Maxwell - 2019 - A New Task For Philosophy of Science
Maxwell - 2019 - A New Task For Philosophy of Science
Maxwell - 2019 - A New Task For Philosophy of Science
Vol. 50, No. 3, April 2019
1. Introduction
We philosophers of science have before us an important new task that
we urgently need to take up. It is to convince the scientific community to
adopt and implement a new philosophy of science that does better justice
to the deeply problematic basic intellectual aims of science than that
which we have at present. The outcome of putting this new philosophy
into scientific practice would be a new kind of science, both more intel-
lectually rigorous and one that does better justice to the best interests
of humanity. It will be, I admit, a hard task to convince the scientific
community that the conception of science they tend to take for granted
needs to be radically improved. Not all scientists hold the philosophy
of science in high esteem. We need, nevertheless, to do what we can to
get across the argument that a new conception of science needs to be
adopted and implemented, one that acknowledges and seeks to improve
problematic aims of science.
core.” The decisive point is that no permanent thesis about the world can be
accepted as a part of scientific knowledge independent of evidence .2
Aim-oriented empiricism. The basic aim of physics is to discover the
truth presupposed to be physically explanatory or comprehensible . That is,
the basic aim of physics presupposes that an underlying, unified, physical
something exists in nature, inherent in all phenomena, that suffices to
explain everything that occurs. This aim is profoundly problematic because
it is a sheer metaphysical conjecture that the universe is comprehensible in
the sense indicated. The basic method comes in two parts. Part 1 subjects
the profoundly problematic metaphysical conjecture about the physical
comprehensibility of the universe, inherent in the basic aim of physics, to
sustained critical scrutiny, rival possible versions of the conjecture being
articulated and assessed, that version of the conjecture being provisionally
accepted that leads, or promises to lead, to the most empirically progres-
sive research programme. Part 2 involves accepting those theories that are
sufficiently in accord with (a) evidence and (b) the best available metaphys-
ical conjecture concerning the physical comprehensibility of the
Let us put to one side, for the moment, objections to these two views,
questions about which is to be preferred, or disliked least. The key point I
want to emphasize is that these two rival philosophies of physics have very
different implications for how physics and the philosophy of physics ought
to be inter-related.
Given standard empiricism, with its fixed aim for physics, and with its
broadly fixed methods, there is not much room for that fragment of phi-
losophy of physics concerned with the aims and methods of physics to
have much of an impact on physics itself. The task of the philosophy of
physics is to make explicit what is presumably implicit in scientific practice:
make explicit the basic aim, the methods adopted in pursuit of that aim,
and then provide a justification for the methods in question. The latter
involves at least demonstrating that the methods in question are the best to
adopt granted that one seeks to realize the specified aim. None of this has
implications for how physics itself should be conducted—not unless phys-
icists fail in practice to put the specified methods into practice. Physics and
the philosophy of physics, granted standard empiricism, seem sharply dis-
tinct. This is indeed declared to be the case by standard empiricism itself.
This rather meagre thesis of standard empiricism is common ground for such otherwise
diverse doctrines as logical positivism, inductivism, logical empiricism, hypothetico-deduc-
tivism, conventionalism, constructive empiricism, pragmatism, realism, inference-
to-the-best-explanationism, the views of Popper, Kuhn, and Lakatos, and many more recent
views as well: see Maxwell 1998, 38–45; 2004, chap. 1, nn. 5, 6, and 14). For discussion of the
claim that Popper, Kuhn, and Lakatos defend versions of standard empiricism, see Maxwell
For expositions of aim-oriented empiricism, see Maxwell 1974; 1998; 2004; 2005; 2007,
chap. 14; 2013; 2017a; 2017b; 2019b; 2017c, chap. 3.
For a more detailed exposition and defence of these points, see Maxwell 2017a and
There is here room for slight disagreement. Scientific realists hold that science can ac-
quire knowledge of unobservable entities, whereas instrumentalists hold that scientific
knowledge is restricted to observable phenomena.
science, and for the relationship between the two. Stand anywhere on the
standard empiricist side of the watershed (upholding any one of the well-
known views about science) and one will hold that science has a fixed basic
intellectual aim and fixed methods.6 Science and philosophy of science are
distinct. Philosophy of science is a meta-discipline, studying science. It is
not the job of philosophers of science to tell scientists how to do science.
