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Topic:- CompOp_MainExam_Set1_GK
[Question ID = 327301]
Correct Answer :-
Prime Minister / धानमं ी [Option ID = 1252935]
[Question ID = 327302]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
2. NIA [Option ID = 1252939]
3. CBI [Option ID = 1252940]
4. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1252941]
Correct Answer :-
NCRB [Option ID = 1252938]
Correct Answer :-
USA [Option ID = 1252942]
The Hill Station “Kalimpong” is in the state of:-
Correct Answer :-
West Bengal / पि म-बंगाल [Option ID = 1252947]
1. 78 [Option ID = 1252950]
2. 100 [Option ID = 1252951]
3. 65 [Option ID = 1252952]
4. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1252953]
Correct Answer :-
78 [Option ID = 1252950]
6) Which city in India will have the first Rail Auto hub?
[Question ID = 327306]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
3. Guwahati / गुवाहाटी [Option ID = 1252956]
4. Varanasi / बनारस [Option ID = 1252957]
Correct Answer :-
Chennai / चे ई [Option ID = 1252955]
7) How many types of emergency have been mentioned in the consititution of India?
[Question ID = 327307]
Correct Answer :-
Three / तीन [Option ID = 1252961]
8) Sudirman cup is related to which sports?
Correct Answer :-
Badminton / बेडिम न [Option ID = 1252962]
9) Prime Minister Modi announced the demonitization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 on ____________.
धानमं ी मोदी ने 500 तथा 1000 के नोट के िवमु ीकरण की घोषणा ___________को की|
[Question ID = 327309]
Correct Answer :-
8th November 2016 / 8 नवंबर 2016 [Option ID = 1252966]
[Question ID = 327310]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
1. 2nd October / 2 अ ू बर [Option ID = 1252970]
2. 5th October / 5 अ ू बर [Option ID = 1252971]
3. 12th December /12 िदस र [Option ID = 1252972]
4. 15th August / 15 अग [Option ID = 1252973]
Correct Answer :-
2nd October / 2 अ ू बर [Option ID = 1252970]
[Question ID = 327311]
[Question ID = 327312]
Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1252981]
13) As per the recent data, the most populous country in the world is:-
[Question ID = 327313]
Correct Answer :-
China / चीन [Option ID = 1252983]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
14) Illegal copying and distribution of software is called:-
[Question ID = 327314]
Correct Answer :-
Software piracy / सॉ वेयर पाईरे सी [Option ID = 1252989]
[Question ID = 327315]
1. Rig Veda / ऋ ेद [Option ID = 1252990]
2. Sama Veda / सामवेद [Option ID = 1252991]
3. Yajur Veda / यजुवद [Option ID = 1252992]
4. Atharva Veda / अथववेद [Option ID = 1252993]
Correct Answer :-
Sama Veda / सामवेद [Option ID = 1252991]
16) The women's Football team who won the gold medal at the Rio Olympics 2016, represents
which country?
रयो ओलंिपक 2016 म ण पदक जीतने वाली मिहला फुटबाल टीम, िकस दे श का ितिनिध करती है ?
[Question ID = 327316]
Correct Answer :-
Germany / जमनी [Option ID = 1252994]
17) Under whose leadership in India was the Indus water treaty signed in 1960?
[Question ID = 327317]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
3. Indira Gandhi / इं िदरा गां धी [Option ID = 1253000]
4. None of these / इनमे से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1253001]
Correct Answer :-
Jawaharlal Nehru / जवाहरलाल नेह [Option ID = 1252998]
18) In which year was the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights adopted?
[Question ID = 327318]
Correct Answer :-
10th December 1948 / 10 िदस र 1948 [Option ID = 1253002]
19) The Human Rights Commission meets for six weeks in this city every year:-
Correct Answer :-
Geneva / िजनेवा [Option ID = 1253006]
20) From which country was the idea of the Fundamental Right In India Adopted?
[Question ID = 327320]
Correct Answer :-
America / अमे रका [Option ID = 1253012]
Correct Answer :-
Sakshi Malik – Weight Lifting / सा ी मिलक - भार ोलन [Option ID = 1253017]
22) Which was the first Indian News Paper to offer an online edition?
कौन-सा भारतीय समाचार-प का सबसे पहले ऑनलाइन सं रण उपल आ था? [Question ID = 327322]
Correct Answer :-
The Hindu / द िह दू [Option ID = 1253020]
Correct Answer :-
Purushpur / पु षपुर [Option ID = 1253022]
24) Operation ‘Sankat Mochan’ was carried out by Union Government to evacuate Indian citizens
stranded in __________.
संघ सरकार ारा ______________ फंसे ए भारतीय नाग रकों को िनकालने के िलये ऑपरे शन ‘संकट मोचन’ चलाया
गया| [Question ID = 327324]
Correct Answer :-
South Sudan / दि णी सूडान म [Option ID = 1253026]
[Question ID = 327325]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
3. Narsimhavarman / नरिसंहवमन [Option ID = 1253032]
4. Akbar / अकबर [Option ID = 1253033]
Correct Answer :-
Harshvardhan / हषवधन [Option ID = 1253030]
[Question ID = 327326]
Correct Answer :-
Siesmograph / िस ो ाफ [Option ID = 1253034]
27) Which is the tallest peak in the Himalayan mountain range?
Correct Answer :-
Mt Everest / माउं ट एवरे [Option ID = 1253039]
28) Paul Betty won “2016 man booker prize” for his novel:-
पोल बे ी ने अपने िकस उप ास के िलये ”2016 मैन बूकर पुर ार“ जीता? [Question ID = 327328]
Correct Answer :-
The Sell Out / द सेल आउट [Option ID = 1253043]
29) Total number of articles in the Universal Declaration of Human rights are ___________.
1. 20 [Option ID = 1253046]
2. 30 [Option ID = 1253047]
3. 15 [Option ID = 1253048]
4. 24 [Option ID = 1253049]
Correct Answer :-
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
30 [Option ID = 1253047]
30) What is the minimum Age criteria for contesting for Presidentship in India?
[Question ID = 327330]
Correct Answer :-
35 years / 35 साल [Option ID = 1253050]
Correct Answer :-
China / चीन [Option ID = 1253056]
[Question ID = 327332]
Correct Answer :-
WC Banerjee / ड ू सी बनज [Option ID = 1253060]
[Question ID = 327333]
Correct Answer :-
Uttar Pradesh / उ र दे श [Option ID = 1253063]
34) As per Indus Water treaty, control over which three rivers were given to Pakistan?
[Question ID = 327334]
1. Ravi, Jhelum and Sutlej / रावी, झेलम एवं सतलुज [Option ID = 1253066]
2. Ravi, Beas and Sutlej / रावी, ास एवं सतलुज [Option ID = 1253067]
3. Indus, Jhelum and Chenab / िस ु, झेलम एवं िचनाब [Option ID = 1253068]
4. Indus, Jhelum and Sutlej / िस ु, झेलम एवं सतलुज [Option ID = 1253069]
Correct Answer :-
Indus, Jhelum and Chenab / िस ु, झेलम एवं िचनाब [Option ID = 1253068]
35) The judicature of Guwahati High Court covers which state/states?
गुवाहाटी उ ायालय के महकमे म िकस/िकन रा /रा ों को शािमल िकया गया है ? [Question ID = 327335]
Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1253073]
चीन की मु ा का नाम है :-
[Question ID = 327336]
Correct Answer :-
Yuan / यूवान [Option ID = 1253075]
37) What was the place of India in world happiness index 2016?
Correct Answer :-
118 [Option ID = 1253078]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka / कनाटक [Option ID = 1253084]
Who is responsible for the excavation of the Harappan site?
[Question ID = 327339]
Correct Answer :-
Daya Ram Sahni / दया राम साहनी [Option ID = 1253086]
Correct Answer :-
Sikkim and Bhutan / िस म एवं भूटान [Option ID = 1253090]
Topic:- CompOp_MainExam_Set1_MAR
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
1, 6, 13, 22, __ [Question ID = 327483]
1. 32 [Option ID = 1253663]
2. 33 [Option ID = 1253664]
3. 31 [Option ID = 1253665]
4. 35 [Option ID = 1253666]
Correct Answer :-
33 [Option ID = 1253664]
[Question ID = 327484]
1. [Option ID = 1253667]
2. [Option ID = 1253668]
3. [Option ID = 1253669]
4. [Option ID = 1253670]
Correct Answer :-
[Option ID = 1253669]
Correct Answer :-
Composer / संगीतकार [Option ID = 1253673]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
4) An alphabet series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given
ones that will complete the series.
एक वणमाला ृंखला दी गई है िजसम एक पद लु है । िदए गए िवक ों म से सही िवक चुन, जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा|
Correct Answer :-
QPO [Option ID = 1253675]
Correct Answer :-
rAtS [Option ID = 1253680]
6) Pointing a photograph, A said to his friend B, "She is the only daughter of the father of my
mother." How is A related to the person in the photograph?
एक त ीर की ओर इशारा करते ए, ए ने अपने दो बी से कहा, "वह मेरी माता जी के िपताजी की इकलौती बेटी है ।" आप
यह बताइए िक ए का उस लड़की से ा संबंध है ? [Question ID = 327488]
Correct Answer :-
Son / पु [Option ID = 1253683]
7) Seema is taller than Neeta. Anjana is taller than Seema. Sejal is taller than Anjana. Shefali is the
tallest. If they are arranged according to their heights who will be in the shortest?
सीमा नीता से ल ी है । अंजना सीमा से ल ी है । सेजल अंजना से ल ी है । शेफाली सबसे ल ी है । यिद इनको इनकी ल ाई
के आधार पर व थत कर तो कौन सबसे छोटा होगा? [Question ID = 327489]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Correct Answer :-
Neeta / नीता [Option ID = 1253687]
D_ S _ U _ B [Question ID = 327490]
Correct Answer :-
ITR [Option ID = 1253693]
Correct Answer :-
415624 [Option ID = 1253697]
10) Mr. Loo lost his wife recently. He has a 10 year old child, Lee. Mr. Loo was remarried to Ms.
Gomes who is 25 years old and 12 years younger to him. What was the age of Mr. Loo at the time of
Lee's birth?
[Question ID = 327492]
1. 27 [Option ID = 1253699]
2. 37 [Option ID = 1253700]
3. 17 [Option ID = 1253701]
4. 47 [Option ID = 1253702]
Correct Answer :-
27 [Option ID = 1253699]
11) The question is based on the following letter/ number/ symbol arrangement. Study it carefully
and answer the question.
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Which element will be the mid-way element between the 8th letter from the right and 3rd letter from
the left side of the given series?
यह िन िल खत अ र / सं ा / िच व था पर आधा रत है । इसे ान से दे ख और का उ र द।
[Question ID = 327493]
1. 4 [Option ID = 1253703]
2. % [Option ID = 1253704]
3. I [Option ID = 1253705]
4. Cannot be determined / िनधा रत नहीं कर सकते [Option ID = 1253706]
Correct Answer :-
4 [Option ID = 1253703]
12) Given below are the jumbled letters of a word and their corresponding numbers. Select the
combination of numbers that makes a meaningful word.
[Question ID = 327494]
Correct Answer :-
516482973 [Option ID = 1253707]
13) Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
1. MT [Option ID = 1253711]
2. NT [Option ID = 1253712]
3. AI [Option ID = 1253713]
4. PX [Option ID = 1253714]
Correct Answer :-
NT [Option ID = 1253712]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
14) What least number must be added to 1023, so that the sum is completely divisible by 23?
1023 म ा ूनतम सं ा जोड़ दी जानी चािहए, तािक योग पूरी तरह से 23 से िवभा हो? [Question ID = 327496]
1. 10 [Option ID = 1253715]
2. 11 [Option ID = 1253716]
3. 12 [Option ID = 1253717]
4. 13 [Option ID = 1253718]
Correct Answer :-
12 [Option ID = 1253717]
15) Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and
II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak'
Give answer:
I. Student Union creates a political atmosphere in the campus and it is helpul to develop the
leadership quality.
II. Students can become future political leaders
जवाब द|
ए) केवल तक I मज़बूत है
बी) I और II दोनों मज़बूत ह
सी) केवल तक II मज़बूत है
डी) I और II दोनों म से कोई एक मज़बूत है
I. छा संघ प रसर म एक राजनीितक माहौल बनाता है और यह नेतृ की गुणव ा को िवकिसत करने के िलए मददगार है ।
II. छा भिव के राजनीितक नेता बन सकते ह
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 327497]
1. A / ए [Option ID = 1253719]
2. B / बी [Option ID = 1253720]
3. C / सी [Option ID = 1253721]
4. D / डी [Option ID = 1253722]
Correct Answer :-
B / बी [Option ID = 1253720]
16) A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A's son is D's brother. How is B related to C?
Correct Answer :-
Uncle / अंकल [Option ID = 1253726]
17) If the product of 4856 x 91P is divisible by 12, where 91P is a 3 digit number, then what is the
least value of P?
यिद 4856 x 91P का गुणनफल 12 से िवभा है , जहां 91P एक 3 अंकों की सं ा है , तो P का ूनतम मान ा है ?
[Question ID = 327499]
1. 5 [Option ID = 1253727]
2. 4 [Option ID = 1253728]
3. 3 [Option ID = 1253729]
4. 2 [Option ID = 1253730]
Correct Answer :-
2 [Option ID = 1253730]
18) Replace the question marks(?) with the correct option in order to comple the given analogy.
Crime : Murder :: ? : ?
Correct Answer :-
Poem : Sonnet / किवता: गीत [Option ID = 1253744]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
19) A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards North-east. In which
direction does its hour hand point at 1:30 p.m.?
एक घड़ी को इस कार रखा गया है िक दोपहर के 12 बजे इसकी िमनट की सुई का िसरा उ र-पूव की ओर होता है । दोपहर
के डे ढ़ बजे इसकी घंटे की सुई का िसरा िकस िदशा की ओर होगा? [Question ID = 327504]
Correct Answer :-
East / पूव [Option ID = 1253749]
Find the odd one out from the given figures. Figures have been alloted numbers 1 to 5 respectively
starting from left to right.
दी ई आकृितयों म से िभ का चुनाव कर| बाएं से दाय ओर की आकृितयों को मशः 1 से 5 तक की सं ाएँ दान की गयी
[Question ID = 327505]
1. 1 [Option ID = 1253751]
2. 2 [Option ID = 1253752]
3. 4 [Option ID = 1253753]
4. 3 [Option ID = 1253754]
Correct Answer :-
3 [Option ID = 1253754]
Select three out of five alternatives given below which when combined form a complete square.
नीचे िदए गए पांच िवक ों म से तीन ऐसे िवक चुन जो िमलकर एक वग का िनमाण करते है |
[Question ID = 327506]
Correct Answer :-
125 [Option ID = 1253758]
If the above statements are true then which of the following statement must also be true?
I. कम से कम एक बॉल लाल है |
II. दो बॉल फुटबॉल है |
III. फुटबॉल का रं ग नीला है l
[Question ID = 327507]
Correct Answer :-
II only / केवल II [Option ID = 1253760]
23) There should be a change in criminal justice system. If it allows victims, the opportunity to
confront the person who has harmed them, the system could be more justified. For the harm they
have done mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to
आपरािधक ाय व था म प रवतन होना चािहए l यिद पीिड़तों को इस बात का अवसर िदया जाये िक वे उन लोगों का
मुकाबला कर सक िज ोंने उ नुकसान प ँ चाया है , तो व था और भी ायसंगत हो सकती है l उस नुकसान के िलए जो
उ ोंने िकया है पीिड़त तथा अपराधी के म म थता दोषी को मा मांगने के िलए एक मौका दान कर सकता है l
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 327508]
1. They have right to confront their offenders / दोिषयों का मुकाबला करने का उ अिधकार है [Option ID = 1253763]
2. Learn how to meditate / सीखना िक म थता कैसे की जाती है [Option ID = 1253764]
3. Offenders must be punished by insistence / दोिषयों को जबरद ी सजा दी जानी चािहए [Option ID = 1253765]
4. Learn to pardon the offenders / दोिषयों को मा दे ना सीखना [Option ID = 1253766]
Correct Answer :-
They have right to confront their offenders / दोिषयों का मुकाबला करने का उ अिधकार है [Option ID =
24) If ROAST is coded as PQYUR in a certain language, then how SLOPPY be coded in that
यिद िकसी भाषा म ROAST को संकेत-िलिप म PQYUR िलखा जाता है , तो इस भाषा म SLOPPY के िलए ा िलखा
जाएगा? [Question ID = 327509]
25) Find the odd one out from the given figures. Figures have been alloted numbers 1 to 5
respectively starting from left to right.
दी ई आकृितयों म से िभ का चुनाव कर| बाएं से दाय ओर की आकृितयों को मशः 1 से 5 तक की सं ाएँ दान की गयी
[Question ID = 327510]
1. 4 [Option ID = 1253771]
2. 5 [Option ID = 1253772]
3. 1 [Option ID = 1253773]
4. 3 [Option ID = 1253774]
Correct Answer :-
4 [Option ID = 1253771]
26) Choose the correct mirror image of the given figure from amongst the four alternatives. Figures
have been alloted numbers 1 to 4 respectively starting from left to right.
िदए गए िच म से चार िवक ों म से सही दपण ितिब चुिनए| बाएं से दाय ओर की आकृितयों को मशः 1 से 4 तक की
सं ाएँ दान की गयी ह|
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 327511]
1. 1 [Option ID = 1253775]
2. 2 [Option ID = 1253776]
3. 3 [Option ID = 1253777]
4. 4 [Option ID = 1253778]
Correct Answer :-
4 [Option ID = 1253778]
27) Statement I: Many people have fallen sick after consuming food from a particular restaurant in
the locality.
Statement: II. There is a considerable decrease in the petty crimes in the locality.
कथन I: एक थान पर थत िकसी खास रे रां म भोजन करने से कई लोग बीमार पड़ गए|
कथन II: थानीय इलाके पर छोटे मोटे अपराध म मह पूण कटौती दे खी गयी है |
[Question ID = 327512]
1. Statement I is the cause and Statement II is the effect. / कथन l कारण है तथा कथन ll प रणाम है | [Option ID =
2. Statement II is the cause and Statement I is the effect. / कथन ll कारण है तथा कथन l प रणाम है | [Option ID =
3. Both Statement I and Statement II are effects of some common cause. / दोनों कथन l तथा ll एक सामा कारण के
प रणाम ह| [Option ID = 1253781]
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are effects of independent cause. / कथन I एवं कथन II िकसी तं कारण के
प रणाम है | [Option ID = 1253782]
Correct Answer :-
Both Statement I and Statement II are effects of independent cause. / कथन I एवं कथन II िकसी तं कारण के
प रणाम है | [Option ID = 1253782]
28) Pointing to a girl Rohit says, “She is the daughter of the only son of my mother”. How is the girl
related to the Rohit?
एक लड़की की तरफ इशारा करते ए रोिहत न कहा, "वह मेरी माँ के एकलौते बेटे की बेटी है l " उस लड़की का रोिहत से ा
स है | [Question ID = 327513]
Correct Answer :-
Daughter / बेटी [Option ID = 1253783]
29) Murari walked 40 km towards North, took a left turn and walked 20 m. He again took a left turn
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
and walked for 40 km. How far and in which direction is he from the starting point?
मुरारी उ र की ओर 40 िकलोमीटर चलता है और वहां से बाएं मुड़कर 20 मीटर चलता है । वह िफर बाएं मुड़कर 40 िकमी
चलता है । अब वह अपने आरं िभक थान से िकतनी दू र और िकस िदशा म है ? [Question ID = 327514]
Correct Answer :-
Question Discarded
30) In a row of girls, there are 16 girls between Priya and Natasha. Priya is thirty-second from the
left end of the row. If Priya is nearer than Natasha to the right end of the row, then how far away is
Natasha from the left end of the row?
Correct Answer :-
15th / 15वीं [Option ID = 1253793]
Correct Answer :-
35_66 [Option ID = 1253798]
2. 94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
I27 [Option ID = 1253799]
H27 [Option ID = 1253800]
3. I 20 [Option ID = 1253801]
4. I 30 [Option ID = 1253802]
Correct Answer :-
I27 [Option ID = 1253799]
33) In a queue, Shikhar is ninth from the back. Arun's place is eighth from the front. Nikhil is
standing between the two. What could be the minimum number of boys standing in the queue?
एक कतार म िशखर पीछे से नौवां है । अ ण का थान आगे से आठवाँ ह। िन खल उन दोनों के बीच म है । कतार म कम से
कम िकतने लड़के होने चािहए? [Question ID = 327518]
1. 8 [Option ID = 1253803]
2. 10 [Option ID = 1253804]
3. 12 [Option ID = 1253805]
4. None of these / इनमे से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1253806]
Correct Answer :-
10 [Option ID = 1253804]
34) The time by my watch is 10 minutes to 7, find the angle between the hour hand and the minute
मेरी घड़ी से समय 7 बजने म 10 िमनट का होता है । उस व घंटे की सुई और िमनट की सुई के बीच के कोण का पता कर।
[Question ID = 327519]
Correct Answer :-
95° [Option ID = 1253810]
35) A father tells his son,"I was of your present age when you were born." If the father is now 36
years of age, how old was the boy 5 years ago?
एक िपता ने अपने पु से कहा, "जब तु ारा ज आ तब म तु ारी वतमान उ का था।" यिद िपता की उ अभी 36 वष है ,
तो बेटे की उ 5 साल पहले िकतनी थी? [Question ID = 327520]
1. 13 [Option ID = 1253811]
2. 15 [Option ID = 1253812]
3. 17 [Option ID = 1253813]
4. None of these / इनमे से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1253814]
Correct Answer :-
13 [Option ID = 1253811]
36) If L stands for +, M stands for -, N stands for ×, P stands for ÷, then 6 N 8 L 21 P 3 M 4 = ?
