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Ipassan Manager User Guide: 1 Summary

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iPassan Manager user guide

1 Summary
iPassan Manager user guide.................................................................................................................... 1
1 First start of the software ................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Login ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 Site wizard ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Site property .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Features ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Network ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Controllers ..................................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Doors ............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.7 Door stations ................................................................................................................................. 16
2.7.1 2Voice integration through interface .................................................................................... 16
2.7.2 2Voice integration through 2Smart panels ........................................................................... 18
2.7.3 Setting.................................................................................................................................... 19
2.8 Lift .................................................................................................................................................. 20
2.8.1 Low level integration ............................................................................................................. 20
2.8.2 Kone COP (car operating panel) ............................................................................................ 21
2.8.3 Kone DOP (destination operating panel)............................................................................... 21
2.9 Zones ............................................................................................................................................. 23
2.10 Access profiles ............................................................................................................................... 24
2.11 Keys ............................................................................................................................................... 24
2.12 Read / encode ............................................................................................................................... 25
3 Settings & parameters ................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Companies ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.1 Activation of the feature ....................................................................................................... 27
3.1.2 Create companies .................................................................................................................. 28
3.1.3 Assign companies to hardware ............................................................................................. 28
3.1.4 Assign companies to access profiles...................................................................................... 29

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
3.1.5 Operator group...................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.6 Creation of operator(s) .......................................................................................................... 31
3.1.7 Multi companies & Monitoring ............................................................................................. 31
3.2 Network ......................................................................................................................................... 32
3.3 Controllers ..................................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Basic settings ......................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Activation card....................................................................................................................... 34
3.3.3 How to check the availability of extra features in the controller? ........................................ 36
3.4 Doors ............................................................................................................................................. 36
3.5 Readers .......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.5.1 Standard settings: .................................................................................................................. 38
3.5.2 RS485 reader ......................................................................................................................... 39
3.5.3 ANPR reader type ................................................................................................................. 39
3.5.4 Wireless reader : Aperio ........................................................................................................ 43
3.5.5 Reader custom behavior ....................................................................................................... 45
3.6 Lift .................................................................................................................................................. 47
3.6.3 Basic settings ......................................................................................................................... 47
3.6.4 Kone Cop lift .......................................................................................................................... 48
3.6.5 Kone DOP lifts ........................................................................................................................ 51
3.7 I/O expander.................................................................................................................................. 55
3.8 Input .............................................................................................................................................. 55
3.8.3 Input option adjustment ....................................................................................................... 56
3.9 Outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 57
3.10 Apb / counting zones..................................................................................................................... 57
3.10.3 Create a counting zone.......................................................................................................... 58
3.10.4 Apb ........................................................................................................................................ 61
3.11 Time profile & maintenance / holiday time .................................................................................. 61
3.11.3 Time profile ........................................................................................................................... 62
3.11.4 Time profile for relays (door, output, floor) .......................................................................... 62
3.11.5 Time profile for readers......................................................................................................... 63
3.11.6 Key time profile ..................................................................................................................... 64
3.11.7 Door phone time profile ........................................................................................................ 64
3.11.8 Process time profile ............................................................................................................... 65
3.11.9 Time profile importation ....................................................................................................... 65
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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
3.11.10 Holiday period / maintenance period ............................................................................... 66
3.12 Video integration ........................................................................................................................... 67
3.12.3 Overview................................................................................................................................ 67
3.12.4 Synoptic ................................................................................................................................. 67
3.12.5 Settings .................................................................................................................................. 68
3.13 Emergency action .......................................................................................................................... 68
4 Users & access profiles .................................................................................................................. 68
4.5 Door access profile ........................................................................................................................ 68
4.6 Lift access profile ........................................................................................................................... 71
4.6.3 Kone Dop ............................................................................................................................... 71
4.7 Copy an access profile ................................................................................................................... 72
4.8 Sub access profile .......................................................................................................................... 72
4.9 Individual access ............................................................................................................................ 72
4.10 Users & Credentials ....................................................................................................................... 73
4.10.3 Users ...................................................................................................................................... 74
4.10.4 Credentials............................................................................................................................. 74
4.11 Automatic creation of users & credentials.................................................................................... 75
4.12 Excel Importation .......................................................................................................................... 76
4.13 Importation through the encoder ................................................................................................. 78
4.14 Importation through the events.................................................................................................... 78
5 Supervision .................................................................................................................................... 79
5.5.3 Events .................................................................................................................................... 80
5.5.4 Network status ...................................................................................................................... 81
5.5.5 Manual commands ................................................................................................................ 81
5.5.6 Report .................................................................................................................................... 81
5.5.7 People on zone ...................................................................................................................... 83
6 Booking management (V3) ............................................................................................................ 83
6.5 Overview........................................................................................................................................ 83
6.6 Booking Asset management .......................................................................................................... 83
6.7 Create asset(s) ............................................................................................................................... 84
6.7.3 General asset definition and settings .................................................................................... 86
6.7.4 Advanced settings ................................................................................................................. 87
6.7.5 Actions ................................................................................................................................... 89
6.7.6 Instruction ............................................................................................................................. 90
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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
6.8 Add user(s)..................................................................................................................................... 90
6.9 Add a booking request .................................................................................................................. 91
6.9.3 Booking request from software operator interface .............................................................. 92
6.9.4 See all booking requests (past and upcoming)...................................................................... 96
6.9.5 Check and confirm booking requests (all assets) .................................................................. 97
6.9.6 Purge old booking and visitors .............................................................................................. 97
6.9.7 Booking request from user interface : resident portal.......................................................... 98
7 Resident portal .............................................................................................................................. 99
7.5 Create a user account.................................................................................................................. 100
8 Visitor management .................................................................................................................... 102
8.5 Activation of the visitor management......................................................................................... 102
8.6 Create visitor access profiles ....................................................................................................... 103
8.7 Creation of visits .......................................................................................................................... 103
8.8 Add a visit .................................................................................................................................... 104
8.9 Create an instant visit .................................................................................................................. 105
8.10 Management of the credential validity ....................................................................................... 105
8.10.3 Manual management .......................................................................................................... 106
8.10.4 Automatic management...................................................................................................... 106
9 Advanced programing ................................................................................................................. 106
9.5 Custom fields ............................................................................................................................... 106
9.6 Tool for automatic modification.................................................................................................. 110
9.6.3 Modify the IP address of the controllers ............................................................................. 110
9.6.4 Modify the information of the controllers .......................................................................... 111
9.6.5 Modify the inputs ................................................................................................................ 111
9.6.6 Modify the outputs.............................................................................................................. 112
9.7 Tools for automatic creation of users / credentials .................................................................... 113
9.8 Reflexes ....................................................................................................................................... 114
9.9 Message....................................................................................................................................... 116
10 Tools ............................................................................................................................................ 116
10.5 Export site(s) to Files (back up) ................................................................................................... 117
10.6 Import site(s) from file (restore) ................................................................................................. 117
10.7 Configuration backup .................................................................................................................. 118
10.8 Configuration restoration ............................................................................................................ 118
10.9 Automatic tasks ........................................................................................................................... 118
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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
10.10 Hardware upgrade................................................................................................................... 119
10.10.3 Upgrade the firmware of the controller .......................................................................... 119
10.10.4 Upgrade the firmware of the RS485 I/O expanders ........................................................ 120
10.10.5 Update the reader firmware ........................................................................................... 121
10.11 Controller detection ................................................................................................................ 121
10.12 Set the email server ................................................................................................................. 122
11 Access software ........................................................................................................................... 122
11.5 Add or modify an operator profile .............................................................................................. 123
11.6 Add, modify an operator ............................................................................................................. 123
11.7 Logs .............................................................................................................................................. 124
12 Integration ................................................................................................................................... 124
12.5 Special users ................................................................................................................................ 125
12.5.3 Add a special user ................................................................................................................ 125
12.5.4 Access to the database ........................................................................................................ 125
12.5.5 Event view ........................................................................................................................... 127
12.5.6 SQL insertion or modification .............................................................................................. 130
12.6 Onvif API ...................................................................................................................................... 130
12.6.3 What is Onvif? ..................................................................................................................... 130
12.6.4 Network discovery / WS_Discovery .................................................................................... 130
12.6.5 Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 131
12.6.6 Add functions ...................................................................................................................... 131
12.6.7 Testing tools ........................................................................................................................ 133

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
1 First start of the software
The software is web based. Once it is install, you only need a web browser. A shortcut is available
through the icon in the task bar (bottom right).

A left click on the shortcut opens the menus. Select launch interface.

The other solution is to create a link to the following web page :

Note, Ipassan is compatible with Microsoft Internet explorer and Edge, Mozilla or Chrome.
1.1 Login
In the login window, enter the e mail + password then click on Server connection.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
2 Site wizard
Click on Create a site push button from the main window. A site wizard guides you step by step.
Important : all the feature of the system are note included in the site wizard. It has been designed to be
easy and doesn’t manage all the features.
It could be necessary after creating the site through the wizard to manage advanced features in Settings
and parameters (see chapter )

2.1 Site property

The first step consists of the site definition.
Name, manager details, etc
Time zone
Transfer mode
o Optimised
o Reconstruction
Transfer option
Type of used technology
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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
o Contactless
o Remote
o Pin code
o Etc

Transfer mode

Note, in the optimized mode, only the relevant data are transferred to the controllers. For example, the
names of the door, access profiles, users don’t need to be sent to the controllers to manage the access.
The controllers must know the key serial number, door and floor access profiles.
In this mode, the transfer delays are shorter but in case the computer is stollen or damage without
backup, it will be possible to rebuild the site on a new computer with the minimum data (keys doors,
access profiles etc without name)
In the reconstruction mode, all data are sent to the controllers even if the name of the key, for example,
isn’t required to provide access to the key.
But in this mode, it will be possible to rebuild the full data from the controllers to the server in case this
is necessary.
The transfer delays are longer, especially when the communication between controllers is rs485.
In Ipassan.com, the default choice is Optimised as the backup is managed by FDI Matelec (every night,
Europe time)
In local installation of Ipassan manager, the default choice is Optimised in case the operator doesn’t
manage regular back up of a memory stick for example.
Transfer option

Check the transfer date : the controllers save the time and date of the latest server modification. The
server also manages this information.
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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
When the box is ticked, the server always compares both time and date and if they don’t match, it offers
the possibility to force an update of the selected controller or to rebuild the site.
This depends of which side (computer or controller) owns the latest data.
UTF 8 protocol : This option is only relevant when using 2Smart panels. This authorizes to send to the
controller and the 2Smart panel special characters as Æ, Ø, å, æ, ø for example.
Without this option, those special characters aren’t managed.
Enable / disable type of credential

Ipassan manages many types of credential. It could be different generations of FDI keys 125Khz,
13.56Mhz Mifare or Mifare+. Ipassan manages also access codes, car plate number or BLE access for
example. When wiegand readers are used, those credential types could be only decimal or
Plate number : With integrated camera or OCR (optical character recognition), Ipassan manages the
access of the cars and users through the plate number.
In this case, it isn’t a wiegand conversion. The plate number is read and sent to the controller with full
letters and digits. If the car isn’t authorized, the events report “AG891CX” / access denied / out of
validity for example.
In March 2020, two integrations are managed
- ITC237 Dahua camera for Australian market (European firmware of the camera not compatible)
- Innova OCR software (installed on a computer or built in in an Axis camera)

BLE : since the 1.07 ipassan manager release (and fv1071 firmware for the controller), Ipassan manage
BLE access through IOS or android mobile.
The mobiles are used as prox or remote keys depend of number of credits.
This management requires an account on the partner.fdimatelec.com portal where the credits for those
virtual credentials are delivered.
2.2 Features
In the second step, features needed for this site have to be ticked. The software is designed to be easy
to use but offers advanced features.
When the manager doesn’t need counting zone, lift management or just door contacts, the software will
not display those settings.
if later, door contacts are used, it’s possible to tick the box and discover the tab in the door menu.

Each question mark shows up a message to give an extended description of associated


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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Detail :
Use site architecture (see chapter Notion of architecture :)
Use door switches
The door contacts (or door switches) are built in the controller. A door contact is used to detect a
door left open, a forced door, etc
Use zones
The zones allow the counting and / or the anti pass back features. On Ipassan system, it is possible
to count globally, by access profile, by user, by company.
Use integrate door phone system
Ipassan manages two types of integration.
Integration of 2Smart door station (2Voice panels by FDI Matelec)
integration of 2Voice bus through a 2Voice interface. In this second option, the call modules are
from Urmet Italy
Use reflexes
A reflex is a link between a condition and a process. For instance, a relay is activated when a door
is forced until a valid key is present to a specific reader.
Use lift
This option authorises the lift management (up to 110 floors per lift car).
Note, when the lift feature is ticked, the architecture feature is automatically ticked because the
lift management requires it. (see chapter Notion of architecture :)
Companies management
The software is designed to manage operators which cannot see the doors, access profiles, keys
or events of other operators.
Different companies use the same building for example, the administrator of Ipassan site see and
manage all settings and all keys, access profiles, etc but the operator of the company A see only
what he is authorized to. Operator of the company B, see his door, keys, events.
When this building owns a common door or lift, each operator see this door.
The multi companies feature is useful for business and commercial buildings but could be used
also for residential jobs where there are, for example, a property manager for some floors + social
housing for some other floors. It could be a car park used by different manager, etc
Advanced management of the remote
The system manages 4 push button remotes. In standard mode, we choose for each door one or
several push button. With the advanced mode, this choice is made for each user.
For example, all users will open an entrance barrier with the first push button and an exit barrier
with the second push button.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In the advanced mode, a user 1 uses push button 1 and 2, but user 2 uses push buttons 1 and 4
for the same doors.
Emergency mode
This feature is used with fire alarm system. All time an input is activated, all time the selected
door(s) are forced open.
Site code / facility codes
This option is usefull when a site requires a particular code per block for example
Facility, booking management
Ipassan manager offers the possibility to manage assets or facilities in the site. Those assets are
created in the software so the operators are able to book those assets for themselves, residents
or visitors.
An example of asset is a tennis court, a meeting room or a car park for visitors.
Ipassan manager is compatible with the Rtsp (real time streaming protocol). Some cameras are
linked in the software to doors, inputs, outputs, etc so the streaming is displayed in live when an
event occurs on the linked door, input, etc,
The main benefit is the playback as the software is able to display the video just by clicking on the
event when a door has been forced for example.
This is possible because the time & date of both controllers and NVR are synchronised by the
same ntp (network time protocol) server. So when the door is forced at 5h01:02, the computer is
asking to right NVR, right camera the streaming beginning at 5h00:32 to 5h01:32 (This is settable)
Resident portal
this option is linked to the facilities booking as it is an extra option. Through a light Ipassan portal,
the residents have access to the booking of the tennis court for example. They could book a car
spot for their visitors.
This resident portal (http://residents-portal.ipassan.com/?login) is designed to be used on a 7’’
screen, it could be their door phone monitors.
People group management
The software manages three different views.
Classic => Users and keys are sorted by access profiles
Architecture => Users and keys are sorted by blocks, floors and appartments
Group of keys => keys are sorted by groups. A group could be a department of a company.
Note, all three options could be used in the same time.
Personal extra access management
With this box ticked, the operator directly adds door(s) to a user. It isn’t compulsory to create
specific access profiles.
This option gives the possibility to link the Ipassan site to the partner account so to provide to
users virtual credentials.
The users download K-app from Apple or Android store then receive their authorisations through
a notifications.
The building manager manages the mobile access through their phone numbers.

