Dsi00879-10 2.25
Dsi00879-10 2.25
Dsi00879-10 2.25
Danelec has released new firmware for the NAS drives. The new firmware version 2.25 addresses a problem
where the disk would appear unformatted after a firmware upgrade.
Do not attempt to update the firmware on a NAS drive that is not in operational mode. If the Power LED is
not Green then the NAS disk is not operational. Updating the firmware on a non-operational NAS drive may
result in permanent damage to the internal Flash memory.
Contact danelec@support.com for advice in case of any NAS disk that is not operational.
It is mandatory to upgrade all NAS drives with firmware version 2.25 when performing APT, service,
or installation on a Danelec VDR with a NAS drive.
In the next release of the Danelec DM100 VDR firmware, a new check for NAS drive firmware compatibility
will be included. This means an alert will be generated by the VDR if the firmware of the connected NAS
drive is below 2.25.
The following pages provide a detailed guide for checking and upgrading the NAS disk.
Best regards,
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- Connect the laptop to your PC and set the PC network adaptor IP to /
- If the version is below 2.25, continue to log in to the NAS configuration interface using the following
o User: Service
o Password: 123456 (default password)
- Select the latest NAS firmware file (available on the partner site), then click "upload."
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- Connect to the NAS disk as described above and check the status of the NAS disk:
- NAS status should be "System operational". It may take a short while for the status to become
operational – refresh the browser, if the status does not change. If the status does not change to
"System operational" troubleshooting is required. Proceed to the next page.
- Check on the VDR that the disk is detected and alert 60160 (External Backup not recording) and
60162 (External Backup cannot find) is cleared from the system (Alarm 160 and 162 on a DM200-
500 system).
- If Alert 60160 and 60162 are present after the NAS disk has been reconnected, then troubleshooting
according to the guide on the following page should be performed.
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o Green: System OK
o Orange: The system is not booting up. Most likely a power or boot flash issue. If the software
has just been updated, then it is almost certainly a flash issue. In that case contact
support@danelec.com for advice.
o On DM200-500, the NAS disk can be connected to any free LAN port on the DPU.
- If the NAS disk is connected to the correct LAN port but still is not detected, reconnect the NAS disk
directly to the service PC and log in to the NAS disk configuration page.
o If the NAS status is not "System operational" there is a problem with the harddisks. Typical
error statuses are "Disk unformatted" or the NAS is stuck in "Starting up" status.
o Login to the configuration menu, select "Disk check" and start the "HDD check/repair"
o Once completed, recheck the NAS status. If the status is not "System operational," contact
support@danelec.com for advice.
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