Pre Historic Rock Painting Jkchrome Com
Pre Historic Rock Painting Jkchrome Com
Pre Historic Rock Painting Jkchrome Com
The prehistoric period in the early development of human beings is commonly
known as the Old Stone Age or the Palaeolithic Age.
The Upper Palaeolithic times- artistic activities, drawings were human figures,
human activities, geometric designs and symbols.
In India the earliest paintings have been reported from the Upper Palaeolithic
The first discovery of rock paintings was made in India in 1867–68 by an
archaeologist, Archibold Carlleyle, twelve years before the discovery of Altamira
in Spain.
Remnants of rock paintings have been found on the walls of the caves situated in
several districts of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
and Bihar.
Paintings -Kumaon hills in Uttarakhand.
The rock shelters on banks of the River Suyal at Lakhudiyar, about twenty
kilometres on the Almora– Barechina road, bear these prehistoric paintings.
A long-snouted animal, a fox and a multiple legged lizard are the main animal
Wavy lines, rectangle-filled geometric designs, and groups of dots can also be
seen here.
One of the interesting scenes depicted here is of hand-linked dancing human
Superimposition of paintings in black; over these are red ochre paintings and the
last group comprises white paintings.
the richest paintings are reported from the Vindhya ranges of Madhya Pradesh and
their Kaimurean extensions into Uttar Pradesh.
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic remains, and they are also full of forests, wild plants,
fruits, streams and creeks, thus a perfect place for Stone Age people to live.
Largest and most spectacular rock-shelter is located in the Vindhya hills at
Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh.
Eight hundred rock shelters, five hundred of which bear paintings.
Hunting, dancing, music, horse and elephant riders, animal fighting, honey
collection, decoration of bodies, and other household scenes.
The rock art of Bhimbetka has been classified into various groups on the bases of
style, technique and superimposition.
The drawings and paintings can be catagorised into seven historical periods.
Period I, Upper Palaeolithic; Period II, Mesolithic; and Period III, Chalcolithic.
Are linear representations, in green and dark red, of huge animal figures, such as
bisons, elephants, tigers, rhinos and boars besides stick-like human figures.
Filled with geometric patterns.
The green paintings are of dancers and the red ones of hunters.
Mesolithic Period-
The largest number of paintings belongs to Period II that covers the Mesolithic
During this period the themes multiply but the paintings are smaller in size.
Hunting scenes predominate.
The hunting scenes depict people hunting in groups, armed with barbed spears,
pointed sticks, arrows and bows.
Simple clothes and ornaments.
Men have been adorned with elaborate head-dresses, and sometimes painted with
masks also.
Elephant, bison, tiger, boar, deer, antelope, leopard, panther, rhinoceros, fish, frog,
a stylistic manner.
Women are painted both in the nude and clothed.
Community dances provide a common theme.
There are paintings of people gathering fruit or honey from trees, and of women
grinding and preparing food.
Some of the pictures of men, women and children seem to depict a sort of family
In many of the rock-shelters we find hand prints, fist prints, and dots made by the
Chalcolithic Period
Many a time Chalcolithic ceramics and rock paintings bear common motifs, e.g.,
cross-hatched squares, lattices.
Pottery and metal tools are also shown.
The artists of Bhimbetka used many colours, including various shades of white,
yellow, orange, red ochre, purple, brown, green and black.
White and red were their favourite colours.
Paints were made by grinding various rocks and minerals.
They got red from haematite (known as geruin India).
The green came from a green variety of a stone called chalcedony.
White might have been made out of limestone.
The rock of mineral was first ground into a powder.
This may then have been mixed with water and also with some thick or sticky
substance such as animal fat or gum or resin from trees.
Brushes were made of plant fibre.
The colours have remained intact because of the chemical reaction of the oxide
The paintings made at these places were perhaps for people to be able to notice
them from a distance.
The dancing scene from the Lakhudiyar rock painting found in Uttarakhand.
At Bhimbetka, in some places, there are as many as 20 layers of paintings, one on
top of another.
Why did the artists paint in the same place again and again? Maybe, this was
because the artist did not like his creation and painted another painting on the
previous one, or some of the paintings and places were considered sacred or
special or this was because the area may have been used by different generations