Rowghat - BSP Project

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File No.: J-11015/331/2006-IA.

Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
IA Division

Dated 21/12/2023


587-A, 5th Floor, Ispat Bhawan Bhilai Steel Plant Steel Authority of India Ltd. BHILAI-490001 Du
587-A, 5th Floor, Ispat Bhawan Bhilai Steel Plant Steel Authority of India Ltd. BHILAI-490001 Du,
Bhilai, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, Bhilai Steel Plant, 490001
[email protected]

Subject: Amendment in Environmental Clearance dated 04.06.2009 for Changes in Operation of Rowghat
Iron Ore Project of M/s SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant (Despatch of Maximum 2.0 MTPA of Iron Ore
by Road up to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by Rail to
Bhilai), located in Matla Reserve Forests, Narainpur and Kanker District, Chhattisgarh –
Amendment in EC – reg.

This is in reference to your application submitted to MoEF&CC vide proposal number
EC23A0000CG5559947A for grant of an amendment in prior Environmental Clearance (EC) to the
project under the provision of the EIA Notification 2006-and as amended thereof.

2. The particulars of the proposal are as below :

(i) EC Identification No. EC23A0000CG5559947A

(ii) File No. J-11015/331/2006-IA.II(M)
(iii) Clearance Type Amendment in EC
(iv) Category A
(v) Schedule No./ Project Activity 1(a) Mining of minerals
(vi) Sector Non-Coal Mining
Amendment in Environmental Clearance for
Changes in Operation of Rowghat Iron Ore Project
of SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant (Despatch of
(vii) Name of Project Maximum 2.0 MTPA of Iron Ore by Road up to
Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly.
Siding and then by Rail to Bhilai) under Para 7(ii)
of EIA Notification 2006.

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 1 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
(viii) Location of Project (District, State) KANKER, CHHATTISGARH
(ix) Issuing Authority MoEF&CC
(x) EC Date
(xii) Applicability of General Conditions NO
(xiii) Status of implementation of the project

1. In view of the particulars given in the Para 1 above, the project proposal interalia including Form-1(Part A, B and C)/
EIA & EMP Reports were submitted to the MoEF&CC for an appraisal by the Expert Appraisal Committee EAC
under the provision of EIA notification 2006 and its subsequent amendments.

2. The above-mentioned proposal has been considered by Expert Appraisal Committee EAC in the meeting held on
14/11/2023. The minutes of the meeting and all the project documents are available on PARIVESH portal which can
be accessed from the PARIVESH portal by scanning the QR Code above or through the following web link click here.

3. The brief about the reasons for an amendment requested along with comparison table illustrating the details of
amendments are annexed to this letter as Annexure (1)

4. The brief about the reasons for an amendment requested along with comparison table illustrating the details of
amendments are annexed to this letter as Annexure (1)The EAC, in its meeting held on 15/11/2023, based on
information & clarifications provided by the project proponent and after detailed deliberations recommended the
proposal for grant of amendment in Environment Clearance under the provision of EIA Notification, 2006 and as
amended thereof.

5. The MoEF&CC has examined the proposal in accordance with the extant provisions of the Environment Impact
Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 & further amendments thereto and based on the recommendations of the Expert
Appraisal Committee hereby accords amendment in Environment Clearance for the instant proposal to M/s. STEEL
AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 and as amended thereof subject to
compliance of EC conditions, general instructions issued vide EC identification number EC23A0000CG5559947A and
following ceratin additional specific conditions.

6. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Copy To

1. The Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001.

2. The Secretary, Department of Environment, Government of Chhattisgarh.

3. The Secretary, Department of Mines and Geology, Government of Chhattisgarh, Chhattisgarh.

4. The Chairman, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Nanak Niwas, Civil Lines, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

5. The Inspector General of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Integrated Regional Office,
Aranya Bhawan, North Block, Sector-19, Naya Raipur, Atal Nagar, Chhattisgarh - 492002.