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
यिद L का अथ + है , M का अथ - है , N का अथ × है , P का अथ ÷ है , तो 6 N 8 L 21 P 3 M 4 = ?
[Question ID = 327521]
1. 51 [Option ID = 1253815]
2. -51 [Option ID = 1253816]
3. 55 [Option ID = 1253817]
4. -54 [Option ID = 1253818]
Correct Answer :-
51 [Option ID = 1253815]
84 81 78 76 73 70 68 65
84 81 78 76 73 70 68 65
[Question ID = 327522]
Correct Answer :-
62 and 60 / 62 और 60 [Option ID = 1253820]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
क ा म कुल िकतने छा मौजूद ह?
[Question ID = 327529]
1. 40 [Option ID = 1253847]
2. 46 [Option ID = 1253848]
3. 45 [Option ID = 1253849]
4. 47 [Option ID = 1253850]
Correct Answer :-
46 [Option ID = 1253848]
How may students like Cats and Rabbits?
[Question ID = 327530]
1. 10 [Option ID = 1253851]
2. 6 [Option ID = 1253852]
3. 4 [Option ID = 1253853]
4. 2 [Option ID = 1253854]
Correct Answer :-
10 [Option ID = 1253851]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 327531]
Correct Answer :-
Rabbits / खरगोश [Option ID = 1253856]
Topic:- CompOp_MainExam_Set1_CS
[Question ID = 324253]
1. 1) Specify the problem completely and clearly / सम ा को पूरी तरह और प से िनिद करने म | [Option ID =
2. 2) Knows the capacity of the memory / ृित की मता को जानने म [Option ID = 1238071]
3. 3) Both (1) and (2) / (1) और (2) दोनों [Option ID = 1238072]
4. 4) None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1238073]
Correct Answer :-
1) Specify the problem completely and clearly / सम ा को पूरी तरह और प से िनिद करने म | [Option ID
= 1238070]
[Question ID = 324254]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Flow line / ो लाइन [Option ID = 1238074]
Rectangle / आयत [Option ID = 1238075]
3. Oval / ओ ल [Option ID = 1238076]
4. Diamond / डायमंड [Option ID = 1238077]
Correct Answer :-
Oval / ओ ल [Option ID = 1238076]
[Question ID = 324255]
Correct Answer :-
Flowchart / ो चाट [Option ID = 1238080]
[Question ID = 324256]
Correct Answer :-
Decision / िनणय [Option ID = 1238082]
[Question ID = 324257]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
2. Internet / इं टरनेट [Option ID = 1238087]
3. Application layer / ए केशन लेअर [Option ID = 1238088]
4. None of these / इनमे से कोई नहीं [Option ID = 1238089]
Correct Answer :-
Host –to –Host Layer / हो – टू - हो लेअर [Option ID = 1238086]
[Question ID = 324258]
Correct Answer :-
Layout of presentation handouts / ेजटे शन है आउट के लेआउट [Option ID = 1238090]
7) In MS-PowerPoint 2007, ___________ is a shortcut to start presentation from current slide.
[Question ID = 324259]
1. F5 [Option ID = 1238094]
2. ALT+F5 [Option ID = 1238095]
3. CTRL+F5 [Option ID = 1238096]
4. SHIFT+F5 [Option ID = 1238097]
Correct Answer :-
SHIFT+F5 [Option ID = 1238097]
जब वेबसाइट का नाम '.org' के साथ समा होता है , तब इसका ा मतलब है ? [Question ID = 324260]
Correct Answer :-
An organization site / ऑगनाइजेशन साइट [Option ID = 1238099]
___________ ू का योग MS- पावरपॉइं ट म ीकर नोट् स को स िलत करने के िलए िकया जाता है ।
[Question ID = 324261]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Outline / आउटलाइन [Option ID = 1238102]
Reading / रीिडं ग [Option ID = 1238103]
3. Slide Sorter / ाइड सॉटर [Option ID = 1238104]
4. Note page view / नोटपेज [Option ID = 1238105]
Correct Answer :-
Note page view / नोटपेज [Option ID = 1238105]
[Question ID = 324262]
Correct Answer :-
Top, Middle and Bottom / ऊपरी, म एवं िनचला [Option ID = 1238109]
[Question ID = 324263]
Correct Answer :-
Wide Area Network / वाईड ए रया नेटवक [Option ID = 1238112]
टच ीन एक __________ है ।
[Question ID = 324264]
Correct Answer :-
combination of both input and output device / इनपुट एवं आउटपुट यं का मेल [Option ID = 1238116]
Correct Answer :-
Binary Coded Decimal / बाइनरी कोडे ड डे िसमल [Option ID = 1238118]
एक िबट की जानकारी सं िहत करने की मता रखने वाले िकसी बाइनरी सेल को ________ कहते ह|
[Question ID = 324266]
15) Name the protocol used to find MAC address from IP address.
आईपी एडे स की मदद से मैक (MAC) एडे स को ढू ं ढने के िलए उपयोग िकये जाने वाले ोटोकॉल का नाम बताइये|
[Question ID = 324267]
Correct Answer :-
ARP [Option ID = 1238127]
[Question ID = 324268]
Correct Answer :-
CPU [Option ID = 1238130]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
17) Secondary memory is also known as _________.
[Question ID = 324269]
Correct Answer :-
Auxiliary memory / सहायक मेमोरी [Option ID = 1238134]
[Question ID = 324270]
1. 4 bits / ४ िबट् स [Option ID = 1238138]
2. 4 bytes / ४ बाइट् स [Option ID = 1238139]
3. 8 bits / ८ िबट् स [Option ID = 1238140]
4. 8 bytes / ८ बाइट् स [Option ID = 1238141]
Correct Answer :-
4 bits / ४ िबट् स [Option ID = 1238138]
Correct Answer :-
Secondary memory / सेकंडरी मेमोरी [Option ID = 1238143]
1. 2 [Option ID = 1238146]
2. 3 [Option ID = 1238147]
3. 4 [Option ID = 1238148]
4. 5 [Option ID = 1238149]
Correct Answer :-
3 [Option ID = 1238147]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
21) For two inputs A and B, the output of AND gate is HIGH if ________.
दो इनपुट A एवं B हे तु, AND गेट का आऊटपुट उ होता है , यिद ___________ होता है |
[Question ID = 324273]
Correct Answer :-
A=B=1 / ए =बी = १ [Option ID = 1238150]
OR फ़ं न का उपयोग िकसी ेिषत तरं ग को ___________ के िलए िकया जा सकता है । [Question ID = 324274]
Correct Answer :-
Enable or disable / स म या अ म करने [Option ID = 1238156]
23) What is the name of the topology which has bidirectional links between every node?
[Question ID = 324275]
Correct Answer :-
Mesh topology / मेश टोपोलॉजी [Option ID = 1238161]
24) What does the small bubble on the NAND gate's logic symbol means with respect to the output?
Correct Answer :-
The output is inverted / आऊटपुट उ ा है [Option ID = 1238162]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
25) In MICR, R stands for ___________.
Correct Answer :-
Recognition / रकि शन [Option ID = 1238166]
[Question ID = 324279]
Correct Answer :-
display output / आउटपुट िदखाने [Option ID = 1238174]
28) The term BD with respect to computer knowledge stands for __________.
[Question ID = 324280]
Correct Answer :-
Blu- ray disc / ू-रे िड [Option ID = 1238178]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
29) What does RW stands for in CD-RW?
CD-RW म RW से ा ता य है ?
[Question ID = 324281]
Correct Answer :-
Re-Writable / री-राइटे बल [Option ID = 1238182]
1. 10 [Option ID = 1238186]
2. 8 [Option ID = 1238187]
3. 16 [Option ID = 1238188]
4. 2 [Option ID = 1238189]
Correct Answer :-
16 [Option ID = 1238188]
[Question ID = 324283]
Correct Answer :-
Tim Berners lee / िटम बनस ली [Option ID = 1238191]
[Question ID = 324284]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Correct Answer :-
Html / एचटीएमएल [Option ID = 1238194]
33) What is the name of the operator that returns a Type object for the specified type?
[Question ID = 324285]
Correct Answer :-
GetType / गेटटाइप [Option ID = 1238201]
Correct Answer :-
SQL [Option ID = 1238205]
[Question ID = 324287]
Correct Answer :-
1) Wired media / वायड मीिडया [Option ID = 1238206]
Correct Answer :-
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
2) Pointing device / पॉईंिटं ग िडवाइस [Option ID = 1238211]
[Question ID = 324289]
Correct Answer :-
Direct memory access / डायरे मेमोरी ए ेस [Option ID = 1238217]
38) Convert the octal number 7041 into its decimal equivalent.
Correct Answer :-
361710 [Option ID = 1238218]
बकर के ए ो र म का उ े ा है ?
[Question ID = 324291]
Correct Answer :-
To prevent deadlock / गितरोध को रोकने के िलए [Option ID = 1238223]
[Question ID = 324292]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
2. Correct spellings / ेिलंग ठीक करने के िलए [Option ID = 1238227]
3. Change paragraph / पैरा ाफ बदलने के िलये [Option ID = 1238228]
4. To jump to a specific location in a document / एक द ावेज़ म एक िविश थान पर जाने के िलए [Option ID =
Correct Answer :-
To jump to a specific location in a document / एक द ावेज़ म एक िविश थान पर जाने के िलए [Option ID =
[Question ID = 324293]
होमपेज __________ है ।
[Question ID = 324294]
Correct Answer :-
3) Both (1) and (2) / (1) और (2) दोनों [Option ID = 1238236]
Correct Answer :-
Uniform Resource Locator / यूिनफॉम रसोस लोकेटर [Option ID = 1238238]
44) Certain function displays row data in column and column data in row, which function is that?
वह कौन-सा फं
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
न है जो रॉ डाटा को कॉलम म और कॉलम डाटा को रॉ म दिशत करता है ? [Question ID = 324296]
Correct Answer :-
Transpose / टाँ सपोज़ [Option ID = 1238243]
[Question ID = 324297]
Correct Answer :-
Spam / ैम [Option ID = 1238250]
47) Identify the device that reads data by reflected pulses of laser beams on the surface.
