cstp3 2009

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CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of knowledge of subject
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic matter concepts, current
3.1 Demonstrating language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and issues, academic
knowledge of subject content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in language, and research to
matter academic content standards and content standards. ways that ensure clear make relevant
content standards instruction. connections and connections to standards
relevance to students. during instruction and
extend student learning.

I constantly reinforce the My site encourages Many of my undergrad

use of academic language collaboration between classes cover the
in all subject matters and teachers and 6th grade knowledge taught in
constantly have students teachers all teach language arts and science.
rephrase their thinking in language arts along with I make connections with
order to reflect deeper one other subject matter. subject matter to current
understanding about the Through our prep periods issues in our world today
topics and academic we find ways to provide and push students to
language. Students are clear connections utilize academic language
always informed about between content areas in order to express their
the academic standard and how to utilize learning. All instruction is
being covered at the strategies they have tied to standards and
beginning of all lessons learned in other contents students who are able to
and instructed how the in order to aid them in master subject matter
subject matter may apply the learning. There is concepts are given
to their everyday lives. constant communication extension activities to
One example is how we between teachers when extend their learning
are teaching about the we identify students about topics and push
transfer of energy in needing support in areas them to be lifelong
science. We explain how and how to best provide learners.
students' understanding them equitable access to 12/08/23
of the word temperature instruction.
is surface knowledge and 5/1/23 Advanced learners are
that it is actually the given opportunities to
measure of the average apply their science
kinetic energy of all knowledge to solve real
molecules in the sample. world problems or to
Not, how hot or cold better understand them.
something is since cold is After learning about
the absence of energy. various weather
We then guide them to phenomena, students are
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

discuss how this may given opportunities to
apply their their everyday construct a digital city to
lives in actions as simple best overcome various
as making instant ramen. types of extreme weather
Why you must use hot 5/1/24
instead of cold water. All
while ensuring they
include academic
vocabulary to make their
answers clear and
Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of student development and response to knowledge of range of students knowledge of students to
development while implements learning student development and development into guide all students to
becoming aware of activities in single lessons proficiencies to meet instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
differences in students’ or sequence of lessons students’ diverse learning ensure student understand subject
understanding of subject that addresses students’ needs. Ensures understanding of the matter including related
matter. proficiencies and support understanding of subject subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject matter including related related academic
Teaches subject-specific matter including related academic language. language. Engages student at all
3.2 Applying vocabulary following academic language. levels of vocabulary,
knowledge of curriculum guidelines. Provides explicit teaching Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
student development Provides explicit teaching of essential vocabulary, of specific academic proficiencies in self-
and proficiencies to of essential content idioms, key words with language, text structures, directed goal setting,
ensure student vocabulary and multiple meanings, and grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
understanding of associated academic academic language in language features to improvement. Guides all
subject matter language in single lessons ways that engage ensure equitable access students in using analysis
or sequence of lessons. students in accessing to subject matter strategies that provides
Explains academic subject matter text or understanding for the equitable access and deep
language, formats, and learning activities. range of student language understanding of subject
vocabulary to support levels and abilities. matter.
student access to subject
matter when confusions
are identified.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Students who require Having known my Utilizng student
additional supports are students for an extended 504s/ieps/ssts ,
given things such as period of time and assessments, and
sentence starters, 1-on- through collaborating background knowledge of
1/small group support, with more experienced their personal lives helps
text-to-speech, teachers, I am able to me in guiding students to
audiovisual supports on better select instructional develop proficiencies in
an as needed basis. We strategies and subject matter related to
also review key academic accommodations to academic language.
vocabulary and include in better support my
on our key concept students. Being a Students are given proper
worksheets where language arts and science supports and
students define and draw teacher we have realized accommodations as
out key academic the importance of needed in order to help
language and concepts as carrying strategies in them access the learning
needed to support and language arts over to and demonstrate
reinforce their learning. analyzing scientific text. proficiencies in utilizing
Students are constantly Through the use of academic language.
reminded about the need context clues and Students regularly asses
to include academic academic language we their own learning
language in all subject can help build our weekly to identify areas
matters. We utilize learners vocabulary and of need or additional
websites like flocabulary utilize those strategies to support.
to provide audiovisual help them better 12/08/23
reinforcement after understand instructional
reviewing reading information. This is We implement visuals &
strategies because especially important for modeling, along with
students find them catchy our IlP and EL students in digital aids in their note-
and can use the lyrics to order to grant them taking to allow more
remind them about the equitable access. We use equitable access to
different reading partner talks, picto- instruction for students
strategies and how to charts, and modeling that struggle in the area
utilize them to learn more tools and activities to of reading and
about a text. make the learning more comprehension
9/22/2022. accessible and visual for 5/1/24
our students to
accommodate for
students of all
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources knowledge of curriculum
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust and related resources to
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and flexibly and effectively
3.3 Organizing understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to organize and adjust
curriculum to subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. extend student instruction.
facilitate student matter. understanding.
understanding of the Ensures student
subject matter comprehension and
facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
I commonly use New science units are Teachers regularly
informal/formal prefaced with collaborate to discuss
assessments as introductory activities to accommodations,
opportunities to reteach help students scaffold instructional strategies
content or change learning and allow us to and share and research
instructional strategies to assess for gaps in the resources that we can
adjust the curriculum to prior knowledge students utilize to fill instructional
maximize student are required to know in gaps. Instruction is
understanding. We also order to access the modified as needed on a
utilize student content we will be student to students basis
assessment data to adjust learning about. An using a variety of
instruction to optimize it example is when we assessment data.
in a way that we feel the learned about the
students will benefit from hydrological process to Student comprehension is
it the most. One example help identify why rain regularly assessed at the
is that prior to teaching falls from some clouds end of each lesson in
about fractions I knew and not others. Students order to provide data
that students would need knew words like about what students do
to possess skills in evaporation and and do not understand.
multiplication and condensation but many These assessments are
division so we had a pre- were not able to explain scored to allow students
assessment that allowed the processes at a to understand what
me to work with students molecular level. Through lessons they do and do
in small groups to the use of additional not understand so that
reinforce these skills resources we were able appropriate
before moving onto to better instruct accommodations or
working with fractions students about how these supports can be provided.
and factors. processes work. This also 12/08/23
9/22/2022 allows us to assess which
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