6. The Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines, Indira Bhavan, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440 001.

7. Regional Officer, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Integrated Regional Office, Ground Floor,
East Wing, New Secretariat Building, Civil Lines, Nagpur - 440001.

8. The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-Cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar,
New Delhi-110 032.

9. The Member Secretary, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Paryavas Bhavan, North Block Sector-19,
Atal Nagar Dist- Raipur(C.G.)-492002.

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 2 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
10. The Member Secretary, Central Ground Water Authority, 18/11, Jam Nagar House, Man Singh Road, New Delhi-

11. The Chief Wildlife Warden, Govt. of Chattisgarh, Aranya Bhavan, Jail Road, Fafadih Chowk, Raipur - 492001.

12. The District Collector, Narainpur and Kanker District, Govt. of Chhattisgarh.

13. Guard File.

14. PARIVESH Portal.

Annexure 1

Specific EC Conditions for (Mining Of Minerals)

1. Water Management Structures

S. No EC Conditions

Periodical maintenance of surface water management structures has to be carried out to prevent and
1.1 control the water pollution and soil erosion. The Project Proponent shall take adequate measures to
prevent the washout of fines during monsoon season.

2. Air Quality Data

S. No EC Conditions

The real time data generated by continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations (CAAQMS)
2.1 should be displayed digitally at entry and exit gate of mine lease area for public display and shall be
linked to server of CPCB/SPCB.

3. Gap Plantation

S. No EC Conditions

The Project Proponent shall undertake the gap plantation and shall plant quality sapling of
appropriate height of native and fruit bearing species. In case of tall transplants (seedlings) the
seedlings should have proper trained root stock with root biomass commensurate with seedling
height to ensure good growth after out planting.

4. Clean Energy

S. No EC Conditions

4.1 The Project Proponent shall explore the possibility of using atleast 20% of Electric
vehicles/CNG/Solar instead of diesel operation within three years.

5. Mining Activity

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 3 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
S. No EC Conditions

Mining activity is restricted to an area of 883.22 ha for which the Stage-II Forest Clearance is

6. Miscellanous

S. No EC Conditions

All other terms and conditions mentioned in the EC letter dated 04.06.2009, 15.03.2010, 08.06.2017
and 25.01.2022 shall remain unchanged.

7. Production

S. No EC Conditions

The dispatch of 2.0 MTPA (Maximum) of Iron Ore by Road up to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or
Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by Rail to Bhilai is allowed in two phases for a period of two
7.1 years i.e., 1.5 MTPA for a period of 6 months w.e.f 01.01.2024 to 30.06.2024 and 2.0 MTPA (1.5
MTPA + 0.5 MTPA) for a period of 18 months w.e.f 01.07.2024 to 31.12.2025. Accordingly, State
Pollution Control Board shall grant the Consent to Operate (CTO).

8. Progress Of Rail Link

S. No EC Conditions

The Project Proponent shall speed up the progress of the rail link and monthly progress/status along
with the photographs shall be submitted to the Regional Office of MoEF&CC.

9. Road Transportation

S. No EC Conditions

Fugitive dust monitoring shall be monitored regularly at all the sensitive receptors and report shall
be submitted quarterly to the Regional Office of MoEF&CC.

The Project Proponent shall maintain the entire mineral transportation route by road at their own
9.2 cost. The Project Proponent shall also periodically maintain the roads to reduce the fugitive
emissions from roads and also the vehicular emissions.

The wheel washing facility for the ore transport vehicles shall be provided at the exit point of the
mine. The wheel washing facility shall be integrated with complete recirculation system.

Over loading of transport equipment’s should be avoided to prevent spillage. Vehicles involved in
transporting the material should be covered to prevent fugitive dust emission.

The Project Proponent shall undertake the dense plantation all along the haul roads and approach
roads to attenuate the fugitive dust.