वह कौन सा िडवाइस है जो सफस पर लेजर बीम की रफले ेड प के ारा डाटा को पढता है ? [Question ID =
Correct Answer :-
Optical disk / ऑि कल िड [Option ID = 1238256]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 324300]
1. An action button that advances to next slide / एक ए न बटन जो अगली ाइड म ले जाती है [Option ID =
2. An item on slide that performs action when clicked / ाइड पर एक आयटम जो क करने पर ए न लेता है [Option
ID = 1238259]
3. Name of a motion path / एक मोशन पाथ का नाम [Option ID = 1238260]
4. Outline view / आउटलाइन दे खना [Option ID = 1238261]
Correct Answer :-
An item on slide that performs action when clicked / ाइड पर एक आयटम जो क करने पर ए न लेता है
[Option ID = 1238259]
Correct Answer :-
Structured Query Language / ् ड े री ल ेज [Option ID = 1238265]
1. Undo all the previous changes / िपछले सभी बदलावों को अनडू करने [Option ID = 1238266]
2. Cut changes / बदलावों को कट करने [Option ID = 1238267]
3. Paste changes / बदलावों को पे करने [Option ID = 1238268]
4. End changes / बदलावों का अंत करने [Option ID = 1238269]
Correct Answer :-
Undo all the previous changes / िपछले सभी बदलावों को अनडू करने [Option ID = 1238266]
Correct Answer :-
FIFO [Option ID = 1238272]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
ै क ___________ जैसे नामों से संबंिधत है ।
[Question ID = 324304]
Correct Answer :-
Push and pop / पुश और पॉप [Option ID = 1238274]
[Question ID = 324306]
Correct Answer :-
All the slides / सभी ाइड् स [Option ID = 1238282]
55) Identify the unit that converts user data into machine readable form.
[Question ID = 324307]
Correct Answer :-
Input unit / इनपुट इकाई [Option ID = 1238289]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
56) Name the function used to round off value from 1.89 to 2.0.
[Question ID = 324308]
Correct Answer :-
Ceil / िसल [Option ID = 1238291]
[Question ID = 324309]
1. Lines / पं यां [Option ID = 1238294]
2. Shapes / आकृितयाँ [Option ID = 1238295]
3. Co-ordinates / िनदशां क [Option ID = 1238296]
4. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1238297]
Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1238297]
एस ूएल म िकसी टे बल म ंभ/इ े ि टी क े को जोड़ने के िलए कौन सी कमांड का उपयोग िकया जाता है ?
[Question ID = 324310]
Correct Answer :-
Alter Table / अ र टे बल [Option ID = 1238298]
1. 10 [Option ID = 1238302]
2. 11 [Option ID = 1238303]
3. 12 [Option ID = 1238304]
4. 13 [Option ID = 1238305]
Correct Answer :-
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
12 [Option ID = 1238304]
[Question ID = 324312]
Correct Answer :-
Delete data from table / टे बल से डे टा िडलीट करने के िलए [Option ID = 1238306]
61) A column which has the ability to become a primary key is called as ___________.
Correct Answer :-
Candidate key / किडडे ट की [Option ID = 1238311]
ॉग की उ ित ________ श से ई है |
[Question ID = 324314]
Correct Answer :-
Weblog / वेब लॉग [Option ID = 1238317]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Correct Answer :-
Electronic Data Interchange / इले ॉिनक डाटा इं टरचज [Option ID = 1238318]
[Question ID = 324316]
Correct Answer :-
Body / बॉडी [Option ID = 1238324]
In PPT which extensions of sound files can be added to the presentation are?
[Question ID = 324317]
1. .wav files and .JPG files / .WAV फ़ाइल और .JPG फ़ाइल [Option ID = 1238326]
2. .jpg files and .gif files / .JPG और .GIF फ़ाइल [Option ID = 1238327]
3. .wav files and .mid files / .WAV फ़ाइल और .MID फ़ाइल [Option ID = 1238328]
4. .wav files and .gif files / .WAV फ़ाइल और .GIF फ़ाइल [Option ID = 1238329]
Correct Answer :-
.wav files and .mid files / .WAV फ़ाइल और .MID फ़ाइल [Option ID = 1238328]
Correct Answer :-
Utility / यूिटिलटी [Option ID = 1238330]
67) A link within web pages that takes you to some other section of the same web page is called as
ऐसा िलंक जो वेब पेजों के बीच होता है जो िक आपको वेब पेज के कुछ अ िह ों म ले जाता है ___________ कहलाता
है | [Question ID = 324319]
Correct Answer :-
Hyperlink / हाइपरिलंक [Option ID = 1238334]
68) If both the inputs of NOR gate are 0, the output will be ___________.
अगर NOR गेट के दोनों इनपुट 0 होते ह तो उसका आउटपुट _______ होगा|
[Question ID = 324320]
1. 1 [Option ID = 1238338]
2. 0 [Option ID = 1238339]
3. 1/0 [Option ID = 1238340]
4. 10 [Option ID = 1238341]
Correct Answer :-
1 [Option ID = 1238338]
69) Which of the following data types is not supported by ANSI?
Correct Answer :-
DECIBLE [Option ID = 1238342]
70) The ___________ attribute is used to display a specific outer portion of a table border.
______ एिट ूट का योग टे बल बॉडर के िविश बाहरी भाग दशाने हे तु योग िकया जाता है |
[Question ID = 324322]
Correct Answer :-
BORDER / बॉडर [Option ID = 1238347]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 324323]
Correct Answer :-
Hypertext Reference / हाइपरटे रफरस [Option ID = 1238350]
72) Select the way the sound file can be added to word document.
[Question ID = 324324]
1. From insert - a File menu option / इ ट का िवक चुनकर - फाइल मेनू से [Option ID = 1238354]
2. From insert - a Subject menu option / इ ट का िवक चुनकर - स े मेनू से [Option ID = 1238355]
3. From insert - a object menu option /इ ट का िवक चुनकर - ऑ े मेनू से [Option ID = 1238356]
4. From insert - a Sound menu option / इ ट का िवक चुनकर- साउं ड मेनू से [Option ID = 1238357]
Correct Answer :-
From insert - a object menu option /इ ट का िवक चुनकर - ऑ े मेनू से [Option ID = 1238356]
73) ___________ provides the facility to create link between web pages.
_________ वेब पेजों के बीच म िलंक बनाने की सुिवधा दान करता है | [Question ID = 324325]
Correct Answer :-
Hyperlink / हाइपरिलंक [Option ID = 1238359]
74) If 'a' and 'b' are the inputs and 'O' is the output, then which of following represents output of
NAND gate?
अगर 'a" और 'b" इनपुट एवं 'O" ह, तो इनमे से कौन NAND gate का आउटपुट दशाता है ? [Question ID = 324326]
Correct Answer :-
O=(a.b)' [Option ID = 1238363]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[Question ID = 324327]
Correct Answer :-
Min term / िमन टम [Option ID = 1238366]
Correct Answer :-
Question Discarded
77) The rows are added to the relations using _______ command.
Correct Answer :-
INSERT [Option ID = 1238374]
Correct Answer :-
Quad / ै ड [Option ID = 1238378]
79) In which type of network is each device connected directly to a central network switch?
िकस कार के नेटवक म ेक िडवाइस सीधे क ीय नेटवक च से जुड़ा होता है ? [Question ID = 324331]
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
3. Star / ार [Option ID = 1238384]
4. Tree / टी [Option ID = 1238385]
Correct Answer :-
Star / ार [Option ID = 1238384]
इनम से कौन वेबसाइट से कने करने के िलए यूआरएल का योग करता ह? [Question ID = 324332]
Correct Answer :-
Browser / ाउज़र [Option ID = 1238386]
H$moS> : DHC TS12-WM H«$_m§H$ ......................................
H«$.g§. {df` àíZ A{YH$V_ A§H$
1 gm_mÝ` kmZ 01 go 40 50
2 _mZ{gH$ gm_Ï`© Ed§ VH©$e{º$ 41 go 80 50
3 H$åß`yQ>a {dkmZ 81 go 160 100
g_` : 2.30 KÊQ>o àË`oH$ àíZ - 1.25 A§H$ Hw$b àíZ 160 Hw$b A§H$ 200
AnZm AZwH«$_m§H$ A§H$m| _| {bI|
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
3. Bg àíZ nwpñVH$m _| Hw$b 160 àíZ h¢ & àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ Mma d¡H$pënH$ CËVa {X`o J`o h¢ & BZ_| go Aä`Wu {Og CËVa H$mo ghr g_PVo
hmo MwZ b| & `{X Eogm bJo {H$ EH$ go A{YH$ CËVa ghr h¢ Vmo Cg CËVa H$mo CËVa nÌH$ na A§{H$V H$a| Omo Aä`Wu H$mo g~go A{YH$
ghr bJo & àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE Ho$db EH$ hr CËVa MwZ| VWm Amo.E_.Ama. CËVa nÌH$ _| Cg àíZ Ho$ gm_Zo {X`o J`o gå~pÝYV
Jmobo H$mo ghr Vah go nyam-nyam H$mbo AWdm Zrbo ~mb ßdmBÝQ> noZ go ^ao & n|{gb H$m à`moJ d{O©V h¡ & JbV VarHo$ go ^ao J`o Jmobo
Ho$ {bE H$moB© A§H$ Zht {X`o Om`|Jo & EH$ go A{YH$ Jmobo ^aZo na àíZ Ho$ CËVa H$mo JbV _mZm Om`oJm & ìhmBQ>Za, ãboS> Am{X H$m
à`moJ d{O©V h¡ & àË`oH$ ghr CËVa Ho$ {bE 1.25 A§H$ àXmZ {H$`o Om`oJ| &
4. VH$ZrH$s {df` Ho$ àíZ A§J«oOr d {hÝXr _| {X`o J`o h¢ & {H$gr g§e` `m ^«_ H$s pñW{V _| A§J«oOr ê$nmÝVa _mÝ` hmoJm &
5. Aä`Wu H$mo {b{IV narjm _| g\$b hmoZo Ho$ {bE Hw$b `moJ H$m Ý`yZV_ 40 à{VeV A§H$ àmßV H$aZm A{Zdm`© h¡ &
6. àíZ nwpñVH$m Ho$ H$da noO na AWdm AÝXa H$ht ^r Hw$N> Z {bI| & `{X a\$ H$m`© H$aZm MmhVo h¢ Vmo àíZ nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝV _| {X`o
J`o a\$ erQ> H$m à`moJ H$a| &
7. narjm H$j _| bmJ-Q>o~wb, H¡$bHw$boQ>a, noOa, _mo~mBb \$moZ `m AÝ` BboQ´>m{Zg J¡OoQ²>g H$m à`moJ d{O©V h¡ &
8. Aä`Wu H$mo àíZ nwpñVH$m d Amo.E_.Ama. CËVa nÌH$ H$s Aä`Wu à{V AnZo gmW bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h¡ & narjm H$s g_mpßV Ho$
CnamÝV Aä`Wu CËVa nÌH$ H$s {ÛVr` H$m~©Z à{V AnZo nmg aI b| VWm eof XmoZm| à{V`m± H$j {ZarjH$ H$mo hñVJV H$a| & CËVa
nÌH$ H$s _yb à{V Aä`Wu Ûmam AnZo gmW boH$a Mbo OmZo na CgH$m Aä`W©Z {ZañV H$a {X`m OmEJm & `{X Aä`Wu ~moS>© Ho$ {bE
{ZYm©[aV àW_ H$m~©Z à{V AnZo gmW boH$a Mbm OmVm h¡ Vmo Aä`Wu H$mo _yb à{V _| AmB© {H$gr {^ÝZVm na à{VdmX H$m H$moB© Adga
CnbãY Zht hmoJm &
8. {ZåZ{b{IV amÁ`m| H$mo, CZ_| _mZgyZ Amaå^ hmoZo H$s 12. S>m. A_Ë`© Hw$_ma goZ H$mo Zmo~ob nwañH$ma CZHo$ {ZåZ _|
{V{W`mo Ho$ Amamohr H«$_ _| ì`dpñWV H$s{OE go {H$g EH$ Ho$ `moJXmZ Ho$ A{^kmZ _| {X`m J`m Wm ?
