Manmul Internship
Manmul Internship
Manmul Internship
Though Mandya is a small district geographically in the state of Karnataka, the district of
Mandya is famous for its sugar and rice crops. Mandya milk union having jurisdiction of
Mandya District , it covers 7 Taluks. It is one of the leading milk union in the state of
Karnataka. It was registered during the year 1987, Before registration Mysore and Tumkur
milk union was procuring milk from Mandya district dairy co-operative societies. At the
time of registration the union milk procurement was 99000 liter per day through 410 dairy
co- operative societies now the union is procuring 9.45 Lakh Kg per day through 1289
dairy co- operative societies (Highest Procurement 10.41 Lakh Kg per day).
Mandya Milk Union was registered in the year 1987. The Product Dairy, Gejjalagere
was then managed by Mysore Dairy. In the Year 1988 The Product Dairy, Gejjalagere
was handed over to Mandya Milk Union. The dairy has a spread of 47 acres of land at
Gejjalagere and 3 acres at KR Pet.
MANMUL with its headquarters at Gejjalagere has got liquid milk plant of 10 lakh litres
per day (Expandable upto 14LLPD) capacity, K.R.Pet Chilling center has got 1.00 lakh
litres, UHT plant of 1.07 lakh litres at Kumbalagudu and a powder plant of 45 MT
capacity per day
through the assistance of NDDB. The Milk Powder plant is successfully managing the
extra milk conversion of the neighboring District.
The Mandya Milk union produces an average of 9.45 lakh kg per day of milk , with an
average of 3.48 lakh liters of milk and 0.75 lakh kg of Curds and also products such as
paneer, peda, butter, ghee, skim milk powder (SMP).
As a part of long term growth oriented development strategy, the Union is expanding
rapidly by implementing several infrastructure projects and schemes. Union can play an
important role in assuring rural prosperity in the lives of our Milk Producers.
The study analyses the factors which influences the employees preference towards the
welfare the welfare followed in MANMUL . This study includes cleanliness in work place
medical facilities , sufficient first aid boxes, adequate security instruments like mask,
shoes, helmetetc . This will helps in knowing various levels of welfare schemes.
As the study helps in knowing the level of behavior and trust it would helpful for the
management to rearrange their merely efforts in order to achieve specified objective
this study helps in identification of consumer behavior which is a main motive of
performance and expectations. It creates an emotional bond with the brand also results in
high consumer loyalty. the study also helps in getting the clues for developing new
product features changing rates channels etc.
The investigation may be direct dependent upon satisfy The prerequisite for degree
a course of mysuru university . This task is perform those mont about and principle reason
forexisting for this . under taking will be to get it those provision of The hypothetical parts
previously ,our span in the corporate condition furthermore get a experience . Furthermore
uncover ourselves will corporate policies culture ethics , practices , procedures, realities
over those fill in gatner information ALSo approaches of the organization.
The research design used for the study was descriptive in nature, so as to identify and
explore the consumer behavior level towards change in price of Nandini milk and its
products. The respondents were chosen from Mandya.
The research was conducted through structured questionnaire together with formal
interview. open ended and closed ended questions are used take response from the
There are two types of research methodology in this study they are:
Exploratory research method
Descriptive research method
In 1988 union began promoting around 500 liters for every day which
progressively stretched out to around 15000 liters . There came an aid through the
approach drain promoting in Blagaluru city from 1993 .
regions through dairying as principle auxiliary occupation . The union has 1162 working
dairy co-agent social orders of which 508 are ladies social orders . The union as built up
242 ladies dairy co-agent social orders under STEP program of legislature of India
Mission Statement
The mission of MANMUL are as follows :
To procure raw milk from the local farmers at a very fair price or at even
To process the procured milk by pasteurization in healthy and hygienic condition.
To supply the processed milk hygienically to the customer at a reasonable price in
To develop a good infrastructure facility for the entire process , procure, pasteurize
and transport .
Quality Policy
The quality policy of MANMUL are as follows :
Agreement with statutory and regulatory requirements .
Healthy communication with all the parties especially in the food chain .
Adopting different scientific method of processing .
Training of employees Co-operative societies .
d. Product profile :
The product profile of MANMUL is explained through picture under :
Nandini Toned Milk
Enjoy the increased thickness and creaminess till the last drop, making more cups
of tea or coffee from each pack.
Milk is the most popular and best-selling product in Karnataka. The finest milk for
all purposes and generations is paste urised milk with at least 3.0 percent fat and at
least 8.5 percent SNF.
.processed wit hall the benefits of nutritious milk for children 'she althy growth.
Nutritious Homogenized milk with added solids that is at least 4.0 percent fat
and 9.0percent SNF (as opposed to 3 percent fat and 8.5 percent SNF in Toned
Milk). much richer and more delicious. suitable for making thick curds.
