Grade 7 Workbook 2 2017

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Equity Human dignity Life

d an d
Treat every Respect All life is
person equally everyone. precious.
i s e
Rev aligne


and fairly. Be kind Treat all
Do not and life with
descriminate. caring. respect.

Family Education Work

Honour and respect Attend Help your family
your parents. school, with work in your
Be kind and learn and home. Children
loyal to
work hard.
Adhere to
the school’s
must not be
forced to get a
job. Grade
Freedom and security Property Religion, belief and
Do not hurt, bully Respect the property opinion
or intimidate of others. Respect the

others, and do not Do not damage beliefs and opinion
let others do so. property and of others.
Solve disagreements do not steal.
in a peaceful way.

Safety Citizenship Freedom of expression

Look after the earth. Be a good and loyal Do not spread lies and hatred.
Do not waste water South African citizen. Ensure others are not insulted or
ISBN 978-1-4315-0220-2 and electricity. Obey the laws, have their feelings hurt.
Look after animal and ensure
and plant life. others do
Keep your home as well.
and community
clean and safe.

Name: Class:
ISBN 978-1-4315-0220-2

TERMS 3 & 4
ISBN 978-1-4315-0220-2
1 2 3 4 Book 2
7th Edition Terms
No. Title Pg. No. Title Pg.
65 Numeric patterns: constant difference 2 116 Number sequences and words 112
66 Numeric patterns: constant ratio 4 117a Number sequences: describe a pattern 114
67 Numeric patterns: neither a constant difference nor a constant ratio 6 117b Number sequences: describe a pattern (continued) 116
68 Numeric patterns: tables 8 118a Input and output values 118
69 Number sequences and words 10 118b Input and output values (continued) 120
70 Geometric number patterns 12 119 More input and output values 122
71a Numeric patterns: describe a pattern 14 120 Algebraic expressions 124
71b Numeric patterns: describe a pattern (continued) 16 121 The rule as an expression 126
72 Input and output values 18 122 Sequences and algebraic expressions 128
73 Functions and relationships 20 123 The algebraic equation 130
74 Algebraic expressions and equations 22 124 More on the algebraic equation 132
75 Algebraic expressions 24 125 More algebraic equations 134
76 More algebraic expressions 26 126a Data collection 136
77 Algebraic equations 28 126b Data collection (continued) 138
78 More algebraic equations 30 127a Organise data 140
79 Algebraic equations in context 32 127b Organise data (continued) 142 Mrs Angie Motshekga, Mr Enver Surty,

80a Interpreting graphs: temperature and time graphs 34 128a Summarise data 144 Minister of Deputy Minister of
80b Interpreting graphs: temperature and time graphs (continued) 36 128b Summarise data (continued) 146
81 Interpreting graphs: rainfall and time graphs 38 129a Bar graphs 148
Basic Education Basic Education
82 Drawing graphs 40 129b Bar graphs (continued) 150
83a Drawing more graphs 42 130a Double bar graphs 152 These workbooks have been developed for the children
83b Drawing more graphs (continued) 44 130b Double bar graphs (continued) 154 of South Africa under the leadership of the Minister of
Drawing graphs again
Drawing even more graphs
Histograms (continued)
Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, and the Deputy
86 Transformations 50 132a More about histograms 160
Minister of Basic Education, Mr Enver Surty.
87 Rotation 52 132b More about histograms (continued) 162
The Rainbow Workbooks form part of the Department
133 Pie charts 164
Reflection and reflective symmetry
56 134a Report data 166
of Basic Education’s range of interventions aimed at
90 Transformations again 58 134b Report data (continued) 168 improving the performance of South African learners
91 Investigation 60 135 Data handling cycle 170 in the first six grades. As one of the priorities of the
92 Enlargement and reduction 62 136 Data handling cycle (continued) 172
Government’s Plan of Action, this project has been
137 Possible outcomes 174
More enlargement and reduction
Enlargements and reductions
66 138 Definition of probability 176
made possible by the generous funding of the National
95 Prisms and pyramids 68 139 Relative frequency 178 Treasury. This has enabled the Department to make these
96 3-D objects 70 140 Probability and relative frequency 180 workbooks, in all the official languages, available at no cost.
97 Building 3-D models 72 141a Revision: number, operations and relationships 182

98 Visualising 3-D objects/playing a game 74 141b Revision: patterns, functions and algebra 184 We hope that teachers will find these workbooks useful
99 Faces, vertices and edges 76 142 Revision: shape and space (geometry) 186 in their everyday teaching and in ensuring that their
100 More faces, vertices and edges 78 143 Revision: measurement 188 learners cover the curriculum. We have taken care to
101 Even more faces, vertices and edges 80 144 Revision: data handling 190
guide the teacher through each of the activities by the
102a Views 82
102b Views (continued) 84
inclusion of icons that indicate what it is that the learner
103 Constructing a pyramid net 86 should do.
104 Construct a net of a prism 88
We sincerely hope that children will enjoy working

105 Integers 90
106 More integers 92
through the book as they grow and learn, and that you, the
107 Calculate integers 94 teacher, will share their pleasure.
108 Integer operations 96
109 Adding and subtracting integers 98
We wish you and your learners every success in using
110 Integer calculations 100 these workbooks.
111 Commutative property and integers 102
112 Associative property and integers 104
113 Integers: distributive property and integers 106
Published by the Department of Basic Education
222 Struben Street
ISBN 978-1-4315-0220-2
Pretoria This book may not be sold.
114 Number patterns: constant difference and ratio 108
South Africa The Department of Basic Education has made every effort to trace copyright holders but if any have been
115 Number patterns: neither a constant differerence nor a constant ratio 110 inadvertently overlooked the Department will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first
© Department of Basic Education opportunity.
Seventh edition 2017 Author team: Blom, L., Lotter, D. and Aitchison J.J.W.
h em a t i c s


65 to 144
Name: 2 Sign:

65 Numeric patterns: constant
Describe the patterns involving adding and subtraction shown in the number line

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Adding 2: 20, 22, 24, 26 Subtracting 4: 39, 35, 31, 27 Adding 5: 25, 30, 35, 40

1. Describe each pattern.


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

We add six to 44 and get 50, we add another six to 50 and get 56. We subtract nine from 62
Term 3

and get 53. We subtract another nine and get 44.


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43


35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56


101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

2. Describe the rule for each pattern.

Example: 27, 36, 45, 54, 63
Rule: Adding 9 or counting on in 9s

a. 6, 14, 22, 30 b. 2, 6, 10, 14, 18

c. 13, 10, 7, 4, 1 d. 8,13, 18, 23, 28

e. 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 f. –20, –15, –10, –5, 0

g. 7, 18, 29, 40, 51 h. 1, 9, 17, 25, 33

i. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 j. –6, –4, –2, 0, 2



The rule is ‘adding 11’. Start your pattern with 35.

66 Numeric patterns: constant ratio

Describe the pattern. Take your time and

think carefully when you
2, 4, 8, 16, … identify the pattern.

2 ×2 4 ×2 8 ×2 16

Identify the constant ratio between consecutive terms. This pattern can be
described in your own words as "multiplying the previous number by 2".

Can you still remember

what constant ratio
Term 3


1. Describe the pattern. Multiply the

term by 4
Example: 8, 32, 128, 512 2x4=8
8 x 4 = 32
32 x 4 = 128
128 x 4= 512

a. 2, 8, 32, 128, 512

b. 4, 12, 36, 108, 324

c. 6, 12, 24, 48, 96

d. 8, 40, 200, 1 000, 5 000

e. 1, 6, 36, 214, 1 228

f. 3, 9, 27, 81, 243

g. 5, 20, 80, 320, 1 280

h. 7, 42, 252, 1 512

i. 9, 45, 225, 1 125

j. 10, 20, 40, 80, 160


Problem solving

If the rule is “subtracting 9”, give the first five terms of the sequence starting with 104.

67 Numeric patterns: neither a constant
difference nor a constant ratio
What is the difference between constant difference and ratio?
• constant difference, e.g. 21, 23, 25, 27, … Take your time to figure
out the pattern.
• constant ratio, e.g. 2, 4, 8, 16, …
Describe the pattern..
What will the next three terms
1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, … be, applying the identified rule?

This pattern has neither a constant difference nor a constant ratio. It can be
described as “increasing the difference between consecutive terms by one each
time” or “adding one more than was added to get the previous term”.
Term 3

1. Describe the pattern and draw a number line to show each.

Example: 2, 4, 8, 14, 22

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

a. 8, 10, 14, 20, 28

b. 15, 12, 6, –3, –15

c. 3, 6, 10, 15, 21

d. 10, 9, 7, 4, 0

e. 6, 7, 9, 12, 16

f. 1, 3, 7, 15, 31

g. 13, 9, 4, –2, –9

h. 9, 14, 20, 27, 35

i. 24, 18, 13, 9, 6

j. 19, 20, 22, 25, 29


Problem solving

Create your own sequence without a constant ratio.

68 Numeric patterns: tables

Give a rule to describe the relationship between the numbers in this sequence:
2, 4, 6, 8, ... Use the rule to find the value of the tenth term.

Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10 We can represent a

sequence in a table.
Value of term 2 4 6 8 ?

The “tenth term" refers to position 10 in the number sequence. You have to find a
rule in order to determine the value of the tenth term (rather than continuing the
sequence up to the value of the tenth term). You should recognise that each term
in the bottom row is obtained by doubling the number in the top row. So double 10
is 20. The tenth term is 20.
Term 3

1. Describe the pattern and draw a number line to show each.


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 3 6 9 12 30
1×3 2×3 3×3 4×3 10 × 3

a. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 4 8 12 16

b. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 8 16 24 32

c. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 12 24 36 48

d. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 7 14 21 28

e. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 5 10 15 20

2. What will the term be?

Example: 5, 10, 15, 20. Position of the term × 5.

Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 15

Value of term 5 10 15 20 75

a. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 20

Value of term 10 20 30 40

b. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 28

Value of term 3 6 9 12

c. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 35

Value of term 8 16 24 32

d. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 100

Value of term 12 24 36 48

e. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Value of term 15 30 45 60

f. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 50

Value of term 1 8 27 64

Problem solving

Thabelo is building a model house from matches. If he uses 400 matches in the first section, 550 in the
second and 700 in the third section, how many matches will he need to complete the fourth section, if Date:

the pattern continues?

69 Number sequences and words

Look at this pattern. What will the 20th term be?

4, 7, 10, 13, …
If you consider only the relationship between consecutive terms, then you can
continue the pattern (“adding 3 to previous number”) up to the 20th term to find
the answer. However, if you look for a relationship or rule between the term and the
position of the term, you can predict the answer without continuing the pattern.
Using number sequences can be useful for finding the rule.
First term: 4 = 3(1) + 1
The number in
Second term: 7 = 3(2) + 1 brackets corresponds
with the position
Third term: 10 = 3(3) + 1 of the term in the
Term 3

Fourth term: 13 = 3(4) + 1
What will the 20th term be?

1. Look at the following sequences:

Describe the rule in your own words.
Calculate the 20th term using a number sequence
Example: Number sequence: 5, 7, 9, 11, …
Rule in words: 2 × the position of the term + 3.
20th term: (2 × 20) + 3 = 43

a. Number sequence: 2,5,10,17, … b. Number sequence: –8, –6, –4, –2, …

Rule: Rule:

20th term: 15th term:

c. Number sequence: –1, 2, 5, 8, … d. Number sequence: 6, 9, 12, 15, …

Rule: Rule:

12th term: 19th term:

e. Number sequence: –6, –2, 2, 6, … f. Number sequence: 7, 12, 17, 22, …
Rule: Rule:

18th term: 12th term:

g. Number sequence: 2,5; 3; 3,5; 4, … h. Number sequence: –3, –1, 1, 3, …

Rule: Rule:

21st term: 15th term:

i. Number sequence: 3, 7, 11, 15, … j. Number sequence: 14, 24, 34, 44, …
Rule: Rule:

14th term: 25th term:

Problem solving

Miriam collects stickers for her sticker album. If she collects 4 stickers on day 1, 8 on day 2, 16 on day 3
and 32 on day 4, how many will she collect on day 5 if the pattern continues? Sign:

Helen spends 2 hours playing computer games on the first day of the school holidays. On the second
day she plays for 5 hours and on the third day she plays for 8 hours. For how many hours will she play on Date:

the fourth day if she kept on playing in this pattern?

70 Geometric number patterns

What do you see? Describe the pattern.

Take your time to
explore the pattern.
Term 3

1. Create the first three terms of the following patterns with matchsticks and then
draw the patterns in your book. Complete the tables.
a. Triangular pattern

Position of a triangle in pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of matches

b. Square pattern

Position of a square in pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of matches

c. Rectangular pattern

Position of a rectangle in pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of matches

d. Pentagonal pattern

Position of a pentagon in pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of matches

2. Look at worksheets 65–70 again. Explain and give examples of the following:

Deals with addition and
number subtraction.
It is a sequence with a
patterns constant difference.

Geometric Deals with multiplication

number and division.
It is a sequence with a
patterns constant ratio.


Problem solving

Represent an octagonal number pattern.

71a Numeric patterns: describe a pattern

Look at the example and describe it.

Adding 4 to
the previous
3 7 11 15

4 multiplied by
Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4
the position of
the term -1
Term 3 7 11 15

1×4–1 2×4–1 3×4–1 4×4–1

4(n) – 1,
where n is
the position
of the term. First term: 3 = 4(1) – 1
Term 3

Second term: 7 = 4(2) – 1

Third term: 11 = 4(3) – 1
Fourth term: 15 = 4(4) – 1

1. Describe the sequence in different ways using the template provided.

a. 5, 11, 17, 23, …


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) , where n is the position of the term.

First term: Second term:

Third term: Fourth term:

b. 5, 7, 9, 11, …


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) , where n is the position of the term.

First term: Second term:

Third term: Fourth term:

c. 10, 19, 28, 37, ...


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) , where n is the position of the term.

First term: Second term: Sign:

Third term: Fourth term:

continued ☛
71b Numeric patterns: describe a pattern
d. 0, 4, 8, 12, ...


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4

Term 3

iii) , where n is the position of the term.

First term: Second term:

Third term: Fourth term:

Find the pattern.

e. 14, 25, 36, 47, …


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) , where n is the position of the term.

First term: Second term:

Third term: Fourth term:


Problem solving

What is the 30th term if the nth position is 8(n) – 7?

72 Input and output values

What do input and output mean? Make a drawing to show a real-life example.

Input Output

1. Complete the flow diagrams.

a. 1 b. 3

5 4
Term 3

7 ×6 5 ×4
9 6

12 8

c. 12 d. 3

11 8

9 ×8 9 ×9
6 10

5 12

2. Use the given rule to calculate the value of b.

Example: a b b=a×4
3 • 3 × 4 = 12
4 b=a×4 • 4 × 4 = 16
5 • 5 × 4 = 20
7 • 7 × 4 = 28

a b a b
a. 2 b. 2

3 10

4 b=a×6 11 b = a × 10
5 12

6 15

x y r s
c. 10 d. 4

11 5

12 y=x–9 7 s = r + 11
20 9

100 20

3. Use the given rule to calculate the unknown variable.

Example: a b b=a×2+3
4 11
• 4 × 2 + 3 = 11
6 15
• 6 × 2 + 3 = 15
7 b=a×2+3 17 • 7 × 2 + 3 = 17
8 19 • 8 × 2 + 3 = 19
9 21 • 9 × 2 + 3 = 21

b a h g y x
a. 1 b. 7 c. 2

2 8 3

6 a=b×3+1 9 g = h × 2 + 10 4 x=y×2+4
10 10 7

11 23 10

n m x y a b
d. 4 e. 0,2 f. 0,01

7 0,3 0,06

8 m=n+7×2 0,4 y = x + 0,5 0,1 b = a × 0,2

9 0,7 0,3

12 0,9 0,5

t r w v
g. 5 h. 11

6 9

7 r=t×1+5 8 v=w×3+8
8 6

10 3

Problem solving
Draw your own flow diagram where a = b + 7.
Draw your own flow diagram where a = b × 2 + 11.

73 Functions and relationships

Discuss this:
The rule is y = x + 5

x 1 2 3 10 100

y 6 7 8 15 105

y=1+5 y=2+5 y=3+5 y = 10 + 5 y = 100 + 5

=6 =7 =8 = 15 = 105

1. Complete the tables.

Term 3

a. y = x + 2 b. a = b + 7

x 2 4 6 8 10 20 b 1 2 3 4 5 10

y a

c. m = n + 4 d. x = z × 2

n 3 4 5 6 7 10 100 z 2 3 4 5 6 7

m x

e. y = 2x – 2 f. m = 3n + 2

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n 1 5 10 20 25 100

y m

2. What are the values of m and n?

x 1 2 3 4 18 m 51
y 8 9 10 11 25 39 n
Rule: the given
y=x+7 The rule: y=x+7 term plus 7
The rule:
Term 51: y = 51 + 7 Term 39: 39 = x + 7 n = 58 and m = 32

y = 58 39 – 7 = x + 7 – 7
n = 58 32 = x
m = 32

x 1 2 3 4 25 m 51
y 10 11 12 13 n 39 60

n m

x 1 2 3 4 m 30 60
y 2 4 6 8 22 n 120

n m

x 1 2 3 4 10 15 m
y 5 10 15 20 50 n 90

n m

x 1 2 3 4 7 m 46
y 13 14 15 16 19 24 n

n m

x 1 2 3 4 6 10 m
y 3 6 9 12 18 n 60

n m

Problem solving
• What is the tenth term in the pattern? (3 × 7, 4 × 7, 5 × 7, …)
• If x = 2y + 9 and y = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 draw a table to show the values of x and y.

74 Algebraic expressions and
Compare the two examples. What do you
5+4 5+4=9
An equation is
a mathematical
What is on the left–hand What is on the
sentence that uses
side of the equal sign? right–hand side?
the equal sign (=)
The left–hand side is an 5 + 4 = 9 is called an to show that two
expression, 5 + 4. It is equation. The left–hand expressions are
equal to the value of the side of an equation is equal.
expression 9. equal to the right–hand
Term 3

1. Say whether it is an expression or an equation.

Example: 8 + 3 (It is an expression)
8 + 3 = 11 (It is an equation)

a. 4 + 8 b. 9 + 7 = 16 c. 7 + 6

d. 3 + 5 = 8 e. 11 + 2 f. 9 + 7

2. Describe the following:

Example: 6 + 2 = 8
This is an expression, 6 + 2. It is equal to the value on the right–hand side, 8.
6 + 2 = 8 is called an equation. The left–hand side of an equation equals the right–hand side.

a. 9 + 1 = 10 b. 3 + 5 = 8 c. 9 = 5 + 4

d. 7 = 1 + 6 e. 11 = 5 + 6 f. 8 + 9 = 17

3. Use the variable “a” to create 3 expressions of your own.

Example: 5+a

4. Say whether it is an expression or an equation.

Example: 8 + a (It is an expression)
8 + a = 11 (It is an equation)

a. 5 + a b. 6 + a = 12 c. 7 + b = 8

d. 8 + b e. 9 + a = 18 f. 6 + b

5. What would the value of “a” be in question 4b, and e? ______________________

6. What would the value of “b” be in question 4c? ______________________

Problem solving
Write an equation for the following. I have 12 sweets. In total Phelo and I have 18 sweets. How many
sweets does Phelo have?

75 Algebraic expressions

1, 3, 5, 7, 9 …
Adding 2 to the
Describe the rule of this number sequence in words. previous term.

What does the rule 2n – 1 mean in the number sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …?

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n

Value of term 1 3 5 7 9

1st term: 2nd term: 3rd term: 4th term: 5th term: nth term:
2(1) – 1 2(2) – 1 2(3) – 1 2(4) – 1 2(5) – 1 2(n) – 1
What is the rule as
an expression?
2(n) – 1
Term 3

1. Describe the following in words:

Example: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, …

Adding 4 to the previous pattern

a. 3; 6; 9; 12; ... b. 10; 20; 30; 40; ... c. 7; 14; 21; 28; ...

d. 6; 12; 18; 24; ... e. 8; 16; 24; 32; ... f. 5; 10; 15; 20; ...

2. Describe the following sequence using an expression.

Example: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, … First term: 4(1) + 1 The nth term is 4 (n).

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Value of term 4 8 12 16 20

a. 6; 11; 16; 21; ...

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Value of term

b. 3; 5; 7; 9; 11; ...

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Value of term

c. 9; 15; 21; 27; ...

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Value of term

3. What does the rule mean? Use the same values for position as in the example.

Example: The rule 2n – 1 means for the following number sequence: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 …

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Value of term 1 3 5 7 9

a. The rule 3n – 1 means for the following number sequence

Position in sequence
Value of term

b. The rule 4n – 3 means for the following number sequence

Position in sequence
Value of term

c. The rule 6n – 2 means for the following number sequence

Position in sequence
Value of term

d. The rule 5n – 5 means for the following number sequence

Position in sequence
Value of term

e. The rule 7n – 4 means for the following number sequence

Position in sequence
Value of term


Problem solving

Write an algebraic expression for the following: Sipho built 3 times more puzzles than I did last holiday.

76 More algebraic expressions

Describe the rule Adding 2 to the

of this number 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, … previous term.
sequence in
The rule as an
First term: 4(1) + 1 expression
Second term: 4(2) + 1
What does the rule
Third term: 4(3) + 1
4n + 1 mean for the
number sequence Fourth term: 4(4) + 1
5, 9, 13, 17, 21, …? Fifth term: 4(5) + 1
nth term: 4(n) + 1
Term 3

1. Describe the following in words:

Example: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, …

Adding 4 to the previous number

a. 3; 5; 7; 9; … b. 5; 10; 15; 20; … c. 21; 18; 15; 12; …

d. 99; 98; 97; 96; … e. 4; 8; 12; 16; … f. 7; 14; 21; 28; …

2. Describe the following sequence using an expression:

Example: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, …

4 (n)–2 since 1st term: 4(1) –2; 2nd term: 4(2) – 2; Third term 4(3) – 2; …

a. 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; … b. 3; 5; 7; 9; 11; …

c. 8; 16; 24; 32; … d. 5; 10; 15; 20; …

3. If the rule is ____, what could the sequence be?
Create five possible answers for each.

a. “Adding 7”

b. “Subtracting 9”

c. “Adding 5”

d. “Subtracting 8”

e. “Adding 3 then subtracting 4”

Problem solving Sign:

Expand the following1 and prove your answer by factorising. 2(p3 + 8p2 – 5p) Date:
If the rule is "adding 4 ", what could the sequence be? Create five possible answers.

77 Algebraic equations

Look at and describe:

variable constants

x + 23 = 45
operation equal sign

Read and answer:

Imagine that on the right–hand side of this balance scale there are 10 objects of
equal mass, and on the left–hand side there are 4 similar objects and an unknown
number of other objects in a bag. The scale is balanced; therefore, we know that
there must be an equal mass on each side of the scale.
Term 3

Explain how you would find out how many objects there are in the bag.
1. Solve for x.
Example: x+5=9

a. x + 12 = 30 b. x + 8 = 14

c. x + 17 = 38 d. x + 20 = 55

e. x + 25 = 30 f. x + 18 = 26

2. Solve for x.
Example: x–5=2

a. x – 7 = 5 b. x – 3 = 1

c. x – 15 = 12 d. x – 17 = 15

e. x – 23 = 20 f. x – 28 = 13

3. Solve for x.
Example: x + 4 = –7
x = –11

a. x + 3 = –15 b. x+ 7 = –12

c. x + 2 = –5 d. x + 5 = –15

e. x + 12 = –20 f. x + 10 = –25

Problem solving
Write an equation for the following and solve it.

Jason read 7 books and Gugu read 11 books. How many books did they read altogether?

Rebecca and her friend read 29 books altogether. Rebecca read 14 books. How many books did her Sign:

friend read?

Bongani buys 12 new CDs and Sizwe buys 14. How many CDs did they buy together?

78 More algebraic equations

2x 30
2x = 30 (2x means 2
multiplied by x)
What does 2x mean?

What is the inverse operation of multiplication? Division

We need to divide 2x by 2 to solve for x.

2x 30 Remember you need to keep
2 = 2 the two sides of the equation
balanced. What you do on the
x = 15 one side of the equal sign, you
must do on the other side as well.
Term 3

1. Solve for x.
Example: 3x = 12
3x 12
3 = 3

a. 5x = 20 b. 2x = 8

c. 2x = 18 d. 4x = 48

e. 3x = 27 f. 5x = 30

g. 10x = 100 h. 9x = 81

i. 15x = 45 j. 7x = 14

2. Solve for x.
Example: 3x – 2 = 10
3x – 2 + 2 = 10 + 2
3x 12
3 = 3

a. 7x – 2 = 12 b. 4x – 4 = 12

c. 3x – 1 = 2 d. 2x – 1 = 7

e. 5x – 3 = 17 f. 5x – 7 = 13

g. 6x – 5 = 25 h. 9x – 8 = 82

i. 8x – 7 = 49 j. 3x – 2 = 16

Problem solving
Create an equation and solve it. How fast can you do it?
Nine times q equals
Two times y equals Sixteen times b
sixteen. equals four. Five times y equals
Five times c equals Eight times t equals
sixty-five. eighty. Seven times a
equals twenty-one.
Eight times x equals Three times d Date:

sixteen. equals thirty-nine.

79 Algebraic equations in context

What do the following equations mean?

P = 4l P = 2l + 2b A = l2 A=l×b

The perimeter of The perimeter of a The area of a The area of a

a square is 4 times rectangle is 2 times square is the length rectangle is length
the length. the length plus 2 squared. times breadth.
times the breadth.

Note that you did perimeter

and area in the first and second
terms of grade 7.

1. Substitute and calculate.

Term 3

Example: If y = x2 + 2, calculate y when x = 4

y = 42 + 2
y = 16 + 2
y = 18

a. y = x2 + 2; x = 4 b. y = b2 + 10; b = 1

c. y = a2 + 4; a = 4 d. y = r2 + 3; r = 5

e. y = p2 + 7; p = 6 f. y = c2 + 7; c = 7

2. Calculate the following:

Example: What is the perimeter of a rectangle if the length is 2 cm and the breath is 1,5 cm?
P = 2l + 2b
P = 2(2 cm) + 2(1,5 cm)
P = 4 cm + 3 cm
P = 7 cm

a. The perimeter of a rectangle b. The area of a square
where the breadth equals 2,2 cm if the length equals
and the length equals 2,5 cm. 3,5 cm.

c. The perimeter of a square if the d. The area of a rectangle if the length is

length equals 4,2 cm. 3,5 cm and breadth is 2,5 cm.

e. The area of a square if the length is f. The perimeter of a rectangle if the

5 cm. breadth is 4,3 cm and length 8,2 cm.

g. The perimeter of a square if the h. The perimeter of a rectangle if the

length is 2,6 cm. breadth is 8,5 cm and the length is
12,4 cm.

i. The area of a rectangle if the breadth j. The perimeter of a rectangle if the

is 10,5 cm and length is 15,5 cm. breadth is 3.5 cm and the length is
6,7 cm.

Problem Solving
Write an equation and then solve it for each of these:

What is the perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool if the breadth is 12 m and the length is 16 m?

Work out the area of a square if one side is equal to 5,2 cm. Sign:

What is the perimeter of a rectangle if the length is 5,1 cm and the breadth is 4,9 cm.

Establish the area of your rectangular bedroom floor for new tiles is the length is 4,5 m and the breadth is
2,8 m.

80a Interpreting graphs: temperature and
time graphs
Look at the graph and discuss it.
Temperature for our town Title
Would you make
any changes or
add anything to
the graph?
Term 3



1. Thebogo heard that nature lovers use the chirping of crickets to estimate the
temperature. The last time he went camping he brought a thermometer so he
could collect the data on the number of cricket chirps per minute for various
temperatures. The first thing Thebogo did was make the graph below.
Cricket chirps per minute


Chirps per minute



16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Temperature (ºC)
a. Estimate the temperature if the cricket chirps:
i. 120 times? _____
ii. 150 times? _____
iii. 160 times? _____
iv. 230 times? _____
v. 270 times? _____

b. Thebogo counts 190 cricket chirps in a minute. What is the temperature?

c. Thebogo notices that the number of cricket chirps drops by 30 chirps per minute.
What could she conclude about the change in temperature?

d. Use the words increasing and decreasing to describe the graph.



80b Interpreting graphs: temperature and
time graphs continued
2. Average temperature per annum for Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban:

Johannesburg  temperature  per  annum   Cape  Town  temperature  per  annum  

30   30  
25   25  
20   20  
Temperature   Temperature  
15   15  
(Co)   (Cº)  
10   10  
Max   Max  
5   5  
0   Min   0   Min  













Month   Months  
Term 3

Durban  temperature  per  annum  

5   Max  
0   Min  








a. What is the average maximum temperature for:

i. Durban in August? ________
ii. Cape Town in July? ________
iii. Johannesburg in April? ________
iv. Durban in July? ________
v. Cape Town in September? ________

b. What is the average minimum temperature for:

i. Johannesburg in April? ________
ii. Cape Town in October? ________
iii. Johannesburg in September? ________
iv. Durban in March?________
v. Cape Town in July?________

c. What is the difference in maximum temperature between:
i. Durban and Johannesburg in April? ________
ii. Cape Town and Durban in October? ________
iii. Johannesburg and Cape Town in May?________
iv. Durban and Johannesburg in September? ________
v. Cape Town and Johannesburg in April? ________

d. Describe the graphs using the words “increasing” and “decreasing”:

Problem solving Sign:

What is the
Expand the difference
following and
prove the
answer by
maximum temperatures
2(p3 + 8p2 – 5p)
of Durban, Cape Town and Date:

Johannesburg in December? Which province would you most like to visit in December. Why?

81 Interpreting graphs: rainfall and time
How do you read information from and
interpret the graphs on this page.

1. Look at the graphs and answer the following questions:

Durban  rainfall  per  annum  

Johannesburg  rainfall  per  annum  
Term 3

100   Rainfall  
Rainfall   80  
80   in  
in   60  
60   mm  
mm   40  
20   mm   20   mm  
0   0  















Months   Months  

Cape  Town  rainfall  per  annum  

Rainfall   60  
mm   40  








a. What is the heading of each graph? b. What does the x–axis show us?

c. What does the y–axis show us? d. Which city has the highest average
rainfall in October?

e. Which city has the lowest average f. Which city would you visit in
rainfall in April? December? Why?

g. Which city would you not visit in h. Which city or cities have a rainy winter
December? Why? season? Why do you say so?

i. Which city or cities have a rainy j. Use the words increasing and
summer season? Why do you say so? decreasing to describe each graph.

2. Use the graphs to complete the following tables:

Average rainfall
Johannesburg Durban Cape Town

the rainfall
in your area. Sign:

What is the
Expand the highest
and prove
per year
your town?
by factorising.
Which month?
2(p3 Keep
+ 8p2 –a 5p)
record during a rainy month Date:

and draw a graph to represent the data.

82 Drawing graphs

Sam kept this record of plants growing. Discuss it.

Plant group
Would you make
any changes or 10 Is this graph a

Average growth in one week (cm)

add anything to 9 decreasing or
the graph? 8 increasing graph?
Linear equation:
The graph from a
linear equation is 3
a straight line. 2
Term 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Amount of light per day (hours)

1. Use the graph below to answer the following questions on the movement of a snail.
Movement of a snail a. How far will a snail move in eight
Distance (cm)

140 b. How far will a snail move in four hours?

120 How did you use the graph to work
100 this out?
c. How far will a snail move in six hours?
How did you use the graph to work
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (hours)
this out?

d. How far will a snail move in two hours?

How did you use the graph to work
this out? e. How far will a snail move in 9 hours?
How did you use the graph to work
this out? Plot this on the graph.

f. Why is this a linear graph?

g. Is this graph increasing or decreasing?

2. The graph below shows the distances travelled by car from Bloemfontein
to Cape Town.
Travelling from Bloemfontein to Cape Town

1 000
How long did it take the person to travel ____
km? Show the position on the graph and explain
Distance (km)
Distance (km)

500 Example: 1 000 km
It took the person ten hours to travel 1 000 km.
We can write it as (1 000 km/10 hours).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (hours)
Time (hours)

a. 100 km b. 500 km c. 800 km

d. 750 km e. 300 km f. 250 km

3. How far did the person travel in:

a. 1 hour b. 1 hour 30 minutes c. 3 hours

d. 4 hours 30 minutes e. 5 hours f. 2 hours 30 minutes

How Problem
long did solving
you travel? Sign:

Use the graph

Expand the following
on “Travelling
and prove
answer byto
Cape Town”2(p
to3 work
+ 8p2 out
– 5p)how long it will take to Date:

travel 275 km.