2.3 Network
The software is multi network. Those networks could be TCP/Ip, RS485 or mixt of both.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
What is an Ip network ?
A tcp/ip network contains up to 64 controllers which are communicating together.
When a site requires more than 64 controllers, a second network has to be created.
from a software point of view, several network could be managed.
What is a Rs485 network ?
A RS485 network authorizes 32 controllers on 1km. The first controller of the network communicates with
the server through Ip or Usb.
What is a mixt network ?
It is a network which contain Ip and rs485 network.
Important, starting from the server, the network could only be Tcp/ip then Rs485. After a rs485 bus, it’s
not possible to becomes again a tcp/ip network.
An example of a mixt network is a tcp/ip network between buildings and some rs485 network from the
basement of each building to the tops for the lift controllers.

Enter the number of network and the number of controllers per network then click on Next or click on
magnifying glass if the server is already connected to the controllers.
In this case, the server searches on the network (or usb plug) the controller.
This option is helpful because it discovers the controllers, the option cards and the expanders.
2.4 Architecture

Notion of architecture :
The software is able to manage buildings, floors, apartments or offices. This notion of architecture is
useful, later in the management, to sort devices or users per building, floor, etc
This architecture is optional when the system manages only door access control but is required when lifts
access control is used.
This explain why, when you ticked lift management in features, Use architecture is also ticked.
One benefit of this system is the user friendly side. The operator easily finds the users, keys, etc in the
software rather than searching in a long list of keys.
The second benefit is the keys are authorized to floors. If a building has 4 lifts, when the operator
authorizes the user to a floors, it does in the same time for the 4 lifts.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Use :
The first view bellow shows a sort by access profile.
The second one shows a sort by architecture.
Both views are available at any time. An icon on top of the treeview (left frame) is designed to switch
from one view to the second one.
Example, a site contains three buildings. The B one has 7 floors and this 7nd floor has 4 apartments 71
to 74.

Apart 71 Apart 72
Detail of
floor 7
Apart 74 Apart 73

Floor 7
Floor 6
Floor 5
Floor 4
Floor 3
Floor 2
Floor 1

Block A Block B Block C

Classic view (by access profile)

The users and keys are sort by door and floor access profiles.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
View by architecture
In this view, users and their keys are sort by building, floor, apartment.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In the architecture tab, enter the number of main entrance. Those entrances are doors or barriers outside
of the buildings. Doors inside the buildings are settable in a newt step.
This option is not compulsory but is useful is later, you want to sort doors by building, parking, area, etc

The number of building is required as soon as lift management is used in the software. When operator
gives access to a user for block B floor 5, the software translates to a list of relays even if several lifts are
available for this floor.

Entre the number of floor.

The field office or apartment is not compulsory. It could help later to sort user and keys.
For example, in an office building, 5 companies uses the same floor, but all use the same door and lift
access profiles.
Without notion of office, all users are in the same access profiles. With offices, users are sorted by
offices (companies).

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
2.5 Controllers
At this step, enter the number of controllers and the options / expanders they manage.
The number of door and/or lift per controller has also to be entered.

In the previous window, entre the fields as describe below :

Name of the controller : It is a text including the location for example.
Controller number : it is the number beginning by 24C1xxxx. It is printed on a sticker on the controller
and also on the box.
Note, this number includes :
24C11 common part
AF100D60 end of the mac address. (the 4 first digit are 00 0E). This one, for example has the
following mac address 00 0E AF 10 0D 60
C973 Checksum
Expansion card : A controller is able to manage an expansion card (12 inputs / 12 outputs or extra
RS485 expanders : Each controller manages a maximum of 10 expanders. Each RS485 expanders could
be a 10 inputs or 10 outputs and is able to receive an extra expansion card (12 inputs or 12 outputs)
Doors : Enter the number of doors each controller manages.
Note, a controller manage 6 doors or lifts at maximum.
Lifts : Enter the number of lift, each controller manages.
Note, a controller manage 6 doors or lifts at maximum.
2.6 Doors
In the following view, enter each door of the system.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Extra settings :
- If architecture is used on this site, select the location through the pen.
- Entre a different door delay if needed (5 secs by default)
- Eventually, select a door time profile. A door time has three behavior
o Free access, the door is unlock
o Forbidden, no access even if a valid card is presented to the reader
o Normal, a valid card has to be present to open the door

2.7 Door stations

Two integrations are available in Ipassan. The first one is by using interfaces on the 2Voice bus. The call
modules are the ones from Urmet Italy and the FDI interface listens the message on the 2Voice bus.
The second integration is the use of FDI Matelec door stations. Those ones are connected to the 2Smart
bus of the Ipassan controller then are full controlled by Ipassan manager. The operator of the software
manages the names, call numbers or handset numbers in the same way he manages the keys.
2.7.1 2Voice integration through interface Overview
One interface manages up to 4 call modules. One controller manages also up to 4 call modules but the
limit of call modules per controller is still 4.
This means if the four call modules are on the same installation, one interface is enough, but in case
there are four call modules on four different installation but managed by the same controller, it is
necessary to connect 4 interfaces (one per installation)
The interface manages a one way communication from 2Voice to Ipassan. The 2Voice interface
constantly listens to the 2Voice bus but doesn’t send any data to the bus. It can be considered as a

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

The benefits of this integration are multiple:

• Manage the doorphone system events such as who opened the door and when
• Improve the security by using the controller relay instead of the call module one to activate the
lock. As the relay is inside the building, it is more secure than the call module relay
• Create a high level interface between the doorphone system and the access control which can
already manage the lifts, in other words manage an easier integration between the doorphone
and the lift.
This integration avoids to use the 2Voice special decoders.
Note: this last feature requires an activation card (ref FD-050-096)

A) How it works ?

Call modules and apartments are created in the “Ipassan Manager” software. The configuration must
match the installation wiring layout.
When a visitor calls a resident from an Urmet call module, the 2Voice interface sends the number to the
controller as well as the type of call module and the handset number together with the type of event (call
in progress, Push button 1 pressed, door open, etc).
Ipassan displays in the event list the right apartment name as entered in the software.

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In second option, the lock push button of the handsets is set to open a door of the same controller, so
when the 2Voice interface sends the event “push button 0” to the controller, the right relay of Ipassan is
In this case, the door is wired on the controller, not on the call module.
In third option, lift and floor are set for each apartment so when the resident opens the door for the
visitor, Ipassan authorises also the right lift and right floor for the visitor. This lift management requires an
activation card (ref FD-050-096).
Without this last feature, 2Voice special decoders would be required (at least, one per floor).
2.7.2 2Voice integration through 2Smart panels
A) Overview






By using the 2Smart panels, you will get the following benefits:
• Manage door and lift access control plus intercom system from one software.
• Manage events from the same software
• Simplify the wiring as the controller relay is used for both access (reader and intercom calls)
• Improvement of the security as the door relay is inside the building
• Create a high level interface between the 2Voice system and the access control which can already
manage the lifts, in other words manage an easier integration between the door phone system
and the lift.
You don’t need to use the 2Voice special decoder when you install the 2Smart panel

In term of wiring, the installation of the 2Smart panels is similar to the others 2Voice system
They can be set as main, secondary (0) or secondary (1).
A 2Voice installation can be a mix of 2Smart paneIs and Urmet panels.

The power supply of the 2Smart panel is provided by the 2Voice bus, so the wiring is very easy. Only 4
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- 2 for 2Voice Bus
- 2 for 2Smart connection with the controller

The number of 2Smart panels in an installation is limited by the 2Voice system:

- Up to 16 main panels
- Up to 2 secondary panels per riser

The main advantages of those panels are:

- DDA compliance
o Braille keypad
o Voice message (not available in the fv1002 firmware)
o Large display
o BLE for hearing impaired loop
- Call number
o Up to 8 characters
o Could be:
▪ Digits
▪ Letters
▪ Special characters
o B2-12 for example

B) How it works ?

Call modules and apartments are created and managed in the software. The setting of the door stations in
the software must match the setting of the 1083/50.
When a visitor calls a resident from the 2Smart panel, it sends to the controller the handset number
together with the type of event (call in progress, Push button 1 pressed, door open, etc).
Ipassan displays, in the event window, the right apartment name as entered in the software.
Second advantage: the lock push button of the handsets is set to open a door of thecontroller, so when
the 2Smart panel sends the event “push button 0” to the controller, the right relay of Ipassan is activated.
There is no need to connect two dry contacts (door phone + access control) in parallel.
Third advantage: lift and floor are set for each apartment so when the resident opens the door to the
visitor, Ipassan authorises also the right lift and right floor for the visitor.
Up to four lifts could be linked to the same door phone installation as we don’t know which lift will be
sent to the ground floor when the building owns more than one.
2.7.3 Setting
The type of integration must had been set previously. See below.
The second option is the choice to manage the call and handset number per apartment or per user.
Both options are possible, the choice depends of the way the manager will assign handset and call
number to users.
The “apartment” choice has to be chosen when the manager wants to display “Apart 001”, “Apart 002”,
etc on the door stations. In this case, the manager could change the names of the keys without changing
the name of the apartment.
With the choice “par user”, when the manager changes the user from “Bond” to “Blair”, he updates the
key and the directory of all the door stations in the same time.

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With this second option, it is possible to display several names for the same handset. As an example,
“Concierge” and “Tigana” are the same handset, but “Concierge” is displayed only on day period.

At the door integration step of the site wizard, enter the type of call module and location. The number is
automatically generated by the software.
Type of call module
- Main : the call module is able to call any risers
- Secondary (0) or (1) :the call module calls only the selected riser

Note, the type of call module must match the wiring of the 1083/50, 1083/75, 1083/76
Location: the architecture (blocks, floors, apartments) of the site have to be set at the previous step of the
site wizard.
As an example, a site contains five blocks all independent for the door phone. Each block has one riser
and one door station.
In this case, there must exist 5 blocks in the software and 5 door stations (1 per block)
If those 5 blocks are linked through main door station(s) from which it is possible to call all blocks then it
will be one block and 5 risers in Ipassan manager.
Of course, each riser has a different riser number. This riser number in the software must match the
1083/50 setting.
The position (second column) is the slot where is connected the two wires of the 2smart panel. This
matches the position of the door set in the previous step of the site wizard.

2.8 Lift
The lift management in Ipassan could be low level (dry contacts) or could be high level. Most ofen of the
time, a high level integration uses tcp/ip connection between Ipassan manager or controllers and the lift
server or controllers.
Only the conventional lifts could be set in the site wizard. For high level integration, the setting has to be
done in Settings and parameters / lift.
The following paragraphs are given as information.

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2.8.1 Low level integration
The readers are in the lift car. The user swipes their card to the reader then press an authorized floor.
Ipassan provides to the lift one dry contact per floor. If a building contains 18 floors and two lifts,
Ipassan provides 36 dry contacts through the 22 outputs expanders for example.
2.8.2 Kone COP (car operating panel)
For the users, the way it works is the same than the low level (see above). But when an 80 floors building
owns 10 lifts, this would need 800 relays from Ipassan expanders to connect to lift.
Ipassan integrates Kone KGC (Kone group controller) so both systems communicate through tcp/ip. The
expanders and dry contacts aren’t required.
This high level integration requires an activation card FD-xxx-xxx
2.8.3 Kone DOP (destination operating panel)
On each floor of the building, there are Kone destination panels. The users swipe their cards on this
panel then press the selected floor. If they are authorized, the panel tells them which lift to use.
Basically, the lift management is more efficient as all users which are going to the same floor at the same
time will use the same lift car.
The integration is software to software. Ipassan manager reads from Kone access, the names of the floor
access profiles then the Ipassan manager operator assigns one or several floor access profiles to a
The controllers are not involved in this development. Doorphone integration
The lift management in Ipassan manager concerns the users who own a key but also the visitors who call
a resident through the door phone system.
As Ipassan also integrates lift management, the integration is full between the door phone, the access
control and the lift.
There are several options to activate only the right floor to those visitors. The first one is a low level
integration. Through Ipassan inputs, the door phone system provides one dry contact per floor.
in Ipassan, this input is linked to one block / one floor and up to 4 lifts.
When the resident authorises the visitor to enter, the door phone activates the right relay (right floor).
Ipassan activates the authorised floor for the lift(s) for the programmed time.
Note, Ipassan manages two floor release times. The first one (5 secs by default) is the one used when a
user swipe and is authorised to floors.
The second floor release time is the one for the visitor. By default, it is 180 secs so when the resident
authorises the visitor, he has 180 secs to open the door, comes in the lobby, call the lift to the ground
floor, enter in the lift and press the authorised push button.
Of course, both release times could be adjusted.
Ipassan manages also a high level integration with 2Voice door phone system. So the dry contacts
between the intercoms and the Ipassan controllers aren’t required. The communication is done through
the 2Voice interface or 2smart panels.
As the Ipassan system knows where the handsets are (blocks and floors), Ipassan knows which lift and
floor have to be authorised to the visitor.

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When lift have been added at the previous step, the software had automatically done the following
operations :
- Link the lift to the buildings
- Choose an available reader for the lift cars
- Choose the relays of the expansion card / expanders for the floors

To modify those lifts, use the pen under Building to change the location or the pen under Actions to
display the setting of the lift (second screen capture)

Setting of a lift :
In the following view, it is possible to modify those settings :
- Add a second reader : when a lift car is equipped of two readers, they could be added by unticking
« By default » then ticking the readers.
- Activation time : the system offers two different activation times. When a valid key is present to
the reader, the relay is activating for some seconds but when the authorization for the floor
comes from the intercom system, this delay is in min.
- Eventually, affect a floor time profile to each floor. A floor time profile manages three behaviors.
o Free access : the push button of the floor is authorized. No need of a key
o Forbidden : even a valid key is not authorized to the floor
o Normal : a valid key is compulsory to go to the floor

Door phone integration through dry contacts

The below example shows how a door phone is managed in Ipassan manager. One dry contact per floor
is linked to one floor.
The same dry contact could be linked in the software up to 4 lifts.