lessons may require Each period of instruction
additional time to ends with a questioning
complete and how to period for students to
better extend student clarify misconceptions
understanding about and also to advance their
these topics. learning in related topics
5/1/23 of interest.
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet instructional strategies to
3.4 Utilizing curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse develop enthusiasm,
instructional lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure meta-cognitive abilities,
strategies that are student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of and support and
appropriate to the academic language matter and that academic language, and challenge the full range of
subject matter appropriate to subject addresses students’ guide student in student towards a deep
matter. diverse learning needs. understanding knowledge of subject
connections within and matter.
across subject matter.
For every lesson I Throughout the year we Students utilize a variety
attempt to offer have noticed an area of of instructional strategies
translations as needed for need in our students' and resources that can
students and try to vocabulary. Especially for hopefully help them
ensure that there are ELs and ILP students. As a develop enthusiasm,
visual supports in the result, we have critical thinking skills to
lessons. We utilize implemented pre- support and challenge
youtube videos that assessments to assess a students to develop
reteach the content in a student's prior applicable skills they can
different way and also knowledge of an area of use in the real world.
teaching of multiple study. We have also
strategies to solve discovered the need to All instruction is mainly
mathematical problems utilize picto-charts for student-centered unless
as well. Students also students to better there is data that
have supports on their understand academic supports that students
devices with the proper language and create a and not accessing the
accommodations for each visual representation of learning. Students are
student, as well as key concepts being pushed to revise their
instruction on how to taught. Students are also work to show
utilize them to support given matching activities understanding about
them. I utilize everything and modified instruction if they did not
from kahoot games, assignments in order to perform well in the first
flashcards, crosswords, help guide student informal/formal
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

