7168 13847 1 SM
7168 13847 1 SM
7168 13847 1 SM
M. Gifhari Heryndra
Ananda Sabil Hussein
Faculty of Economics and Business
Brawijaya University
The development of information and communication technology, especially in application systems and
social media, has led to a variety of new creative industries, one of which is in the field of payment services.
The use of OVO applications is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory that was
introduced by Davis in 1989. TAM shows the usefulness and ease of use will affect the informants'
individual intentions in using techniques. This study aimed to examine the influence of Perceived
Usefulness empirically, perceived Ease of use and trust towards Customer loyalty in OVO applications (the
study of OVO users in Malang). This is a quantitative study, the source of the data used in this study is
primary data that is the source of data in the form of objects, things, or people where the researcher observes,
reads and asks questions about the data that will later be used for hypothesis testing using SPSS For data
collection methods, spreading An online questionnaire was used in this study with a 5-point Likert Scale.
Criteria for respondents in research residing in Malang, using the application of their own volition, and using
the application at least three times a month. Samples were taken as many as 100 respondents from OVO
users in Malang. Data analysis in this study used Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and hypothesis testing
using t-test processed with SPSS software ver. 20. In other words, this study used non probability sampling
and accidental sampling techniques. The results showed a positive influence towards Perceived Usefulness,
Perceived ease of use (ease of use), and trust in customer loyalty.
Perkembangan tekhnologi informasi dan komunikasi khususnya pada sistem aplikasi dan sosial media telah
melahirkan berbagai industri kreatif baru salah satunya adalah di bidang jasa pembayaran. Penggunaan
Aplikasi OVO di dasarkan pada teory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) yang di perkenalkan oleh
davis pada tahun 1989. TAM menunjukkan kegunaan dan kemudahan penggunaan akan mempengaruhi
niat individu dalam menggunakan tekhnologi informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara
empiris pengaruh kegunaann, kemudahan pengguna dan kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas pengguna pada
aplikasi OVO (studi pada pengguna OVO di kota malang) Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif,
sumber data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer yaitu sumber data berupa benda, hal
atau orang dimana peneliti mengamati, membaca dan bertanya tentang data yang nantinya akan di
gunakan sebagai sumber data. uji hipotesis menggunakan SPSS Untuk metode pengumpulan data,
menyebarkan kuesioner secara online digunakan di penelitian ini dengan Skala Likert 5-point. Kriteria
responden pada penelitian berdomisili di Malang, menggunakan aplikasi atas kemauan sendiri, dan
menggunakan aplikasi setidaknya tiga kali dalam sebulan. Sampel diambil sebanyak 100 responden dari
pengguna OVO di Malang. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linear
Berganda dan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji-t yang diolah dengan software SPSS ver. 20. Dan juga,
penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Non-Probability Sampling dan Acidental sampling . Hasil menunjukkan
pengaruh positif terhadap Perceived Usefulness, Perceived easy to use dan , kepercayaan pada loyalitas
Kata Kunci: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of use, Kepercayaan , Loyalitas Pelanggan
INTRODUCTION A transaction system with e-wallet is
Nowadays, the fast increasing of anything related to a user's account payment to the
technology development has greatly affect the seller in the form of a direct deduction from
daily business activities. With this change, all
balance in the user's
aspects have begun to change from traditional
form and slowly change to digital. In today's era, account. E-wallet also enables registered users to
everything is easier with digital facilities. Without
make payments online safely and comfortably,
us knowing it, almost all of the activities we do
today operate digitally (Nasrum,2015). Therefore, and receive or send money only by including the
technological developments change the world telephone number to be addressed, and the current
view more significantly than before. The presence trend is scanning QR codes or barcodes (Apriyani,
of non-cash transactions has evolve in the world
of the economy. For the financial sector, 2019). E-wallets have become a trend after many
technological innovation is not new and the start-up companies develop business based on
intensity of discussion and study of the online transactions that have grown in Indonesia.