Stand anywhere on the aim-oriented empiricist side of the watershed, and
all this changes. Philosophy of science needs persistently to develop and
critically assess new possible metaphysical assumptions, inherent in new
possible aims for physics, in an attempt to improve the assumption that is
accepted, the aim that is pursued. In doing this, philosophy of physics
thereby seeks to improve associated methods of physics (methods employed
in deciding what theories are to be accepted and rejected, along with
empirical methods). As we have seen, this activity of attempting to improve
problematic aims and methods of physics, partly in the light of improving
scientific knowledge and understanding, is almost bound to have major
implications for physics itself. Indeed, philosophy of physics construed in
this way—the enterprise of attempting to improve problematic aims and
methods of physics—is a vital, integral part of physics itself, influencing
and being influenced by what goes on in the rest of physics, both experi-
mental and theoretical.
These dramatic differences in the whole character of the philosophy of
physics and physics itself, and the relationship between the two, all devolve
from this key issue: Are there, or are there not, problematic assumptions
inherent in the basic aim of physics? Does the basic aim need to evolve, to
be improved, or is it unproblematic and fixed?
4. Basic Argument
I can now state, in a little more detail, the first step of the central argu-
ment of this paper. Standard empiricism as characterized above is taken
for granted, in one or other version, by most scientists and philosophers
of science.7 It is, however, untenable. Physics in particular and natural
science more generally cannot proceed in accordance with its edicts.
Given any accepted physical theory, T, endlessly many rivals can be con-
cocted to fit the facts even better than T. Thus, granted that T is
Newtonian theory, one rival theory might be Newtonian theory modi-
fied so that (a) it has an additional, independently testable and corrobo-
rated postulate that successfully predicts phenomena that T cannot
predict, and (b) predicts that gravitation will become a repulsive force in
This holds for such versions of standard empiricism as inductivism, positivism, conven-
tionalism, hypothetico-deductivism, Bayesianism, constructive empiricism, the views of
Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and others.
See note 2 and Maxwell 2017a, 73–74.
the first moment of 2050, so that F = – Gm1m2/d2. Another rival might (a)
have the additional empirically successful postulate and (b) predict that
for gold spheres of mass greater than a thousand tons in outer space, the
law of gravitation has the form F = Gm1m2/d3. Endlessly many empiri-
cally more successful rivals to Newtonian theory can be concocted along
these lines. In practice, these are all ignored because they are hopelessly
ad hoc, complex, disunified, or non-explanatory. But in only ever accept-
ing unified theories, and ignoring endlessly many empirically more suc-
cessful disunified rivals (of the kind just considered), physics thereby
makes a substantial, implicit assumption about the nature of the uni-
verse: it is such that all seriously disunified theories are false. The uni-
verse is such that empirically more successful disunified rivals to T will
make false predictions where they clash with the predictions of T. Not
only does physics make a substantial metaphysical assumption about the
universe in persistently accepting only unified theories and ignoring end-
lessly many empirically more successful disunified rivals; it must make
some such assumption. If no assumption is made, and theories are as-
sessed impartially with respect to evidence, physics would be over-
whelmed by an infinite swamp of empirically successful but horribly
disunified theories. Thus, standard empiricism cannot be implemented
in scientific practice. If some kind of requirement of simplicity, unity, or
explanatoriness is invoked in addition to empirical considerations when
it comes to deciding what theories are to be accepted, that means some
substantial metaphysical assumption is made about the universe—and
that contradicts standard empiricism. Standard empiricism only be-
comes scientifically viable if it is contradicted in practice!8
How is it possible for physics to have been so astonishingly successful if
most physicists take for granted the untenable doctrine of standard empir-
icism? The answer is that they have not taken it too seriously in scientific
practice. In practice, considerations that have to do with the simplicity,
unity, explanatory, or non-ad-hoc character of a theory are taken very
seriously indeed in deciding what is to be accepted and rejected, in addi-
tion to empirical considerations. Theoretical physicists seek to develop
conservation, invariance, and symmetry principles capable of determining
what theories are to be accepted, along with empirical considerations.9 All
For more detailed expositions of this refutation of standard empiricism, see Maxwell
1998, chap. 2; 2017a, 69–83; 2017b.
Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, local gauge invariance, charge, parity and time
reversal symmetry, and supersymmetry are all symmetry principles that have played an im-
portant role in recent times in theoretical physics. These symmetry principles are, in effect,
methodological rules: they specify what features a theory must have if it is to be a candidate
for acceptance. At the same time, they are methodological principles that have a fallible,
conjectural aspect to them: they may need to be rejected (and some have been rejected). This
accords with aim-oriented empiricism but is starkly at odds with standard empiricism (which
does not really have a role for evolving methodological rules).
In demanding that a theory satisfy such a requirement to be accepted, physics implicitly
accepts the thesis that the universe is (or the phenomena are) such that a theory, in order to
be near enough to the truth to be acceptable, must satisfy the requirement. In other words,
the universe is (or the phenomena are) such that all theories that fail to satisfy the require-
ment are false.
As a result of taking standard empiricism as seriously as they do, however, physicists
cannot take up, in the explicit, sustained way that is required, the articulation and critical
assessment of metaphysical conjectures implicit in the symmetry principles they propose,
consider, and adopt. For to do so would be to violate the precepts of standard empiricism all
too blatantly. For an informal and entertaining account of the confusion that results, see
Hossenfelder 2018. See also Maxwell 2017a, chap. 5.
See Maxwell 2017a. See also Maxwell 1984, chap. 9; 1998; 2004.
For a decisive criticism of Kitcher 1976 and 1981, see Maxwell 1998, 62–68.
For another view on this issue, see Maxwell 1968. See also Maxwell 2019a, chap. 1.
For a much more detailed critical appraisal of the above-mentioned works of all these
authors, apart from Lange 2009, along the lines indicated here, see Maxwell 2019a, chap. 4.
What all these authors ignore is a central source for the metaphysics of
physics that comes, not from physical theory, but from the methods of
physics—specifically that methodological rule that asserts: in order to be
acceptable, a fundamental physical theory must be (sufficiently) unified .16
It is the persistent acceptance of unified theories only, when endlessly
many empirically more successful disunified rivals are available, that com-
mits physics to the metaphysical presupposition that, at the very least, the
universe is such that all disunified theories are false. Recognition of this
point constitutes the key step towards adopting the hierarchical method-
ology of aim-oriented empiricism (see below), and the new task for philos-
ophy of science. I have developed this argument in detail in a series of
publications since 1974—see Maxwell 1974, 1984, 1998, 2004, 2005, and
elsewhere17—and yet none of the above publications refers to this body of
work, apart from Dilworth 2007.18 On the other hand, those who have
read these publications of mine speak well of them: see, for example,
Kneller (1978, 80–87 and 90–91); Longuet-Higgins (1984); Smart (2000);
Cory (2000); McHenry (2000); Roush (2001); Muller (2004); and
MacIntyre (2009).
Mumford and Tugby (2013, introduction) come closest to recognizing this crucial
See especially Maxwell 2017b; also 2017a and 2017c.
Additional recent works on the metaphysics of science I have examined that take stan-
dard empiricism for granted and fail even to mention, let alone discuss, aim-oriented empir-
icism dating back to Maxwell 1974 include: Ellis 2001; Lowe 2006; Bird 2007; M. O’Rourke,
M. H. Slater, A. Borhini, P. Godfrey-Smith, N. Latham, R. Sorensen, A. C. Varzi, M. Devitt,
B. Nany, N. E. Williams, B. Glymour, N. G. Rheins, J. K. Crane, R. Sandler, and K. Vihvelin
in Campbell et al. 2011; Trout 2016; S. Yudell, K. Brading, M. Strevens, C. K. Waters, K.
Stanford, J. Saatsi, and M. Thomas-Jones in Slater and Yudell 2017.
the universe is not physically comprehensible? Does that just mean that
physics becomes impossible?
