Unit 2

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2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objectives
2.3 Meaning of Meeting
2.4 Types of Meeting
2.5 Secretarial duties before, during and after the meeting
2.5.1 Prerequisite of the meeting

2.5.2 Activities on the Day of the Meeting

2.5.3 Secretarial Duties after the Meeting

2.6 Knowledge of Preparation of Notice, Agenda, and Minutes of the

2.6.1 Notice
2.6.2 Agenda
2.6.3 Minutes
2.7 Let Us Sum Up
2.8 Answers to Check Your Progress
2.9 Terminal Questions
2.10 Suggested Readings
2.11 Activities

Meeting is one of the important components of the modern office procedure.
Meeting takes place at all levels of the office from top management level to
lower level. In large organizations, meeting is inevitable. It is the best
medium of communication as members discuss various issues while sitting
face to face. It is an important responsibility of the secretary to make sure that
all arrangements of the meeting are made in which their active involvement
of is expected. The more the secretary knows about how effectively meetings
are convened or conducted, the easier it is for them to assist the executive in
the conduct of the meeting, because open discussion will be possible.
Members can give their views and it becomes the platform to deliberate upon
and learn more on different issues. It also helps to inculcate integration and
co-operation amongst the members.

Practice 2.2 OBJECTIVES
After going through this Unit learner should be able to:

x understand Meaning of meetings

x understand the needs of meeting

x distinguish types of meetings

x understand requisites of meetings

x explain the importance of agenda notice and minutes

x define drafting of notice, agenda, minutes of meetings


Meeting is called the gathering of two or more persons for the purpose of
achieving common goal through verbal interaction. Meeting may occur face
to face, through telephone, conference calls, sky pad, video conference etc. It
also covers a lecture, seminar, conference, trade show, exhibition, work shop,
training course, team building session etc. Meetings help in the smooth
functioning of the organization. A meeting is considered as the best means of


There are various types of meetings. These are classified as public meetings
and private meetings. Public meetings are those which are open to the
members of public in general. These are generally held at some public place
like a park or public hall. The purpose of holding these is to propagate some
information or belief. Notice of such meetings is served by announcements in
the newspapers or by posters etc. Generally, political meetings, civic
meetings, election meetings are examples which fall in this category.

Private meetings are those which are held by private bodies or associations
of persons in which the affairs of the private bodies are discussed. Only
members of those bodies or associations can attend such meetings. These are
held for those persons who are entitled to attend either by right or by
invitation. The meetings of a company, a cooperative society, a club,
associations etc are of these types.
Private meetings may again be classified as-

A. General meetings

B. Company meetings

A. General meetings: General meetings of an association are the meetings
which are open to all the members. During these meetings general
business of the body is transacted, accounts are passed, the annual
reports are read, past activities are reviewed, future plans are discussed
and the members of the executive committee are elected. These meetings Meeting

may also be ordinary, special or emergency meetings depending on the

type of business transacted. General meetings again are of two types:-

a) Committee meetings

b)Sub- committee meetings

These meetings are open only to the members of concerned committees
or sub-committees. These are held to discuss some specific problems
assigned to that committee or sub-committee. Examples of such
committees may be the meetings of the Governing body, Board of
directors, Finance committee etc.

B. Company meetings: A company is required to hold different kinds of

meetings at various stages of its existence. Broadly, company meetings
may be classified as follows:

1. Meetings of shareholders or members

The shareholders or the members who are the real owners of the
company must come together to discuss the affairs of the company and
take decisions for their welfare by controlling the Board of Directors and
their activities. Besides, there are certain matters which can be decided
only by the shareholders. Thus shareholders’ meetings are held from
time to time. These meetings may be of four types:

a. Statutory Meetings: It is the meeting of the shareholders required

to be held under the law by every company having a share capital,
just after the commencement of the business.
b. Annual General Meeting: It is to be held by all companies once a
year. These are held to consider and approve annual accounts,
declare dividend, elect directors, appoint auditors, and transact other
businesses, if any. The annual general meeting is regarded as the
most important of all company meetings.

c. Extraordinary General meeting: All general meetings of a

company, other than annual general meeting and statutory meeting
are called extraordinary general meetings. These meetings are
convened whenever it is found necessary to transact certain business
which cannot conveniently be postponed till the next annual general

d. Class meetings: Where the share capital of a company is divided in

two different classes of share, meeting of different classes of
shareholders may have to be called whenever the company wants to
make any variations in the rights attached to shares of any particular

Secretarial 2. Meetings of Directors and their Committees
Since a company is an artificial person, it cannot act on its own; it is the
directors, the elected representatives of shareholders who are vested with
the powers of control and management of the company. The directors
have to act as a team & for this purpose directors’ meetings are held
frequently. It is at these meetings that important matters relating to the
business of the company are decided.

Check your Progress I

i) The executive who convenes the meeting usually act as of
the meeting.
ii) Meetings held for special purpose are called meetings.

iii) Meetings are the best medium of as members discuss

different issues sitting face to face.
iv) The secretary has to arrange______,_____ and_____ for the
v) Broadly meetings may be classified as ________and _____

2) Write short answers.

i) Define meetings.
ii) Name the types of meetings.
iii) Explain briefly the purpose of meetings.

iv) Why are the extra-ordinary meetings held?

v) What are the requisites of a valid meeting?


2.5.1 Prerequisite of the Meeting
The secretary has to work out the pre-requisites for a meeting. He/she has to
decide upon the following:

a) Date- Date of meeting is to be decided well in advance. Usually it is

often decided at the very end of the previous meeting. The date is
arranged at a time which is mutually decided by the officials of the
organization. All people/officials of organization are notified of the date
and time of the meeting.

b) Venue- Usually all meetings are held at same venue. Changes, if any, Meeting

should to be notified well in advance and all necessary arrangements are

made by the secretary in advance.

c) The list of staff- The list of staff is people co-opted for a particular
meeting. Each department may send a separate representative to attend
the meeting every time. The minutes of meeting will include a list of
those attending the meeting.

d) The Agenda – It is a list of items to be discussed at the meeting.

The following pattern is usually followed.

x Apologies of absence
x Minutes of previous meetings

x Matters arising

x Health and safety measures

x Salary scales

x Personal awards etc.

x Any other business

x Date of next meeting

The secretary has to work out the agenda of meeting & will liaison with
all interested parties to ensure that nothing is overlooked. All will be
consulted to include any new item in the agenda. Draft agenda is
prepared and given to the chairman for consideration. After listing all
items according to their importance, several copies are then prepared and
circulated few days before the due date of meeting.
e) Minutes of the previous meeting-

Each meeting generally starts with the reading & signing of the minutes
of the previous meeting but it is a time consuming process. Time can be
saved if minutes are circulated to all the members before the actual
meeting; so that the minutes can be read beforehand & members may
come to attend the meeting already familiar with the matters.

It is the duty of the secretary to write the minutes and circulate amongst
the members within 24 hours of the meeting. Otherwise, it would be
difficult to remember what was said several weeks after the event. The
original copy of the minutes is kept in the record book as an official
record. Each minute is to be numbered for easy reference later on.

Other papers- besides this, each item on agenda may have its own written
report and that is to be circulated to all committee members before the
Secretarial The arrangement for refreshments is also made with the catering
department, if required before the actual date of meeting.

2.5.2 Activities on the Day of the Meeting

Secretary has an important part to play in the meeting itself .On the day of
meeting, s/he has to perform routine duties. It is good to check the
availability of space, then confirm the catering arrangements and fix a
suitable time for refreshments. Check the last minute changes, if any, check
the meeting venue, seating arrangements, air-conditioning etc. Ensure that the
seating arrangement is proper & adequate. Water, glasses, note paper/ pads,
pens, pencils have already been placed on tables. Name cards should also be
placed on tables to that everyone gets seated against his name plate. Also, the
people attending the meeting may come to know the names of one and other,
if they are meeting for the first time.
Spare copies of agenda, attendance book, minutes of book are to be the kept
ready. Also the presence of chairman is to be ensured. In emergencies, even
deputy chairman can conduct the meetings.
Secretary has to make them self ready to take down the minutes of the
meeting. They should select a seat conveniently located to hear the voice of
all present in the meeting. Secretary’s chair should be near the chairman so
that they may handover papers to the chairman as & when they are required.

