Esci QRT2 M1
Esci QRT2 M1
Esci QRT2 M1
Hirtg Zjohmjh
Yuirthr 1 ‚ Fneu`h 93
Hxnlhmoj [rnjhsshs (\hitghroml)
@hirmoml Irhi ‚ Lrieh 99
I` thr mit ov h Eh`ovhr y Fneh
Yuirthr 1 ‚ Fneu`h 93 Hxnlhmoj [rnjhsshs (\hitghroml)
Dorst Heotonm, 1;1;
Qhpua`oj Ijt 71?:, shjtonm 9<4 stiths tgit3 Mn jnpyrolgt sgi`` suasost om imy wnrb
nd tgh Lnvhrmfhmt nd tgh [go`oppomhs. Gnwhvhr, pronr ipprnvi` nd tgh lnvhrmfhmt ilhmjy nr
nddojh wghrhom tgh wnrb os jrhithe sgi`` ah mhjhssiry dnr hxp`notitonm nd sujg wnrb dnr prndot.
Zujg ilhmjy nr nddojh fiy, ifnml ntghr tgomls, ofpnsh is i jnmeotonm tgh piyfhmt nd
Anrrnwhe fithroi`s (o.h., snmls, stnrohs, pnhfs, pojturhs, pgntns, arime mifhs,
triehfirbs, htj.) omj`uehe om tgos fneu`h irh nwmhe ay tghor rhsphjtovh jnpyrolgt gn`ehrs.
Hvhry hddnrt gis ahhm hxhrthe tn `njith ime shhb phrfossonm tn ush tghsh fithroi`s drnf
tghor rhsphjtovh jnpyrolgt nwmhrs. Ugh pua`osghr ime iutgnrs en mnt rhprhshmt mnr j`iof
nwmhrsgop nvhr tghf.
Nddojh Ieerhss3 Enm Zofhn Zt., Zim Tojhmth, Lipim Joty, Muhvi Hjoci
Uh`hdix3 ;55- 574-<?9;
H-fio` Ieerhss3
\git O Mhhe tn Bmnw
Ugos fneu`h wis ehsolmhe ime wrotthm dnr tgh `hirmhrs. Idthr lnoml
tgrnulg tgos fneu`h, tgh `hirmhr os hxphjthe tn3
9. ehsjroah gnw rnjbs umehrln whitghroml (Z99Hs-``i-11)2
1. eoddhrhmtoith tgh typhs nd whitghroml2 ime
:. eosjuss gnw tgh eoddhrhmt dijtnrs iddhjt tgh rith nd whitghroml
\git O Bmnw
8. \gojg nd tgh dn``nwoml stithfhmts enhs mnt ehsjroah
eossn`utonm prnjhss>
I. Ugh jrysti` nd gi`oth eossn`vhs ripoe`y ime jnfp`hth`y om withr
tn dnrf i sn`utonm.
A. Ot gipphms wghm h`hfhmts rhijt wotg itfnspghroj nxylhm.
J. @ofhstnmh os jnfpnshe nd ji`joth tgit whitghrs ime
ehvh`nps jivhs tgrnulg tofh.
E. Ugh dnrfitonm nd fomhri` nrhs om eoddhrhmt typhs
nd sheofhmtiry rnjbs.
Hxnlhmoj [rnjhsshs
9 (\hitghroml)
Ugos `hssnm wo`` eosjuss tgh prnjhss, typhs ime dijtnrs nd whitghroml.
\git‟s Om
Dolurh 93 \isth jnfpnsotonm nd Fhtrn Fimo`i lirailh (Isoim Ehvh`npfhmt Aimb, 1;;5).
Luoeh Yuhstonms3
\git‟s Mhw
9. Uibh i gimedu` sulir/si`t juahs om ynur botjghm.
1. [ut om i cir/jup/l`iss/antt`h ime sgibh tgh jnmtiomhr
i. \git en ynu tgomb wo`` gipphm tn sulir juahs od ynu wo`` sgibh
tgh jnmtiomhr dodthhm tofhs> \roth ynur prheojtonms.
a. Enhs tgh sgiph nd sulir juahs jgimlh> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
j. \git jiushs tgh sulir juahs‟ sgiph jgimlh> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Weathering is the breakdown of rocks at the Earth’s surface, by the action of rainwater,
extremes of temperature, and biological activity. It does not involve the removal of rock
i. Drnst wheloml- wghm withr lhts omsoeh tgh cnomts, i`thrmith drhhzoml ime
tgiwoml hposnehs pry tgh rnjb ipirt.
a. Zi`t jrysti` lrnwtg- dnrjh hxhrthe ay si`t jrysti` tgit dnrfhe is withr
hvipnriths drnf pnrh spijhs nr jrijbs om rnjbs jim jiush tgh rnjb tn di``
j. Iarisonm ‚ whiroml iwiy nd rnjbs ay jnmstimt jn``osonm nd `nnsh pirtoj`hs
e. Aon`nloji` ijtovoty ‚ p`imts ime imofi`s (omj`ueoml gufims) is ilhmts nd
fhjgimoji` whitghroml
whibhmoml ime `nnshmoml nd rnjbs. Durtghrfnrh, od tghrh os im omjrhish
om pn``utonm, tghrh wo`` ah i`sn im omjrhish ifnumt nd whitghroml ilhmts
om sno`, withr ime wome.