1) CÎma àXoe
(A) l_ AW©emñÌ
2) npíM_ ~§Jmb
(B) {dnUZ AW©emñÌ
3) Ho$ab
4) amOñWmZ (C) _m¡{ÐH$ AW©emñÌ
Hy$Q> : (D) H$ë`mUH$mar AW©emñÌ
(A) 2 – 3 – 1 – 4
13. ^maVr` g§{dYmZ Ho$ AÝVJ©V H$mZyZ Ho$ g_j g_mZVm
(B) 3 – 2 – 1 – 4
Ho$ gÝX^© _| AndmX {H$gHo$ gÝX^© _| h¡ ?
(C) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4
(B) ^maVr` `moOZm Am`moJ Ûmam (C) ê$g H$m àmo`waoQ>a OZab
(C) ^maV gaH$ma Ho$ {dÎm _§Ìmb` Ûmam (D) \«$m±g H$s H$mC§{gb Am\$ ñQ>oQ>
(D) ^maV gaH$ma Ho$ CÚmoJ _§Ìmb` Ûmam
15. "BH$mo _mH©$' {H$gr CËnmX na {X`o J`o Bg à_mUZ H$m
11. ^maV _| à{V ì`pV Am` H$_ ahr h¡ {MÝh hmoVm h¡ {H$ `h CËnmX
(A) OZg§»`m d¥{Õ Ho$ H$maU
(A) AÀN>r {H$ñ_ H$m h¡
(B) H$s_Vm| _| d¥{Õ Ho$ H$maU
(B) {H$\$m`Vr H$s_V dmbm h¡
(C) J«m_rU joÌm| _| A{YH$ bmoJm| Ho$ {Zdmg H$aZo Ho$
H$maU (C) n`m©daU H$s ÑpîQ> go AZwHy$b h¡
(D) joÌr` Ag§VwbZ Ho$ H$maU (D) ZîQ> hmoZo dmbm Zht h¡
DHC TS12-WM -5-
16. {díd n`m©daU {Xdg {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g VmarI 19. _mZd eara _| aV H$m WH$m {H$g {dQ>m{_Z go O_Vm h¡ ?
H$mo _Zm`m OmVm h¡ ? (A) {dQ>m{_Z Ho$
(A) 5 OyZ (B) {dQ>m{_Z S>r
(B) 2 AQy>~a (C) {dQ>m{_Z B©
(C) 10 Zdå~a (D) {dQ>m{_Z gr
(D) 19 Zdå~a
20. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ _| {XE JE eãX _| à`wV gpÝY Ho$
17. H°$ßgyb H$m AmdaU ~Zm hmoVm h¡ àH$ma H$m M`Z CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ën _| go H$s{OE
dh H$_5000
_moQ>m hmoVm h¡ 6007 , 91 29J§O69
o ì`pV Ho70
$ {ga na gw80
JpÝYV Vob bJmZm
2) Cg _| amoJm| H$m à{VamoY H$aZo H$s j_Vm A{YH$ (C) {~bHw$b AZnT> ì`pV H$mo YZ {_bZm
hmoVr h¡ (D) A`mo½` ì`pV H$mo AÀN>m nX {_bZm
3) Cgo {dQ>m{_Z Ed§ àmoQ>rZ A{YH$ {_bVo h¡
22. df© 2011 H$s OZJUZm Ho$ AZwgma nwéf-ñÌr AZwnmV
4) CgH$s bå~mB© _| Agm_mÝ` d¥{Õ hmoVr h¡ Ho$ ~mao _| H$m¡Zgm `w½_ ghr h¡ ?
(A) 1, 2 Am¡a 3 (A) 1000 nwéf : 940 ñÌr
23. 2011 H$s OZJUZm Ho$ AZwgma g~go A{YH$ {ZajaVm 27. "gË`_od O`Vo' eãX H$hm± go {b`m J`m h¡ ?
dmbm amÁ` h¡ (A) _Zwñ_¥{V
(B) ^JdX²JrVm
(A) {~hma
(C) F$½doX
(B) _Ü` àXoe
(D) _wÊS>H$ Cn{ZfX
(C) CS>rgm
28. gÝV H$~ra Xmg H$s g_m{Y pñWV h¡
(D) CÎma àXoe
(A) Hw$erZJa
24. df© 2012 Ho$ AmobpånH$ Iob {H$g Xoe _| Am`mo{OV (B) _Jha
{H$`o J`o Wo ? (C) XodrnmQ>Z
(A) {gS>Zr - AmñQ´>o{b`m (D) {MÌHy$Q>
(B) 100 MB
(D) no[ag - \«$m±g
(C) 1000 MB
25. gmB©Zm Zohdmb EH$ à_wI Zm_ h¡ (D) 10000 MB
ñdrq_J _|
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
Aë\«o$S> Zmo~ob Zo {H$gH$m Am{dîH$ma {H$`m
30. ?
(B) ^mamoËVmobZ _| (A) _mBH«$mo\$moZ H$m
(C) ~¡S>{_ÝQ>Z _| (B) Q>mBnamBQ>a H$m
(D) ~mopg¨J _| (C) S>mBZm_mBQ> H$m
(D) J«m_mo\$moZ H$m
26. "qd½g Am\$ \$m`a' nwñVH$ Ho$ boIH$ H$m¡Z h¢ ?
31. {ZåZ{b{IV _| H$m¡Z ~m`mo-S>rOb nm¡Ym h¡ ?
(A) {dH«$_ goR>
(A) Omdm Kmg
(B) E. nr. Oo. AãXwb H$bm_
(B) aVZ OmoV
(C) Aê$ÝYVr am`
(C) Jw½Jwb
(D) E_. Oo. AH$~a (D) amoem Kmg
DHC TS12-WM -7-
32. {då~bS>Z Q>o{Zg à{V`mo{JVm 2013 _| nwéf EH$b dJ© 36. S>oÝ_mH©$, AmBgb¢S>, Zmd}, ñdrS>Z Ed§ {\$Zb¢S> {_bH$a
_| H$m¡Z {dO`r aho ? H$hbmVo h¡
(A) ZrXab¢S>
(A) amoOa \o$S>aa
(B) ñH|${S>Zo{d`m
(B) EÝS>r _ao
(C) `yao{g`m
(C) am\o$b ZmS>mb (D) AmñQ´>o{b`m
(D) ZmodmH$ OmoH$mo{dM 37. {ZåZ _| go H$m¡Z ^maV Ho$ _w»` Ý`m`mYre Zht aho h¢ ?
(A) Eg. EM. H$nm{S>`m
33. ^maV H$mo 2012 Ho$ AmobpånH$ Iobm| _| Hw$b {H$VZo
(B) AëV_g H$~ra
nXH$ àmßV hþE ?
(C) Ho$. Oo. ~mbH¥$îUZ
(A) 6 nXH$ (D) EZ. Jmonmbñdm_r
(B) 4 nXH$
38. OZdar 2013 _| {ZåZ _| {H$gH$mo nÙ {d^yfU H$s Cnm{Y
(C) 7 nXH$ go Ab§H¥$V {H$`m J`m h¡ ?
(A) S>m. gamoOm d¡ÚZmWZ
(D) 2 nXH$
(B) _oar H$mo_
34. df© 2013 _| Ý`m`_y{V© Oo. Eg². d_m© g{_{V Zo {H$g (C) e{_©bm Q>oJmoa
94 5000 6007 , 91 29
CÀM Ý`m`mb` _| OOm| H$s {Z`wpV à{H«$`m ^maV Ho$ 69
do JUV§70
Ì {Xdg 80_| _w»` A{V{W
39. 64 (2013)
20% (B)
^ m > oO Z
40% {ejm
{ e j m
AÝ`Ý `
{ H $ a m ` m
20% 10%
48. {XE hþE {dH$ënmo§ _| go {MÝh:: Ho$ XmBª Amoa [aV ñWmZm| 50. H$WZ - {g{dH$ {ZH$m` Zo eha Ho$ EH$ AbJ-WbJ
H$s ny{V© H$s{OE {hñgo na pñWV VQ> na EH$ ~S>m Zmo{Q>g ~moS© bJm`m,
""{nN>bo Hw$N> _hrZm| Ho$ Xm¡amZ g_wÐ _o§ V¡aVo g_` H$B©
_rb : Xyar :: ___ ___ {nH${ZH$ _ZmZo dmbo Sy>~ JE''
(A) YZ : hOma nyd©YmaUmE±
(B) _mÌm : dOZ (I) hmo gH$Vm h¡ {nH${ZH$ _ZmZo dmbo Zmo{Q>g H$mo
(C) brQ>a : Ðì` ZOaA§XmO H$ao Am¡a g_wÐ _| OmZo H$m Omo{I_
boVo aho
(D) d¥Îm : joÌ\$b (II) hmo gH$Vm h¡ {nH${ZH$ _ZmZo dmbo Bgo nT> b| Am¡a
g_wÐ _| OmVo g_` gmdYmZ ah|
49. àíZ `w½_ Ho$ eãXm| Ho$ ~rM Ho$ g§~§Y Ho$ AmYma na {XE
JE {dH$ënm| _| go ghr CÎma `w½_ H$m MwZmd H$a| 51. H$WZ - hmb _| gaH$ma Zo gmd©O{ZH$ joÌ Ho$ g^r ~¡H$m|
H$mo 25 bmI é. VH$ Ho$ Amdmg F$Um| na ã`mO H$s Xa
_yT>_{V : MmbmH$ KQ>mZo Ho$ {bE H$hm h¡&
(A) S>anmoH$ : gmhgr nyd©YmaUmE±
(B) _§X~w{Õ : OS>_{V (I) hmo gH$Vm h¡ gmd©O{ZH$ joÌ Ho$ ~¢H$ 25 bmI é.$
(C) _mohH$ : AmH$f©H$ VH$ Ho$ g^r Amdmg F$Um§o na ã`mO Xa KQ>m X|&
(II) hmo gH$Vm h¡ bmoJ gaH$ma Ho$ \¡$gbo H$m AZw{MV
(D) {damoY H$aZm : Zmng§X H$aZm
bm^ CR>mE§&
{ZX}e (àíZ 50-51) : ZrMo {XE JE àË`oH$ àíZ _|
52. ZrMo {XE JE H«$_ _| àíZ {MÝh (?) Ho$ ñWmZ na `m
nhbo EH$ H$WZ h¡ {\$a CgHo$ ZrMo Xmo nyd©YmaUmE± h¡ Am`oJm ?
