Final Demo Lesson Plan Context Clues

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Teacher Grade Level & Section 9

Teaching Date/s APRIL Learning Area ENGLISH
Time Quarter FOURTH
A. CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
STANDARDS other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways
of analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skillfully
perform in a one act-play.
B. PERFORMANCE The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal
STANDARDS and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
C. LEARNING Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
COMPETENCIES AND and the effectiveness of the presentation
OBJECTIVE/S At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
a. recall the definition of context clues;
b. determine the meaning of the underlined words using context clues; and
c. identify the unknown words using the types of context clues.
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material
Quarter 4 Module 1
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning

Preliminary Activities 1. Greetings

Good morning, class!
Good morning, ma’am ! We are fine and
How are you today? still doing well, ma’am.

That’s good to hear! So can I

expect your active
participation today? Yes, ma’am!
That’s great!
2. Prayer
Before we formally start our
class, let us first ask the
guidance of our Almighty
God. (A student will lead the prayer)
_____, will you please lead us
the prayer?

Thank you for the prayer,

3. Classroom Management
Before you sit, please arrange
your chair and pick up all the
pieces of trash around you.
4. Checking of Attendance
Kindly check the attendance
(The secretary will check the attendance)

Let’s have our classroom

rules. Please read, ____.

Thank you, _____! Did you

understand all the rules, class?
Yes, ma’am!

If so, I am hoping that no one

will violate it. Okay, class? Yes, ma’am!

A. Reviewing RECALL
previous lesson or May we have a short recall of what
presenting the we discussed last meeting but let’s
new lesson make it more fun through using the
game “TIC-TAC-TOE”

Choose a card and read the sentence.
Use context clues to help you out
figure out the meaning of the
underlined word. Choose the correct
meaning on the back of the card.
Have your partner check the answer
key. If you are correct, you can place
one of your marking pieces on the tic-
tac-toe board. A player wins once
he/she gets of their marking pieces
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
in a row.

1. The rays from the rising sun

shone splendidly through our
a) beautifully
b) dim
c) ugly
d) rudely
2. Sam was so hungry that he didn’t
leave a single participle of
muffin on the plate.
a. plate
b. piece
c. red
d. tasty
3. The smooth dancer moved with
elegance across the stage. ANSWER:
a) bumpy 1. A
b) clumsy 2. B
c) red 3. D
d) tasty 4. C
4. The judge questioned the 5. D
witness, but he sat silent and 6. A
declined to answer. 7. A
a) willingly 8. C
b) helpful 9. A
c) refused 10. D
d) Pleasantly 11. B
5. Tim went to the museum every 12. A
weekend because he was so 13. B
fascinated by art. 14. C
a) bored 15. D
b) angered 16. B
c) punished 17. C
d) deeply interested 18. A
6. Since athletes must stay in great 19. B
shape, they seldom eat junk food. 20. C
a) rarely
b) always
c) try to
d) Hate
7. Tracy held the delicate flower
gently so the stem wouldn’t
a) fragile
b) sturdy
c) pretty
d) Prickly
8. Kim didn’t like her new haircut
until several people made
remarks on how nice it looked.
a) jokes
b) copies
c) Comments
d) Silly
9. After the bird escaped, Chris
tried to coax it back into the cage
with treats.
a) encourage
b) frighten
c) keep
d) punish
10. On the way to her room after just
having been grounded, Tammy
murmured something under her
a) screamed
b) sang
c) slipped
d) whispered
11. Grandpa didn’t know that it was
going to rain on the fishing trip,
and now he had to alter his plans.
a) continue
b) change
c) help
d) Swim
12. The bird was perched up on a
branch looking down at the
people below.
a) sitting
b) flying
c) eating
d) feeding
13. Nutritious foods, such as fruits
and vegetables, help our bodies
a) gross
b) healthy
c) spoiled
d) fresh
14. The cat scuttled quickly around
the room without lying down at
a) walked
b) crawled
c) ran
d) Snuck
15. The smell from the refrigerator
was very foul, but the freezer
smelled fresh
a) skinny
b) free
c) helpful
d) unpleasant
16. The lanky dog never got fat, even
though he ate a lot.
a) furry
b) skinny
c) huge
d) friendly
17. I meandered through the woods
taking my time exploring.
a) hurried
b) Ran
c) wandered
d) jogged
18. Jackie was mortified after her
puppy ripped her friend’s brand
new sweater.
a) embarrassed
b) silly
c) joyful
d) grateful
19. The diamond ring was radiantly
shining on her finger.
a) barely
b) brightly
c) hardly
d) dim
20. The saturated, dripping dog ran
in the house after swimming in
the lake.
a) smelly
b) dirty
c) completely wet
d) old
B. Establishing the You did really well! I can see that
purpose of the you clearly understand context clues.
Let’s proceed to our next activity in
connection to our last topic.
We will name this activity as “Con-
TEXT Clues”.

