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Science 6 Q4 Inner and Outer Planets

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Teacher: Ereej Franz A.

Gaza Learning Area: Science

Grade Level: 6 Quarter: Fourth


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of characteristics of
planets in the solar system
B. Performance Standard Demonstrate the position / distances the position of the inner and
outer planets.
C. Learning Competencies Compare the planets of the solar system (S6ES-IVg-h -6)
K - Identify the inner and outer planets in the solar system
S – Arrange the position of the inner and outer planets’ relative
distances from the sun
A - Appreciate the importance of the planets’ position in the solar
-Be contented on God - given characteristics to us
II. Content Inner and Outer Planets
III Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page Kto12 MELC Science 6 (S6ES-IVg-h -6) p. 384
2. Learner’s Material Page Science Quarter 4, Module 7 pp. 28 - 40
3. Textbook Page Science Beyond Borders Textbook pp. 214 - 221
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology, pp. 322-327
4. Additional Materials MISOSA 5, Module 25 – Inner Planets,
from Learning Resource MISOSA 5 Module 26 – Outer Planets
(LR) https://youtu.be/fifw3r4ZqYA
5. Other Learning Picture of the solar system, Activity Sheets, mp4 video,
Resources PowerPoint presentation, tarpapel, puzzle, cut-outs of planets,
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’s Activity
Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Everybody please stand up and let us pray. ( Pupils will stand up and say the Science prayer)

Dear Lord Almighty

May we count Your blessings
Observe the purity of the world
Classify good from evil in our lives
Infer the good works of Your son
Share Your gifts cooperatively with others. Amen.
2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

3. Energizer
Let us sing the Science song. (Pupils will sing)
“Ready, sing!

3. Checking of attendance

Let’s see if everybody is present today. (Leaders will report their group’s attendance)
Group leaders will you please check and report
your group’s attendance.

4. Presenting the Science classroom rules

Before we proceed, let us again recall the rules
you need to follow during our Science class.
( The teacher will flash the rules one by one)

1. Always do your best.

2. Be kind, polite and courteous to others.
3. Be respectful to the teacher and your
4. Listen to the teacher and follow directions
5. Share your ideas
6. Be safe.
7. Raise your hand when you would like to
speak in class or ask questions.

I am expecting everyone to follow these Yes, Sir!

rules. Is it clear, class?

5. Science News: (The assigned group will report their science news
Let’s have the assigned group for our daily for the day)
science news.

Thank you Group ___.

Let’s give them 5 claps.

6. Sci Word Mastery Drill

Our Sci word for the day is ASTRONOMY.

Everybody say the word, spell it then say it

Everybody read the word and its meaning. A-s-t-r-o-n-o-m-y
- Is a branch of Science which deals with the
study of heavenly bodies and outer space.
7. Checking of assignment (Pupils will read the word and its meaning)
Yesterday, I gave you an assignment. I asked you
to fill up the table about the differences between
rotation and revolution on a one whole sheet of
Did you do your assignment class?

Pass your assignments forward now. I will be the Yes Sir!

one to check them.

(Pupils will pass their assignments)

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
new lesson

Class, yesterday we had discussed all about the

rotation and revolution of the earth.
For our review, we are going to play
CELEBRITY BLUFF. Are you familiar with this
game show on TV?

I am going to flash a statement on the screen. If

the statement is correct you are going to answer
FACT but if the statement is wrong, you are going
to answer BLUFF. The screen will reveal the correct

Is it understood class?

_______ will you please read and answer no. 1? (Pupils will answer)

1. Rotation is the movement of the earth on ots FACT Sir.

own axis. FACT OR BLUFF?

_______ will you please read and answer no. 2?

2. One complete revolution takes 24 hours or BLUFF Sir.

one day. FACT OR BLUFF?

_______ will you please read and answer no. 3?

3. 365 ¼ days is equivalent to one complete

revolution. FACT OR BLUFF?

_______ will you please read and answer no. 4?

4. Rotation is longer than revolution. FACT OR


_______ will you please read and answer no. 5?

5. The rotation of the earth on its axis causes
day and night. FACT OR BLUFF? FACT Sir.

Very Good! Let’s give them 5 claps!

( The pupils will clap)

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson


Now, class let us have a group game.

I have here sets of puzzle. All you have to do is

arrange the puzzle the fastest way you can.
After arranging, post your work on the board,
clap your hands and shout the name of your
group. The group who will finish the fastest
will win.

Is it clear, class? Yes Sir!

Be sure to work cooperatively and quietly. I

will give you 2 minutes to finish.

Are you ready? Yes, we are ready!

Okay 1, 2, 3 Go!
( The pupils will arrange the puzzle)
Okay, Group ___ wins. Let’s give them 5 claps. ( The pupils will clap)

For their prize, they will receive an amazing

planet trophy.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new

Class, take a look at the pictures. What are shown on
the pictures? They are pictures of planets.
Correct! These are pictures of planets.

Can you describe the planets? Yes, _______ Planets have different sizes.

That’s correct. Another, _________

The planets have different appearances.

Very good! We call these pictures as the solar


(Teacher will write the word solar system on the Solar system.
Everybody say solar system.
Solar system is the Sun’s family together with
groups of heavenly bodies like planets, meteors,
asteroids and stars. ( Pupils will read)
(Teacher will write the meaning on the board).