It is in the hands of the chairman who has the line of authority in the
organization to start the meeting. The secretary would have already consulted
the chairman about the agenda of the previous meeting which has already
been circulated to the members, so that the meeting can be started with the
knowledge of framework already formed. The chairman starts the meeting as
soon as the quorum is completed.

Apologies for absence- It is called at the start of the meeting. The chairman
compares the list with those present. If the member is not present but has sent
his apologies, the meeting can proceed, otherwise, the secretary will make a
list of those present, either by ticking the notice of the meeting or by
circulating the suitable sheet of paper to show their names and designation of
those attending. Attendance sheet can be kept at the entrance so that all sign
as they enter. Being late without suitable apologies may indicate inefficiency
or discourtesy.

The meeting is conducted by the chairman who heads the line of authority in
the organization. The secretary starts the meeting as soon as the quorum is
completed. The meeting is held with the set of rules already laid down and
have been passed in the proper manner over the course of previous years.
The meeting starts with the items on the agenda as ‘minutes of the previous
meeting’ which they assume to be taken as read. This will save time and then
minutes are given for signature as an acceptance that they are the true record
of previous meeting and all members are agreed to and if anybody has got
any objection, he should point out before the chairman signs them. Then all Meeting

the items in agenda are dealt with in turn. Each item has been introduced by
someone who caused it to appear on the agenda. S/He may already have
circulated relevant reports or papers and have tabled them at the meeting.
Then the subject is open for discussion, and everybody is given the chance to
speak and give his own point of view. Different issues are settled
unanimously and if it is not carried unanimously, then those are settled by
majority either by two third majorities or by three quarter. Once they are
passed, these become the resolution and will appear in minutes of meeting
with word ‘resolved’.

When the issue is contentious on which no consensus was reached, it will be

taken up in the later meeting and will be included in the agenda for next
meeting. Chairman has got the power to adjourn the meeting if he feels that
conclusion on a particular issue cannot be reached without additional time.
S/He even can adjourn the whole meeting to a future date, or sine die if time
available has proved inadequate. Any other issue can also be taken up for
discussion with the permission of chair. During the course of the meeting
secretary usually takes down the minutes of the meeting;-may be verbatim,
conclusion, recording or to record a concise summary of the discussion and
the conclusion arrived at. The minutes should be kept entirely impersonal,
and language should also be very simple. The exact wording of every
resolution to be passed and names of the proposers and the seconders should
be taken down. All names and officials positions are capitalized so that at the
reference time it becomes easier to locate the reference. Any breach of good
manners, good taste and language is completely avoided and atmosphere is
completely kept friendly. When the meeting is over, secretary with the
permission of the chair will declare the date of the next meeting and will
thank all members for their attendance and will also see that refreshments
have been served to all present in the meeting.

Secretary would then collect spare documents left behind by members, s/he
would go through the notes s/he has made and finalize all aspects of the
meeting. This way, draft of minutes is prepared for approval by the chairman.
2.5.3 Secretarial Duties After the Meeting
After the meeting, secretary has to prepare the draft of the notes taken during
the discussion at the time of meeting for the final approval of the chairman.
When approved, minutes are prepared in final form for the distribution
amongst the members. The minutes should be duplicated in sufficient
quantities so that even the absentees may also get to know about the outcome
of the meeting. S/he has to update the file of meetings and put in good order
for presentation of the next meeting. The date of the next meeting should also
be entered and be communicated to all the members in writing.

x S/he has to file all papers used at the meeting, as well as all copies of
Secretarial x S/he has to arrange for carrying out decisions and instructions taken in
the meeting.

x S/he may have to write some letters under special directions or

suggestions made during the meeting or to make some enquiries.

x S/he has to see that meeting venue is in good order, all papers or items of
meetings left behind are in proper place and borrowed items have been

x S/he has to thank the catering department for their timely supplying the
refreshments and should settle the bill covering the expenses by getting it
signed through the chairman.