83a Drawing more graphs

You kept this record but forgot to plot the minimum temperature. Plot it using the
information from your notes.
Average maximum temperature for our town


º º
Temperature (ºC)

20 º
Term 3

15 º



1. Answer the questions on the graph below.

Average minimum temperature for our town

Temperature (ºC)


a. What is the heading of the graph?

b. What is the scale on the x–axis?

c. What is the scale on the y–axis?

d. What is does the x–axis tell us?

e. What does the y–axis tell us?

f. What do the points or dots tell us?



continued ☛
83b Drawing more graphs continued

2. Use the grid paper on the next page to draw a graph for this table.

Month Maximum Minimum

Use the whole
J 30 16 sheet to draw You should
F 29 17 your graph. determine your
intervals carefully.
M 28 14
A 26 12
M 24 8
J 21 6
J 21 5
A 22 6
S 24 8
Term 3

O 25 12
N 26 13
D 28 15

a. What will you write on your x–axis? b. What will you write on your y–axis?

d. What will the heading of your

c. What will the scale of the y–axis be? graph be?

f. Describe the graph using the

following words: increasing or
e. What will your graph show? decreasing, linear or non–linear.

solving Sign:

Draw a graph
Expand the following
showing and
answer by
minimum temperatures
2(p3 + 8p2 – 5p)
for any country other than Date:

South Africa, for one year.

84 Drawing graphs again

You have to draw a graph with the following values. How will you do it?
The maximum value of the y–axis is 24. The scale could be:
The maximum value of the x–axis is 60. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24

The scale could be:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60
Why are these 20
intervals in 2s and
not in 1s or 3s?
Term 3


Why are these intervals in 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

5s and not in 2s or 10s?

1. In this activity you should use the grid paper to draw the scales of your graph.
Determine the scale for the y–axis and the x–axis.
The maximum value of:
a. x–axis is 45 and y–axis is 24 b. x–axis is 75 and y–axis is 72

c. x–axis is 40 and y–axis is 30 d. x– axis is 100 and y–axis is 100

2. Draw the scales for the following graphs:
a. x–axis: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and b. x–axis: 0, 4, 8, 12 and
y–axis: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 y–axis: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

c. x–axis: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and d. x–axis: 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 and
y–axis: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 y–axis: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

3. Cut and paste a graph from a newspaper. Describe the intervals.

Drawing solving
graphs Sign:

Draw a graph
Expand the following
with 10 and
the answer
x–axis and
by factorising.
12 intervals on2(p
8p2 – 5p)
You can use any multiples to Date:

label it.

85 Drawing even more graphs

Look at the graphs. Explain them.

Increasing Decreasing Constant Linear Non-linear

Can you get a non- Can you get a non-

linear increasing linear decreasing
Term 3

graph? graph?

1. Draw graphs using the data from the following tables. Describe each graph using
the words increasing, decreasing, constant, linear and non-linear.
a. Thabo’s brisk walking results

The time walked was

recorded after 2, 4, 6, 8 and
10 km.

Km Minutes
2 20
4 40
6 60
8 80
10 100

b. Susan’s brisk walking results

The time walked was

recorded after 2, 4, 6, 8 and
10 km.

Km Minutes
2 20
4 45
6 50
8 75
10 95

c. Maximum and minimum average temperatures for a town for a year.

Minimum Maximum
Month in degrees in degrees
Celsius Celsius
January 27 14
February 25 14
March 24 12
April 22 10
May 19 9
June 17 8
July 16 7
August 17 8
September 22 9
October 23 12
November 25 13
December 28 14


Be creative

Create your own table, draw a graph and describe it.

86 Transformations
Can you still
remember these ?
Explain each transformation

Translation Reflection Rotation

1. Say how each figure was moved. Write translation, rotation, or reflection.
Term 3

a. b. c.

2. Label each diagram as a translation, a reflection or a rotation of the original shape.


Original Rotation Translation Reflection



Original shape


Original shape

3. Create diagrams to the show:

a. Rotation

A rotation is a
transformation that
moves points so that
they stay the same
distance from a fixed
point (the centre of

b. Reflection

A reflection is a
transformation that
has the same effect
as a mirror image.

c. Translation

A translation is the
movement of an object
to a new position without
changing its shape, size or
orientation. When a shape
is transformed by sliding it
to a new position, without
turning, we say it has been

Problem solving Sign:

Create athe following
diagram and
using prove
refl your
ection, answer
rotation by translation.
and factorising. 2(p3 + 8p2 - 5p) Date:

87 Rotation

Rotation: A rotation is a transformation that moves Rotation in nature and

points so that they stay the same distance from a machines.
fixed point, the centre of rotation.

Centre of rotation


Rotational symmetry: A figure has rotational

symmetry if an outline of the turning figure
matches its original shape.
Order of symmetry: This is how many times an
Term 3

outline matches the original in one full rotation.

Use any recycled material to demonstrate the

difference between rotation and rotational symmetry.

1. Look at the diagrams and explain them in your own words

90° The paper rotated a quarter
turn = 900 turn, which is the same as 90º.
4 We can show this on a circular
0° 180°


a. 1
turn = 1800 90°

0° 180°


b. 3 90°
turn = 2700

0° 180°


c. 1 full turn = 360º

full turn = 360°

0° 180°

2. Look at the drawings below and explain them.
a. b.


c. d.

3. Complete the table below by rotating each shape and draw the rotated shape.
90° 180° 270° 360°


Problem solving

Make up your own rotations, with the centre of rotation outside the shape.

88 Translation

A translation is the movement of an object to

a new position without changing its shape,
size or orientation.

When a shape is transformed by sliding it to a

new position, without turning, it is said to have
been translated.
Term 3

1. Explain each translation in your own words. The original shape is shaded.
Each point of the triangle
is translated four squares
to the right and five
squares up.

a. b.

c. d.

2. Show the following translations on a grid board.

a. Each point of the triangle is b. Each point of the rectangle is
translated four squares to the translated three squares to the
right and five squares up. left and three squares up.

c. Each point of the triangle is d. Each point of the square is

translated five squares to the translated two squares to the
right and two squares down. right and seven squares up.

3. In mathematics, the translation of an object is called its image. Describe the

translation below.
A B object

4 cm
E D 2 cm

E D Sign:

Problem solving

Find a translated pattern in nature and explain it in words.

89 Reflection and reflective symmetry

Reflection: a reflection is a transformation that Look at the photograph. What

has the same effect as a mirror image. do you see?

Line of reflection

Reflective symmetry
An object is symmetrical when one half is a mirror
image of the other half.
Term 3

Line of symmetry

1. How many lines of symmetry does each of these have? Draw them in.

2. Draw all the lines of symmetry for each figure, where applicable.
a. b. c.

d. e. f.

3. The following design uses reflective symmetry. One half is a reflection of the other
half. The two halves are exactly alike and fit perfectly on top of each other when
the design is folded correctly. How many lines of symmetry are there?

4. Show a reflection using the geometric figure given. Remember to show
the line of reflection.

a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

5. Look at the reflections and describe them.


Problem solving

Find a photograph of reflection in nature.

90 Transformations again

Copy each transformation on grid paper and then explain it in words.

Rotation Turning around a centre. The
distance from the centre to any
Turn point on the shape stays the
same. Every point makes a circle
around the centre (rotation).

Reflection It is a flip over a line. Every point

is the same distance from the
Flip centre line. It has the same size
as the original image. The shape
stays the same (reflection).
Term 3

Translation It means moving without rotating,

flipping or resizing. Every point
Slide of the shape must move the
same distance and in the same
direction (translation).

1. Describe each diagram. Make use of words such as mirror, shape, original shape,
line of reflection and vertical.

Reflection When a shape is reflected

a. across a mirror line, the reflection
is the same distance from the line
of reflection as the original shape.

a. c.


b. c.

Make use of words such as rotated or turned, clockwise, anti-clockwise, point of
rotation and distance.
d. e.

d. e.

f. f.


Make use of words such as shape, slide, from one place to another, no turning, left,
right, up or down.
g. h.

g. h.

Share with your family Sign:

Draw any shape and then do the following and describe the transformation: Date:

• reflection • rotation • translation

91 Investigation

When we do an investigation we should:

• spend enough time exploring problems in depth
• find more than one solution to many problems
• develop your own strategies and approaches, based on your knowledge and
understanding of mathematical relationships
• choose from a variety of concrete materials and appropriate resources
• express your mathematical thinking through drawing, writing and talking.

1. Prove that the diagonal of a square is not equal to the length of any of its sides.

a. Make a drawing to show each of the following:

What transformation is (rotation, reflection, What a square is

Term 3

and translation)

