Perinetti.2010 - Dental Malocclusion and Body Posture in Young Subjects - A Multiple Regression Study

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CLINICS 2010;65(7):689-95




Giuseppe PerinettiI, Luca ContardoI, Armando SilvestriniBiaYatiII, Lucia PerdoniII, Attilio CastaldoI

doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322010000700007

Perinetti G, Contardo L, Silvestrini-Biavati A, Perdoni L, Castaldo A. Dental malocclusion and body posture in young
subjects: a multiple regression study. Clinics. 2010;65(7):689-95.

OBJECTIVES: Controversial results have been reported on potential correlations between the stomatognathic system and body
posture. We investigated whether malocclusal traits correlate with body posture alterations in young subjects to determine possible
clinical applications.
METHODS: A total of 122 subjects, including 86 males and 36 females (age range of 10.8-16.3 years), were enrolled. All subjects
tested negative for temporomandibular disorders or other conditions affecting the stomatognathic systems, except malocclusion. A
dental occlusion assessment included phase of dentition, molar class, overjet, overbite, anterior and posterior crossbite, scissorbite,
mandibular crowding and dental midline deviation. In addition, body posture was recorded through static posturography using a
vertical force platform. Recordings were performed under two conditions, namely, i) mandibular rest position (RP) and ii) dental
intercuspidal position (ICP). Posturographic parameters included the projected sway area and velocity and the antero-posterior
and right-left load differences. Multiple regression models were run for both recording conditions to evaluate associations between
each malocclusal trait and posturographic parameters.
RESULTS: All of the posturographic parameters had large variability and were very similar between the two recording conditions.
Moreover, a limited number of weakly significant correlations were observed, mainly for overbite and dentition phase, when using
multivariate models.
CONCLUSION: Our current findings, particularly with regard to the use of posturography as a diagnostic aid for subjects affected
by dental malocclusion, do not support existence of clinically relevant correlations between malocclusal traits and body posture.

KEYWORDS: Postural stability; Stomatognathic system; Correlation; Diagnosis; Malocclusion.

INTRODUCTION from potential correlations have not been correctly or fully

Over the last few years, a growing number of Several aspects of stomatognathic system conditions
investigations have focused on potential correlations between have been found to be associated with body posture
the stomatognathic system (i.e., mouth, jaws and closely alterations. Among these aspects are i) mandible position,4-7
associated structures) and whole-body posture.1,2 However, ii) dentition phase,8 iii) dental9-11 or skeletal12,13 malocclusion
most of the information available to date is not conclusive, and iv) temporomandibular disorders.14-16
and recent reviews have reported contrasting conclusions in In particular, dental malocclusion has a very high
favor1,3 or against2 clinically significant correlations. As a prevalence among children and young subjects,17,18 and as
consequence, several clinical applications that might arise such, potential effects of malocclusal traits on body posture
may provide further indications for orthodontic treatments.
Previous studies have reported both significant 8,9,19 and
Department of Biomedicine, University of Trieste - Trieste/ITA.
Department of Orthodontics, University of Genova - Genova/ITA.
II non-significant10,11,14,20 correlations between dental/skeletal
Email: [email protected] malocclusion and body posture. One study reported only a
Tel: +390403992062
Received for publication on April 16, 2010
weak correlation in a case of severe class II malocclusion.12
First review completed on April 22, 2010 However, the few studies that have specifically focused
Accepted for publication on 22, 2010
on dental malocclusion have been hampered by a limited

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Dental malocclusion and body posture CLINICS 2010;65(7):689-95
Perinetti G et al.

