Jadraque Rica Gecmat Module 1

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In this fast-paced society, how often have you stopped to appreciate the beauty of
the things around you? Have you ever paused and pondered about the underlying principles
that govern the universe? Most people do the same routine tasks every day and the
fundamental concepts that make these activities possible are often overlooked.
Mathematics is a useful way to think about nature and our world. The nature of
mathematics underscores the exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment).
Mathematics exists everywhere and it is applied in the most useful phenomenon.
Mathematics is an integral part of daily life; formal and informal. It is used in technology,
business, medicine, natural data sciences, machine learning, and construction.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Show patterns and numbers that we can see in nature and the world
2. Understand how mathematics help organize patterns and regularities in the world
and identify patterns existing in nature
3. Apply mathematics in predicting the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world
4. Appreciate mathematics in helping control nature and occurrences in the world
5. Inculcate the numerous applications of mathematics in the world

Engage: Let’s Try This!

1. From the following pictures below, tell or describe the patterns that you observed in
one word. SPIRAL-revolving, FRACTAL- sequencing, SYMMETRICAL- perfect/balance







____spiral_____ ___fractal____ ____symmetrical_____

2. Give three examples of objects or animals in your house (within your locality) that
depicts a pattern similar to the three pictures above and represent it using a drawing.

First object (or animal):

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Second object (or animal):

Third object (or animal):

Explore: Discover This!

Patterns and counting are correlative. Counting happens when there is pattern.
When there is counting, there is logic. Consequently, pattern in nature goes with logic or
logical set-up. There are reasons behind a certain pattern. That’s why, oftentimes, some
people develop an understanding of patterns, relationships, and functions and use them to
represent and explain real-world phenomena. Most people say that mathematics is the
science behind patterns. Mathematics exists everywhere as patterns do in nature. Not only
do patterns take many forms within the range of school mathematics, they are also a
unifying mechanism. One thing must be clear at this point. Mathematics is not all about
number. Rather, it is more about reasoning, of making logical inferences and
generalizations, and seeing relationships in both visible and invisible patterns in nature and
in the world.

Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!

Nature embraces mathematics completely.
There are many different things around us that have a
deep sense of awareness and appreciation of patterns.
Nature provides numerous examples of beautiful
shapes and patterns, from the nightly motion of the
stars and the rainbow that we see in the sky. Some
animals show pattern in their body like the tiger’s
stripes and hyena’s spots. Snails make their shells,
spiders design their webs, and bees build hexagonal
combs. The structured formation of parts of human
beings, animals and insects, and the beautiful pattern
of plants and flowers are examples of patterns that
possess utility and beauty. The patterns that we see are
also the keys to understanding the processes of
biological growth. It is indeed true that the place we
live is a world of patterns.

Snowflakes and honeycombs


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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Spiral patterns of leaves and flowers

Coat patterns of different

species of animals

In the general sense of the

word, patterns are regular,

repeated, or recurring forms or designs. We see patterns every

day – from the layout of floor tiles, designs of skyscrapers, to
the way we tie our shoelaces. Studying patterns help students
in identifying relationships and finding logical connections to form generalizations and make

Patterns indicate sense of structure and organization that it seems only humans are
capable of producing these intricate, creative, and amazing formations.
Example 1: Let’s take a look at this pattern below. What do you think will be the next face in
the sequence?

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Solution: It should be easy enough to note that the pattern is made up of two smiling faces
– one without teeth and one with teeth. Beginning with a toothless face, the two faces then
alternate. Logically, the face that should follow is

Example 2: What is the next figure in the pattern below?


Solution: Looking at the given figures, the lines seem to rotate at 90-degree intervals in a
counterclockwise direction, always parallel to one side the square. Hence, either A or B
could be the answer. Checking the other patterns, the length of the lines inside the square
follow a decreasing trend. So again, either A or B could be the answer. Finally, looking at the
number of the lines inside the box, each succeeding figure has the number of lines increase
by 1. This means that the next figure should have five lines inside. This leads to option A as
the correct choice.