{OÝho§ H«$_m§H$ I Am¡a II {XE JE h¢, H$moB© nyd©YmaUm dh
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
~mV h¡ {Ogo `m Vmo _mZ {b`m J`m hmo `m dh J¥hrV hmo&
AmnH$mo {XE JE H$WZ Am¡ a CgHo $ ZrMo Xr JB© (B) KMP
nyd©YmaUmAm| na {dMma H$aZo Ho$ ~mX V` H$aZm h¡ {H$ (C) ABG
H$m¡Zgr nyd©YmaUm H$WZ _| AÝV{Z©{hV h¡& (D) MMR
CÎma Xr{OE
53. {H$gr g_yh ^mfm _| ‘PLEASE’ H$mo ‘QNHEXK’
(A) AJa Ho$db nyd©YmaUm I AÝV{Z©{hV h¡&
{bIm OmVm h¡ Vmo Cgr Hy$Q> ^mfm _| SHARMA H$mo
(B) AJa Ho$db nyd©YmaUm II AÝV{Z©{hV h¡& H¡$go {bIm OmEJm?
(C) AJa `m Vmo nyd©YmaUm I AWdm nyd©YmaUm II (A) TJDVRG
AÝV{Z©{hV h¡& (B) TKDURG
(D) AJa Z Vmo nyd©YmaUm I Z hr nyd©YmaUm II (C) TICVRE
AÝV{Z©{hV h¡& (D) TDJVRG
DHC TS12-WM -10-
54. g§dmXXmVm : g_mMma : g_mMma nÌ Ho$ g_mZ g§~§Y h¡ 58. `{X {H$gr gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfm _| SAGE H$mo 4169 VWm
(A) {H$gmZ : \$gb: ^moOZ PERT H$mo 7928 {bIm OmVm h¡, Vmo Cgr ^mfm _|
(B) amO{_ñÌr : gr_|Q> : {Z_m©U STEP H$mo {H$g àH$ma {bIm OmEJm ?
(C) ~mXb : nmZr : Vmbm~
(A) 4897
(D) gS>H$ : dmhZ : J§Vì`
(B) 4987
55. {Og àH$ma ‘BF’, ‘IM’ go gå~pÝYV h¡, Cgr àH$ma
(C) 4197
‘HL’ _______ gå~pÝYV h¡&
(D) 4387
(A) PT go
(B) NR go 59. g_ra nya~ {Xem H$s Amoa _w§h {H$E IS>m Wm& dh AnZo
(C) OR go XmE§ _wS>m Am¡a 5 _rQ>a Mbm, {\$a AnZo XmE§ _wS>m Am¡a
(D) OS go 7 _rQ>a Mbm & {\$a dh ~mE§ _wS>m Am¡a 4 _rQ>a Mbm &
61. N>mÌm| H$s EH$ n§pV _| a{d n§pV Ho$ XmoZm| {gam| go 21 d| 65. nm§M nwñVH|$ A, B, C, D Am¡a E EH$ Ho$ D$na EH$ Bg
ñWmZ na h¡& ~VmBE n§pV _| {H$VZo N>mÌ h§¡ ? àH$ma aIr hþB© h¢ {H$ ‘A’ Ho$ D$na ‘E’ h¡, ‘D’ Ho$ ZrMo ‘C’
(A) 42 h¡, ‘D’ Ho$ D$na ‘A’ h¡ Am¡a ‘C’ Ho$ ZrMo ‘B’ h¡& H$m¡Zgr
(B) 41 {H$Vm~ g~go ZrMo aIr hþB© h¡ ?
(C) 43 (A) C
(D) 40 (B) D
(C) B
62. `{X 84 ⊕ 72 = 45 ;
63 ⊕ 41 = 33 ; (D) A
74 ⊕ 52 = 33 ;
66. EH$ ì`pV EH$ ñWmZ go CÎma H$s Amoa 20 _rQ>a MbVm
h¡& CgHo$ ~mX dh Xm{hZo _wS>H$a 30 _rQ>a MbVm h¡&
94 ⊕ 82 = ?
CgHo$ ~mX dh Xm{hZo _wS>H$a 35 _rQ>a MbVm h¡& CgHo$
(A) 45 ~mX dh ~mE± _wS>H$a 15 _rQ>a MbVm h¡ VWm nwZ : ~mE±
(B) 59 _wS>H$a 15 _rQ>a MbVm h¡&
(C) 56 dh AnZr Ama§{^H$ AdñWm go {H$g {Xem _| {H$VZr
(D) 65 Xyar na h¡ ?
(A) 15 _rQ>a npíM_
63. `{X P, Q, R Am¡a S H¡$a_ H$m Jo_ Iob aho h¢ {Og_| P
H$m nmQ>©Za R h¡ Am¡a S H$m nmQ>©Za Q h¡& R, Omo npíM_ (B) 30 _rQ>a nyd©
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69
_rQ>a npíM_
{Xem H$s Amoa _wIm{V~ h¡ ?
_rQ>a nyd©
70 80
H$s Amoa _wIm{V~ h¡, Ho$ Xm{hZo S ~¡R>m h¡& ‘Q’ {H$g (C) 30
(D) 45
(A) CÎma (B) X{jU
67. ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go ghr {dH$ën MwZH$a àíZ
(C) nyd© (D) npíM_
{MÝh Ho$ ñWmZ na {b{IE &
64. _hoe nyd© H$s Amoa Om ahm h¡& `{X Cgo CÎma H$s Amoa 4 9 9 16 16 ?
OmZm h¡ Vmo Cgo {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {dH$ën H$m
MwZmd Zht H$aZm Mm{hE ? 6 12 20
68. `{X EWbrQ>m|, pñà§Q>am| Am¡a _¡amWZ YmdH$m| H$mo AmaoI 71. àíZ `w½_ Ho$ eãXm| Ho$ ~rM Ho$ g§~Y§ Ho$ AmYma na {XE JE
Ûmam {M{ÌV {H$`m OmE Vmo {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z gm {dH$ënm| _| go ghr CÎma `w½_ H$m MwZmd H$a| -
AmaoI BZ VrZm| g_yhm| Ho$ ~rM g§~§Y H$mo gdm}Îm_ ê$n go g§{X½Y : A{ddm{XV
Xem©Vm h¡ ? (A) H$îQ>H$mar : g§Vmnr
(B) H$b§H$ bJmZm : _mZhm{Z H$aZm
(C) H¥$nU : CXma
(D) VrúU ~w{Õ : {MnH$md
72. Bg àíZ _| AmH¥${V`m| Ho$ Xmo g_yh {XE JE h¢& EH$ g_yh
H$mo àíZ AmH¥${V`m± Am¡a Xygao H$mo CÎma AmH¥${V`m± H$hVo
h¢& CÎma AmH¥${V`m| H$mo A, B, C, D Ûmam Xem©`m J`m
h¡& àíZ {MÝh Ho$ ñWmZ na H$m¡Zgr CÎma AmH¥${V AmEJr
(D) Vm{H$ EH$ {Z`{_V l¥I
§ bm ~Z OmE ?
àíZ AmH¥${V`m§
69. ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go ghr {dH$ën Ty>§T> H$a l¥§Ibm
H$mo nyam H$amo ?
HV, GT, FR, EP, DN, ______
CÎma AmH¥${V`m§
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
(A) KL
(B) LM (A)
(C) NO
(D) CL
70. "~w{Õ_mZ' "MmbmH$' go Cgr Vah g§~§{YV h¡ {Og àH$ma
"ñ\y${V©hrZ' "______ ' go g§~§{YV h¡&
(A) _yI© (C)
(B) YyV©
(C) gwñV (D)
(D) ~odHy$\$
DHC TS12-WM -13-
73. EH$ KZ, {OgH$s ^wOmAm| (\$bH$) na Aja A§{H$V 76. N>mÌm| H$s n§pV _| XrnH$ n§pV Ho$ ~mE§ {ga go gmVd|
h¢, H$mo ZrMo AbJ-AbJ pñW{V`m| _| Xem©`m J`m h¡, ñWmZ na Am¡a _Yw Xm{hZo {gao go 12 d| ñWmZ na h¡& `{X
O¡gm {H$ AbJ-AbJ {XemAm| go XoIm Om gH$Vm h¡& XrnH$ Am¡a _Yw AnZm ñWmZ Amng _| ~Xb boVo h¢ Vmo
bwßV Aja, {Ogo àíZ {MÝh go A§{H$V {H$`m J`m h¡,
XrnH$ n§pV Ho$ ~mE§ {gao go 22 d| ñWmZ na hmo OmEJm&
H$mo kmV H$a|&
n§pV _| Hw$b N>mÌm| H$s g§»`m `m h¡ ?
D S (A) 29 (B) 19
S W (C) 33 (D) 31
77. gyaO {\$ë_ XoIZo 9 {XZ nhbo J`m Wm& dh Ho$db
a{ddma Ho$ {XZ {\$ë_ XoIZo OmVm h¡& ~VmBE AmO gßVmh
H$m H$m¡Z gm {XZ h¡ ?
U U (A) ewH«$dma (B) e{Zdma
(C) gmo_dma (D) _§Jbdma
(A) S (B) D
(C) Y (D) M 78. {H$gr Hy$Q>^mfm _| ‘JOSEPH’ H$mo ‘FKOALD’ {bIm
74. H$m¡Zgm {MÌ S>mQ>a, ñÌr, _mVm H$m àXe©Z gdm}Îm_ ê$n J`m h¡, Vmo Bgr ^mfm _| ‘GEORGE’ H$mo H¡$go Hy$Q>~Õ
go H$aVm h¡ ? {H$`m OmEJm ?
>© Ho$ {bE EH$ Am¡a 6007
Zm_ , 91 29 69 70 80 (A) Networking device
(B) Bunch of wires
(D) Am§V[aH$ ñ_¥{V
(C) Another name for Motherboard
85. H$m¡Z {ZåZ gyMr _| EH$ gm°âQ>do`a Zht h¡ ? (D) Internal Memory
(A) AmonZAm°{µ\$g (B) _mBH«$mogm°âQ> 85. Which is NOT a software in following list ?
(C) S>m°g (D) E§Q>rdm`ag (A) OpenOffice (B) Microsoft
(C) DOS (D) Antivirus
86. H$m¡Z EH$ n[aYr` {S>dmBg Zht h¡ ?
86. Which is NOT a peripheral device ?
(A) Am^mgr àXe© BH$mB©
(A) Visual display unit
(B) _w»` _o_moar {Mn (B) Main Memory chip
(C) _m°S>o_ (C) Modem
(D) noZ S´>mBd (D) Pen Drive
DHC TS12-WM -15-
87. EH$ EëJmo[aÏ_ H$s complexity à{V{Z{YËd H$aVm h¡ 87. Complexity of an algorithm represents its
(A) {ZînmXZ (A) Performance
(B) H$R>moaVm (B) Toughness
88. Computation logic H$mo {H$gHo$ Cn`moJ go visually 88. Computation logic can be represented
{XIm`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ? visually by using
(A) {dOwAb ~o{gH$ (A) Visual Basic
89. hoµOmS>o{g_b _| (BABA) 16 Am°Q>b _| `m h¡ ? 89. (BABA)16 in hexadecimal is what in octal ?
