Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
The main aim of this paper is to develop an automatic The system also alerts when engine gets over heated or
fatality prevention and Emergency AID system using any fire accident was detected using IR flame sensor.
sensors like ADXL345 MEMS accelerometer, SR04 This will make use of an onboard Arduino
Ultrasonic sensor, and IR Flame sensor for preventing microcontroller, which is commonly termed as micro
accident and fire detections. The paper also aims in controller. This onboard computer can efficiently
tracking of the vehicle using GPS and GSM modules. communicate with the output and input modules which
In case of emergency situations it sends an automatic are being used. The controller is provided with some
SMS alerting message to the authorities. Ultrasonic internal memory to hold the code. This memory is used
sensor is an echo based sensor which can transmit the to dump some set of assembly instructions into the
sound waves and receives in an echo by using this we controller. And the functioning of the controller is
can find the distance of the object and prevent the dependent on these assembly instructions.
vehicle to hit the object.
MEMS is a Micro electro mechanical sensor which is a Literature Survey This section gives a comparative
high sensitive sensor and capable of detecting the tilt study of the formerly developed algorithms for
used for accident detection. The system consists of accident detection. The survey throws light on the key
cooperative components of MEMS accelerometer aspects of the papers studied and also highlights their
sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, IR flame sensor, Arduino positive and negative points. Reference [1] proposed a
microcontroller unit, GPS device and GSM module. Mobile Application for automatic accident detection
and multimodal alert which uses an Accident Detection
Algorithm. It uses eCall system to automatically detect
Keywords: Vehicle accidents along with Collisions and Roll-
Ultrasonic sensor, IR Flame Sensor, GPS and GSM overs. The Acceleration Severity Index (ASI)
Modules, MEMS Accelerometer Sensor, Arduino evaluates the potential risks for occupants.
Micro Controller unit, Emergency Medical Service.
In [2], a Communication Flow Algorithm has been
GPS is the acronym for global positioning system proposed in which Backend Systems interact with IoT
which receives the information from the satellite using Database Management Systems and Web sites.
anywhere in the world and provides the same for Gateways inter-connect the end devices to the main
controller. The GPS provides us the data like communication infrastructure of the system. IoT
location, time, and speed. The system is compact and peripheral nodes produce the data that is to be delivered
easy to install under rider seat. An accelerometer can to the control center. [3] Proposed an Incident Detection
be used in a car alarm application. Dangerous driving Algorithm to identify incidents, verify the nature of
can be detected with an accelerometer. It can be used incidents and provide emergency services based on the
as a crash recorder of the vehicle movements before, nature.
during and after a crash. With signals from an
accelerometer, a severe accident can be recognized.
Ultrasonic sensor is an echo based sensor which can
transmit the sound waves and receives in an echo by
using this we can find the distance of the object and
prevent the vehicle to hit the object. MEMS is a Micro
electro mechanical sensor which is a high sensitive
sensor and capable of detecting the tilt used for
accident detection. Ultrasonic sensor is an echo based Fig 2: LCD display
sensor which can transmit the sound waves and Some of the most common LCD’s connected to the
receives in an echo by using this we can find the many microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays.
distance of the object and prevent the vehicle to hit the This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20
object. characters per line by 2 lines, respectively.
Arduino Uno is the ideal board for getting started
with electronics, through fun and engaging hands-on
Fig 5: USB to serial converter cable
GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very
precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth.
GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation
Ultrasonic sensor: to calculate the user's exact location.
Ultrasonic sensors emit short, high-frequency sound
pulses at regular intervals. These propagate in the air
at the velocity of sound. If they strike an object, then
they are reflected back as echo signals to the sensor,
which itself computes the distance to the target based
on the Time-span between emitting the signal and
receiving the echo. Fig 8: GPS Module