What diagonal lines of a square are That all the sides of a square are equal in length
````` Diagonal line
b. What do I want?
To compare the length of a side of a square with the length of a diagonal.
I can/must use rotation, translation and/or reflection.

c. What do I need to introduce? Make a drawing of each.

Note that sometimes we think of something later on; we don’t always
think of everything at the beginning. Therefore people will have
different answers here.

A line of reflection. A point of rotation. A grid on which to measure


d. Attack
We often get “stuck” and are tempted to give up. However, this is the exact point
at which it is important for you to use the time and space to get through the
point of frustration and look for alternative ideas. This is the phase when we make
conjectures, collect data, discover patterns and try to justify our answers.

Remember to use the

information in a, b and c.

e. Review
Check your conclusions or solutions and reflect on what you did – the key ideas
and key moments.


Family solving
Expand the following and prove your answer by factorising. 2(p3 + 8p2 - 5p) Date:
Share this investigation with a family member.

92 Enlargement and reduction

Look at this diagram and discuss it.

Orange rectangle
The length = 5 The width = 3
Blue rectangle
The length = 10 The width = 6

The length of the blue rectangle is two times/twice the length of the orange rectangle.
The width of the blue rectangle is two times/twice the width of the orange rectangle.
The orange rectangle is enlarged twice/two times.
Term 3

1. Use the diagrams to answer the questions.

a. Blue square Red square Green square

Length = ___ Length = ___ Length = ___
Width = ___ Width = ___ Width = ___

b. The length of the red square is _____ times the length of the blue square.
The width of the red square is _____ times the width of the blue square.
The red square is enlarged _____ times.
c. The length of the green square is ___ times the length of the red square rectangle.
The width of the green square is ___ times the width of the red square.
The green square is enlarged ____ times.

d. The length of the green square is ___ times the length of the blue square.
The width of the green square is ___ times the width of the blue square.
The blue square is reduced ___ times.

2. Use the diagrams to answer the questions.
6 cm
3 cm Blue rectangle: Red rectangle:
The length = ___

2 cm
The length = ___
1 cm The width = ___ The width = ___

24 cm
Green rectangle:
The length = ___
The width = ___

8 cm
Compared to the:
a. Red rectangle, the blue rectangle is reduced ___ times.
b. Green rectangle, the blue rectangle is reduced ___ times.
c. Blue rectangle, the red rectangle is enlarged ___ times.
d. Green rectangle, the red rectangle is reduced ___ times.
e. Blue rectangle, the green rectangle is enlarged ___ times.
f. Red rectangle, the green rectangle is enlarged ___ times.
3. Draw a 1 cm by 2 cm rectangle. Enlarge it twice and then enlarge the second
rectangle six times. Make a drawing to show your answer.


Problem solving

What will the perimeter of a 20 mm by 40 mm rectangle be if you enlarge it by 3?

93 More enlargement and reduction

How do you know this figure is enlarged by 3?

We say the
scale factor
is 3.

The scale factor from small to large is 3.

Term 3

The scale factor from large to small is 3.

1. By what is this shape enlarged? Write down all the steps.

2. Enlarge the rectangle by:

a. scale factor 4 b. scale factor 3

3. Complete the table. Start with the original geometric figure each time.
Your drawings do not have to be to scale but must be labelled correctly.

Geometric figure Enlarge by scale Enlarge by scale Enlarge by scale

factor 2. factor 5. factor 10.
a. 2 cm x 3 cm 2 cm x 2 x 3 cm x 2 2 cm x 5 x 3 cm x 5 2 cm x 10 x 3 cm x 10
2 cm 4 cm 10 cm 20 cm

3 cm 6 cm 15 cm 30 cm

= 6 cm2 = 24 cm2 = 150 cm2 = 600 cm2

b. 5 cm x 1 cm

c. 4 cm x 2 cm

d. 8 cm x 3 cm

e. 1,5 cm x 2 cm


Problem solving

Enlarge a 1,5 cm by 5 cm geometric figure by scale factor 3.

94 Enlargements and reductions

Use the knowledge you gained in the previous two worksheets. You might need to
revise the following words:
• enlargement
• reduction
• scale factor

A client asks you to make the following adjustments to the house plan.
Term 3

1. Enlarge the following by scale factor 2.

a. Garage
b. Bathroom 3

2. Join bedrooms 1 and 2 and reduce by scale factor 2.

3. Replace bedroom 3 with a bathroom the same size as bathroom 1.

4. Enlarge the TV room into a very large entertainment room by scale factor 3.

5. Double the size of the study.

6. Enlarge the swimming pool by scale factor 2.

Note: you may want to change the orientation of the enlarged or reduced rooms.


Problem solving

Design your dream house. Enlarge it by scale factor 2.

95 Prisms and pyramids

What kind of prisms What kind of pyramids

are these? are these?
Term 3

1. Make the following geometric objects using the nets below. Enlarge the nets by a
scale factor of 2. You will need some grid paper, a ruler, sticky tape and a pair of

a. b. c.

d. e.

2. Identify and name all the geometric solids (3–D objects) in these diagrams.

a. b. c.

3. Identify, name and label as many pyramids and prisms as you can in these photos.

a. b. c.

4. Compare prisms and pyramids.

Prisms Pyramids


Problem solving

Name five pairs of a pyramid and a prism that will exactly fit on top of each other, and say why.

96 3–D objects

A tetrahedron is a special type

This is a skeleton of of triangular pyramid made
a tetrahedron. up of identical triangles.

A hexahedron (plural:
This is a skeleton of hexahedra) Is a polyhedron
a cube. with six faces. A regular
hexahedron, with all its faces
square, is a cube.

1. Which pyramid will fit exactly onto each prism? Draw lines to match them.
Term 3

a. Circle the tetrahedron in blue.

b. Circle the hexahedron in red.

2. Describe the prisms and pyramids in these pictures.




3. Your friend made this drawing of a building she saw. Identify and name
the solids.

4. Draw the nets for the following:



Problem solving

How many tetrahedrons do you need to How would you use the word hexahedron
complete the big tetrahedron? to describe this Rubic cube?

Problem solving Sign:

Expand the following and prove your answer by factorising. 2(p3 + 8p2 – 5p) Date:

97 Building 3–D models

Geometric solid
Geometric figures
2 hexagons A 2–D shape is a
“geometric figure”
and a 3–D object is a
“geometric solid”.
6 rectangles

This is what we get

if we trace around
each face of the
hexagonal prism.
Term 3

1. Which geometric solid can be made with these geometric figures?

a. b. c.

2. Identify all the geometric figures in these solids and make a drawing of all the
a. b.

3. a. Use waste products to make these geometric solids:

– prisms (triangular prism, cube, rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal and
– pyramids (triangular, tetrahedron, rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal and

b. Use the geometric solids to create “buildings of the future”.

4. a. Write down how you created each polyhedron, focusing on the shapes
of the faces and how you joined them. You may include drawings.

b. Write a description of how you put the geometric solids together to create your
“buildings of the future”. Say why you use certain solids for certain buildings.

c. Present your work to the class.

Presentation tips

When presenting you should:

– Make eye contact with different people throughout the presentation
– Start by explaining what the presentation is about
– Use natural hand gestures to demonstrate
– Stand up straight with both feet firmly on the ground
– Demonstrate a strong positive feeling about the topic during the entire
– Stay within the required time
– Use visual aids to enhance the presentation
– Explain all points thoroughly
– Organise your presentation well and maintain the interest level of the audience


Problem solving
Fit two geometric solids on top of each other. Where they touch the faces should be the same. The two
geometric solids cannot be prisms or pyramids.

98 Visualising 3–D objects/playing a game

What geometric solid is it?

All the faces are

I count five

Two are triangles

and three are

Do the following in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions.

Term 3

1. Ask your friend to close his or her eyes. Then ask him or her the following

a. Name and describe the new solid.

Imagine you Imagine you now have Place them together.

have a cube. two identical cubes.

After imagining the object, draw, name and describe it.

Draw: Name: Describe:

b. Name and describe the solid from different views.

Imagine you are looking Can you stand so that Can you stand so that
at a large cardboard box you can see only one you can see 2 or 3
that looks like a cube. square? squares?

Seeing one square Seeing two squares Seeing three squares

The pyramids are the stone tombs What is the great pyramid of Giza? Find out.
of the Pharaohs – the kings of
ancient Egypt. They have stood for Great pyramid of Giza and maths.
thousands of years, filled with many
clues about what life (and death) • The base originally measured about 230,33 m
was like in ancient Egypt. square.
• The original height was 146,59 m.
• A total of over 2 300 000 stone blocks of
limestone and granite were used.
• The construction date was about 2589 B.C.
• Estimated construction time was 20 years.
• Estimated total weight is 6,5 million tons.

c. What type of pyramid (geometric objects) are we mostly likely to find in Egypt?


d. Name and describe the solid from different views.

Imagine you are You are standing on What is the maximum What if you were
visiting the pyramids the ground, looking number of triangles in an aeroplane
in Egypt. at a pyramid. you see? flying overhead?

e. Name and describe the solid from different views.

An aerial view is also
View from the ground Aerial view called a bird’s eye
view. Why do you
thinks it has this name?


Problem solving

Describe a geometric solid to your family and ask them to imagine it.

99 Faces, vertices and edges

Face: A flat or curved surface Vertex (plural: vertices): Edge: Where two
enclosed by an edge or edges A point at which two or surfaces are joined.
more edges meet. It is
Surface: The surface of an object
a corner.
refers to all the faces together.

1. Label the following using the words: face, edge and vertex.
Term 3

2. Label the faces, vertices and edges on each photograph.

a. b.

c. d. Mark the apex on each building

with a star (*) .

An apex is the highest

point of a geometric
solid with respect to a
line or plane chosen as

3. What do these objects have in common? When closed, they all have:
a. b. c. d.

• ___ faces • ___ faces • ___ faces • ___ faces

• ___ edges • ___ edges • ___ edges • ___ edges
• ___ vertices • ___ vertices • ___ vertices • ___ vertices
4. Label the following using the words: surface (face), edge and vertex. Also say
which geometric object each one will form.
a. b. c. d.

Geometric object: Geometric object: Geometric object: Geometric object:

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
• ___ edges • ___ edges • ___ edges • ___ edges
• ___ vertices • ___ vertices • ___ vertices • ___ vertices
• ___ faces • ___ faces • ___ faces • ___ faces

5. Look at these skeletons. Say how many vertices and edges you see in each
a. b. c.

___ vertices ___ edges ___ vertices ___ edges ___ vertices ___ edges
d. e. f.

___ vertices ___ edges ___ vertices ___ edges ___ vertices ___ edges

Problem solving
• Can a prism have an odd number of vertices? Give an example.
• Can a pyramid have an odd number of vertices? Date:

• How many more faces does an octagonal pyramid have than a heptagonal pyramid?

100 More faces, vertices and edges

Think! Look at these nets of geometric solids. How many faces, vertices and edges
does each solid have?

1. Write labels with arrows pointing to the geometrical figures which you can see in
each object, and write down how many of each the object contains.
Term 3

2 triangles

3 rectangles

Identify all the geometric figures in this

geometric solid. We provide you with four
views of the geometric solid to help you.

Name of Shapes it is No. of No. of No. of
2. solid made of edges vertices surfaces

a. Look at the table above and compare a triangular pyramid and a square
pyramid. Describe the similarities and differences between them.

b. Describe the differences between a hexagonal prism and an octagonal prism.

c. Describe the differences between a hexagonal pyramid and an octagonal


d. What should you do to the geometric solid on the left to change it to the
geometric solid on the right?



Solve this with a family member.

Describe the geometric solid using the words surfaces (faces), vertices and edges.
We give you the unfoldings to help you to solve this.



101 Even more faces, edges and
Revise the following: Identify the surfaces,
vertices and edges
• surfaces (faces)
in this photograph.
• vertices surfaces
• edges

1. Look at the different polyhedra.

Identify the surfaces (faces), vertices and edges.

Term 3

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

2. Visualise how many vertices a pentagonal prism has. ___

a. How many edges does it have? _____
b. How many faces? ____
c. What about a heptagonal prism? ____
d. Or a heptagonal pyramid? ____

3. Complete the table

Calculate F – E + V for each

geometric solid.
Solid Vertices Edges Faces F = faces, E = edges and
V = vertices.
What do you notice?

6 9 5 5 – 9 + 6 =2

8 12 6 6 – 12 + 8 = 2










Problem solving
Expand the following and prove your answer by factorising. 2(p3 + 8p2 – 5p) Date:
Look at Euler’s formula. This equations shows us the number of vertices, faces and edges 8 – 7 + 1 = 2. Is
this a polyhedron. Why or why not?

102a Views

Make a cube and put it in front of you. Turn it to look at different views.

How to make a cube.

Term 3

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3 Step 4

1. Look at the drawings below. Explain them.

See if you can draw a cube at an angle of 30º as below in b, without a protractor.
Place a cube on your desk and put a piece of paper under the cube.

a. b.



continued ☛
102b Views continued

2. Draw the following step by step:

Step 1 Draw a line Step 2 Place the

parallel to the cube on the
side of the table. line in the
Then draw a line way you see it
perpendicular to (approximately
the vertex that 30º turned).
touches the line.
Trace around
the base of the
Term 3

Step 3 Remove the cube. Step 4 Measure your angle to see how close
your estimation was.

Step 5 a. Measure the length of the sides. Step 6 It is important to use dotted lines to
b. Draw lines showing the height of the show the back of the cube (or any
cube of the same length. other geometric solid).
c. Draw the top of the cube.


Problem solving

Sit at your desk, look at the sketches below and then place the geometric solid in the same position on
your desk. Are all of the drawings possible? Make a drawing of any of these solids showing it in four
steps. Remember to make the lines of the back view dotted.



103 Constructing a pyramid net

What is a pyramid? Look at the pictures and describe a pyramid.

Where do we find real pyramids?

Do we find pyramids only in Egypt?

Term 3

1. Construct the net for a tetrahedron.

Step 1: Step 2:
Construct an equilateral triangle. Label it ABC. Construct another equilateral triangle with one base
joined to base AB of the first triangle.

Step 3: Step 4:
Construct another triangle using BD as a base. Construct another triangle using AD as the base.

2. Construct a square pyramid net.
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Construct two perpendicular lines. • Using AB as a base, construct a • Using DA as a base, construct a
The lengths of AD and AB should triangle. triangle.
be the same. Use your pair of • Using DC as a base, construct a • Using BC as a base, construct a
compasses to measure them. From triangle. triangle.
there, construct square ABCD.

i) After you have constructed the square–based pyramid, answer the following
• what difficulties did you have?
• what would you do differently next time?
ii) Now do the construction on cardboard, cut it out and make the square pyramid.


Problem solving

Look at this gift box and make it yourself.

104 Construct a net of a prism

What is a prism? Look at the pictures and describe a prism. Some people
think a prism
only takes on
this shape. How
can you find out
if this is true?

1. Construct the net of a triangular prism.

Term 3

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:

Construct two • Using DC as a base, • Using DA as a base,
perpendicular lines. The construct a square (or construct a triangle.
lengths of AD and AB rectangle). • Using BC as a base,
could be the same or • Using AB as a base, construct a triangle.
one could be longer to construct another square
form a rectangle. Use (or rectangle).
your pair compasses to
measure them). From
there, construct square (or
rectangle) ABCD.

2. Construct a rectangular prism.

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:

Construct two • Use DC as a base to • Use DA as a base to
perpendicular lines. The construct another construct a square.
length between A and B rectangle above. • Use CB as a base to
should be longer than that • Use AB as a base to construct a square.
between D and A. Use your construct another
compass to measure them. rectangle below. Label
From there, construct the new points G and H.
rectangle ABCD. • Use GH as a base to
construct another

Problem solving

What does this prism show us? Sign:


105 Integers

“What is the temperature on a hot, sunny day?”

Point out the degrees on this thermometer. What does it mean when
the temperature is two degrees below zero? Show where this is on the
You would use a negative sign to write
this number since it is below zero. –2
Where is five degrees below zero on the thermometer? Is this hotter or colder
than two degrees below zero?

If you turn the thermometer sideways it looks like a number line and now you
can see that the negative numbers are to the left of zero and the positive
Term 4

numbers are to the right of zero, with zero being neither positive nor negative.

1. Write the appropriate temperature for the stated weather condition.

a. What would the temperature be on a hot and sunny day? _______________________
b. What would the temperature be on a cool spring day? __________________________
c. What would the temperature be on a frosty winter morning? _____________________
d. Write the temperature of eight below zero. ______________________________________
e. Which is colder, eight below zero or 10 below zero? Why? ________________________
f. Draw a thermometer and label where 10 below zero would be.

2. Where will the money mentioned in each sentence go, in the negative or positive
Statement Positive Negative
a. Peter won R100 in the draw.

b. Peter gave his twin sister half of his prize.

c. Cindy lost her purse with R20 in it.

d. David sold his cell phone for R200.
e. I bought airtime for R50 with some of my savings.
