Multi-Agent Tasks Scheduling For Coordinated Actions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Acting in Group
Multi-Agent Tasks Scheduling For Coordinated Actions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Acting in Group
Multi-Agent Tasks Scheduling For Coordinated Actions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Acting in Group
1 (2018) 39–45
This paper discusses hardware and software prototype of multi-agent system for unmanned aerial vehi-
cles (UAVs) group action planning. We describe the approach for system implementation as a whole
and software agents within the system. The aim of current and future developments is creation of
complex scientific and technical solutions for coordinated planning and actions management of hetero-
geneous UAV groups in real time.
Keywords: adaptability, coordinated control, drones, dynamic rescheduling, intelligence, multi-agent
systems, real time, UAV, Unmanned aerial vehicle
The use of classical optimization methods is not always effective for complex multifactorial
problems, especially with high dynamics of events affecting the results of the planning.
Reconciliation in a distributed computing environment also requires special
approaches. An example of such complex problems is coordinated management of a group
of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in real time.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) are widely used in various sectors of econ-
omy. Main advantages of using drones are achieved when used in critical missions that require
response in the shortest possible time. For example, UAVs can search for survivors at emer-
gency scenes, which provides quick access to areas where human access is impossible or
dangerous. However, to ensure the implementation of the assigned tasks in the shortest pos-
sible time and improve the quality authors consider using several drones acting together as a
coordinated group. Such a group of drones with a joint goal should coordinate and reconcile
mutual tasks. As a result, a group of UAVs acting together will be able to perform tasks faster.
However, there is an issue with planning tools for real-time control of UAVs groups, espe-
cially in unforeseen circumstances. For example, there is lack of software, which can manage
UAVs group in case of failure of a UAV, addition of a new area, or addition of a new UAV in
a group. Most of the existing software solutions are designed for planning one autonomous
UAV. On the other hand, drone group management software would use available UAVs
resources in the most efficient way (battery or fuel supplies, time resources, hardware/com-
puting resources of UAVs). In addition, quick distribution of tasks between the drones during
mission execution would reduce total time.
For effective management of resource allocation (incl. drones and their subsystems) it is
expedient to use scheduling systems. Nowadays these kinds of systems use the following
methods of complex problem solving:
• traditional methods of optimization and linear programming in the area of mixed real-
valued, integral-valued and logical variables, the improvement of precise methods of tasks
solving, such as ‘branch and bound’ methods, nonlinear programming methods, methods
of constraint programming [1];
© 2018 WIT Press,
ISSN: 1755-7437 (paper format), ISSN: 1755-7445 (online),
DOI: 10.2495/DNE-V13-N1-39-45
40 Prof. P. Skobelev, Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 13, No. 1 (2018)
Many scheduling systems are based on centralized and deterministic principles. However,
distributed coordination in networks of dynamic agents has attracted an interest of numerous
researchers in recent years. As shown in Refs. [4, 5], the multi-agent technology methods are
the most promising and appropriate for the resources allocation algorithm design. The fol-
lowing paper describes the practical experience of using multi-agent technology methods for
developing a system for UAVs group management. We describe task formulation for terrain
survey with UAVs group and decentralized multi-agent, multi-criteria task scheduling solu-
tion process. We also describe the results of the software and hardware implementation of the
system along with some experimental and real flights results.
Let us consider problem formulation with the following initial data:
• area for survey mission that is limited in size and may be identified by boundary points
•• topography information about the area (terrain heights);
•• collection of available UAVs, which may be included in a group;
• technical specification of UAVs and equipment - ranges of available speeds and altitudes,
battery capacity, charging time, camera information.
One of the main features of proposed UAVs group management approach is the ability of
UAVs to communicate over the wireless network. In addition, each UAV can fly in standalone
mode along the path trajectory identified by checkpoints, and each unit can ‘coordinate’
actions with other devices by sending and receiving data messages via wireless communica-
tion channels.
