Java Programs For Class X Project

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1)Front page
4)Content or Index
5)Introduction to java
6)Java Programs (Total 50 programs)

a) Write each program headings with comment.

b)Each program with variable descriptions


1) WAP to convert days in to years, months and days.
2) WAP to find the difference between Compound and Simple Interest.
3) Write a class with name employee and basic as its data member, to find the
gross pay of an employee for the following allowances and deduction. Use
meaningful variables.
Dearness Allowance=25%of the basic pay
House Rent Allowance=15%of the basic pay
Provident Fund= 8.33% of the basic pay
Net pay=Basic pay +Dearness Allowance+ House Rent Allowance
Gross pa=net pay-Provident fund
4) WAP to enter three different numbers and find the second largest using
Min and Max function.
5) WAP to enter a year and check it is leap year or not.
6) An air-conditioned bus charges fare from the passengers based on the
distance travelled as per the tariff given below.
Distance Travelled Fare
Up to 10 km Fixed charge Rs. 80
11 to 20 km Rs.6/km
21 to 30 km Rs.5/km
31 km and above Rs.4/km
7) WAP to enter three angles of triangle and check it is Equilateral, Isosceles
or scalene triangle .
8) Using switch statement, write a menu driven program:
i) To check and display whether a number input by the user is a Automorphic
or not.
Sample Input : 25
Solution : The square of 25 is 625 and 25 is present as the last two digit.
Sample output : 25 is a Automorphic number.
ii) WAP to accept a number and check whether the number is Duck or not.
(A number is said to be Duck if the digit zero is (0) present in it but the number
must not begins with zero)
9) Using switch statement, write a menu driven program:
i) s=1-a+a2-a3+……+an
ii) s=1/1!-2/2!+3/3!-4/4!+………+n/n!
10) WAP to input a number and check whether it is prime number or not. If it
is not prime then display the next number that is prime.
11) WAP to input 10 different number. Display the greater and smallest
number among them.
12) WAP to enter a number and check it is disarium number or not.
Ex: 135=11+22+33=1+9+125=135
13) WAP to print all the Armstrong number between 100 to 500.
(Sum of each cube is equal to the original number is called Armstrong no)
14) WAP to accept two numbers and find the GCD(Greatest Common Divisor)
and LCM(Lowest common Divisor).
15) WAP to input a number and display it into its Binary equivalent.
Ex: Input : (21)10
Output : (10101)2
16) WAP to enter a number and check it is Happy number or not.
(Take a positive number and replace the number by the sum of the square of
its digits. Repeat the process until the number will be single digit. If the
number ends with 1 then it is called Happy number.
17) WAP to input a number. Display the product of the successor of even
digits of the number entered by user.
Input : 2745
Output : 15
Even digits are 2 and 4 then successor of even digits is 3*5=15
18) WAP to print the pattern
1 0
1 0 1
1 0 1 0
10 1 0 1
19) WAP to print the pattern
2 1
3 2 1
4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
20) WAP to print the pattern
21) WAP to enter a number and print in ascending order.
Ex: Input : 5173
Output : 1357
22) WAP to enter a number and check it is twin prime or not.
(Twin prime numbers are the prime numbers whose difference is 2)
23) WAP to enter a number and check it is palprime or not.
(A number should be palindrome as well as prime.
24) Design a class P1 with the following functions to perform the given
a) int compute(int x)-It computes the sum of square of each digit of number x.
b) void read() – Input a number and display its sum of square of each digit by
invoking compute().
25) Write a class with the name Area using method overloading that computes
the area of a parallelogram, a rhombus and a trapezium.
Area of parallelogram=base*ht;
Area of rhombus=1/2*d1*d2; where d1 and d2 are the diagonals.
Area of trapezium=1/2*(a+b)*h; where a and b are the parallel sides and h is
the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides.
26) Write a program using a method Palin(), to check whether a String is a
Palindrome or not.
(A Palindrome is a String that reads the same from the left to right and vice
Sample Input : MADAM,ARORA etc.
27) Design a class to overload the method display(…) as follows:
a) void display(int num) : checks and prints whether the number is a perfect
square or not.
b) void display(String str,char ch) : checks and prints the word str contains the
letter ch or not.
c) void display(String str) : checks and print the number of special characters
present in the word str.
Write a suitable main() method.
28) WAP to accept 10 different numbers in a single Dimensional