f. We raised R500 during the school fetê.
g. We used R100 we reaised to buy food for the the party.
h. My older brother earned R120 for the work he did.
i. We made R100 profit.
j. We made a R200 loss.

3. Complete the questions below after completing the table in Question 2.

a. Circle the key word in each sentence that helped you to make the decision.
b. What characteristics are found in the positive column? __________________________
c. What characteristics are found in the negative column? _________________________
d. Write down all the characteristics of integers. ___________________________________
e. Where are integers used in everyday life? Give examples of your own or cut out
examples from a newspaper.

4. Complete these number lines.

a. b.
–1 0 1 –10 –5 0 5
c. d.
0 2 4 –10 0 10

e. f.
–2 –1 0 –3 0 3

5. Complete the following:

a. {3, 2, 1, 0, ____, _____, ____} b. {–10, –9, –8, ____, ____, ____}

c. {8, 6, 4, 2, ____, ____, _____, _____} d. {–9, –6, –3, ____, ____, ____}

e. {12, 8, 4, ____, ____, ____}

Problem solving

Take a newspaper and find five negative numbers in it.

a. Explain what each number tells us. Date:

b. Write down the opposite numbers for the five numbers.

106 More integers

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
(positive numbers or integers)
• What do we call the units to the right of the zero?
• What do we call the units to the left of the zero? (negative numbers or integers)
• What will five units to the left of 3 be?
• What will five units right of 3 be?
• What is the opposite of –4?
• What is the opposite of 4?
• What is three below zero?
Term 4

1. Write an integer to represent each description.

a. Five units to the left of 4 on a number line. ___________________

b. 20 below zero. ___________________
c. The opposite of 271. ___________________
d. Eight units to the left of –3 on a number line. ___________________
e. Eight units to the right of –3 on a number line. ___________________
f. 16 above zero. ___________________
g. 14 units to the right of –2 on a number line. ___________________
h. Seven units to the left of –8 on a number line. ___________________
i. The opposite of –108. ___________________
j. 15 below zero. ___________________

2. Order these integers from smallest to biggest.

a. –5, –51, 21, –61, 42, –66, 5, 39, –31, –71, 31, 66
b. 42, 21, 48, 72, –64, –20
c. 15, –30, –14, –3, 9, 31, 21, 26, 4, –31, –24, 44

d. –41, 54, –31, –79, 57
e. –26, 32, 23, 10, –31, 12, 31, 26
f. 43, –54, 44, –55, –37, 22, 52, –39, –43, –56, 18
g. –41, –23, –31, 40, –21, 2
h. 4, –10, 15, 7, 10, –2, –13, –6, –12, 9, 12
i. –7, –15, –25, –24, –12, –13, 22, 6, 11, 2
j. 73, –24, –20, 21, –44, 5, –2, 41, 55

3. Fill in <, > or =

a. –2 2 b. –10 10 c. –5 0

d. –4 –3 e. –9 –6 f. –20 –16

4. Give five numbers smaller than and five numbers bigger than:
a. –2 b. –99 c. 1
Smaller Bigger Smaller Bigger Smaller Bigger


Problem solving

Make your own word problem using a negative and a positive number

107 Calculate integers

What is the opposite of –3? How many units are there from –3 to 3?

–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Explain the lines above.

1. We have learnt that two integers are opposites if they are the same distance away
from zero. Write down the opposite integers for the following:
a. –2 ______ b. 3 ______ c. –7 ______
Term 4

d. 8 ______ e. –10 ______ f. –15 ______

g. 1 ______ h. –100 ______ i. 75 ______

2. Calculate the following.

Example: –4 + 2 = –2

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

a. –5 + 5 = b. –2 + 3 =

c. –7 + 8 = d. 2 – 3 =

e. +4 – 6 = f. 10 – 12 =

3. Calculate the following.
Example: –2 + 3 – 5 = –4

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

a. –3 + 2 – 5 = b. 2 – 6 + 10 =

c. –6 + 8 – 7 = d. –3 + 10 – 11 =

e. 9 – 11 + 2 = f. 2 – 8 + 7 =

4. Complete the following.

Example: Subtract 7 from –2. Count backwards: –3, –4, –5, –6, –7, –8, –9
Add 2 to –5. Count forwards: –4, –3

a. Subtract 4 from –3 ________ b. Subtract 6 from – 8 ________

c. Subtract 5 from 3 ________ d. Subtract 9 from 7 ________
e. Subtract 3 from –2 ________

Problem solving
What is:

The sum of 10 and 8, and the sum of –9 and –8?

The sum of 101 and 85, and the sum of –98 and –104?

The sum of 19 and –8, and the sum of –19 and 8?


The sum of –7 and –14, and the sum of –4 and 20?


The sum of 100 and –50, and the sum of –100 and 50?

108 Integer operations

Discuss the following:

Add integers with the same sign Add integers with different signs
Find –5 + (–2). Find 5 + (–7).

Method 1: Use a number line. Method 1: Use a number line.

• Start at zero. • Start at zero.
• Move 5 units left. • Move 5 units right.
• From there, move 2 units left. • From there, move 7 units left.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Term 4

Method 2: Draw a diagram. Method 2: Draw a diagram.

–5 + (–2) –5 + (–2) = – 7 5 + (–7) 5–7=–2

1. Complete the following. • Number line method

• Drawing a diagram
a. Find – 8 + (–3) b. Find –12 + (–8)

c. Find –4 + (–5) d. Find –7 + (–9)

e. Find –18 + (–7) f. Find 6 + (–8)

g. Find 9 + (–11) h. Find 6 + (–9)

i. Find 3 + (–16) j. Find 8 + (–19)

2. Write sums for the following.

a. b.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

c. d.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

e. f.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2



Help a friend!

Write down step–by–step how you would explain integer operations to a friend who missed a day at

109 Adding and subtracting integers

Subtracting a negative number is just like adding a positive number. The two
negatives cancel each other out. 2 + 3 = 2 – (–3)
If you are adding a positive number, move your finger to the right as many places
as the value of that number. For example, if you are adding 3, move your finger
three places to the right: 2 + 3 = 5

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

If you are subtracting a negative number, move your finger to the right as many
places as the value of that number. For example, if you are subtracting –3, move
Term 4

your finger three places to the right: 2 – (–3) = 5

Adding a negative number is just like subtracting a positive number: 2+ (–3) = 2 – 3
If you are adding a negative number, move your finger to the left as many places
as the value of that number. For example, if you are adding (–3), move your
finger three places to the left: 2 + – 3 = –1

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

If you are subtracting a positive number, move your finger to the left as many
places as the value of that number. For example, if you are subtracting 3, move
your finger three places to the left: 2 – 3 = –1

1. Calculate the following, using number lines:

a. 4 + (–5) =

b. 5 + (–7) =

c. 7 + (–8) =

d. 6 + (–9) =

e. 3 + (–2) =

f. 4 + (–7) =

2. Calculate the following:

a. 4 – (–5) = ______ b. 5 – (–7) = _____ c. 5 – (–7) = _____
d. 6 – (–9) = ______ e. 3 – (–2) = _____ f. 4 – (–7) = _____
g. 5 – (–4) = _____ h. 2 – (–1) = _____ i. 3 – (–4) = _____
j. 1 – (–3) = _____ k. 2 – (–5) = _____ l. 5 – (–11) = _____
m. 7 – (–6) = _____ n. 8 – (–12) = _____ o. 5 – (–9) = _____
p. 4 – (–4) = _____ q. 3 – (–3) = _____ r. 5 – (–12) = _____
s. 2 – (–4) = ______ t. 3 – (–6) = _____ u. 5 – (–6) = _____
v. 3 – (–8) = _____ w. 7 – (–10) = _____ x. 6 – (–6) = _____
y. 4 – (–6) = _____ z. 7 – (–14) = _____

3. Explain in your own words what you had to do to get to the answer.
a. In number 1.

b. In number 2.


Problem solving

Make your own problem using integers.

110 Integer calculations

Describe: Give an example of each using symbols:

Positive answer
Positive number + Negative number = Negative answer

Positive answer
Positive number – Negative number = Negative answer

Positive answer
Negative number + Positive number = Negative answer

Positive number Positive answer

Negative number – =
Negative answer
Term 4

1. Calculate the following:

a. 12 + (–31) = b. (–28) + (–42) = c. 7 + (–34) =

d. 33 + (–44) = e. 5 + (–432) = f. (–15) + (–20) =

g. (–15) + 5 = h. 19 + 14 = i. 25 + 4 =

j. 4 + 7 =

2. Calculate the following.

Example: –14 – (–20)
= –14 + 20

a. 7 – (–31) = b. 35 – 31 = c. (–17) – 8 =

d. 47 – (–46) = e. (–41) – 17 = f. 28 – (–46) =

g. (–47) – (–7) = h. (–28) – 15 = i. (–15) – 3 =

j. 5 – 31 =

3. Solve the following:

a. _____ + 44 = 42 b. _____+ (–18) = –32 c. _____ + (–21) = –30
d. (–3) + _____ = 33 e. 14 + _____ = 16 f. 14 + _____ = 63
g. 42 + _____ = 65 h. _____ + (–10) = –12 i. 38 + _____ = 65
j. (–46) + _____ = –72 k. _____ + (–43) = –41 l. _____ + (–16) = 30
m. _____ + (–44) = –81 n. _____ + (–31) = 6 o. _____ + (–28) = –32
p. 11 + _____ = –19 q. _____ + 24 = 6 r. 45 + _____ = 73
s. _____ + (–29) = 1 t. 12 + _____ = –32 u. (–44) + _____ = –15
v. _____ + 24 = –11 w. _____ + 10 = 33 x. _____ + 49 = 18
y. _____ + 4 = 26 z. 41 + _____ = 60

Problem solving

Give three integers of which the sum is –9. Use two positive integers and one negative integer.

Give three integers of which the sum is –4. Use two negative integers and one positive integer.

Give four integers of which the sum is –11. Use two negative integers and two positive integers.

111 Commutative property and integers

The commutative
property of number
says that you can
swap numbers around
and still get the same This is when you
answer. add or multiply.

In this worsheet we will
work with integers.

1. Use the commutative property to change the following expressions to equations.

Term 4

Example: 8 + (–3) = (–3) + 8 = 5

(–8) + 3 = 3 + (–8) = –5

a. 4 + (–5) b. (–10) + 7 c. 3 + (–9)

d. 8 + (–11) e. (–4) + 8 f. 9 + (–2)

2. Show that the commutative property holds for the addition of integers.
Example: a = –2 and b = 3
(–2) + 3 = 3 + (–2)

a. a + b = b + a if a = 4; b = –1 b. a + b = b + a if a = –2; b = 7

c. a + b = b + a if a = –2; b = 7 d. x + y = y + x if x = –1; y = 13

e. x + y = y + x if x = –5; y = 9 f. d + e = e + d if e = –12; d = 7

g. t + s = s + t if t = –4; s = 10 h. a + b = b + a if a = –10; b = 7

i. y + z = z + y if z = –8; y = 2 j. k + m = m + k if k = –13; m = 20

Problem solving Sign:

Use the commutative property to make your own equation and prove that it is satisfied using the Date:
numbers –8 and 21.

112 Associative property and integers

The Associative Example addition:

property of numbers
means that it doesn't So, in other words it (2 + 3) + 5 = 2 + (3 + 5)
matter how you group doesn't matter which Because 5 + 5 = 2 + 8 = 10
the numbers when you calculate first.
you add or when you Example multiplication:
(2 × 4) × 3 = 2 × (4 × 3)
8 × 3 = 2 × 12 = 24

In this worksheet we will

look at integers and the
associative property

1. Use the associative property to calculate the following.

Term 4

Example: [(2 + 3) + (–4)] = 2 + [3 + (–4)] [(–2) + (3 + 4)] = [(–2 + 3) + 4]

5–4=2–1 –2 + 7 = 1 + 4
1=1 5=5

[(–3) + (2 + 4)] = [(–3 + 2) + 4]

–3 + 6 = –1 + 4

a. [(–6) + (4 + 2)] b. [3 + 7 + (–5)] c. [(6 + 4) + (–2)]

d. [(–3) + 7 + 5] e. [(–4) + (6 + 2)] f. [3 + (–7) + 5]

g. [(–9) + (3 + 11)] h. [(12 + 13) + (–10)] i. [(–3) + (9 + 11)]

j. [(–12) + (13 + 10)]

2. Show that the associative property for addition holds for integers.
Example: a = –7, b = 1, c = 2
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
[(–7) + 1] + 2 = (–7 ) + (1 + 2)
–6 + 2 = –7 + 3
–4 = –4

a. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
If: a = 4
b = –5

b. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
If: a = 2
c = –4

c. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
If: a = –8

d. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
If: a = –2
b = 11
c = 12

Problem solving Sign:

Use the associative property to make your own equation and prove that it is equal using the numbers Date:
–5, 17 and 12.

113 Integers: distributive property and
The distributive …multiply a number by a group of Oh! So the 4 ×
property of number numbers added together as when you can be distributed
says you get the do when you multiply each number across the 2 + 5.
same answer when separately and then add the products.
you … I cannot
remember, please
help me.

In this worsheet we will

4 × (2 + 5) = (4 × 2) + (4 × 5) work with integers.

1. Use the distributive property to calculate the sums. Before you calculate, highlight
Term 4

or underline the distributed number.

Example: –2 × (3 + 4) = (–2 × 3) + (–2 × 4) 2 × (–3 + 4) = (2 × –3) + (2 × 4)
–2 × 7 = –6 + –8 2 × 1 = –6 + 8
–14 = –14 2=2

2 × (3 + –4) = (2 × 3) + (2 × –4)
2 × (–1) = 6 + –8
–2 = –2

a. –4 × (2 + 1) b. –5 × (3 + 6) c. 4 × (–2 + 1)

d. 5 × (–3 + 6) e. 4 × (2 + –1) f. 5 × (3 + –6)

g. (–3 × 2) + (–3 × 4) h. (–7 × 1) + (–7 × 4) i. (8 × –4) + (8 × 2)

2. Substitute and calculate.
Example: a × (b + c) if a = –4, b = 3, c = 1
a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c)
–4 × (3 + 1) = (–4 × 3) + (–4 × 1)
–4 x 4 = –12 + –4
–16 = –16

a. a × (b + c) b. a x ( b + c)
if a = 2, b = –3, c = –5 if a = –7, b = 2, c = 3

c. a × (b + c) d. (a × b) + a + c)
if a = 1, b = –8, c = 2 if a = 3, b = –10, c = 5

e. m × (n + p) f. (m × n) + (m × p)
if m = 3, n = 2, p = –11 if m = 7, n = 8, p = –9

Problem solving Sign:

Make use of the distributive property to write your own equation for:

a = –4, b = 5 and c = 11

114 Number patterns: constant difference
and ratio
Describe the patterns using "adding" and "subtracting".

–19 –18 –17 –16 –15 –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2

Subtracting 2: –13, –15, –17, –19

Adding 4: –12, –8, –4, 0
Subtracting 5: 1, –4, –9, –14
1. Describe each pattern.

Describe the pattern

in your own words.
Term 4


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


–15 –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5


100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120


–20 –19 –18 –17 –16 –15 –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0


53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73


–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Describe the pattern.

Example: –12, –8, –4, 0
Adding 4

a. 16, 11, 6, 1 b. 25, 22, 19, 16 c. –16, –8, 0, 8

d. –4, –1, 2, 5 e. –79, –69, –59, –49 f. 58, 50, 42, 34

3. Describe the pattern.

Example: –12 , –48, –192, – 768 –12 x 4 = –48, –48 x 4 = –192, –192 x 4 = –768
Multiplying the previous number by 4

a. 7, –21, 63, –189 b. –4, –44, –484, –5 324 c. –11, –66, –396, –2 376

d. 2, –8, 32, –128 e. 9, 72, 576, 4 608 f. –5, –45, –405, –3 645

Problem solving

Brenda collects shells. Every day she picks up double the amount of the previous day. On day 1 she Date:

picks up 8 shells. On day 2 she collects 16. How many shells will she pick up on day 3 if the pattern
continues? Write down the rule.

115 Number patterns: neither a constant
difference nor a constant ratio
Describe the following: –1, –2, –4, –7, –11, –16, … Take your time to describe
the pattern in words.
What will the next three terms be, using the identified rule?
This pattern has neither a constant difference nor a constant ratio. It can be
described in your own words as “decreasing the difference between consecutive
terms by 1 each time” or “subtracting 1 more than what was subtracted to get the
previous term”. Using this rule, the next three terms will be -22, -29, -37.

1. Describe the pattern and make a drawing to show the value of each term.
Example: 15, 22, 16, 21, 17 Each number of the number
pattern is called a term.
15 +7 22 –6 16 +5 21 –4 17

a. –4, 1, 5, 8, 10 b. 8, 10, 13, 17, 22

Term 4

c. 2, –2, –8, –16, –26 d. –11, –12, –10, –13, –9

e. –7, –1, 11, 29, 53 f. 5, –3, –10, –16, –21

2. What will the value of the tenth pattern be?

Example: 2, 3, 5, 8 ,12
Add +1, +2, +3, +4
Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10
Term 2 3 5 8 47

a. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Term 1 3 7 15

b. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Term 1 1 2 6

c. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Term –5 –2 4 12

d. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10
Term –6 0 12 30

e. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 10

Term 2 4 16 128

3. What will the value of the term be? Complete the table.
Example: 1, 4, 9, 16
Position of the term squared
Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 15
Term 1 4 9 16 225

a. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 20

Term 25 50 75 100

b. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 104

Term –4 –8 –12 –16

c. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 59

Term 1 8 27 64

d. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 36

Term 13 26 39 52

e. Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4 29

Term 21 42 63 84

Problem solving

Thabo builds a brick wall around the perimeter of Ravi draws 2 figures on the first page, 4
his house. On the first day he uses 75 bricks, on the figures on the second page, 8 figures on
second day he uses 125 and on the third day he uses the third page, and 16 figures on the fourth
175. How many bricks will he need on the fourth day? page. If this pattern continues, how many
Write a rule for the pattern. figures will Ravi draw on the fifth page?

Lisa read 56 pages on Sunday, 66 pages Thandi cut 1 rose flower from the first plant, 3 Sign:
on Monday, 76 pages on Tuesday, and roses from the second plant, 7 roses from the
86 pages on Wednesday. If this pattern third plant, and 13 roses from the fourth plant.
continued, how many pages would Lisa If this pattern continued, how many rose Date:

read on Thursday? flowers would Thandi cut from the fifth plant?

116 Number sequences and words

Describe the relationships between the numbers in a sequence.

–4, –7, –10, –13, …

Identify the:
First term: –4 What will the 5th
term be?
Second term: –7
Third term: –10
Fourth term: –13

What are the rules for the sequences: (“subtracting 3”)

First term: –4 = –3(1) – 1
Term 4

The number in
Second term: –7 = –3(2) – 1 the brackets
corresponds to the
Third term: –10 = –3(3) – 1 position of the term
in the sequence.
Fourth term: –13 = –3(4) – 1
If the number in the brackets represents the term, what will the 20th term be?

1. Look at the following sequences:

i. Calculate the 20th term.
ii. Describe the rule in your own words.
Example: Number sequence: –6, –10, –14, –18
Rule in words: (–4 × the position of the term) – 2.

a. Number sequence: 8, 14, 20, 26 b. Number sequence: 0, –3, –6, –9

i. i.

ii. ii.

c. Number sequence: –4, –5, –6, –7 d. Number sequence: –2, 3, 8, 13

i. i.

ii. ii.

e. Number sequence: –2, –6, –10, –14 f. Number sequence: –1, 6, 13, 20

i. i.

ii. ii.

g. Number sequence: 13, 21, 29, 37 h. Number sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3

i. i.

ii. ii.

i. Number sequence: 7, 5, 3, 1 j. Number sequence: 2, 4, 6, 8

i. i.

ii. ii.

Problem solving

Tshepo earns R25 per week for washing his father`s motor car. If he saves R5,50 the first week, R7,50 Sign:
the second week and R9,50 the third week, how much will he save in the fourth week if the pattern
Calculate the total amount he saves over 4 weeks. Write a rule for the number sequence.

117a Number sequences: describe a
A sequence is a list of numbers or objects
which are in a special order.
Arithmetic number sequence: –2, –4, –6, –8