Ordinary methods are not always effective for solving complex multifactorial problems,
especially in high dynamics in distributed environment. One approach to solving the problem
of resource management involves the use of multi-agent technology (MAT).
As part of the multi-agent approach, each active entity type within a solved problem is
represented by a software ‘agent’, formalizing the logic and needs of the entity. All UAVs
have on board a separate single-board computer with MAT software, so UAVs can share
information wirelessly. Scheduling in this case is a process of negotiation between these
agents in order to determine the compromise resulting plan.
For UAV group management we introduce the concept of observation square. The survey-
ing area is divided into a finite amount of observation squares according to characteristics of
the UAVs and their equipment. For example, for the UAV with camera sensor width 4.55 mm,
the focal length 3.61 mm, the flight height 119 m (FAA restricts flights for small UAVs above
400 feet altitude), the image width and height 4000 and 3000 pixel, respectively, we expect
ground sampling distance (GSD) of 3.75 cm/pixel and image footprint on the ground 150 m.
Therefore, for the area of 32 x 32 observation squares we expect the total area of 23.04 square
kilometers. Thus, there is a survey mission with 1024 sub-tasks for available amount of
Each observation square is associated with its sub-task to perform. Each sub-task has a
timestamp of UAV flight and its format is hh:mm:ss. The timestamp is renewed at the next
UAV flight over the observation square. Considering these facts, UAVs agents can track how
long the square was without supervision. It is important for the patrolling mission planning.
After operator sets mission parameters (sets the boundary points of observation area,
selects a mission type, for example, ‘single flight over area’ and determines the UAVs
in-group), all sub-tasks become available for scheduling and are transmitted to UAVs match-
ing mechanism. This mechanism is responsible for the initial distribution of individual
sub-tasks (observation squares) between individual UAVs of group. In fact, the mechanism
realizes clustering to aggregate observations squares.
After the initial clustering each UAV agent receives its individual area within the corre-
sponding cluster, that is, some set of observations squares, in which the agent has to build a
flight path to perform UAV area supervision.
The process of flight path calculation is performed by UAV agent. UAV agent analyzes the
list of available sub-tasks and evaluates alternatives sets of paths based on the set of planning
criteria. Final list of planning criteria is primarily determined by the type of the mission.
Authors consider that it is important to build such multi-agent scheduling algorithms that
UAVs have the least possible number of turns and backward turns. To solve this issue by
analogy with the method proposed in [6] for generating a path for a single UAV, we propose
an algorithm modification for UAVs group.
During the planning process and performance of in-flight sub-tasks each UAV can reallo-
cate sub-tasks according to agent key performance indicators. This approach allows
controlling sub-tasks distribution and balancing in real time, and unlike similar methods of
path forming [6–9], it is originally designed to increase total system performance, resources
utilization and reduce execution time. Agent key performance indicators (KPI) are applied to
evaluate and compare different options of sub-tasks distribution based on criteria of UAV
agent satisfaction. For prototype system two criteria have been chosen to calculate the agent
42 Prof. P. Skobelev, Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 13, No. 1 (2018)
The overall system satisfaction at a certain stage of work is defined as the sum of all UAVs
agents satisfaction on the criterion of area observability and on the criterion of total UAVs
path distance considering criteria weights (sum of the weights is always equal to 1).
KPI system = k area observ. *∑KPI i area observ. + k path dist . ∑KPI i path dist. (1)
i =1 i =1
During coordination of the flight plan in the group, each UAV provides a set of possible
options for changing position. Each of these options is characterized by satisfaction indica-
tors for UAV (observability and path distance). The overall system satisfaction at a particular
planning stage is defined as the sum of KPIs of all agents, considering criteria weights. The
higher the total KPI of the system, the better the quality of solution in the context of the
selected criteria.
Thus, the total flight plan is a set of options for all devices of a group, one approved option
from the list of alternative options for each UAV, which maximizes KPI of the system.