(A) 134272 (A) 134272
94J{V5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
90. 4.77 _oJmhQ²>©O Am¡a 10 _oJmhQ²>©O Ho$ CXmhaU h¢ 90. 4.77 Mhz and 10 Mhz are examples of
(A) I/O (A) I/O speed
91. ~yQ> bmoS>a àmoJ«m_ Omo {gñQ>_ H$s ~yqQ>J H$aVm h¢ `h H$hm± 91. Boot Loader program which invokes
ñQ>moa hmoVm h¡ ? booting of the system is stored in
92. S>mQ>m {dg§J{V {H$g Ho$ Ûmam amoH$m Om gH$Vm h¡ ? 92. Data inconsistency can be prevented by
(A) A{VaoH$Vm
(A) Redundancy
(B) _oQ>mS>mQ>m
(B) Metadata
(C) J{VamoY
(C) Deadlocks
(D) ~hþ H«$_mXoeZ
(D) Multiprogramming
93. H$_©Mmar doVZ 12,000 én`o go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE& 93. Employee salary should not be greater
`h h¡ than Rs. 12,000. This is
(A) AI§S>Vm ~mYm (A) Integrity constraint
(B) g§X{^©V ~mYm (B) Referential constraint
97. ACID JwUm| H$m goQ> h¡ Omo reliably H$s Jma§Q>r h¡& `hm± 97. ACID is a set of properties that guarantee
98. \$m°gàmo _| ‘DELE’ H$_m§S> à`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡ 98. In FoxPro the command ‘DELE’ is used to
(A) g^r A{^boI hQ>mZo Ho$ {b`o (A) Delete all records
(C) CëboIZr` [aH$m°S>© hQ>mZo Ho$ {b`o (C) Delete marked records
(D) hQ>mZo Ho$ {bE [aH$m°S>© {M{V H$a| (D) Mark the records for deletion
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
BY blue; BY blue;
101. {H$gr Vm{bH$m _| H$moB© µ\$sëS> {dXoer Hw§$Or Ho$ ê$n _| 101. A field in a table can be taken as a foreign
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
(B) Data Dictionary
(C) S>oQ>m KQ>H$m|
(C) Data Components
(D) S>oQ>m _m°S>b
(D) Data Model
105. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-go Xmo Q>_© ~yQ> H$aZo `mo½` {d^mOZ 105. Which two terms identify a bootable
106. O~ H$moB© àmoJ«m_ EH$ {ngob Ho$ {bE 8 {~Q²>g àXmZ 106. When a program assigns 8 bits to a pixel,
H$aVr h¡, V~ Cg {ngob goo________ a§J VH$ àX{e©V that pixel can display one of up to _____
H$a gH$Vo h¢& colors.
(A) 32 (A) 32
(B) 64 (B) 64
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm E§Q>r dm`ag n¡Ho$O Ûmam
{ZH$mbm Zht Om gH$Vm ?
108. Which of the following cannot be removed
by Anti Virus Package ?
(A) ñn¡_ _ob (A) SPAM mail
(B) EXE µ\$mBb| (B) EXE files
(C) dS>© \$mBb| (C) Word files
(D) nrS>rE\$ \$mBb| (D) PDF files
109. EH$ XñVmdoµO `m ànÌ AbJ AbJ nVo na ^oOZo Ho$ 109. The option for sending same document or
{bE {dH$ën h¡ letter at different addresses is
(A) \$m_© b¡Q>a (A) Form letters
(B) _ob _O© (B) Mailmerge
(C) _wÐU (C) Printing
(D) Cnamoº$ _| go H$moB© Zht (D) None of the above
DHC TS12-WM -20-
110. gob ao\o$a|g C$4 EH$ CXmhaU h¡ 110. The cell reference C$4 is an example of
(A) gob Ho$ {bE {Zanoj ao\o$a|g (A) Absolute reference to cell
(B) gob Ho$ {bE gmnoj ao\o$a|g (B) Relative reference to cell
(C) gob Ho$ {bE {_{lV ao\o$a|g (C) Mixed reference to cell
(D) gob Ho$ {bE gm_mÝ` ao\o$a|g (D) Simple reference to cell
111. MS-EXCEL H$s EH$ {deofVm {H$gr Xygao S>mQ>m goQ> 111. A feature in MS-EXCEL helping in decision
na {H$gr AÝ` S>mQ>m goQ> _| hþE n[adV©Z Ho$ à^md H$mo making by observing the effect of change
XoIH$a {ZU©` boZo _| _XX H$aVr h¡, dh ________ in conditions on one data set on another
MS-EXCEL H$hbmVr h¡&
data set is called MS-EXCEL
(A) S>mQ>m {\$ëQ>a
(A) Data filter
(B) Mm{Q>ªJ
(B) Charting
(C) ìhmQ>-B\$ AZ¡{b{gg
(C) What-if analysis
(D) S>mQ>m {garµO (H«$_)
(D) Data series
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
(A) Format > Paragraph
(A) Format > Paragraph
(B) Format Painter
(B) Format Painter
(C) Edit > Copy
(C) Edit > Copy
(D) Cannot be done
(D) Zht {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡
113. EH$ S>m°`w_|Q> go Xygao S>m°`w_|Q> _| Q>oñQ> \«o$µO H$mo H$ZoQ> 113. To connect a text phrase in a document to
H$aZo Ho$ {bE h_ ________ Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢& another document we use
(C) File > PageSetup > Link (C) File > PageSetup > Link
114. MS-EXCEL _| _¡H«$moµO H$mo CÎm_ d{U©V H¡$go {H$`m 114. Macros in MS-EXCEL may be best
Om gH$Vm h¡ ? described as follows
(A) MS-EXCEL _| J«m{\$g em°Q>©H$Q> Hw§$Or ~ZmZm (A) Create graphics shortcut keys in
(B) dm`m§em| Ho$ N>moQ>o Qw>H$S>o
(B) Small pieces of textual phrases
(C) MS-EXCEL _| {ZXo©em| [aH$m°{S>ªJ `m ~ma-
(C) Recording instructions in MS-EXCEL
~ma em°Q>©H$Q> Hw$§{O`m| Ho$ _mÜ`_ go IobZo Ho$ {bE
or creating small programs to be
N>moQ>o àmoJ«m_ ~ZmZm repeatedly played thru shortcut keys
(D) em°Q>©H$Q> Ho$ _mÜ`_ go ßboB§J Q>¡ñQ> Ho$ N>moQ>o Qw>H$S>o (D) Playing pieces of text thru shortcuts
115. MS-EXCEL H$s dH©$erQ> a¢O _| BZnwQ> H$aZo Ho$ {b`o 115. Defining constraints and rules regarding
AmZodmbr ~mYmAm| Am¡a {Z`_m| go g§~{§ YV S>mQ>m Ho$ àH$mam| the range and type of data that can be
H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{O`o inputted in a worksheet range in MS-
EXCEL is called
(A) S>oQ>m Q>¡pñQ>¨J
(A) Data Testing
(B) S>oQ>m H§$Q´>mob
(B) Data Control
(C) S>oQ>m d¡{bS>oeZ
(C) Data Validation
(D) S>oQ>m ¹o$ar
(D) Data Query
116. MS-WORD _| H¡$ëHy$boQ> `yqgJ \$m°a_ybm H$m à`moJ 116. It is possible to calculate using formula in
H$aZo Ho$ {b`o g§^d {dH$ën h¡ MS-WORD using option
(A) Insert > Autotext > Formula (A) Insert > Autotext > Formula
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
(B) Table > Formula (B) Table > Formula
(C) Format > Paragraph (C) Format > Paragraph
117. h¢S>AmCQ> _mñQ>a {dH$ën H$m {ZåZ Cn`moJ h¡ 117. Handout Master option has the following
(A) h¢S>AmCQ> H$s àñVw{V`m| Omo Amn CnbãY H$amZm
(A) Handouts of presentations that you
MmhVo h¢
wish to make available
(B) h¡S>a, \w$Q>a, {V{W Am¡a g_` O¡gr gw{dYmAm| (B) Allows features like header, footer,
H$s AZw_{V XoZm date and time
(C) H$mJO na ñbmBS> H$s bKw àñVw{V H$s AZw_Vr (C) Allows miniature presentation of
XoZm slides on paper
(D) Cnamoº$ g^r (D) All of the above
118. MS-EXCEL _| gm°ëda {dH$ën {H$g {bE à`moJ 118. Solver option in MS-EXCEL is used for
{H$`m OmVm h¡ ? (A) Data Analysis
(A) S>mQ>m {dûcofU (B) Data prediction for different data sets
(B) S>oQ>m goQ> Ho$ {bE AbJ S>oQ>m ào{S>eZ (C) Formatting of data
(C) S>oQ>m \$moa_¡qQ>J (D) Solving statistical problems
(D) gm§p»`H$s` g_ñ`mAm| H$mo gwbPmZm
119. What is the main difference between
119. b¡Z, d¡Z Am¡a _¡Z _| _w»` A§Va `m h¡ ? LAN’s, WAN’s and MAN’s ?
122. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm TCP/IP àmoQ>moH$m°b EH$ 122. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol
_erZ go Xygar _erZ na EpßbHo$eZ àmoJ«m_ Ho$ {bE allows an application program on one
S>mQ>mJ«m_ ^oOZo Ho$ {bE EpßbHo$eZ àmoJ«m_ H$s AZw_{V machine to send a datagram to an
XoVm h¡ ? application program on another machine ?
(C) X.25 (C) X.25
DHC TS12-WM -23-
123. _m°S>_ Q>obr\$moZ bmBZ Am¡a ______ go OwS>m hmoVm h¡& 123. A modem is connected in between a
telephone line and a
(A) ZoQ>dH©$
(A) network
(B) H§$ß`yQ>a (B) computer
(C) H$å`w{ZHo$eZ ES>mßQ>a (C) communication adapter
(D) gr[a`b (H«${_H$) nmoQ>© (D) serial port
124. ê$qQ>J Vm{bH$m H$m CÔoí` `m h¡ ? 124. What is the purpose of a routing table ?
(A) To store every address of every
(A) ha ZmoS> Ho$ ha ES´>og H$mo g§J«hrV H$aZm node
(B) J§Vì` ES´>og H$m gQ>rH$ ñWmZ ~VmZm (B) To know the exact location of
(C) ZoQ>dH©$ âbS> destination address
(C) To flood network
(D) J§Vì` Ho$ {bE g~go Hw$eb _mJ© ImoOZm
(D) To find most efficient route to the
125. OSI ZoQ>dH©$ Am{H©$Q>oMa _|, g§dmX-{Z`§ÌU Am¡a destination
Q>moH$Z-à~§YZ ______ Ho$ {bE CÎmaXm`r h¡& 125. In OSI network architecture, the dialogue
(A) gÌ (goeZ) bo`a control and token management are
responsibilities of OSI
(B) ZoQ>dH©$ bo`a
(A) Session layer
(C) Q´>m§gnmoQ>© bo`a (B) Network layer
(D) S>mQ>m qbH$ bo`a (C) Transport layer
(D) Data link layer
128. H$m¡Zgm àmoQ>moH$m°b bmoH$b {S>dmBg Ho$ hmS>©do`a nVo H$mo 128. What protocol is used to find the hardware
ImoOZo Ho$ {bE à`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡ ? address of a local device ?