number of subjects9,14 or by unmatched studied groups.8,9,19 relationships. Molar classes I, II and III were recorded using
Other limitations of most previous studies include the permanent first molars as reference teeth. Cases with a
incomplete sample descriptions and a limited number of half cusp or less than normal displacement were marked as
tested parameters and/or conditions. See Perinetti and class I.18 Finally, subjects with subdivision malocclusions
Contardo2 for a systematic review of recent studies. were sorted into the proper class based according to the
Due to the clinical impact that a correlation between relationship between the canines. Overjet was defined as the
dental malocclusion and body posture may have and because horizontal distance between the labial surface of the anterior
of the poor data available on the topic, further investigation upper maxillary and the anterior mandibular central incisor,
is warranted. Therefore, this study was designed to parallel to the occlusal plane. Overjet values between 1 and
investigate whether malocclusal traits correlate with body 4 mm were considered normal, whereas values greater than
posture alterations at a detectable level. To determine 4 mm were considered increased. Values less than 1 mm
whether a clinical application can be derived, we employed (including negative) values were considered decreased.
static posturography in young subjects. Overbite was defined as the overlap of the upper incisors
to the lower incisors. Values between 1 and 4 mm were
MATERIALS AND METHODS considered normal, whereas values greater than 4 mm were
considered increased. Values less than 1 mm were considered
Study population and design decreased. For both overjet and overbite, incisors on the
right side were used.18 If the right central incisors were
A total of 122 subjects (86 males and 36 females aged missing, fractured or extensively decayed, then the left
10.8-16.3 years, with mean age 13.1 ± 1.6 years) were central incisors were considered.17 Anterior crossbite was
enrolled in the study after a signed informed consent recorded if any of the anterior maxillary deciduous canines
was obtained from their parents. The study protocol was or permanent incisors and canines totally occluded lingually
reviewed and approved by the local ethics committee. or in an edge-to-edge position to antagonistic mandibular
All subjects were recruited from a local sport center and teeth.18 Posterior crossbite was noted when the buccal cusps
had to fulfill the following inclusion criteria: i) good general of at least one of the maxillary primary molars or permanent
health according to medical history and clinical judgment; premolars and molars were at least in an edge-to-edge
ii) negative history of vertigo due to central nervous disease; position to the buccal cusps of the antagonistic mandibular
iii) negative for symptoms caused by any previous trauma teeth. 18 A scissorbite was recorded when any primary
or surgery; iv) absence of any neurological, vestibular and molars or maxillary premolars and molars totally occluded
lower leg sensory problems; v) absence of any particular to the buccal surface of the antagonistic mandibular teeth.18
episode of psychosocial and psychological stress profile in Mandibular crowding was recorded when the corresponding
the last month; vi) presence of a late mixed or permanent Little’s irregularity index was at least 5 mm.21 Dental midline
dentition; vii) absence of cast restorations and extensive deviation was recorded when there was a deviation of at least
occlusal restoration; viii) absence of any temporomandibular 2 mm between the upper and lower midlines.
disorders, as detailed previously;15 and ix) lacking any
previous orthodontic treatment. Posturographic recordings
Following a dental occlusion assessment, body posture
was recorded through static posturography in all subjects. Posturography recordings were performed using a 10-Hz
sampling frequency vertical force platform (Bio Postural
Dental occlusion assessment System, AXA S.r.l., Vimercate [Mi], Italy) with subjects
placed in a quiet stance. This platform includes load cells with
Occlusion assessment for all subjects was performed an internal circuit that changes electrical resistance upon the
by the same trained operator and data were recorded in a application of force. Subjects were required to remain relaxed
dedicated database. Phase of dentition, molar class, overjet, but as stable as possible, with their arms hanging free beside
overbite, anterior and posterior crossbite, scissorbite, their trunk and facing the wall (150 cm away). Moreover,
mandibular crowding and dental midline deviation were all subjects were asked to avoid alcohol and heavy exercise
recorded as detailed below, either directly in the oral during the 24 h before the clinical recordings.
cavity or on stone models. All relationships between dental Two different occlusion states (i.e., conditions) with
arches were recorded with dental arches in maximum eyes open were used during static posturography, namely,
intercuspidation (ICP, see below). mandibular rest position (RP) and ICP. RP was defined as
Angle classification was used to describe molar habitual postural position of the mandible when at rest, with

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CLINICS 2010;65(7):689-95 Dental malocclusion and body posture
Perinetti G et al.