relationship between finance and technology is The system of e-wallet requires user to add
popular lately. balance into the e-wallet account. Later, this
OVO is an integrated digital finance money can be used for shopping at merchants who
application developed by LippoX, which has been have collaborated with the e-wallet
integrated with several Lippo companies. Under
the auspices of LippoX as a digital payment developer.
company owned by the Lippo group, smart
financial apps was launched and called OVO. This Principles of Technology Acceptance
application tries to accommodate various needs Model (TAM) used to assess the performance of
related to cashless and mobile payment. an application are based on variables Reliability,
Flexibility, Security, Easy to use (Ease of use),
Fintech or Financial Technology has now become Privacy (Personal) Accessibility (accessibility)
a fertile field that is being sought by the big (Lupioadi, 2001). OVO can be considered great if
players in the world economy, including in it has a excellent rating based on the TAM
variable. Through TAM theory with the principle,
Indonesia. Fintech also emerged because people
usefulness and easy to use can understand that the
needed an alternative to a more democratic and reaction and perception of technology use can
transparent financial service industry as well as influence the attitude in accepting the use of
more efficient financial services that reached the technology.
wider community because the traditional financial
In the TAM model, there are two factors
industry had weaknesses in serving people in
that relevant in computer use behaviors which are
certain areas so that services were uneven and perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
bound by strict rules (Hadad,2017).FinTech Davis defines perceived usefulness as the
started to become the most promising industry in prospective user’s subjective probability that
2016, even at the end of 2015 Forbes stated that using a specific application system will enhance
the banking industry would change when fintech job or daily performance. Perceive ease of use
startup companies started to appear (EOU) can be defined as the extent to which the
prospective user expects the target system to be
(Hadad,2017) .The financial technology (fintech)
free of effort. According to TAM, ease of use and
industry is developing in Indonesia, both from perceived usefulness are the most important
fintech payment and loans.This is reflected in the determinants of actual system use. These two
distribution of fintech lending loans, which factors are influenced by external variables. It is
reached Rp 33.2 trillion in May 2019, while expected that the existence of the TAM principle
fintech payment transactions amounted to Rp 47.1 can increase Customer Loyalty to increase the
profitability of OVO. Research on the
trillion in 2018 (Sari, 2019). effectiveness and success of system performance
information provides benefits for an organization
(Jhong-Min, 1996).
Marketing Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) is the next basic
Marketing is an integral part of every drive in the Technology Acceptance Model. It is
organization and the term marketing explained as the level to a learner considers that
communications was initially seen to be a using an information system would not be difficult
managerial task. Most marketing communication to operate. The concept of accepted perceived
methodologies are focused on advertising, sales
ease of use accounts is when particular technology
promotion, direct marketing, and public relations.
The new technological innovations provide an would not be difficult to operate. The study
opportunity to enhance the visibility products and examines the perceived ease of use to establish
promotions. Further, they actively engage students’attitudes to use digital technologies in the
consumers through various media. Due to the promotion or enhancement of learning. To throw
continuous development and innovations in digital more light on Perceived Ease of Use, a 2010
media, the original proposal of the IMC ECAR study found that
framework has become partially or fully obsolete
(Prasad and Kumar, 2016). suitability is the utmost cherished advantage of
Perceived Usefulness information and communication technology in
Perceived Usefulness (PU) is described as academic programs according to most learners.
the extent to which a student trusts that the use of Researchers argue that perceived ease of use is the
digital technologies would improve the user’s extent to which a person accepts as true that using
work performance. It can also be explained as the an exacting method will not cost individually
extent to which users of technologies perceive that (Davis et al., 1989; Mathieson, 1991; Gefen and
the usage of an information system will augment Straub, 2000; Gahtani, 2001).