Will you please read what solar system is?

For today’s lesson, you will learn the following

( Teacher will present the competencies expected
to be learned by the pupils)
K - Identify the inner and outer planets in the
solar system
S – Arrange the position of the inner and outer
planets’ relative distances from the sun
A - Appreciate the importance of the planets’
position in the solar system

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills number 1

Now let’s know more about the planets in our

solar system.

Let’s proceed with our group activity for

Each group will have the illustration of the
solar system and activity cards. Get one and
follow the instructions written on it. Answer
the questions on the activity card. You may
write your answers on the activity cards or
answer sheets found on each station.

Is it understood class?
Yes, Sir!
Before we go on with our activity, let us first
refresh your minds about the standards to be
followed when doing a group activity.
Can you give one ______?

Another? Cooperate with your group.

What else? Work quietly, carefully and neatly.

Follow the procedures written on the activity

sheets correctly.
For this group activity, your group will be
given points according to the following criteria.
Are you ready class?

Yes, Sir!
Everybody start with your respective
assigned group. I will give you 8 minutes to
finish the activity.

(The pupils will perform the moving activity)

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills number 2

Are you finished class? Yes, Sir!

Group reporters may now report your work.

Let us start with Group 1.
Group 2. (Reporters will report their answers)
Group 3.

Very good!
(Each group will receive 10 claps and an
amazing planet trophy after reporting)

F. Developing Mastery (leads to formative

assessment 3)

(The teacher will present a PowerPoint

presentation of the lesson)

Class, did you understand? Yes Sir!

How many planets are there in the solar There are eight planets in the solar system.
The planets in the solar sytem are Mercury,
That’s correct! What are those eight planets? Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune.

Very good! What is the difference between Inner planets are made up of rocks while
inner and outer planets? outer planets are made up of gases.

That’s right! Can you enumerate the four The four inner / terrestrial planets are
inner/terrestrial planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

What about the outer or jovian planets? What The four outer or jovian planets are Jupiter,
are those four planets? Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Again class, what acronym did I give you to

remember the position of the planets from the The acronym is MVEMJSUN
nearest to the farthest from the sun?

What does MVEMJSUN stands for? Mercury


Everybody repeat. (Pupils will repeat)

Very good class! Give yourself 5 claps! ( The pupils will clap)
G. Finding practical application of concept of

I’m going to flash a planet on the screen. If the

planet shown is an inner planet, all of you will stand
and shout inner. If the planet is a jovian or outer
planet, just clap 3 times and shout outer.

Are the instructions clear class? Yes Sir!







Very good class! Give yourself 5 claps!

Regardless whether a planet is far or near the
sun, staying on their position is of great
importance to the balance of our universe.
( The pupils will clap)
Planets have their distinct characteristics that
make them unique among others.

Just like planets, humans have also our

distinct characteristics which are God’s gift to
us. Just always remember to be contented with
what we have and what we look and do not get
jealous with others. Always put on your minds
that we can excel in our own ways.

Is it clear, class?

Yes Sir!
H. Generalization and Abstraction
Summing Up!

Again class, what are the planets in the solar The planets in the solar system are Mercury,
system? Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and

Very good!
(Pupil will repeat)
Will you please repeat, _________.

Can you enumerate them starting from the nearest to

the farthest from the sun? The planets starting from the nearest to the farthest
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune.
That’s right!
(Pupil will repeat)
________, will you please repeat?
The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and
What are the inner and the outer planets? Mars while the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune.

Very good!
(Each group will repeat)
Group 1 please repeat…Group 2 and 3.
Yes Sir!
Did you understand our lesson for today?
None Sir!
Do you have any question?

I. Evaluation
Class, Get one fourth sheet of paper and
answer this.
________ please read the direction. (Pupil will read the direction)

You’re going to answer the letter only. You

may start now.
You have 5 minutes to answer this. You may
start now, class.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct (Pupils will answer)


1. The ___________ is the center of the solar

a. Earth
b. Jupiter
c. Saturn
d. Sun

2. Mercury is the __________ planet from the

a. farthest
b. fastest
c. nearest
d. slowest

3. Which is the farthest planet from the Sun?

a. Neptune
b. Saturn
c. Uranus
d. Venus
4. Which are the inner planets?
a. Mercury, Saturn, Earth, Mars
b. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
d. Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Saturn

5. Which are the outer planets?

a. Mercury, Saturn, Earth, Mars
b. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
d. Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Saturn

Are you finished class?

Yes Sir!
Exchange papers and let us check.
(Pupils will check their answers)
Here are the correct answers.
1. d
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c

Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? 0? (Pupils will raise ,their hands)

Very good class! All of you got high scores!
Give yourself five claps! ( The pupils will clap)

Pass your papers forward. (Pupils will pass the papers)

J. Additional Activities for Application /


Class, get your notebook and copy your


Make a research on the period of rotation and Students will write the assignment.
revolution of the eight planets.

Class, are you done writing your assignment? Yes, Sir.

Very good class! since all of you were done. Yes, Sir.
You can now keep your things properly.

That ends our lesson for today.

Thank you for listening! I hope you learn from We’ve learned so much, Sir.
today’s lesson!

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

a. No. of learners for application or remediation

b. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up with the
d. No. of learners who continue to require
e. Which of my teaching strategies worked
Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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