The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette
The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette
The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette The Telangana Gazette
HSE No.1051/2017-19.
NOTIFICATION Dt: 03-08-2018.
No.65(L)/A1/DCM/2018-19.- Government of Telangana hereby notifies the sale of Telangana Government
Stock (Securities) of 25 year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1250.00 crore (Nominal). The sale will be
subject to the terms and conditions spelt out in this notification (called specific notification) as also the terms and
conditions specified in the General Notification No.2912-B/89/A2/DCM/2014, dated: Sep 4, 2014 of Government
of Telangana.
Object of the Loan
1. i) The proceeds of loan will be used for financing, particularly of capital and developmental nature included
in the Annual Plan of the Telangana State for 2018-19.
ii) Consent of Central Government has been obtained to the floatation of this loan as required by Article
293 (3) of the Constitution of India.
Method of Issue
2. `Government stock will be sold through the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Office (P.D.O) Fort, Mumbai -
400 001 by auction in the manner as prescribed in paragraph 6.1 of General Notification No.2912-B/89/A2/DCM/
2014, dated Sep 4, 2014 at a coupon rate to be determined by the Reserve Bank of India at the yield based auction
under multiple price format.
Allotment to Non-competitive Bidders
3. The Government stock up to 10% of the notified amount of the sale will be allotted to eligible individuals
and institutions subject to a maximum limit of 1% of the notified amount for a single bid as per the Revised Scheme
for Non-competitive Bidding Facility in the Auctions of State Government Securities of the General Notification
Place and Date of Auction
4. The auction will be conducted by the Reserve Bank of India, at its Mumbai office, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
on August 07, 2018. Bids for the auction should be submitted in electronic format, on the Reserve Bank of India
core Banking Solution (E-Kuber) System as stated below on August 07, 2018.
(a) The competitive bids shall be submitted electronically on the Reserve Bank of India Core Banking
Solution (E-Kuber) System between 10:30 A.M. and 12:00 P.M.
(b) The non-competitive bids shall be submitted electronically on the Reserve Bank of India Core Banking
Solution (E-Kuber) System between 10:30 A.M. and 11:30 A.M.
Result of the Auction
5. The result of the auction shall be displayed by the Reserve Bank of India, on its website on the same day.
The payment by successful bidders will be on August 08, 2018.
Method of Payment
6. Successful bidders will make payments on August 08, 2018, before close of banking hours by means of
cash, banker’s cheque/pay order, demand draft payable at Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai/Hyderabad or a cheque
drawn on their account with Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai (Fort)/Hyderabad.
7. The Stock will be of 25 year tenure. The tenure of the stock will commence on August 08, 2018.
Date of Repayment
8. The loan will be repaid at par on August 08, 2043.
Rate of Interest
9. The cut off yield determined at the auction will be the coupon rate percent per annum on the stock sold at
the auction. The interest will be paid every half yearly on February 08 and August 08.
Eligibility of Securities
10. The investment in Government Stock will be reckoned as an eligible investment in Government Securities by
banks for the purpose of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) under Section 24 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The
stocks will qualify for the ready forward facility.
The aforesaid guidelines are subject to review by the Bank and accordingly, if and when considered
necessary the Scheme will be modified in consultation with the State Governments.
03-08-2018. K. RAMAKRISHNA RAO,
Principal Finance Secretary,
. Finance Department.
Government of Telangana has announced the sale of 25 years dated security in the form of stock to the
Public by auction for an aggregate amount of Rs. 1250.00 crore. The auction will be conducted by the Reserve
Bank of India at its Mumbai Office on August 07, 2018.
03-08-2018. K. RAMAKRISHNA RAO,
Principal Finance Secretary,
. Finance Department.
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Printed and Published by the Commissioner of Printing, Government of Telangana at Government Central Press, Chanchalguda, Hyderabad.