The center is provided in color as
well as black and white. There are a
total of 12 smart phones that have a
text message conversation on it
containing an unknown/challenging
word. Students must use the context
clues surrounding the word to help
them determine the meaning.
Students look for the meaning of the
underlined word on the “Con-TEXT
Clues definition cards.” Provide
students with the recording sheet (2-
sided) to show their work. Students
write down the words/phrases found
in the texts that helped them
determine the meaning.

There will be two options of con-

TEXT clue for you to answer the
meaning of the underlined word, if
you choose the right answer your
group will be given a points. If you
got it wrong the other group will be
given a chance to answer and steal
your points.

1. Corridor - a hallway with doors
leading into different rooms
2. Dismal - to be in poor shape

3. Consent - to give permission

4. Sleuth - a detective

5. Perplexed - to be confused
6. Lethargic - to be tired, lacking energy
7. Nuisance - to be a pain or bother
8. Saturated - completely soaked, filled
with moisture

9. Meticulous - to show great attention to

10. Sweltering - to be very hot

11. Pungent - a horrible smell

12. Brawl - a fight

C. Presenting Do you now have any clue about our

examples/instanc lesson today? Maybe, ma’am?
e of the new
lesson Okay! Let’s have another activity.
Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

Take a look with this acronym.

I. D. E. A. S
Each letter has its meaning, for you to
identify what they stand for I will
show a clue about it.
First letter I - when a reader comes
to a word they do not know, they
make an educated guess/reasoning. I think the ‘I’ stand for Inference,
Brilliant answer! ma’am.

Second letter D - gives the meaning

of the word.
Very good! Letter ‘D’ stand for Definition ma’am.

Third letter E - the author provides

a list or sample to help the reader
determine the meaning of the word.
Exactly right!
‘E’ stand for Example, ma’am.
Next letter A - sometimes authors
give the reader with words that
have the opposite meaning of the
unknown word.
Precisely! I believe that ‘A’ stand for Antonym,
And lastly, S - this context clue
provides the reader with words
that have the same meaning of the
unknown words.
That’s right! The last letter which is ‘S’ stand for
Now do you have now any clue about
what we are tackling today?
Okay! Based on the activity, what do Yes, ma’am!
you call the 5 words that you mention
earlier? Does this 5 words ring a bell?
Last meeting we discussed about context
clues so I think our topic for today is
Absolutely! Our topic for today is about the types of context clues.
about type of context clues.
D. Discussing new Let’s deepen your understanding
concepts and about context clues and its type.
practicing new
skills #1 Kindly read. Context Clues - are hints you can find
about a word’s meaning by looking
carefully at the other words in sentence.
Context clues are hints for you to
clearly understand the meaning of a
sentence, simple as that.

There are common types of context

clues but before that analyze this
sentence first.

My dad drinks a cup of joe every

morning to help him wake up. He
adds a little cream and half a
teaspoon of sugar.
What do you think is ‘cup of joe’
mean based on the sentence? For me, cup of joe mean coffee.
Okay. What made you say that cup of
joe is a coffee? The clue words are given in the sentence
which are: drink; adds a little cream and
half a teaspoon of sugar.
Very good! What type of context clue
is present in this example? It’s inference ma’am.

Exactly! Inference is when a reader

comes to a word they do not know,
they can make an inference/an
educated guess. This means, reader
uses prior knowledge and experience
and weaves it in with clues the author
is providing.

Did you understand class? Yes, ma’am.