Array(SDA).Display the greatest and smallest numbers of the array elements.
29) WAP to accept a set of 10 integers in a Single Dimensional Array. Sort the
numbers in ascending order by using the “Bubble Sort” technique.Display the
sorted array.
30) WAP to accept 10 different numbers in a SDA.Now enter a number and by
using binary search technique, check whether or not the number is present in
the list of array elements. If the number is present then display the message
“Search Successful” else “Search not Successful”.
31) WAP to accept 10 different numbers in a SDA.Arrange the numbers in
ascending order by using “Selection Sort”” technique and display them.
32) WAP to accept 10 different numbers in a SDA.Arrange the numbers in
descending order by using “Bubble Sort”” technique and display them.
33) WAP to enter the elements in 3*3 matrics and display the sum of each
row and column separately.
34) WAP to enter the values in 4*4 square matrics and print the sum of left
and right diagonal separately.
35) WAP to enter the elements in a 3*3 matrics and print its Transpose of
36) WAP to enter a sentence and count the number of vowels and consonant
37) WAP to enter a sentence lower case and convert first letter of each word
into capital. Display the new String.
Sample Input : sky is blue
Sample output : Sky Is Blue
38) WAP to enter a sentence and count how many number of letters, digits
and special character present int it.
39) WAP to accept a name and display the initials along with the surname.
Input : Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Output : M.K. Gandhi.
40) WAP o accept a string .Convert the string to uppercase. Count and output
the number of double letter sequences that exist in the string.
Sample output : 4
41) WAP to input forty words in an array. Arrange these words in descending
order of letters by using Selection sort technique. Print the sorted array.
Sample Input : New Delhi,Bengaluru,Agra,Mumbai,Kolkata
Sample Output : New Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Bengaluru,Agra
42) WAP to input a string in uppercase and print the frequency of each
character present in the sentence.
43) WAP to accept a set of any 10 characters. Calculate and print the sum of
ASCII codes of the characters.
44) WAP to input two integer numbers. Join them together to form a single
Sample Input : First no : 134 and Second no : 96
Sample output : 13496
45) To display the following pattern
a b
A b c d
46) WAP by using a class with the following specifications:
Class name : Prime
Data member : int n
Member Methods:
Prime() : Default constructor to initialize n
void input(int x) : to assign n with x
void display() : To check whether the number is prime or not
The main() method need not be written to perform the above tasks.
47) Define a class student described as below:
Data member : name,age,m1,m2,m3(Marks in 3 subjects),maximum, average
Member methods:
i) A parametrized constructor to initialize the data members
ii) To accept the details of a student
iii) To compute the average and the maximum out of three marks
iv) To display the name,age,marks in three subjects, maximum and
48) WAP by using a class with the following specification :
Class name : Piglatin
Data member : String wd
Member Methods :
Piglatin() : constructor to initialize the String wd
void input(String wd) : to accept a word
void display() : To convert the word in Piglatin form and display it.
Sample Input : trouble
Sample output : oubletray
49) Define a class Bill that calculates the telephone bill of a consumer with the
following description:
Data member:
Int bno : bill number
String name : name of consumer
Int call : no. of calls consumed in a month
Double amt : bill amount to be paid by the person
Member Methods:
Bill() : constructor to initialize data members with default initial value
Bill(….) : parameterized constructor to accept billno,name and no of calls
Calculate() : to calculate the monthly telephone bill for a consumer as per the
following condition
Unit consumed Rate
First 100 calls Rs.0.60/call
Next 100 calls Rs.0.80/call
Next 100 calls Rs.1.20/call
Above 300 calls Rs.1.50/call

Fixed monthly rental applicable to all consumers Rs. 125

Display() : to display the details
Create an object in the main() method and invoke the above functions to
perform the desired task.
50) “A number is said to be Palindrome, if it appears to be the same after
reversing its digits”.WAP by using a class with the following specifications:
Class name : Number
Data member : private int num
Member Methods:
Number(int x) : constructor to initialize num with x
Int revers(int n) : used to return the reverse of number
Void palindrome() : to check and print whether the number is Palindrome or

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