AD 5 Research
AD 5 Research
AD 5 Research
A Research Paper
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Ivy F. Medenilla
BS Architecture 31E1
Design Problem 3
Design Objectives 3
Design Consideration 3
Building Technology 4
Buildinng Utillities 6
Building Materials 8
Flooring Materials 8
Walling Materials 9
Ceiling Materials 9
Related Literature 11
Laws 11
National Building Code of the Philippines 12
BP 344 (Accessibility Law) 12
PD 957 13
Conceptual 14
Design Problem
To construct a high rise open market condominium that will offer several benefits for
well-being and access to on-site amenities, providing opportunities to become home to
both local and foreign citizen.
Design Objectives
To create a welcoming, home-vibe, and relaxing environment for unit owners.
To have a unique and aesthetic feel that will comfort the eye of the users.
To be able to design that will serve as one of the landmark of the city.
Design Consideration
⌂ Accesibility
⌂ Circulation
⌂ Safety
⌂ Sustainability
⌂ Natural Light and Ventilation
⌂ Comfort
Noise Insulation
Sound insulation bats will also provide a level of thermal performance for better
temperature regulation inside the home. Check the R-Value of the product to
determine how well it resists the transfer of heat.
Smart Locks
Smart locks are internet connected electronic devices that allow key less
unlocking of doors through mobile apps, voice commands, or biometric credentials.
They operate on WiFi networks. Smart locks also enable residents to release doors
remotely to let in guests or deliveries.
Apartment smart locks can work as a stand-alone door lock, but in smart
apartment buildings, locks are connected to the building’s security system. Modern
cloud-based access control systems can integrate with most smart locks. They
provide easy centralized management and a white-glove occupant experience along
with added security and great aesthetics.
Smart buildings and homes use water sensors to detect a leak the moment it
happens. These sensors are inexpensive IoT devices that you can install where a leak
is most likely to happen, such as bathrooms. When installed, leak detectors protect a
home from water damage and the risk of electric shock.
Some water sensors can sense the presence of moisture while others monitor
the water flow through ultrasound or through a mechanical turbine. They alert the
users when a leak is detected. Some of them can also cut off the water supply to the
location of the leak.
EV Chargers
Many smart buildings generate their own solar power. This clean electricity can
be used either to offset the building’s grid requirements or to set up EV charging docks
in the building’s parking area. EV sales have grown 62% in the first half of 2022
compared to H1 2021. Many of your tenants already have EVs, so EV chargers can
be an important differentiator for your building. Companies
like EverCharge and Zaptec are fast integrating EV charging into smart apartment
Parcel management
The spike in e-commerce has familiarized condo managers with how a deluge
of parcels in a lobby can cause chaos within the condo community. A parcel
management plan can mitigate issues and disputes among residents that can quickly
take up much of a property manager’s day.
A keypad system that allows couriers to insert packages into a locker that
requires a code can also provide a solution. However, getting all couriers to adopt this
system can be challenging. Posting signage at the front door and within the main
entrance in the courier’s anticipated line of site can help ensure more couriers follow
the process.
Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
When sunlight is directly converted into electricity using solar cells, the process
is referred to as photovoltaic (PV). Photovoltaic cells, also referred to as solar cells,
are constructed from semiconductor materials, most commonly silicon, which can
absorb photons from sunlight and produce an electric current.
In order to maximize the amount of space available for solar energy collection,
PV systems can be installed on rooftops, canopies, or open fields. PV systems can
generate clean, renewable electricity that can be used to power a variety of farming
operations, including irrigation systems, equipment,
and lighting. This reduces dependence on conventional energy sources, lowers
operating costs, and promotes environmental sustainability
Mechanical Room
A mechanical room, boiler room, plant room or technical room is a room or
space in a building dedicated to the mechanical equipment and its associated
electrical equipment, as opposed to rooms intended for human occupancy or storage.
