Research Article Association Between Gestational Weight Gain and Maternal and Birth Outcomes in Northern Ghana
Research Article Association Between Gestational Weight Gain and Maternal and Birth Outcomes in Northern Ghana
Research Article Association Between Gestational Weight Gain and Maternal and Birth Outcomes in Northern Ghana
Research Article
Association between Gestational Weight Gain and Maternal and
Birth Outcomes in Northern Ghana
Ghana Health Service, Gushegu Municipal Health Directorate, Gushegu, Ghana
Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China
Institute for Health China, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China
School of Collective Intelligence, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Rabat, Morocco
University of Ghana Medical Centre Ltd, Legon, Accra, Ghana
Received 11 December 2023; Revised 1 February 2024; Accepted 22 April 2024; Published 2 May 2024
Copyright © 2024 John Lapah Niyi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Background. Although inappropriate gestational weight gain is considered closely related to adverse maternal and birth outcomes
globally, little evidence was found in low- and middle-income countries. Study Objectives. This study is aimed at identifying the
determinants of gestational weight gain and examine the association between gestational weight gain and maternal and birth
outcomes in the Northern Region of Ghana. Study Methods. The study used a facility-based cross-sectional study design
involving 611 antenatal and delivery records in Tatale district, Tamale west, and Gushegu municipal hospitals. A two-stage
sampling method involving cluster and simple random sampling was employed. Descriptive statistical analysis and measures of
central tendency were used to describe the sample. The multinomial logistic regression model was used to determine the
determinants of gestational weight gain and its association with maternal and birth outcomes. Results. Among the 611 women
included in the study, 516 (84.45%) had inadequate gestational weight gain, and 19 (3.11%) had excessive gestational weight
gain. The gestational weight gain ranged from 2 kg to 25 kg with a mean of 7 26 ± 3 70 kg. The risk factor for inadequate
gestational weight gain was low prepregnancy BMI (adjusted odds ratio AOR = 1 33, 95% CI = 1 18 − 2 57, P = 0 002).
Pregnant women who had inadequate gestational weight gain were significantly less likely to deliver through caesarean section
(AOR = 0 27, 95% CI = 0 12 − 0 61, P = 0 002), and those who had excessive weight gain were more likely to undergo caesarean
section (AOR = 19 81, 95% CI = 5 38 − 72 91, P = 0 001). The odds of premature delivery (birth < 37 weeks) among pregnant
women with inadequate weight gain were 2.88 (95% CI = 1 27 − 6 50, P = 0 011). Furthermore, subjects who had excessive
weight gain were 43.80 times more likely to give birth to babies with macrosomia (95% CI = 7 07 − 271 23, P = 0 001).
Conclusion. Inappropriate gestational weight gain is prevalent in Ghana, which is associated with caesarean section, preterm
delivery, delivery complications, and macrosomia. Urgent policy interventions are needed to improve on the frequent
monitoring and management of gestational weight gain of pregnant women till term.
[2]. There is a rich body of literature from developed coun- 12 00, P = 0 023) [9]. However, a majority of the evidence
tries showing that an optimal gestational weight gain is stemmed from developed countries such as the United States
linked with lower maternal mortality, induction of labor, of America, China, Brazil, and Europe [7, 11, 23]. Compar-
foetal macrosomia, premature birth, and perinatal deaths. ing these findings to LMICs may be challenging due to dif-
There is evidence from high-income countries including ferences in socioeconomic and cultural contexts. To the
China, Europe, the United States of America, and Brazil best of our knowledge, there is limited research available in
showing the associated risk factors of inappropriate gesta- the context of LMICs, including Ghana [24]. Previous
tional weight gain and its association with maternal and research conducted in Ghana provided limited insights into
birth outcomes [3–11]. However, evidence in low- and the connection between inadequate and excessive weight
middle-income countries (LMICs) specifically in the context gain and their impact on both maternal and birth outcomes
of Ghana is limited. Hence, this study was conducted to [22, 25]. To date, the only study conducted within the con-
address this gap pertaining to the Ghanaian context. text of northern Ghana focusing on the relationship between
Research findings point to a high prevalence of inappro- gestational weight gain and maternal outcomes exclusively
priate gestational weight gain (inadequate and excessive utilized data from three urban hospitals [22]. Consequently,
gestational weight gain) worldwide. In a population-based the findings of this study may not be inferred to encompass
study conducted in the United States, the prevalence of low rural and periurban areas owing to the variations in socio-
gestational weight gain and excessive gestational weight gain economic and cultural background, hence, the need for this
was found to be 21.6% and 45.6%, respectively [3]. Addition- current study. This study will contribute to the scientific evi-
ally, [12] reported in a systematic review and meta-analysis dence base for clinical and public health practice in the con-
of over a million pregnant women that 47% and 23% of text of the Northern Region and Ghana as a whole.
pregnant women had excessive and inadequate gestational This study is aimed at identifying the determinants of
weight gain, respectively. Some studies in LMICs, including gestational weight gain and the association between gesta-
Ghana, have reported a high prevalence of inappropriate tional weight gain and maternal and birth outcomes using
gestational weight gain. A multicountry study conducted secondary data collected from three randomly selected
in LMICs found that all WHO Africa regions involved in health facilities in the Northern Region of Ghana. The find-
the study had a mean gestational weight gain below the ings and recommendations of this study will serve as a guide
minimum gestational weight gain, with Sub-Saharan Africa in the prevention and management of risk factors for inap-
and North Africa along with the Middle East reporting the propriate gestational weight gain and its management dur-
lowest gestational weight gains at 6.64 kg and 6.80 kg, ing pregnancy to curb maternal and birth outcomes
respectively [13]. In Malawi, the prevalence of inadequate associated with inappropriate gestational weight gain.
gestational weight gain was found to be 80.2% [14]. Exces-
sive gestational weight gain was also increasingly reported
in LMICs. For example, there were 55.5% of the women in 2. Methodology
South Africa observed to have excessive gestational weight
gain [15]. 2.1. Study Design. We adopted a facility-based cross-
Previous studies have explored the various determinants sectional study design to examine the determinants of gesta-
of gestational weight gain. The following factors were found tional weight gain and the association between gestational
to be significantly associated with inappropriate gestational weight gain and maternal and birth outcomes in selected
weight gain: prepregnancy BMI classified as obese (AOR = health facilities in the Northern Region of Ghana. The study
3 0, 95% CI = 1 6 − 6 3, P < 0 001), high calorie intake area is in the Northern Region of Ghana. The Northern
(AOR = 4 49, 95% CI = 1 61 − 12 46, P < 0 001), age within Region is one of the sixteen regions in Ghana. It is located
30-40 years (AOR = 2 88, 95% CI = 1 13 − 7 35, P = 0 027), in the north of the country, covering an area of 70,384
and smoking/former smoker (AOR = 5 18, 95% CI = 1 68 square kilometers or 31 percent of Ghana’s land area until
− 16 52, P = 0 005) [16–18]. December 2018 when the Savannah Region and North East
Furthermore, inadequate gestational weight gain has Region were created from it. The Northern Region is divided
been reported as a risk factor for multiple adverse birth out- into 10 districts, 5 municipalities, and 1 metropolitan with
comes, including low birth weight (relative risk RR = 4 15, Tamale being the regional capital. The Northern Region
95% confidence interval CI = 1 10 − 15 40, P = 0 03), pre- has a low population density and is bordered on the north
term birth (adjusted odds ratio AOR = 3 53, 95% CI = by the North East Region, on the east by the eastern
1 96 − 6 37, P < 0 001), and perinatal death [3, 9, 19–21]. Ghana-Togo international border, on the south by the Oti
Additionally, excessive gestational weight gain was associ- region, and on the west by the Savannah region. The region
ated with negative maternal and neonatal outcomes, such currently has a total population of 2,310,939 with an annual
as the high risk of emergency caesarian section, induction population growth rate of 3.7% based on the 2021 Ghana
of labor, episiotomy, macrosomia, and neonatal hypoglycea- population and housing census. The total population of
mia [4, 11, 20, 22]. In previous studies, excessive gestational women in fertile age (WIFA) is 554,625. The predominant
weight gain was reported to be associated with macrosomia economic activity in the region is agriculture. About 75%
(AOR = 2 20, 95% CI = 1 44 − 2 93, P < 0 001), caesarean of the economically active population is engaged in agricul-
section (AOR = 1 45, 95% CI = 1 13 − 1 87, P = 0 004), and tural activities [26]. The Northern Region currently has 19
neonatal hypoglycaemia (AOR = 3 30, 95% CI = 1 20 − hospitals. The region recorded a total of 90,663 antenatal
BioMed Research International 3
n = 839
n = 665
care (ANC) registrants in 2021. The total number of deliver- tals. The data extraction sheet was used to collect variables of
ies recorded in 2021 was 63,041 [27]. interest from ANC records and delivery registers.
2.2. Sampling Method and Data Collection. The study was 2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. This study included
conducted in three randomly selected district/municipal records of all deliveries in the delivery register in the three
hospitals in the Northern Region. The selected facilities [3] selected hospitals in the Northern Region from January
were Gushegu Municipal Hospital, Tatale/Sanguli District to December 2021 and had their ANC records available in
Hospital, and Tamale West Hospital. A multistage sam- the same hospitals. Subjects with multiple (2 or more) births
pling method was employed. At the first stage, districts/ were also excluded since the record of only one newborn was
municipals in the Northern Region were classified into three needed to match each maternal record because multiple
clusters, that is, urban, periurban, and rural districts/munic- births could affect outcomes. Records that do not have valid
ipals. Names of all district/municipal hospitals in the three data on 1st trimester weight and other key variables were
clusters were written on pieces of paper, folded, and kept in excluded. Deliveries before 28 weeks of gestation were also
3 separate bowls based on the clusters. In the last stage, a dis- excluded.
trict/municipal hospital was randomly selected from each As shown in Figure 1, there were a total of 1,056 ANC
bowl after the bowls containing names of the district/munic- and delivery records of the participants. 455 records were
ipal hospitals in each cluster have been shaken. This sam- excluded as they met the exclusion criteria. In the end, 611
pling method was used to ensure that records of women records were analyzed.
with different socioeconomic backgrounds and social groups As presented in Table 1, participants who had gesta-
in the region are included in the study. Since gestational tional weight gain less than 12.5 kg, 11.5 kg, 7.0 kg, and
weight gain can be affected by socioeconomic status. The data 5.0 kg with prepregnancy BMI of underweight, normal
were extracted using a data extraction sheet designed to cap- weight, overweight, and obese correspondingly were classi-
ture the demographic characteristics, gestational weight at fied to have inadequate weight gain. Also, participants who
the first and third trimesters, and maternal and birth out- had gestational weight gain greater than 18.0 kg, 16.0 kg,
comes of the women at the selected district/municipal hospi- 11.5 kg, and 9.0 kg with prepregnancy BMI of underweight,
4 BioMed Research International
normal weight, overweight, and obese, respectively, were Table 2: Demographic characteristics and gestational weight gain
classified to have excessive weight gain. of study subjects.
2.4. Statistical Analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was Demographic characteristics and Frequency
weight gain (n = 611)
performed to describe the study sample in relation to the rel-
evant variables. The results were presented using tables and Mean age in years = 27 04 ± 6 90
figures in frequencies and percentages where necessary Age (years)
appropriate measures of central tendency (mean, median, Below 20 78 12.77
and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation and ranges) 20-29 311 50.90
were calculated on variables with respect to the study
30-39 193 31.59
40 and above 29 4.75
Both crude and adjusted multinomial logistic regression
model was employed to quantify and test the robustness of Highest educational level
the association between gestational weight gain and mater- No formal education 379 62.03
nal and birth outcomes. Basic 134 21.93
EpiData Entry Client version was used for data Secondary/technical 81 13.26
entry and validation. Consistency and plausibility checks Tertiary 17 2.78
were done after the data entry to ensure that errors are Occupation
reduced. The data was then exported to STATA version
Public/civil servant 20 3.27
14.0 for analysis.
Vocational/self-employed 349 57.12
2.5. Ethical Considerations. Ethical clearance for this study None 242 39.61
was waived as the secondary data used for this study is read- Marital status
ily available if granted permission to access it. Permission Married 555 90.83
was granted by the Health Directorates of the selected dis- Not married 56 9.17
tricts and the selected hospitals to use data from their facil- Mean gravidity/number of all pregnancies = 2 90 ± 1 88
ities after the study was explained to them.
No individual identifying information such as names Gravidity
and addresses was linked to data analysis and dissemination Primigravida 158 25.86
of the study findings. This was necessary to ensure the pri- Multigravida 453 74.14
vacy and confidentiality of client records. Mean parity/number of live births from all pregnancies = 2 33 ± 1 78
3. Results Nulliparous 75 12.27
3.1. Demographic Characteristics of Study Subjects. Table 2 Primiparous 202 33.06
shows the demographic characteristics of the pregnant Multiparous 334 54.66
women. Regarding the age distribution, the results revealed Mean BMI in kg/m2 = 22 13 ± 3 78
that the mean age of the respondents was 27.04 years (stan- Prepregnancy BMI
dard deviation (SD): 6.90), with ages ranging from 14 to 50 Underweight 83 13.58
years. Most participants (50.90%) were in the age group of
Normal weight 420 68.74
20-29 years, followed by 31.59% in the 30-39-year age group.
Pregnant women aged 40 years and older represented the Overweight 85 13.91
smallest group, accounting for 4.75% of the total. In terms Obese 23 3.76
of education, 62.03% had no formal education, while only Mean gestational weight gain in kg = 7 26 ± 3 70
2.78% had tertiary-level education. Regarding occupation, Gestational weight gain
57.12% were self-employed or in apprenticeship training, Normal weight gain 76 12.44
39.61% were unemployed, and only 3.27% were fully
Inadequate weight gain 516 84.45
employed as public/civil servants. Maritally, the majority
(90.83%) were married. Excessive weight gain 19 3.11
In terms of gravidity, the mean gravidity was 2.90
(±1.88), ranging from 1 to 10. The majority (74.44%) had
been pregnant at least once before, while 25.66% were first- recorded BMIs being 38.20 kg/m2 and 11.90 kg/m2, respec-
time pregnant. Regarding parity, the mean parity was 2.23 tively. The majority (68.74%) had a normal BMI, while
(±1.78), with a range of 1 to 9. Most pregnant women 3.76% were obese, and 13.58% were underweight, with
(54.64%) had given birth more than once, 33.06% were 13.91% being overweight. Additionally, the mean gesta-
experiencing their first pregnancy, and a smaller portion tional weight gain among the pregnant women was 7.26
(12.27%) had never given birth. (±3.70) kg, ranging from 2 kg to 26 kg. The majority
The mean prepregnancy BMI for the 611 participants (84.45%) had inadequate weight gain, while 3.11% had
was 22.13 (±3.78) kg/m2, with the highest and lowest excessive weight gain.
BioMed Research International 5
Table 4: Multinomial logistic regression showing the determinants of gestational weight gain among pregnant women using normal weight
gain as the base outcome category.
As presented in Table 3, among pregnant women with likely to have inadequate gestational weight gain (AOR =
normal gestational weight gain, 23.68% had an underweight 1 33, 95% CI = 1 18 − 2 57, P = 0 002) whereas pregnant
prepregnancy BMI, while 14.47% were obese. In contrast, women who were obese were 72% less likely to gain inade-
among those with inadequate gestational weight gain, quate gestational weight (AOR = 0 28, 95% CI = 0 15 − 0 53,
12.40% were underweight, and only 1.55% were obese. For P = 0 001) in reference to normal weight gain.
participants with excessive gestational weight gain, 21.05% The remaining factors including maternal age, educa-
were obese, and 5.26% were underweight. Prepregnancy tion, gravidity, and parity were not significant determinants
BMI was found to be a statistically significant factor. of gestational weight gain.
3.2. Factors Associated with Gestational Weight Gain. 3.3. Association between Gestational Weight Gain and
Table 4 shows the results of a multivariate multinomial Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes. The multinomial logistic
logistic regression model analysis which presented the asso- regression analysis presented in Table 5 shows the associa-
ciations between risk factors and gestational weight gain. We tion between pregnancy outcome variables and gestational
found that prepregnancy BMI was a significant determinant weight gain. The results indicated that pregnant women
of gestational weight gain. As compared to normal prepreg- who delivered by caesarean section were 73% less likely to
nancy BMI, underweight pregnant women were 33% more have inadequate weight gain at 95% CI = 0 12 − 0 61, P =
6 BioMed Research International
Table 5: Multinomial logistic regression showing the association between maternal and birth outcome and gestational weight gain of
pregnant women using normal weight gain as the base outcome category.
0 002, and 19.81 times more likely to have excessive weight to give birth to macrosomia babies as compared to normal
gain (95% CI = 5 38 − 72 91, P = 0 001) as compared to birth weight babies.
those who had spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Furthermore, compared to participants without deliv-
ery complications, those who had delivery complications 4. Discussion
are 8.47 times more likely to have excessive weight gain
compared to normal weight gain (95% CI = 1 29 − 55 33, 4.1. Determinants of Gestational Weight Gain. We con-
P = 0 026). ducted a comprehensive and geographically representative
The findings also showed that the odds of preterm deliv- study and analysis of routine data in 3 hospitals selected
ery among pregnant women who had inadequate weight from rural, periurban, and urban districts in northern
gain was 2.88 (95% CI = 1 27 − 6 50, P = 0 011) as compared Ghana. This study sought to determine the factors associated
to normal-term delivery. Furthermore, pregnant women with gestational weight gain and the association between
who delivered postterm as compared to those who delivered gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcome. The find-
at normal term were 91% less likely to have inadequate ings showed that inappropriate gestational weight gain had
weight gain with reference to normal weight gain (AOR = varying impact on maternal and neonatal outcomes. The
0 09, 95% CI = 0 03 − 0 32, P = 0 001). prominent findings in this study revealed that prepregnancy
Pregnant women who had excessive weight gain were BMI was a significant risk factor for gestational weight
43.80 (95% CI = 7 07 − 271 23, P = 0 001) times more likely gain. Furthermore, gestational weight gain was significantly
BioMed Research International 7
associated with mode of delivery, delivery complications, Gestational weight gain below the IoM recommenda-
term of delivery, and foetal macrosomia. tions has been observed to be a significant risk factor of pre-
In the present study, underweight prepregnancy BMI term delivery. In China, for example, insufficient weight gain
increased the risk of inadequate gestational weight gain was significantly associated with a high probability of pre-
by 33% while overweight/obese prepregnancy BMI term delivery [9, 36]. In accordance with these previous
decreased the risk by 77%. This finding was strongly sup- studies, we observed that inadequate weight gain during
ported by previous studies [28, 29]. For instance, among pregnancy increased the risk of preterm births but was
low-income Hispanic women in the United States of found to be a protective factor for postterm delivery.
America, decreased odds (0.36) of inadequate gestational Although these results are consistent with previous studies
weight gain was observed among women who were over- as indicated, they differ from some other published research
weight or obese before pregnancy [30]. In the same vain, [37, 38]. For instance, Huang et al. [38] reported that
another study observed that underweight women had an increased gestational weight gain above IoM recommenda-
increased risk of inadequate gestational weight gain [31]. tions increases the risk of preterm birth. However, these
Notably, maternal nutritional status before and during findings relate to gestational weight gain only in the 3rd tri-
pregnancy is a major contributing factor to prepregnancy mester of gestation, whereas in the current study, gestational
BMI and gestational weight gain [28]; hence, nutritional weight gain was obtained from 1st to 3rd trimester of gesta-
deficiencies coupled with the high range of optimum gesta- tion. It seems possible that inadequate gestational weight
tional weight gain for underweight women in the IoM gain may be reflective of nutritional deficiencies particularly
guidelines may account for their increased risk of insuffi- during early gestation, which could affect plasma volume
cient gestational weight gain. However, Mbu et al. found expansion and maternal tissue development to support the
that underweight prepregnancy BMI was positively associ- foetus to term, resulting to preterm delivery [39, 40]. Indeed,
ated with excessive gestational weight gain [28]. These con- preterm delivery poses major health complications to babies
trary findings may result from the different categorization and increases the risk of neonatal and infant mortality.
method used by Mbu et al. which had only two groups Therefore, measures must be put in place to reduce the
for gestational weight gain, that is, normal and excessive. higher prevalence of certain risk factors of preterm delivery
Consequently, these modifiable risk factors are detrimental including inadequate gestational weight gain as reported in
to the attainment of optimal gestational weight. Hence, it is this study. We further observed that compared to normal
imperative to adapt initiatives aimed at enhancing normal weight gain, weight gain above the IoM guidelines was asso-
BMI before pregnancy such as appropriate dietary practices ciated with a higher risk of foetal macrosomia. Several other
and physical activities [15, 32]. This present study, how- studies conducted in China, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Sweden
ever, was unable to demonstrate that age of mother, marital reported comparable results where foetal macrosomia was
status, and educational status are significant determinants positively associated with excessive gestational weight gain
of gestational weight gain, consistent with earlier studies [5, 9, 21, 28]. It has been established that foetal macrosomia
[1, 22, 28]. is a major risk factor of childhood obesity. For example, in
China, foetal macrosomia increased the risk of childhood
4.2. Association between Gestational Weight Gain and obesity by 3.74 folds compared to normal birth weight
Maternal and Birth Outcome. This study highlights the asso- babies [23]. Consequently, it resulted to the early onset of
ciation between gestational weight gain and maternal and chronic cardiovascular diseases [23]. The negative implica-
birth outcome. It has been reported that excessive gestation tions of inappropriate gestational weight gain demand
weight gain predisposes women to delivery complications urgent behavioural counselling interventions for gestational
[28, 33, 34], which concurs with the findings in our study. weight gain to minimize the risk of these undesirable mater-
Such associated complications include prolonged labor, high nal and birth outcomes.
risk of arrest disorders, narrow birth passage due to accumu-
lation of soft tissues, intra- and postpartum haemorrhage, 4.3. Limitation of the Study. This study had some limitations.
and eclampsia [28]. These preventable complications are First, the use of records of the subjects is available in the
among the leading causes of maternal and neonatal deaths delivery and ANC registers. Since the data was not collected
in LMICs including Ghana [35]. Consequently, those women for the purposes of this current study, the data on other var-
have to undergo emergency caesarean section in order to limit iables that could have enhanced the content of this study
or prevent the negative impact of these complications [28, 33]. were not captured in the registers. This limitation was how-
This has further been affirmed in this study and supported ever minimized by extracting data on key variables that
by previous research [5, 11, 28]. Interestingly, caesarean sec- would help achieve the objectives of this study.
tion was significantly high in women with greater weight Secondly, some of the records had incomplete data or
gain during pregnancy. In Cameroon for instance, pregnant missing key variables, and hence, some of the records
women who had excessive weight gain were over 3 times at were not extracted. To cater for a limited sample size with
greater risk to undergo emergency caesarean section [28]. complete records of key variables of interest, three hospi-
On this basis, it can be deduced that the higher risk of delivery tals were used to generate adequate records for this cur-
complications and foetal macrosomia among women with rent study.
excessive gestational weight may account for the increased Also, gestational weight gain was classified as inadequate,
odds of caesarean section. normal, and excessive weight gain based on the United States
8 BioMed Research International
of America (USA) IoM guidelines for gestational weight gain. Conflicts of Interest
Indeed, these guidelines were developed in the context of
the US population; hence, they might not be suitable for The authors of this study declare that they have no compet-
developing countries like Ghana. Nevertheless, these guide- ing interests.
lines have been accepted and used in LMICs including
Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger, and Ghana [1, 17, 21, 28]. There- Authors’ Contributions
fore, the findings from the current study are comparable to
similar studies conducted in similar settings. JLN conceptualized and designed the study and led in data
Finally, the cross-sectional study design used made it analysis and interpretation. JLN wrote the initial manu-
impossible to derive causation between dependent and script. ZL provided the overall supervision of the study and
independent variables. In minimizing this limitation, the made major revisions to the study and manuscript. FZ con-
adjusted multinomial logistic regression model was used in tributed to the data analysis, interpretation of the results,
this study to strengthen the association between gestational and manuscript writing. All authors contributed to the crit-
weight gain and its determinants. Also, respondent, recall, ical revision of the manuscript. All authors approved the
and interviewer biases did not affect this study since the final submission of the manuscript.
researcher did not obtain data directly from the subjects
but rather used medically confirmed and recorded data from
registers without altering or manipulating data on exposures Acknowledgments
and outcomes. The authors are grateful to the lecturers and staff of Tsin-
ghua University, Vanke School of Public Health. We are also
grateful to the management and staff of Gushegu Municipal
5. Conclusion Hospital, Tamale West Hospital, Tatale District Hospital,
and the research assistants for their support during the data
This study explored the determinants of gestational weight extraction period. The authors fully funded this study.
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