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Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme)


Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a With neat block diagram explain features of microcontroller 8051. L1 8

b Write a note on Embedded microcontrollers. L1 4

c Write an interfacing diagram 8051 microcontroller interfaced to 8k bytes of L2 8

ROM and 8k bytes of RAM.

Q.02 a With neat diagram explain the internal memory structure and programming L1 8
model of 8051 microcontroller.

b Write a short not criteria for choosing a microcontroller. L1 4

c Write an interfacing diagram 8051 microcontroller interfaced to 8k bytes of L2 8

ROM and 16k bytes of RAM.

Q. 03 a With neat diagram explain the bit contents of PWS. L1 4

b Write a note on branching instructions defining their range. L2 8

c Write an assembly language program to add two 16 bit numbers loaded in L3 8
R1R0 and R3R2. Store the result in R6, R5 and R4 from MSB to LSB.

Q.04 a Write a note on bit manipulation instructions. L1 4

b Explain how the instructions work: L2 8

2. XCHD A, @Ri
3. JBC bit, rel8
4. MOVC A, @A+PC

c Write an assembly language program to multiply a 16 bit number loaded in L3 8

R1R0 (multiplicand) with an 8-bit number loaded in R2 (multiplier). Store the
resultant product in R6, R5 and R4 from MSB to LSB.

Q. 05 a Explain PUSH and POP instructions with a help of example program. L2 4

b 3 eight bit numbers X, NUM1 and NUM2 are stored in internal data RAM L3 8
locations 20h, 21h and 22H respectively. Write an assembly language program
to compute the following:
IF X=0; then NUM1 (AND) NUM2,

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IF X=1; then NUM1 (OR) NUM2,
IF X=2; then NUM1 (XOR) NUM2,
ELSE RES =00, RES is 23H RAM location.

c Write a assemble language program to toggle all the bits of Port 2 for every L3 8
200ms. Assume crystal is 11.0592MHz. Show all the calculations needed.

Q. 06 a Explain why pull-up resistors are connected to Port 0. L2 4

b Write an assembly language program to find the factorial of a number. Use L3 8

Subroutine programming.

c Write an assembly language program to find the average of 10 students marks L3 8

stored in external RAM memory address 8000H. Load the average value in
internal RAM memory 30H.

Q. 07 a Explain RS232 standard and 9 pin DB connector. L1 4

b Explain the mode 2 operation of timers and mention the steps involved in L2 8
programming timers in mode 2.

c Write a C program for the 8051 to transfer “YES” serially at 9600 baud, 8-bit L3 8
data, 1 stop bit, do this continuously.

Q. 08 a Explain the importance of MAX232 IC with its pin details. L1 4

b Explain how timers are used as counters, explain the counters operation using L2 8
a code snippet.

c Assume XTAL = 11.0592 MHz, write a assembly language program to L3 8

generate a square wave of 50 kHz frequency on pin P2.3.

Q. 09 a Explain the Interrupt Vector Table of 8051 microcontroller. L1 5

b Explain how multiple interrupts are handled in 8051 microcontroller. L2 5

c With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface LCD to L3 10

8051 microcontroller.

Q. 10 a List the steps involved in executing interrupts in 8051 microcontroller. L1 5

b Explain how interrupt programming is done using C programming in 8051 L2 5


c With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface Stepper L3 10

motor to 8051 microcontroller.

*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

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