partner talks, class understanding and assessment. Students may
discussions to , and 1-on- connections between also work in small groups
1 support to ensure subject matters. One and with partners to
understanding of example would be when develop their knowledge
academic language. we are reading scientific about subject matter and
9/22/2022 text that is usually practice expressing their
written at a higher grade learning in multiple
level. We utilize methods
strategies learned in 12/08/23
language arts to help
identify key ideas and Every science unit ends
sketch concepts to with a academic debate
provide a clearer about phenomena related
understanding of to our learning. Students
molecular concepts. translate these skills to
5/1/23 the real world in their
partner discussion and
our end of unit projects
for them to demonstrate
mastery of the concepts
Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide range of Engages students in
instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate adapted resources, identifying and adapting
resources, and resources, and instructional materials, technologies, and resources, technologies,
technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and instructional materials to and standards-aligned
3.5 Using and
lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept meet identified student instructional materials to
adapting resources,
matter accessible to to students. and skill development in needs and make subject extend student
technologies, and
students. subject matter. Resources matter accessible to understanding and
Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the students. critical thinking about
Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support subject matter.
materials including
resource needs. available to all students. differentiated learning of Assists students with
adopted materials, to
subject matter. equitable access to Ensures that student are
make subject matter
materials, resources, and able to obtain equitable
accessible to all
Guides students to use technologies. Seeks access to a wide range of
available print, electronic, outside resources and technologies through
and online subject matter support. ongoing links to outside
resources based on resources and support.
individual needs.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

When teaching 4th grade Weekly, teachers Students are taught that
math I utilized counters, collaborate after their notes are to be
whiteboards, reviewing observation utilized for their benefit.
multiplication charts, and assessment data from If they need to include
counting sorts and more lessons. This allows us to various resources and
in order to reinforce the identify common supports they have been
students multiplication misconceptions about provided with in
and division skills for skill topics and also help to instruction to do better
development in order to guide our research of on assignments and
prepare them for mutli- additional instructional assessments they are
digit multiplication and materials to help meet given the opportunity to
other 4th grade specific student needs and create do so. They are also
math standards. Students accessible instruction for shown multiple digital
were provided with all students. Students are resources and
whatever supports best taught to use these technologies like
accommodate them and materials and resources keyboard shortcuts to
support their learning to as needed to help support extend their learning and
make learning equitable their learning. Things like critical thinking skills
for all. I also created text-to-speech extensions, 5/1/24
shortened notes for translation guides,
students that needed academic vocabulary
supports and created lists, and science websites
modified test that had to reinforce key concepts
reduced answer choices being taught. Students are
or allowed student use of also explicitly guided to
notes. I also provided reflect on their own
outside websites like learning and identify
Xtramath and areas of need that they
mathlearning center should ask questions
where students could about or do individual
practice computations research on as needed.
and fluency in their own 5/1/23
time. These websites 12/08/23
offer immediate response
in order to allow students
to practice
independently. I model
how to use the support
with students and also
keep in touch with case
providers as needed.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of students’ Seeks additional information Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
primary language and describing elements of proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
English language culture and language learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on proficiencies in listening, study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
available assessment data. speaking, reading, and content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
measures for assessing more components of English instruction. monitor language and
3.6 Addressing the English learners’ language development to content goals.
needs of English performance to identify gaps support English learners.
learners and student in English language
with special needs to Provides adapted materials development. Creates and implements Develops and adapts Is resourceful and flexible in
provide equitable to help English learners scaffolds to support instruction to provide a wide the design, adjustment, and
access to the content access content. Attempts to scaffold content standards-based instruction range of scaffolded support elimination of scaffolds
using visuals, models, and using literacy strategies, for language and content for based on English learners’
graphic organizers. SDAIE, and content level the range of English proficiencies, knowledge,
English language learners. and skills in the content.
development in order for
students to improve
language proficiencies and
understand content.
All students are Language proficiencies Els are provided Having many Spanish
constantly monitored for and EL strengths are resources in their speakers and Spanish-
their proficiencies in considered in the language of choice as only students. All
language and culture. beginning of all units. needed and instruction is resources are provided in
Student writing is Things such as modified modified to support those English and Spanish to
constantly assessed notes, translated needs. help ELS obtain equitable
through review of materials, purposeful access to instruction. I
discussion questions grouping and small Students regularly take also provide instruction
about the text. Students groups help us to notes with visual in Spanish as well to
are also constantly differentiate for these representations in order clarify misconceptions
reviewed for grammar students in need. to make it so that all and help advance student
competencies utilize Instruction is usually learning is accessible by learning.
websites like noredink carried out over a all students. Students 5/1/24
and more that offer sequence of lessons that who are struggling with
students immediate provide multiple methods reading and
feedback and tiered of instruction to reinforce comprehension can
supports to deepen their new concepts and utilize these notes to
understanding. All identify gaps in student provide them with a wide
websites use have text-to- learning. ELD and range of scaffolded
speech services for language arts strategies support for language and
English Language are utilized to help build content
Learners often offer academic language,
tiered supports. Informal facilitate academic 12/08/23
assessments are discussion and promote
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

