Cpar Q2 Week4
Cpar Q2 Week4
Cpar Q2 Week4
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to discriminates among various materials and techniques.
Explicates the use of materials and the application of techniques:
C. Learning Identify and describe the properties of materials.
Competencies/Objectives Demonstrate proficiency in applying techniques.
Communicate the significance of materials and techniques.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Ask the students to recall the
Ask students to recall the previous
Ask the students to name different previous lesson and discuss the
lesson about the properties of
materials that artists use in creating techniques used in contemporary
artworks. Write their answers on the Philippine arts from the regions.
1. Reviewing previous lesson or Introduce the new lesson by Review and recall the topics discussed
board. Introduce the new lesson and explain
presenting the new lesson explaining the importance of ready for the assessment.
Present the new lesson: Today, we that the focus of this lesson is to
understanding the significance of
will learn about the properties of demonstrate proficiency in applying
materials and techniques in creating
materials used in creating artworks. techniques through a hands-on
contemporary Philippine arts.
State the objectives of the lesson.
Explain that the students will be
By the end of the lesson, the students
analyzing a specific contemporary
2. Establishing the purpose of the should be able to identify and describe Explain the objectives of the lesson
Philippine artwork and
lesson the properties of materials used in and what the students will learn.
communicating the significance of
creating artworks.
its materials and techniques through
a visual presentation.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Show examples of artworks made Show examples of contemporary Show images of different
the new lesson from different materials such as Philippine arts from the regions that contemporary Philippine artworks
paintings, sculptures, textiles, and showcase different techniques. and discuss the materials and
ceramics. Discuss the techniques used in the techniques used in each.
Discuss the properties of each artwork and how they contribute to Ask students to share their
observations and insights about how
material and how they affect the the materials and techniques
the overall effect of the artwork.
artwork. contribute to the meaning and
significance of the artwork.
Choose a specific contemporary
Discuss the properties of different Philippine artwork and analyze its
materials such as color, texture, Demonstrate the different techniques materials and techniques.
hardness, flexibility, and through a step-by-step process. Lead a class discussion on how the
4. Discussing new concepts and
transparency. Discuss the importance of each materials and techniques used in the
practicing new skills #1
Ask the students to describe the technique and how it can be used to artwork contribute to its meaning
properties of different materials and create different effects. and significance.
how they affect the artwork. Encourage students to ask questions
and share their opinions.
Divide the class into groups and give
Divide the class into small groups.
each group different materials such
Assign each group a different
as paper, fabric, clay, and wood.
Give the students time to practice the contemporary Philippine artwork
Ask each group to describe the
techniques on their own using the art and ask them to analyze its materials
5. Discussing new concepts and properties of the material they were
materials provided. and techniques.
practicing new skills #2 given and how they can be used to
Provide feedback and guidance as Instruct the groups to present their
create an artwork.
they work on their artwork. analysis to the class using a visual
Allow each group to create a simple
aid (such as a poster or PowerPoint
artwork using the material they were
Ask the students to choose a material
they would like to work with. Ask students to individually create
Provide different materials such as Ask the students to complete a final an artwork using the same materials
colored paper, fabrics, clay, and artwork that showcases the and techniques as the artwork they
wood. techniques they have learned. analyzed in their group.
Instruct the students to create an Encourage them to be creative and Instruct students to present their
6. Developing Mastery
artwork using the material they have experiment with different artwork to the class using a visual
chosen. combinations of techniques. aid and explain how they used the
Encourage them to use the properties Provide feedback and guidance as materials and techniques to convey
of the material to create an artwork they work on their artwork. their intended meaning and
that is visually interesting and significance.
Discuss how knowledge of the Discuss the different ways that the
Discuss how understanding the
properties of materials can be useful techniques they learned can be
significance of materials and
7. Finding practical applications of in everyday life. applied in their daily lives.
techniques can be applied in daily
concepts and skills in daily living Examples could be choosing the Encourage them to think about how
life, such as in fashion, interior
right materials for clothing, furniture, they can incorporate the techniques
design, and other art-related fields.
or household items. into other forms of art or design.
8. Generalizing and abstractions Ask the students to summarize the Ask the students to share their Ask students to reflect on what they
about the lesson properties of the materials they have thoughts on the techniques they learned and how they can apply their
learned. learned and how they can apply them knowledge in their own art-making
Discuss how the properties of in their own artwork. practices.
Discuss how the techniques they
materials affect the way an artwork
learned can be used in other forms of
is created and perceived.
art or design.
The teacher will provide a quiz to assess
the learnings of the students. Make sure
9. Evaluating Learning
that the quiz includes all the topics
discussed for the whole week.
For application, ask the students to
create another artwork using a Encourage the students to continue
different material than their previous practicing the techniques they Assign students to research a
10. Additional Activities for artwork. learned by creating more artwork. contemporary Philippine artist and
Application or Remediation For remediation, provide additional Provide additional resources and analyze the materials and techniques
examples and exercises that focus on materials for students who need used in their artworks.
identifying and describing the remediation
properties of different materials.