Burlattttt Semi Manuscript Labyu
Burlattttt Semi Manuscript Labyu
Burlattttt Semi Manuscript Labyu
Philippines, were its production account for nearly one- third of the total volume of
the top vegetables. The Philippines is the 7th top eggplant producers in the world.
Eggplant farming provides many small-scale farmers with their major employment
important and the most popular vegetable crop in the Philippines as it produce fruits
all year round in almost all part of the country. It is a good source of vitamins, fiber
al., 2007).
Owing to high nutrient content of the eggplant, it is presumed that the demand of
Eggplant production for the last 3 years has decreased. In 2013, the national
production of eggplants reduced 509,380 ton from 519,481 ton in 2011 (Directorate
General of Horticulture, 2014). One of the main causes of such reduction is the
decreasing fertility of the soil and organic matters in the soil (Ullah et al., 2008).
has reduced physical, chemical, and biological traits, as well as organic matters in
the soil, and of course, they will affect efficiency of nutrients absorption. Excessive
application of inorganic fertilizers would contaminate environment and the food yield
microorganisms feed both the plant and the soil (especially IMO and LABS). The
important practice in Natural Farming as this allows vital nutrients and minerals to be
available to the plants. It also promotes the proliferation of earthworms and other
higher soil organisms which contribute to the overall fertility of the soil. It is
remarkable to notice that plants grow very healthy and virtually pest-free without the
available sources of macro and micronutrients (Kiehl et al., 1999; Spehia et al.,
2018: Siavoshi et al., 2011; Caplan et al., 2017), which benefit not only the plants
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ), Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), Indigenous Micro-
organism (IMO), Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN), and other foliar fertilizers.
Research has shown that organic fertilizers have improved both the quantity and the
One known organic fertilizer is the fermented fruit juice (FFJ) composed of
banana, papaya, and squash. Banana, squash, and papaya have certain properties
that can make our plants stronger and healthier; they are rich in vitamin C. The
bananas are packed with potassium, which encourages fruiting; the papaya and
squash, as their color indicates, are rich in beta-carotene, which are important
Together, these fruits, when fermented boost the flowering and fruiting of our
veggies. Fermented fruit juice helps the plants because of its capability of dissolving
the chlorophyll in a short period of time to be readily absorbed by the plants due to
through the use of organic concoctions, hence this study will be proposed.
The study aims to identify the most effective organic concoctions in terms of
the following parameters: plant height (cm), days to flower emergence, days to first
harvest, number of fruits, weight of fruits (g), number of marketable fruits, weight of
marketable fruits, and to determine the growth and yield response of each eggplant
Brgy. Sta. Felomina, Makilala, Cotabato from September 2023 to January 2024.
Significance of Eggplant
one of the most important, inexpensive, and popular vegetable crops grown and
consumed in Asia. In the Philippines, eggplant production accounts for more than
30.0% of the total volume of production of the most important vegetables in the
for nearly one-third of the total volume of the top vegetables. Eggplant farming
provides many small-scale farmers their major source of employment and livelihood.
Asia produces 87% of the world's eggplant production and accounts for 90%
of the world's production area (Chen et al., 2008). The Philippines ranked 7th among
the world's top eggplant producers although eggplant is grown primarily for domestic
market (Hautea et al., 2007). Eggplant is the leading vegetable crop in the country in
terms of area planted and volume of production. It is accounted for the highest value
and 28% of the total volume of major vegetables grown in the country (ABSP II,
During the first quarter of 2023, production of eggplant was recorded at 78.14
thousand metric tons, indicating a decrease of -1.3 percent from the 79.15 thousand
metric tons output in the same quarter of 2022. Ilocos Region, the highest producer
of eggplant for this quarter with 32.65 thousand metric tons, shared 41.8 percent to
the country's total production this quarter. The other top producing regions of
eggplant were Central Luzon with 21.0 percent share and CALABARZON with 12.6
fungicides, repellants, chemical based. Growth enhancers and other synthetic food
ingredients for animals and plants. It helps to avoid the environmental pollution and
well as the total nitrogen content of the soil (Mann et al., 2000). Moreover, organic
untested and unutilized despite its practical applications regarding agricultural waste
and plant health. Its juice involves the use of sugar to ferment plant material and
create a byproduct viable for use as a plant fertilizer. It is made in a glass or plastic
solution to produce gases” (Miller et al., 2013). The dilution rates of FPJ are 1:500,
1:800, or 1:1,000 parts FPJ to water. The resulting solution should be used to treat
plants either through being “watered onto plants or into the soil” or as a “foliar spray”
Fermented fruit juice can be used to increase the fruiting process of plants as
well as to increase yield in some leafy green vegetables. It can be used as a foliar
spray as well as indirect application to the soil, where it feeds the micro biome and
Fermented plant juice (FPJ) is one of the natural growth enhancers used in
organic vegetable production (ATI, 2011). Several accounts have been reported
regarding its use (Llamelo et al., 2016), but, the duration of fermentation varies.