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High level door phone integration
As the apartment details (name, call number, handset number, block and floor) are already entered in
the system, it is only necessary to tick “smart link with the panel” The controllers know where is the called
handset and which lift(s) and floor have to be authorized for the visitor.

Note, the high level integration between the 2Voice door phone system and the lift through Ipassan is
free when using 2Smart panels but requires an activation card when combined with the 2Voice interface.
2.9 Zones
The Ipassan system is able to manage counting and / or anti pass back zones. The following window is
available when « Use the zone » has been ticked in the site property.
Good to known,
A counting zone is useful to
- Know the number of car, of user in an area
- Limit the number of car, user, etc
- Know where is a user, car, etc

Some advanced features are available to make the counting reliable.

- Confirmation of passage : Ipassan allows to use the door contact as a confirmation of passage. Il
could be an infra-red barrier on a gate or a dry contact provided by a turnstile.

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- The anti pass back could be added to the counting so a user A can’t entre then present its card to
a user B.
note, it is possible to use apb without counting

In the following window, enter the number of zone(s) then for each one, select the readers (In and Out)
Tick, if necessary, the options anti pass back and counting.

See more information in Equipment & Settings / Zones

2.10 Access profiles
The system works with access profiles. An access profile is a list of authorised doors or authorised
Note, a user has four different access profiles
- A permanent door access profile
- A permanent lift access profile
- A temporary door access profile
- A temporary lift access profile

A temporary access profile is a list of authorised doors or floors that a user could use from a beginning
date to an end date.
When a user must have access to the offices and the workshop, the operator has to create an extra
access profile including doors of both zones.

2.11 Keys
The wizard allows to automatically create users, keys, key code, etc
The tool manages different additions. For example, 20 users for a first access profile then 15 for a
second one, etc
Those additions are applied to site, building, floor, access profiles or group of people.
Click on Automatic creation on the following screen capture. The second screen capture shows the
details of the tool.

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In the following window, enter the number of user to create (access, Building, Floor, etc…)
Then select the access profile, building, floor, etc…
In the part « User Description » you can enter a name and refers to the creation file to manage the
automatic creation.
The following example shows how to create 10 users with 1 remote with the access profile « Only
parking » and named: “Parking 001”, “Parking 002”, etc

The second example below shows how to create 6 people (or apartment) per floor for the Block C with
the following characteristics:
- They all have the access profile « Block C »
- The 6 people of the 1st floor have the floor access « Floor 1 » which will be automatically created
- The 6 people of the 2nd floor have the floor access « Floor 2 » which will be automatically created

2.12 Read / encode

At the final step, the smart wizard will propose you to read the serial number of the credential with the
table reader for the designated user which has been automatically created.

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On the right hand side of the screen, you will see the user for whom you are programming the
credential. The left part of the screen will give you the opportunity to pass directly to another profile,
group, user…
When a credential is programmed the software goes directly to the next user. No extra action is
necessary between each key programming.
3 Settings & parameters
You can modify all the parameters by clicking on the button representing on the screen shot below.

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3.1 Companies
This feature is sometimes called “management unit” or “database partitioning”. Depending of his access
rights, the operator of the software is only able to see and manage its doors, readers, lifts, etc
Another operator manages its doors, lifts, access profiles, etc
Any door, lift, access profile, etc could be used by different companies. Only the operators with an
admin right sees everything on the site.
This feature is designed for a building where different companies use different floors for example. Some
doors, gates or lift are used by all the companies, but some other doors are privates.
It could be used also for a car park where different operators manage their own keys or in a residential
building where some floors are managed by a property manager but some other floors by a social
housing company.
3.1.1 Activation of the feature
By default, this feature isn’t available and needs to be ticked in the site settings / features

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3.1.2 Create companies
In settings & parameters, select the Companies choice then click on Add a company

Repeat the same process for all the companies.

Note, it could be different departments of a company or different operators profiles.
3.1.3 Assign companies to hardware
Each hardware of the site could be restricted to one or more companies. The company choice is
available for :
- Controller
- Door
- Reader
- Lift
- Expander, inputs, outputs
- Time profiles (relay, keys, etc)
- Reflexes
- Zones (apb or counting)

Example of a controller

Example of a door
In the following example, the “car park entrance” door is seen by all 4 companies. This means the
operators of each company will be authorized to manage access profiles using this door.

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In this second example (see below), only the operator of the company three will be able to manage this

3.1.4 Assign companies to access profiles

After the companies have been assigned to hardware, create access profiles and for each one, select
one or more companies.
Example of a door access profile.
In the following example, the “Company two master access” profile will be available only by operators of
this company two.
Other operators which haven’t this company or haven’t administrator rights couldn’t see nor use this
access profile.

Example of a user
In the next screen capture, only operators with “company three” rights could see this user and the keys.

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3.1.5 Operator group
In Software operators, Add an operator group, enter a name for this group and tick “Multi companies”.
See second screen capture.

In the list of available operations, tick the ones the operators will be authorized to use.
Note, the Setting and Parameter options are only available for operators which have higher rights
(configurator or administrator for example). When selecting the multicompanies option, the ability to
change the controller, door, lift setting is disable.
Click Save

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3.1.6 Creation of operator(s)
Under this group of operators, click on Add an operator as describe here but add also onr or more
companies to this operator.

3.1.7 Multi companies & Monitoring

As operators have rights for one or several companies and as doors, readers, users and keys belong to
one or several companies, the live or saved events doesn’t look like the same for operators.
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For the same event (two following screen capture), an operator with full rights on the door, access
profile and user see the bellow event.

An operator with rights on the door and reader but not on the user see the below event. He knows
someone was authorized to open the door but doesn’t know who.

Without rights nor on the door nor the user, the operator doesn’t see anything.
The administrators have all rights so aren’t concerned by this filter.
3.2 Network
A network is composed of 64 controllers maximum which will communicate to each other. If you need
more than 64 controllers you should create another network.
When 1 site in the software is linked to several sites in different places, we create additional network. For
example, a company has several subsidiaries in France and England and a manufacture in a different
place, it means that you need to create 3 networks in the software.
For the daily use, the credentials can be added without managing the transfer to one or another network.

We can define a network like this:

Connection: communication between the server and the first controller. The communication could be in
TCP/IP or USB. In case of using the USB communication, the communication between the others
controllers could be in TCP/IP between them.
Type: “Independent controller” means that each controller asks directly the server. It is the choice by
default for an installation on an internal network. “Master/Slave” means that the network is managed
through the Internet and one controller is used as a gateway to update the others controllers.
UDP Port: The communication between the controllers use UDP. This port can be modified when the
others devices of the network already use it.
You can face this situation when a same physical network has 2 different iPassan networks.
3.3 Controllers
All the controllers of the site appear by clicking on the controller’s icon. By selecting a controller in the
tree view on the left hand side, a complete detail of the configuration will appear.
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3.3.1 Basic settings
We can define a controller like this:
- A name with 32 characters
- A material number started with 24C11xxxxxx written on the stickers on the controllers
- A type (no modifications possible)
- A 2 doors option 2 wires or a 4 doors option wiegand / 12 outputs option / 12 inputs option
- Deactivation of the LED
- Deactivation of the communication server / controller. This option is useful when a controller is
not in use. The server will not try to communicate with it.
- TCP/IP configuration
o DHCP or fix IP
o If fix IP: address, mask and gateway
o Manual or automatic DNS (domain name server). You should choose one or the other
when the controller is managed via ipassan.com for example.
- Advanced configuration: you can plan a daily automatic reboot. In that case you should choose
the time of it.

Please note that a tool has been created to modify the configuration of several controllers with only one
By clicking on the icon “Controller” on the left hand side of the screen, the controllers appear divided
by network on the right. Click on the “Action” button (1) then select the controllers (2) where the TCP/IP
configuration must be changed and click on the icon (3).

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The window below opens:

Indicate the first IP address and then follow the indication of the last chapter to choose the others.
The software gives a different IP address to each controller but the same mask, gateway and DNS.
3.3.2 Activation card
Ipassan manager is free software, nevertheless some extra features require an activation card to be
available in the software.
Example of activation cards :
- HLI (high level interface) of ANPR (automatic number plate recognition)
- HLI with lift
- Booking management
- Open reader.

With the last option, all readers of the controller become open. This means they aren’t checking the AES
encryption of the FDI keys and read any Mifare CSN (card serial number).
An activation card is linked to a controller. Click on the following button on top of the screen.

Note, there are two ways to activate a card : online and offline.
Online :
Using Ipassan.com or a local server connected to internet, choose the first choice “Activate my module
card” in the following window.

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The following window appears.

Enter the card number (printed on the label) then press validate. That’s it.
The local server isn’t connected to internet. From another computer which is connected to internet, open
Ipassan.com web page then on the following bouton

The following window opens

Enter the details and include the controller id. Press Validate so the website provides you the activation
In your local server, select the second choice “This card has already been activated . . .” in the following

Enter both card number and activation number (coming from Ipassan.com) then press Validate.

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3.3.3 How to check the availability of extra features in the controller?
In the controller window, the list of the extra features is displayed as shown below.

The controller is able to manage up to 10 activation cards.

3.4 Doors
From a hardware point of view, a door plug is composed of:
- An input for a reader
- An input for the REX button
- An input for the door contact
- A relay to manage the electrical lock.

In the software, you can modify parameters below:

The name max 32 characters
The localization of the door on the controller and select on which controller. This option is very useful
when a door has been declared on a controller but will be managed by another one. In that case the
time schedule, door release time or any other information related to the door contact will be also
changed automatically without any other manipulation.

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* The type.
This optional field is added when “Wireless locking device” option is ticked in site’s features list
It offers to specify if this door used a “Wired” (standard) or “Wireless locking device” so the additional
field “Lock” to specified which “Wireless device” is attached
A time profile with free access, forbidden (even a valid credential cannot open the door) and normal
access (a valid credential to open the door).
See chapter xxx for the setting of the time profile.
Reverse mode. The relay operates in opposite mode if this box is ticked. So the NO (normally open)
contact operates as a NC (normally closed) and vice versa.
With this setting, the installer choose the status of the relay when the psu is off.
Reader: By default, the door 1 is linked to the reader 1 and so on…
You can link 2 reader or more (max 6) on a same door if you need a valid credential to go in and to go
out for instance.
Only 1 reader can also be linked to several doors. For example, by swiping a valid credential on a same
reader, a user A will open the pedestrian access and a user B the car access.
REX button: By default, the push button works 24/7 but it is possible to set a time profile to limit the
using of the push button after a designated time. This functionality can be set to avoid people to go out
by one designated door after the working hour, for instance.
See chapter x.x.y to create a time profile on the REX button.
In advanced mode you can modify the link between the exit push button and the exit of the door. By
default, the REX 1 is set to the Door 1, REX 2 => Door 2, etc… but it is possible to linked 2 exit push
button for a same door.
Door contact: The door contact input is directly on the controller with no extra devices required. The
door contact can be:
• 2 state input (on/off)
• EOL management input. In that case you should set the value of the end of line resistors
• Remote contact (attached to wireless locks) .

You can tick also « monitor the door event » if you want to get the events « Door forced » or « Door
open for too long ». Then you should set the time when you consider that the door is open for too long.

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3.5 Readers
The readers could be the 2Smart range, the FDI RS485 range or logical readers (LPR for example).
It could be wiegand readers with the corresponding Ipassan controllers.

3.5.1 Standard settings:

Name: 32 characters maximum
Localisation on the controller and on which controller. This option is used when a reader has been
declared on one controller but has to be managed on a different one. In that case, the time profile, the
wiegand configuration or any other information regarding the secured mode will be the same.
Reader time profile: The reader manages different behaviors depending of the period of the day or
week. See below the different mode.
Secured mode: By default, you just need a valid credential (key, code, finger print…) to open a door.
iPassan gives you the opportunity to add a condition depending on the time profile:

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- Double authentication depending on the time profile. A valid card opens the door during the
working hour, but you need to swipe your card and type a code after. You can program the time
between the presentation of the card and the code (by default 10 seconds).
- Dry contact: for example, to enter in a car park you need a valid credential and the loop has to
detect that a car is in front of the barrier to avoid the pedestrian.
- Door contact: to open the door B the door A has to be closed.
- Presence on site of one designated person: for example, in a production site the manager has to
be on site if any other person wants to open the door.

Type of reader: the default type is the 2Smart protocol of the FDI Matelec 2Smart range of readers. It is
possible here to select a RS485 reader, a LPR camera or Wireless reader. This is explained in the next
Reader profile: In operating mode, only the blue led of the readers are on. The green led turns on when
the key is valid and it is the red led which turns on for a denied access. The setting of custom behavior
is explained below.
Wiegand configuration: By default, the controller manages the wiegand protocol received. iPassan
accepts the basics wiegand 26, 30, 32 et 34 bits hexadecimal.
You can choose the 34 bits decimal for the brail keypad, for instance.
3.5.2 RS485 reader
Any Rs485 reader in the software uses a slot as if it was a 2Smart one.
A RS485 reader takes of a 2Smart reader. So the limit of the controller stays 6 readers at all
Change the type of reader from “By default” to “RS485” then enter the Id (sticker) of the reader in
“device number” or click on the magnifying glass to search the reader on the aux Rs485 bus (if

Click Save.
All the other settings are the same than a 2Smart reader.

3.5.3 ANPR reader type

According to technology integration, 2 different types of ANPR reader can be selected :
- Automatic : as soon as a Car plate number is read, camera send it to the controller
- With Trigger : when a sensor connected to an input detect a car, controller send a request to the
ANPR (camera) to receive the current car plate number read used as credential

To add plate number to the users in the software, the “plate number” type of credential has to be ticked
in “Site property / Type of credential”.

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ANPR type reader feature requires to “actuate a third party module” in controller configuration screen.
Up to 4 ANPR camera can be manage /controller Automatic ANPR

This feature is available for Dahua (ITC type) or CCTV camera with Innova OCR software.
Other camera or ANPR integration, please consult us.

Ipassan Server

Dahua ITC237

1881 TCP 1881 TCP

1880 TCP
1880 TCP
1881 TCP
1880 TCP
1992 TCP

Dahua ITC237

UDP :2363

1993 TCP

UDP :2363

Note: this integration is based on a tcp/ip connection. The controller opens a server connection so the
cameras, up to 4 per controller, connect to the controller and provide the plate numbers.

Only after the activation card has been entered in the controller configuration screen, it becomes
possible to setup the camera in the Ipassan software: site/reader’s menu.

