Water Quality Management in Aquaculture-Halaman-1
Water Quality Management in Aquaculture-Halaman-1
Water Quality Management in Aquaculture-Halaman-1
or;ii AGE,
started in 1979 at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Cochin. This is one of the Sub-projects of the ICAR/UNDP
project on ' Post-graduate Agricultural Education and Research'.
The main objective of the CAS in Mariculture is to catalyse
research and education in maricujture which forms a definite
means and prospective sector to augment fish production of the
country. The main functions of the Centre are to :
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures,
Auburn University, Alabama
All other things being equal, a pond with ' good' water
quality will produce more and healthier fish than a pond with
' poor' water quality. In this manual an attempt is made to
define ' good' water quality for fish culture. Information is also
presented which will help in determining the potential of a body
of water for producing fish, improving water quality, avoiding
stress-related fish disease and parasite problems, maintaining fish
for research purposes and ultimately producing more fish
per unit of surface area. The following discussion of water
quality is brief, but an attempt has been made to cover the most
important points. Chapter 1 is concerned with general aspects of
water quality that influence fish production. The influence of fish
feeding on water quality is covered in Chapter 2. Chapter 3
covers pond fertilization and Chapter 4 is concerned with
liming. Dissolved oxygen and aeration is treated in Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 deals with miscellaneous treatments and procedures
for computing doses of chemicals for ponds. Methods of water
analysis are presented in Chapter 7.
1.1. Introduction
The material in this report explains the usual relationships
between water quality variables and fish production, setting forth,
where possible, ranges of desirable levels of the variables. In
addition, the management procedures recommended herein
usually will be effective in improving water quality. However,
because of unexplained reasons, effects of water quality on fish
and the effectiveness of management procedures may be quite
different from those reported here. Therefore, fish culturists
should not consider the information in this report as the final
answer to water quality problems, but merely as suggestions on
how to solve these problems. Coldwater fish will not be
considered, but coldwater fish generally demand water of much
better quality than do warmwater fish.
1.2. Temperature
Warmwater fish grow best at temperatures between 25°C and
32CC. Water temperatures are in this range the year
around at low altitudes in the tropics, but in temperate regions
water temperatures are too low in winter for rapid growth of
fish and fish food organisms. For this reason, management
procedures such as feeding and fertilizing are halted or reduced
in winter. Temperature has a pronounced effect on chemical and
biological processes. In general, rates of chemical and biological
reactions are doubled for every 10°C increase in temperature. This
means that aquatic organisms will use twice as much dissolved
oxygen at 3Q°C as at 20°C and chemical reactions will progress
twice as fast at 30°C as at 20°C. Therefore, dissolved oxygen
requirements of fish are more critical in warmwater than in cold
water. Chemical treatments of ponds also are affected by
temperature. In warm water, fertilizers dissolve faster, her-
bicides act quicker, rotenone degrades faster and the rate of
oxygen consumption by decaying manure is greater.
In ponds, heat enters at the surface and so surface waters get
heated faster than lower waters. Since the density of water
(weight per unit volume) decreases with increasing temperature
above 4°C, the surface waters may become so warm and light
that they do not mix with the cooler, heavier waters in lower layers.
The separation of pond water into distinct warm and cool layers
is called thermal stratification. The upper warm layer is called
the epilimaion and the lower cooler layer is known as the
hypolimnion. The layer of rapidly changing temperature between
the epilimnion and the hypolimnion is termed the thermocline.
The temperature profile for a thermally stratified pond is shown
in Fig. 1.1. In temperate regions large ponds may stratify in the
spring and remain stratified until fall. In small, shallow ponds
1.3. Salinity
The term salinity refers to the total concentration of all
dissolved ions in a natural water expressed in milligrams per
litre. The osmotic pressure of solutions increases with increasing
salinity. Fish species differ in their osmotic pressure require-
ments, so the optimum salinity for fish culture differs to some
extent with species. Salinity information on some cultured
species of pond fish is presented in Table 1.1.
1.5. Plankton
Plankton is comprised of all the microscopic organisms which
are suspended in water and includes small plants (phytoplankton),
small animals (zooplankton) and bacteria. When there is
enough plankton in the water to discolour it and make it appear
turbid, the water is said to contain a plankton «bloom.' The
phytoplankton uses inorganic salts, carbon dioxide, water and
sunlight to produce its own food. The zooplankton feeds on
living or dead plankton and other tiny particles or organic matter
FIG. 1.3. A representative food web in a pond used for Tilapia culture.
0 j i I i I 1.. I —I.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Particulate organic matter, mg/littr
TJven though dissolved oxygen will diffuse into water, its rate
of diffusion is quite slow. Therefore, photosynthesis by phyto-
plankton is the primary source of dissolved oxygen in a fish
culture system. Fish culturists are often concerned with the
rate at which dissolved oxygen is removed from the water. The
primary losses of dissolved oxygen from a pond include respiration
by the plankton (phytoplankton include), respiration by fishes,
respiration by benthic organisms (organisms living in or attached
to the mud) and diffusion of oxygen into the air (7,10). The
Process Range
Photosynthesis by phytoplankton 5 to 20
Diffusion 1 to 5
Plankton respiration .. 5 to 15
Fish respiration .. 2 to 6
Respiration by organisms in mud 1 to 3
Diffusion 1 to 5
when waters are supersaturated. The larger the difference between
the dissolved oxygen concentration in the pond water and the
concentration of dissolved oxygen at saturation, the greater is the
rate of diffusion. Wind and wave action also favour diffusion.