Okay. Take a look with this

 The paleontologist, a scientist
who studies the remains of
living organisms, spent a
month at the site.
 The paleontologist - a scientist
who studies the remains of
living organisms - spent a
month at the site.
What did you notice in the given
examples? The word paleontologist is define in the
That’s right. What does
paleontologist mean? Paleontologist is a scientist who studies
the remains of a living organisms.
Very good! Anymore answer?
Yes, ____? The given examples has different used of
Exactly! punctuation.
What type of context clue used in the
example? It’s Definition, ma’am.
Based on the given example, what is
definition as context clues? Definition comes right after the word
with the use of commas or dashes,
Okay, you got it right! This type of ma’am.
context clue is pretty straightforward
because the actual definition of the
word is provided.

Let’s proceed to the next example.

Kindly read.
Celestial bodies, including the (A student will volunteer to read)
moon, the sun, and the stars, have
been an object of fascination for
men for centuries.
What have you notice on the
sentence? There are list of object or an example for
us to determine that celestial bodies are
Indeed! This type of context clue is star, sun and moon.
Example wherein it provides
examples to help reader determine the
meaning of the word.

Here is another example

The industrious server made a lot
of money off of tips from his
customers while the lazy servers
went home with just a few dollars.
What is the opposite meaning of the
unknown word industrious? I think the opposite meaning of
industrious is lazy.
What clue word/phrases help you
identify the opposite meaning of
industrious? The clue words that help me identify the
meaning of industrious is the use of
contrast clue ‘while’ because you can
already tell that lazy is the opposite
meaning of industrious.
Brilliant answer!
These type of context clues is an
Antonym where authors sometimes
provide the reader with words that
have the opposite meaning of the
unknown word.
Some cases, the author use phrases
that will clue the reader that an
antonym is coming such as: however,
unlike, in contrast, while.

And lastly, Synonym as context

clues. This context clue provides that
have the same meaning of the
unknown word.
For instance:
The new girl was aloof. She seemed
uninterested and unsociable.

What is the meaning of the word

aloof based on the sentence? The words uninterested and unsociable
are synonyms to the word aloof.
Why? Since it is likely that the reader will know
the words uninterested and unsociable,
the author uses them to define the word
Yes, exactly! Because the word can aloof.
also be found as a restated sentence
that emphasizes what was previously
Try to identify the meaning of
unknown word in this example.
Kindly read.
The new Miss America began her
year-long reign surrounded by
spotlights and the center of all
attention. For the rest of the
evening, she was the cynosure of
every eye for the rest of the
What does cynosure means based on
the sentence? The word cynosure means center of all
Right! When a notion is stated in
neighboring familiar terms, the reader
may learn the meaning of an
unknown word.
E. Discussing new ORAL ACTIVITY: Eye for the
concepts and Clue
practicing new
skills #2 Mechanics: On the board, analyze
each sentence carefully. Identify the
meaning of the underlined words
using context clues and tell what type
of context clues used in the sentence.
Using the wheel of names, the lucky
person who will be chosen will
answer the question.

Are we clear? Yes, ma’am.

Be ready!

1. Fossils are the preserved remains Answer

of plants and animals. 1. Fossils is defined in the sentence and
2. Attempting to avoid the accident the type of context clues used is
was futile; it was impossible for definition.
either of them to stop in time. 2. Impossible is the opposite meaning of
3. She told her friend, “I’m through futile so it antonym as context clues.
with blind dates forever. What a dull 3. Dull means uninterested wherein the
evening! I was bored every minute. person used her experience to show what
The conversation is very vapid.” she meant; inference as context clues.
4. She was a callous woman: mean, 4. The word callous is synonymous to the
malicious, and inconsiderate. words mean, malicious, and
5. Some of my favorite cooking inconsiderate; synonym as context clues
ingredients - soybeans, chickpeas, 5. The type of context clues used is
and lentils - are legumes. example because the person talking
provide a list of items which define the
word legumes.

I can see that you are all doing great.

Let’s have another activity!