Unless a building is served by a centralized heating plant, the size of the mechanical
room is usually proportional to the size of the building. A small building or home may
have at most a utility room but in larger buildings, mechanical rooms can be of
considerable size, often requiring multiple rooms throughout the building, or even
occupying one or more complete floors or mechanical floor.
Electrical Room
An electrical room is a room or space in a building dedicated to electrical
equipment. Its size is usually proportional to the size of the building; large buildings
may have a main electrical room and subsidiary electrical rooms. Electrical equipment
may be for power distribution equipment, or for communications equipment.
▫ Transformers
▫ Busbars
▫ Electricity meters
▫ Backup batteries in a Battery room
▫ Fire alarm control panels
▫ Distribution frames
Plumbing System
Condos have potable water and drain pipes. The potable water pipes are
pressurized and carry clean water from the city’s municipal water system to your
water-using fixtures, including sinks, washers, dishwashers, showers, toilets and
bathtubs. The drainage system funnels wastewater from your water-using appliances
into the sewer pipe and onto the city’s wastewater treatment plant. It’s important to
note that these two systems are completely separate because clean water should
never come into contact with wastewater. In fact, condos are required to have
backflow valves and other safety features in their plumbing systems to prevent
accidental contamination of clean, potable water with wastewater or water treated with
chemicals, like the chemicals used in swimming pools and hot tubs.
Septic Tank
A septic tank is an underwater sedimentation tank that treats wastewater from
household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry, through
biological decomposition and drainage. Simply put, a septic tank system is an
underground watertight container made of fibreglass, plastic or concrete and is usually
rectangular or round.
Water Tank
Apartment water tanks are used for storage of water used for drinking as well
as for managing regular household activities for the entire complex. Therefore, proper
maintenance of water tanks for retaining best quality of water is an integral part of
apartment’s health and safety issue.
that trash should not build up in a condo suite where it can attract pests or become a
health hazard.
An AHU (Air Handling Unit) is a device that conditions and distributes air
throughout a building. It takes fresh air from outside and then has the ability to treat it
in a number of ways:
▫ Clean it
▫ Heat it
▫ Cool it
▫ Humidify it
▫ Dehumidify it
Flooring Materials:
Natural Wood
Natural Wood is wear-resistant, long lasting, provides a warm natural look
which may darken with age but can be refinished or retouched as your needs change.
However, it is vulnerable to water, damp and moisture while softer woods, such as
pine, may dent easily and are difficult to repair.
Engineered Wood
Engineered wood is a composite material formed by binding strands, particles,
fibers or veneers, or thin wood boards together with adhesives to make a range of
products such as plywood, fiberboard, and so on.
Tiles is a thin slab or bent piece of baked clay, sometimes painted or glazed,
used for various purposes. Tiles are a durable, hard wearing, long lasting, water and
stain resistant material. It is selected from a wide range of colors, textures, and
shapes. • Carpet – A thick, heavy fabric of wool, cotton, or synthetic fibers used for
covering a floor, stairs, and other room or area in the house. Carpet is a soft, quiet and
warm underfoot. Stone – Stone is the most durable of all floor materials (Some
varieties, such as marble and limestone, absorb stains and dirt). It is a timeless and
classic design choice which can add a beautiful and natural aesthetic to a space.
Wall Materials:
Green Wall
A vertical structure that is partially or entirely covered with greenery is referred
to as a green wall, living wall, or vertical garden. It is intended to introduce vegetation
into urban areas and is frequently used to improve the aesthetic appeal of buildings,
the quality of the air, and other environmental benefits.
Plants that are grown vertically on a wall or facade, such as a trellis or modular
panel system, are referred to as "green walls”. These plants can be chosen based on
their aesthetics, compatibility with the environment, and potential advantages for the
agricultural business.
Glass Wall
Architectural glass is used as a building material. It is most typically used as
transparent glazing material in the building envelope, including windows in the
external walls.
Wallpaper is a thick decorative paper applied to walls with glue. Usually comes
with printed decorative patterns in color, for pasting on and covering the walls,
hallways, and ceiling of rooms.