In a fish culture system, more oxygen must enter or be
produced in the water by plankton than is used by the organisms
or dissolved oxygen depletion will occur. Since nutrients are
normally abundant in well managed fish ponds, light is often the
primary factor regulating photosynthesis by phytoplankton.
Light rapidly decreases in intensity as it passes through water.
This is true even in pure water, but the decrease is even faster in
fish ponds because the planktonic organisms and other suspended
and dissolved substances reflect and absorb light. Therefore,
the rate of oxygen production by phytoplankton decreases with
depth and below a certain depth, no more oxygen is produced.
Since oxygen is continually used by the pond biota and only
produced during daylight hours by the phytoplankton, there is a
depth at which dissolved oxygen production by the
phytoplankton and that entering by diffusion just equal the
combined utilization of dissolved oxygen by pond life. Below
this depth in stratified ponds the water will contain no dissolved
oxygen. The stratification of dissolved oxygen in ponds usually
corresponds closely to thermal stratification (3). The epilimnion
contains dissolved oxygen and the hypolimnion is depleted of
dissolved oxygen. As with thermal stratification daily dissolved
oxygen stratification may occur in small shallow ponds.
Obviously, the depth to which light intensity is great enough
for adequate photosynthesis to provide surplus dissolved oxygen
is related to plankton density. Photosynthesis decreases with
decreasing light intensity and as plankton becomes more abundant,
the rate of oxygen consumption by the plankton community
increases. When plankton abundance is great, dissolved oxygen
production is extremely high near the surface. Because of
shading, the rate of oxygen production will decrease rapidly with
depth and only a thin layer of surface water, often less than 1 m
will contain appreciable dissolved oxygen. In ponds where
plankton is less abundant, rates of dissolved oxygen production
are not as high within the illuminated layer of water, but there
will be appreciable oxygen production and surplus dissolved
oxygen at greater depths than in ponds with greater plankton
turbidity. The influence of plankton turbidity on the depth
distribution of dissolved oxygen in ponds is illustrated in Fig. 1.6.
As a general rule, most ponds will contain enough dissolved
oxygen to support fish to a depth of at least two or three times
the Secchi disc visibility.
e 12 i6 20 24
Di»»olv«d oiyg«n,mq/lit«r
>^_,\ moderate ptanMon
^*°->>X. bloom
^ v
light plankton
7i i 1 U— 1—
6o.m Noon 6 p.m. 12 p.m. 6am.
Time of day
I I < I I I I I I I I I I ! I I > I I I •
18 22 26 30 4 8 12
April May
>. 3.0 ^fish survive but growth
slow for prolonged
_> exposure
1 desirable range
^o.m. Noon 6p.m. 12 p.m. 6 am.
Time of day
Fro. 1.12. Dailyfluctuationsin pH in a fish culture pond.
5 :} no reproduction
> slow growth
x desirable ronge for fish
* 8 production
1.9. Ammonia
Ammonia reaches pond water as a product of fish metabolism
and decomposition of organic matter by bacteria. In water,
ammonia nitrogen occurs in two forms, un-ionized ammonia and
ammonium ion, in a pH and temperature dependent equilibrium :
NH, + H,0 = NH4+ + OH".
As pH rises, un-ionized ammonia (NH,) increases relative to
ammonium ion. Temperature also causes an increase in the
proportion of un-ionized ammonia, but the effect of increasing
temperature is less than that of increasing pH. Percentages of
un-ionized ammonia at different temperatures and pH values are
given in Table 1.6. Analytical procedures for ammonia measure
both un-ionized ammonia and ammonium ion (total ammonia
nitrogen). The percentage un-ionized ammonia for the appro-
priate temperature and pH may be multiplied by the total
ammonia nitrogen concentration to estimate the concentration of
un-ionized ammonia. For example, suppose the pH is 9.0,
temperature is 28°C and total ammonia- nitrogen is 1.0 nig/litre.
The percentage un-ionized ammonia is41.2% atpH 9 and 28 C C;
the un-ionized ammonia concentration is 1 x 0.412 =»
0.41 mg/litre. The answer is in terms of ammonia-nitrogen; to
convert to ammonia, multiple by the ratio 17/14—the molecular
weight of ammonia to the atomic weight of nitrogen.