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Select “ANPR” for the type of reader then enter the Ip address and port of the selected camera.
Note : Start and end characters are the default ones for the Dahua camera and must not be changed.

To define the IP communication between camera and controller a “mode selection box” propose to
select available processes :

Socket communication : Available for Dahua Australian firmware camera (ITC237) and
OCR Innova scenario n°4
Communication by http/json : Available for current ANPR Dahua camera
(ITC 437; ITC 415; ITC 237; ITC 215)

When the setting is done, it is possible to create plate number credential. The max number of characters
is 8 (numeric or alpha numeric)
The events show the plate numbers as they are read. In case the car isn’t correctly read or is denied, the
event shows “Access denied – unknow credential” or “access denied – out of validity” for example.
The ANPR camera needs to be set. See the application note for integrated ANPR.

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42 ANPR External trigger

This feature is available in any countries where Innova OCR (optical character recognition) is able to read
the plate numbers. See the flowing web site www.innovagroupbcn.com
The integration is based on a tcp ip connection between the computer where is installed the Innova OCR
and the Ipassan controller. See synoptic below.
Each controller is able to manage up to 4 cameras (four OCR softwares).
To add plate number to the users in the software, the “plate number” type of credential has to be ticked
in Site property / Type of credential.

After the activation card has been entered in the software for the controller, it becomes possible to setup
the camera in the Ipassan software.
Select “ANPR” for the type of reader then enter the Ip address and port of the selected Innova OCR and
select the input which is designed to trigger the car plate reading. This input could be connected to a
loop on the floor or an infra-red sensor.
When this Ipassan input is triggered, Ipassan controller asks to the right OCR the plate number. If the car
is authorised, the relay of the controller operates.

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In the previous window, type in :
• The ip address of the computer and the port of the Siram software.
• Line number (row)
• The input where is connected the floor loop (or motion detector)
• Communication Time out adjustment

Note, if there are 4 cameras on site and 4 Siram software, each one uses a different port.
The input has to be set as 2 states (active / not active). The dry contact could be normally closed or
normally open.
By default, the line 1 use the port 22601, line 2 => 22602, line 3 => 22603 and line 4 => 22604

Camera to be used must be configured and adjusted following its builder instruction to
optimized ANPR

3.5.4 Wireless reader : Aperio

From release 1.17.5, new site feature “Wireless locking device” offer to use integrated wireless reader’s
The integration is based on an iPassan controller’s RS485 auxilary bus connection of an Aperio’s Hub
remotely connected to Aperio readers and lockers : See synoptic below.
Each controller can manage up to 6 lockers through up to 6 hubs (usual management capacity whatever
the reader or door technology)

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Possibility to combinate standard (wired) and wireless readers on a single controller in same limit.
A- To add Wireless locking device menu in your site, this feature must be ticked in
Site property/Features
B- in the controller menu:
a. Select “Aperio rs485 bus type” only compatible with Aperio items
b. Activate a“third party module” referenced FD-050-106. (1 per controller using wireless

RS485 auxilary bus selection: Aperio OR

standard (no rs485 type mixing)
Wireless activation card validation number

C- Use Aperio configuration software to pair hub(s) and lock(s)

D- Use new iPassan “wireless locking devices” menu to manage Aperio items

Automatic (D-1) OR manual (D-2) configuration of “Aperio” items in iPassan

D-1 Select “Creation by detection” configuration menu if Items are connected on iPassan
controller’s Aux RS485 bus
Every connected Aperio items will be displayed in a detected chart.

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Tick the “select box” of each line to automatically register needed Identifier and type information

D-2 Click on “Add Hub” or “Add

a lock” and type in manually the
requested fields

Information available on packaging

and switches position

Status (if connected)

Now configuration and connection

are done, those reader/lock will be used as usual reader/door in iPassan configuration to define access
profiles and check events

New events attached will be introduced to diagnose to Aperio’s Hub & locks state and behaviour
See list in Monitoring/Events/Settings/Electronic locks
E- Manual commands and time profile accesses with Aperio’s : idem other door type

3.5.5 Reader custom behavior

The readers have a default behavior that could be customized by the operators.
The default choices are :

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When those settings don’t match the customer needs, it is possible to create different custom behaviors
and apply one profile to readers, another behavior profile to other readers, etc
In Settings and Parameters, select readers and readers profiles then click on Add a profile.

In the following window, select for each action or event the way the leds and buzzer must operate.
The readers manages a blue led + a red / green led and a buzzer.
The behavior for the led could be On / off / flashing 3 times per sec (Quick) / once per sec (Slow)
The buzzer could be On / off / one long bip / three short beeps.
Note, the choice “event” for the duration means the behavior stays active until the action that triggered is
finish. As example,
For an access granted, the green led will stay on for the door release time.
For a door left open, the red led or buzzer stay on until the door is closed.
For a tampering of the reader or a forced door, both red led and buzzer stay active until a valid key is

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presented to the reader.

In the lower part of this window, select the controllers which will use this new reader profile.
Custom behavior
It is possible to add to this reader profile up to 4 custom behaviors. Those reader custom behaviors will
operate on the selected readers through reflexes. For example, the customer wants to turn on the red led
of the readers when an alarm is activated.
The alarm provides a dry contact to an input of Ipassan. Through a reflex, the reader behavior is
triggered for the selected readers when the alarm is On (input activated). See example below

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3.6 Lift
Ipassan manages lift integration through different ways
- Conventional. Ipassan provides dry contacts to third party
- Kone COP. Ipassan communicates with KGC (Kone group controller)
- Kone DOP. Ipassan manager talks to Kone access. It is a software to software integration

3.6.3 Basic settings

A name: 32 characters
Description & position on the controller and the name of the controller
Localization: to use the lift management in iPassan Manager, it is necessary to create at least the building
and the floors in the step Architecture describes above.
Reader: by default, we consider 1 reader by lift car, but you can add a second one by unticking the box
“by default” and choose them.
Release time: we consider 2 kind of release time:
• One for the card holder in second: they swipe their card in front of the reader inside the lift car
and then push the button to go on the designated floor.
• Another one for the visitor in minute: a visitor calls from the door entry panel the
reception/apartment then the door is opened by the intercom. With an added button the
reception/apartment activates a dry contact of an input of iPassan and gives the access to the
designated floor.

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It necessary to tick the box « intercom », indicate the release time in minutes and the input used for each
Floor / output: Because you choose the building above, the software shows you the right floor list.
Select the relay linked to each floor.
Time profile: a time profile has the time profile when the floor is:
• Free access: you can choose any floors without swiping your credential
• Forbidden: even a valid credential cannot go to one designated floor
• Normal: you need a valid credential to go to one floor

Intercom: when you should give an access to a lift to a visitor via an intercom system, we use in iPassan
inputs related to the dry contact of the intercom.
Select the input corresponding at each floor.

3.6.4 Kone Cop lift

With contionnal lift integration, the max number of floors a controller manage is 220. It is equal to 10
expanders + 10 expansion cards so 10 times 22 outputs per controller.
With Kone Cop integration, this number is 232 floors for the sum of the 6 lifts of the controller.
The limit per lift stays 110 floors. Synoptic
Readers are mounted in the lift cars and are connected to the Ipassan controllers. When a user swipes his
key, the Ipassan controller sends to the KGC the serial number of the key plus the floor authorisations.
Note, Ipassan / Kone Cop manages front and back doors in the lifts.
When several controllers are connected to the same KGC (Kone controller group), one controller has to be
setup as “master” in the Ipassan software.
The KGC is the server, the controller connects to the KGC.

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Ipassan Server

Kone KGC
1881 TCP 1881 TCP
1880 TCP
1880 TCP
1881 TCP
1880 TCP
2005 TCP

UDP :2363

UDP :2363 Settings
1) On both sides, access control and lift, the group id, elevator Id and floor id must match so when
the access control authorise a user to elevator 3, floor 15, it gives access to the user to the right
lift and floor.
2) The Kone high level interface needs to be activated for the controller (s) then it is possible to
setup the lifts in the Ipassan manager software. There are three part numbers for Kone COP
integration :
a. FD-020-091 50 floors
b. FD-020-092 100 floors
c. FD-020-093 200 floors
3) One activation card is for one controller. An activation of 100 floors authorizes the controller to
manage 100 floors in total. This could be one lift of 100 floors or 6 lifts for a total of 100 floors.
4) When several controllers manage lifts, several activation cards are required.

To activate the feature on the controller see here.

Add the lift from the then select the right controller and position (reader)

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The lift has to be set as “High level interface Kone COP” instead of “Dry contacts (relays)” (See *1) in the
following screen capture.
Then enter the Ip address + port of the KGC (s) (see *2)
It could exist a backup KGC, enter this second setting if required.
Enter the group + elevator Id (See *3)

In the second part of the window, assign a floor number to each floor of the building. From Kone point of
view, the first available number is 1 so it could exist a mismatch between floors of the building and floor
number in the software (see example below).

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In normal operation mode, users and keys are managed as if the lift was conventional.
3.6.5 Kone DOP lifts
The Kone DOP (destination operating panel) is a software to software integration. Ipassan manager reads
from Kone access, the names of the floor access profiles then the Ipassan manager operator assigns one
or several floor access profiles to a user/key.
This means Kone access software is compulsory on site. The access right have to be set first in this
software to be used later in Ipassan manager.
Practically speaking, the user enters his destination floor on the Kone panel then present his key to the
reader. If he is authorised to this floor, the display tells him which lift he must use.
This involves there are as many DOP as they are floors. The solution is different from the COP where
there is only one reader in the lift car. The user then calls the lift, enters in the lift car, swipe and press
the destination floor.
With the DOP, the floor authorisation is done before the lift is called. Basically, the lift management is
more efficient as all users which are going to the same floor at the same time will use the same lift car.

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53 Synoptic
Kone Access
Ipassan manager

Kone lift
1881 TCP controller
1881 TCP
1880 TCP
1880 TCP
1881 TCP
1880 TCP

UDP :2363

DOP Settings
Kone access have to be installed on the same network than Ipassan server but it is two different
This feature requires an activation card which has to be entered on a controller. See here.
In Equipment & Settings, lift node, select “Kone Dop” then enter the url of the Kone API.
Enter the login and password which has been defined in Kone side. Import the data from Kone Access

The groups of lifts, floors, time profiles, floor access profiles and call types have to be previously
created in Kone software.
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In Ipassan manager, from the Kone DOP node, click on Import Data to update the database. The
following window appears: Credential type setting

In the following window, select for each ipassan type of credential the relevant one from Kone side. Display / manage the floor access profiles

In the following view, the access profiles with the “Kone Dop” type include at least one DOP access
profile. The other floor access profiles are only Cop (low level or Kone hli).

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This means it is possible on a site to mixt Kone Dop lift and another technology (low level or high level
In the following screen capture, “Kone Access” tab displays the Kone Access lift floor profile.
The Floors tab displays the classic floor access profiles.

Note, with low level or HLI COP integration, an access profile contains a list of floors / time profiles.
With Kone Dop, an Ipassan floor access profile is a list of Kone floor access profiles. In the previous
screen capture, “KGEGC_Group1 2(access grid)” could be many floors and / or many lifts. Edit a user
In the following example, the user has access to the floor access profile “Day_Shift” with the time profile
“Mo FR 0:00 23:59”
Both Kone floor access profiles and time profiles cannot be edited in Ipassan manager. It has to be done
in Kone Access software.

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56 Monitoring
The Kone live events are displayed in Ipassan manager in the same way the Ipassan controller events are
Manual commands are not available through Ipassan manager. This has to be done in Kone access.
3.7 I/O expander
Each controller manages up to 10 Input / Output expanders. Each expander has a unique number which
has to be indicated in the software during the commissioning.
Definition of an expander:
A name: 32 characters
A unique device number like: 517xxxx
An additional option: 12 inputs or 12 outputs.
The software indicates on which controller the expander is linked and also all the details of the I/O
manage by this expander.

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3.8 Input
From a hardware point of view, inputs can be an option card of 12 inputs plugged on the
controller/expander or an expander of 10 inputs which communicates with the controller via the auxiliary
RS485 bus.
Definition of an input:
A name: 32 characters
A type of inputs:
• 2 state input (on / off). You can set if the input is normally open or normally close
• EOL management input. There is a difference between an open electrical circuit (cut wires…), a
short-circuit, an inactive input and an active input.
You have to choose the value of the resistor 1(series) & 2 (parallel).
Please note that an EOL management input is always NC.
• Decimal. Not in use

Example of a 2 state input (on / off)

Example of an EOL management input. The resistors value has to be indicated.

3.8.3 Input option adjustment

Customizable adjustments offer to balance “electronic behavior” or introduce a timer to adjust the delay
before input (or status) turn ON or OFF

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Anti-bounce back value to filter
Input signal and prevent parasite
Differential validating threshold is the
minimum value require before
switching from a status to another (Full
range is from 0 to 4095)

Short circuit, No detection, Detection and Unplugged are 4 different status calculated
according to R1 & R2 resistors selection for the EOL selection OR Activation,
Deactivation for 2 states ON/OFF selection.
Those status information transfer to controller can be delayed in the input card
introducing a “continuous activation time” before transfer per status to adjust your equipment behavior :
“Introduce a 30seconds timer to the position sensor to ensure that the movement is stopped” for
3.9 Outputs
From a hardware point of view, outputs can be an option card of 12 outputs plugged on the
controller/expander or an expander of 10 outputs which communicates with the controller via the
auxiliary RS485 bus.
Definition of an output:
A name: 32 characters
A time profile: you have the possibility to set a time profile on an output. A time profile has time profile
when the output can be:
• Forced closed: the output remains activated whatever the action programed (process, relation,
lift management)
• Forced inactive: the output remains inactive whatever the action programmed
• Normal: an action is required (process or a card swiped at the reader of the lift for instance) to
activate the output

Monostable or Maintained: Monostable means that the output is activated during the time set. Maintained
means that the output is activated until the next deactivation.
Activation release time: enter the time release in second of the activation of the output
Output inverted: you can choose if the relay is normally close or open in case of power failure. For
example, you want to have an output close in normal use but open in case of power failure.
You will then have to wire the NO contact, but indicate an inverted output.
Inverted mode: the NO contact works as a NC contact and vice versa. So the installer choose the status
of the relay in case of power failure.

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3.10 Apb / counting zones
Ipassan system gives the possibility to manage the number of credentials in a zone. When the zone is
full, it isn’t possible to enter another car or user until someone leaves.
An extra setting is useful to limit the number of car per company, per user or per apartment for
residential market.
For example, a residential building has 200 apartments and 300 car spots. Some apartments own 2 car
spots, some other only one even if they have 2 authorised credentials. This means the first credential has
to leave the car park if the second user of this apartment want to enter his car.
3.10.3 Create a counting zone
Ipassan manages zones which can have option as anti pass back, anti pass time or counting per
apartment, per user, per company.
The zone feature must have been ticked in the site setting then click on Add a zone from Equipment and
settings push button.

