Mark Scheme Practice 2023 (J27702)

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OCR GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice paper Mark scheme


Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


Version: 1
Last updated: 3 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3

This document has 16 pages

Version 1 1 © OCR 2023

GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

1. Make sure that you have accessed and completed the relevant training packages for on-screen marking: RM Assessor Assessor Online Training;
OCR Essential Guide to Marking.

2. Make sure that you have read and understood the mark scheme and the question paper for this unit. These are posted on the RM Cambridge
Assessment Support Portal

3. Log-in to RM Assessor and mark the required number of practice responses (“scripts”) and the number of required standardisation responses.


1. Mark strictly to the mark scheme.

2. Marks awarded must relate directly to the marking criteria.

3. The schedule of dates is very important. It is essential that you meet the RM Assessor 50% and 100% (traditional 40% Batch 1 and 100% Batch 2)
deadlines. If you experience problems, you must contact your Team Leader (Supervisor) without delay.

4. If you are in any doubt about applying the mark scheme, consult your Team Leader by telephone or the RM Assessor messaging system, or by email.

5. Crossed Out Responses

Where a candidate has crossed out a response and provided a clear alternative then the crossed out response is not marked. Where no alternative
response has been provided, examiners may give candidates the benefit of the doubt and mark the crossed out response where legible.

Rubric Error Responses – Optional Questions

Where candidates have a choice of question across a whole paper or a whole section and have provided more answers than required, then all responses
are marked and the highest mark allowable within the rubric is given. Enter a mark for each question answered into RM assessor, which will select the
highest mark from those awarded. (The underlying assumption is that the candidate has penalised themselves by attempting more questions than
necessary in the time allowed.)

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Multiple Choice Question Responses

When a multiple choice question has only a single, correct response and a candidate provides two responses (even if one of these responses is correct),
then no mark should be awarded (as it is not possible to determine which was the first response selected by the candidate).
When a question requires candidates to select more than one option/multiple options, then local marking arrangements need to ensure consistency of

Contradictory Responses
When a candidate provides contradictory responses, then no mark should be awarded, even if one of the answers is correct.

Short Answer Questions (requiring only a list by way of a response, usually worth only one mark per response)
Where candidates are required to provide a set number of short answer responses then only the set number of responses should be marked. The
response space should be marked from left to right on each line and then line by line until the required number of responses have been considered. The
remaining responses should not then be marked. Examiners will have to apply judgement as to whether a ‘second response’ on a line is a development
of the ‘first response’, rather than a separate, discrete response. (The underlying assumption is that the candidate is attempting to hedge their bets
and therefore getting undue benefit rather than engaging with the question and giving the most relevant/correct responses.)

Short Answer Questions (requiring a more developed response, worth two or more marks)
If the candidates are required to provide a description of, say, three items or factors and four items or factors are provided, then mark on a similar basis
– that is downwards (as it is unlikely in this situation that a candidate will provide more than one response in each section of the response space.)

Longer Answer Questions (requiring a developed response)

Where candidates have provided two (or more) responses to a medium or high tariff question which only required a single (developed) response and
not crossed out the first response, then only the first response should be marked. Examiners will need to apply professional judgement as to whether
the second (or a subsequent) response is a ‘new start’ or simply a poorly expressed continuation of the first response.

6. Always check the pages (and additional objects if present) at the end of the response in case any answers have been continued there. If the candidate
has continued an answer there, then add a tick to confirm that the work has been seen.

7. Award No Response (NR) if:

• there is nothing written in the answer space or no valid attempt at an answer (e.g. “I don’t know”)

Award Zero ‘0’ if:

• there is an attempt at an answer that is not worthy of credit (this includes text and symbols).

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Team Leaders must confirm the correct use of the NR button with their markers before live marking commences and should check this when
reviewing scripts.

8. The RM Assessor comments box is used by your team leader to explain the marking of the practice responses. Please refer to these comments
when checking your practice responses. Do not use the comments box for any other reason.
If you have any questions or comments for your team leader, use the phone, the RM Assessor messaging system, or e-mail.

9. Assistant Examiners will send a brief report on the performance of candidates to their Team Leader (Supervisor) via email by the end of the marking
period. The report should contain notes on particular strengths displayed as well as common errors or weaknesses. Constructive criticism of the
question paper/mark scheme is also appreciated.

