1-Health Educatioon Concepts, Overview, Introduct
1-Health Educatioon Concepts, Overview, Introduct
1-Health Educatioon Concepts, Overview, Introduct
Ask questions
At the end of this lecture, each student will be able to:
Define important terms.
Identify Elements of teaching process.
Health Education
Everyone needs health education (young and old), men and
women, educated and illiterate. Health education does not
stop at certain point, as it deals with any topic related to
health provided that this topic is compatible with the needs of
the individual or group.
Health Education
Teaching styles
-Formal teaching takes place at a specific time, in
a specific place, on a specific topic.
-Informal teaching takes place any time, any place ,
whenever a learning need is identified.
Benefits of health Teaching
Promotion of wellness.
Prevention of illness.
Restoration of health.
Facilitation of coping abilities.
Shorter length of hospital stays.
Maximizes independence.
Decreased chance of hospital readmission.
Greater compliance with prescribed treatment
Types of Learning Styles