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A zone is defined as below:
- Reader(s) in
- Reader(s) out
- List of the access profiles managed by this zone. For example, the master access as the door
keeper or the concierge must have unlimited access to the carpark. Only the residents have
restricted access to this zone
- Thresholds
o Warning and intervention threshold are just events which can be used for the relation
(send an e mail, turn on a flash, etc)
o Alarm threshold is the threshold where no more credential is authorized. In other words,
the carpark is full and a valid key is not authorized until someone leaves this zone
- Advanced settings
o Reset the zone daily. It is possible through this setting to empty the zone every night for
o Authorise the entrance to the zone in case of communication lost. When readers in and
readers out are connected to different controllers. The controller where the user swipes
must know if the credential is already in the zone or not
To do this, the controller mays ask to other controllers. If the network is not working
when requested, it is possible in the software to authorise the credential anyway.

Note, the counting feature authorises a user to go in twice and to be counted as once. For a reliable
counting, the anti pass back has to be set.
Ii is possible via le software to make the anti bass back more flexible by adding a delay (anti pass time)
so the user cannot enter twice in a short time frame but could after a delay.
It is also possible to use anti pass back only for entrance, but not for exit. In this case, the exit is always
The anti pass back is managed on the credential. So in case there are two different technologies to enter
or leave in a zone (prox + rf or prox + anpr), the user has to use the same credential for both entrance
and exit (until 1.05.xx software release / fv10.5x firmware) per apartment, user, etc
1) Create the architecture

The architecture feature must have been ticked in the site setting.

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2) Create the apartments, users and credentials in the software.

3) Setup the counting per apartment

A counting zone must have been declared first; then tick counting per apartment in the combo box.

By default, the number or car spot(s) is the same for all apartments but could be customized by unticking
the box “Setup the same threshold for all elements”
In this case, a new window is displayed where you can enter the number of car spot per apartment.
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3.10.4 Apb
The anti pass back feature is an extra security to prevent entering twice in a zone. A tenant who rent a
car spot for example, can’t get in with a second car as long as he doesn’t leave the carpark with the first
Ipassan manages different level of anti pass back.
- Full managed. Users have to leave first before getting in and had to get in before they can leave.
- Free exit. In this case, the anti pass back feature only operates on entrance. It isn’t possible to
enter twice, but the exit is always possible.
This option prevents to block people inside the carpark when there isn’t door keeper nor door
station to call.
In case, the entrance barrier was already opened, the user didn’t use his credential so the system
considers him outside. With the free exist option, the user can leave the carpark.
- Anti pass time. The anti pass back option is removed after a delay. So you can enter a second time
after, for example, 45 minutes.
- Soft Apb. This option authorises to leave the zone even if the validity period is finished. This
option could be useful for visitors.

3.11 Time profile & maintenance / holiday time

iPassan offers the possibility to have different time profiles:
• Credential time profile. A credential only works during the time profile set.
• Door/Output/Floor time profile. The door or floor is free access, forbidden or normal access (need
a valid credential)
• Reader time profile. According to the moment of the day, a valid credential is enough or another
condition has to be activated (enter a valid pin code, an alarm is disarmed…).
• Process time profile. The process used in the relation works according to the time profile set.
• Door phone time profile. The names on the 2Smart panel is displayed on day period but not on
night period for example
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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The time profile has 7 days a week plus 1 bank holiday and 1 maintenance day. A user can have different
access depending on the time profile in action.
In the example below (screen shot chapter, considering that the user has the time profile
“bureau” and wants to use a door on a Thursday, the access is:
• Granted from 8 am till 5:30 pm during the normal period
• Granted from 8 am till 12:30 during bank holidays
• Refused during the maintenance periods

The holiday and maintenance period have to be programed at the chapter x.x.x.x. They are then applied
on the door, output, floor and process time profiles.
iPassan can have up to 200 time profiles (all included)
3.11.3 Time profile
The time profiles are used for any type of door, reader, access profile, process , etc
In the screen shot below the access is granted for the valid credentials during the green periods.
By clicking on the + or – button you can increase or decrease the size of the zone.

Note, for all the following time profiles, it is possible to manually add a frame by selecting the days then
entering the time. Click save.

3.11.4 Time profile for relays (door, output, floor)

The « relays’ time profile » have 3 statuses:
• Forced active: the door, output, floor is activated even if a card is swiping or any others relations

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• Forced inactive: even a valid credential cannot open the door or output
• Normal: the relays are activated according to the process set

In the example below, the selected doors and floors are:

• Forbidden from 8:30 pm till 6:30 am
• Free access from 8 am till 8:30 and from 6 pm till 6:30
• Secured (orange color) but you can have an access by presenting a valid credential

3.11.5 Time profile for readers

A single door can have several readers. An office door can have a reader to go in and a reader to go
out for instance. In that case, these 2 readers can have a different configuration (pin & prox to go in but
just prox to go out).
In the example below, the reader at the entrance is working as shown:
• No access from 9 pm till 7:30 am from Monday till Saturday included.
• Secured access (swipe a valid credential then enter a valid pin code):
o From 7:30 till 9 and from 6 pm till 9 pm, from Monday till Friday
o On Sunday from 7:30 am till 9 pm
o On Sunday, the all day
• Access by valid credential from Monday till Friday, from 9 am till 6 pm

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3.11.6 Key time profile
A user may have access 24/7 to door, but only office hours on other doors.
In the following example, the users and keys which will use this key time profile will have access to the
selected doors only in the green period.

3.11.7 Door phone time profile

When 2Smart panel are used with Ipassan controller. The names of the directory could be displayed or
not depending of the time of the day / week.
In the example below, the names on the selected door stations will be displayed only in the green
periods (night and week end)

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3.11.8 Process time profile
It is possible with Ipassan to manage reflexes. A reflex combines one or more condition which
automatically operate some processes.
An example of a reflex could be : if a door is left open for too long time then activate a relay and send
an e mail. With the process time profile, it is possible to activate this relay only when this happens on
night period. So the e mail is sent any time, but the relay operates on night period only.
The time profile is set for the process not for the reflex.
In the example below, the process (activate a relay for example) will operate only between 8pm and 7am
+ week end.

3.11.9 Time profile importation

The software manages many types of time profiles. Sometimes, a time profile could be use for different
applications. For example, “Office hours” is needed for doors, readers and users.
On top of the time profile window, press the push button Import a planning then select one to be
copied. Press Ok.
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The following window opens.
Choose for each behavior of the origin time profile, the selected behavior for the new one.
Il is easy, for example, to reverse a time profile or to use a door time profile to create a key one, etc
See example below, the left screen shot is the existing one, the right screen shot is the copy but with
opposite behaviors.

3.11.10 Holiday period / maintenance period

The holiday/maintenance periods give you the possibility to automatically modify the behavior of the
doors, floors, time profiles… according to the time profile set.
You can have more security or less. For example, a floor can have a free access every Thursday morning
but the access is secured when the Thursday is a bank holiday; or the access is free every bank holidays.
The example below shows you a holiday period starting on the 22nd of December at 5 pm and finishing
on the 2nd of January at 7 am.
Note that a box « Repeat every year » make the programing easier for the fix dates.
IMPORTANT: the priority is given to the maintenance period in case a maintenance period and a holiday
period is set at the same time.
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3.12 Video integration
Ipassan manages CCTV. This integration is based on rtsp (Real time streaming Protocol).
Any NVR supporting this open protocol is compatible with Ipassan.
3.12.3 Overview
The goal is to associate video streaming to events. Example, a door has been forced in the previous night,
the operator sees the event in the Ipassan monitoring then click on the video icon.
A new window opens then shows the right pictures on the right time and date.
How it works?
A camera is linked to a door, reader, input, output… in the software so when an event is linked to this
door, input… the software operator could click on the video push button and see the video recording.
This could be done in live or replay.
This integration is available only with the local software.
3.12.4 Synoptic
The controllers aren’t involved in this feature. They backup the events and send those events to the
server which is connected to the NVR or cameras.

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3.12.5 Settings

3.13 Emergency action

A feature has been developed to open the doors when an input has been activated. You can then
connect a fire alarm to an input to open the doors when the input is activated and remain the doors
open until deactivation.
• This function manages a group of doors or all the doors of the network. So you have to create a
group of doors which will be opened in case of activation.
• Only the fail secure locks are compatible. The fail-safe locks are not continuously powered.
• The input used for this function could be set as NO or NC.

Important, this feature must be seen as an extra option but couldn’t be considered as the single option to
open the doors in case of fire for example. Green brake glass or any other options should be installed.
This feature may be used for example to open many doors from one contact. In a company, when the
first employee activate a contact, all doors of the warehouse, stock, etc are released.
The following example displays how one input is linked to the door group “All doors block C”.
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The door group has to be created first.

4 Users & access profiles

4.5 Door access profile
The door access profile is a list of authorized doors. This profiles are applied for the users and
The software manages up to 2 door access profiles per user and up to 2 floor access profile per user. It
is always a permanent time profile and a temporary one (starting & finishing date and hour).
You will find the following parts in the window “access profile”:
- Door: list of the authorized doors
- Zones: list of the entrance doors of the zone and the exit doors of the zone
- Holiday/maintenance period: list holiday and maintenance period for this access profile
- Common credential: credentials which have not been related to a user (pin code use by several
users or credential for visitors.
- Users: list of the people using this access profile

In the screen shot below, you can see the button “Doors” and the 4 authorized doors for this profile
with, for each door, their time profile.

Counting zones and/or anti-pass back zone have been created during the programing. You can select
the access profile, so the users, where you have to apply these parameters.
For example, the group “Manager” is not counted even is the zone is full.
The screen shot below shows you what are the anti-pass back zone and counting zone.

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Holiday/Maintenance period
The holiday and/or maintenance periods are set for this access profile. Choose in the following window
the holiday and/or maintenance periods for this access profile.

You will see the users having this access profile.
Note that you can import users from others access profile by clicking on “Assign other users”. In that
case a window will appear. Push Ctrl and select the users you want to import.

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By clicking on the button “Actions” you can export users from this access profile to another one. Tick the
box which appeared to select the users you want to export (see below).

Several choices are proposed:

• Apply to the selected users a new permanent access profile (door and/or lift)
• Apply to the selected users a new temporary access profile (door and/or lift)
• Link this selection to a group of users
• Link this selection to an architecture created (building, floor, office…)

4.6 Lift access profile

The lift access profile is a list of buildings/floors where the access is granted according to the time
profile set. These profiles are applied for the users and their credentials.
Definition of the lift access profile:
- Floor: list of the authorized floors
- Holiday/Maintenance periods: list of the holiday/maintenance periods applied at the profile
- Common credentials: keys, cards, code… which are not designated to a user. It could be a pin
code used by several users or a visitor card
- Users: list of the user sharing this profile

In the screen shot below, you will see the 1st tab « Floors » and the 3 floors authorized for this profile
with, for each one, their own time profile.

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See the chapter 2.4 to set the tabs « Holidays/Maintenance periods », « Common credential » and
« users ».
4.6.3 Kone Dop
When the Ipassan site manages also Kone Dop, a new tab appears in the lift access profiles.
Select from the Kone list the floor access profiles.
Note, Lift access profiles have to be created first in Kone Access software then they could be used by
Ipassan manager.
One Ipassan manager lift access profile could be a sum of several Kone ones.
One Ipassan lift access profile could be a mixt of conventional lift + Kone Dop. Some lifts of the building
are low level integration for example, but some other lifts are high level integration through Kone DOP.

4.7 Copy an access profile

It is possible to copy and paste an access profile. For example, a first access profile contains 20 doors
and you need to create the same one by with 2 extra doors and without 3 other doors.
From the origin access profile (door or lift), select Copy the access profile.

The software creates the new access profile and select the same doors / floors, zones, etc
Enter a name for this access profile, add or remove doors or floors then press Save.
4.8 Sub access profile
Ipassan manages sub access profiles. Instead of using many access profiles, the operator creates one
access profile “Block A” for example + sub access profile “Block A + carpark”, etc
All the child access profiles inherit of the doors or floors of the parent access profile. So later, when the
operator will change a door or time profile for a top access profile, this will apply to all sub profiles.
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Example of a door access profile / sub access profile:

4.9 Individual access

A site may require providing separate door access profile to users. Basically, this needs to create as
many access profiles as there are different cases.
Ipassan manages this option as an extra feature. It has to be activated in the site property / features as
shown below.

For each user, a new option is now available:

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Tick this box then select the extra doors which will be authorised for this user.
Note, those doors are added to the doors already included in the door access profiles (see below in

4.10 Users & Credentials

An access control user may have several different credentials.
Definition of « credential »: anything or any action which will be used to have an access granted (prox
cards, remote control, pin code, number plate, finger print…).
4.10.3 Users
Definition of a user:
• Surname, first name and others information such as email, address…
• Authorization:
o A permanent door time profile
o A permanent lift time profile
o 2 temporary door/floor access profile (time and date limitation with a time/date validity)
• Its credentials:
• Its specific parameters:
o Except Anti-pass back. The APB function had to be set first in the site configuration to see
this box. No APB for this user.
o Extra door release time for each door. The door/floor release time will be longer.
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4.10.4 Credentials
Each user scan has an unlimited number of credentials. You can add options for any kind of credentials:
• In use or suspended. Useful option especially when the credential is lost but could be found later.
In that case, you will just have to tick « in use » to reactivate it.
• Permanent validity: you can enter a start and an end for the validity of the credential by unticking
the box « permanent ».
• Events: By default, you will see the activity of the credential in the events. Nevertheless, you can
ignore them if you untick this box.

4.11 Automatic creation of users & credentials

Ipassan manager offers different ways to add users and credentials in the system. It could be manual
adding, importation from an Excel sheet or from events. It could be also an automatic creation.
In an access profile, click on Automatic creation push button then choose automatic creation of users.

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The following window opens:
1) Select the number of users to create.
2) Select in the list
a. Per door access profile
b. Per floor access profile
c. Block
d. Floor
e. Apartment
3) Depending of the previous choice, select
a. On or more access profiles, floor, blocks
4) Enter a name
This name contains some digits or letters which will be always the same + contains some variable
digits. Those digits could be
a. A floor number
b. An apartment number
c. User number
5) It is possible to start by any number (Start with n°)
6) Door access profile: Select the door access profile
7) Floor access: Select the floor access profile or choose automatic creation
With this last option, the software will automatically create the floor access profiles
8) Common floors : If the automatic creation of the lift access profiles is ticked, then select the
floors which will be authorized for all the floor access profiles. It could be the basement for
9) Validity: it is possible to choose start and end of validity for all the users the software will create
10) Credentials: select the number and type of credential per user.
In case access code is ticked, the software could, automatically, generate access code

Click on Validate.
The following capture shows how the software create the floor access profiles, the users and credentials
and rename those access profiles and users.