Temperature (*Q
PH 16 18 20 - 22 24 26 28 30 32
7.0 .. 0.30 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.60 0.70 0.81 C.95
7.2 .. 0.47 0.54 0.63 0.72 0.82 0.95 1.10 1.27 1.50'
7.4 .. 0.74 0.86 0.99 1.14 1.30 1.50 1.73 2.00 2.36
7.6 .. 1.17 1.35 1.56 1.79 2.05 2.35 2.72 3.13 3.69
7.8 . 1.84 2.12 2.45 2.80 3.21 3.68 4.24 4.88 5.72
8.0 .. 2.88 3.32 3.83 4.37 4.99 5.71 6.55 7.52 8.77
8.2 .. 4.49 5.16 5.94 6.76 7.68 8.75 10.00 11.41 13.22
8.4 .. 6.93 7.94 9.09 10.30 11.65 13.20 14.98 16.96 19.46
8.6 .. 10.56 12.03 13.68 15.40 17.28 19.42 21.83 24.45 27.68
8.8 .. 15.76 17.82 20.08 22.38 24.88 27.64 30.68 33.90 37.76
9.0 .. 22.87 25.57 28.47 31.37 34.42 37.71 41.23 44.84 49.02
9.2 .. 31.97 35.25 38.69 42.01 45.41 48.96 52.65 56.30 60.38
9.4 .. 42.68 46.32 50.00 53.45 56.86 60.33 63.79 67.12 70.72
9.6 .. 54.14 57.77 61.31 64.54 67.63 70.67 73.63 76.39 79.29
9.8 .. 65.17 68.43 71.53 74.25 76,81 79.25 81,57 83.68 85.85
10.0 .. 74.78 77.46 79.92 82.05 84.00 85.82 87.52 S9.05 90.58
10.2 .. 82.45 84.48 86.32 87.87 89.27 90.56 91.75 92.80 93.84
1.10. Nitrite
When nitrite is absorbed by fish, it reacts with haemoglobin to
form methemoglobin. Because methemoglobin is not an effective
oxygen carrier, continued absorption of nitrite can lead to
hypoxia and cyanosis. Blood containing methemoglobin is
brown, so nitrite poisoning in fish is frequently called brown-
blood disease.
The sources of nitrite in fish ponds have not been definitely
identified. However, the most likely source is the reduction of
nitrate to nitrite in anaerobic muds. Regardless of the source,
ponds occasionally contain nitrite concentrations of 0.5 to 10
It is difficult to establish a lethal threshold value for nitrite,
for its toxicity is related to water quality. Chloride and appar-
ently calcium ions reduce the toxicity of nitrite to fish. As long
as the molar ratio of chloride to nitrite does not drop below 3,
channel catfish are not harmed by nitrite. Hence, sodium
chloride application may be used to prevent brown-blood disease
when nitrite concentrations are high. Calcium chloride is more
effective than sodium chloride in alleviating nitrite toxicity in
trout and salmon. Thus, the toxic level for nitrite varies with
chloride and possibly calcium concentrations. Of course, a given
level of nitrite in a particular water results in a specific percent-
age of methemoglobin in fish. However,' the percentage, of
methemoglobin that is necessary to harm fish will differ wjth
dissolved oxygen concentration. There is also evidence that
the toxicity of nitrite increases with decreasing pH. Nilritfi
concentrations above 1 mg/litre in pond water are usually
considered undesirable unless chloride concentrations are several
milligrams per litre.
If total alkalinity and total hardness are too low, they may be
raised by liming. However, there is generally no practical *way
of decreasing total alkalinity, and total hardness when they are
above the desirable level. As a general rule, the most productive
waters for fish culture have total hardness and total alkalinity
values of approximately the same magnitude. For example, a
water with a total alkalinity of ISO mg/litre and a total hardness
of 25 mg/litre is not as good for fish culture as a water in
which the total alkalinity is ISO mg/litre and the total hardness
is 135 mg/litre.
Secchi disk 80
10 ' 20 30 40 50
Feed, kg/ho per doy
Fro. 2.1. Secchi disc visibilities and early morning (0630 hrs.) dissolved
oxygen concentrations in a channel catfish pond as the feeding rate was
gradually increased from May to September.
'.,, As phytoplankton density increases with feeding rate, there
is a decrease in the early morning dissolved oxygen concentra-
tion (Fig. 2.1). In ponds stocked at different rates with channel
catfish (3), there was good agreement between feeding rates,
Secchi disc visibility (phytoplankton abundance) and early
morning dissolved oxygen concentrations (Table 2.1). If feeding
rate continues to increase, a level is reached where phytoplankton
abundance is so great that dissolved oxygen depletion may occur
each night. Without aeration, fish cannot survive at very high
feeding rates. Of course, even with aeration and adequate
dissolved oxygen concentrations, feeding rates may become so
high that high ammonia concentrations limit fish production.
As feeding rates increase, fish production increases. How-
ever, because ammonia concentration increase and dissolved
oxygen concentrations during the night decrease, conditions for
fish production gradually decline as feeding rates increase. For
example, at feeding rates of 34, 56, 78 and 92 kg/ha of feed
per day, feed conversion values for channel catfish in ponds
were 1.3, 1.7, 2.5 and 6.3 respectively. Hence, as feeding
rates andfishproduction increase in un-aerated ponds, the amount
of feed required to produce a given weight of fish increases.