Nandini Paneer
eretainedfor 30days.
thaminimum of 9.0 percent SNF and 1.5 percent fat that has been
fortified with vitamins A and D. suited for individuals who lead healthy
lifestyles to make milkshakes, milky desserts, tea, or coffee.
Nandini Good life
SNFanda maximum of 0.5 percent fat.
It is perfect for elder sand others who care about their fitness to livea healthy
500 ml
200 grams
500 grams
Butter Salted
ednutritioninevery butter spread.
Nandini Curd
flavourasaged homemade curd. can be eaten on its own, in addition to
cooked rice, or as a component in some cuisines.
Available in200g,500g.
200 grams
500 grams
mostwidelyconsumedcandy for every occasion.
Available in MANMUL250gmCartonPack
250 ml
Nandini Milk Peda
ltheheartwiththeflavour of creamy milk.
25 grams
100 grams
250 grams
Pure and fresh milk is used to make Nandini Khova. When making
desserts like carrothalwa, Gulab Jamoon gains a richer flav our by
including Khova. available in bundles of 1kilogramme and 200g.
Increase the richness of the flavour of dishes like carrot halwa,
or30 days.
200 grams
1 kg
200 ml
200ml,500ml,1Litreand 5Litre,Tin– 15kg.
e . Area 0f operation
Area 0f operation is done in Mandya but also some 0f the district in
Bangalore which is both in Urban and in rural . It operates in 502 distribution
centre and it also maintains 2 milk parl ours .
Part of Bangalore Rural
Part of Bangalore Rural
Mandya District
No . of Milk Distribution Routes - 80
No . Milk Retailers - 987
No . of Milk Par lours - 30
Union Avg . Sachets Milk sales litre ./ day - 2.54 LL
Unions Avg . curd Sales/ kg./day - 32314
Union Avg . Bulk Milk Sales litre ./day - 1.75LL
f. Infrastructure facilities :
The infrastructure facilities at MANMUL are
Land Consisting 47 acres.
o They have procurement vehicle
o Milk tankers
Milk processing
o Milk postures
o Cream separator
o Machine for milk packaging
o Machine for curd packing
o Equipment of reformation
o Boiling equipment
Distribution transport
o Trucks
o Mobile van
h, SWOT analysis :
It has a trust household name „NANDINI‟
Though it has the least margin between procurement price and
sale price it
Weakness :
o It replacement policy in weak
o Flexibility in operational decision making is lacking .
o Reward for good performance is lacking .
o As MANMUL a district is rich in perennial greens which helps to feed
cattels of industries .
Opportunities :
MANMUL has dominated the Bangalore milk market which can be easily
expanded to 1.5 lakh litres in just a couple of seasons .
It provides reasonable price for its units compare to any other milk union .
Due to its geographical location MANMUL can have perennial supplies of
milk during the couple of seasons as it can procure the needed supply of
milk from the surplus produce of its neigh bouring states Kerala and Tamil
nadu .
Threats :
After liberalization the dairy industries got less barriers which results in
entry of number of dairy industries in to market .
MANMUL may not be in the position to take on major companies like
Reliance and ITC who are planning to enter the milk market .
Even the established companies like AMUL, AAVIN, and Vijaya are posing
it a threat especially in the products like butter , ghee ect as they have
already made a name in reaching and satisfying millions of families in
Karnataka .
i. Achievement/Award :
MANMUL is a customer based company established with the sole aim of
providing quality and healthy milk products to its customers and in improving the
standard of living of the rural people in and out of Mandya district in particular .
o Minimum consistency in growth 5% to 10% every year.
o Average 50MT Ghee Supplied to Tirupathi Temple per month.
o First time in Dairy industry Permit the International Export license in
o Milk Producer Kalyana trust started.
o Janshree Bhema Yojane started.
The main goal of the MANMUL Union is to make the milk producers
themselves own manage , and organize the institution and thus eliminate the
middlemen . By employing professional this can be achieved resulting in achieve
in dynamic increase of sale of its products and to ensure maximum returns to the
milk producers who are the back bone of MANMUL . As per March 2017 the sale
of milk is 4.29 lacks per day (2.54 lack litres in sachets and 1.75 lack litres in other
bulky forms ) This results in the annual turnover of RS 961 single handed .
The data which has been collected can be analysed using pie chart . This report
helps in understanding employee welfare and their satisfaction level with employee
welfare activities of an organization .
Analysis :
In the above table we can find 64% of men and 36% of female working in
MANMUL limited .
We can find large number of male employees than compare to female employees .
This indicates that majority of respondents were male workers . As industries is
based on large equipments male workers are permitted to work on it hence which
results in increase in male employees .
50 and above
Analysis :
In the above table we can find 18% of 18-25 age , 62% of 25-40 ,16%
of 40- 45 , 4% of 50 & above of age
From the above table we can find majority of workers are of age 25 to 40 years in
AQ4 :
In the above table we can find 72% of married employee and 28% percentage of
unmarried employee working at MANMUL .
We can find large number of married employee compare to unmarried
employees in MANMUL .
Table 4.2.4 ; results of percentage distribution of operational level employees
based on the marital status
1 PUC 3 6
2 ITI 6 12
3 Diploma 2 4
4 Other 39 78
TOTAL 50 100
ANALYSIS : In the above table we can find 6% of PUC, 12% of ITI , 4% of
Diploma,78% of other qualification in MANMUL.
INTERPRETATION : From the analysis we can find large number of employees
are of other qualification in MANMUL
Part B : Analysis and interpretation of employees welfare information
BQ1: From how many years you are working in MANMUL ?
0-5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
More than 15 years
ANALYSIS: we can find 50% of years of experience under 5years , 12% of
employees under 10 years , 24% of employees under 15 years and 14% of
employees 50 above of year of exprrience.
Findings : 4.1
We can find 50% of employees have 0-5 years of experience in MANMUL .
50% of employees says that they are satisfied with the working
environment .
We can find 82% of employees are satisfied by medical benefits .
We can find 64% of female employees are satisfied by with the maternity
leave .
Out of 100% of employees only 52% of employees are satisfied with
working hours .
60% of employees says that they are satisfied with the conveyance
allowance .
Out of 50 respondents 23 employees are satisfied with overtime allowance
It was found that only 60% of employees are satisfied with leave policy .
We can find 60% of employees are satisfied with the regular increment .
Highest percentage of employees which about 70% of employees are
satisfied with the canteen facility .
Only average percentage of employee are satisfied with the rest room and
lunch room facility .
Less than 50% of employee are satisfied with the crèche facility .
Satisfactory level pf security provided by the organization is 62%
We can find 62% of employees are satisfied with the employees .
54% of employees feel motivational by employee welfare benefit .
Only 40% of employees are satisfied with the interaction with the
management .
Less than 50% of employees are satisfied with the educational facility .
48% of employees are highly satisfied with the sitting facility .
We can find only 30% of employees are satisfied with the toilet facility
provided with the organization.
64% of employees says that they satisfied with hygiene maintained in the
Suggestion :
In my opinion company should provide some transport facility for
reasonable charge because found that the company is in mid of the rural
area .
The management can improve training facilities of employees .
The management can provide washing , cleaning and drinking water facility
by increasing more number of rooms on the usage of the employees .
Organisational structure should provide incentives / reward for good
performance among sales agent , employees for quality performance .
It is found that 60% of employees are aware of the employee welfare
measure the or ganisation should take initiative to improve the level of
awareness of labour welfare scheme .
Conclusion :
Employee welfare plays an important role in the organisation . It also
improves the productivity of the company when organization provides welfare
facilities to the employees which encourages them to give their best to the
Employee welfare is a part of expectation that employees have and it represent the
organization. Employee welfare measure is one of the important measure compare
to any other measures when these measure are not provide by the organization the
employees self interest and motivation will decline automatically.
Thus can say that the satisfaction of employees‟ welfare facility
is important because it increases the efficient and effort working of the
The study clearly shows that the factor influencing the
satisfaction with the welfare measure will be based on information collected from
the employees. The facilities provided by the organisation will be considered as the
welfare measures. It is found that employee‟s satisfaction with the welfare
measures is not dependent either on age or their length of service in the
Age Group:-
15-18 25-30
18-25 30-35
1) From how many years you are working in MANMUL ?
a) 0-5 years
b) 5-10 years
c) 10-15 years
d) More than 15 years
3) Rank the medical benefit provided in MANMUL for the employers and their
families ?
i. The best in the industry
ii. Adequate
iii. General
iv. Inadequate
v. The poor in the industry
11) Give your opinion towards rest room and lunch room facilities provided in
MANMUL for employees?
i. The best in the industry
ii. Adequate
iii. General
iv. Inadequate
v. The poor in the industry 55
12) Are you happy with the Creche facility provided in MANMMUL?
i. The best in the industry
ii. Adequate
iii. General
iv. Inadequate
v. The poor in the industry
14) How satisfied are you about the hygienic condition you observe around your
work place ?
i. The best in the industry
ii. Adequate
iii. General
iv. Inadequate
v. The poor in the industry
15) Does the welfare benefits provided by MANMUL play a Motivational factor ?
i. The best in the industry
ii. Adequate
iii. General
iv. Inadequate
v. The poor in the industry