their learning power and process. The perception
At first, According to (Rogers,1962)
of benefits is a measure in which the use of
affirms that perceived ease of use is the term that
technology is believed to bring benefits to people
who use it, while the perception of ease of use of represents the degree to which an innovation is
technology is a measure where one believes that perceived is not difficult to understand, learn, or
computers can be understood and used easily operate. He further states that perceived ease of
(Davis, 1989). The TAM also assumes that the use is the degree to which consumers perceive a
adoption and use of a particular technology are new product or service as better than its
motivated by behavioral intention. substitutes (Rogers, 1983). Similarly, Zeithaml et
al. (2002) state that the degree to which an
Nonetheless, the behavioral intention is
innovation is easy to understand or use could be
motivated by the user’s attitude towards the use of
considered as perceived ease of use. A technology
the technology, and also by his or her perception
or application can be used easily if it has the
of its usage. The attitude of a user is not the only
characteristics of having a value of comfort which
factor that drives his or her desire to use a system.
will influence both the level of use and Customer
However, it is also based on the outcome or effect
it may have on his or her achievement perceived
usefulness is the core factor to using OVO
application. Therefore, many transactions can be Trust
made in this application such as purchasing in the Trust is a crucial aspect of various economic
marketplace like Tokopedia and users will earn transactions because the profoundly human need
point to get the discount for future purchases. to understand a deeply social environment
identifies someone’s behavior. Understanding the
social environment becomes difficult because
someone by nature is not always rational or not
Perceived Ease of Use
predictable (Gefen et al., 2003). Trust is the main market segments, with support from a superior
characteristic of some large economic and social value handover system.
interactions that cause uncertainty. Many
researchers find sellers' behavior also affects
customer confidence (Pappas & Flaherty, 2008; Hypothеsis
Swan, Bowers & Richardson, 1999). Customers H1:Perceived Usefulness (X1)influences Customer
trust more established organizations and Loyalty in OVO
marketing organizations need to pay more
attention to adjust organizational features more H2:Perceived Ease of use (X2) influences
Customer Loyalty in OVO
product features (Keh & Xie, 2009). Trust also
H3:Trust (X3) influences Customer Loyalty in
attracts employees to the organization. After all, OVO
developing trust is more suitable to trading when
considering a business in the consumer market
(Wirtz & Lihotzky, 2003) Also found an offer
attributes and support from staff in each dynamic
conditions for ensuring customer confidence
(Ruiter, Moorman & Lemmink, 2001). According
to Macintosh (2009) suggests awareness and
knowledge factors with service providers,
increasing this client's trust greatly depends on
building relationships. Also, trust has a direct
connection with loyalty; in the service industry,
elements trust implies between a supplier and his
customers. Customer trust is a way to buy a
product or service, and that customer's trust is
directly related to customer loyalty (Ribbink,
Liljander & Streukens, 2004).
Figure 1: Research Framework
Customer Loyalty
According to Griffin (2005:5), customer loyalty is The selection and determination of the
behavior purchases that are defined as nonrandom methods used in a study are beneficial for
purchases and disclosed from time to time by researchers because the choice and determination
several collection units decision. Non-random of the right method can help in achieving research
keywords explain that a loyal buyer will not objectives. This study aims to prove the
randomly make a purchase. The buyer is only correlation and causal relationships, so that this
loyal to a company or a brand in mind. research is quantitative methods. According to
(Kotler,2009) defines loyalty as a firm Ardianto (2010: 47), quantitative methods are
commitment to buy again or subscribe again to studies that are loaded with numbers in data
certain products or services in the future even if collection techniques in the field. To prove
there are situations driver and marketing efforts correlational relationships and researchers' causal
that have the potential to cause behavioral shifts. relationships using quantitative research methods
The key to generating high customer loyalty is causal research, the independent variables are
giving up high customer value. As stated by Perceived Usefulness (X1), Perceived Ease of Use
(Kotler,2009), companies must stimulate a (X2), and Trust (X3). While the dependent variable
proposition superior value directed at specific is the Customer Loyalty of Online Transportation
(Y). The location of the research took place in the samples that can be taken are 96 people, but in
Malang city because Malang is an education principle, there are no definite rules for