Because of the diminishing returns from feed, a point is reached
where applying more feed becomes uneconomical. -
morning Secchi
Feeding rate dissolved disc
oxygen visibility
(mg/iitre) (cm)
4.1. Introduction f
Phytoplankton growth in waters with low alkalinity is often
limited by inadequate carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ion. Some
waters of low alkalinity are so acid that flsh do not survive
or grow well. Muds in ponds with low total alkalinity are
acid and strongly absorb the phosphorus added in fertilizer.
The addition of a liming material increases the pH of bottom
muds and makes phosphorus more available. Liming also
increases the availability of carbon for photosynthesis by rais-
ing the total alkalinity of the water. The greater total alkalinity
after liming results in a higher concentration of bicarbonate ion
which is in equilibrium with carbon dioxide. Liming also
increases the pH and total hardness of pond waters. Ponds
with total alkalinity values less than 10 mg/litre seldom produce
adequate plankton for good fish production unless they are
limed. Responses to fertilization are variable in unlimed ponds
with waters containing 10 to 20 mg/litre total alkalinity, but
unlimed ponds with waters above 20 mg/litre total alkalinity
consistently, produce adequate plankton after fertilization to
allow good fish production provided all other factors are favour-
able (5).
The decision to lime a pond should always be based upon
total alkalinity measurements rather than guesswork. Ponds in
same general area may differ greatly in total alkalinity. For
example, most ponds near Auburn, U.S.A. will benefit from
liming, but among these ponds are a few which have total alka-
linity values well above 20 mg/litre. The " rule of thumb "
recommendation that all ponds in the vicinity of Auburn,
Alabama need lime would result in unnecessary and wasteful
application of lime to some ponds. In determining whether
or not to lime a pond, one should recognize that there is no
single total alkalinity value below which lime is undoubtedly
needed. Experience has shown that liming is of little or no
bsnefit if total alkalinity is above 20 mg/litre. At total alkalinity
values telow 20 mg/litre, judgment must be used to decide
whether or not to lime because the need for lime increases with
decreasing total alkalinity. In ponds with total alkalinity values
between 15 and 20 mg/litre, the response to liming may be too
slight to justify the effort and expense. One should not use
lime in a pond if fertilization is not to be employed because
liming alone will not appreciably increasefishproduction except
in waters that are so acid thatfishwill not survive or grow at
normal rates. Furthermore, lime is seldom needed in ponds
where fish are supplied feed and do not depend upon naturally
occurring organisms for food.
TABLE 4.1. Average mud pH values for five limed and five unlimed
ponds — lime applied between February 17 and March 17, 1983
BOYD, C. E. 1982. Water quality management for pond fish culture. Elsevier
Sci. Publ. Co. Amsterdam. 318 pp.
5.1. Introduction
Almost all problems with dissolved oxygen in fish culture are
the consequences of heavy plankton blooms. In fertilized ponds,
fertilization should be halted when plankton blooms get too
dense (i.e., Secchi disc readings of 25 cm or less). In ponds
where fish are supplied feeds, heavy plankton blooms are the
natural consequences of high feeding rates. Lower feeding rates
will result in less plankton growth, but only at the expanse of
decreased fish production. Suitable plankton densities result in
Secchi disc visibilities of 30 to 60 cm. The probability of
problems with low dissolved oxygen concentration increases as
the magnitude of the Secchi disc visibility decreases below 30 cm.
In ponds with Secchi disc visibility values of 10 to 20 cm,
dissolved oxygen concentrations may fall so low at night that
fish are stressed and a cloudy day may lead to dissolved oxygen
depletion before the next morning. Aeration is an effective
means of preventing fish mortality when dissolved oxygen is low
and aeration can bs used to permit high levels of fish
production. ........
9- measured
3 projected
8p.m. 18 p.m.
% \
FIG. 5.1. A graphical method for predicting the night time decline in
dissolved oxygen concentration infishponds.
Fio. 5.2. Diffased-air aeration.
FIG. 5.3. Venturi aerator.
V* Kj
• » , -
FlQ. 5,4. U-tylje aerjto?.
9 tr"'' ^' ^ **
• - II - ""
~ ^-L^*» * "" ll —T"
j * — II " ""—
— _ * • * * * * " " *
\ /
y^K L
/ \
FIG. 5.6. Splasher-type surface aerator.
TABLE 5.1. Typical rates of oxygen transfer under standard conditions for
aeration systems used in fish culture (3)
Transfer rate
Aeration system (Kg oxygen/Kw/
Diffused-air systems
Fine bubble 1.2—2.0
Medium bubble 1.0—1.58
Coarse bubble 0.6—1.2
Low-speed surface aeration (with or without draft tube) 1.2—2.4
High-speedfloatingaerator 1.2—2.4
U-tube aerator 4.5-45.6
Gravity aerator 1.2—1.8
Ventuxi aerator 1.2—2.4
Static tube systems 1.2—1.6
6-1. Introduction
Three miscellaneous treatments for improving water quality in
ponds are covered in this chapter. These include turbidity
removal, aquatic plant control and pH reduction. Information
for calculating treatment rates is also provided.