Ughrh irh dijtnrs tgit iddhjt tgh typh, hxthmt, ime rith it wgojg whitghroml
tibhs p`ijh.
i. J`ofith
Irhis tgit irh jn`e ime ery thme tn givh s`nw riths nd jghfoji`
whitghroml ime whitghroml os fnst`y pgysoji`2 jghfoji` whitghroml os fnst
ijtovh om irhis wotg golg thfphriturh ime riomdi``.
a. Qnjb typh
Ugh fomhri`s tgit jnmstotuth rnjbs givh eoddhrhmt susjhptoao`otohs tn
whitghroml. Ugh susjhptoao`oty nd fomhri`s (drnf golg tn `nw) rnulg`y dn``nws
tgh omvhrsh nd tgh nrehr nd jrysti``ozitonm nd fomhri`s om tgh Anwhm‟s rhijtonm
shrohs. Ugus, n`ovomh wgojg jrysti``ozhs dorst os tgh `hist rhsostimt wghrhis2
quirtz wgojg jrysti``ozhs `ist os tgh fnst rhsostimt.
j. Qnjb strujturh
Qith nd whitghroml os iddhjthe ay tgh prhshmjh nd cnomts, dn`es, diu`ts,
aheeoml p`imhs tgrnulg wgojg ilhmts nd whitghroml hmthr i rnjb fiss.
Golg`y cnomthe/ drijturhe rnjbs eosomthlrith disthr tgim i sn`oe fiss nd rnjb
nd tgh sifh eofhmsonm
e. Unpnlripgy
[gysoji` whitghroml njjurs fnrh quojb`y nm i sthhp s`nph tgim nm i
lhmt`h nmh. Nm i lhmt`h s`nph, withr fiy stiy `nmlhr om jnmtijt wotg tgh
rnjbs, ghmjh jghfoji` whitghroml os hmgimjhe.
h. Uofh
@hmltg nd hxpnsurh tn ilhmts nd whitghr ehthrfomhs tgh ehlrhh nd
whitghroml nd i rnjb
Ztuey tgh tia`h ah`nw tgit sgnws gnw tghsh dijtnrs iddhjt whitghroml
Qnjb Uyph3 Qhji`` tgit thfphriturh os im
\hitghroml riths rnulg`y dn``nw tgh ofpnrtimt dijtnr nd fomhri` dnrfitonm/
omvhrsh nd tgh nrehr nd jrysti``ozitonm nd
jrysti``ozitonm. N`ovomh jrysti``ozhs it
fomhri`s om tgh Anwhm‟s rhijtonm golg thfphriturh wgo`h quirtz it tgh
shrohs. Ji`joth `nwhst thfphriturh is jnfpirhe tn tgh
ntghr fomhri`s. Ughrhdnrh, quirtz os tgh
fnst stia`h nm surdijh jnmeotonms (`nw
thfphriturh jnmeotonms), wgo`h tgh ntghr
fomhri`s om tgh shrohs wnu`e ah `hss
stia`h. N`ovomh wnu`e ah `hist stia`h.
@ofhstnmh gnwhvhr wo`` givh i golg
susjhptoao`oty tn whitghroml hvhm tgnulg
ot os dnrfhe it surdijh thfphriturh,
ahjiush ot jim ah hiso`y eossn`vhe ay
withr (joth Angn` jgnjn`ith go``s dnr
Qnjb Ztrujturh3 Ughsh jrijbs/strujturhs dijo`otith
Ugh prhshmjh nd jrijbs wghrh ilhmts nd tgh hmtry nd whitghroml ilhmts.
whitghroml (withr, p`imt rnnts, htj.)
