BTech-CE-6th Sem-Environmental Engineering-II - UPECE604-MidSem - A&B

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(Formerly College of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar )

Registration No:

Total Number of Pages: BTech

Time: 2 Hours Max marks: 20 UPECE604
Mid-Term Examination : 2021-22
SUBJECT: Environmental Engineering-II
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any Three from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (0.5 x 10)

a) Differentiate between conservancy and water-carriage system.
b) State the relation between maximum daily flow and average daily flow of sewage &
minimum daily flow and average daily flow of sewage.
c) Enlist the merits (two points) and demerits (two points) of separate sewerage
d) What are the factors that affect the quantity sewage to sewer.
e) Explain the functions of a drop manhole and street inlet.
f) Under what circumstances (two points) is pumping of sewage necessary?
g) Compute the theoretical oxygen demand of a water that contains glucose (325
mg/L) and benzene (20 mg/L).
h) Define sewage sickness.
i) State different zones of pollution in a river stream with figure.
j) The percentage of BOD removed in primary sedimentation tank is less than
Activated sludge treatment.Why?

Q2 a) Assuming that the surface on which the rain falls in a district is classified as (2.5)
15% of the area consists of roof for which the runoff ratio is 0.9, 20% of the
area consists of pavements for which the runoff ratio is 0.85, 5% of the area
consists of paved yards for which the runoff ratio is 0.80, 20% of the area consists
of macadam roads for which the runoff ratio is 0.4, 30% of the area consists of
lawns, gardens and vegetable plants for which the runoff ratio is 0.10, and the
remaining 10% of the area is wooded for which the runoff ratio is 0.05; determine
the coefficient of runoff for the area.
If the total area of the district is 50 hectares and the maximum rain intensity is
taken as 4 cm/hr; Determine the total runoff for the district.
b) A main combined sewer was designed to serve an area of 80 sq. km with an (2.5)
average population of 200 persons/hectare. The average rate of sewage flow is
370 litres/capita/day. The maximum flow is 50% in excess of the average together
with the rainfall equivalent of 16 mm in 24 hours, all of which are runoff. Calculate
the capacity of the sewer in cu. m/sec.
Find the minimum velocity and gradient required to transport sand through a sewer
of 50 cm diameter with sand particles of 1 mm diameter and specific gravity 2.65.
Assume k for sand = 0.05. The Manning’s roughness coefficient for the sewer
material may be assumed as 0.013.

Q3 (a) The ultimate BOD of a wastewater sample is estimated as 92% of COD. The COD (2.5)
of this wastewater is 500 mg/L. First order BOD reaction rate constant (use natural
log) is 0.23 per day. Determine the BOD value (in mg/L) after three days of
incubation at 27° C for this wastewater.

b) Explain Population Equivalent and Relative Stability. If the period of incubation is (2.5)
12 days at 20° C in the relative conductivity test of sewage, calculate the
percentage of relative stability.

Q4 a) 125 cumecs of sewage of a city is discharged in a perennial river which is fully (2.5)
saturated with oxygen and flows at a minimum rate of 1600 cumecs with a
minimum velocity of 0.12 m/sec. if the 5 day BOD of the sewage is 400 mg/l,
calculate where the critical DO will occur in the river. Assume:
(i) the coefficient of purification of river as 4.0,
(ii) the ultimate BOD as 135% of the 5 day BOD of the mixture of sewage and
river water.
(iii) Saturation DO of river = 9.2 mg/L.
b) Ten million litre of sewage per day is passing through a primary settling tank which (2.5)
is 7.5 m wide, 36 m long and having a water depth of 3 m. (i) Calculate the
detention time for the tank. (ii) Determine the average flow velocity through the
tank. (iii) If 70 ppm is the concentration of suspended solids present in the influent
sewage, how much dry solids will be deposited per day in the tank, assuming 60%
removal in the basin and average specific gravity of the deposit as 2. (iv) Compute
the overflow rate.

Q5 a) Write short note on grit chamber and skimming tank. (2.5)

b) An activated-sludge system is to be used for secondary treatment of 10,000 m 3/d (2.5)
of municipal waste water. After primary clarification, the BOD is 150 mg/L, and it is
desired to have not more than 5 mg/L of soluble BOD in the effluent. A completely
mixed reactor is to be used, and pilot-plant analysis has established following
kinetic values: maximum yield coefficient = 0.5 kg/kg and Endogenous respiration
rate constant = 0.05 d-1. Assuming an MLSS concentration of 3000 mg/L and an
underflow concentration of 10,000 mg/L from the secondary Clarifier. Draw the
schematic diagram for the system. Determine (i) the volume of the reactor, (ii) the
mass and volume of solids that must be wasted each day and (iii) the recycle ratio.

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