Enrichment Activities (For those who have internet access)

Watch the following video clips to supplement the role and importance of patterns
in nature.
Video #1. Nature by Numbers by Cristobal Vila (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Video #2. Why Honeybees Love Hexagons by Zack Patterson and Andy Peterson.

Name: RICA JADRAQUE Year and Section:

Elaborate: Challenge Yourself!

Discuss the patterns you have presented in Let’s Try This! (In 3 to 5 sentences only).

a) Observe and draw the following and find out the pattern.

1) Animals 2) Plants or Fruits

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Pineapple is my favorite fruit and

I'm amazed on how it looks like.
T Pineapple has its own pattern from
h i it's leave to the fruit itself. So the
s fruit has what a diagonal pattern on
is its body, which forms the shape of
it's so-called eyes.

zebra and it has its own unique

pattern unlike any other animals.
Zebra pattern is usually black and
white stripes. Covering it's body
from head to tail.
3) Things or man made 4) Natural phenomenon

one is
This is the famous treetop walkway rainbow which is one example of a
tower in Denmark. So as you can natural phenomenon. It's follow the
see, it follows a spiral walkway from color order of ROYGBIV. That curves
top to bottom. And it's outer from end to end.
foundation shows a diagonal lines
from opposite directions which
forms diamond shapes.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

b) Choose one category, describe the pattern and organize a presentation of your work.

Category: Things or Man-made

A pattern can be formally defined as a noticeable regularity in the natural and man-made
world that repeats itself in a predictable manner. Examples of natural patterns include
waves, cracks, or lightning.
Man-made patterns are often used in design and can be abstract, such as those used in
mathematics, science, and language. In architecture and art, patterns can be used to create
visual effects on the observer.

Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!

A. Provide concise answers (maximum of 5 sentences) to the following questions.

1. Why are numbers important in our life?

We use maths in every aspect of our lives at work and in practical everyday activities at
home and beyond. Numbers are essential even in our simple tasks like counting if we have
the right amount of change, checking prices if we go shopping or grocery, making a wise
budget, measuring doses of medicine, knowing our weights and heights, making sense of

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

statistics and graphs on the news, knowing our ageand what is better for us. Checking we
have the correct diet, aware of the time and so we can manage it properly. Numbers play an
important role and we need as we live.
2. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?

I learned that there is actually a pattern or sequence of numbers that is associated with
everything we see. I became more aware with the with things around me. More curious on
its value and equivalence on math and if it follows a unique perfect pattern.
3. What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?

What made me change my thoughts about mathematics is that, it's more than just numbers.
There is more to it, wonders and beauties. Like for example, looking in plant, or branches of
trees isn't the same anymore for me. Faces of people, architecture and buildings. I am now
amazed on how they were formed, their sequence each part follows and the perfect
patterns they reveal.
4. Other than those mentioned in the text, describe three other patterns of shapes
that you see in nature. Discuss briefly the “mathematics” behind such patterns.

LEAVES-Some plants arrange their leaves in a whorl, as shown in the picture above.
Remarkably, the position of these whorled leaves on the stem can be often be predicted by a
mathematical formula called the Fibonacci series.

5. Identify and describe certain patterns (at least one) that you observe in your
locality or within your nearby environment.

LADDER- just like a ladder method in math, a simple technique that uses prime
numbers and visualization in the form of staggering lines to help students easily understand
math. One of the example that also relates ladder to math is the listing method in finding
the LCD of a given number, at this method you have to list all the factors in a ladder pattern.

B. Describe in details the importance of mathematics in the following areas. Cite specific
and real-life example for each.

1) Business- Understanding basic business math is necessary for profitable

operations and accurate record keeping. Knowing how to add, subtract, multiply,
divide, round and use percentages and fractions is the minimum you need to
price your product and meet your budget. Like for example you have a business
like selling RTW products, you have to see jow much profit you've gained and
how much you've losed.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

2) Medicine- one of the ubiquitous applications of mathematics in medicine is the

use of probability and statistics in validating the effectiveness of new drugs, or
procedures, or estimating the survival rate of cancer patients undergoing certain
treatments. For example in taking medicine, there is always drinking procedures
and measurements.