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4.12 Excel Importation
In an access profile, click on Automatic creation push button then choose Import credentials.

The following window opens:

Choose File(xls) then click on Get the file to be completed. An Excel sheet is downloaded.

Excel sheet contains different columns as explained below:
Code: compulsory CSN or access code. Up to 14 digits
Credential Type: compulsory Select in the combo box the type :Prox, access code,
plate number, etc
Last name compulsory Up to 32 characters

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First name Not compulsory Up to 32 characters
Number Not compulsory Registration number (used in a company for example)
Address Not compulsory Up to 32 characters
ZIP code Not compulsory Up to 10 digits
City Not compulsory Up to 32 characters
Phone number Not compulsory “+” + 14 digits
E mail Not compulsory
Others Not compulsory text field, up to 255 characters
Door access profile Not compulsory
Lift access profiles Not compulsory
Note, for the two latest columns (door and lift access profiles), there are two ways to manage this.
1) When those fields are blanked, the users and credentials are added to the origin access profile. If
you launch the automatic creation from “Block A residents”, the users are created in this access
2) If you enter in the excel sheet a door and/or lift access profile, the users are created in those
access profiles. In case, those access profiles don’t exist yet, they are automatically created in the
software without door nor floor.
This means the excel sheet could be created before commissioning the site. The second step is to
tick the doors or floors in the access profiles when they are added to the software

After the Excel sheet is filled, save it. Click on Browse in Ipassan Manager, select the file and click on
display. The first lines of the excel sheet are shown as example.
In the lower part of the window, extra options are available for the importation:
Contractors or Users: The key could be added in the software as user or as contractors.
Door access profile: The importation uses the door access profiles from the Excel file or uses the
selected one from the list.
Lift access profile: The importation uses the door access profiles from the Excel file or uses the selected
one from the list.
Companies: when the multi companies feature is used on the site, the users will be assigned to the
selected company.
Bluetooth: When the BLE feature is activated in the site and an credit account is also linked to the site, it
is possible to create mobile access from this import file.

4.13 Importation through the encoder

The encoder must be connected to the computer and detected by the software.

In an access profile, click on Automatic creation push button then choose Desktop reader.

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The following window appears. Present the keys to the encoder, the CSN (card serial number) and type
are added to the list.

Select if the keys must be added as “Contractors” or “Users” then press Save.
The software automatically names the users user 0001, user 0002, etc
4.14 Importation through the events
Present the keys to a reader of the site. Those keys appear as Unknown credential in the live events. See

an access profile, click on Automatic creation push button then choose Events.

Filter by date and or reader then click Display. The unknown keys appear.

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Select if the keys must be added as “Contractors” or “Users” then press Save.
The software automatically names the users user 0001, user 0002, etc
5 Supervision
By clicking on the screen icon on the left hand side you can have a view on the events and on the status
of the network (controllers, connected expanders with the version of the firmware).

Several tools give you the opportunity to have a view of the sites:
• The events window gives you a view on the live events. All the new events will appear on the
• The network status will show you if the controllers and expanders are connected and their
firmware version
• With the manual commands, you can activate the relays of the doors/floors/outputs from a
customizable table
• The reporting can be used to export in an Excel file the list of credentials, users, events…
• The zone tab shows you the list of users on a zone
• Message shows you only the events which you set a specific appearance. In general, the events
are alert such as “door forced” …

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5.5.3 Events
Each controller can manage 20000 events which will be sent to the server in real time if you have a
communication between server controllers. Visualization
Each kind of events has priority number from 1 to 9 in order to set what kind of events you want to see
or only the most important. The event “door forced” has the priority number 8 when the event “door
open” has the number 2.
With a level priority of 5 the event “door open” will not be displayed.
You can also add a filter on how to display: by kind of events, by element (door, floor…) or depending
of the event (only access refused for instance) Download
Each controller stores 20000 events off-line. When the network is connected to the server, only the last
events are transferred to the server.
By clicking on “download”, you can search in the controller the missing events.
You can also set the filter described above for the downloading. Global settings
You can set which events, by priority, you want to store in the controller and which events will be
displayed on the screen. Settings
You can choose a priority and a specific color which will depend on the event.
Then, the events will be displayed with you the colors or priority you choose.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
5.5.4 Network status
A window will show you the network status (connected or disconnected), their firmware version and the
associated expanders of each controller.

5.5.5 Manual commands

With the manual commands you can lock/unlock a door, output, floor via the software. These commands
can be permanent or non-permanent. It is possible to open a door to a visitor or unlock a floor until the
software automatically secure it.
You can personalize the view of the software to make the using easier:

5.5.6 Report
The report function is used to create reports on events, users, doors, floors…
It creates et report on an Excel sheet which can be launched manually or via an automatic task or with a
specific event.
5 reports are directly set in the software:
• List of users: List of users and their credentials.
• Access permissions to doors: List of authorized doors per access (with time profiles).
• Access permission to floors: List of authorized floors per access (with time profiles).
• User form: User information, list of credentials and their access permissions
• Event export: List of the site events (see the 2nd screen shot below)
• Zone (if you use programed zones in the site functionality): export the list of the users who are on
a zone

Example of the filters for an event report

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Personalize the report
The software gives you the opportunity to create a personalize report. For example, when you want to
receive every morning the people on site. In that case, we create a report to see only the people on site
(who enter the site via the main entrance), then we create an automatic task which will send you the
report every morning.
Example of a list of users which enter the site via the « visitor entrance » the day of the report.

Select the filters. In the screen shot below: by date (today), by events types (access granted) and the
« visitor entrance » only.

Select what you want to see in the Excel file in the last step.

NOTE: the report is dated at today. You can change it for today, yesterday, last week…
5.5.7 People on zone
When you have created a zone in your site, by clicking on the tab « zone » the users in the zone.
3 buttons on right hand side propose you to:
• Edit the zone (pencil)
• See the details of the zone (function only available if you use the counting by company,
profiles or users)
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• People on site (tab representing an eye) with the possibility to export this list
• Reset manually the zone

6 Booking management (V3)

6.5 Overview
Software manages assets (or premises) to be booked too.
Asset could be a BBQ area, a meeting room, tennis court or a visitor car park for example.
Numerous advanced parameters are available to define each asset's uses and limits in accordance with
users’ needs and managers' requirements:
- List of people authorized to book each asset, possibility to add visitors ...
- Quantity of people agreed simultaneously
- time slot and maximum booking time
- limits of booking per designed period (time and /or quantity)
- Possible programming action attached to booking time (at arrival, end of time ...)
Automatic validation or manager agreement required, booking status evolution can be check through
user's interface (resident portal) and by every selected "booking managers"

6.6 Booking Asset management

A- To manage the asset booking, software operator must be authorized.

Automatic for administrator, it must be ticked for the other types of software operators.
In “software operators” menu, add this right to concerned operators

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B- “Facility booking management” needs to be ticked in the optional site features to add it in
“Equipment and settings” menu.

Even if you can create and define the assets, to use booking function you need to activate the booking
C- activate a “booking module” ref : xx-050-097 in “Equipment and setting/controllers/Activate
third party module”
Module activation list in progress show up in controllers’ page:

6.7 Create asset(s)

In “Equipment & settings” click on “Assets” menu, and “Add an asset” . The second screen capture
shows the settings and parameters list available to define your asset.

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Click on “Add an asset to
start a new asset definition

Every asset’s parameter and

definition will be set or
adjusted in the following
“multi tabs form”

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6.7.3 General asset definition and settings
Name :

You must give a significant name to your asset. To improve its symbolic view for users in planning you
can add an icon and select a specific font chart (background & character colour, bold and/or italic)
Type :
Type define "authorized public" in booking possibility : 1 of the 3 different types can be selected

- Only users registered in site user’s list can be authorized

- Asset designed to be booked for visitor(s) (visitor car park …)
- Both types possible (users & visitors : Tennis court, …)

- Each question mark shows up a message to give an extended description of associated


Display :

Usual weekly display : single asset display with availability graduation from
green (fully available), orange (partially available) to red (fully booked)

New Calendar display : able to display simultaneously several assets with

existing booking short description

Asset access behavior :

Not available for “visitor car spot booking” this selection offer to customize each asset access during
booking time if needed to prevent damages or for security (on your own needs)
Access with credential : Valid user’s key is needed to grant access
Free access : Designed door(s) will keep open during select time range
Free access after planner comes in : Same way but in addition a selected “manager” must primary get
into the asset to authorized door to keep open
Access with credential after planner : Same way the first selection but in addition a selected comes in
“manager” must primary get into the asset to valid users key

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Manage Persons visited :
Single user or a group of people (sport association, social group, …) or a company can be integrated in
users list able to book this asset if selected in this setting.
If you want to manage booking for “groups” or “companies” you must primarily add those selections in
your site’s features.
Limitation in “advanced settings / Limitation periods” (quantity or total time / period) can be applied
on group or company too

Door/zone and Floor access :

A specific access profile including every door/reader, levels to access the asset must be define and set
in this field. Users will receive it during booking time
Pre authorization to the doors :
Adjustable time users can anticipate access before booking time
Time profile !
Asset booking can be limited on a scheduling time define in a time profile

6.7.4 Advanced settings

Following parameters give an accurate definition of access rules of the asset

Time slot :
Minimum time for booking. Booking time is a multiple of this time . from 15 min to a day
Maximum booking time :
Define the maximum booking time in minutes quantity. From 1 to 65 000 minutes, 0= unlimited
Allow only one booking per time slot :
When ticked this select box, even if “max number of people” isn’t reached, no other booking allowed to
privatise the asset for example
When group or company are selected in “manage Persons visited” this box is forced to ON

Maximum number of people: Available limit of people in the asset at the same time
Max. number of people per booking : Available limit per booking
Max. number of applicants per time slot : In addition to previous parameter, to prevent “multi-booking
user”, the manager can define a limit on “total quantity of people booked by a single user”
Authorized recurring booking :
Opportunity to book an asset for recurring date and time If not, single booking only
Linked assets :
A preset association of assets with “same type and mode” can be selected to automatically generate
booking for linked assets even if each asset can be booked separately:
A “basket hall” and “main changing room” are linked in a gym but “main changing room” can be
booked independently with Dojo for example

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90 Limitations period
In order to automatically manage booking quantity and/or duration on a period, software needs to
define period and its starting point.(for week, month or year)
Period can be defined in weeks, month or year quantity
Week can start on any day of the week, month any day in a month, Year any day in a year to customized
to users or manager needs.

“Limitation by “: This limitation will be applied on the selected

category available in this asset
Now you set a period, you can adjust user’s “quantity and/or
duration limit” to book this asset in the next selection box
In automatic (or manual) archive task, “purge after archiving / visits and reservation” parameter must
be in accordance with “limitation period” to don’t purge information needed in limitation
management Visitor management

“Visitor car spot booking” and “mixed booking” asset type require to define visitor’s credential type

Auto-generation option for keypad or QR code can be selected Users
Software can automatically approve and valid booking requests according to asset settings and already
registered booking.
Need to be approved : requires in addition, validation by a designated manager in the following list :
- Software operator with asset booking authorization on this site
- Users authorized to book (manage) this asset

Users offer to open the “authorized list of users” and assign other users (helpful wizard support)
Add extra users to portal offer (or not) possibility to add other users name in booking form to fill Email sending

To inform users about booking status (pending, validated, rejected) and confirm each date and time
which asset is booked, an emailing can be set to every concerned people

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This standard information can be customized adding an “Email footer” selected in :
- Site settings
- Company settings
- Customized here in the asset settings

SMTP used for this emailing can be the selected one or by default (iPassan sever one)

6.7.5 Actions
Ipassan manages automatic actions when booking time start, stop, when users are granted or x minutes
before the beginning or end of the time slot.
Those actions are process which need to be previously created. An example of process could be an
activation of a relay which will turn on/off the lights.

Double swipes: when the applicant present his key or code to the asset reader, door opens. Of course,
this user must be authorized at this date and time.
When swiping twice in 3 secs, the controller can stop the current booking validity and/or launch a
process. This process could be the activation of relays to turn on a heating / air cooling system for
Arrival of a planner: According to the “asset access behavior” selection, if a planner is programed then
this event can trigger selected process(es)
Start of the time slot: one or more processes could be launched at the beginning of the booking
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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
End of the time slot: One or more processes could be launched at the end of the time slot. The light or
air cooling turns off for example. Ipassan output cards provides dry contacts.
X minutes before the time: one or more processes could be launched. They have to be created first
through Materials and settings / Reflexes. The air cooling can automatically start before the persons
come in.
X minutes before the end time: through processes, it is possible to decrease the level of the light so
inform the users that the booking time is almost finished.
X minutes after the end time: one or more processes may turn off the heating system or air cooling,
lights, etc
6.7.6 Instruction
It is possible to post some instructions the residents will read before their booking request.

Instruction are included into emailing

6.8 Add user(s)

As previously described, only the authorized user could book the assets. Those users are added through
“Equipment & Settings / Asset management” or could be added from “User & access profiles”. From an
existing access profile, select the asset tab then click add an asset. Select one or more then click Save to
offer access to every associated user.

A second option is available in “Users & access profiles”. This time, the users are sorted by asset.
Select Asset booking node then choose one. The list of the authorized users appears on the right part of
the window. Click “Add users” to add some to the asset (see second screen capture).

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
6.9 Add a booking request
According to your organization and asset parameters :
- Admin and designed managers can generate booking from software login
- Users can generate booking from resident portal access
- Both with their own login.

On software managers side from “Monitoring/Asset booking” menu every assets are sorted by display
selection : Week view.

or Planning view

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Those 2 displays offer the same features and possibilities but on a different frame
On resident portal access, display is simplified and reduced to connected user’s information

6.9.3 Booking request from software operator interface

From « Monitoring/assets » menu software operator can generate, monitor and valid past and current
To register an asset booking request, a booking form must be filled Booking form in “week view”,
1- select an asset “dashboard” to monitor in left column asset list
2- select which week to display in :

Green slot: no booking request or validated, fully available

Red slot: asset not available : Fully booked or out of time range
Orange slot: asset partially available. A booking request is in progress or validated but a new booking
can be done in this time slot.(Example: Max people=20, booking in progress for 10 so
10 more people can book)

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95 Booking form in “Planning view”,

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Every asset sorted in “planning view” can be displayed simultaneously in the same view
Calendar definition can be adjusted to day, week, month or year and “today” tag on the right always
centralized back information on “today”(today’s week, …)

offer to generate an Url to “display only” scheduling of selection in progress.