(C) IP (C) IP
129. ~g Q>monmobm°Or Cn`moJ H$aZo H$m `m S´>m~¡H$ h¡ ? 129. What is the drawback of using a BUS
topology ?
(A) Ho$db EH$ OmoS>r ZmoS²>g hr OwS> gH$Vo h¢
(A) Only a pair of nodes can be connected
(B) A{V[aº$ H$åß`yQ>am| H$mo OmoS>Zo na `m h¡dr Q´>¡{\$H$
hmoZo na H$m`©j_Vm KQ> OmVr h¡ (B) Performance degrades as additional
computers are added or on heavy traffic
(C) H$moB© H${_`m± Zht
(C) There are no drawbacks
(D) ~hþV hr Yr_r J{V go S>oQ>m Xa
(D) Very slow data rates
130. TCP/IP _| nmoQ>© ES>a¡g ________ {~Q²>g H$m
130. Port address in TCP/IP is ________ bits
hmoVm h¡&
(A) 32
(A) 32
(B) 48
(B) 48
(C) 16
(C) 16
(D) Cnamoº$ _| go H$moB© ^r Zht (D) None of the above
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
[a_moQ> ~¡M àg§ñH$aU _| nyar Vah H|$Ðr` H§$ß`yQ>a _|o BZnwQ>
S>oQ>m S>mbZo Ho$ {bE ______ H$m à`moJ hmoVm h¡&
131. A remote batch-processing operation in
which data is solely input to a central
(A) Q>obrJ«m\$ bmBZ computer would require
(B) {gåßb¡g bmBZmo§ (A) telegraph line
(C) {_ñS> ~¡S> M¡Zb (B) simplex lines
(D) CnamoV g^r (C) mixed bad channel
(D) all of the above
132. {ZåZ{b{IV {S>dmBgm| _| go {H$g H$mo Xmo {gñQ>åg H$mo
H$ZoQ> H$aZo Ho$ {bE Cn`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡, Img H$aHo$ 132. Which of the following device is used to
V~ O~ {gñQ>_ _| {^Þ àmoQ>moH$m°b H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m connect two systems, especially if the
J`m hmo ? systems use different protocols ?
(A) h~ (B) {~«O (A) hub (B) bridge
(C) JoQ>do (D) [anrQ>a (C) gateway (D) repeater
133. g~ZoQ> _mñH$ H$m Cn`moJ H$aHo$ 133. How many hosts can be configured using
{H$VZo hmoñQ> H$m°pݵ\$Ja {H$`o Om gH$Vo h¢ ? a subnet mask ?
(A) 6 (A) 6
(B) 248 (B) 248
(C) 48 (C) 48
(D) 255 (D) 255
134. H$m¡Zgm ^mJ ZoQ>dH©$ ID H$m {hñgm 134. What part of is the Network
h¡, Eñ`yq_J {S>\$m°ëQ> g~ZoQ> _mñH$ ? ID, assuming a default subnet mask ?
(A) 192 (A) 192
(B) 192.168.10 (B) 192.168.10
(C) (C)
(D) 51 (D) 51
135. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr g{d©g Q>rgrnr _| à`moJ hmoVr 135. Which of the following services use TCP ?
h¡ ? i) DHCP
i) S>rEMgrnr ii) SMTP
ii) EgE_Q>rnr iii) HTTP
iii) EMQ>rQ>rnr iv) TFTP
iv) Q>rE\$Q>rnr
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
v) FTP
v) E\$Q>rnr (A) i) and ii)
(A) i) Am¡a ii) (B) ii), iii) and v)
(B) ii), iii) Am¡a v) (C) i), ii) and iv)
(C) i), ii) Am¡a iv) (D) i), iii) and iv)
(D) i), iii) Am¡a iv)
136. The first part of a complete URL is the
136. ________ H§$ßbrQ> URL H$m nhbm ^mJ h¡ Omo __________ needed to access the web
do~ g§gmYZm| H$mo Egog H$aZo Ho$ H$m_ AmVm h¡ & resource.
(A) ES´>og (A) address
(B) Zm_ (B) name
(C) bmoHo$eZ (C) location
(D) àmoQ>moH$m°b (D) protocol
137. XML _| “X” H$m `m AW© h¡ ? 137. What does the “X” in XML stand for ?
(A) Mixed (A) Mixed
(B) Cross-platform (B) Cross-platform
(C) Extensible (C) Extensible
(D) Exclusive (D) Exclusive
138. Web.config \$mBb H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡ 138. Web.config file is used
(A) Cg Q>mB_ na H$m°pݵ\$Ja H$a| O~ gd©a gmBS H$moS> (A) Configures the time that the server-
{~hmB±S> _moS>çyb H$hbmVm h¡ side code behind module is called
(B) To configure the web server
(B) do~ gd©a H$mo H$m°pݵ\$Ja H$aZo Ho$ {bE
(C) To configure the web browser
(C) do~ ~«mCµOa H$mo H$m°pݵ\$Ja H$aZo Ho$ {bE
(D) To store the global information and
(D) EßbrHo$eZ Ho$ {b`o ½bmo~b B§\$a_oeZ Am¡a
variable definitions for the application
d¡[a`~b S>o{\$ZoeZ ñQ>moa H$aZm
139. Default scripting language in ASP
139. ASP _| {S>\$m°ëQ> pñH«$pßQ>¨J ^mfm h¡ &
(A) EcmaScript
(A) EcmaScript
(B) VBScript
(B) VBScript
(D) JavaScript
(D) JavaScript
140. What is the output of the below java script
code ?
140. {ZåZ Omdm pñH«$ßQ> H$moS> H$m n[aUm_ `m h¡ ?
<script type=“text/javascript”
<script type=“text/javascript”
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
language =“javascript”>
language =“javascript”>
var qpt = new Array();
var qpt = new Array();
qpt[0] = “WebDevelopment”;
qpt[0] = “WebDevelopment”;
qpt[1] =“ApplicationDevelopment”
qpt[1] =“ApplicationDevelopment”
qpt[2] =“Testing”
qpt[2] =“Testing”
qpt[3] = “QualityPointTechnologies”;
qpt[3] = “QualityPointTechnologies”;
document.write(qpt[0, 1, 2, 3]) ;
document.write(qpt[0, 1, 2, 3]) ;
(A) Error
(A) Ìw{Q>
(B) QualityPointTechnologies
(B) QualityPointTechnologies
(C) WebDevelopment
(C) WebDevelopment
(D) Web Development, Application
(D) Web Development, Application
Development, Testing, Quality Point
Development, Testing, Quality Point
DHC TS12-WM -27-
141. EOo`yQ>o~b `w{Q>{b{Q> àmoJ«m_ _|, H§$nmBba E{S>Q>a Am{X 141. Executable utility programs, compilers
H$mo UNIX OS _| {Og {gñQ>_ S>m`aoQ>ar _| g§J«{hV editors etc. are stored in UNIX OS in the
142. UNIX OS Ho$ {gñQ>_ S>mQ>m Am¡a `w{Q>{bQ>r àmoJ«m_, 142. System data and utility programs,
nmgdS>© VWm bm°{JZ \$mBb ________ {ZX}{eH$m password and login files in UNIX OS are
143. do~ XñVmdoµO ~ZmVo g_`, B_oO H$s D±$MmB© Am¡a Mm¡S>mB© 143. When creating a Web document, what
H$mo ì`V H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$m¡Z-gm \$mo_}Q> BñVo_mb {H$`m format is used to express an image’s height
OmVm h¡ ? and width ?
94 5000 6007 , 91 29 69 70 80
(A) g|Q>r_rQ>g© (A) Centimeters
144. H$_ OJh _| H$ÝS>|o{gg \$mBëg H$mo g§J«{hV H$aZo H$s 144. What is the process that condenses files
à{H«$`m H$mo `m H$hVo h¢ {Oggo {H$ dh B§Q>aZoQ> na VoOr to be stored in less space and therefore,
go ^oOr Om gHo$ & sent faster over the Internet ?
145. S>r _m°J©Z Ho$ {Z`_ _| H$hm J`m 145. De Morgan’s law states
(A) X ∧ Y = X ν Y (A) X ∧ Y = X ν Y
(B) X ν Y = X ∧ Y (B) X ν Y = X ∧ Y
(C) Both
(C) Both
(D) None of these
(D) None of these
146. Truth table of Boolean function
146. Boolean function X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.Y X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.Y matches with
{H$g Ho$ ~am~a h¡ ? (A) X ∧ Y
(A) X ∧ Y (B) Y
(C) Z
(B) Y
(D) None of these
(C) Z
155. {H$VZo _y ë `m| H$mo aIm Om gH$Vm h¡ array A 155. How many values can be held by an array
(-3:10, 5:12) _| ? A (-3:10, 5:12) ?
(A) 91 (B) 119 (A) 91 (B) 119
(C) 112 (D) 104 (C) 112 (D) 104
156. Am`m_r Xmo Aja array A [1:5,2:7]. _| A[2][3] H$m 156. Consider a two dimensional character
nVm `m hmoJm AJa AmYma nVm 500 h¡ Am¡a à_wI array A [1:5,2:7]. Assuming row major
n§pV AZwH«$_ H$m nmbZ {H$`m OmVm h¡ order of storage determine the address of
(A) 501 (B) 506 element A[2][3] if base address is 500.
(C) 507 (D) 508 (A) 501 (B) 506
(C) 507 (D) 508
157. Stack h¡
(A) ñQ>o{Q>H$ Am§H$S>m g§aMZm 157. Stack is
(B) J{VH$ Am§H$S>m g§aMZm (A) Static data structure
(C) BZ{~ëQ> S>oQ>m g§aMZm (B) Dynamic data structure
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht (C) Inbuilt data structure
(D) None of these
158. {XE JE postfix AB*CD/+ H$m prefix {ZH$mbo
(A) +*AB/CD 158. Find prefix of following postfix AB*CD/+
(B) +A*B/CD (A) +*AB/CD
(C) +AB*C/D (B) +A*B/CD
(D) +AB*/CD (C) +AB*C/D
160. AJa EH$ queue _| front gyMH$ H$m _mZ rear gyMH$ 160. In a queue if value of front pointer is equal
Ho$ ~am~a h¡ Vmo queue to rear pointer then queue
(A) Imbr h¡ (A) Is empty
(B) g§nyU© ^am h¡ (B) Is full
(C) _| Ho$db EH$ hr VËd h¡ (C) Has one element
(D) _| EH$ VËd hmo gH$Vm h¡ (D) May have one element
DHC TS12-WM -31-