Wood Cladding
Wood Cladding is a multi-faceted process that involves covering the exteriors of
any building or structure with a layer of premium materials that provide thermal
insulation and protection against the harsh environmental conditions. Very often this
exterior surface also controls how elements hit or fall on a surface.
Ceiling Materials:
Wooden Ceiling
Wooden ceiling boards usually look classic and natural. They can be used for
both interior and exterior purposes. Wood ceilings usually consist of wood panels and
it have many different characteristics.
Gypsum ceiling boards come in many different patterns. They are light and
easy to install without revealing the seams. They are suitable for interior purposes
such as in the living room or bedroom. They are made from compressed gypsum
powder covered with paper
Vinyl ceiling boards are light, resistant to water and moisture. They also do not
swell or bend easily, and you do not need to paint before using it.
Drywall is one of the more commonly used finishing materials for ceilings. It’s
also widely used in interior walls. It may be made only of gypsum that’s covered with
paper. The drywall ceiling is also usually textured for audio purposes. Some of the
common textures for drywall ceiling are orange peel, splatter, and popcorn.
National Building Code of the Philippines
SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings
(h) Stairs Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters in clear width, with a rise of
200 millimeters and a minimum run of 200 millimeters.
(i) Entrance and Exit There shall be at least one entrance and another one for
(c) Fences. Fences shall be built of an approved material, not less than 2.40 meters in
height above grade, and be placed on the side of the walkway nearest to the building
site. Fences shall enclose entirely the building site. Openings in such fences shall be
provided with doors which shall be kept closed at all times.
(d) Canopies. The protective canopy shall have a clear height of 2.40 meters above
the railway, and shall be structurally safe. Every canopy shall have a solid fence built
along its entire length on the construction side. If materials are stored or work is done
on top of the canopy, the edge along the street shall be protected by a tight curb board
not less than 300 millimeters high and a 28 railing not less than 1.00 meter high shall
be provided. The entire structure shall be designed to carry the loads imposed upon it:
Provided, that the live load shall be not less than 600 kilograms per square meter.
1. Accessible Entrances 1.1 Entrances shall be accessible from arrival and departure
points to the interior lobby.
1.2 One (1) entrance levels should be provided where elevators are accessible.
1.3 In case entrances are not on the same level of the site arrival grade, accessible
ramps should be provided as access to the entrance level.
1.4 Entrances with vestibules shall be provided with a level area with at least a 1.80 m.
depth and a 1.50 m. width.
1.6 Accessible entrance/exit of a building shall be provided with large overhanging
roof (canopy) to protect PWDs as well as non-PWDs from rain.
2.1 All doors shall have a minimum clear width of 900 mm.
2.2 Clear openings shall be measured from the face of a fully open door at 90 degrees
and the door jamb
PD 957
C. Design parameters
1. Space location
a. Parks/Playground and/or Other Recreational Areas
a.4 Parks/playground shall be properly landscaped to accommodate both active
passive activities.
a.5 Parks/playground may be accommodated in the yard/s provided such yards
are adequate and usable as park.
a.6 Other facilities (optional) such as tennis courts, swimming pool, etc. may be
integrated with the park/playground.
c. Access Roads
Roads shall serve every building, parking space, park/playground and service
points (e.g. garbage collection points). Minimum roads or right-of-way shall be 8
meters, 6 meters thereof shall be the carriageway and the remaining 2 meters shall
be developed as sidewalk/planting strip.
Path walks shall be provided for pedestrian circulation with a minimum width of
1.2 meters.
c.2 Pavement
All roads (major, minor, motor court) for both residential and commercial
condominium projects shall be paved with concrete/asphalt.
a.2 The same shall be provided with common basic facilities such as
laundry/drying area and support amenities such as visitor's lounge and
dining area.
The proposed design will be divided into two buildings, seperating the convenience
stores, restaurants, and rentable spaces between the tower. The tower will be
consumed by 3 podium and the rest floor will be the condominium unit. By these, the
traffic between public and priivate will be eliminated.