Science 6 Q4 Inner and Outer Planets
Science 6 Q4 Inner and Outer Planets
Science 6 Q4 Inner and Outer Planets
1. Prayer
Everybody please stand up and let us pray. ( Pupils will stand up and say the Science prayer)
3. Checking of attendance
Let’s see if everybody is present today. (Leaders will report their group’s attendance)
Group leaders will you please check and report
your group’s attendance.
5. Science News: (The assigned group will report their science news
Let’s have the assigned group for our daily for the day)
science news.
Is it understood class?
_______ will you please read and answer no. 1? (Pupils will answer)
Can you describe the planets? Yes, _______ Planets have different sizes.
(Teacher will write the word solar system on the Solar system.
Everybody say solar system.
Solar system is the Sun’s family together with
groups of heavenly bodies like planets, meteors,
asteroids and stars. ( Pupils will read)
(Teacher will write the meaning on the board).
Is it understood class?
Yes, Sir!
Before we go on with our activity, let us first
refresh your minds about the standards to be
followed when doing a group activity.
Can you give one ______?
Yes, Sir!
Everybody start with your respective
assigned group. I will give you 8 minutes to
finish the activity.
Very good!
(Each group will receive 10 claps and an
amazing planet trophy after reporting)
Very good! What is the difference between Inner planets are made up of rocks while
inner and outer planets? outer planets are made up of gases.
That’s right! Can you enumerate the four The four inner / terrestrial planets are
inner/terrestrial planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
What about the outer or jovian planets? What The four outer or jovian planets are Jupiter,
are those four planets? Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Very good class! Give yourself 5 claps! ( The pupils will clap)
G. Finding practical application of concept of
Is it clear, class?
Yes Sir!
H. Generalization and Abstraction
Summing Up!
Again class, what are the planets in the solar The planets in the solar system are Mercury,
system? Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Very good!
(Pupil will repeat)
Will you please repeat, _________.
Very good!
(Each group will repeat)
Group 1 please repeat…Group 2 and 3.
Yes Sir!
Did you understand our lesson for today?
None Sir!
Do you have any question?
I. Evaluation
Class, Get one fourth sheet of paper and
answer this.
________ please read the direction. (Pupil will read the direction)
Make a research on the period of rotation and Students will write the assignment.
revolution of the eight planets.
Very good class! since all of you were done. Yes, Sir.
You can now keep your things properly.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection