With the enactment of the Universal Health Care Law (RA 11223), the Department of
Health (DOH) through the Health Promotion Bureau (HPB), is mandated to strategize the health
systems in order to prioritize health promotion interventions. An Administrative Order No. 2021-
0063 “Health Promotion Framework Strategy 2030 (HPFS 2030)” was issued to provide the
framework, direction, and strategies for the planning, development, and implementation of health
promotion policies, programs, plans, and activities.
Guided by HPFS 2030, DOH envisions a Healthy Pilipinas wherein health-literate and
health-seeking individuals, health-supporting governance are present, and achieving optimum
health is possible. The DOH, also envisions shall make healthy behaviors the easier choice for
everyone, everytime, everywhere.
This framework sets the overall direction and strategies for health promotion towards
achieving the goal of ensuring that:
a) All Filipinos are health literate
b) Settings are health-enabling, and
c) Public policies are supportive and protective of health.
As defined by the Health Promotion Framework Strategy 2030, all health promotion
policies, programs, and activities shall focus on the identified priority areas and action areas and
shall be implemented using the life stage and settings-based approaches. The following are the
Priority Areas (Pas) for Health Promotion in which all health promotion interventions shall be
anchored on the following priority areas (Pas) or risk factors:
a) Diet and Physical Activity- Nutrition shall be improved through healthy diets, and physical
activity shall be increased to reduce all forms of malnutrition and prevent the
development of non-communicable diseases;
b) Environmental Health – Sustainable lifestyles and resilient communities shall be fostered
to minimize environmental risks and climate impacts on health;
c) Immunization – Vaccine use shall be promoted to reduce the incidence of vaccine
preventable diseases, disabilities, and deaths;
d) Substance Use – Tobacco use, illicit drug use, and harmful use of alcohol shall be
prevented to reduce or eliminate the ill effects or associated health conditions;
e) Mental Health – Psychosocial and mental well-being shall be increased and protected to
reduce the burden of mental health disorders and the incidence of suicide; f) Sexual and
Reproductive Health – Positive sexual and reproductive behaviors shall be promoted to
reduce early and unwanted pregnancies, the incidence of HIV infections, and sexually-
transmitted diseases; and
g) Violence and Injury Prevention – Safe and inclusive communities shall be fostered to
eliminate the various forms of violence and injuries, including interpersonal violence or
gender-based violence, as well as road traffic fireworks, and occupationally related
The HPFS 2023 is also guided by the Ottawa Charter and Bangkok Declaration for Health
Promotion. In this regard, all health promotion efforts and intervention shall focus on the
following action areas, namely:
a) Developing healthy public policies – Legislation, fiscal measures, and/or
organizational policies that promote health and wellbeing and that reduce health
inequities shall be enacted at the national and local levels.
b) Creating supportive environments – The natural and built environment shall be
protected and conserved as part of the health promotion strategy. As such,
assessing the potential health impacts of health promotion policies, programs, and
projects that may have an impact of policies, programs, and projects that may
have impact on the health of the health sector shall be an essential prerequisite in
critical intersectoral collaborations.
c) Developing personal skills – Appropriate and useful information, education, and
life skills shall be provided to target individuals and population groups to enable
the adoption of healthy behaviors, and increase options and control over their own
d) Strengthening community action – Opportunities or platforms for meaningful
participation shall be established and institutionalized to facilitate the active
involvement of community members in local policy and decision-making
processes that contribute to their health status; and
e) Reorienting health services – Health services shall increasingly shift focus on health
promotion and disease prevention.
HPFS 2030 also mandates that health promotion interventions on the above-mentioned
priority areas (Pas) and Action Areas shall be anchored on the following:
a) Life course approach – Health shall be promoted through the life course approach,
recognizing that health behaviors areas shaped by the presence or absence of social
networks, support (or lack thereof) that they provide, social norms, cultures, inequities,
and other attributes of an entire population; and
b) Settings-based Approach – Health shall be accelerated by creating health-supportive
environments where policies are health-promoting, physical structure are conducive to
health, and quality and responsive health services are available, affordable, and accessible
to all members of the community.
Overview of the Healthy Workplace Framework
The Department of Health (DOH), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and
Civil Service Commission (CSC) issued the Joint Administrative Order No. 2023-0001 “National
Policy Framework on the Promotion of Healthy Workplace” dated April 5, 2023, provided the
framework for the promotion, establishment, and strengthening of Healthy Workplaces in support
of the implementation of the Universal Health Care Law. The said JAO shall set the directions
and provide key strategies to guide the development and implementation of health promotion
policies, plans, and programs for the Filipino workforce. The Healthy Workplace Framework
provides the opportunity to strengthen collaboration among key stakeholders in the promotion of
healthy workplaces.
The said JAO also adopts the WHO Healthy Workplace Model which is guided by the
areas of influence of physical work environment, psychosocial work environment, personal health
resources, and enterprise community involvement. Continual improvement process shall also be
integrated into all healthy workplace initiatives to ensure adaptability and sustainability.
Consistent to the intent of HPFS 2030, the goals of healthy workplace shall likewise focus
on the improvement of individual health literacy and health-seeking behaviors on the following
priority areas identified in the HPFS 2030, namely: 1) Diet and Physical Activity, 2)
Environmental Health, 3) Immunization, 4) Substance Use, 3) Mental Health, 6) Sexual and
Reproductive Health, and 7) Violence and Injury Prevention.
Implementation tools and materials shall also be developed to produce guidance to
workplace management, administration, and human resource units in their operationalization of
the Healthy Workplace Framework within their organization. The implementation tools shall also
guide the development of healthy workplace plans focused on the appropriate Priority Area (PA)
appropriate to the needs and interests of the workplace.
Overview of the Healthy Workplace FITools
FITools are sets of tools herein provide the processes needed in the (1) establishment of
commitment, (2) identification/prioritization of priority areas (based on the seven (7) Priority
Areas), (3) development/implementation of Healthy Workplace Improvement Plan and (4)
tracking of the improvement plan for continual improvement.
FITool 1 – Letter of Commitment (LOC) is a document that manifest the partnership
between the workplace management and the workers in the implementation of healthy workplace
strategies in their place of work based on the seven (7) Priority Areas.
FITool 2 – Self Assessment is the tool to be used to measure the level of implementation
on the seven (7) Priority Areas of health promotion. This self assessment tool is intended to guide
users in determinining the level of implementation based on the five (5) priority areas mentioned
in the Ottawa Charter and Bangkok Declaration for Health Promotion. Using this tool shall
facilitate the prioritization and development of strategies needed to implement the healthy
workplace initiative based on the needs and interest of both management and workers.
FITool 3 – Improvement Plan is healthy workplace planning tool to address the required
actions and strategies as identified in the FIT-ool 2. This document is intended to provide the
strategic plan and actions to implement the healthy workplace initiative. The Healthy Workplace
Improvement Plan shall determine the needed strategies, activities, key personnel or units,
expected results and needed resources to implement the said plan.
FIT-ool 4 – Improvement Tracking is the tool to assists implementors of healthy
workplace strategies in monitoring and tracking of the targets and expected outcome. This tool
shall provide timely information for implementers in providing timely intervention and
improvement actions to ensure the achievement of the expected output of the plan.