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 4 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
S. No EC Conditions

The Project Proponent shall ensure that the additional traffic on the road in no way shall be
9.6 hindrance to the public. Traffic marshal shall be deployed to ensure the safe movement of

9.7 Regular sprinkling shall be done on roads to suppress the dust at the source.

10. Validity

S. No EC Conditions

10.1 This amendment in EC will be valid for a period of a 2 (two) years only w.e.f 01.01.2024.

11. Single Use Plastic

S. No EC Conditions

The Project Proponent shall create awareness among the local people working within the project
area as well as its surrounding area on the ban of Single Use Plastic (SUP) in order to ensure the
compliance of Notification published by MoEF&CC on 12/08/2021. A report, along with
photographs, on the measures taken shall also be included in the six monthly compliance report.

12. Regrassing

S. No EC Conditions

The mining lease holders shall, after ceasing mining operations, undertake regrassing the mining
12.1 area and any other area which may have been disturbed due to their mining activities and restore the
land to a condition which is fit for growth of fodder, flora, fauna etc. The implementation report of
the above said condition shall be submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office.

Additional EC Conditions
2. The details of the project as ascertained from the document submitted by the Project Proponent and revealed from
the discussions held during the meeting are given as under:

1. The proposed project activity is listed at schedule no. 1(a) Mining of Minerals and falls under Category “A” as the
mining lease area is greater than 250ha and accordingly, appraised at the Central level.

1. Details of previous Environmental Clearance (EC):

Date of Date of
Proposal No Consideration Details
application accord
IA/CG/MIN/ Production of 14.0 MTPA of iron ore mining over a lease area of
28.07.2007 - 04.06.2009
8566/2009 883.22ha
Partial modification in EC letter dated 04.06.2009 and additional
23.06.2009 - - 15.03.2010
specific conditions were imposed
09.02.2017 IA/CG/MIN/ February 20- Transportation of 0.3 million TPA of ore from Rowghat M.L to 08.06.2017

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 5 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
8566/2009 21, 2017 Keonti by road and further onwards to Dalli Raihara/Bhilai
through rail till 2021
Extension of validity of amendment in Environmental Clearance
granted on 08.06.2017 for Rowghat Iron Ore mine Deposit F [ML
area 2028.797ha and production capacity 14 million TPA] for
IA/CG/MIN/ 30th Nov - 3rd transportation of 0.3 MTPA of iron ore from Rowghat ML to
01.11.2021 25.01.2022
236647/2021 Dec, 2021 Keonti rail head by road and further onwards to Dalli
Rajhara/Bhilai by rail located in Matla Reserve Forests, in
Narainpur and Kanker District, Chhattisgarh for a period of
another two (2) years i.e., till 31.12.2023

1. Now, the Project Proponent has requested for amendment in EC dated 04.06.2009 for Changes in Operation of
Rowghat Iron Ore Project of M/s SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant (Despatch of Maximum 2.0 MTPA of Iron Ore by Road up
to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by Rail to Bhilai) as mentioned below:

Reference Description Existing Amendment sought Reason for amendment
Crushed Ore Downhill conveyor not
Para 2 of 2 MTPA Crushed and Screened Ore
Change in Disptached to installed due to non
1 Original EC transport through Road from Hill Top
Process downhill through handing over of land by
04.06.2009 from existing 0.3 MTPA
12 KM Conveyor forest department
Railway siding not
Screening Ore
Total 2 MTPA Screened Material transport commissioned due to
transport through
through Road Length 235 KM maximum hindrances caused due to
Para 2 of Change in Rail from
2 upto Antagarh or Bhanuprtappur Siding till Left wing extremism
Original EC Process Rowghat Siding
Dec’26 from existing 0.3 MTPA upto Consequently delay in
located at Foot
Dec’23) handing over of land by
Hill to Bhilai Steel
Request for allowing dispatch through
road @ 2.0 MTPA till Dec.,’26 which