No need to connect on software but use this Url for public address monitoring.
Data are regularly updated

Whatever the selected type of view, to open a new booking form to fill, click on “New booking” or
straight in desired time slot : following tab is open

A- On the top, a tab to sum-up asset’s limit in people quantity and time (gentle reminder)

Assets linked - offer to book in one shot the selected list of assets
Only assets configured with the same “type” and “access behavior” can be linked
Users: Whatever the asset type, user(s) as to be set to valid a booking (who is booking for ?)
Nb of users: this counter will display selected people quantity to don’t exceed asset’s limit and inform if
other booking is possible on the same time slot
Except if is set in advanced settings

Planner : If planner is defined in access behavior, the field to define who is added
Frequency : If “recurring booking” option is set in asset’s parameter, then you must specify if it’s single
or recurring booking to open the required optional tab bellow:

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Recurrency is weekly, so you can select :

Week frequency, day(s) in a week date

and time from the beginning to the end

For “single booking”, only date and time

are required to set in Begin/End fields
When booking is validated, users and visitors’ credential receive “asset’s access profile” rights
for booking time range define in booking form

C- Asset including “visitor” (Visitor car spot or Mixt) need to specify which visitor(s) is waited and
requested information if emailing is set

Automatically open in “visitor car spot” type, you need to open this visitor’s tab for mixt type
Click on to add requested information or select “visitor has been here” to show-up
list of previous assets visitors. If emailing is selected, visitor email address will be used to transfer
information required:

User will receive confirmation and validation email, his visitor only
when validation is done
Every registered information about asset, data/time and credential will
be report in a customizable email

D- Additional information

Object and description in the bottom of “booking form” Additional information field are designed for
user’s communication.
Object is displayed in planning available for all but not description
Object and description are in email sent to manager (if emailing selected for the asset)
Visit status display the current validation status and offer to software operator to valid it straight away
before registering Registering and booking request sending:

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In the bottom, “save” will submit to manager to valid it and trigger emailing and registration (according
to asset settings)
is a way to temporary save a first booking request and keep all selections in order to just
modify requested field to duplicate it another day, another time or for other people …
When last duplication is done, click on “save” to complete those registration
trigger booking request registration and validation procedure

If the request is acceptable then software will validate it and return following message

No “need to be approved selection”

Or will register it to submit it to designed managers in

charge to valid or reject it and will show-up:

Every software operator in charge will receive a

message with editing and validation tools Software operator messages for booking requests

if validation is required

every pending booking are stored and listed in “message tab”

available from “Monitor/message” menu or via “message” tab pending

field offer
tools to
“deletion”, “read” or “acknowledged” several booking requests in one shot
to valid or to reject.”booking request”

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
6.9.4 See all booking requests (past and upcoming)
In “Monitor/asset” menu in “All booking/Search” tab, every booking requests are stored and can be
filtered via “Search tab menu”

Use the “preset filters” or customized your own in the 5

selection boxes to display the desired selection of asset
booking requests

6.9.5 Check and confirm booking requests (all assets)

In booking request list :
Status show show-up the current status :
for Approved, for Rejected and for pending request.

Action tools for manager :

: to valid and confirm booking request
: to reject and confirm
: to edit booking request to see details and read “Additional information” and/or “Add an
“Administrator information” in booking form
displays all bookings of all assets. A way to sort booking per asset is explained below.
Booking where the is displayed are not yet confirmed. Click on this button to confirm the booking or
click on the red cross to refuse it.
6.9.6 Purge old booking and visitors
1- In order to maintain a safe and dynamic database, it is important to just keep in database latest
and current booking and visitors

offer to select the last booking to keep in database.

Select “the latest booking to keep”. Example: Older than 30 days will be purged

Purge must be set in accordance with “limitation period” (if this setting is used)
Example: Tennis club limit at 10h per month. Purge must keep 30 days for the less

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2- Manually in “Users & Acces profiles/ Visitors” menu you can select and modify one or several
visitors in one shot or delete them
offer a preset deletion

6.9.7 Booking request from user interface : resident portal

With his login and password a user registered on a resident portal can connect on the installation to
monitor previous and generate new booking requests on every assets the manager set. Resident portal Welcome page

Top right, permanent function: Home page, Help and disconnection
Feature available on the top left banner “Facilities/Asset booking” with asset(s) available list sorted by
“view type”.
Click on the required asset icon to open “asset dash-board” with calendar and booking request list.

(Dark slots are past and bright present and future)

Use “new booking” or or click on the required “date and time area” in calendar to open a
booking form to fill.
Only user’s information and selection are available from his resident portal.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Booking request status is available in “week booking list” (week view) or in calendar (Planning view)

Details and attendees list are only available if

user (Tenant_01)is part of booking

Otherwise, only date and time

“Manager/Admin” in charge receive an

email to valid a booking request

Quick description …

Thereafter “Tenant_01” received a validation email.

If a visitor is included, he receives an email containing :
- his host names
- asset description
- Keypad code (or QR code to use)
- Scheduled date & time

This email can be customized adding an email footer and

comments …

7 Resident portal
Ipassan managers offers a resident portal. This feature could be seen as a second login page to the
software. This portal is web responsive which means it is designed to work on 7’’ screen for example.
The list of the available features are limited to the asset, booking and the visitor management.
The link is the following one when using Ipassan.com.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
7.5 Create a user account
Two possibilities. Create the web account from the Ipassan manager user profile or provide an activation
code to the user so he will create the web account.
In the following screen capture (user), click on “Add a web access” then the second window appears.

Two choices are offered

- Enter the login, e mail and password of the user
- Provide the activation number to the user

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Create a web access to many users in one shot
In the following view, select the user(s) you want to provide a web access then click on the “Add a web
access“ push button (red circle)

Select the right type of account then press Ok.

The software provides an excel sheet with the right activation codes. Those activation codes have to be
provided to the users so they can create their own account by themselves.

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When the residents create their account, Ipassan manager is automatically updated (name, e mail, etc).
8 Visitor management
Ipassan manager offers a visitor management feature. The building manager and/or the residents
themselves through the resident portal could manage their visitors.
It could be, as an example, a visitor car park in a condominium where residents must book a car spot for
the visitors.
When visitors are authorized in the system, they automatically receive access rights to the right doors
and floors. The credential could be a key, an access code or a car plate number for a vivitor car park.
8.5 Activation of the visitor management
The feature has to be ticked in the site setting / features. See below.

A new choice appears in Equipment & Settings.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Activation of the visitor credentials: The authorization could be automatically managed by the software.
So as soon as the visitor is authorized in the access control system, he received the access rights for the
scheduled period.
If this choice is set to “Manual, managed by the software operator”, then the credentials will be
authorized only when an operator of the software will confirm that the visit starts or is finished. This is the
case, for example, when a concierge or door keeper manages the access right of the visitor.
it could be also the case in a company.
Management of the visited users in the resident portal: Ipassan manager provides a resident portal
where tenants are able to manage their visitors. Two choices are offered, the resident manages visitor for
himself only or resident manages visitor also for neighbors.
Enable / disable the credential types
The software manages many types of credential. A first selection has been done in the site property, a
smaller selection is possible for the visitor.
For example, the residents have access to a car park through a car plate number or a remote control but
the visitor have only the plat number solution. So by filtering the credential type here, the resident or
building manager who will add a visitor would not have the choice of the type of credential.
Of course, to authorize a type of credential for visitor, it has to be ticked in the site property.
Default fields:
Select the fields which will be asked when adding a visitor. Only the name is compulsory.
Custom fields:
The software manages some custom fields. It could be text, numbers, boxes to tick, combo box, etc
Those custom fields must be added in Tools / custom fields. See chapter
Select which custom fields must be required for the visitor management.
8.6 Create visitor access profiles
All the door and lift access profiles aren’t automatically available for the visitors. Those visitor access
profiles need to be ticked as shown below.
Only those ticked access profiles will be available when adding a visitor in the system.

8.7 Creation of visits

Under Monitoring, a new choice Visits appears.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The different tabs are:
Dashboard: this filter shows only the visits in progress or upcoming
All visits: No filter, all scheduled (passed, in progress or upcoming) are displayed. But it is possible to
apply your own filter (see below)

8.8 Add a visit

Click on Schedule a visit, the following window appears:

In the first part of the form, enter the name of the resident or visited person. You could add more than
one persons.
Select the access profiles for the doors and for the lifts & floors. Remember those access profiles must
be ticked as shown below:

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Select the frequency of the visit. It could be once or recurring and if recurring, the visit could be limited
by beginning and end dates. See an example below

Add a visitor or choose an existing one from the list. Select one or more credential as the visitor may
have access to a car park with a car plate number then access to building with an access code for
It is also possible to add more visitor through the same form.
Enter a purpose for the visit if required and add a description (not compulsory).
Click Save. The visit is added to the list.

8.9 Create an instant visit

An instant visit is a visit which starts now. The software offers a shorter way to create those instant visit.
In Monitoring, Visits, click on create an instant visit then proceed in the same way than a normal visit.
The beginning date is automatically set to the current time and date so as soon as the operator click
save, the credentials are authorized in the system.

8.10 Management of the credential validity

The validity of the credentials could be automatically managed by the software or could be managed by
software operators.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
8.10.3 Manual management
This mode could be chosen only when an operator welcomes visitors and is using the software. In
Equipment & Settings, Visit settings, the choice is set to “Manual, managed by the software operators”

In this mode, the credentials aren’t authorized to doors and floors until an operator set the visit to started.
In Monitoring, Visits, Dashboard, select the visitor(s) then click on the Play triangle to activate the
credentials. A message, second capture, informs the credentials are now authorized.

To remove the access rights of the credential after the visit is finished, use the same dashboard but click
on the square symbol as shown below. A confirmation is asked. See second screen capture.

8.10.4 Automatic management

In this mode, the credential access rights are automatically managed by the software. The keys and
access codes are authorized for all the scheduled visit periods. In Equipment & Settings, Visit settings,
the choice is set to “Automatic, on scheduled times and dates”

9 Advanced programing
9.5 Custom fields
The software manages many fields for users and credentials. A user is defined, for example, by a name,
surname, address, etc
In case, it is requested to add extra field as a car park slot number, a choice yes / no or any numerical
or alphanumerical fields, the software manages this with ticked / unticked boxes.
In Tools / Customise, click on Add A custom field.

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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The following window appears:

1) Enter a name for this extra field and select the type of custom field. It could be:

Text string: this field is designed to enter a name, phone n° for example and will appear on one line. See
example below

Text field: this field is designed to contain more than a word. It could be a note, comment, etc
The field contains several lines. See example below:

Checkbox: It is a box which could be ticked / unticked. See example below:

Single selection: It is a list of choice where the operator could select only one. When selecting this type
of field, it is also required to add the choices.
Click on the right + to add one or several choices.

When the custom field is created, it appears as shown below to the software operators.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Dropdown list (or combobox): it is comparable to the single selection but will appears in a different
It is a list of choice where the operator could select only one. When selecting this type of field, it is also
required to add the choices.
Click on the right + to add one or several choices.

When the custom field is created, it appears as shown below to the software operators.

Multiple list choice: It is the same kind of field (as single selection or dropdown list), but the operator will
be able to select more than one choice. See example below.

Date: this field is designed to contain a date. See example below

2) Tick Compulsory if the field must be filled or untick the box if the filed is provided as an extra
3) Select the length of the field and the place of the screen where this extra filed will appear.

Upper zone means, the custom field will appear with the name, surname, access profiles, etc when
opening a user in the software. See below

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Lower zone means the custom field will appears under Additional information. See below.

4) Select the field size: small, medium or large

It as the length of the input field
5) Select the order the custom fields will appears. The n°1 will be the first one.
If for example, you want to display a brand, a model and a size for a car, the order will be 1 for the
brand, 2 for the model, and so on.
See example below of how to set the zone (upper or lower) and order.

6) Enter the extra data.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Help: If you enter a sentence here, it will appear when the operator will place the mouse on the custom
Unit: It is possible to add a unit behind the input field. For example, if the software is waiting for a length
in meter, add “Meter” as show below:

Default text: This word or sentence will appear until the operator enter characters. It will help by
informing of the attended data. Example below:

Control: the software could check the data the operator will enter. The field could be:
- Numeric, only digit
- Hexadecimal, only digit + A to F
- url, www.fdimatelec.com for example
- e mail

9.6 Tool for automatic modification

Several tools have been created to simplify the daily using of the software.
You can use these tools for the controller, inputs, outputs, doors to apply 1 modification for several
functions in the same time.
You can change the name of several outputs or change the EOL value in one time.
9.6.3 Modify the IP address of the controllers
Go on the window Network or Controllers, then click on the button Action (1) on the right. Tick the box
of the controllers you want to change the address in the first column (2).
Click on the button Network (3)


The following window appears:

Choose the type of modification you want to do, then type the information required.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In the example below, the 1st controller of the list will have the IP, the next one, and so on...

9.6.4 Modify the information of the controllers

By selecting a controller as described in the last chapter and by clicking on the pencil tab the following
window appears. You can modify:
• The names of the controllers with an automatic increment
• Activate, deactivate the LED (readers, door, communication server,...)
• Program an automatic restart

9.6.5 Modify the inputs

Goes on the inputs window and click on Action (1) and select the inputs you want to modify (2) then
click on the pencil (3).

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This window appears:

It is possible, for all the selected inputs, to modify the name by an automatic increment and choose the
type of input.
In the following example, we modify the type of inputs with EOL values of 2.2k and 10k.

9.6.6 Modify the outputs

Goes on the outputs window and click on Action (1) and select the inputs you want to modify (2) then
click on the pencil (3).

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This window appears:

It is possible, for all the selected outputs, to change automatically the time profile applied, the type of
inputs, the release time…
In the following example, we change the name of the outputs and modify the release time to 15 seconds.

9.7 Tools for automatic creation of users / credentials

A specific tool has been developed to automatically create users and their credentials.
You can create X credentials:
• By access profile (buildings/floors/companies/ service
• For one or all the profiles
• Name them automatically
• Select the right access profile for each user
• Create floor access profile for each user. For example, the users created for the floor 6 will use
the access profile « Floor 6 » automatically created in the same process
• Choose the number of cards, codes, remotes control per user. The pin code can be automatically
created by the software.