the condyles in a neutral, unstrained position in the glenoid to be regarded as biologically significant (i.e., a weak
fossa; the ICP (without clenching) was defined as the most correlation exists but with no or poor clinical meaning) or
closed, static position that the mandible can assume with the greater than 0.80 to be regarded as clinically relevant.25
full interdigitation of opposing teeth.22 The adjusted correlations between each occlusal
Each recording lasted 51 s, and four posturographic trait with the posturographic parameters were evaluated
parameters were recorded, including i) projected sway area by multiple linear regressions for both the RP and ICP
(in mm2); ii) sway velocity (in mm); iv) antero-posterior load conditions. In particular, for each model, age, sex and
differences (in percentage) and v) right-left load differences malocclusal traits (entered as continuous, dummy and
(in percentage). Load differences were calculated by using dummy variables, respectively) were explanatory variables,
anterior and posterior and left and right loads as a percentage and each posturographic parameters were dependent
of the total body height. Absolute differences between the variables. To further analyze the effects of the number of
two loads within the same direction (i.e., antero-posterior and malocclusal traits on the posturographic parameters, further
right-left) were then used as outcomes. A difference of zero multiple linear regressions were run by using age, sex and
represented a perfect balance between the distribution of the total number of malocclusal traits as explanatory variables.
two loads. Moreover, the most 10% external projections of The cut-off levels of significance used were 0.05 and 0.10
bodily center of pressure projections were not considered in for entry and removal, respectively. For each multiple
the final estimation of each of the outcomes in order to limit regression model, multi-colinearity among the explanatory
unwanted variability. Finally, each recording was repeated variables was also checked.
twice, and the mean value represented the statistical unit. SPSS 13.0 (SPSS® Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) was
To assess the method error of the static posturographic used to perform the statistical analyses. A p value of less
recordings, 10 subjects matched with the study population than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
were recorded twice under similar conditions. These subjects
were asked to rest for 5 min between the two time points so RESULTS
that within each time point, duplicate measurements were
performed. Dahlberg’s formula yielded errors of 5.8%, 6.6%, The prevalence of each occlusal trait in the sample is
9.5% and 10.6% for sway area, velocity and antero-posterior shown in Table 1. The number of malocclusal traits ranged
and right-left load differences, respectively. from 0 (23.8% of the sample) to 5 (1.6% of the sample). The
overall mean ± standard deviation (SD) of the number of
Data analysis malocclusal traits was 1.7 ± 1.3. About two-thirds of subjects
had a permanent dentition, with the remaining subjects
Malocclusal traits are reported as follows: dentition having a late mixed dentition. Molar class was normal
phase (late mixed, permanent); molar class (I, II, III); (class I) in 61.5% of the sample, and molar classes II and III
overjet and overbite (normal, decreased, increased); were observed in 34.4% and 4.1% of subjects, respectively.
anterior and posterior crossbite (no, yes); scissorbite (no, Overjet was normal in about two-thirds of subjects. It
yes); mandibular crowding (no, yes) and dental midline increased in about one-third of the sample and decreased in
deviation (no, yes). Distribution of these malocclusal traits only two subjects (1.2%). Overbite was normal in 56.6% of
are presented as percentages and integers. subjects, and it decreased and increased in 7.4% and 36.1%
Although most of the continuous datasets had a skewed of subjects, respectively. The prevalence of anterior and
distribution, parametric methods were used because the posterior crossbites was 4.9% and 11.5%, respectively. No
central limit theorem ensures that sample means are scissorbite was detected in the sample. Finally, mandibular
normally distributed for large enough samples (i.e., those crowding and dental midline deviation were observed in
above 100 units).23 The significance of the differences in 30.3% and 91.0% of the sample, respectively.
each of the four posturographic variables between the two The results obtained for the four posturographic
RP and ICP conditions was assessed by a paired Student’s parameters are shown in Table 2. All of these parameters had
t-test. To further assess the clinical significance of the large variability within each dataset and were very similar
differences in the four posturographic variables between between the two recording conditions, with no significant
the two RP and ICP conditions, an effects size (ES) differences. Moreover, the ES coefficients calculated for each
coefficient24 was calculated. The ES coefficient is the ratio posturographic variable were extremely low, ranging from
of the difference between the recordings of the two occlusal 0.01 (for right-left load difference) to 0.09 (for sway velocity).
states divided by the within-subject standard deviation.25 The results of the multivariate regression analyses
Importantly, an ES coefficient must be greater than 0.20 are shown in Table 3. All models had a low R2, ranging

Copyright © 2010 CLINICS

Dental malocclusion and body posture CLINICS 2010;65(7):689-95
Perinetti G et al.