According to Jensen et al. (2006), fermentation should be kept for 5-10 days.
done after 7-10 days. The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI, 2006, 2011) suggested
According to the Denona et,.al (2020), stated that Fermented Plant Juice as
liquid fertilizer is widely practiced in organic farms. Based on ROI and BCR, lower
Fermented Fruit Juice or FFJ is made from sweet ripe fruits, fruit vegetables,
and root crops. Thoroughly blended with crude sugar or molasses and stored for a
short period of time, the fermented extract is applied to the plants to promote fruit
natural farming. It is used to revitalize crops, livestock, and humans. As the main
fruit ingredients, banana, papaya, mango, grape, melon, apple etc. can be used.
Fermented fruit juice (FFJ) can be used to increase the fruiting process of plants as
oxidants. It can help plants fruit faster and boost production in leafy green veggies. It
can be applied directly to the soil as a foliar spray or indirectly to feed the micro
biome and improve soil health. Sugar-induced fermentation removes nutrients and
enzymes from the fruit, transforming it into a liquid extract that can last a year or
applied directly to the soil at the rate of 1tsp/ liter of water. The carbohydrates and
Fish amino acid (FAA) is a liquid made of fish. It is one of the organic
preparations which is used for improving crop growth development (Priyanka et al.,
2019). The FAA is prepared by mixing the fish waste with brown sugar and is left for
a fermentation period for at least three months. It is of great importance for the
growth of both plants and microorganisms, since it contains different nutrients and
amino acid types (Ramesh et al., 2020). During the early or vegetative stage of
development, FAA is used as a nitrogen source to improve growth and size (Weinert
et al., 2014).
Fish amino acid must be diluted in water before being added to the soil or
sprayed on the leaves of the plants. The official dilution ratio is 1 part FAA to 1,000
parts water. With these proportions, FAA will last a long time, even from the scraps
of 1 fish. FAA is of great value to both plants and microorganisms in their growth
because it contains and abundant amount of nutrients and various types of amino
acids (will constitute a source of nitrogen (N) for plants). It is absorbed directly by the
crops, and it also stimulates the activity of microorganisms. The effects of FAA are
more observable when mixed with a pinch of urea (Fish culture, 2020).
supplementing soil nitrogen for plant growth and high crop yields; however, improper
water. Thus, the recommended rate is use to the FAA is 1 1/4 tbsp to be applied as a
This experiment was laid out in a two factorial in Randomized Complete Block
design (RCBD) with 8 treatment combinations replicated three times. Each treatment
was randomly selected using the draw lot technique. The experimental field were
divided into 24 plots with each plot measures 3.5m x 1.5m, as shown in Figure 1.
T2- (A1B2) Calixto F1 + FPJ 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
T3 - (A1B3) Calixto F1 + FFJ 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
T4 - (A1B4) Calixto F1 + FAA 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
T6- (A2B2) Banate king + FPJ 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
T7 - (A2B3) Banate king + FFJ 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
T8 - (A2B4) Banate king + FAA 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
Figure1. Field Lay-out of the study entitled, "Growth and Yield Performance of
Eggplant Varieties as influenced by different Organic Concoctions" arranged in
RCBD with eight treatments and three replications
Soil Analysis
Soil sample collection was done in the area where eggplant plants were
planted. The collected soil was sent to Amas laboratory for soil analysis. Soil testing
Land Preparation
Land preparation was done 21 days before transplanting. The area were
plowed and harrowed 2 to 3 times alternately at one week interval to prevent the
growth of weeds and ensure good soil aeration and promote an adequate
environment for plant development. It was plowed at a depth of 15-20 cm for better
rooting. The experimental area were divided into three blocks and further subdivided
into eight plots of 3.5m x 1.5m each. An alley of 1m between replication and 50cm
Seedling Production
The different varieties of eggplant was sown in seedling trays filled with
garden soil and fine sand at a ratio of 1:1, at a rate of one seed per hole. Before
sowing the growing media was sterilized for 30 minutes to eliminate the pathogen
that maybe present. The seeds were sown at 0.25 to 0.5 inch deep spaced 4 to 5
inches apart. Eggplant seeds were germinate in 7-12 days or after sowing. Different
varieties was sown separately. Watering was done immediately after sowing and
In making fermented plant juice, the researcher was collected the following
plant material: spinach, camote tops, and madre de cacao. The collected plants
were washed, and weighed to a kilogram of the plant material. It was mixed into a
1kg of molasses in a 1:1 ratio. After mixing, the container was covered with bond
paper and tied with twine and was stored for seven days in a cool place, for
papaya, mango, banana, and molasses. The fruits was cut into pieces and weighed
1 kg. The cut fruits were placed into a clean container, and a 1 kg of molasses was
added in a 1:1 ratio and mixed well with all the components. The container was
covered and sealed with a bond paper and tied with a twine and were stored for
seven days.
In making fish amino acid, the following materials were needed: fish,
molasses, jar, manila paper, and nylon twine. The fish were washed and weighed to
a kilogram. It was chopped into a small pieces and mixed into a jar with a molasses
in a 1:1 ratio. After mixing, the container was covered and sealed with a bond paper
and tied with a twine and was stored for thirty days.
per hill with a planting distance of 60 cm between row and 70 cm between plants
within a row. Different varieties were transplanted based on their designated plots.
Treatment Application
The different organic concoctions such as FPJ, FFJ, and FAA were diluted
into a tap water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. per liter of water. The treatments were sprayed
following the assigned concoction per plot. The application were start seven days
after transplanting and seven days interval thereafter. Foliar applications were
carried out early in the morning to ensure better absorptions. The treatments were
Pest Management
insect-pest beyond economic threshold level or when the population increases with
Water Management
Weed Management
Weeds were manually controlled by hand weeding. Weeding was done every
seven days.
Harvesting of eggplants was done when the inner flesh is cream colored,
Data to be Gathered
Plant Height (cm).This was taken by measuring the distance from the ground
level to the tip of the main stem of ten sample plants randomly taken from each plot.
This was measured using a meter stick at 14 days after transplanting (DAT) and 14
Days to Flower Emergence. This was observed by counting the days from
transplanting to first flower emergence. This was done separately per plot.
Days to First Harvest. This was observed by counting the days from
Number of Fruits. This was gathered by counting the fruits harvested from
ten sample plants randomly taken from each plot. This was done separately per plot.
Weight of Fruits(g). This was gathered by weighing the harvested fruits from
ten sample plants randomly taken from each plot. Data was expressed in grams.
fruits after sorting the harvested fruits. It is considered marketable if the fruits are
slightly firm but not hard, with no insect pest damage. Non-marketable fruits were
All data were arranged in a dummy table and statistically analyzed using
concoctions, and other important information were documented as part of the report.