Geometric number sequence: –2, –4, –8, –16

What is the difference between an arithmetic

number sequence and a geometric number
sequence? Give one example of each.
Term 4

1. Describe the sequence in different ways using the template provided.

Example: –6, –13, –20, –27

i) Write it on a number line.

–6 –13 –20 –27

ii) Write it in a table.

Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4

Term –6 –13 –20 –27

–7(1)+1 –7(2)+1 –7(3)+1 –7(4)+1

iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term: –7 (1) + 1 = –6
Second term: –7 (2) + 1 = –13 nth term: –7(n) + 1
Third term: –7 (3) + 1 = –20
Fourth term: –7 (4) + 1 = –27

a. –1, 2, 5, 8


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term:

Second term:
nth term:
Third term:

Fourth term:

b. 3, 5, 7, 9


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term:

Second term:
nth term: Sign:

Third term:

Fourth term:
continued ☛
117b Number sequences: describe a
pattern continued
c. –11, –19, –27, –35


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4

Term 4

iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term:

Second term:
nth term:
Third term:

Fourth term:

d. 16, 22, 28, 34


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term:

Second term:
nth term:
Third term:

Fourth term:

e. –4, –9, –14, –19


Position in the sequence 1 2 3 4


iii) Where n is the position of the term.

First term:

Second term:
nth term:
Third term:

Fourth term:


Problem solving

Write the rule for the number sequence: –3, –5, –7, –9

118a Input and output values

Look and discuss.

a b
1 –9 b = –a × 9. Look at the flow diagram.

9 –81
Which numbers can replace a?
• b = –1 × 9 = –9
11 b = –a × 9 –99
• b = –9 × 9 = –81
25 –225
• b = –11 × 9 = –99
8 –72
• b = –25 × 9 = –225
The rule is: b = –a × 9 • b = –8 × 9 = –72
Term 4

p t
2 Calculate:

• t = –2 x 5 + 6 = –16
• t = –8 x 5 + 6 = –46
6 t = –p × 5 + 6
• t = –6 x 5 + 6 = –36
• t = –5 x 5 + 6 = –31
• t = –3 x 5 + 6 = –21

1. Revision: complete the flow diagrams.

p t p t
a. 1 b. 23

17 16

12 t = p × (–6) 28 t = –p × –3

9 34

36 15

p t p t
c. 19 d. 30

2 9

11 t = p × –7 t = –p × 2 + 7 –27

8 –8

17 15

2. Use the given rule to calculate the value of b.

Example: a b b=a×4
• –3 x 4 = –12
2 • –2 x 4 = –8
5 b = –a × 4 • –5 x 4 = –20
7 • –7 x 4 = –28
4 • –4 x 4 = –16

a b a b
a. 6 b. 2

15 8

8 b = –a × 6 12 b = a × 15

2 20

17 29

x y r s
c. 2 d. 15

1 18

y = –x + 9 3 s = r + 11 20
11 31

25 16 Date:

continued ☛
118b Input and output values continued

3. Use the given rule to calculate the variable.

Example: a b
4 11

6 15

7 b = –a × 2 + 3 17

8 19

9 21
Term 4

b a h h
a. 39 b. 17

16 2

13 a = b × 3 + 10 8 g = h × 2 +15

25 14

10 29

y x n m
c. 12 d. 5

8 10

x=y×2+4 24 12 m=n+8×2
10 33

18 7

b c q p
e. 31 f. 40

28 64

16 c = b × –2 + 6 p = q × 12 +16 88

9 112

14 136

4. Prepare one flow diagram to present to the class.

Problem solving

• Draw your own flow diagram where a = –c – 9.

• Draw your own flow diagram where a = c x 3 –7

119 More input and output values

45 Why does n = 45
and m = 27?

x 1 2 3 4 12 n

y 5 7 9 11 m 93 To find m and n, you have to substitute the

corresponding values for x or y into the
rule and solve the equation by inspection.
The rule y = 2x + 3 describes the
relationship between the given
x and y values in the table. But in tables such as this one, more than one rule
might be possible to describe the relationship Now try and
between x and y values. find another
Multiple rules are acceptable if they match the given
Term 4

input values with the corresponding output values

1. Solve for m and n.

a. x = 3y – 1 b. x = –2y + 6

y 2 4 6 n 10 20 y 1 2 3 5 n

x 23 m x m –174

c. y = –4x – 2 d. y =x + 2

x 3 4 5 6 n 10 100 x 2 n 4 5 16 17

y –30 m y 5 m

e. t = –8s + 2 f. q = 7p – 7

s 1 2 3 n 5 6 7 f 1 5 10 20 n 100

t 30 m q m 168

2. What is the value of m and n?

Example: y = –7x + 2

x 1 2 3 4 15 m 60
y –5 –12 –19 –26 –103 18 n
Rule: the given term x x–7+2
n = –418 and m = –2

a. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 25 m 51
y –2 –5 –8 –11 n –95 –152 n = _________

b. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 m 30 60
y –3 2 7 12 27 n 292 n = _________

c. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 10 15 m
y –9 –11 –13 –15 –27 n –47 n = _________

d. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 7 m 46
y 4 5 6 7 10 n n = _________

e. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 6 10 m
y –1 –7 –13 –19 –31 n n = _________

f. m = _________
x 1 2 3 4 m 41 70
y –12 –14 –16 –18 –70 n n = _________

Problem solving Sign:

What is the tenth term? 4 x –5, 5 x –5, 6 x –5

If y = 5x – 8 and x = 2, 3, 4, …, draw a table to show it.

120 Algebraic expressions

Compare the two examples.

–5 + 4 –5 + 4 = –1

What is on the What is on the

–5 + 4 is an algebraic expression left–hand side of right–hand
Term 4 – Week 4

the equal sign? side?

–5 + 4 = –1 is an algebraic equation

1. Say whether it is an expression or an equation.

a. –4 + 8 b. –9 + 7 = –2 c. –5 + 10

d. –8 + 4 = –4 e. –7 + 5 f. –15 + 5 –10

2. Describe the following:

Example: –6 + 2 = –4
–6 + 2 is an expression that is equal to the value on the right–hand side, –4.
–6 + 2 = –4 is called an equation. The left–hand side of an equation equals the right hand

a. –8 + 2 = –6 b. –15 + 9 = –6

c. –11 + 9 = –2 d. –5 + 3 = –2

e. –8 + 1 = –7 f. –4 + 3 = –1

3. Use of the variable “a” as well as integers to create 10
expressions of your own.

Example: 5+a

4. Use of the variable “a” as well as integers to create 10 equations of your own.
Example: 5 + a = 13

5. Say whether it is an expression or an equation.

Example: –8 + a (It is an expression.)
–8 + a = –11 (It is an equation.)

a. –9 + a = –2 b. –3 + a = –1 c. –5 + a = –3

d. –18 + a e. –12 + a = –3 f. –7 + a

Problem solving

Create 10 examples of algebraic expressions with a variable and a constant. From these create Date:

algebraic equations and solve them.

121 The rule as an expression

The rule is –2(n) + 1

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n

Term –1 –3 –5 –7 –9

Write the rule as an expression.

Term 4 – Week 4

First term: –2(1) + 1 = –2 + 1 = –1

Note: These expressions all
Second term: –2(2) + 1 = –4 + 1 = –3 have the same meaning:
Third term: –2(3) + 1 = –6 + 1 = –5 –2n + 1
–2 × n + 1
Fourth term: –2(4) + 1 = –8 + 1 = –7
–2.n + 1
Fifth term: –2(5) + 1 = –10 + 1 = –9
nth term: –2(n) + 1 =

1. Describe the following in words:

Example: –4, –8, –12, –16, –20, …

subtracting 4 from the previous term.

a. 9; 6; 3; 0; –3; … b. 4; 10; 16; 22; 28; … c. 7; 14; 21; 28; 35; …

d. 12; 24; 36; 48; 60; … e. 8; 16; 24; 32; … f. 6; 16; 26; 36; 46; …

2. Describe the following sequence using an expression:

Example: –4, –8, –12, –16, –20, …

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Term –4 –8 –12 –16 –20 –3(n) – 1
First term is –4(1) – 1, therefore the rule is –4(n) – 1

a. 6; 8; 10; 12; 14 b. 5; 11; 17; 23; 29 c. 4; 13; 22; 31; 40

d. 8; 16; 24; 32; 40 e. 15; 25; 35; 45; 55 f. 4; 7; 10; 13; 16

3. What does the rule mean?

Example: For the following number sequence the rule –2n – 1 means:

Position in sequence 1 2 3 4 5 n
Term –3 –5 –7 –9 –11 –2n – 1
(– 3 is the first term, – 5 is the second term, – 7 is the third term, etc.)

a. b.
Position in Position in
1 2 3 4 5 n 1 2 3 4 5 n
Term 10 13 16 19 22 Term 2 10 18 26 34

c. d.
Position in Position in
1 2 3 4 5 n 1 2 3 4 5 n
Term 7n – 5 Term 2n – 3

e. f.
Position in Position in
1 2 3 4 5 n 1 2 3 4 5 n
Term 8 17 26 35 44 Term 24 37 50 63 76

Problem solving
Write a rule for the following:

On the first day I spend R15, on the second day I spend R30, on the third day I spend R45. How much
money do I spend on the tenth if this pattern continues?

I save R15 in January, R30 in February R45 in March. How much money will I save in September if the
pattern continues?

Thabo sells one chocolate on Monday, three chocolates on Tuesday and five on Wednesday. How many
chocolates will he sell on Friday if the pattern continues?

A farmer plants 2 rows of maize on the first day, 6 rows on the second day and 11 rows on the third day.
How many rows must will he plant on the 12th day if the pattern continues. Sign:

Bongi spends twenty minutes on the computer on day one, thirty minutes on day two and forty minutes Date:
on day three. How much time will she spend on the computer on day nine if the pattern continues?

122 Sequences and algebraic expressions

–5, –9, –13, –17, –21 … Subtracting 4 from

the previous term.
Describe the rule of this number sequence in words.
What does the rule –4n + 1 means for the number sequence –3, –7, –11, –15, –19, …
Write the rule as an expression.
First term: –4(1) + 1 = –3
Term 4 – Week 4

Second term: –4(2) + 1 = –7

Third term: –4(3) + 1 = –11
Fourth term: –4(4) + 1 = –15
Fifth term: –4(5) + 1 = –19
nth term: –4(n) + 1

1. Describe the following in words:

Example: –2, –6 –10, –14, –18, …

Subtracting 4 from the previous term

a. –3; –12; –21; –30; –39 b. –6; –13; –20; –27; –34

c. –3; –5; –7; –9; –11 d. 6; –4; –14; –24; –34

e. –7; –8; –9; –10; –11 f. –8; –12; –16; –20; –24

g. –14; –17; –20; –23; –26 h. –19; –21; –23; –25; –27

i. 9; –2; –13; –24; –35 j. –1; –6; –11; –16; –21

2. Describe the following sequence using an expression:

Example: –2, –6, –10, –14, –18,…

First term: –4(1) + 2
–4(n) + 2

a. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, … b. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, …

c. –8; –20; –32; –44; –56 d. –13; –17; –21; –25; –29

e. –16; –22; –28; –34; –40 f. 9; –2; –13; –24; –35

g. 4; –4; –12; –20; –28 h. –3; –12; –21; –30; –39

i. –8; –18; –28; –38; –48 j. 6; –1; –8; –15; –22

Problem solving
Write three different rules for each of these:

3; –3; –9; –15; –21 –14; –22; –30; –38; –46 –23; –30; –37; –44; –51 Sign:

5; 4; 3; 2; 1 19; 7; –5; –17; –29

123 The algebraic equation

Solving equations
variable constants
Because an equation represents
x + –23 = –45 a balanced scale, it can also be
manipulated like one.
operator equal sign Initial equation is x – 2 = –5
Add 2 to both sides x – 2 + 2 = –5 + 2
Answer x = –3

1. Solve for x.
Example: x – 5 = –9
x – 5 + 5 = –9 + 5
Term 4

x = –4

a. x – 12 = –30 b. x – 8 = –14 c. x – 17 = –38

d. x – 20 = –55 e. x – 25 = –30 f. x – 18 = –26

g. x – 6 = –12 h. x – 34 = –41 i. x – 10 = –20

j. x – 25 = –33

2. Solve for x.
Example: x + 5 = –2
x + 5 – 5 = –2 –5
x = –7

a. x + 7 = –5 b. x + 3 = –1 c. x + 15 = –12

d. x + 17 = –15 e. x + 23 = –20 f. x + 28 = –13

g. x + 10 = –2 h. x + 33 = –20 i. x + 5 = –10

3. Solve for x.
Example: x – 4 + 2 = –7
x – 2 = –7
x – 2 + 2 = –7 + 2
x = –5

a. x – 3 = –15 b. x – 7 = –12 c. x – 2 = –5

d. x – 5 = –15 e. x – 12 = –20 f. x – 10 = –25

g. x – 23 = –34 h. x – 2 = –7 i. x – 30 = –40

Problem solving

Write an equation for the following and solve it:


Five times a certain number minus four equals ninety-five.

124 More on the algebraic equation

–2x = 30 –2x means negative

2 multiplied by x
What does –2x mean?

What is the inverse operation of multiplication? division

We need to divide –2x by –2 to solve for x.

–2x 30
–2 = –2 Remember you need to balance the scale.
What you do on the one side of the equal
sign, you must do on the other side as well.
x = –15

1. Solve for x.
Term 4

Example: –3x = 12
–3x 12
–3= –3
x = –4

a. – 5x = 60 b. –2x = 24 c. –12x = 48

d. –7x = 21 e. –15x = 60 f. –9x = 54

g. –5x = 10 h. –12x = 36 i. –8x = 64

2. Solve for x.
Example: –3x – 2 = 10
–3x – 2 + 2 = 10 + 2
–3x –12
–3 = –3
x = –4

a. – 2x – 5 = 15 b. – 9x – 4 = 32 c. – 3x – 3 = 18

d. – 3x – 2 = 22 e. – 8x – 4 = 12 f. – 20x – 5 = 95

g. – 12x – 5 = 55 h. – 7x – 3 = 25 i. – 2x – 2 = 18

Problem solving

Write an equation and solve it.

• Negative two times y equals negative twelve.
• Negative three times a equals negative ninety-nine.
• Negative five times b equals negative sixty.
• Negative four times d equals forty-four.
• Negative three times x equals thirty.
• Negative two times y equals sixty-four.
• Negative nine times m equals one hundred and eight.
• Negative six times a equals sixty-six.
• Negative five times b equals fifteen.
• Negative eight times c equals forty.

125 More algebraic equations

If y – y 2 +1; calculate y when x = –3 Test

y = (–3)2 + 1 y = x2 + 1
y = 9+ 1 10 = (–3)2 + 1
y = 10 10 = 9 + 1
10 = 10

1. Substitute

Example: If y – x2 + 2; calculate y when x = –4

y = (–4)2 + 2 y = x2 + 1
y = 16 + 2 y = (–4)2 + 2
y = 18
Term 4

y = 16 + 2
18 = 18

a. y = x2 + 3; x = 3 b. y = b2 + 3; b = 4


c. y = x2 + 2; x = 4 d. y = q2 + 9; q = 5

e. y = c2 + 1; c = 7 f. y = p2 + 6; p = 2

g. y = d 2 + 7; d = 9 h. y = x2 + 5; x = 3

i. y = f 2 + 8; f = 10 j. y = x2 + 4; x = 12

2. Substitute and calculate.
Example: If y = x2 + x ; calculate y when x = –4
y = –42 + –4
y = 16 + –2

y = 15 2

2 10 6
a. y = x2 + x ; x = –4 b. y = x2 + ; x = 15 c. y = x2 + ; x = –6
x x


5 5 4
d. y = x2 + ; x = –10 e. y = x2 + ; x = –10 f. y = x2 + ; x = –16
x x x


3 2 2
g. y = x2 + ; x = –9 h. y = x2 + ; x = –8 i. y = x2 + ; x = –2
x x x


j. y = x2 + ; x = –2


Problem solving

What is the difference between the value of y in y = x2 + 2, if you first replace y with 3 and then with –3?

y is equal to x squared plus four divided by x. If x is equal to eight. Substitute and calculate.
y is equal to p squared plus two divided by p. If p is equal to four. Substitute and calculate.
y is equal to b squared plus five divided by b. If b is equal to 10. Substitute and calculate.
y is equal to m squared plus three divided by m. If m is equal to four. Substitute and calculate. Date:

y is equal to n squared plus nine divided by n. If n is equal to three. Substitute and calculate.

126a Data collection

Data handling is a cycle. In this you are going to learn about this cycle. The part
you are learning about is in green with some notes.

Start with a

What will you need to
sw ns, e lle
An estio , pos ns c
da t the determine the most popular
q dict estio
u ta
pre w qu sport in the class?
Data handling cycle
Inte nd
rpr ea
gra t the a nis data
ph Represent Or cord
the data in a re

I will need to ask everyone in

the class to select his or her
Term 4

favourite sport.

If we need to know something, we have to start by asking questions. What

questions do you think we should ask?

Before collecting any research data you need to know what question or questions you are asking.

A good way of starting is to come up with a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a specific statement or

prediction. The research will determine whether it is true or false.

Here are some examples of a hypothesis:

• Everybody in Grade 7 owns a cell phone.
• All Grade 7s understand square roots.
• All Grade 7s like junk food.

1. Where would you look to find data to give you answers to these questions?

a. What is the population of the world? b. Which learner drinks the most water?

c. What is the rate of population growth in South d. What is the population density (number of
Africa? people per km2) in this town?

e. What languages are spoken in this area? f. What is South Africa’s most popular food?

h. What is life expectancy (how long can

g. What is the age structure of the country?
people expect to live) in South Africa?

j. What are the most popular foods in this

i. Which country has the youngest population?
school ?

Primary research Secondary research

when we collect the when we use data

data ourselves collected and
analysed by other

2. Is it always possible to collect data directly from the original source?



continued ☛
126b Data collection continued
5. How can we make sure that a result is not biased?

3. In order to collect the data for Question 1, would you do primary or secondary If you only ask people who look friendly, you If you go to a swimming pool and you ask
research or both? will only know what friendly people think! people, “Can you swim?”, you will get a
biased answer… probably 100% will say “Yes.”

6. How would you design a questionnaire?

A common method of collecting primary data is to use a survey questionnaire.

Questionnaires come in many forms and are carried out using a variety of methods.
The four main methods of conducting a survey using a questionnaire are:

Term 4
Face to face By post By phone By internet

There are different ways of designing the questionnaire. You can use:
4. Let’s say you want to know the favourite colours of people at your school, but
• Yes/No questions
you don't have the time to ask everyone. How will you go about finding the
• Tick boxes for multiple choice questions
• Word responses
• Questions that require a sentence to be written.

Problem solving

How much water do learners in the school drink?

a. Write a hypothesis.
b. How will you find the data to prove or disprove the hypothesis? Will this be primary or secondary
c. Find any secondary research data on this topic.
d. Who should you ask?
e. What will the data tell you? (What questions will you ask about the data?)
f. Do you think the data can help you to answer the research question?
g. Think of some appropriate questions. Write them down.
h. Design a simple questionnaire that allows for both Yes/No type responses and multiple–choice

138 139
127a Organise data
Frequency tables for large amounts of data

In the previous worksheet we looked at asking a question and collecting data. The Example: The best way to summarise the data in a table or graph is to group the possible options
next step in the data handling process is to organise the collected data. together into groups or categories. So, for example, instead of having 100 rows in our table for
exam scores out of 100, we may limit it to five rows by grouping the scores together like this: scores
Start with a between 0–20; 21–40; 41–60; 61–80; 81–100.
question We can organise the data using .
er Co
sw ns, e lle
An estio pos ns
, da t the
Look at this table of exam scores and compile a tally and frequency table with five categories:
qu dict estio ta
pre w qu Tallies =8 0–20, 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, 81–100.
Data handling cycle
Tallying is a way of counting data to make it Name Exam score Name Exam score
Inte nd easy to display in a table. A tally mark is used to
e ea
nis data Denise 55 Elias 65
gra t the
ph Represent ga keep track of counting.
Or cord
the data in a re
graph John 45 Simon 30
Jason 85 Edward 25

Frequency tables Mandla 60 Susan 47

Brenda 79 James 64
A frequency table has rows and columns. When the set of data values is spread out, it is difficult
to set up a frequency table for every data value as there will be too many rows in the table. So we Opelo 59 Nhlanhla 77

Term 4
group the data into class intervals (or groups) to help us organise, analyse and interpret the data.
Lisa 53 Lauren 49
Stem–and–leaf tables Gugu 90 Tefo 60

Stem–and–leaf tables (plots) are special tables where each data value is split into “leaf” (usually Sipho 63 Alicia 46
the last digit) and a “stem” (the other digits). The "stem" values are listed down, and the "leaf" Lerato 51 Betty 73
values go right (or left) from the stem values. The "stem" is used to group the scores and each "leaf"