Table 1- Prevalence of occlusal traits as % (count) in the from 0.03 (sway area for both conditions) to 0.09 (antero-
sample (n = 122) posterior load difference for ICP condition). Generally,
comparisons between the two recording conditions for each
posturographic parameter yielded similar results, with the
Dentition phase
exception of the right-left load difference. More specifically,
Late mixed 32.0 (39)
sway area yielded final models that included only the male
Permanent 68.0 (83)
sex and decreased overjet for the RP and ICP conditions,
Molar class
I 61.5 (75)
respectively, although these results were not significant.
II 34.4 (42)
The sway velocity was negatively correlated with age, male
III 4.1 (5) sex and molar class II under both recording conditions
Overjet and positively correlated with increased overbite under the
Normal 68.0 (83) ICP condition. However, only age and sex under the RP
Decreased 1.6 (2) condition were significant. Under both recording conditions,
Increased 30.3 (37) antero-posterior load difference was negatively correlated
Overbite with permanent dentition at a significant level as well as
Normal 56.6 (69) negatively correlated with midline deviation at a significant
Decreased 7.4 (9) level. The right-left load difference was positively correlated
Increased 36.1 (44) with decreased overjet and negatively correlated with
Anterior crossbite increased overbite at significant levels under RP condition.
No 95.1 (116)
Conversely, under ICP condition, variables in the final model
Yes 4.9 (6)
were permanent dentition, increased overjet and mandibular
Posterior crossbite
crowding, although none were statistically significant.
No 88.5 (108)
Finally, all multiple regression models that included age,
Yes 11.5 (14)
sex and total number of malocclusal traits as explanatory
No 100.0 (122) variables failed to show any significant correlation between
Yes 0.0 (0) malocclusal traits and any posturographic parameter,
Mandibular crowding regardless of the recording condition (results not shown).
No 69.7 (85)
Yes 30.3 (37) DISCUSSION
Dental midline deviation
No 91.0 (111) By monitoring a large sample of young subjects, the
Yes 9.0 (11) present study aimed to determine whether any malocclusal

Table 2 - Posturographic parameters between the two experimental conditions (n = 122)

Parameter Condition Median (25th-75th percentile) Effect size

Sway area (mm2) RP 3613.5 (2779.3-4774.5) 0.02
ICP 3742.0 (2658.8-4798.0)
Diff. NS
Sway velocity (mm/s) RP 0.8 (0.6-1.3) 0.09
ICP 0.8 (0.7-1.3)
Diff. NS
Antero-posterior load difference (%) RP 9.1 (4.8-14.8) 0.05
ICP 8.8 (3.9-14.3)
Diff. NS
Right-left load difference (%) RP 11.3 (6.5-16.1) 0.01
ICP 11.6 (6.8-16.8)
Diff. NS
RP = rest position; ICP = intercuspidal position; Diff. = difference among the experimental conditions; NS = difference not statistically significant.

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Perinetti G et al.

Table 3 - Results of the backward multiple linear regressions for estimating the correlations between the postural parameters
and each explanatory variable in the rest and intercuspidal mandible positions (n = 122)

Explanatory variable Sway area (mm2) Sway velocity (mm/s) Antero-posterior load Right-left load difference (%)
difference (%)
R =0.03
R =0.03
R =0.08
R =0.06
R =0.07
R =0.09
R =0.08
R =0.08

Age -- -- -0.10 (0.05)* -0.10 (0.05) -- -- -- --

Male sex -655.2 (368.3) -- -0.40 (0.17)* -0.34 (0.20) -- -- -- --
Permanent dentition -- -- -- -- -2.67 (1.27)* -3.28 (1.29)* -- 2.31 (1.26)
Molar class II -- -- -0.12 (0.06) -0.13 (0.07) -- -- -- --
Molar class III -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Increased overjet -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Decreased overjet -- -- -- -- -- -- -1.67 (0.65)* -1.16 (0.64)
Increased overbite -- 403.0 (209.5) -- -- -- -- 3.30 (1.63)* --
Decreased overbite -- -- -- 0.13 (0.08) -- -- -- --
Anterior crossbite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Posterior crossbite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mandibular crowding -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -2.31 (1.28)
Midline deviation -- -- -- -- -4.08 (2.07) -4.70 (2.11)* -- --
Results of the multiple linear regressions are presented as β (Standard error); R = coefficient of determination; RP = rest position; ICP = intercuspidal

position; -- = excluded from the final model. Level of significance is *p < 0.05.

traits were significantly correlated with body posture. Very previous investigations using comparable study designs that
few correlations were observed, the clinical implications of include subjects with normal occlusions6,10 as well as with
which may be not relevant. Considering that sample size malocclusions.14 In contrast, some previous investigations4,5,7
needed to detect an ES coefficient of 0.2 with a power of have reported a change in posturographic parameters among
0.80 and an alpha set at 0.05 is 99 subjects,25 it is unlikely different mandible positions through static or dynamic
that a lack of statistical power is responsible for the present posturography. However, it should be noted that although
results. Moreover, although duplicate measurements statistically significant, these differences were small and
were performed to reduce variability,26 the error analysis likely not clinically meaningful, particularly considering the
performed revealed a range of 5.8% to 10.6% variability for high standard deviations recorded.2 Therefore, the present
the four posturographic parameters included in this paper. evidence demonstrates that activation of the proprioception
Thus, this error must be considered when evaluating the of the periodontal ligament through ICP has no immediate
present results, primarily when referring to antero-posterior effects on body posture.
and right-left load differences.
Malocclusal traits
Recording conditions
Whereas the occlusion state did not correlate with
In the present study, none of the posturographic postural stability in the present study (Table 2), a few
parameters were influenced by occlusion state (or mandible correlations were observed for malocclusal traits (Table 3).
position), as the ES coefficients were below the biologically In particular, overbite and dentition phase primarily showed
relevant threshold (Table 2). In addition, the results significant associations with antero-posterior and right-left
were very similar between the RP and ICP conditions. body load differences. Note that dynamic posturographic
Interestingly, even results from the final multivariate parameters, namely sway area and velocity, did not show
regression models obtained under RP condition were any significant correlation with malocclusal traits (Table
very similar to those obtained under corresponding ICP 3). Moreover, malocclusal traits such as decreased overbite
condition (Table 3). Therefore, even in the case of dental correlated with a more balanced load distribution (Table
malocclusion, occlusion state per se had no effect on the 3). However, the clinical meaning of such correlations
posturographic parameters. This evidence is consistent with is likely to be poor, at least for young subjects with no