Check Your Progress II


1. Check that the members sign the attendance register.

2. Type any correspondence resulting from the meeting.

3. Prepare the agenda in consultation with the chairman.

4. Prepare draft of the minutes for the approval by the chairman.

5. Ensure that all documents are returned to the office.

6. Read the minutes of the last meeting.

7. See that each member has a supply of writing paper.

8. Collect the minutes of previous meeting.

9. Get the spare copies of the agenda.

10. Book a suitable room.

11. Arrange for direction sign to the meeting room.

12. Assist the chairman in supplying information from files as required.


2.6.1 Notice
Notice is an advance intimation of the meeting so that person receiving it gets
an opportunity to prepare himself for it. Notice must be given to every such
member who is entitled to attend the meeting. Generally issue of notice is
obligatory but where meetings are fixed to be held on specified date and
days, it may not be necessary to send the notice. However, it is necessary to
send the reminder in such cases also.
Notice must be served in the manner prescribed in the rules of the concerned Meeting

department. It should be written. Verbal notice may be given personally or

over the telephone but it should be confirmed by the written notice.

Period of notice calling meeting is prescribed in the rules of the organization

but generally, in the case of annual general meeting of a company, notice
must reach the members at least 21 days before the meeting. The secretary
must ensure that the notice is circulated to all the members within the
stipulated time.
Notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting. It must also
indicate the nature of the business to be transacted. Copies of certain reports,
statements etc. must also be enclosed to the notice, if required. For example,
in the case of an annual general body meeting of the company, a copy of the
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts of the company and the directors'
report have to be sent along with the notice.

Specimen of notice of an annual general meeting is given below-

Notice-of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 21st October, 2018


For members only

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of –(name )----------
society Ltd. will be held on Saturday the 22nd day of September, 2018 at
society’s compound, Plot no …………., place …………., Delhi at 2.00 p.m.

(J. S. Sharma)
Hony. Secretary
2.6.2 Agenda
Agenda means things to be discussed in the meetings. It denotes the program
or the list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting. It is the
usual practice that notice of the meeting is sent along with the agenda.

An agenda is a road map of what will be covered in the meeting. The

information can be sent in advance or distributed at the meeting. Agenda of a
meeting helps systematic transaction of business at the meeting without
leaving any point of importance. A properly drawn agenda minimizes the
number of questions being put to the Chair, thus saving time for more serious
issues. A well arranged agenda minimizes confusion and irritation through
members speaking on irrelevant issues.

Secretarial All issues are taken up for discussion by the Chairman as per the order set out
in the agenda but the order can be altered with the consent of the members, if

Agenda is drawn up by the secretary in consultation with the Chairman. It

may be noted that the secretary prepares two types of agendas- one for the
guidance of the chairman and the other to be sent to the members along with
the notice of the meeting. The agenda kept for the use of Chairman is usually
prepared on loose sheets of paper, leaving a wide margin on the right hand
side so that the Chairman and the secretary may make notes against each item
of the agenda. It contains the wording of the resolutions to be passed together
with the names of the proposers and the seconders. The idea behind
circulating the agenda in advance among the members is to enable them to
come prepared for the necessary discussion at the meeting.
The following guiding principles may be kept in view while preparing the

1. Routine items should be put first in order and the contentious items later.
If items which are expected to generate lengthy discussion are placed
first, they may take most of the time and the important matters may
remain un-discussed and the working of the organization will be held up
due to the shortage of time.

2. All items of similar nature should be placed near each other to facilitate
quick disposal of the business items.
3. All items listed in the agenda must be within the scope of the notice
calling the meeting.
4. It should be in the summary form.

5. It should be clear and explicit.

Thus a properly drawn up agenda prevents many questions being put to the
Chair, shorten the meeting, helps to get sense of the meeting and the meeting
is conducted in smooth manner very intelligently and expeditiously without
any confusion or irritation.