3) Technology- Briefly, mathematics provides methods for organizing and

structuring knowledge so that, when applied to technology, it allows scientists
and engineers to produce systematic, reproducible, and transmittable
knowledge. Like for example in buying batteries we always check the validity or
the number of its storage capacity.

4) Music and Arts- Mathematics also plays a pivotal role in musical harmony.
Essentially, harmony is the combination of musical sounds as perceived by the
ear and is analyzed in terms of math based concepts such as frequency, pitch,
and chord progression. Mathematics is also deeply interwoven with the western
notion of musical scale. Like for example in a dance practice in school the
instructor counts the number of beats of the music for them to easily
make/create their choreography and as well as for the students to easily
memorize the steps.

5) Society -Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and

encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. In addition, mathematical
knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school
subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art.


As we have seen in the previous section, the human mind is hardwired to recognize
patterns. In mathematics, we can generate patterns by performing one or several
mathematical operations repeatedly. Patterns make up the entire universe, and everything
in it (both static and dynamic forms) should be the subject of inquiry of every
mathematician. Over time, mathematics has triumphantly organized these patterns allowing
the human intellect to understand the order and system by which the world operates and
then made inferences out of these patterns to predict the behavior of nature as well as
other phenomena in the world. This lesson journeys into how mathematicians have defined
the course of scientific inquiry through a comprehensive and intensive treatment of the

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

patterns that occur in nature and in the world. This lesson involves the mathematical ideas
of Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio phi and the golden rectangle.
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss the Fibonacci sequence and its application.

Engage: Let’s Try This!

1. The pictures below depict the different species of flowers. Count the number of petals for
each flower.
Flower Name Number of petals
Calla lily

Asiatic dayflower

Flag Iris

Candy flower


Pink daisy


What sequence of numbers formed from the number of petals? FIBONACCI sequence
___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
Explore: Discover This!
The sequence of numbers formed from the number of petals of the different species
of flower is a Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci sequence exhibits a certain numerical pattern
which has turned out to be one of the most interesting ever
written down. Its method of development has led to far-reaching
applications such as to model or describe an amazing variety of

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

phenomena, in mathematics and science, and even more

fascinating is its surprising appearance in Nature and in Art, in
classical theories of beauty and proportion.
The mathematical ideas of the Fibonacci sequence lead to the discovery of the golden
ratio, spirals and self- similar curves, and have long been appreciated for their charm and
beauty, but no one can really explain why they are echoed so clearly in the world of art and
Fibonacci sequence derived from a problem in the Liber Abaci, which was about how fast
rabbits could breed in ideal circumstances.
a) A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by a wall.
How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is
supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair which from the second
month on becomes productive?
b) Beginning with a male and female rabbit, how many pairs of rabbits could be
born in a year? The problem assumes the following conditions:
c) Begin with one male rabbit and female rabbit that have just been born.
d) Rabbits reach sexual maturity after one month.
e) The gestation period of a rabbit is one month.
f) After reaching sexual maturity, female rabbits give birth every month.
g) A female rabbit gives birth to one male rabbit and one female rabbit
h) Rabbits do not die.
This is illustrated in the following diagram.

After one month, the first pair is not yet at sexual maturity and can't mate. At two
months, the rabbits have mated but not yet given birth, resulting in only one pair of rabbits.
After three months, the first pair will give birth to another pair, resulting in two pairs. At the
fourth month mark, the original pair gives birth again, and the second pair mates but does
not yet give birth, leaving the total at three pairs. This continues until a year has passed, in
which there will be 233 pairs of rabbits.
The resulting number sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,.. (Leonardo himself
omitted the first term), is the first recursive sequence (in which the relation between two or
more successive terms can be expressed by a formula) known in Europe.


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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

A recursive definition for a sequence is one in which each successive term of the
sequence is defined by using some of the preceding terms. If we sue the mathematical
notation F n to represent nth Fibonacci number, then the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence
are given by the following recursive definition
F 1=1 , F 2=1 , and F n=F n−1+ F n−2 for n ≥ 3.

