Free Wargames Rules
Free Wargames Rules
Free Wargames Rules
Battles BC is played with two or more players. The game is designed to simulate an ancient land battle or engagement. To
play you need a ruler, a 20 sided dice (d20), a dice (d6), scale models, and a flat area. To play the game simple follow the
steps listed. The following steps are played 1 at a time starting with the player with priority going in a descending order. The
game continues until the predefined conditions are met.
The armies are built using a point system to ensure a reasonably even game. Each side should have an army of roughly the
same point value unless one side has some sort of fortification. In that case the point values for each side should be mutually
agreed on before the game.
The Attack Value (AV) and Defense Value (DV) listed for each unit are used to determine the value on a d20 required for the
attacker to cause damage. The DV of the target is simply added to the AV of the attacker. Various modifiers to the target's
DV may need to be added depending on the individual situation. If one or more of the modifiers applies then the values
listed on the chart are added to the equation to get the value to be rolled on the d20.
The Courage value (C) of troops represents their willingness to fight. Courage needs to be tested if ½ of a soldiers unit is
dead, if a soldier’s unit commander is dead, if the army commander is dead, or if ½ of the army is dead. To perform a
courage test add the soldiers courage value to the number of surviving bases in that soldiers unit, then roll a d20 if the
number rolled is < or = the first number the soldier can stay in play. If failed the soldier flees, is counted as a casualty, and
removed from the table. If the unit commander is still alive he may make one test for his whole unit, if he passes they all
pass but if he fails they may still test individually. The same goes for division and army commanders but with the exception
that a division commander tests for all members of his division and an army commander tests for the whole army.
The last major characteristic is Armor Save (AS) if a wound is inflicted roll a d6 if the result is > or = the armor save the unit
survives the combat. Initiative may influence this roll by 1.
Troops are organized into units. A unit consists of 5 bases of that troop type and one command of that troop type. The
command unit has the same profile as his men but with +1 courage, -1 AV, +1 DV, and minus one armor save. If that troop
type has no armor save, the command unit has an armor save of 6. Members of each unit must be within 2” of another
member of their unit at all times. For every 3 units of troops you may bring a division commander and for every force over 2
divisions may have an army commander.
Commanders have an initiative (I) score. This represents their ability to command troops it is used to influence the roll for
priority. It can also be used in combat to affect dice rolls. An initiative point may either raise the commander’s attack by
three or lower the enemies roll by three for every point spent. You may also split this eg. Raise your attack by 2 and lower
your enemies by one. Once an initiative point is spent it is lost for the remainder of the game
There are 4 types of units; light infantry (LI), heavy infantry (HI), cavalry (CV), and war machines (WM). Light infantry get
-2 attack when facing cavalry, cavalry get -2 attack when facing heavy infantry, and heavy infantry get -2 attack when facing
light infantry. War machines get no bonus and are affected by no bonus of this sort.
In Melee combat you must decide before the dice are rolled what style of fighting you are going to use. The styles are
defensive (+2 DV, -2 AV), Standard (+0 DV, +0 AV), and Aggressive (-2 DV, +2 AV).
Step 1: Priority
Each player rolls a D6 and adds the number of initiative points there army has the highest result moves first, followed by the
next, etc.
Step 2: Movement
All foot troops, mounted troops, and war machines may be moved at this time. Moving into base-to-base contact with an
enemy unit indicates that a melee combat will occur in Step 4. The following rules apply to movement:
· Climbing costs double movement. Example: Climbing a 3-inch Cliff costs 6 inches of movement. Only HI and LI
may climb.
· Some areas on the table may be swamps or forests etc., such areas are classed as difficult terrain. Players should
agree on what is and isn’t difficult terrain before the match. Heavy infantry take a 50 percent move penalty when traveling
through difficult terrain, cav take a 75 percent penalty, light infantry take a 25 percent penalty and war machines can’t move
through difficult terrain.
First all war machines make their attacks. Next, units with missile weapons including bows, crossbows, spears, javelins, and
slings make their attack. Be sure to take into account all applicable attack modifiers as noted on the reference chart. The
following rules apply to missile fire:
· Shooting into melee has an equal chance to hit each of the units involved in the combat. Make a die roll to
randomly determine who the actual target will be. This roll is made before the actual attack roll.
· An attacker may only target a unit to which there is a clear line of sight. Troops further away than 4 inches from the
attacker do not block line of sight.
Step 4: Melee
All units in melee (base to base contact) attack at this time. All outnumber modifiers are announced before each individual
combat begins. If neither soldier is killed the combat persists to next round. You may choose to back out of a melee combat
in your move phase by moving the element that you wish to disengage out of base to base contact. If you do this the enemy
gets to roll to hit you as normal.
Move Armor
Name DV AV C Speed/ Class Cost
# = Spies may not be attacked by enemies until they attack an enemy unit or until there is only spy(s) left. When attacking
any enemy with initiative points multiply their initiative score by 2 and subtract it from that unit’s defense. Spies also
reduce an enemies armor save by 1 (eg. 5+ becomes 6).
Move Armor
Name DV AV C Speed/ Class Cost
^ All troops within 10” of the emperor automatically pass all courage tests
# Unit contains 4 bases, captain has 1 Initiative, only one unit allowed, NEVER FAIL COURAGE TESTS. If your army
contains a guard unit and the Emperor roll a d6 on a 1-4 play as normal but on a 5-6 the guard are played by the player with
priority that turn.