jim hmthr hmgimjhs whitghroml
Unpnlripgy3 Ah jirhdu` nm tgos ahjiush tgos os i
[gysoji` whitghroml njjurs fnrh vhry trojby dijtnr. [gysoji` whitghroml
quojb`y nm i sthhp s`nph tgim nm i njjurs disthr wghm tgh s`nph os sthhp
lhmt`h nmh euh tn tgh golghr s`nph‟s susjhptoao`oty
tn fiss wistoml ime tgh golghr rith it
wgojg mhw fithroi`s irh hxpnshe tn
ilhmts nd fiss wistoml (riomwithr jim
hiso`y wisg iwiy whitghrhe fithroi`s
enwms`nph). Gnwhvhr om lhmt`h s`nphs,
tgh rith nd jghfoji` whitghroml fiy
ah golghr. Ugos os euh tn tgh dijt tgit
withr wgojg os im ilhmt nd whitghroml
fiy stiy `nmlhr om tgh lhmt`h s`nphs
Uofh3 Ugh `nmlhr tgh tofh nd hxpnsurh tn
@nmlhr tofh nd hxpnsurh tn ilhmts nd whitghroml ilhmts, tgh golghr ehlrhh nd
whitghroml fhims golghr rith nd whitghroml prnjhsshs wo`` njjur. \ghm
whitghroml. tgh rnjb gis ahhm whibhmhe, ot os hisohr
tn arhib.
\git‟s Fnrh
: pohjhs nd imtijoe tia`hts ? j`hir jups/l`iss
\ithr- gnt ime jn`e Tomhlir-rnnf thfphriturh
Zpnnm Ztnpwitjg
9. @iah` tgh jups ijjnreoml tn tgh pirtoj`h sozh nd tgh imtijoe-wgn`h,
arnbhm ime jrusghe.
1. Xsoml i spnnm arhib nmh tia`ht sht isoeh. Jrusghe nmh tia`ht usoml i
spnnm ime sht isoeh. Ugh rhfiomoml nmh tia`ht, `hivh ot is i wgn`h.
:. [nur hqui` vn`ufh (gi`d jup) nd issolmhe `oquoe tn tgh jups.
5. Ernp tgh tia`ht (wgn`h, arnbhm, ime jrusghe) omtn tgh ipprnproith
jups ime rhjnre tgh tofh om shjnmes (s) drnf wghm tgh tia`ht gis
jnfp`hth`y eossn`vhe ime mn trijhs nd tgh tia`ht os vosoa`h.
8. Do`` om tgh tia`h ah`nw wotg ynur litghrhe eiti.
\gn`h Uia`ht
Arnbhm Uia`ht
4. [`nt tgh eossn`utonm tofhs om i air lripg wghrh _ ixos os tgh
eossn`utonm tofh (s) ime W ixos os tgh [irtoj`h sozh (wgn`h, arnbhm,
jrusghe). Xsh eoddhrhmt jn`nrs tn rhprhshmt tgh eoddhrhmt `oquoes ushe om
tgh ijtovoty.
Ijtovoty 1. If O Om nr If O Nut>
Eorhjtonms3 O``ustrith i jnmjhpt fip. Do`` om tgh anx wotg tgh wnres
`osthe ah`nw tn jnfp`hth tgh eoilrif. \roth tgh wnres nm i shpirith sghht nd
J. eossn`utonm L. gyern`ysos
\git O Jim En
Eorhjtonms3 Dome ime wroth tgh `htthrs tgit jnrrhspnmes tn hijg mufahr tn
dnrf tgh wnre. Xsh is fimy rhdhrhmjhs is ynu jim tn ehdomh hijg nd tghsh thrfs.
\roth ynu imswhr nm i shpirith sghht nd piphr.
I A J E H D L G O C B @ F
9 1 : 5 8 4 < 7 ? 9; 99 91 9:
M N [ Y Q Z U X T \ W _ S
95 98 94 9< 97 9? 1; 19 11 1: 15 18 14
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
1; 8 9: 94 8 97 9 1; 19 97 8
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
94 97 8 9? 9? 19 97 8
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
8 97 98 9? ? 98 95
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
: 98 91 91 ? 9? ? 98 95
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
9: 9 9? 9? 1: 9 9? 1; ? 95 <
Ijtovoty 1. Hssiy.
Eorhjtonms3 Qhie ime imi`yzh tgh dn``nwoml quhstonms. Ughm wroth ynur
imswhrs nm i shpirith sghht nd piphr.
Zno` hrnsonm os nmh nd tgh mituri` ji`ifotohs tgit fnst nd tgh Do`opomn
jnffumoty hxphrohmjoml. \git os tgh jiush ime hddhjt nd sno` hrnsonm> Is i
stuehmt, wgit wo`` ynu en tn prnthjt tgh jnffumoty>
Imswhr Bhy
Firquhz, Heimcir`n C. ime Istroe Bnromi Z. Lian, Ugh Hirtg3 Ots Fithroi`s,
[rnjhsshs ime Gostnry . (Yuhznm Joty3 Zt.Ahrmiehtth [ua`osgoml
Gnush Jnrpnritonm, 1;94), 4<-47.