Example 1: Use the definition of Fibonacci numbers to find the seventh and eight Fibonacci
Solution: The first six Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8. The seventh Fibonacci
number is the sum of the two previous Fibonacci numbers. Thus,
F 7=F 6+ F 5

¿ 8+5
¿ 13
The eight Fibonacci number is
F 8=F 7+ F 6

¿ 13+8
¿ 21
Fibonacci observed numbers in nature. Pinecones grow in a numerical sequence. Pineapples
grow in a numerical sequence.

Pinecones Grow in a Numerical Sequence

Pineapples Grow in a Numerical Sequence

Other examples of Fibonacci sequence in
nature of Fibonacci sequence in nature


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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01


Golden ratio phi “φ ”

The relationship of this sequence to the Golden Ratio lies not in the actual numbers
of the sequence, but in the ratio of the consecutive numbers. Since the ratio is basically a
fraction, we will find the ratios of these numbers by dividing the larger number by the
smaller number that fall consecutively in the series.
Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!
A. Determine the quotient of the following two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

Two consecutive Fibonacci numbers Quotient or ratio (in three decimal places)
2 0.5
3 0.6
5 0.6
8 0.625
13 0.615384
21 0.619047
34 0.617647
55 0.618
89 0.617977
If we continue down the ratio of Fibonacci numbers, what number does it approach
or converge upon? _______144/89___________
As the numbers in the sequence gets larger and larger, the ratio will eventually
become the same number, and that number is the Golden Ratio ( =1.6180339887 . .. as
F n−1
n becomes large).
The golden ratio is
the division of a given unit of

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

length into two parts such that the ratio of the whole to the longer part is equals the ratio of
the longer part to the shorter part. It is also known as the golden proportion, golden mean,
golden section, golden number, and divine proportion.

It is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple

geometric figures, such as the pentagon,
pentagram, decagon and dodecahedron. It is a
ratio or proportion defined by an irrational
number Phi = 1.618033988749895... It is
expressed algebraically as,
a+b a
= =φ It has its unique positive solution
a b
with a value

1+ √5
φ= ≈ 1.6180339887
One more interesting thing about phi is its reciprocal. If you take the ratio of any
number in the Fibonacci sequence to the next number (this is the reverse of what we did
before), the ratio will approach the approximation 0.618. This is the reciprocal of Phi:
=0.618. It is highly unusual for the decimal integers of a number and its reciprocal to
be exactly the same. This only adds to the mystique of the Golden Ratio and leads us to ask:
What makes it so special?
The ratio between the forearm and the hand also yields a value close to the golden
ratio. Measure the length of your forearm and your hand (in centimeters). Divide the length
measure of your forearm to the length measure of your hand. What can you say to its ratio?
Length of your forearm (in centimeters): __23cm______________
Length of your hand (in centimeters): ___16cm_______________
Ratio of forearm and hand: ___0.69565217391304____________


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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

According to Markowsky (1992), the ratio of a person’s height to the height of

his/her navel is roughly a golden ratio. Measure your height (in centimeters) and the height
of your navel (in centimeters). Get the ratio of your height and the height of your navel.
What can you say to its ratio? ___________________

Golden section can be found in the Great pyramid in Egypt. Perimeter of the
pyramid, divided by twice its vertical height is the value of Phi.

A pleasing smile and an attractive eyes

Other examples of golden ratio in architectures and in nature


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

The Golden Ratio is so fascinating that proportions of the human body such as the
face follows the so called Divine Proportion. The closer the proportion of the body parts is to
Golden Ratio, the more aesthetic and beautiful the body is.
Golden rectangle
Look at the following rectangles: which of them seems to be the most naturally
attractive rectangle?

If you were to measure each rectangle's length and width, and compare the ratio of
length to width for each rectangle you would see the following:
Rectangle one: Ratio 1:1
Rectangle two: Ratio 2:1
Rectangle Three: Ratio 1.618:1
Golden rectangle is a rectangle whose side lengths are in the golden ratio.

The Golden Rectangle is famous concept relating aesthetics and mathematics that is
found in many natural and man-made things on Earth. A golden rectangle is one that has a
certain length to width ratio and is most pleasing to the eye.


