ILP MelissaCosio 502H Spring24

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader

Project Option
Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after
POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all
instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Melissa Cosio [email protected] Multiple Subject Kindergarten
Mentor Email School/District Date
Samantha Lam [email protected] The Pegasus School 3/3/2024
Section 2: CSTP focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment. Identify
both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial

Promoting critical
T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 thinking through T – Integrating
questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
EXAMPLE inquiry, problem S – Applying
S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to
solving, and reflection
pose and solve problems of their own related to the content
T- Makes sure that all lessons are interactive and engaging for students by creating
games and hands on activities, assigning work not only using paper and pencil, but
also through the usage of technology. Students use their iPads and the Clevertouch
Using a variety of Smart TV to show comprehension and understanding. A website that has been super
instructional fun and engaging for students is as well as Teachers Pay
strategies, resources, T- Applying Teachers is also a wonderful site for finding different activities for the students.
1.4 and technologies to
meet students’ S- Applying S- Are able to access both through their iPad or the Smart TV. Both help with Language
diverse learning Arts/Phonics and Math. Students are placed into leveled reading groups, which can
needs. change throughout the year depending on whether students need more support or
challenge. Having leveled groups ensures that students are receiving level-appropriate
curriculum to fit their learning needs. We color code our reading groups and alternate
color group so students are not aware of what group they are in.
T- Maintains regular use of routines and procedures that are culturally responsive and
engage students in the development and monitoring of norms. Provides positive
behavior supports. Responds appropriately to behaviors in ways that lessen
disruptions to the learning climate. Students participate in routines, procedures, and
Employing classroom norms and receive reinforcement for positive behaviors.
routines, procedures,
norms, and supports for S- Students receive timely and effective feedback and consequences for behaviors that
T- Applying
2.6 positive behavior to interfere with learning.
S- Applying
ensure a climate in
which all students can Teacher reminds students of the classroom contract and school expectations.
learn. Students are well aware and help each other out with reminders of what they need to
be doing. We also have class jobs, and the teacher assistant, for example, will help the
teacher reinforce what students need to be doing. Having a classroom job also offers
students opportunities to lead and be in charge of the work they do. Examples of
classroom jobs are teacher assistant, line leader, door holder, pledge leader, energy
expert, and lunch helper. Students take turns every week so that everyone can have a
job at some point.

Establishes short- and long-term curriculum plans for subject matter concepts and
essential related academic language and formats that support student learning. This is
especially crucial when planning math lessons ahead and how to differentiate them
Developing and for all learning levels.
sequencing long-term
and short-term Teacher makes sure to plan lessons and activities ahead to be aware of what units
4.3 T- Applying
instructional plans to come next. It also helps with planning and scheduling other outside appointments and
support student school events. Teacher makes sure to sequence learning activities over time to help
learning. students achieve their goals and standards. One useful tool has been Google Calendar.
The school provides one with all events, as well as having a personal one to help make
sure there are no schedule conflicts. This would be so useful when mentoring a new
teacher in the following weeks.
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
Student well-being: Prioritize the well-
being and academic progress of the
students by ensuring that their
individual needs are met and any
challenges they face are addressed
promptly and effectively.
Smooth Transition: Making sure that
when I leave, new teacher is able to
minimize disruptions as she takes over
the classroom and take on my role.
Learning Goals: Making sure there is
clear and effective learning goals and
expectations set. Whether that be how
the curriculum should be delivered to
students or how certain items get done
at the school/classroom.
In what ways can a kindergarten Community Communication: Establish
teacher effectively pass on their clear communication with the school
knowledge and teaching community, especially parents and
strategies to a long-term faculty/staff to let them know about my
Guiding Little Learners and Passing the Torch substitute teacher during leave, who is taking over, and when I
maternity leave to ensure a will be back. This helps clear any
smooth transition and continued questions that may arise before I leave.
student progress to end the year Mentorship: Provide necessary
strong? support, resources, or guidance as
needed. I want to make sure the new
teacher is able to navigate the already
set classroom dynamics and classroom
Checking- in: Not only communicating
with new teacher, but also with
mentor, K-team, and administration on
how everything is going. This helps me
make sure new teacher is doing well
and I can help support them in their
growth and effectiveness in the
Intent to Return: Work with substitute
teacher to make sure there is a smooth
transition back to the classroom. Be
informed of any new changes or school
developments that I should know since
I was gone.