E-67 15 40 2 95
E-68 20 28 3 89
E-73 20 19 3 84
S-27 20 830 24 97
6*3. Reduction of pH
Waters which have high total alkalinities and low total
hardnesses may have dangerously high pH values during periods
of rapid phytoplankton growth. Waters of this type do not
occur often, but one should analyse the water to determine if the
potential for high pH exists.
Fto. 7.1. Water sampler useful for collecting water from depths of
up to 2 m.
Van Dorn, Kemmerer or sewage samplers, which may be
purchased from scientific supply houses, are most commonly
employed for taking samples for dissolved gas analysis. Samples
for other variables may be dipped from the surface with open
containers. Samplers may be constructed from inexpensive
materials for securing samples from greater depths (Figs. 7.1
and 7.2). Of course, water collected with samplers of the types
shown in Figs. 7.1 and 7.2 would be contaminated with air and
unfit for dissolved oxygen or carbon dioxide analysis.
rubber stopper
groduoted rope
Methyl orange indicator solution: Dissolve 0.05 g of methyl
orange in 100 ml of distilled water.
Standard sodium carbonate, 0-0200iv*; Dry a few grams of
NaaCOa (primary standard) at 140°C and cool in a desiccator.
Dissolve 1.0600 g of the Na2COs and dilute to 1,000 ml in COa-
free distilled water. Boil distilled water for 10 to 15 minutes to
expel COj and cool before using.
Standard sulphuric acid solution : Prepare a H a S0 4 solution
of approximately Q1N by diluting 2.8 ml of concentrated H a S0 4
to 1,000 ml with COa-free distilled water. Dilute 200 ml of
0.1N H a S0 4 to 1,003 ml with COa-free distilled water. This
solution is approximately 0.02N, but it must be carefully
standardised to determine its exact normality. To standardise,
pipette 10 ml of 0.0200N Na a C0 3 into a 250 ml beaker. Add
90 ml of COa-free distilled water and 4 to 8 drops of methyl
orange indicator solution. Titrate over a white surface to the
methyl orange end point with the sulphuric acid solution. At
end point, one drop of acid will change the colour of methyl
orange from yellow to faint orange. Calculate the normality of
the sulphuric acid with the following equation :
NV = N ' V
Where N = normality of sodium carbonate solution ;
V = volume in millilitres of sodium oarbonate solution ;
N' = normality of sulphuric acid solution ;
V = volume in millilitres of sulphuric acid solution.
Add 4 to 8 drops of methyl orange indicator solution to a
100 ml sample and titrate with standard sulphuric acid solution
until the colour of the solution changes from yellow to faint orange.
Measure the volume of sulphuric acid. Calculate total alkalinity
with the following equation :
Total alkalinity (mg/litre as CaC08) = (T) (NHS0»00°)
where T = volume in millilitres of sulphuric acid ;
N = normality of sulphuric acid ;
S = volume in millilitres of sample.
Buffer solution : Dissolve 67*5 g of NH4C1 in |570 ml of
concentrated NH4OH. Dilute to 1,000 ml in a volumetric flask
with distilled water.
Eriochrome black-T indicator: Dissolve 4-5 g of hydroxyla-
mine hydrochloride and 0-50 g of eriochrome black-T in 100 ml
of 70 % ethanol. Prepare fresh every 2 to 3 months.
Standard calcium solution, 0-010 M: Transfer 1000 g of
anhydrous CaC03 to a 1,000 ml beaker. Add 1: 1 HCl slowly
to dissolve the CaC08 and dilute to about 200 ml with distilled
water. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes to expel carbon dioxide, cool
and adjust to pH 7, as determined with a pH meter, with 3 N
NH4OH. Transfer to a 1,000 ml volumetric flask and dilute to
volume with distilled water.
Standard EDTA solution : Dissolve 4*00 g EDTA disodium
salt and 100 mg of MgCl, - 6HaO in distilled water and dilute to
1,000 ml. The solution must be standardised against the
standard calcium solution. Pipette 10 ml of the standard
calcium solution into a 250 ml beaker and add 90 ml of distilled
water. Titrate the calcium solution with EDTA solution
according to the procedure given below. Compute the molarity
of the EDTA solution with the equation : NV » N'V.
Measure a 100 ml water sample into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer
flask. Add 2-0 ml of the buffer solution and mix. Add 8 drops
of eriochrome black-T indicator and titrate with the EDTA
solution. At the end point, the solution will change from wine-
red to pure blue. Calculate the total hardness with the equation :
Total hardness (mg/litre as CaCOa) = ( T ) ( M ) 0°°» 10°)
where T = volume in millilitres of EDTA solution ;
M = molarity of EDTA solution ;
S = volume in millilitres of sample.