city/student city, where many universities and determining the percentage precisely to determine
schools were established in Malang. There are sample (Rao Purba, 1996). So, in this case the
thousands of students in Malang, and it is researcher took a sample. A total of 100
potential for E-wallet companies like OVO. respondents were sufficiently represented to
Therefore, the income earned from the city of participate. The sampling technique used in this
Malang will continue to increase.A population is study is a non probability sampling technique
an area of generalization consisting of objects or where each member of the population does not
objects that have certain characteristic qualities have the same opportunity to be selected as a
identified by researchers to study, and then sample. Respondents in this study were OVO
conclusions made by researchers (Sugiyono,2014). users who have used OVO services at least three
The population of this study is all users of OVO times. Sample selection was based on Accidental
application in Malang. The research revealed that Sampling, namely the selection of samples based
in multivariate research included in multiple on selection where to take samples based on these
regression analysis which explained that the challenges, many people use the OVO application
sample size must be at least 10 times the number
of variables in the research and a maximum of
500. According to the above calculation results,
R: 0.763
R Square: 0.582 F Table: 2.639
Adjusted R2 0.569 t Table: 1.969
F count: 44.498
Sig. F: 0.000
Source: Primary Data, Processed in 2020
was concluded that these items could be used to
The regression model used is standardized measure the research variables. Followed by the
regression, because the data used in this research reliability test using Cronbach Alpha, where each
are interval data measured by Likert scale. Likert variable was found to be reliable because the
scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinion, and value of Alpha Cronbach was greater than 0.6.
perceptions of a person. In standardized The classical assumptions test became the next
regression, the size of the variable or the size of test; the classical assumptions test consisted of a
the answer has been equalized. The regression normality test, a multicollinearity test, and a
equation obtained based on Table 1 are as follows: heteroscedasticity test. the results of the normality
test where the test was carried out using the
Y = α + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3 + e Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, with a significant
Y = α + 0.277 X1 + 0.268 X2 + 0.368 X3 + e value greater than 0.05, which means
unstandardized distributed.
In this research, as many as 100 respondents Then, the second was multicollinearity test,
were participated. The instrument test was with a Tolerance value of each variable greater
conducted with a validity test and a reliability test. than 0.1 and a VIF value greater than 10. It can be
The results obtained from validity test showed concluded that there was no multicollinearity
significance value greater that rTable, which between the independent variables. The third test
means that each item variable was valid. So, it was the heteroscedasticity test using a Scatterplot
diagram which resulted of no specific pattern, so dependent variable used was Customer Loyalty
there is no heteroscedasticity. So, it can be (Y).
concluded that the remainder had a homogeneous Based on the calculation of multiple linear
variety (constant) or in other words, there were no regression analysis, it can be seen:
symptoms of heteroscedasticity.
The research method used multiple linear 1. The simultaneous influence of each
regression analysis techniques with the findings in independent variable on Customer Loyalty is
the regression equation table. Perceived done by testing the F-test. From the results of
Usefulness (X1), Perceived Ease of Use (X2), and
multiple linear regression analysis obtained,
Trust (X3) towards Customer Loyalty have a
positive direction, which if Perceived Usefulness independent variables have a significant
(X1), Perceived Ease of Use (X2), and Trust (X3) effect simultaneously on Customer Loyalty.
increase, it will increase Customer Loyalty. So, it can be concluded that in testing of the
hypothesis there is a simultaneous influence
The Influence of Perceived UsefulnessX1) of independent variables on Customer
Towards the Customer Loyalty (Y) Loyalty variables can be accepted.
In the results of the analysis using the
multiple regression method, t value obtained was 2. Based on the test results, it is found that the
2.797 with sig. t of 0.000 with tTable of 1.985. So, variable Perceived Usefulness (X1) has a
the Perceived Usefulness variable has an influence significant effect on Customer Loyalty.
on Customer Loyalty. If seen from the
significance value of t of 0.001 smaller than alpha 3. Based on the test results, it is found that the
used is 0.001 < 0.05. So, it can be concluded that
variable Perceived Ease of Use (X2) has a
the Promotion Mix has a positive and significant
influence on Customer Loyalty. significant effect on Customer Loyalty.
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