Clinical Challenges and Current Trends I

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Clinical challenges and current trends in access

cavity design and working length determination

First European Society of Endodontology (ESE)

clinical meeting: ACTA, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 27th October 2018
G. Gambarini1, G. Krastl2, A. Chaniotis3, A. ElAyouti4 & V. Franco5
University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, Center of Dental
Traumatology, University Hospital of W€urzburg, W€urzburg, Germany; 3Private Practice, Athens, Greece; 4Sektion
Endodontologie, Poliklinik f€
ur Zahnerhaltung, Universit€
atsklinik f€
ur Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, T€
ubingen, Germany;
and 5Private Practice, Rome, Italy

Introduction – Session 1: Clinical Gabriel Krastl – Basic principles of access cavity

challenges and current trends in access design. Locating canals. Management of calcified
cavity design canal systems. The use of CBCT for guided access
The overarching aim of the first session of the 1st
European Society of Endodontology (ESE) Clinical The presentation focused on access to the endodontic
Meeting held in ACTA, Amsterdam on Saturday the system and reviewed the current strategies for the
27th October 2018 was to provide participants with treatment of teeth with calcified canal systems. An
an update on the design and preparation of access adequately prepared access cavity is crucial for all
cavities during root canal treatment. This theme was steps which follow during the root canal treatment:
selected due to the significant current clinical interest for locating the root canals, for effective instrumenta-
in this area and because the maintenance of tooth tion, for irrigation and for root filling. Furthermore,
tissue and the promotion of minimally invasive bio- an ideal endodontic access cavity should be a balance
logically based management strategies are of funda- between the demands for an adequate root canal
mental importance to the preservation of teeth. The treatment and an optimized structural strength of the
principal objectives of the session were to understand tooth. In teeth with severe calcifications and apical
the current evidence base and to highlight any gaps pathosis, the access to obliterated root canals is chal-
in knowledge related to traditional and minimal lenging and is prone to technical failures, including
access cavities, the location and preparation of obliter- alterations of root canal geometry, and loss of hard
ated canals using guided techniques and to determine substance, which may result in a considerable weak-
the priorities for future clinical research. To that end ening of the tooth or in root perforation. Even with
two European leaders, both clinical and science-based, the use of a dental microscope, the preparation of an
actively working in the field of access cavities made adequate access cavity may lead to excessive sub-
short presentations aimed at highlighting problems, stance loss that impairs stability and thereby reduces
stimulating debate and developing consensus. A sum- the long-term prognosis of the tooth.
mary of the presentations is included below: To overcome these complications, guided endodon-
tics, a novel approach for the preparation of apically
extended access cavities was introduced. For this pur-
Correspondence: G Gambarini, University of Rome La Sapienza, pose, preoperative surface scans and cone-beam com-
Rome, Italy. (e-mail: [email protected]) puted tomography scans are matched. After planning

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 397–399, 2019 397

the position of the drill for root canal location, a artificial material is of less biological value than the
virtual template is designed, and the data is exported original tissue and they suggests minimum access
as an STL file and sent to a 3D printer for template cavity designs and limited canal instrumentation sizes
fabrication. The template is positioned on the teeth. in order to preserve dentine. The ultimate objective is
A specific drill is used to penetrate through the oblit- an increase on the mechanical stability and fracture
erated part of the root canal so as to obtain minimally resistance of the tooth.
invasive access to the root canal. After miniaturiza- Although technological advancements have
tion of the instruments, the technique was made enabled dentine conservation procedures, problems do
accessible even for teeth with narrow roots such as exist and can complicate treatment to unacceptable
mandibular incisors. levels. Moreover, the evidence for an increase in frac-
A recent study demonstrated that the (micro)guided ture resistance remains limited and controversial.
endodontic access leads to a faster and more pre- More research is needed to clarify the benefits and
dictable location of calcified root canals with signifi- possible risks of minimal access cavity designs and
cantly less substance loss compared to the traditional the effect they may have on the outcome of root
endodontic access using the operating microscope. Fur- canal treatment.
thermore, in contrast to traditional access, the success
of the guided approach is not influenced by the experi-
Introduction – Session 2: Clinical
ence of the operator. Even though clinical studies are
challenges and current trends in working
missing, several case reports demonstrate the success-
length determination
ful clinical implementation of this technique particu-
larly for anterior teeth but also in the posterior region. The overarching aim of the second session of the 1st
Apart from static guidance, dynamic navigation European Society of Endodontology (ESE) Clinical
may be a new approach for the negotiation of calci- Meeting held in ACTA, Amsterdam on Saturday the
fied root canals. A stereo vision computer triangula- 27th October 2018 was to provide participants with
tion setup can be used to guide the bur during an update on the challenges of measuring and con-
preparation of the access cavity. While the initial data trolling working length during root canal treatment.
is available on the accuracy of the method in the field The principal objective of the session was to under-
of Implantology, future research has to demonstrate stand the current evidence base and to highlight any
whether its implementation in Endodontics is feasible. gaps in knowledge related to working length of root
canals. To that end two European leaders, both clini-
cal and science-based, actively working in the field of
Antonis Chaniotis – A rational approach to access
access cavities made short presentations aimed at
cavity design. Differences between traditional,
highlighting problems, stimulating conversation and
minimally invasive and ‘ninja access’ cavities: a
developing consensus. A summary of the presenta-
critical approach. Influence of access cavity design
tions is included below:
on instrumentation of canals. How to deal with
iatrogenic errors in access cavities
Ashraf ElAyouti – The anatomy of the root apex.
Traditional access cavity designs are geometrically
Where is the canal terminus? The use of electronic
predesigned shapes dictated by the underlying anat-
apex locators. Tips and tricks to determine the
omy and guided by the endodontic disease. Access
end-point of canal preparation and filling
cavity designs remained unchanged for many decades
because of the inherent advantages they offered. Con- A meta-analysis of outcome studies has so far
venience form, extension for prevention and complete showed a clear consensus and concordance of evi-
unroofing of the pulp chamber usually resulted in dence regarding the end-point of root canal treat-
great visibility, ease and safety during all stages of ment. The scientific consensus is that long root canal
root canal treatment procedures. fillings do not result in a better outcomes, in fact
However, recently, the traditional access cavity short fillings have a better outcome than long fillings.
designs have been questioned, modified and regarded Micro-CT analysis and extensive serial measurements
as legacy concepts. The reason for this is linked to the of canal cross sections have revealed the existence of
development of minimal invasive dentistry concepts in the apical constriction (the smallest canal cross sec-
Endodontology. These concepts recognize that an tional area) in each canal. In contrast, the apical

398 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 397–399, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

constriction was barely detected when longitudinal on changes in the shape and contents of what is
sections of the root canal were used, and in addition, known as the endodontic space: it is difficult to distin-
canal topography varied greatly according to the posi- guish the point, or, better, the so-called passage
tion of the longitudinal section. This may explain why between ‘in’ and ‘out’. The first part of the presenta-
the apical constriction remained undetected in many tion is the description of the landmarks and the diffi-
studies using longitudinal sections of root canals. culties when identifying them clinically. Limitations of
The apical position of the constriction is very close periapical radiographs and electronic apex locators
to the foramen; within <¼ mm in most of the root were briefly described: a systematic review on the use
canals examined. At the apical constriction, root of CBCT for the establishment of working length con-
canals were rounder, smaller in size and had firms the possibility of using this device to identify the
nondivergent dentinal walls. At the major foramen, position of the foramen and its distance from a coro-
root canals were larger in size, oval in shape and the nal reference point.
dentinal walls diverged towards the foramen. More- In the second part, several points to consider were
over, at the foramen, root canals ended oblique to presented on the shaping procedure and its relation-
root surface so that a thin dentinal wall was present ship with working length: the action of the files on
in most canals. Therefore, in order to keep the area of tissues and the modifications of the WL after the pre-
the wound at the periapical tissues as small as possi- flaring were the main points discussed as well as the
ble and to avoid over fillings and apical laceration, it role of apical enlargement.
is recommended to shape root canals to the apical The third part was a brief description of the princi-
extent of the constriction and only disinfect to the ples of root filling and its relationship with the
foramen. surrounding tissues.
Modern apex locators operating on the basis of rel- In the last part before the conclusions, irrigation
ative impedance measurements have been shown to protocols were described focusing on the apical part of
be accurate. Using micro-CT images to superimpose the root canal. The most popular activation systems
the location of the constriction and foramen to the were briefly described and pros and cons in term od
display of apex locators revealed that nearly all apex apical debridement and disinfection were evaluated.
locators were accurate within ¼ mm. In the process
of working length determination, the main source of
measurement error was the operator and the proce-
dure itself. Mainly, due to adjusting and reading the All the stages of a root canal treatment have to
length of measuring files, as well as adaptation and address the working length issue. The shaping WL
movement of rubber stoppers. The repeatability and could be different, depending on the kind of treat-
reproducibility of the operators were a further source ment, for example pulpotomy, pulpectomy and revas-
of measurement error. cularization have a totally different approach to the
management of the apical foramina. Since all
endodontic procedures can cause a microsurgical
Vittorio Franco – The limits of endodontic
wound and an inflammation of the involved tissue, in
procedure. Management of the apex and the apical
this perspective establishing and using the correct
working length could contribute to a better outcome.
The presentation focused on the management of the Videos of all the lectures are available on: https://
apical third of the root canal and in particular of the
foramina. Endodontic treatments are currently based table/clinical2018

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 397–399, 2019 399

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