indicates the individual scores within each group. Solution
From this table it is easy to see that most learners
Exam score Tally Frequency
Example: Colour Tally Frequency scored between 41% and 60% for the exam. Two
Frequency table. Favourite colours for twenty 0–20 learners failed the exam, because they scored
Purple 4
students were as follows: 21–40 2 between 0% and 40% and two learners got distinctions,
Blue 8 because they scored between 81% and 100%.
41–60 10
Green 3
61–80 6
Red 5
81–100 2
1. These are marks scored by learners writing a test worth 10 marks.
2. The number of calls from motorists per day for roadside service was recorded for a
6 7 5 7 7 8 7 6 9 7
month. The results were as follows:
4 10 6 8 8 9 5 6 4 8
28 122 217 130 120 86 80 90 120 140
Present this information 70 40 145 187 113 90 68 174 194 170
in a frequency table.
100 75 104 97 75 123 100 82 109 120
Set up a frequency table for this set of data values, using grouped data, grouped in
five groups with intervals of 40.
continued ☛
140 141
127b Organise data continued
Do at home

1. You collected data by interviewing children in your class about their favourite sport.
The results are as follows:

Name Favourite sport Name Favourite sport

Denise Netball Elias Soccer
John Basketball Simon Rugby
Jason Soccer Edward Basketball
Mandla Cricket Susan Soccer
Brenda Cricket James Basket Ball
3. Compile a stem–and–leaf table of the examination data from the example for
Opelo Rugby Nhlanhla Rugby
Question 1 on the previous page.
Lisa Soccer Lauren Tennis
Example: It will look like this:
Gugu Tennis Tefo Rugby
Stem Leaf

Term 4
Sipho Rugby Alicia Soccer
2 5 How to split and place 25.
Lerato Netball Betty Netball
Stem 2 5
Compile a table showing tally and frequency.
Stem Leaf
2. You recorded the maximum temperatures per day for the past month.
2 5
The results are as follows:
3 0
4 5679 28 27 27 26 30 31 30 31 29 28

5 1359 27 26 24 22 19 19 22 23 24 24
Now it is easy to see that most learners scored in the 60s –
6 00345 26 27 28 29 30 30 29 28 27 27
(most leaves).
7 379 27
Two scored 60 (stem 6 and 2 × leaves of 0),one scored 63,one
8 5 scored 64 and one scored 65. a. Set up a frequency table for this set of data values, using grouped data, grouped in six groups with
9 0 intervals of two.
b. Compile a stem–and–leaf table of the recorded data.



142 143
128a Summarise data
The mean is the total of the numbers divided by how many numbers there are.
There are three different types of average that we
This is the most common average that we normally refer to and which we use to calculate our
generally use to understand data:
report cards.
Start with a
question The mean is the total of the numbers divided by
er Co
sw ns, e lle
c 135 139 139 141 143 144 145 146 146 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 158 159 161 165
An estio pos ns
, da t the how many numbers there are.
qu dict estio ta
pre w qu
Data handling cycle The median is the middle value. If we add up all 21 numbers in our data range, we will get 3 125.
3 125 ÷ 21 = 148,8
Inte nd The mode is the value that appears the most
e ea
nis data
gra t the
ph Represent ga
Or cord
often. Note: the mean
the data in a r
graph Therefore the mean for this data range is 148,8. average is not
We also use the range of a set of numbers to see always a whole
what the difference is between the biggest and number.
the smallest numbers.
The median is the middle value.
Height of learners in cm How can we
In our data range we have 21 records. To work out the median (middle value) we arrange the
group the

Term 4
150 152 143 146 135 145 151 139 141 161 data into class data from small to big and then count until the middle value.

158 148 144 146 155 159 165 149 139 153
intervals (or
The median or middle value in our data range will be the 11th number.
10 10
11th number
First we need to establish the range of the data. The range is the difference between the
biggest and the smallest number.
135 139 139 141 143 144 145 146 146 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 158 159 161 165
Biggest number = 165
Smallest number = 135 Therefore the median for this data range is 148.
Difference = highest number – smallest number
= 165 – 135 Mode
So the range of this set of
= 30 numbers is 30. The mode is the value that appears the most.
Let us arrange the data from small to big:
Height of learners Tally Frequency
If we want the width of each class
135–140 3 135 139 139 141 143 144 145 146 146 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 158 159 161 165
interval to be 5, then the number
of groups will be: Range ÷ width of
141–145 4 The value that appears the most is 146.
each class = 30 ÷ 5 = 6
146–150 6 So we must divide this set of data Therefore the mode for this data range is 146.
into six class intervals (or groups).
151–155 4

156–160 2

161–165 2
From the data and the frequency table we can establish that the height of the learners ranges
from 135 cm to 165 cm. We also know that 21 learners took part in the survey and that most learners Date:
fall into the 146 cm to 150 cm group.
From this data we can calculate the mean, median and mode.
continued ☛
144 145
128b Summarise data continued
7. Five children have heights of 138 cm, 135 cm, 140 cm, 139 cm and 141 cm.
What is the range of their heights?
1. Use the data set below and calculate the range, the mean, the median and the
3, 13, 7, 5, 21, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29
a. The range b. The mean 8. What is the median of these numbers: 2,4; 2,8; 2,3; 2,9; 2,9?

9. The cost of five cakes is R28, R19, R45, R45, R15. What is the median cost?
c. The median d. The mode

10. What is the range of this group of numbers: 75, 39, 75, 71, 79, 55, 75, 59?

2. Sipho wrote seven maths tests and got scores of 68, 71, 71, 84, 53, 62 and 67. What
were the median and mode of his scores?
11. What is the median of these numbers: 10, 3, 6, 10, 4, 8?

Term 4
3. What is the mean of these numbers: 18, 12, 10, 10, 25? Do it on your own

These are the test results of 20 learners presented in a stem–and–leaf display.

Stem Leaf
2 5
4. The mean of three numbers is 8. Two of the numbers are 11 and 7. What is the third
3 0
4 5679
5 1359
6 00345
5. The temperature in degrees Celsius over four days in July was 21, 21, 19 and 19. 7 379
with an even amount
What was the mean temperature? 8 5 of numbers the median will
be the value that is halfway
9 0
between the middle pair of
numbers arranged from small
1. Use this data to find the:
to big.
a. Range
6. What is the mode of these numbers: 75, 78, 75, 71, 78, 25, 75, 29?
b. Mean
c. Median
d. Mode
2. Draw a grouped frequency table showing a tally and frequency column.

146 147
129a Bar graphs

To record data one can use a bar graph. Bar graph

A bar graph is a visual
display that compares the
Start with a
question frequency of occurrence of
er Co
sw ns, e lle
An estio pos ns
, da t the
different characteristics of
qu dict estio ta
pr w qu data.
Data handling cycle
This type of display allows us to:
Inte nd • compare groups of data
e ea
nis data • make quick generalisations about the
gra t the
ph Represent ga
Or cord
the data in a re data.

1. Use the frequency table below to draw a bar graph. Use your bar graph and write
three observations regarding the data represented in the graph.

Term 4
Favourite fruit Tally Frequency 2. Critically read and interpret data represented in this bar graph.
Apples 3

Oranges 4 Method of transport to school

Grapes 6 7
Bananas 4
Kiwi 2
Strawberries 2
Steps in drawing a bar graph
1. To draw a bar graph you have to start with your frequency table. 3
2. From the frequency table, decide on the range and scale of the frequency data axis (vertical
axis) and the grouped data axis (horizontal axis). 2
3. Draw the vertical and horizontal axes and label them.
4. Write the title of the graph at the top.
5. Mark the data on the graph for each data group and draw the bar. 0
6. Add the colour or shading of the bar to the legend (key), if required to show. Bus Taxi Bike Train Car Walk

Answer the following questions:


a. How many learners are there in the class?


continued ☛
148 149
129b Bar graphs continued
Now try it by yourself

b. Which method of transport is the most popular? Use the data collected during a survey on learners’ favourite subjects.
a. Compile a frequency table using tallies.
b. Draw a bar graph using your frequency table.
c. Interpret your graph and write at least five conclusions.

Name Favourite subject

c. Which method is the least popular? Peter Maths
John Arts
Mandla History
Bongani Sciences
Nandi Sciences
David Maths
d. How many more learners use the bus than the taxi?
Gugu History

Term 4
Susan Arts
Sipho Maths
Lebo Maths
Ann History

e. Why do you think more learners use the bus than the taxi? Ben Maths
Zander Sciences
Betty History
Lauren Arts
Alice Maths
Veronica Language
f. Do you think most learners live far from or close to the school? Jacob Maths
Alicia History
Thabo Language

g. What percentage of the learners use public transport?



150 151
130a Double bar graphs
1. The results of exam and practical work by a class is shown in the table
To record data you can use a double bar graph. Double bar graph Name Practical Exam Name Practical Exam
A double bar graph is similar
to a regular bar graph, Denise 60 65 Elias 55 45
but it gives two pieces of John 63 60 Simon 30 75
Start with a
question related information for each
er Co
sw ns, e lle
c item on the vertical axis, Jason 50 50 Edward 65 59
An estio pos ns
, da t the
qu dict estio ta
pre w qu instead of just one.
ne Mathapelo 80 75 Susan 65 75
Data handling cycle
Beatrix 46 64 Philip 72 75
Inte nd This type of display lets us compare
e ea Opelo 63 53 Ben 46 72
nis data
gra t the
ph Represent ga
Or cord two related groups of data, and make
the data in a re
graph generalisations about the data quickly. Lisa 51 59 Lauren 31 41
Gugu 67 76 Tefo 75 65
Sipho 81 80 Alicia 63 58
Lorato 78 81 Masa 51 53
The following frequency table shows the number of adult visitors and child visitors to a park.
Construct a side–by–side double bar graph for the frequency table.

Term 4
Visitors to the park
a. Compile a frequency table using tallies.
April May June July
Adults 300 500 250 200
Children 250 350 100 50

Remember: Visitors to the park

the two sets of data on a
double bar graph must be 600
e a ed.


April May June July

Adult visitors Children visitors



continued ☛
152 153
130b Double bar graphs continued
c. Interpret your graph and write down five conclusions.

b. Draw a double bar graph comparing the learners’ practical marks with their exam

Term 4
Do it by yourself

Use the data collected during the survey on learners’ favourite subjects.
a. Compile a frequency table using tallies, splitting the different subjects between girls (green) and boys
b. Draw a double bar graph using your frequency table, comparing the preferences of boys with those
of girls.
c. Interpret your graph and write down at least five conclusions.
d. How do your conclusions compare with the previous problem–solving activity where we used the
same data?

Name Favourite Name Favourite

subject subject
Peter Maths Ann History
John Arts Ben Maths
Mandla History Zander Sciences
Bongani Sciences Betty History
Nandi Sciences Lauren Arts
David Maths Alice Maths
Gugu History Veronica Language
Susan Arts Jacob Maths Sign:

Sipho Maths Alicia History

Lebo Maths Thabo Language

154 155
131a Histograms
Bar graph for Table A Histogram for Table B

Favourite colours Height of learners

To record data you can use a histogram.
m. Histogram 8 7
A histogram is a particular 7 6 6
6 5
kind of bar graph that 5 4 4
summarises data points 4
4 3
Start with a 3 2 2 3
question falling in various ranges. 2
er Co 2
sw ns, e lle
An estio pos ns
, da t the 1 1
qu dict estio ta 0
pre w qu The main difference between a normal bar graph 0
ne Blue Red Green Yellow Pink Purple 135-140 141-145 146-150 151-155 156-160 161-165
Data handling cycle and a histogram is that a bar graph shows you the
frequency of each element in a set of data, while a
Inte nd histogram shows you the frequencies of a range of
e ea
nis data
gra t the
ph Represent ga data.
Or cord In the graph for Table A each bar In the graph for Table B all the bars
the data in a re
graph represents a different attribute. The height represent one attribute. The width of the
histogram the bars must touch, because the data
In a histo
elements we are recording are numbers that are grouped,
ele of the bar indicates the number of people bar represents the range and the height
and form a continuous range from left to right. who chose that specific colour as their indicates the number of people with the
favourite colour. height within that specific range.
Examples of an ordinary bar graph and a histogram:
Table A Table B

Term 4
Now let us look at how to construct a histogram.
Favourite colour Tally Frequency Height of learners Tally Frequency Let us take the following set of numbers: 3,11,12,12,19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 35, 36, 37,45, 49
Blue 3 135–140 3 (We can work out that the mean is 26.5, the median is 24.5, and the mode is 12.)

Red 4 141–145 4
In most data sets almost all the numbers will be unique and a graph showing how many ones, how
Green 6 146–150 6 many twos, etc. would display data in a meaningful way.
Yellow 4 151–155 4

Pink 2 156–160 2 With a histogram, however, we group the data into convenient ranges, called bins. In this example
we are going to group the data in bins with a width of 10 each. Changing the size of the bin will
Purple 2 161–165 2
change the appearance of the graph.

What is the difference

between the two First we draw a frequency table with the Then we tally the data, placing it in the
In Table A, the In Table B the frequency covers a
frequency tables? data range divided into the different bins. correct bin.
frequency covers range (135 to 165 – divided into
individual items (Blue, smaller groups, i.e. 135–140, 141–
Red, Green, Yellow, 145, 146–150, 141–155, 156–160 Data range Tally Frequency Data range Tally Frequency
Pink and Purple). and 161–165). 0–10 0–10 1

11–20 11–20 3

21–30 21–30 6

31–40 31–40 4

41–50 41–50 2 Sign:


156 157
131b Histograms continued
b. Complete the frequency table. Make the bins 5 in size ranging from
11 to 40.

Finally we can draw the histogram by placing the bins on the horizontal axes and the frequency
on the vertical axes.

0 c. Draw the histogram.
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50

Term 4
Remember we use histograms to summarise large data sets graphically. A histogram helps you to
see where most of the measurements are located and how spread out they are.

In our example above we can see that most of the data falls within the 21–30 bin and that there is
very little deviation from the mean of 26,5 and the median of 24,5.

1. Use the following data to draw a histogram:

30, 32, 11, 14, 40, 37, 16, 26, 12, 33, 13, 19, 38, 12, 28, 15, 39, 11, 37, 17, 27, 14, 36

a. What is the the mean, the median and the mode?

Problem solving

You surveyed the number of times your classmates have travelled to another province. The data you
gathered is:
21, 0, 0, 7, 0, 1, 2, 12, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 9,10, 25,18,11, 20, 3, 0, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7,15,18, 21, 25
Compile a frequency table and then draw a histogram using this data set. Make the bins 3 in size. Date:

What can you tell us about the results of your survey by looking at the histogram?

158 159
132a More about histograms
b. What percentage of all Bacon’s words are four letters long?

Part of the power of histograms is that they allow us to analyse extremely large sets of data by
reducing them to a single graph that can show the main peaks in the data, as well as give a visual
representation of the significance of the statistics represented by those peaks.

This graph represents data with a well–defined

Frequency peak that is close to the median and the
7 mean. While there are "outliers," they are of
relatively low frequency. Thus it can be said
that deviations from the mean in this data
5 c. What percentage of all Shakespeare’s words are more than five letters long?
group are of low frequency.
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50

Term 4
1. These two histograms were made in an attempt to determine whether William
Shakespeare’s plays were actually written by Sir Francis Bacon. A researcher d. What percentage of all Bacon’s words are more than five letters long?
decided to count the lengths of the words in Shakespeare’s and Bacon’s writings. If
the plays were written by Bacon the lengths of words used in these writings should
be very similar.

e. Based on these histograms, do you think that William Shakespeare was really just a
pseudonym for Sir Francis Bacon? Explain.

a. What percentage of all Shakespeare’s words are four letters long?



160 161
132b More about histograms continued
d. Which high school has a higher median sleep time?

2. The two histograms show the sleeping habits of the teenagers at two different
high schools. Maizeland High School is a small rural school with 100 learners and
Urbandale High School is a large city school with 3 500 learners.

e. Wheatland’s percentage of students who sleep between eight and nine hours per
night is ________ % more than that of Urbandale.

Problem solving

The table below shows the ages of the actresses and actors who won the Oscar for best actress or actor
during the first 30 years of the Academy Awards. Use the data from the table to make two histograms
(one for winning actresses’ ages and one for winning actors’ ages). Use bin widths of ten years (0–9;
10–19; 20–29 etc.)

Term 4
a. About what percentage of the students at Wheatland get at least eight hours of
sleep per night? Year Age of Age of Year Age of Age of
winning winning winning winning
actress actor actress actor
1928 22 42 1943 24 49
1929 36 40 1944 29 41
1930 28 62 1945 37 40
1931 62 53 1946 30 49
b. About what percentage of the students at Urbandale get at least eight hours of
sleep per night? 1932 32 35 1947 34 56
1933 24 34 1948 34 41
1934 29 33 1949 33 38
1935 27 52 1950 28 38
1936 27 41 1951 38 52
1937 28 37 1952 45 51
1938 30 38 1953 24 35
c. Which high school has more students who sleep between nine and ten hours per 1939 26 34 1954 26 30
1940 29 32 1955 47 38
1941 24 40 1956 41 41
1942 34 43 1957 27 43
Write a short paragraph discussing what your two histograms reveal. Date:

162 163
133 Pie Charts 2. Draw a pie chart that shows the different ingredients of a
mushroom pizza (as listed here):
Meat 75 g
Cheese 250 g
To record data one can use a Pie chart Crust 500 g
pie chart A pie chart is a Tomato 125 g
circular chart in which Mushrooms 50 g
r Start with
swe , a question Co the circle is divided
An stions se
e o the llect into sectors.
qu ict, p tions
d s da
pre que Each sector visually represents an item
Data handling in a data set. The size of the sector is in
cycle ise
proportion to the amount of the item
the erpre an rd as a percentage or fraction of the
gra t Org reco
ph Represent d total data set.
an data
the data