1. @ 0.8 MTPA of iron ore up to

Antagarh Railway Siding via Tadoki
Railway Siding
(direct route)
Commissioned only upto
0.3 MTPA
Para 14 of Amendment in 2. 1.2 MTPA up to Bhanupratappur/ Antagarh Siding.
transport through
Amended EC Quantity and Antagarh Railway Siding via Expected to reach
3 Road upto Keonti
dated extension of Narainpur & Kanker (long route) and Rowghat by Dec'25 and
Siding validity
25.01.2022 time subsequently by rail to Bhilai. development of
upto Dec’23
associated infrastructure
3. In case of law and order problem along
by Dec'26
the Rowghat Mine to Antagarh Siding
(direct route) as is often the case, the
entire ore will be trucked to
Bhanupratappur/Antagarh Siding via
Narainpur & Kanker.

1. The Project Proponent has submitted the mine lease deed was executed on 21.10.2009 and is valid for a period of 20

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 6 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
years. The entire lease area of 2028.797 ha is a Forest Land. Stage-II Forest Clearance was obtained vide letter no.
F.No.8-44/2005-FC (Pt), dated 3rdAug., 2009for diversion of 883.22 ha of forest land.

2. The Project Proponent has submitted that the Rowghat Mine commenced mining operations only in late Feb., 2022.
Prevailing micro-meteorological conditions, ambient air quality (14 locations), noise levels (14 locations) and water
quality (Groundwater: 5 locations and Surface water: 5 locations), soil quality (6 locations) were assessed by carrying
baseline environmental data generation for one month during May, 2023 (Summer Season). Traffic density on the
proposed ore evacuation route was also studied.

3. The Project Proponent has submitted the certified compliance report issued by the Sub Office, MoEF&CC vide letter
dated 10.10.2023 for the EC’s dated 04.06.2009, 15.03.2010, 08.06.2017 and 25.01.2022. The site visit was conducted
on 18.09.2023. Then, the Project Proponent has submitted the action taken report on 16.10.2023 to the Regional
Office, MoEF&CC. The Ministry vide letter dated 02.11.2023 requested the Regional Office, Nagpur to submit the
review report of the ATR submitted by Project Proponent. Then, the Project Proponent vide email dated 13.11.2023
submitted the revised and updated action taken report.

3. Observation and Recommendation of the EAC:

The Project Proponent has informed the EAC that the instant proposal is for amendment in EC dated 04.06.2009 for
changes in operation of Rowghat Iron Ore Project of M/s SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant for dispatch of Maximum 2.0 MTPA
of Iron Ore by Road up to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by Rail to Bhilai. Initially,
Environmental Clearance (EC) was obtained on 04.06.2009 for production of 14.0 MTPA of Iron ore. The ore is
dispatched by rail to SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant located at a distance of 185 km from the mine lease area. There has been
delay in commissioning of rail link to Rowghat due to Left wing extremism activities and obtaining forest clearance. In
this regard, amendment in EC dated 04.06.2009 has been sought to allow dispatch through road @ 2.0 MTPA till
Dec.,2026 from the existing capacity of 0.3 MTPA by road. About 81% of the rail works has been completed upto Tadoki
(77km) and the remaining work up to Rowghat will be completed by June, 2025and it is expected to commission the
Rowghat Station by Dec 2025 and associated linking infrastructure by Dec, 2026. The Bhilai Steel Plant is the sole
producer and supplier for strategically important products to Indian Railways. The Bhilai Steel Plant is completely
dependent on Rowghat Iron Ore mine and this project is an importance of national interest. The EAC noted the public
complaints were received against the project and also in support of the project to increase their production capacity.