In order to solve these problems, the version of aim-oriented empiricism
briefly formulated above needs to be radically developed and improved.
Elsewhere, I have developed and improved the view in some detail along
these lines, and I have shown in detail how it solves these (and related)
problems, so here I will be brief.
Aim-oriented empiricism needs to be formulated in such a way that
physics makes, not just one metaphysical assumption, but a hierarchy of
such assumptions: see figure 1. As one goes up the hierarchy, assumptions
become increasingly insubstantial, and so increasingly likely to be true,
and increasingly such that their truth is required for science, or the pursuit
of knowledge, to be possible at all.
At the top there is the thesis that the universe is such that we can con-
tinue to acquire knowledge of our immediate environment sufficient to
make life possible. Next down, at level 6, there is the thesis that the uni-
verse is such that we can formulate a conjecture about it that enables us to
improve our methods for improving knowledge. These two assumptions
are accepted permanently, not because we have any reason to hold them
to be true, but because, granted we seek to improve knowledge of truth,
it can only help and cannot hinder the search for knowledge. Next down,
at level 5, there is the thesis that the universe is comprehensible in some
way or other. There is some one kind of explanation for all phenomena.
Everything that occurs does so because a society of gods wills it, or one
God wills it, or because it goes towards the realization of some cosmic
goal, or because it is in accordance with some cosmic computer pro-
gramme, or because it occurs in accordance with some unified pattern of
physical law—or because some other entity is, in some way, responsible for
everything that occurs. This has the merit of exemplifying the thesis one
up in the hierarchy: if the thesis is true, then we may progressively improve
our methods for the improvement of knowledge (at levels 1 and 2), by
honing in on that version of the thesis that best simulates the growth of
empirical knowledge. Next down, at level 4, there is the thesis that every-
thing occurs in accordance with a unified pattern of physical law. This
version of the thesis that the universe is comprehensible—physicalism , as
it may be called—has been astonishingly fruitful in stimulating the growth
of knowledge in physics, at levels 1 and 2. All the great developments in
theoretical physics since Kepler and Newton exemplify theoretical unifi-
cation , and thus this level-4 thesis. Newtonian theory unifies Kepler and
Galileo, terrestrial and astronomical phenomena. Maxwellian electrody-
namics unifies the electric and magnetic fields, and unifies light, infra-red,
radio, and ultra-violet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays in revealing they
are all electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths. Special relativity
brings greater unity to classical electrodynamics, partially unifies energy
and mass via the equation E = mc2, and partially unifies space and time by
means of Minkowski space-time. General relativity unifies space-time and
gravitation. Quantum theory and the atomic theory of matter unify a vast
array of laws concerning the physical and chemical properties of matter,
and the way matter interacts with light. Quantum electrodynamics unifies
quantum theory, classical electrodynamics, and special relativity; quan-
tum electroweak theory unifies quantum electrodynamics and the weak
force; quantum chromodynamics brings unity to the physics of hadrons.
All these theoretical developments enormously enhance the predictive
scope of theory and at the same time bring ever greater unity to physical
theory, thus drawing ever closer to capturing the level-4 metaphysical the-
sis in the form of a testable, unified physical theory of everything. In other
words, this level-4 thesis has been astonishingly empirically fruitful in sup-
porting an immensely empirically progressive research programme—the
whole enterprise of theoretical physics since Newton. At level 3 there is
the best available specific version of physicalism; today, this may be held
to be string theory. At level 2, there are the accepted fundamental theories
of physics, general relativity and the standard model—the quantum field
theory of fundamental particles and the forces between them. And at level
1 there is empirical phenomena, the low-level empirical laws of experimen-
tal results.
This hierarchical version of aim-oriented empiricism provides a frame-
work of relatively unproblematic assumptions and associated methods—
aims and methods—at levels 7 and 6, accepted and adopted permanently,
within which increasingly problematic aims and methods, as we go from
level 5 to level 3, may be critically assessed, developed, and, we may hope,
improved. At levels 5 to 3, that thesis is accepted which (a) best accords
with the accepted thesis above it in the hierarchy and (b) supports, or
promises to support, the most empirically progressive research programme
at levels 1 and 2. Theses at levels 7 and 6 are, we may conjecture, true; as
we descend from level 6 to level 3, we move from truth to falsity. The hier-
archy concentrates criticism and attempts at improvement where they are
likely to be most fruitful, low down in the hierarchy, and at the same time
provides a fixed framework, at levels 7 and 6, that restricts ways in which
theses, lower down in the hierarchy, can be modified to those ways likely to
be most fruitful from the standpoint of progress in physics.