in a graph Pie charts are useful to compare
different parts of a whole amount. They
are often used to present budgets and 3. Draw a pie chart to display your expenditure for the week:
other financial information. Expense Value

Term 4
Rent 300
Example: Look at this example of South Africa’s National budget of 2008/9.
Food 225
SA Budget 2008/9 Transport 75

Debt 8%
Education 17%
Transport and

Other 15% Welfare 15%

It is like dividing a pie
in slices.
Water and The whole pie is always
100%, but slices can be
agriculture 4% Health 11% different sizes.

Protection 13% Housing 7%

1. Answer the following questions. Waste!

a. Will the sectors always be shown as a percentage? ________________ Currently every person in South Africa Waste generated per
generates about 2 kg of solid waste per Waste category
person per day (grams)
day. Plastic 240
b. Will it always add up to 100% ? ________________
This table shows the different categories Glass 120
of solid waste and the amount in grams Paper 600
c. What was the biggest expense in the South African budget? ________________ generated per day. Metal 200
Draw a pie chart to display this Organic 600
d. What was the smallest expense in the South African budget? ________________ information. Non–recyclables 240

164 165
134a Report data Students' favourite colours
To report on the data you have 7
r Start with collected and analysed you need to
swe ,
An stions se a question Co remember the shape of a research
e o the llect 5
qu ict, p tions
d s da
pre que 4
new • Aim
Data handling 3
cycle • Hypothesis
Int ise 2
the erpre an rd • Plan Students Students Students Students
gra t Org reco
ph Represent d • Analysis of data preferring preferring preferring preferring
an data
the data orange blue green red
in a graph • Interpretation of data
• Conclusions
• Appendices Colour Tally Frequency Favourite colours
• References Orange 4 Red Orange
25% 5 4 20%
Blue ||||||| 8

Term 4
1. Use the information from this favourite colour survey and write a report
summarising the data and drawing conclusions. Green ||| 3 3
Green 8 Blue
Red |||| 5 15% 40%
Favourite Favourite
Name Name
colour colour
a. Aim:
Jacob Orange Ann Red
John Blue Simon Orange This is the
Colour Tally Frequency general
Betty Green Edward Blue
aim of the
Orange |||| 4
Mandla Orange Susan Blue project.

Lebo Blue Thabo Red Blue ||||||| 8

Bongani Blue Ben Blue Green ||| 3

Lisa Red Grace Blue
Red |||| 5
Gugu Blue Nandi Red
Sipho Green Wendy Orange b. Hypothesis:
Lorato Red Alice Green
A specific
statement or
that you can
show to be
true or false. Sign:


continued ☛
166 167
134b Report data continued
How confident are you about the results?
c. Plan (to collect the data): What went wrong? How did you deal with it?
What data do you need? __________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Who will you get it from? What would you do differently if you did the research again?
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
How will you collect it?
f. Appendices:
It is good practice to
include a copy of the
How will you record it? questionnaire if there is
one. The appendices
__________________________________________________________________________________ may also include tables
How will you make sure the data is reliable? related to sample
selection, instructions to
__________________________________________________________________________________ interviewers, and so on.
Why? Give reasons for the choices you made.

Term 4
g. References:
If you used any
__________________________________________________________________________________ secondary data or
research you must
__________________________________________________________________________________ acknowledge your
sources here.
d. Analysis
• This is where you do the
calculations and draw charts.
• Graphs are good for representing
data visually.
• Note mean and median (not
appropriate in this study)
• Note the range as a measure of
how spread out the group is (not Now try this!
appropriate in this study).
Use this favourite subject–survey and write a report on the findings. Include a frequency table, graphs
and conclusions.
Name Favourite subject Name Favourite subject
Peter Maths Ann History
John Arts Ben Maths
Mandla History Zander Sciences
Bongani Sciences Betty History
Nandi Sciences Lauren Arts
David Maths Alice Maths
e. Conclusions: Gugu History Veronica Language Sign:

Do your results agree with the hypothesis? Susan Arts Jacob Maths
Sipho Maths Alicia History Date:
__________________________________________________________________________________ Lebo Maths Thabo Language

168 169
135 Data handling cycle
c. How will you collect it?
Data handling d. How will you record it?
r Start with __________________________________________________________________________________
swe , a question Co Data handling is a process of
An stions se
e o the llect __________________________________________________________________________________
qu ict, p tions
d s da collecting, organising, representing,
pre que ta
new analysing and interpreting data. e. How will you make sure the data is reliable?
Data handling
The visual representation of data is of __________________________________________________________________________________
cycle ise
an rd major importance.
the erpre
Org reco
f. Why? Give reasons for the choices you made.
gra t Represent d
ph an data __________________________________________________________________________________
the data
in a graph __________________________________________________________________________________

Your group will get an opportunity to present your aim, hypothesis and plan to the
This assignment will go over two worksheets. rest of the class.
Is the hand span of Grade 7 girls smaller than that of boys in the same grade?
Once all the research teams have presented their plans, you will get the opportunity
Is there any link between a person’s height and their hand span?

Term 4 – Week 7
to change your plans based on what you heard from the other teams.
1. Choose your research team. Our changes are:

Names of your research team: __________________________________________________________________________________


Our revised plan is:

2. What is the aim of your research?

3. What is your hypothesis?

4. Questions that might help you to plan:

a. What data do you need?

__________________________________________________________________________________ Preparing
b. Who will you you get it from? Now your plan is submitted you should start collecting and recording the data you need.

170 171
136 Data handling cycle continued
c. Calculate the data range.

Use the data

r Start with collected in the
swe , a question Co previous lesson.
An stions se
e o the llect
qu ict, p tions
d s da
pre que
Data handling In your groups
cycle go through the d. Draw a stem–and–leaf display.
Int ise information
the erpre an rd collected.
gra t Org reco
ph Represent d
an data
the data
in a graph

Is the hand span of Grade 7 girls smaller than that of boys in the same grade?
Is there any link between a person’s height and their hand span?

Term 4 – Week 7
1. Use the data you collected and recorded to:
a. Organise your data in a frequency table.
e. Represent your data in a graph. You may use more than one type of graph.

Interpreting your graphs and writing a report

Interpret you graphs and tables and write a report under the following headings:
1. Aim
b. Calculate the mean, the median and the mode. 2. Hypothesis
3. Plan
4. Analysis
5. Interpretation Sign:

6. Conclusions
7. Appendices Date:

8. References

172 173
137 Possible outcomes
3. Make your own die that will have ______________ possible outcomes

a. Four
What are the possible outcomes when you throw this die. What are
the possible numbers the die can land on?

Why are these

The possible outcomes are: the possible
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. outcomes?

1.a. What is chance you have to land 1.b. What is your chance to land on
on ______? Write it as a fraction. ______? Write it as a fraction.

3 blue

What are the possible outcomes?

6 2 1 5 yellow green red purple

Term 4 – Week 3
4 orange b. Twelve

i. 2 _____ i. Blue _____

ii. 5 _____ ii. Red _____
iii. 3 _____ iii. Purple _____
iv. 6 _____ iv. Orange _____
v. 4 _____ v. Yellow _____
vi. 1 _____ vi. Green _____
vii. 2 and 3 _____ vii. Blue and yellow _____
viii. 1,3 and 4 _____ viii. Green and red _____
ix. 2, 4 and 7 _____ ix. Purple, red and blue _____
x. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 _____ x. Orange, red, blue, green and What are the possible outcomes?
yellow1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 _____
1. If the possible outcomes are the following, how many faces will your dice have?

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 b. Green, blue, yellow and red Problem solving

I have a circle that is divided into a number of sectors. Each sector has a number. What could the
possible outcomes be for the following:

1 1 • circle divided into six equal parts _________________________________________________________________

c. The probability is 4
to land on 3. d. The probability is 12 to land on 6. • circle divided into eight equal parts ______________________________________________________________
• circle divided into two equal parts _______________________________________________________________

174 175
138 Definition of probability
3. What is the probability of landing on each number on the spinner?

1 = _____
This is a probability scale: 1
2 = _____ 2

unlikely likely 3 = _____
impossible even chance certain 4 = _____ 5

Read the following statements. Where would you place them on the probability 5 = _____
scale? 6 = _____
a. The sun will rise tomorrow.
a. What number are you most likely to land on? ___________________________________
b. I don't have to study much for maths.
c. When I flip a coin it will land on tails. b. What are the chances of landing on an even number? _________________________
When I flip a coin the probability is , 0,5 or 50% to land on heads or tails. What 4. Show the following on the probability scale.
does this mean? Example: The probability to land on 4 on a spinner with four equal sections
We can use words, fractions and/or decimals to show the probability of something

Term 4 – Week 7
happening. 2

A fraction probability line is shown like this.

0 1 3 1
1 4 4
a. The probability of landing on heads when tossing a coin.
0 1 3 1 _______________________________________________________________________________
4 4
b. The probability of a single ball randomly chosen from a bucket of four balls.
1. Put these words in the correct place on top of the probability line:
c. The probability of three sweets chosen from a packet with four sweets.
certain, impossible, likely, unlikely, even chance.

5. Write the above as decimals and then percentages.


2. Put these numbers in the correct place on the probability line: b.

50%, 75%, 25%, 100% and 0%
Remember that the probability is always expressed as a fraction, percentage or decimal between 0
and 1, e.g. 14 , 25% or 0,25 are all ways of saying there is one chance in four.
Problem solving

What is the probability of a person drawing one sweet from a packet of four sweets? Write it in words, Date:

fractions, decimals and percentages.

176 177
139 Relative frequency
b. Coin tossed 100 times Landed 60 times on heads Landed 20 times on tails
Relative frequency Relative frequency
Sometimes we cannot tell who will win, but we can look at previous results to
estimate the probability.
Let us look at this example: the blue and red teams have played 50 matches.
The red team won 30 of the 50 matches.
The blue team won 10 of the 50 matches.
The two teams drew 10 matches.
• What is the probability of the red team winning the next match?
30 3
The chance probability is 50 = 5 or 60%
c. A six–sided The 1 The 2 The 3 The 4 The 5 The 6
• What is the probability of the blue team winning the next match? dice was occurred occurred occurred occurred occurred occurred 9
10 1
The chance probability is 50 = 5 or 20% rolled 100 21 times. 18 times. 17 times. 25 times. 10 times. times.
This is the formula for relative frequency.
Relative Relative Relative Relative Relative Relative
number of successful trials frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency

Term 4 – Week 7
Relative frequency = total number of trials

1. Calculate the relative frequency.

Dropped a piece Landed 16 times Landed four times

of buttered toast with buttered side with buttered side
20 times down. up.
16 80 4 20
= 100 or 80% 20
= 100 or 20%

i. What is the relative frequency for the bread to land with its buttered side down?


ii. What is the relative frequency for the bread to land with its buttered side up?


Problem solving
What is the relative frequency when a drawing pin lands point up 23 times out of 100?

178 179
140 Probability and relative frequency
Tossed a coin 100 Landed tails up Relative frequency:
times 52 times.
Let us look at the examples and compare.
A probability
Probability scale can have Relative frequency
intervals You and your friend tossed a
coin 100 times. It landed 58
times on heads and 42 times Probability:
on tails. What is the relative
0 25% 50% 75% 100%
frequency for each?
What is the probability of a 58
coin landing on heads? • Heads: 100 = 58%
1 42
or 50% • Tails: 100 = 42%

The difference between the probability and the relative frequency is

58% – 50% = 8%
Difference: _______________

Term 4
Will this always be the case?

1. What is the difference between the probability and relative frequency? Give your
answer in percentages. c.
Rolled a 10–sided Landed 12 times Relative frequency:
a. dice 100 times. on 5.
Dropped a piece Landed with Relative frequency:
of buttered toast buttered side
50 times down 29 times.


Difference: _______________
Difference: _______________

Problem solving

Give five everyday life examples of probability.

180 181
141a Revision: number, operations and
relationships Integers Fractions

Tick yes or no.

In this worksheet
we are going to Number operations Worksheet numbers Do you
revise number, and relationship need
operations and concepts support?
Yes No
Whole numbers R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, 8
Exponents 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Integers 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113
Fractions Common fractions:
R7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, Multiples and factors Properties of number
Decimal fractions:
R8, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

Term 4
This table will give Multiples and factors R6, 5, 6
you information
on where to go Properties of numbers R9, 1, 2, 3, 4
and revise your
Financial mathematics 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Ratio and rate 7, 8

My summary and notes.

1. Go through all the worksheets per topic above and make your own notes and
summary. Financial mathematics Ratio and rate
Whole numbers Exponents

What do you understand now?

After doing this worksheet, share with your teacher and/or friends what you understand now that you Date:

didn’t understand before.

182 183
141b Revision: number, operations and
relationships continued Algebraic expressions and equations Graphs

Tick yes or no.

In this worksheet
we are going to Patterns, functions Worksheet numbers Do you
revise patterns,
functions and
and algebra need
algebra. support?
Yes No
Functions and
48, 49, 50, 51, 71, 72, 73, 118, 119
Numeric and 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 114, 115, 116,
geometric patterns 117

Algebraic expressions 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 120, 122, 123

Algebraic equations 77, 78, 79, 123, 124, 125

This table will give Graphs 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85

Term 4
you information
on where to go
and revise your

My summary and notes.

1. Go through all the worksheets per topic above and make your own notes and

Functions and relationships Numeric and geometric patterns

What do you understand now? Sign:

After revising this lesson, share with your teacher and/or friends what you understand now that you Date:
didn't understand before.

184 185
142 Revision: shape and space (geometry)
Transformation geometry Geometry of 2–D shapes
In this worksheet we Tick yes or no.
are going to revise
shape and space Shape and space Worksheet numbers Do you need
(geometry). (geometry) support?
Yes No
Construction of R10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
geometric figures
Geometry of 2–D 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28
Transformation 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
geometry Space to make
This table will give some drawings.
you information on Geometry of 3–D 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
where to go and objects 103, 104
revise your work.

My summary and notes.

Term 4
1. Go through all the worksheets per topic above and make your own notes and

Constructions of geometric figures Geometry of 3–D objects

2. Add some everyday life examples for each concept.

Space to make
some drawings.

What do you understand now?

After finishing this worksheet, share with your teacher and/or friends what you understand now that you Date:
didn’t understand before

186 187
143 Revision: measurement
Surface area and volume of 3–D objects
In this worksheet we Tick yes or no.
are going to revise
Measurement Worksheet numbers Do you need
Yes No
Area and perimeter of R12, 52, 53, 54, 55
2–D shapes
Surface area and R14, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
volume of 3–D objects 64

Space to make
This table will give some drawings.
you information on
where to go and
revise your work.

My summary and notes.

Term 4
1. Go through all the worksheets per topic above and make your own notes and

Area and perimeter of 2–D shapes

2. Add some real life examples for each concept.

Space to make
some drawings.

What do you understand now?

After finishing this worksheet, share with your teacher and/or friends what you understand now that you Date:
didn’t understand before.

188 189
144 Revision: data handling
Analyse, interpret and report data Probability
In this worksheet we Tick yes or no.
are going to revise
data handling. Data handling Worksheet numbers Do you need
Yes No
Collect, organize R16, 126, 127, 128
and summarise
Represent data 129, 130, 131, 132

Space to make some

This table will give Analyse, interpret 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, drawings or more notes.
you information on and report data 136
where to go and
revise your work. Probability 137, 138, 139, 140

My summary and notes.

Term 4
1. Go through all the worksheets per topic above and make your own notes and

Collect, organize and summarise data Represent data

2. Add some everyday life examples of data handling.

Space to make some

drawings or more notes.

What do you understand now?

After revising this lesson, share with your teacher and/or friends what you understand now that you didn’t Date:
understand before.

190 191

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