. Collect field equipment – Reilly and Noah
2. Print out items - Reilly
3. Formulate questions for Buck Cox – Makenna
During Site Visit:
1. Take pictures of everything – Reilly and Makenna
2. Ask Buck Cox questions: - Reilly
3. Survey the proposed land for the parking lot - Team
4. Collect soil samples – Makenna and Noah
After Site Visit:
1. Drop off field equipment – Reilly and Noah
2. Upload pictures – Reilly and Makenna
3. Upload field notes and survey information, place soil samples in safe location – Reilly
Technology Review Responsibilities:
1. Cover letter – formatted by Reilly, written by Noah
2. Introduction and Appendix – Noah
3. Technology Review: design problem literature, solutions – Reilly, standards: Makenna
4. Summary – Makenna

Page 17
Appendix E. Charts & Diagrams



Figure 1. (a) FIRM from FEMA for the RIVERE project site (golden star with (b) corresponding
map key (Product ID 5100650037D).

Page 18
Table 1. Criteria for Inlet Design (Bains, Swanson, & Mills, 2021).

Page 19
Figure 2. Diagram of typical permeable pavement construction (Crafton et al., 2013).

Page 20
Table 2. Comparative properties of three major permeable pavements (Crafton et al., 2013).

Page 21
Figure 3. Diagram of bioretention basin level 2 design with infiltration (Crafton et al., 2013).

Page 22
Table 3. Material and design specifications for bioretention cells (Crafton et al., 2013).

Page 23
Figure 4. Diagram of a level 2 dry swale design with underdrain (Crafton et al., 2013).

Page 24
Table 4. Design specifications for dry swales (Crafton et al., 2013)

Page 25
Figure 5. Diagram of typical wet swale profile (Crafton et al., 2013)

Page 26
Table 5. Design specifications for wet swales (Crafton et al., 2013).

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