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

10. Annotations

Annotation Meaning

Omission mark

Benefit of doubt (must be accompanied with a tick)


Follow through (must be accompanied with a tick)

Not answered question

Benefit of doubt not given



Too vague

Blank pages, pages with no annotation, no attempt to answer the question, page seen on QER

Version 1 5 © OCR 2023

GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

11. Subject Specific Marking Instructions

Mark scheme conventions:

• Each mark point is worth 1 mark unless stated otherwise

• Each mark point can only be awarded once
• A word/phrase that is underlined needs to be exact in the answer to award the mark point
• A word/phrase that is bold needs that concept to be in the answer (but can be given in multiple ways) to award the mark point
• 3 dots at the end of one mark point and at the start of the next mark point mean that the second mark point cannot be awarded without the first
being awarded, unless the mark scheme states otherwise (for example a reasonable attempt with some inaccuracies)
• 3 dots at the start of a mark point, without 3 dots at the end of the mark point above, means the sentence carries on and there is no dependency
• Any text in brackets is not required to gain the mark point
• Single / means alternative word
• Double // means an alternative statement that is acceptable for the same mark point
• Enlarged font is used for visibility reasons only

Annotating scripts:
• Blank pages at the start of the script need SEEN annotation
• Any questions answered elsewhere (e.g. on the first blank pages, separately on the page) need to be linked within RM Assessor and annotated
with ticks/crosses/SEEN as appropriate
• 1 tick for every mark awarded, if a question is given 3 marks there must be 3 ticks
• A BOD or FT annotation needs to be accompanied by a tick
• Any answers with no candidate response need a SEEN annotation and NR entered as the mark.
• Any questions where the candidate has not attempted the question e.g. answered 'don't know' need a SEEN annotation and NR entered as the
• All questions must be annotated throughout the marking process.

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Section A

Question Answer Mark Guidance

1 1 mark per row 4
(AO1 1a)

Operator Comparison Arithmetic

== 

+ 


> 

2 (a) 7 1 Correct Answer Only

(AO3 1)

(b) 4 1 Correct Answer Only

AO3 1)

(c) 6 1 Correct Answer Only

(AO3 1)

(d) 6 1 Correct Answer Only

(AO3 1)

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

3 (a) Linear search 1 Accept Sequential Search
(AO1 1b)

(b) • Declares variable to store the count (before the for 4 Example answer :
loop) (AO3 2c) search = input("Enter a word")
• Initialises variable to zero count = 0
• Increments variable by 1 each time the word is
for i = 0 to 7
if data[i] == search then
count = count + 1
• Outputs count value next i

Allow answers that completely rewrite the algorithm

as long as points on left met.
(c) (i) • A is sorted 2
(AO1 1b,
• B is not (yet) sorted
AO2 1a)

(ii) Max 3 marks, 1 mark per point 3 Max two marks if candidate simply states to insert "or"
• Compare "or" with next item on left (AO2 1b) then "it" into the correct place without discussing how
• …"or" is smaller than "when" so… this is determined. Max one if generic answer with no
• … it repeats comparison with next item reference to given array.
• inserts "or" / item in correct place, based on
comparisons Allow answers referring to swapping items down the
• Repeat to insert "it" array to get to the correct position.

(d) • Merge sort 1 Allow other sorting algorithms that use divide and
(AO1 1b) conquer

4. • decomposition 4 Ignore minor misspellings

(AO2 1a)
• abstraction
• thinking
• sequence

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

5 (a) Mark in pairs, 1 mark for advantage, 1 mark for 4 Accept other reasonable advantages and descriptions
expansion. (AO1 1b,
AO2 1b)
• Easier / quicker to create…
• …. Language closer to English / uses keywords

• Provides higher level of abstraction from the

underlying processor…
• … don't have to (usually) deal with allocating

• Portable // processor independent…

• … can write once for many processor types (e.g.
(b) 1 mark per row 3
(AO1 1a)

Statement Compiler Interpreter Both

Translates high-
level code to low- 
level instructions.
Produces an

executable file.
Program needs to
be translated every 
time it is run

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

6 (a)
• B OR C
• AND gate with A as one input…
• …and output of BP1 as other input (AO2 1b)

Mark shape of gates, ignore candidate annotation.

(b) One mark per highlighted section 3
(AO1 1a,
AO2 1a)
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

(c) • number with decimal places / fractional part 1 Do not accept examples on their own.
(AO1 1a)

(d) (i) • Boolean has two possible values / True or False // 1 The results are words and not Boolean values.
Result has three possible values // result has more (AO2 1a)

than two options

(ii) 1 mark for data type, 1 mark for matching justification. 2 Allow other sensible explanation that shows candidate
• String… (AO2 1a) has considered how each of the three states could be
• …can store "win", "loss" or "draw" // equivalent stored.

