The Environment: Environmental Assessment (EA) Is The Assessment of The

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The Environment

Cooper Roller Bearings Company Limited (Cooper or the company) is a world leader in the manufacture
and supply of engineered split roller bearings, engineering solutions and services. Cooper is dedicated
to producing quality products and services, which continue to satisfy the needs and requirements of our
customers and interested parties. Cooper recognizes that its business activities have the potential to
impact on the environment and therefore is committed to best environmental practices.
It is the policy of Cooper to:

 protect all components of the environment which might be affected by its activities, products and
services and to anticipate and comply with environmental legislation and other regulatory
requirements relevant to which the organisation subscribes.
 eliminate or reduce pollutant emissions to a minimum wherever possible and to establish
procedures and contingency plans to minimise the potential impact of any accidental discharge or
emission and ensure that public authorities are given the company's full co-operation.
 continuously improve and prevent or minimise the environmental impacts of its activities, products
and services and to design and develop taking into account end of life/life cycle impacts.
 use raw materials and resources efficiently and investigate opportunities to reduce energy
consumption, the amount of waste arising from its operations and to ensure that waste is disposed
of safely in accordance with current legislation and wherever possible to recycle.
 undertake periodic reviews/auditing procedures and raise corrective actions to address any
deficiency found with the company's environmental management system, policy, objectives and
 to ensure all staff are aware of the company's environmental policy and procedures and to ensure
contractors/visitors are also aware of the company's environmental procedures that maybe relevant
to them.

Cooper will provide the necessary resource to support its environmental policy and enable staff to fulfill
their role to meet the requirements of ISO14001 standard.

Environmental assessment (EA) is the assessment of the environmental

consequences (positive and negative) of a plan, policy, program, or actual projects prior
to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. In this context, the term
"environmental impact assessment" (EIA) is usually used when applied to actual
projects by individuals or companies and the term "strategic environmental assessment"
(SEA) applies to policies, plans and programmes most often proposed by organs of state.
Environmental assessments may be governed by rules of administrative
procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making, and may
be subject to judicial review.

The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the
environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project. The
International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) defines an environmental impact
assessment as "the process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating
the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major
decisions being taken and commitments made".[2] EIAs are unique in that they do not
require adherence to a predetermined environmental outcome, but rather they require
decision makers to account for environmental values in their decisions and to justify
those decisions in light of detailed environmental studies and public comments on the
potential environmental impacts.[3]


The Environmental Impact Assessment Law (EIA Law) requires that an environmental
impact assessment be completed prior to project construction. However, if a developer
completely ignores this requirement and builds a project without submitting an
environmental impact statement, the only penalty is that the environmental protection
bureau (EPB) may require the developer to do a make-up environmental assessment. If
the developer does not complete this make-up assessment within the designated time,
only then is the EPB authorized to fine the developer. Even so, the possible fine is
capped at a maximum of about US$25,000, a fraction of the overall cost of most major
projects. The lack of more stringent enforcement mechanisms has resulted in a
significant percentage of projects not completing legally required environmental impact
assessments prior to construction.[38]

China's State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) used the legislation to halt
30 projects in 2004, including three hydro-power plants under the Three Gorges Project
Company. Although one month later (Note as a point of reference, that the typical EIA for
a major project in the USA takes one to two years.), most of the 30 halted projects
resumed their construction, reportedly having passed the environmental assessment, the
fact that these key projects' construction was ever suspended was notable.

A joint investigation by SEPA and the Ministry of Land and Resources in 2004 showed
that 30-40% of the mining construction projects went through the procedure of
environment impact assessment as required, while in some areas only 6-7% did so. This
partly explains why China has witnessed so many mining accidents in recent years.

SEPA alone cannot guarantee the full enforcement of environmental laws and
regulations, observed Professor Wang Canfa, director of the centre to help environmental
victims at China University of Political Science and Law. In fact, according to Wang, the
rate of China's environmental laws and regulations that are actually enforced is estimated
at barely 10%.[39]
Fighting pollution in China means closed factories and lost jobs

Public Environmental Report (PER) has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of the
Northern Territory Environmental Assessment Act. The report provides concise and
comprehensive information concerning the design, construction and operation, and the potential
environmental impacts of the DJT. This information will enable environmental issues associated
withthe DJT to be considered in a balanced manner and will ensure thatunnecessary and
unacceptable harm to the environment is avoided.Information regarding the existing physical
biological, cultural and socio-economic environment has been extensively covered in the
approved EastArm Port Development Environmental Impact Statement 1994, and thereforeare
not covered in this report. This PER specifically focuses on theenvironmental impact of the
proposed development on its immediatesurrounds

Why The Price Of “Made In China”is Going Up Sharply From Last Year(a new range of increasing
is on the corner)
Because too many factories and home-run workshops been cut off power, shut down, torn down
and even demolished by SEPA ( State Environmental Protection Administration ) , EPB
(environmental protection bureau) & UM(Urban Management)
And what caused this ? ---The Environmental Impact Assessment Law (EIA Law)
requires that an environmental impact assessment be completed prior to project
construction. However, if a developer completely ignores this requirement and builds a
project without submitting an environmental impact statement and what’s worse , the
developer refuse to do a make-up environmental assessment
Halin Bearing---Our company will finish the make-up process and get the EIA
Report(Environmental Impact Assessment)soon !

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