This fixed framework facilitates something like positive feedback
between improving scientific knowledge and improving knowledge about
how to improve knowledge—improving assumptions and associated
methods, in other words. As we improve our knowledge of nature, we cor-
respondingly improve the nature of science. Everyone would accept that
this goes on at the experimental level: new knowledge leads to new exper-
imental techniques, new instruments such as the microscope, the telescope,
the particle accelerator. Aim-oriented empiricism specifies how this can go
on at the theoretical level, new theories leading to new metaphysical ideas,
and new metaphysical ideas leading to the discovery of new theories.19
This has occurred in the history of physics—or we would still be stuck
with Aristotle—but it would proceed in a much more explicit fashion, in a
way likely to be much more fruitful, if aim-oriented empiricism were
explicitly to be put into scientific practice.20
This hierarchical version of aim-oriented empiricism depicts the fusion
of physics and the philosophy of physics. It is vital, for the intellectual
For a detailed account of the fallible but rational method of discovery that aim-ori-
ented empiricism provides, and other fruitful implications for theoretical physics that the
view has, see Maxwell 2017a, chap. 5. See also Maxwell 1993.
This is spelt out in detail in Maxwell 2017a, chap. 5.
rigour and success of the enterprise, that each should influence, and be an
integral part of, the other.21
I might add that the level-3 thesis and associated methods (level-3 aims
and methods) are methods for the discovery and acceptance of level-2 the-
ories;22 the level-4 aim and methods are meta-methods for the discovery
and acceptance of level-3 theses and associated methods; and so on as we
go up the hierarchy. Methods associated with the level-7 thesis are
meta-meta-meta-meta-methods! It is this meta-structure of the methods
of this hierarchical view that makes it possible for it to facilitate positive
feedback between improving knowledge and improving metaphysical the-
ses and associated methods—improving knowledge about how to improve
knowledge, in other words.
Elsewhere, I have shown that aim-oriented empiricism is both required,
and sufficient, to solve the problem of induction (see Maxwell 2017b, esp.
chap. 9). This is a decisive argument in support of the view, and against
all versions of standard empiricism. (Centuries of effort, ever since David
Hume, to solve the problem presupposing versions of standard empiri-
cism, have not met with success.)
7. Broader Implications
So far I have indicated a new task for the philosophy of physics: convince
physics that aim-oriented empiricism needs to be put into practice, and
then collaborate with theoretical physicists in doing just that. The scope
of the above argument can, however, be enlarged so that it becomes ap-
plicable, not just to physics, but to the whole of natural science.
In order for considerations analogous to the ones spelled out above in
connection with physics to apply to some other science, that science must
have permanently problematic aims , so that its aims need sustained critical
scrutiny in an attempt to improve them; furthermore, aims are improved in
such a way that associated methods need to be improved as well. If these
conditions obtain, then the activity of improving aims and methods—the
philosophy of science, in other words—needs to be pursued as an inte-
gral, influential part of the science itself. Wherever aims and methods need
to evolve with evolving science, a version of the hierarchical structure of
aim-oriented empiricism needs to be put into scientific practice. These
conditions hold in what follows. I have five points to make.
The first point to note is that physics is the fundamental natural sci-
ence, aspects of which are presupposed directly or indirectly by all other
branches of natural science. Thus chemistry, cosmology, astronomy, and
See Maxwell 2017a and 2017b. See also Maxwell 1984, chap. 9; 1998; 2004.