For samples high in hardness, e.g., sea water, dilute a 1-0 to
10-0 ml water sample to 100 ml with distilled water. Use the
actual volume of sample in the calculation.
Standardisation of sodium thiosulphate solution: Dissolve
2 g of KI in a H2SOB solution. Use volumetric pipette to measure
10 ml of 0-025 N K a Cr a 0 7 into the flask and place the flask in
the dark for 5 minutes. Dilute to 250 or 300 ml with distilled
water. Titrate with sodium thiosulphate solution until a pale
straw colour is reached. Add 8 drops of starch indicator and
titrate until the blue colour of the starch suddenly disappears.
Record the volume of sodium thiosulphate used. Calculate the
normality with the equation: NV = N ' V .
Preparation of sample for analysis : If a bottle train type
sampler is used, the BOD bottle must be removed and stoppered
carefully to prevent the introduction of air bubbles. If a Van
Dorn or Kemmerer bottle is used, introduce the water through a
tube which discharges at the bottom of the BOD bottle, allow the
BOD bottle to overflow for two or three exchanges of water and
stopper it carefully to prevent air bubbles. Samples must be
analysed for DO without delay.
Fixation of dissolved oxygen and liberation of iodine: To
a sample in a 300 ml BOD bottle, add 2 ml of manganous
sulphate solution and 2 ml of alkali-iodine-azide solution. These
reagents may bs added with a measuring pipette. Introduce the
reagents below the surface of the sample and stopper with care to
prevent air bubbles. Mix the solution in the bottle by rapidly
inverting it twenty times and then let the sample stand until a
precipitate settles to the bottom half of the bottle. Mix again by
inverting the bottle several times and let the precipitate settle.
Add 2 ml of concentrated HaS04 with a measuring pipette,
stopper the bottle and invert several times to dissolve the
Titration of iodine: To compensate for overflow of the
sample during the addition of the reagents, a 101 ml sample is
taken for titration. Calibrate a 100 ml graduated cylinder
by measuring 101 ml into it and placing a suitable graduation
at the appropriate position above the manufacturer's 100 ml
graduation. Shake the BOD bottle and then measure 100 ml
into a 250 ml beaker. Titrate with standard sodium thiosulphate
solution to a pale straw colour. Add 8 drops of starch indicator
solution and titrate until the blue colour disappears. Record
the volume of sodium thiosulphate used. Use the following
equation to calculate the DO concentrations :
Dissolved oxygen (rag/litre) . <T) (N) (8,000)
where T = volume in millilitre of sodium thiosulphate;
N = normality of sodium thiosulphate;
S = volume in millilitres of sample.
Consult a more detailed water analysis manual if there is any
question about interference. A sample can be preserved for up
to 8 hours by adding 0-7 ml of concentrated H 2 S0 4 and 1 ml of
2% NaN 3 and storing the sample in a sealed BOD bottle at 20°C
or less. In completing the procedure, add 3*0 ml of alkali-
iodide-azide solution rather than the usual 2-0 ml. Dissolved
oxygen may also be fixed at the sampling site by the addition of
manganous sulphate and alkali-iodide-azide solution and the
sample carried to the laboratory within 2 or 3 hours for prompt
completion of the DO determination.
Standard phenylarsine oxide (PAO) may bs purchased (Hach
Chemical Company, Loveland, Colorado) and used instead of
sodium thiosulphate in the titration of DO. PAO does not have
to be continually restandardised because it is stable for several
Special apparatus
The following special items are needed : Millipore filters
(Type HA, 47 mm, 0-45 micron pores), millipore filtration
apparatus, small electric drill, tissue grinder with 10 ml
chamber and Teflon pestle (A. H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia,
PA., Cat. No. 3431-E15), centrifuge and spectrophotometer.
Acetone 90% : Add 50 ml of distilled water to 450 ml of
reagent grade acetone.
Magnesium carbonate suspension 1 % : Place 10 g of powdered
MgC0 3 in a 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume with
distilled water. Only a small amount of the MgCO, will dissolve.
Place a millipore filter on the filter holder and attach the
funnel. Shake the MgCO„ suspension and pipette 1.0 ml over the
filter. Apply vaccuum to remove the liquid from the filter.
Transfer 50 or 100 ml of the well mixed sample to the funnel.
After the sample hasfilteredthrough, remove the Millipore filter
and trim away the edges which are not coated with residue.
Crumple the filter and place it in the tissue grinder. Add
2 ml of 90 % acetone and grind for 1 minute, then add 8.00 ml
of 90% acetone and grind for 30 seconds. Transfer the contents
of the tissue grinder tube to a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask, stopper
and refrigerate in the dark for 1 hour. Pour the acetone extract
into a 15 ml test tube and centrifuge at 2,000 to 3,000 revolutions
per minute (rpm) for 10 minutes. Decant the acetone extract
, into a cuvette and centrifuge at low speed (300 to 500 rpm) for
five minutes. Measure the absorbance of the acetone extract at
665 nm and again at 750 nm with a spectrophotometer set at 00
absorbance with 90% acetone. Calculate the chlorophyll a
concentration from the equation :
Chlorophyll a in F g/litre= 11-9 (Am - AT50) -£ x i s p
where A685 = the absorbance at 665 nm;
A7B0 = the absorbance at 750 nm;
V = the acetone extract in millilitres
L = the length of light path in the speotrophotometre
in centimetres;
S = the volume in millilitres of sample filtered.