F. Developing To check if you understand our
mastery (Leads to discussion answer the following
Formative questions.
Direction: Determine the meaning of
words and expressions that reflect the
local culture by noting context clues.
1. Filipino athletes during the 2020 1. Champion
Summer Olympics felt victorious. 2. Joyless
They knew they would never be 3. Gift
defeated. 4. thanksgiving and celebration
a. champion b. beaten c. afraid 5. witchcraft
d.weak 6. respectful
2. After losing the title of the beauty
pageant in our barangay fiesta, I was
dreary for weeks.
a. joyless b. happy c. cheerful
d. joyful
3. The groom’s family gives a dowry
of Php100,000 to get his wife’s hand.
a. offering b. gift c. bribery d. threat
4. Filipinos are fond of celebrations.
One of these celebrations is fiesta. It
is a religious event that involves
public entertainment and parties.
a. mourning b. celebration
c. thanksgiving d. both B & C
5. Juana’s grandmother was known
for executing kulam, which is a form
of black magic.
a. thanksgiving c. fee
b. witchcraft d. gift
6. Many people of different culture
appreciate the ‘pamamanhikan’
custom when men ask the parents’
permission first before marrying a
woman. Because of this, they see
Filipino men as chivalrous.
a. respectful c. loyal
b. fearful d. modern
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and
skills in daily
H. Making Did you understand our topic for
generalized and today? Yes, ma’am
about the lesson That’s good to hear! Let’s have a
short review of what we’ve tackled.

What is context clues? Context clues are hints to identify the

Yes, ___? meaning of unknown words by looking
carefully at the other words in the
Very good!
What are the types of context clues? The types of context clues referred as the
acronym IDEAS which stand for
Inference, Definition, Example,
Antonym, and Synonym.
Promising answer!
What type of context if the author
provide the opposite meaning of the It’s antonym as context clues, ma’am.
unknown word?

If the author provide the definition of

the unknown word in the sentence,
what type of context clues is used? When the author gives the meaning of the
word on the sentence then the context
clues being used is definition.
Amazing answer!
How about when a list of items were
given and serve as a clue of the
unknown words? It’s example as context clue, ma’am.
That’s right!

When the context clue provides the

reader with words that have the same
meaning of the unknown words, what
type of context clue? It’s synonym as context clue, ma’am.
You’ve got it right!

The reader comes to a word they do

not know, they make an educated
guess/reasoning, what type context
clue? It’s inference as context clue, ma’am

I can see that you clearly understand

context clues and its type.
Please keep in mind on how to
identify the meaning of unknown
I. Evaluating Directions: Choose the correct
learning meaning of the underlined word, and
identify the type of context clue used.
1. Because there was so little 1. C
precipitation this year, the crops 2. B
dried up and died. 3. A
a. fertilizer b. planting c. rain 4. B
2. Although I was unable to 5. C
understand all of the details of the 6. A
presentation, I did get the gist of it. 7. C
a. humor b. main point c. notes 8. A
3. At a special ceremony, the police 9. C
chief gave the officer a 10. A
commendation for bravery.
a. an award for an outstanding
b. an object designed to bring good
c. a lecture
4. One brother is an erudite
professor, the other brother however,
has never shown any interest in books
or learning.
a. old;elderly b. well-educated; well-
read c. snobbish;stuck up.
5. Night is the time when many
animals forage, or search, for food.
a. come out at night
b. sleep c. search for food
6. The waiter was so brusque that we
left a small tip. He was impolite and
impatient, and seemed annoyed
wherever we asked for something.
a. acting or speaking in a rude, abrupt
b. frightening looking
c. knowledgeable and skilled
7. The store specializes in cutlery,
such as forks and knives, that has
unique designs.
a. spices and seasonings b. plates,
bowls, and cups c. silverware; eating
8. My sister loathes broccoli, but she
loves spinach.
a. dislikes intensely b. eats eagerly
c. prepares and cooks
9. Psychologists have conducted
research on altruism, which can be
defined as ‘putting the needs and
welfare of others above one’s own
needed and well-being.’
a. Psychologist who conduct research
b. Research conducted by
c. putting the needs and welfare of
others above one’s own needed and
10. After the heavy rains, the stream
became murky; in fact, the water
was so cloudy you couldn’t see the
a. normal b. strange c. messy
J. . Additional Assignment:
activities for Find a short passage from a local
application or book, article, or story and identify
remediation any words or expressions specific to
their culture. Determine the meanings
using context clues and prepare to
share your findings in the next class.

Do you have any questions regarding None, ma’am.

your assignment?

Okay class, that’s all for today. Goodbye ma’am and goodbye
Goodbye, class! classmates!
Prepared by:
Pre-service Teacher
Submitted to:
Cooperating teacher

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