Then, the Project Proponent has presented the KML file and shown the boundary of the Rowghat mine lease area
and informed the EAC that the entire mine lease area of 2028.797 ha is a Forest Land. Presently mining activity is being
carried out in Anjarel block. The present proposal is to transport the ore of 0.8 MTPA from Rowghat to Antagarh Railway
siding (~58km by road) via Tadoki (direct route) and 1.2 MTPA ore to Antagarh / BhanupratappurRailway Siding (232
km/200km by road) via Narainpur & Kanker (long route). Due to law and order issue, the State Govt. has suggested to
take the longer routevia Narainpur & Kanker to reach Antagarh / BhanupratappurRailway Siding. If the law and order
issue exists via Tadoki route, the entire material will be transported through longer route as suggested by the State Govt.
The Project Proponent also informed the EAC that the own RCC road of 7.5m width has been developed by the Project
Proponent with an estimated budget of Rs 35 Cr from the foot hill of Rowghat to SH-5. Further, the Project Proponent has
shown the photographs of the road developed by M/s SAIL, SH 5 between Tadoki & Antagarh, Road linking SH-5 with
Antagarh Siding, Kondagaon bypass road, Kanker bypass road and SH 6 between Kanker &Bhanupratappur. Project
Proponent also shown the photographs of Antagarh and Bhanupratappur Railway sidings and also the progress of the rail

The Project Proponent informed the EAC that the project is well equipped to produce 2.0 MTPA. Transportation
will be outsourced and local people will be involved in transportation. The EIA Consultant has informed the EAC that the
baseline data was generated during May, 2023. The ambient air quality stations (14 locations) were monitored in the mine
lease and all along the transportation route. Noise levels at 14 locations were within the norms prescribed by CPCB.
Surface water quality has been monitored at 5 locations and found to be suitable for drinking after conventional treatment
and disinfection. Traffic density was studied on the transport route at 9 locations at hourly intervals. Additional load on the
road will not have impact and the resultant concentration of PM10due to transportation will be ~91.14 µg/m3, PM2.5: ~47.1
µg/m3, SO2:15.8 µg/m3 and NOx: 25.26 µg/m3. The Project Proponent also detailed about the CSR activities being taken up.

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 7 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003
The Project Proponent has shown the certified past production details dated 06.07.2023 from the year 2020-21 to 2022-23.
The Project Proponent has submitted the certified compliance report issued by the Sub Office, MoEF&CC vide letter
dated 10.10.2023 for the EC’s dated 04.06.2009, 15.03.2010, 08.06.2017 and 25.01.2022. The site visit was conducted on
18.09.2023. Then, the Project Proponent has submitted the action taken report on 16.10.2023 to the Regional Office,

After detailed deliberations made by the Project Proponent and the Consultant, the EAC opined that the dispatch of
2.0 MTPA (Maximum) of Iron Ore by Road up to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by
Rail to Bhilai will be allowed in two phases for a period of two years i.e., 1.5 MTPA for a period of 6 months w.e.f
01.01.2024 to 30.06.2024 and 2.0 MTPA (1.5 MTPA + 0.5 MTPA) for a period of 18 months w.e.f 01.07.2024 to
31.12.2025 considering the pollution load due to transportation by road. The EAC also opined that meanwhile, the Project
Proponent shall speed up the progress of the rail link. Based on the discussions held, the EAC in its meeting held during
14-15November, 2023 under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006 and its subsequent amendments therein;
recommended the proposal for amendment in EC dated04.06.2009 for dispatch of Maximum 2.0 MTPA of Iron Ore by
Road up to Antagarh Rly. Siding and / or Bhanupratappur Rly. Siding and then by Rail to M/s SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant
from Rowghat Iron Ore Project [MLA:2028.797 ha] of M/s SAIL, located in Matla Reserve Forests, Narainpur and
Kanker District, Chhattisgarh along with the following additional specific conditions mentioned below: -

Annexure 2

Amendment Logs

Description Reference Existing Proposed / Amendment Reason


Signature Not Verified

Digitally Signed by : Mr Pankaj Verma
Member Secretary, MoEFCC (EC)
Date: 21/12/2023

IA/CG/MIN/439531/2023 Address: IA Division, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Page 8 of 8
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh New Delhi - 110003

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