Special apparatus
The following special items are required : glass fibre filtration
apparatus, 47 mm Gelman Type A-E glass fibre filters or
equivalent and a muffle furnace.
Prepare glass fibre filters by soaking them in distilled water
for 24 hours, drying them and igniting them in a muffle furnace
for 20 minutes at 550°C. Place a glass fibre filter on the filter
holder, attach the funnel and transfer a well-mixed and accurately
measured sample of water to the funnel with a graduated
cylinder. The sample volume must be large enough so that the
residue retained on the filter will be heavy enough to weigh. A
volume of 250 ml is usually adequate for pond waters. Apply
vacuum and after the sample has drained through the filter,
wash the filter and residue with 20 ml of distilled water. Dry
the filter and reside at 103°C, cool in a desicoator and weigh.
Ignite the tarred filter and residue at 550°C in a muffle furnace
for 20 minutes, cool in a desiccator and weigh again. The
weight loss represents particulate organic matter. Use the
equation below to calculate the concentration of particulate
organic matter.
Potassium dichromate solution l.OOOJV: Dry primary standard
grade K,Cr t 0 7 at 103°C for 2 hours and cool in a desiccator.
Dissolve 49.036 g of K,Cr s O, in distilled water and dilute to
1,000 ml.
Potassium dichromate solution 0-0250JV": Dilute 25.00 ml of
1,000 N K8CrjG7 and 100 mg of sulfamic acid to 1,000 ml with
distilled water.
Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution : Dissolve 9.8 g of Fe
(NH4) (S04) • 6H,0 in distilled water and add 20 ml of concen-
trated H a S0 4 . Cool, dilute to 1,000 ml and store in the dark.
Standardise daily as follows. Dilute 10 ml of 0.0250 N
K,Cr,0 7 to about 45 ml with distilled water in an Erlenmeyer
flask and add 30 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid. When cool,
add 2 or 3 drops of ferroin indicator and titrate with ferrous
ammonium sulphate as described in the procedure below.
Calculate normality as : NV = N ' V .
Ferroin indicator: Dissolve 1.8877 gof 1, 10-phenathroline
raonohydrate and 0.7 g of Fe S04-7HaO in 100 ml distilled
Other reagents: Reagent grade silver sulphate, mercuric
sulphate and concentrated sulphuric acid.
Clean glassware with H g S0 4 -Na a Cr a 0 7 cleaning solution and
rinse thoroughly in distilled water. Pipette a 20 ml sample
and 10 ml of the standard dichromate solution (0O25N) into
a 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. A reagent blank is prepared from
distilled water and treated exactly as the samples. Add 30 ml
concentrated sulphuric acid, 0 4 g Ag S0 4 crystals and enough
HgS0 4 crystals to maintain an HgS0 4 : chloride ratio of 10.
Swirl. Cover flasks with clean cover glasses and let stand for
30 minutes. Dilute with 75 ml of distilled water. Add 2 or 3
drops of ferroin indicator and titrate with standard ferrous
ammonium sulphate (0.O25N). Initially, samples will vary in
colour (yellowish orange to blue-green), but just before the end
point all samples will turn blue-green. At the end point, a*
single drop of titrant causes the colour to change from blue-
green to red-brown. If samples are high in organic matter, use
more concentrated solutions of potassium dichromate and
ferrous ammonium sulphate. Calculate the COD with the
following equation:
COD in mg/litre - 0 > - - A ) ( N ) (8.000),
A spectrophometer capable of operating at 543 nm is required.
Diazotising reagent: Add 5 g of sulphanilamide and SO m]
of concentrated hydrochloric acid to 300 ml of distilled water in
a 500 ml volumetric flask. Stir to dissolve and dilute to volume.
Coupling reagent: Dissolve 500 mg of N- (1-naphthyl)-
ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in 500 ml of distilled water.
Store in a dark bottle out of the light. This reagent gradually
becomes dark brown and must be prepared fresh every 2 to 4
For natural waters, the procedure consists of the successive
addition of 2 ml of phenol solution, 2 ml of sodium nitroprusside
solution and 5 ml of oxidising reagent to 50 ml of sample,
mixing thoroughly after each addition. The color is allowed to
develop at room temperature (22-27°C) for 1 hr and the
absorbance recorded at 6400 A in a spectrophotometer with a
10 cm length cuvette. All the glassware used must be cleaned by
washing initially with warm dilute hydrochloric acid and rinsing
thoroughly with distilled water.
N, N-dimethyl p-phenylene diamine dihydrochloride, p.a.
(CH,),NC6H4 • NH 8 2HC1 (1, 4 ) : 1 g is dissolved in about 6 N
hydrochloric acid to 500 ml. This acid may be prepared by
diluting concentrated HC1 (37 percent, sp.gr. 119) with an
equal amount of distilled water.