Specimen of agenda is given below:

An agenda for the an annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the XYZ society will be held at the society’s
compound, on Sunday, 21st October, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes of the last meeting.
Matters arising thereon.
Correspondence and apologies for absence.
Secretary’s Annual Report. Meeting

Treasurer’s Annual report and balance sheet.

Election of office bearers
To discuss the problems and resolve them unanimously
Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

Hony. Secretary

2.6.3 Minutes
The term minutes means a concise and accurate record of the activities
transacted at the meeting. The recording of minutes is a very important part
of the work of the secretary. The secretary prepares the minutes from the
notes taken by him during the course of the meeting. PA/PS will take down
the dictation during the meeting and type out neatly. In company’s meeting,
the responsibility of preparing minutes is that of company secretary.

Minutes may be of two types:

1. Minutes of narration: These minutes are given in narration form and
are used to record events which require no formal resolution. For
example, noting of the members present, recording of facts like calling
the meeting by the chairman, that the auditors’ report was read etc all
form the minutes of narration.

2. Minutes of resolution: In the minutes of resolution only the resolutions

passed at the meeting are recorded. They may also be called as minutes
of decision. They always start with the word “resolved” followed by the
exact text of the resolution. The names of the mover and the seconder
also may be indicated For example, Mr. A - proposed, B - seconded and
it was RESOLVED: that:________

Minutes should not be confused with report. A report gives a historical

account of all the matters discussed in the meeting and is much more
detailed. Reports are always in narrative form and they contain the name of
the speaker and the arguments given in the favour and against the motion, the
matters on which no decision was taken, the manner of voting and the full
account of the proceedings of the meeting. On the other hand, minutes
contain only the decisions taken in the meeting. In some cases, a brief
narration is given in order to facilitate intelligent reading of what was done in
the meeting. Minutes are the documentary evidence and are the legally
recognised by virtue of provisions contained in the act.
DRAFTING The minutes are generally written from the notes taken by the
Chairman and the secretary during the course of the meeting. They must be
drafted in such a manner that there is no ambiguity in the interpretation. They
Secretarial must be drafted in paragraphs properly serialized. Each paragraph should be
given a heading. They may also be drafted in a tabular form.

CONTENTS — Minutes must contain the following facts:

1. The nature of the meeting-annual general meeting or the extraordinary

general meeting.

2. The number of the meeting, say the tenth annual general meeting.

3. The name of the company.

4. The date, time and venue of the meeting.

5. The name of the chairman and secretary.

6. The names of the members present at the meeting with a view to indicate
the presence of a quorum. Where the attending number is very large, it
would suffice to state that so many numbers of members were actually

7. All resolutions passed in the meeting in the same order as given in the

8. Vote of thanks.
9. Chairman’s signature with date in his own hand. The secretary should
also initial the minutes.

The minutes should also state matters on which no formal decisions were
taken. It should also indicate that certain matters could not be discussed
because of the scarcity of time. It indicates that the notice was read, that the
auditors’ report was read, and that the directors’ report and account’s report
etc. were taken as read.

Statutory provisions regarding minutes

The secretary has to keep the minutes of the proceedings ready as per the
provisions of law of every meeting. The pages of minute’s book must be
consecutively numbered and in no case there should be attached by pasting.
Any correction, cutting etc. in the minutes books must be initialed by the
person signing the minutes. There should not be any erasures. The minute
book must be kept by the secretary under proper custody to avoid any
tampering of the minutes. Each page of the book shall be signed and the last
page of the record of proceedings of each meeting in such books shall be
dated and signed by the chairman of the same meeting with in the stipulated
period of the conclusion of the meeting.

The minutes of each meeting shall contain a fair and correct summary of the
proceedings. The chairman shall enjoy an absolute discretion in regard to
non-inclusion of any matter in the minutes.

The minute’s book of meeting in case of a company is to be kept at the Meeting

registered office of the company and be open to inspection for at least two
hours a day to any member without charge. Members are also entitled to
obtain copies of minutes on request within seven days on payment.

The specimen of minutes is given below:

A meeting of discipline committee was held in the room of head of office on
Friday, 14 September 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Mr. A.B.
Mr. C.D.
Mr. E.F.

