10 Preguntas de Examen - Speaking Parte 1 (Entrevista) - B2 First (FCE)
10 Preguntas de Examen - Speaking Parte 1 (Entrevista) - B2 First (FCE)
10 Preguntas de Examen - Speaking Parte 1 (Entrevista) - B2 First (FCE)
La parte 1 es una entrevista con el examinador. Te hará varias preguntas a las que deberás
responder con información sobre tus intereses, estudios, carrera, etc.
Las preguntas versarán sobre su trabajo/estudios, su tiempo libre y sus planes de futuro. Se
le podrá preguntar, por ejemplo, sobre un deporte que le guste o impresiones sobre sus
viajes o vacaciones recientes….
En la Parte 1 del examen oral, el examinador te hará preguntas sobre tu vida familiar, tus
actividades diarias o cómo pasas tu tiempo libre.
Una de las mejores maneras de practicar la expresión oral es hacer una lluvia de ideas: que
se te ocurran tantas cosas como puedas decir sobre un tema (puedes tomar notas si es
necesario). Pero una vez que hayas pensado y organizado tus ideas, intenta hablar sin
ayuda de notas: no aprendas a hablar de memoria. Con la práctica, notarás que has
mejorado tu capacidad de pensar y parafrasear de forma independiente, así como tu fluidez
How many people are there in your family? (Who are they?)
In my family, there are four members: my parents, my younger sister, and myself. We
all live together in a cozy house in the suburbs.
● Our family home is a two-story house with a lovely garden in the front
and a backyard. It has a warm and inviting atmosphere, decorated with
a mix of modern and traditional elements. The living room is a
common gathering place for the family, where we often spend quality
time together.
● Yes, I do. Our neighborhood is peaceful and friendly. There are several
parks and schools nearby, making it a great environment for families.
Additionally, there are various shops and cafes within walking distance,
which adds to the convenience and charm of the area.
● Which area of your country would you like to get to know better? (Why?)
● What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited? (Tell us about it.)
● Have you ever used your English on holiday? (What did you use it for?)
● Do you like to plan your holidays just before you go, or do you not plan in
advance? (Why?)
● If you could go anywhere on holiday, where would you go? (Why?)
● What sort of music do you listen to? (Why do you enjoy it?)
● Do you like shopping? (What sort of things do you buy?)
● What’s your favourite food? (Why do you like it?)
● What do you like to do at the weekend?
● Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently