AFHCReliabilityandvalidity Johnson Wardland Griffith
AFHCReliabilityandvalidity Johnson Wardland Griffith
AFHCReliabilityandvalidity Johnson Wardland Griffith
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The Adolescent Food Habits Checklist: reliability and
validity of a measure of healthy eating behaviour in
F Johnson1, J Wardle1* and J Griffith1
ICRF Health Behaviour Unit, University College London, UK
Objective: Amid concerns about the quality of young people’s diets, this paper describes the development of a measure of
healthy eating behaviour for use with adolescents.
Design: Items for the measure were selected from a larger pool on the basis of responses from a pilot study. The 23-item
checklist was validated using measures of dietary fat and fibre intake, fruit and vegetable consumption, dietary restraint,
nutrition knowledge and a measure of family income.
Setting: Participants came from seven secondary schools in the north-west of England.
Subjects: A total of 1822 adolescents aged between 13 and 16 y took part in the study, representing 84% of those invited to
Results: Correlations between measures indicate a good level of convergent validity, and the checklist is also shown to have high
internal and test – retest reliability.
Conclusions: The focus on choices available to adolescents means that the checklist will provide a useful addition to food
frequency-type approaches to the measurement of adolescent eating behaviour.
Sponsorship: This research was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council’s Health
Variations Programme.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002) 56, 644 – 649. doi:10.1038=sj.ejcn.1601371
Girls Boys
(n ¼ 1246) (n ¼ 576) Significance of gender differences
Age (s.d.) 14 y 5 months (6.9 months) 14 y 4 months (7.7 months) F(1, 1787) ¼ 7.7, P < 0.01
White 1149 (92.1%) 517 (89.8%) w2[1] ¼ 0.03, NS
Non-white 85 (6.8%) 59 (6.4%)
Missing 14 (1.1%) 22 (3.8%)
Eligible for free school meals 393 (32.0%) 184 (33.1%) w [1] ¼ 0.21, NS
School type
Single sex 636 (51.0%) — N=A
Mixed sex 612 (49.0%) 576 (100%)
Trying to change body weight
Lose weight 688 (55.2%) 129 (22.4%) w [2] ¼ 173.3, P < 0.001
Gain weight 27 (2.2%) 48 (8.3%)
Stay the same=do nothing 512 (41.1%) 364 (63.2%)
Missing 19 (1.5%) 33 (5.7%)
Appendix: The Adolescent Food Habits Checklist 13. I try to ensure I eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
14. I often eat sweet snacks between meals. True=False
1. If I am having lunch away from home, I often choose a
15. I usually eat at least one serving of vegetables (exclud-
low-fat option. True=False=I never have lunch away from
ing potatoes) or salad with my evening meal. True=False
16. When I am buying a soft drink, I usually choose a diet
2. I usually avoid eating fried foods. True=False
drink. True=False=I never buy soft drinks
3. I usually eat a dessert or pudding if there is one avail-
17. When I put butter or margarine on bread, I usually
able. True=False
spread it thinly. True=False=I never have butter or margar-
4. I make sure I eat at least one serving of fruit a day. ine on bread
True=False 18. If I have a packed lunch, I usually include some choco-
5. I try to keep my overall fat intake down. True=False late and=or biscuits. True=False=I never have a packed
6. If I am buying crisps, I often choose a low-fat brand. lunch
True=False=I never buy crisps 19. When I have a snack between meals, I often choose
7. I avoid eating lots of sausages and burgers. True=False=I fruit. True=False=I never eat snacks between meals
never eat sausages or burgers 20. If I am having a dessert or pudding in a restaurant, I
8. I often buy pastries or cakes. True=False usually choose the healthiest one. True=False=I never
9. I try to keep my overall sugar intake down. True=False have desserts in restaurants
10. I make sure I eat at least one serving of vegetables or 21. I often have cream on desserts. True=False=I don’t eat
salad a day. True=False desserts
11. If I am having a dessert at home, I try to have some- 22. I eat at least three servings of fruit most days. True=False
thing low in fat. True=False=I don’t eat desserts 23. I generally try to have a healthy diet. True=False
12. I rarely eat takeaway meals. True=False