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

• Char…
• …can store "W", "L" or "D" // equivalent

• Integer / Real…
• …can store 0, 1, 2 // equivalent
(e) (i) 1 mark per bullet point 6 Example answer :
• Input code from user and store/use (AO3 2b) level = 0
• Repeat for non-three character codes code = ""
• Check for one code… while code.length != 3 then
• …and set level appropriately code = input("enter a 3 character
• Check for and set level for 2nd code
• Set level to 1 for any other 3 character code
switch code :
case "SVA":
level = 2
case "UTV":
level = 3
level = 1

alternative example answer

level = 0
code = ""

while code.length != 3 then

code = input("enter a 3 character

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

if code == "SVA" then
level = 2
elseif code == "UTV" then
level = 3
level = 1
(ii) 1 mark per bullet point 3 Example answer :
• function nextlevel() defined with at least one (AO3 2b) function nextlevel(oldlevel)
parameter if oldlevel == 3 then
• returns parameter plus 1… return 1
• … except for if parameter is 3, then returns 1 else
return oldlevel + 1
end function

Accept correct use of MOD for BP2 and 3.

Allow FT for BP3 if value output / calculated but not


(iii) • print(nextlevel(3)) 1 Allow other logically correct answers

(AO3 2b)

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Section B

Question Answer Mark Guidance

7 (a) (i) • DroneID, Mileage 4 Accept SELECT * or selection of additional fields for BP1.
(AO3 2b)
• > 50000
(ii) • if Mileage-LastCheck > 10000 2 BP1 could be >, < or either in words.
• Output "Check" and "No Check" or equivalent (AO3 2a)
correctly based on logical check for BP1 Ignore case and minor misspellings.

BP2 (output) could be either way around depending on

comparison for BP1.
(b) 1 mark per row 4 Ignore additional lines that do not affect outcome.
• c = 90 on line 05 (AO3 1) FT for missing or incorrect line numbers.
• c = 900 on line 05 FT for output based on incorrect tracing of loop.
• pilotCode = HK900 on line 07
• HK900 output on line 08 Line a b c pilotCode Output
01 H
02 K
03 9
05 90
05 900
07 HK900
08 HK900
(c) One mark per bullet point 4
• Any value between 0 and 20 (e.g. 4) (AO3 2c)

• True
• Invalid // erroneous // sensible alternative
• False

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

Experience Expected
Type of test
in years output

4 Normal True

20 Boundary True

32 Erroneous/Invalid False

(d) (i) • Attempt at using selection 4 Example answer :

• Calculates pay correctly for pilots with less (AO3 2b)
than 2 years experience experience = input(“Enter years of
• Calculates pay correctly for pilots with 2 to 5 experience”)
years experience. Must include both 2 and 5. miles = input(“Enter miles flown”)
• Calculates pay correctly for pilots with more
than 5 years experience totalPay = 0
if exp <2 then
totalPay = 120+(0.45*miles)
elseif exp <=5 then
totalPay = 150+(0.65*miles)
totalPay = 180+(0.85*miles)
end if

FT for BP4 only where a reasonable attempt at calculating pay

has been made.
(ii) • totalPay 2 totalPay = calculatePay(experience, miles)
• (experience, miles) // (miles, experience) (AO3 2c)

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Question Answer Mark Guidance

(e) One mark per bullet point 4 Award BP4 for implicit closing of file (e.g. using with… in
• Ask the user for two inputs and store/use these (AO3 2b) Python)
• Open pilots.txt (for write/append)
• Write both inputs to opened text file Example answer :
• Close text file dronepilotData = open("pilots.txt")
pilotCode = input("enter code")
dob = input("enter date of birth")
dronepilotData.writeLine(pilotCode, dob)

Allow data to be written either by simply writing both values or

by concatenating into one string with a separating comma.

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GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277/02 Practice Paper Mark scheme

Question Answer Mark Guidance

(f) One mark per bullet point to max 6 6 Example answer :
(AO3 2b) function pilotValid(pilotCode)
• Function header pilotValid() with (at least total = 0
one) parameter status = ""
• Checks array element [xi,0] for each item… for i = 0 to 5
• …calculates total if journeys[i,0] == pilotCode then
temp = float(journeys[i,1])
• …casting to float / real
total = total + temp
• Checks if 9 hours or fewer
• Returns a value
next i
• …returns "warning" and "valid" correctly
if total > 9 then
status = "warning"
status = "valid"
return status

Do not allow casting to integer for BP4, data shows some

journeys have decimal places.

Allow FT for BP5 if attempt made at calculation.

Allow FT for BP7 if value is output instead of returned.

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