growth and yield performance of eggplant cultivars. Banate King F1 and Calixto F1
Table 1 shows the average plant height of eggplant cultivars at 14, 28, 42, 56,
Results showed no significant effect among treatments at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, days
after transplanting. The highest plant height (79.3 cm) was obtained by Banate King
F1 treated with fish amino acid at 70 DAT. It was followed by Calixto F1 treated with
The result implies that the application of different organic concoctions did not
In contrast with the result of the present study, Gasana and Kim (2020) that
- not significant
DAT- Days After Transplanting
BKF1- Banate king F1
CF1- Calixto F1
after transplanting. It was noted that Calixto F1 treated FAA had the highest number
of days to flower emerged, with a mean of 61 days. It was followed by Banate King
The result implies that different organic concoctions did not influence the days
The same result was reported by Sakimin et al. (2017), who suggested that
effect of fermented plant juice had a significant effect on the variables of fruit length,
plant height.
- not significant
Table 3 shows the average days to first harvest of eggplant cultivars from
harvest after transplanting. It was noted that Banate King F1 treated FPJ had the
highest days to first harvested fruits, with a mean of 72 days. Untreated Calixto F1
and Calixto F1 treated FPJ showed favorable results in producing the earliest days
The result implies that different organic concoctions did not influence the days
to first harvest of eggplant cultivars days after transplanting. Regardless of the rates
of FFJ, the number of first harvest of Eggplant did not positively increase.
- not significant
Number of Fruits
Further, it was observed in the first variety Calixto F1 treated with fish amino
acid, was obtained the highest number of fruits with a mean of 72 comparable
between Calixto F1 treated with fermented plant juice and Calixto F1 treated with
Fermented fruit juice with a mean of 68 and 61, respectively. Untreated Calixto F1
The second variety showed that Banate King F1 obtained the highest number
of fruits treated with fermented fruit juice with a mean of 59. Comparable between
Banate King F1 treated with fish amino acid was gained a mean of 56, and
untreated Banate King F1 with a mean 49. Relatively lowest number of fruits was
Weight of Fruits
organic concoction. Analysis of variance was revealed a highly significant among the
Calixto F1 was observed that the first variety which is Calixto F1 treated the
different organic concoctions replicated three times obtained the highest mean of
(4751.58) compared to variety Banate king F1 was the lowest mean among the two
(2) Varieties with the mean of (3659.5) treated with different organic concoctions,
replicated three times was obtained the lowest weight mean in the two varieties.
different organic concoction. Analysis of the variance was revealed the highly
The first variety was observed the highest mean in calixto f1 treated with treatment
fish amino acid with a mean of (53), comparable to calixto f1 treated with fermented
plant juice was gained the mean of a (50), also followed by calixto f1 treated with the
treatment of fermented fruit juice was obtained the mean of 46, to be followed by
untreated calixto f1 with the mean of 38. Among all treatments applied in variety
Table 4 shows the highest mean of the two (2) Varieties of weight of
It was observed that the first variety calixto f1 treated with different organic
result was determined the higher weight of mean, so the banate king f1 was not
to January 2024. The study evaluated the growth of eggplant applied with different
organic concoctions. The study aims to identify the most effective organic
concoctions in terms of the following parameters: plant height (cm), days to flower
emergence, days to first harvest, number of fruits, weight of fruits (g), number of
marketable fruits, weight of marketable fruits, and to determine the growth and yield
The experiment was carried out using a Randomized Complete Block Design
1. The application of different organic concoction does not significantly influence the
plant height, days to flower emergence, days to first harvest. It was observed that
the result implies of organic concoctions did not influence the plant height, days to
flower emergence and days to first harvest of eggplant. Furthermore, the results
suggested that using FAA showed some favorable characteristics that could impact
2. Highly highly significant was observed on the numbers of fruits, weight of fruits,
number of marketable fruits and weight of marketable among the FAA. Calixto F1
Based on the results of the study. It can be concluded that FAA and FFJ
showed comparable effect on the plant height of eggplant. Furthermore, all FFA and
FFJ materials (positive check) have a comparable effect on the number of fruits,
recommendable to the farmers for the growth of eggplant plants but further research
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https://psa.gov.ph/vegetable-root-crops main/eggplant#:~:text=During
Municipality of Makilala