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9.8 Reflexes
The reflexes have been developed to manage any feature which are not directly included in the system.
You will find below some examples of the functions you can set with the relations:
• Activate a relay when a door is forced
• Deactivate the relay when a particular card is swiped in front of a specific reader
• Activate a relay to disarm an alarm when a card with a specific profile is swiped in front of a
particular reader
• Display a message in the software when a suspended credential is swiped
• …

A relation is a link between a condition and a process.

A condition is the state of one or several input(s), door(s), event(s)…
A process is an addition of several actions (manage a relay, activate a floor or a door…)
• A reflex works on the same network. If controllers are connected to one network and some
other controllers to another place / another IP network, both networks aren’t able to
communicate together so any condition on one side couldn’t activate a process on the other
• A condition has up to 5 events and/or state
• A relation can be activated by 5 conditions (and/or)
• A process can have up to 5 actions
• A relation can launch up to 5 processes

iPassan offers 2 modes to manage the relation:

• The simplify mode: the user selects in a same view
o A unique condition, 5 events or states
o A process, so 5 actions
o The software creates automatically the condition, the process and the relation
• The advanced mode: at first, the user has to set at least one condition and one process
Then, he can re-use these conditions and process for others relations.

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Example of easy mode: if the door « Block B main door » is forced, then the output n°22 of the I/O card
n°3 is activated during the time release set.

Example of the advance mode:

• Step 1: condition on an authorized access at the « Porte hall » of the profile “Bureau”
• Step 2: creation of a process which activates the relay “Controller 0003 output 016”
• Step 3: creation of the relation which links the condition and the process

The 3 following screen shots show the step of creation.

Step 1: condition

Step 2: process

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Step 3 : Reflex

Virtual relays
A virtual relay could be used to save a status. For example, if the door A and B are closed then a virtual
relay is on.
The status of this virtual relay could be used later as a condition in a reflex.
9.9 Message
This tab of the monitoring window (which is only available when the alert messages have been set with
relation) displays the alerts, the time and date of the event, and the user which checks it.
10 Tools

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The software gives you the possibility to use tool which can:
• Upgrade the firmware (controller, I/O expanders)
• Import / export sites (add 1 site from one computer to another for instance)
• Reporting
• Automatic tasks: force a controller upgrade, take the events, activate the sending of a report by
• Detect the controllers of a network and set the parameters

10.5 Export site(s) to Files (back up)

When you want to move a site from one computer to another one (from ipassan.com to the client’s
computer or from the computer of the installer to the laptop of the client), the software gives you the
opportunity to create backup files which will be directly integrated to the other server.
A backup can save several sites. When you will import the site, a dialog box will open and you will
select the sites to import.
In the Import / export tab, click on the Add a site to export then use the touch Ctrl to select several sites.
Click, on the right, on export to create the file.
Depending on the web browser a window directly opens to save the file on the computer.
Note that when you export a site it will not be deleted in the data base.

10.6 Import site(s) from file (restore)

This tool is designed to restore a backup from another computer (or web).
Click on the Tools button then on Import / export.

In the part « import one or several sites », click on Browse and select the file to save. Click on import,
the following window appears:

By default, all the sites saved are selected. It is possible to select them by clicking on the button “Add a
site to import “.
Click on import to launch it.
A last message will appear « Import successful »
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10.7 Configuration backup
It is possible in one Ipassan site to create time profiles or reader behaviors which have to be duplicate in
other sites. For example, a list of holiday days or time profiles are used in many sites.
From the original site, select Tools / Partial export of the site data. Select the time profiles, holiday
periods or reader profiles you want to back up then click on Backup.

10.8 Configuration restoration

On the destination site, select Tools / Restore data. Click Browse the select the backup file and click
Open. By default, all data are selected, but you could choose which one you want to restore.
Click Restore.

10.9 Automatic tasks

You can create automatic tasks in iPassan Manager. These actions will be automatically displayed by the
server at the time and date set.
An automatic task can be an action on a controller, a backup of a data base or send a report by email.

Example of an automatic task:

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In the example below, the task will be launched every 1st of month and will automatically delete logs older
than 6 months from the database.

Note this report cannot be sent if it is empty by ticking the option at the bottom of the window.
You can check if the task is working well. So another person will receive a report which say that the task
is in operation but will not receive the task.
10.10 Hardware upgrade
All the devices of the Ipassan system could be upgraded. This is useful when correction or
improvements are delivered by the manufacturer FDI Matelec.
In the tool window click on « Firmware upgrade ».

10.10.3 Upgrade the firmware of the controller

Select the model of the controller then click on next.

Select the controller to upgrade then next.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Select the firmware version then click on the button upgrade the firmware

In case the firmware is unknown from the server, you can add it.
At the bottom of the page, under the firmware list, click on Add a firmware then type a name for this new
firmware, then search on the computer the file by clicking on browse
When the file is loaded, the page will refresh and it is possible to send it to the controller.

10.10.4 Upgrade the firmware of the RS485 I/O expanders

The firmware of the I/O expanders can be upgrade via the controllers. In the following view, we select
Carte ES.
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Select the I/O expanders which have to be upgraded. This upgrade step is splitting in 2. The upgrade
file is sent from the server to the controllers which have on the auxiliary RS485 bus one or several
expanders, then each controller upgrade the expanders.
On the preview in the right hand side, the time of the transfer is displayed: x/3 if 3 controllers have
expanders whatever the number of expanders is.
10.10.5 Update the reader firmware
The 2Smart controllers are able to upgrade the firmware of the 2Smart reader range. Select the type of
reader you want to upgrade then select the controller(s) and click Next.
Select the firmware and click Update.

Note, all readers connected to the same controller are updated automatically in one shot. This operation
takes 30 secondes per reader.
10.11 Controller detection
This tool is designed to detect all the hardware on the network. It could also be used to set Ip settings of
the controller or update the firmware.
Compare to the Monitoring / Network status, this tool uses UDP protocol which means the controller
may be on a different IP range than the computer.
For example, on a network where there isn’t dhcp server, all new controllers will use the following Ip
address so using the multicast commands, it is possible to set a different Ip address to

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
those controllers.

10.12 Set the email server

The software is able to send emails with the automatic task or with process. You will then have to set the
email account on the server.
From the home page, at the top of the page on the right, a parameters button gives you an access to it.

An email account has to be created and iPassan Manager needs to have an access to this server.
Write the information in the right fields then test the sending by clicking on “test”.

11 Access software
You can give an access to a third person and then select the functionalities or the site he will be able to

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An administrator has all the rights on the sites of his base and can create others users.
An operator who has the profile « installer » can do everything on the authorized site.

The others profile, except « administrator », can be modified. You can also create an unlimited number
of profile and there is no limit in the number of operators.
11.5 Add or modify an operator profile
When the profiles do not correspond to your need, you can create another profile.
In the screen shot below the profile « Security agent » can see the time profile and the access profile,
create and modify a user and see the events.

11.6 Add, modify an operator

Definition of an operator
• Surname, name, email, password
• Operator profiles (group)
• Optional data (address…)
• A list of authorized site. The rights are the same for each site.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
11.7 Logs
It will show you the operator’s action. You can set the filters per user (dates, sites…).

12 Integration
Ipassan manager offers two ways to be integrated by other system. The first one is the availability for a
third party system to read or read/write in the Ipassan database.
This mode requires knowledge in Sql language and Ipassan database structure.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The second mode is based on Onvif API. The third party system add or remove some keys through this
API, it is also able download the events or open doors, outputs, etc
12.5 Special users
Ipassan manager gives access to the Mysql database through special users. Two mode are availables:
- Read only : read but you can not modify the data
this option is secure as those special users could only read data. Insertion or modification aren’t
- Read / write : you can modify all data. Be careful, in this mode, you can damage the database and
the access control system will no longer work.

With these modes, you can view all events, all persons, all doors ….
12.5.3 Add a special user
In the software operators, select Special operators then click Add.
Enter a login + password and select the mode (read only or read/write)

Note, the read / write needs an extra security. Ask FDI Matelec for the activation password.

12.5.4 Access to the database

On local installation, if you have created default database, the Mysql port is 3380. (default Mysql port on
standard installation is 3306).
If you are integrator, you have to use the driver parameter to access the database.
To test you query and to view the database, you can use the embedded tool “phpminiadmin”:
- https://
- Click on “advance setting”

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
When you are connected, you can select the database IPU_BASE_XXXX

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12.5.5 Event view

A view has been created to facilitate access to events. You can see all events with this sql query :
select * from `view_event`
You see the list of events:

Important field:
- EVL_DATE : date of event
- SIT_ID : if you have several site on you database, each site have UID. To know this UID, use the
ctrl+alt+D shortcut.

- EVT_FAMILY : family of event (you can see it with ctrl+alt+D command – after v1.7.2 ):
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o 0 : System
o 1 : PSU
o 2 : Access granted
o 3 : Access denied
o 4 : Neutral access
o 5 : door
o 6 : Input
o 7 : Output
o 8 : Status
o 9 : Reflexes
o 10 : Communication
o 12 : zone
o 13 : counter
o 14 : process
o 15 : condition
o 18 : reader
o 19 : peripherals
o 20: lift hli
o 21: intercom

- EVT_NUM : event number in the family (you can see it with ctrl+alt+D command – after v1.7.2 ):

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
- EVT_TABLE : type of element :
o SITE = 10
o NETWORK = 20
o DEVICE = 30
o UNIT = 40
o DOOR = 60
o RELAY = 70
o READER = 80
o PERSON = 110
o KEY = 120
o ZONE = 130
o IOCARD = 140
o INPUT = 150
o OUTPUT = 160
o LIFT = 170
o REFLEX = 180
o TASK = 270
o COUNTER = 350
o INTERCOM = 500

- EVT_TABLE_ID : Id of the element in the table. You can display the element id with ctr+alt+D

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Example, if you want all event on one door, you have to filter on EVT_TABLE = 60 AND

- EVL_INFO1/EVL_INFO2 : informations about event. For accesses events, EVL_INFO1 is the

serialnum of key

12.5.6 SQL insertion or modification

Ask FDI Matelec for more details.
12.6 Onvif API
12.6.3 What is Onvif?
Official website : https://www.onvif.org/
ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a structure whose mission is to provide and promote
standardized interfaces for effective interoperability of IP-based physical security products such as IP
cameras, video management platform (VMS, NVR) and access control system.
The ONVIF specifications are based on web services and use universal and open protocol like XML,
SOAP et WSDL to define the communication between two systems on an IP network.
ONVIF profiles make it easy to recognize how ONVIF conformant devices and clients are compatible
with one another. An ONVIF profile has a fixed set of features that must be supported by a conformant
device and client. It ensures that a client that conforms to Profile A, for example, will work with a device
that also conforms to Profile A. There are also conditional features, which are features that shall be
implemented by an ONVIF device or ONVIF client if it supports that feature in any way, including any
proprietary way.
The profile use for iPassan Onvif API are Profile C (basic options) and A (access control options).
12.6.4 Network discovery / WS_Discovery
Ipassan must provide an Onvif service and must be visible on the network. This possibility is offered by
using the WS_Discovery protocol.
When it is used, it’s possible to test the function by using the Onvif Device Manager.
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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
12.6.5 Authentication
The iPassan’s Onvif server will not be a free service. You must set an authentication with login and
In the ‘’software access’’ section of ipassan, we added the creation of a special user which could be an
API. Only these users will have the possibility to communicate with the web service.
This user will be linked to only one site (drop down list added). The Onvif functions don’t give the
possibility to select the site. This link will be used to filter the required site when the Onvif commands are

Some functionalities don’t require an access with login and password:

- device.GetWsdlUrl
- device.GetServices
- device.GetServiceCapabilities
- device.GetCapabilities
- device.GetHostname
- device.GetEndpointReference
- device.GetDeviceInformation
- device.GetSystemDateAndTime
- device.GetSystemDateAndTimeRequest
- credential.GetServiceCapabilities
- accessrules.GetServiceCapabilities
- doorcontrol.GetServiceCapabilities
- search.GetServiceCapabilities

12.6.6 Add functions

The specification requires to implement a big amount of functions and commands. It could be mandatory
(M), optional (O) ou conditional (C):

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
- M = Mandatory: features that must be supported in order to be conformant to the Profile
(implemented by the Onvif peripheral)
- O = Optionnal: function that may be implemented by an ONVIF Device or ONVIF Client
- C = Conditional: Function that shall be implemented by an ONVIF Device or ONVIF Client if it
supports that functionality.

If an Onvif peripheral is compliant with a service, it must be compliant with all the
commands of the WSDL service corresponding. If the specific command is not required for a
service and the peripheral is not compliant, the error answer must be the following code:
The official documentations of the services are useful to understand the implementation of the features.
For example for the service ‘’credential’’:
https://www.onvif.org/specs/srv/access/ONVIF-Credential-Service-Spec-v1706.pdf of the mandatory features for the Profile A

See the features list in the file OnvifProfilesOperations, section: Profile A.
There are more optional features. See the Profile A specifications. of the mandatory features for the Profile C
See the features list in the file OnvifProfilesOperations, section: Profile C.
There are more optional features. See the Profile C specifications. of the types of credentials
In the service ‘’credential’’, there is a command getSupportedFormatTypes. This command is related to
all kind of format for a credential.
The credential types are defined in the specification file: ONVIF-Credential-Service-Spec-v1706.pdf:
• pt:Card Supports Card identifier type
• pt:PIN Supports PIN identifier type
• pt:Fingerprint Supports Fingerprint biometric identifier type
• pt:Face Supports Face biometric identifier type
• pt:Iris Supports Iris biometric identifier type
• pt:Vein Supports Vein biometric identifier type

It means for each credential (Functionnality::$aTypeTI), define a ‘’FormatType’’.

The ‘’FormatType’’ list is described in the ISO-16484-5 specifications.

The command ‘’getSupportedFormatTypes’’ means that we should have, first, defined an authorized list in
our Web Service. For that reason, a link is added in the special user section – API.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
In this section, the list of the authorized credentials for each site is added. It is then possible for each
credential to define a ‘’FormatType’’. The type of credential is fixed: pt:Card or pt:PIN.

Type in ipassan Type : Name FormatType possible

TI_BDG125K pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_BDG1356 pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_BDGMIFAREPLUS pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_TLC13564 pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_TLC125K4 pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_TLC13564_PLUS pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_TLC13562 pt :Card FormatType Wiegand
TI_KEYPAD pt :PIN All numeric
TI_IMMAT pt :PIN All numeric

FormatType numéric:

FormatType Wiegand :

12.6.7 Testing tools

Onvif is based on soap technology. A free tool gives the possibility to test the protocol:
https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui.html (version: open source)
When installed, you should select the file: wsdl.

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with the FDI policy of enhanced development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
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liable under any circumstances to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance
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