Copyright © 2010 CLINICS

Dental malocclusion and body posture CLINICS 2010;65(7):689-95
Perinetti G et al.

temporomandibular disorders. This was indicated by the and right-left) may arise from the contention that the
low R2 obtained for each regression model that ranged from stomatognathic system can induce modifications that would
0.03 (sway area in both occlusion states) to 0.09 (antero- likely be limited to the cervical region.27 Thus, an altered
posterior load difference under ICP condition). Thus, even head and neck posture might be responsible for small load
though malocclusal traits were significantly associated with imbalances observed here.
postural stability, they only accounted for 3% to 9% of total We found few correlations between malocclusal traits
variability of the corresponding recorded posturographic and body posture recorded through static posturography.
parameters. Hence, these correlations appear to have These correlations may have poor clinical implications,
biological rather than clinical implications when referring to especially considering the mean error measurement of the
body posture,2,24 at least when posture is recorded using the static posturography for the antero-posterior and right-
methods reported here. left load differences. Nevertheless, further evidence as to
Previous studies have shown no significant correlations whether correlations between the stomatognathic system
between body sway recorded through static posturography10 in general and body posture exist might be yielded through
or leg length inequality11 and unilateral crossbite in young the use of more complex and dynamic posturographic tests.
subjects. Similarly, another study 20 on the correlation Moreover, future studies capable of establishing a possible
between fleche lombaire and trunk inclination in craniofacial correlation between dental malocclusion and body posture
morphology reported no significant associations with class are warranted, especially if conducted on older subjects,
II and III malocclusions. In contrast, weak correlations seeking an orthodontic treatment due to major malocclusal
between malocclusion and body posture were observed problems or subjects that show combinatory effects with
in more severe skeletal-based malocclusions in class other dysfunctions in the stomatognathic system, such as
II children 12 and adults. 13 Note that according to the temporomandibular disorders.
conclusions of the only longitudinal study on this topic,
which included a one-year follow-up, postural changes CONCLUSIONS
observed were without orthopedic consequence.13
In the present study, having a permanent dentition Orthodontic treatments in young subjects who are
over a mixed dentition showed a significant and negative negative for temporomandibular disorders should not include
correlation with antero-posterior load difference under the prevention or treatment of postural imbalances among
both recording conditions (Table 3). Therefore, permanent their indications. Moreover, static posturography aimed
dentition is associated with a more balanced antero- at monitoring potential body postural effects triggered by
posterior load distribution, although clinical meaning is dental malocclusion appears to have low relevance.
likely negligible. In contrast, a previous study8 reported
large differences in postural stability of subjects having ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
either primary or permanent dentition. However, the groups
compared in that study were also greatly unmatched with The authors are grateful to Dr. Christopher Paul Berrie
respect to age (2 to 5 years old versus 16 to 25 years old), for his critical appraisal of the text.
making it necessary to interpret the study’s conclusions
cautiously. Author Contributions: GP and LC performed the dental
Considering that malocclusal traits are usually present occlusion assessments. ASB executed all the evaluations
in combination each other,17,18 a further multivariate analysis to exclude temporomandibular disorders. LP executed all
(results not shown) was run to evaluate any possible additive the posturographic measurements and provided assistance
effects of such traits on postural stability. However, no in collecting and sorting all the data. AC designed, wrote
significant association was observed. A possible explanation and coordinated the project. Finally, GP performed all the
for the low degree of correlation between some malocclusal statistical analyses and wrote the manuscript with AC.
traits and postural load imbalance (namely, antero-posterior


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