Minutes The minutes of the last meeting, which had been circulated, were
taken as read and approved and were signed by the head of office.

Matters arising There were no matters arising out of the minutes.

Apologies Mr. F. could not attend the meeting as he was on leave due to ill

The meeting was started at the due time and the following points were
It was decided to call the parents of the student who created in discipline in
the institute.

It was decided to take the attendance of the student in question and also to
note the marks obtained in the previous exams.

Decided to take the appropriate action as per the rules.

Decided to take stringent actions to avoid any indiscipline problem arising in
the institute.

The chairman fixed the date of next meeting.

Meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the chairman.

Check Your Progress III

Answer the following:

1. What do you understand by ‘minutes’?




Secretarial 2. What is the purpose of agenda?


3. What do you mean by quorum?



4. How minutes is different from report?



5. List the precautions to be taken while drafting minutes.




Meetings are important element in any business organization.

Meetings are of various types - statutory meetings, general meetings, annual

meetings, extraordinary general meetings, board meetings etc.
Secretary must arrange date, time and venue for the meeting.S/he has to draw
up agenda and minutes of the previous meeting for approval.

The chairman conducts the meeting and all matters are resolved unanimously.
Otherwise, view of the majority is to be taken for consideration.

After the meeting, secretary prepares the minutes of just concluded meeting
and submits it to the chairman for approval.

All reports, minutes and copies of correspondence are filed properly so that
they are available for the next meeting or references.

Notice Notice is an act of informing all members about the date, time and
place of the meeting. Notice may or may not indicate the purpose of the
meeting or the agenda. The period of notice to be given is laid down by the
organizations usually.

Agenda Agenda refers to the activities required to be dealt in the meeting. It

82 can be prepared only before deciding upon the desired outcome from the
meeting. Overall outcome should be stated clearly in the agenda from Meeting

meeting. It should be designed so that participants get involved early by

having something for them to do right away. Attendees should be asked to
help in keeping track of the time. A separate agenda may be enclosed with
the notice of the meeting or the notice itself may contain the agenda. All
items as given in agenda are transacted at the meeting.

Minutes: Minutes are the gist of the proceedings of a meeting. It is regarded

as the summary of the proceedings of meeting. It is different from reports
because it includes only the decisions which have been taken after
discussions. Accurate records of minutes provide an invaluable proof of the
proceedings on various matters.


Check Your Progress I
1. Fill in the Blank
i) Chairman.
ii) Adhoc.

iii) Communication.

iv) Date, time, venue.

v) Public, Private
2. Do it yourself

Check Your Progress II

Do it yourself

Check Your Progress III

Do it yourself


1. Define meetings. What are the requisites of valid meetings?

2. Draft a notice for the annual general meeting of a company.

3. State the different types of meetings and discuss the work of the
secretary in connection with each.

4. Why and when is an annual general meeting held?

5. What is the purpose of an agenda? Draft an agenda for a meeting to be

held for taking action against the misbehavior of a particular student.

6. What is an annual general meeting? What is its purpose?

Secretarial 7. Why does the chairman of a meeting have a special prepared agenda and
how does it differ from the agendas provided to other members?

8. Define minutes. List out the precautions to be taken while drafting the


Secretarial duties by John Harrison

Secretarial practice by M.C. Kuchhal

Principles of Office Management by R.C. Bhatia

Field Guide to Leadership & Supervision by Carter McNamara

in Business & for Non Profit Staff

Company meetings, notices by V.S. Aggarwal

Crossword Puzzle
(Teachers may use such puzzles to make the lessons more interesting)

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8




1. Alteration (9)
4. General meeting (3)
6. Summary of proceedings (7)
7. Published records (11)
11. Proposals (7)
12. Head of meeting (8)

2. General meeting (3)
3. Express wish (6)
4. Suspension (11)
5. Minimum required attendance (6)
6. Gathering (8)
8. Keeps records (9)
9. Things to be done (6)
10. Written announcement (6)

Secretarial Answer to Crossword Puzzle (solved)

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8






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