Unit 1 Sociology
Unit 1 Sociology
Unit 1 Sociology
[SOC 201]
Unit 1: Introduction to Sociology
aning/Definition of Sociology:
ociology’ is composed of two words: socius, meaning companion
ssociate or society; and logos, meaning science or study. T
ymological meaning of ‘Sociology’ is thus the science/study of socie
Socius + Logos = Sociology
Socius = Companion/associate/society
finition of Sociology
he similarities
Sociology and anthropology both are social sciences; both are relate
to human society.
Social anthropology studies social institutions, social organizations
and behavior which are the subject matters of sociology also.
Both sociology and anthropology are concerned with the functionin
of the people within social structure.
Both subject focus on empirical study method. Generally both subje
use observation, questionnaire, interview, field work study method
to study social subject matters.
The differences
Sociology Anthropology
Sociology studies modern and Anthropology studies simple and
complex society. primitive society.
Sociology studies large society. Anthropology is related to the study
smaller communities.
Sociology is the study of social Anthropology is related with the stud
relation and interaction. of human beings and their culture.
Sociology focuses on the human Anthropology focuses on primitive
groups. culture.
Generally sociology uses Anthropology uses participant
observation, questionnaire and observation, field study, case study a
social survey. comparative study method.
Sociology uses etic perspective . Anthropology uses emic perspective.
lationship between Sociology and Economics
Being a social science, Both Sociology and economics have close relations
with each other.
The society and social subject matter are influenced by economic factors;
conomic processes and economic activities are determined by the social
Generally, economics deals with the production, distribution, consumptio
nd exchange of goods and services in society.
Economics is concerned with material welfare and it can be obtained only
with the proper knowledge of social law.
Economic factors play vital role in every aspect of our social life.
Religious beliefs & political ethics influence the economic activities of peo
Karl Marx focuses on the unequal distribution of resources as the cause of
onflicting relation in society.
e differences
Sociology Economics
t’s study depends upon It’s study depends upon quantitat
qualitative data. data.
Sociology gives priority on Economics gives priority on
quitable distribution. economic growth.
t is a general social science. It is a particular social science.
t deals with all kinds of social Economics deals with economic
elations. [wider than relations. [narrower than sociolog
elationship between Sociology and Psychology
Sociology Psychology
It studies society and social It studies individual behavior in
group. society.
It is a general social science. It is a particular science.
Social survey, observation, Experimental method, clinical
questionnaire etc. are the method and intelligence test are
common methods of sociology common method to psychology
Its scope is wider than Its scope is comparatively
psychology. narrower than sociology.
It analyses social process. It analyses the mental process.
Relevance of Sociology in Management and Business