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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

The ancient Greeks considered the Golden Rectangle to be the most aesthetically
pleasing of all rectangular shapes. A classic example is the front of the Parthenon that is
comfortably framed with a Golden Rectangle.
Golden section continues to be used today in modern architecture just like the
design of Notre Dame in Paris and the United Nations Headquarters.

Golden Rectangles can be found in the shape of playing cards, windows, book
covers, file cards, ancient buildings, and modern skyscrapers.

The Mona Lisa

Measure the length and the width of the painting itself. The
ratio is, of course, Golden ratio. Draw a rectangle around Mona's
face (from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin, and from
left cheek to right cheek) and notice that this, too, is a Golden
The self-portrait of Da Vinci and his paintings The Last
Supper and St. Jerome in the Wilderness


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Other examples of golden rectangle in nature and in man-made things.

The Divine Proportion

The photo below illustrates the following golden ratio
proportions in the human face:
1) Center of pupil : Bottom of teeth : Bottom of chin
2) Outer & inner edge of eye: Center of nose
3) Outer edges of lips : Upper ridges of lips
4) Width of center tooth : Width of second tooth
5) Width of eye : Width of iris

The Proportions in the Body

The white line is the body’s height.
The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the
distance from the head to the finger tips.
The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the
distance from the head to the navel and the elbows.
The green line, a golden section of the yellow line, defines the
distance from the head to the pectorals and inside top of the
arms, the width of the shoulders, the length of the forearm and
the shin bone.
The magenta line, a golden section of the green line, defines the
distance from the head to the base of the skull and the width of
the abdomen. The sectioned portions of the magenta line
determine the position of the nose and the hairline.
Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line
(also the short section of the green line) defines the width of the
head and half the width of the chest and the hips.


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Name: Rica S. Jadraque Year and Section:

Elaborate: Challenge Yourself!
1) Give three examples where Fibonacci sequence of the Golden ratio is used in relation to
your major field of specialization.

2) What new ideas about mathematics in relation to Fibonacci sequence did you learn? I've
learned that mathematics is not just about numbers and logics, cause even the small
things arounds us has mathematics in it. Of

3) Identify at least three patterns in nature and regularities in the world.

Measure the following body parts (in cm). You may ask someone for you to assist in
measuring your body parts. Round answer up to two decimal places. Then, write down the
proportions of each body parts.

Body parts Measurement Ratio

a = Top-of-head to chin a = _20_____ a
1 ¿ =¿ 0.65
b = Top-of-head to pupil b = _11_____ b
2 ¿ =¿ 0.54
c = Pupil to nose tip c = _5_____ d
3 ¿ =¿0.66
d = Pupil to lip d = _6_____ j
e = Width of nose e = _4_____ 4 ¿ =¿ 0.83
f = Outside distance between eyes f = _3_____ e
5 ¿ =¿ 0.5
g = Width of head g = _13_____ f
6 ¿ =¿ ¿
h = Hairline to pupil h = _9_____ h
7 ¿ =¿ ¿
i = Nose tip to chin i = _6_____ e
j = Lips to chin j = __4____
k = Length of lips k = __1.5____
l = Nose tip to lips l = __2____

Which ratio of your body part is nearest to the golden ratio? _ratio of width of nose and
nose tip to lips__________________


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

Which ratio of your body part is the farthest to the golden ratio? ___ratio of nose tip to chin
and we pupil to nose tip_____________

Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!

Provide concise answers (maximum of 5 sentences) to the following questions.
1) Did the lesson present change your perspective in Mathematics? Why? Yes, what made
me change my thoughts about mathematics is that, it's more than just numbers. There is
more to it, wonders and beauties.

2) What is the most fascinating information that you have learned about Mathematics in
Nature? That natures has more to give not just the fresh air and amazing sceneries but
it can also makes our mind more creative like making architectural designs and etc.

3) Enumerate and describe two other things for each of the following:
a) that show the Fibonacci numbers.

b) that illustrates the Golden Ratio.

c) that follows a Golden Rectangle.


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

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