Elsewhere I have demonstrated that this hierarchical view provides physics with a ratio-
nal, if fallible, method for the discovery of new physical theories: see Maxwell 1993, 1998,
219–23; 2004, 191–205; and especially 2017a, chap. 5.
science as a whole. The aims of science and the sciences are inherently
problematic, not just because they have problematic metaphysical and
other factual assumptions inherent in them; they are problematic because
they have value assumptions in them, and assumptions concerning social
use . The basic intellectual aim of science is not just truth , as standard
empiricism assumes; nor is it just explanatory truth (truth presupposed
to be inherently explanatory) as the version of aim-oriented empiricism
expounded above in sections 2 and 5 presupposes: more generally, it is
to improve knowledge of valuable truth , truth deemed to be significant,
useful, important, of interest or of value in some way, explanatory truth
being a special case of valuable truth. And valuable truth is sought so that,
once acquired, it can be used by people, either to enhance their knowledge
and understanding of the world around them for its own sake or to attain
other human goals by means of technological applications and in other
ways. There are, in other words, problematic humanitarian, social, even
political assumptions concerning the human use of science inherent in the
aims of science.
In order to become an item of scientific knowledge, it is not sufficient
that a result is new and very well established: it must reach a certain thresh-
old of significance, of value. One cannot contribute to science by counting
gravel on paths or leaves on trees—not unless this is a part of a broader,
more significant research programme. A science that accumulated a vast
store of well-established but irredeemably trivial facts would not thereby
be said to be making splendid progress. It is inevitable that values play
a role in deciding what does and what does not become a part of scien-
tific knowledge. The domain of fact is infinite; some aspects of the world
around us must be selected out as the significant aspects for science to con-
centrate on. And it is desirable that science should do this: we want science
to improve our knowledge about what matters or is of genuine interest or
use; we do not want knowledge of irredeemable trivia.
It is of course vital to appreciate that value judgements influence what
enters the domain of scientific knowledge in a way that is entirely different
from the way metaphysical theses concerning the comprehensibility and
knowability of the universe influence acceptance of physical theory, as
depicted above in sections 2 to 5. There, metaphysical assumptions influ-
ence judgements about truth . Values, however, ought not to influence
judgements about truth , since we have no reason to hold that just because
it would be good for something to be true, it is likely to be true, or just
because it would be bad, it is likely to be false.23 Values play a role in deter-
If values do influence judgements concerning epistemological merit, then this influence
should be negative : the more important it is for a result to be true, the more we desire it to be
true, the more there is at stake, then the harsher and more severe should be the experimental
examination of the result, the higher our standards for acceptance. This is especially the case
if lives are at stake, as in the use of new drugs.
This is a basic theme of Maxwell 1984: see in particular chap. 5. It is also a theme of
Kitcher 2001. Kitcher informed me that in writing his book he was influenced by his reading
of Maxwell 1984.
8. Conclusion
We philosophers of science have a major task on our hands. We need to
convince scientists—and governments and the public—that a revolution
in the nature of science is urgently needed. In a wide range of contexts,
problematic aims of science need sustained imaginative and critical dis-
cussion in an attempt so to develop science that it comes to serve the
very best interests of humanity. And furthermore, philosophers of sci-
ence need to participate in this crucial scientific activity of discussing,
and attempting to improve, problematic aims of science. Philosophers
of science need to become scientists; and some scientists at least need to
become philosophers.
Elsewhere, I have argued that there are even broader repercussions of
the above argument. I have argued that the hierarchical, aim-improving
methodology of aim-oriented empiricism has implications, when general-
ized, not just for science, but for all worthwhile human endeavours with
problematic aims.25 I have argued that it is not just science and its aims
that need to be transformed; this is true of the whole academic enterprise.
The basic intellectual aim of academic inquiry as a whole should be, not
just to acquire specialized knowledge, but rather to seek and promote
social wisdom—wisdom being the capacity, the active endeavour, and the
desire to achieve what is of value in life for oneself and others, thus includ-
ing knowledge, understanding, and technological know-how, but much
else besides.26
13 Tavistock Terrace
London, N19 4BZ
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Bird, Alexander. 2007. Nature’s Metaphysics: Laws and Properties.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
See Maxwell 1984, chaps. 5–11; 2000; 2004, chaps. 3–4; 2014; 2017a, chap. 8; 2017c,
prologue and chap. 10; 2019b.
See the works referred to in the previous note.