commonly utilized to peer-to-peer learning
check for understanding opportunities as studies
and allow check-ins as have shown some
needed. Reading students learn better
strategies are modeled from others and are far
and students complete a more engaged in peer
variety of visuals, models discussion than hearing a
and graphic organizers to teacher instruct all
help them organize their period.
learning and map out the 5/1/23
thought process between
each strategy.
Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional information Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
range of students identified on the full range of students full range of students adaptations, and extensions range of student with special
with special needs through identified with special needs identified with special needs to instruction for the full needs to actively engage in
data provided by the school. to address challenges or to assess strengths and range of students with the assessment and monitor
supports in single lessons or competencies to provide special needs to ensure their own strengths,
sequence of lessons. appropriate challenge and adequate support and learning needs, and
accommodations in challenge. achievement in accessing
instruction. content.
Attends required meeting Cooperates with resource Communicates and
3.6 Addressing the with resource personnel and personnel, para-educators, Communicates regularly collaborates with colleagues, Communicates and
needs of English families. and families during with resource personnel, support staff, and families to collaborates with resource
meetings and activities in para-educators, and families ensure consistent personnel, para-educators,
learners and student
support of learning plans to ensure that student instruction. Supports families, leadership, and
with special needs to and goals. services are provided and families in positive students in creating a
provide equitable progress is made in engagement with school. coordinated program to
access to the content accessing appropriate optimize success of the full
content. Initiates and monitors range of students with
Learns about referral referral processes and special needs.
processes for students with Seeks additional information Refers students as needed in follow-up meeting to ensure
special needs. on struggling learners and a timely and appropriate that students receive Takes leadership at the
advanced learners to manner supported with support and/or extended site/district and collaborates
determine appropriateness documented data over time, learning that is integrated with resource personnel to
for referral. including interventions tried into the core curriculum. ensure the smooth and
previous to referral. effective implementations of
referral processes.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I always ensure to read All data on students that Students with special Students with special
all 504’s and IEPs to require accommodations needs are provided with needs are taught since the
ensure the proper is utilized along with modified notes, reduced beginning of the year to
supports are provided classroom observations answer options, extra utilize various supports
and also so I can keep an to help recommend and time, open notes, etc… as and resources (visual
additional eye out for provide additional needed according to notes) to better access
students who may need supports to struggling student needs. the content and come in
more explicit instruction students. Our site is lucky for tutoring for more
with 1-on-1 supports or enough to have TOSAs to Teachers in the same explicit 1-on-1 instruction
small group support as aid in certain subject department regularly 5/1/24
needed. I do cooperate matters and to provide collaborate to identify
with resource personnel strategies that may work proper supports and
to provide supports as to accommodate for accessible
needed and discuss areas certain challenges. We accommodations. We also
of focus. I also attempt to utilize ClassDojo to work closely with other
provide supports and regularly communicate professionals, aides, and
resources for additional with parents along with families to provide the
practice as needed. I do constant communication best support we can for
review all assessment between other teachers students with special
data and reach out to the and support staff to help needs.
appropriate professionals students access
if I am noticing certain instruction. Students are Students identified as
trends for students that referred and assessed as needing accommodations
may need additional needed. We also track are placed on a list to
accommodations to data over time through later be assessed or have
ensure student success. the use of behavior logs schedules adjusted in
9/22/2022 and a student's academic order to integrate with
progress. the core curriculum.
5/1/23 12/08/23

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