* Reproduced with the kind permission of FAO, Rome from FAO Fisheries
Technical Paper No. 137 ; 132-135.
Ferric chloride, p.a., FeCls : 8 g is dissolved in about 6 N
hydrochloric acid (prepared as above) to 500 ml.
Winkler bottles, Spectrophotometer or filterphotometer with
filter at or close to 670 nm. 1 cm and S cm or 10 cm cells and
automatic syringe pipettes.
Standardisation of the thiosulphate, determination of the
factor ( / ) : Add 1 g pottassium iodide and 2 ml sulphuric acid
(1 + 1) to an Brlenmeyer flask with a ground stopper containing
approximately ISO ml distilled water. Mix well and add 10 ml
of the pottassium hydrogen iodate solution by means of a
pipette and stopper the flask. Swirl gently and allow the iodine
liberation to proceed (away from direct sunlight)for 2-4 minutes.
Titrate the iodine with the thiosulphate solution to a pale straw
colour. Add two drops of the starch solution as indicator and
complete the titration until ths disappearance of the blue colour.
A blank is run to check the reagents. This is done by repeating
the process, but omitting the hydrogen iodate. If v is the milli-
litres of thiosulphate consumed, then
The samples must be taken with plastic water samplers. If
these are not available, metallic ones may be used provided that
the inner surfaces are plastic-coated.
An ordinary Winkler bottle is filled with the sample in
exactly the same manner as described for the dissolved oxygen
determination. The reagents diamine and ferric chloride are
immediately added with pipettes (preferably automatic syringe
pipettes) to the sample. Let the pipette tips extend deep into the
sample bottle. The stopper is now inserted avoiding air bubbles.
The blue colour starts developing in a few minutes and the
sample is ready for measurement in a photometer after 30
minutes. However, if the sample contains high concentrations
of hydrogen sulphide, one hour must be allowed for full colour
development. The colour intensity may be regarded as constant
for at least 24 hours.
The colour intensity of the sample is measured against distilled
water (or compensated for by reagent blanks) at 670 nm using 1
or 5 cm cells as required.
If the sample contains higher concentrations of hydrogen
sulphide than 100 ^gat/1 (3.2 mg/1) it has to be diluted prior to
the analysis. This is done by pipetting a suitable volume of
the sample into a measuring flask or Winkler bottle containing
some oxygen-free distilled water. The pipette tip should extend
below the surface of the water. Then more of the siluting water
is added by means of a siphon upto the calibrated volume of the
flask or bottle. The reagents are added and the sample is then
thoroughly mixed. Account has to be taken of the silution
factor when calculating the result of the analysis.
Note: It is difficult to prepare a standard solution of
sulphide with a high degree of accuracy. Therefore a systematic
error may be included in the analysis. Using the method
described, this error will be below 2 %.
It seems impossible to obtain a diamine that is not more or
less discoloured. However, this does not seem to affect the
results. Analysis done at the Fishery Board of Sweden with
a one year old brownish diamine solution produced results
which differed only slightly from the results obtained with a
freshly prepared solution.
According to Strickland and Parsons (1968) it may be
necessary to compensate the absorption value of each sample
for the absorption value of a reagent blank. This latter value
is obtained by adding reagents to filtered surface water and
measuring this against the same filtered water containing no
reagents. The absorption value should not exceed 05 in a
10 cm cell and should preferably be less than 0-2S.
Buffer solution : Dissolve 20 g p-nitrophenol, 15 g boric acid,
74 g potassium chloride and 10.5 g potassium hydroxide in
distilled water and dilute to 2,000 ml with distilled water.
Weigh 20 g of air-dry mud that passess a G.85 mm screen into
a 100 ml beaker and add 40 ml of buffer. Stir intermittently for
1 hrand measure the pH to the nearest 0.01 pH unit with a
glass electrode. Each 0.1 unit change in pH represents 0.16
meq of acidity. If the equilibrium pH is less than 6.8, the
procedure must be repeated using half as much dry mud.
Calculate the lime requirement as follows :
Liming rate (kg CaCOs/ha) = pH change x 5,600
Standard hydrochloria acid, 1.000 N.
Standard sodium hydroxide, 1.000 N.
Phenolphtbalein indicator solution.
Finely pulverize the liming material., Weigh 500 mg into a
500 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 25 ml of standard hydrochloric
acid —add slowly to prevent splattering. Boil briskly for 5
minutes. Heat on water bath for 3Qptninutes. Dilute to 100 ml
with distilled water and allow to cool. Add .a few drops of
phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with standard sodium
hydroxide to a faint pink colour. Calculate the neutralising
value as follows :
Neutralising value (*) = ^ z D J ^ m
ADAMS, F. AND C. E. EVANS 1962. A rapid method for measuring lime require-
ment of red-yellovrpodzolic soils. Soil $ci. Soc. Am. Proc., 26 ; 355-357.
* Out of print.