Realized dynamic scheduling mechanism provides adaptive relocating of individual obser-
vation squares between UAVs in the group to minimize difference between completion times
between different UAV devices.
A process of sub-squares relocating between two UAVs is performed as follows:
Thus, adaptive balancing mechanism ensures that the mission is performed in the shortest
time even in cases of UAVs various performance and unplanned events.
P. Skobelev, Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 13, No. 1 (2018) 43
Authors have completed a series of experiments to research the system performance. The
input data contained survey area, collection of available UAVs (software-hardware simula-
tions with PX4 flight controller boards). The total amount of observation squares was 1024.
The main purpose of experiments was to evaluate effectiveness of sub-tasks distribution by
UAVs of the group, assess formed UAV flight plan, estimate time required for planning and
preparing flight plans, and assess systems reaction to tasks changing during planning. During
tests, we launched scheduling process for different amount of UAVs in group and measured
parameters of system performance. Results of experiments are shown in Table 1.
• Firstly, total time spent on tasks performing directly depends on the number of observation
squares in the flight mission and the number of UAVs devices involved in the planning pro-
cess. With the same number of squares the more devices are involved in the planning pro-
cess, the faster the system can issue a total flight plan. This is explained by the distributed
nature of planning mechanism, which allows use of all resources of computing devices
in the planning process, which reduces the time for preparing the final total flight plan.
Scheduling for a single-working UAV may take longer than for united group of devices,
since all subtasks have to be consistently rated by one device.
•• Secondly, the greater the number of UAVs involved in mission, the less time is required
to perform all tasks of the total flight plan. This is easily explained by the fact that each of
UAVs works in its responsibility area concomitantly coordinating work plans and levelling
load with all UAVs from a group using the load balancing mechanism that reduces the total
time of full mission execution.
• Thirdly, the system reaction time to changes in environment is less when a smaller number
of UAVs is affected by this change, because coordinating all changes requires negotiation
between all agents affected by these changes.
Also overall efficiency of the system is characterized by the indicator of total KPI of the sys-
tem which in turn is determined by satisfaction level of each UAV agent. Generally, the KPI
value for a single-working UAV will be higher than the overall KPI value for a group of
coordinated devices which are forced to compete and negotiate, by compromising. In other
words, KPI index is only a signal about necessity of plan optimization during system perfor-
mance and these indicators only can be compared with similar indicators of similar UAVs
groups, for example, similar UAVs types and number of devices.
Multi-agent planning methods provide the ability to manage a group of UAVs and moni-
tor and adjust performance of the group through agent key performance indicators and
Software systems for management and control of robotic devices including united UAVs
groups are actively developed at the present time [10, 11]. A promising direction for develop-
ing such systems is extending their functionality by developing technical solutions using
methods and tools of coordinated planning of actions in groups of robotic devices performing
common tasks. Furthermore, for successful using of such systems, their functionality should
allow for adjustment of formed execution plan in changing environment, including respond
ability to un-foreseen situations through relocating subtasks between individual devices of
group. In case of changes in the environment, their functionality must allow for adjustments
of the executable plan.
According to the authors, distributed planning via interactions between UAVs has impor-
tant advantages over centralized planning. Here is just a small number of these advantages:
When you create a new hardware systems designed to solve problems of group control, the
most expensive stage is software development [12]. Versatility of proposed methods and their
independence from the context of the problem will reduce the time for deployment of new
hardware systems and reduce costs of their creating by minimizing development time of
software solutions. Thus, software and hardware complexes of the new generation are com-
posed of various models and types of UAVs capable to interact and work together and may
be designed and implemented in the shortest time. Multi-agent scheduling technology is
applicable to a wide variety of practical tasks in various areas of economy and industry
including UAVs group management in real time.
P. Skobelev, Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 13, No. 1 (2018) 45
This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project number 16-01-
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