How Project Fits into

Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
As I leave on maternity leave in
April, I would like to make sure
• Mentor Teacher- Samantha Lam that the person who takes over Audience satisfaction will be assessed
my spot is ready for the task. Not by constant communication between
• New Teacher- Melissa Cosio
only will it help fill in my role, but mentor, Kindergarten team, and
• New Teacher Substitute- Lisa
it will also help my mentor have administration when needed. Constant
• Administration
someone responsible to work communication while being on leave
• Kindergarten Students
alongside with. My students will will be very important. Having this
• Kindergarten Team and any other faculty/staff who also be making that teacher information will also be helpful when
interacts with new teacher substitute. adjustment and having a smooth checking in with long term substitute.
transition for them is important
to me.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Teacher Leader Model Standard:

Domain IV: Facilitating improvements in instruction and

student learning. This special emphasis will be incorporated into my teacher leadership
project because I will be mentoring a new long-term substitute teacher. She
c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and will be taking over my position when I go on maternity leave in April. Due to
professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, me mentoring her- as well as introducing and teaching her all the ropes of
and content facilitator. the school and classroom community- I want to make sure this teacher is
e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to able to navigate smoothly and not feel overwhelmed or feel like she is
guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately struggling. I want to guide her with instructional strategies and important
navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet. key details so she can successfully and smoothly take over when I am gone.
f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of
diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual
student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction.
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Identify name and date for Milestone 4 Milestone 5
activities. Meet New Long Teacher Constant
Connect/Shadow Reflection Feedback/Check-in
Substitute Communication
3/20/24 3/25-3/28 3/29/24 4/1-6/1 4/1-6/7
I will be mentoring the long-term substitute that will be taking over my position when I go on maternity
Provide 1-2 sentence summary of leave in April. I will be checking in with her and making sure she is having a smooth transition into the
your teacher leader project. position. I want her to end the year strong and I want to make sure she feels fully prepared. This
leadership project will go beyond this course end date- June.
Having that constant communication is key- not only with the long-term sub, but also from my mentor
Summarize process for analyzing
who will be working with her, the kindergarten team, and administration. Getting feedback from how
effectiveness of leadership role. the sub is doing and the sub herself is great for me to see how they can better be supported.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement
of what was learned.)
Title: The Qualities of Exceptional Mentor Teachers Title: Why Mentoring Matters
Statement of what was learned: This article had information mentoring-matters
on what it is like to be a mentor and how we can become
really good mentor teachers. It gave advice and tips that I Statement of what was learned: In this article, I learned ways mentors
related to, especially ones I liked from my current
can help guide their new mentees. I liked being able to connect to the
relationship with my mentor. I liked the ideas it suggested
and I hope to use these with the long-term substitute while I article, especially since I have been mentored the past two years. I also
am on my maternity leave. One quote that stood out to me
from this article was “the ability to “stand back” and let liked how the article had essential qualities mentors should have with
mentees “make mistakes” before gently suggesting better
their mentees. It made me reflect on the type of mentor I want to be,
alternatives for the next time are qualities of the most
trusted mentors.” I feel like my mentor lets me make and how my current mentor uses these as well.
mistakes and I learn from them.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
About a two years ago, one of the kindergarten teachers left
on maternity leave in January. She was gone for five months Since I will be leaving in April, there is a sense of urgency on who will be
and did not come back until mid-May. In her situation, she taking over my position while I will be gone. Due to me being an
made sure she had time to mentor/help pick the person who associate teacher- my position is important because the person taking
would be taking over her role as lead teacher. She made sure over must be credentialed and have some sort of experience. This person
to guide new teacher before leaving. This helped her when will also be working alongside my mentor, so it has to be someone she
she came back because she was aware of what was can connect and work with. For me, it is important that this new person
happening in the classroom while she was gone- and it also can continue my curriculum- while also being able to successfully
helped the new teacher have some guidance. I was able to complete my tasks and responsibilities. I also want them to enjoy the
get some suggestions and feedback from this teacher and I position- and learn/enjoy teaching Kindergarten on the way.
found ways on how I can better my situation while I am gone.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Describe the impact you feel you Suggestions for Continued
Initial Rating
CSTP Element made on your own growth as an Growth as an educator and
educator and leader. leader
I will look into more research in
I feel that by presenting at a this area and try to apply it. At
Promoting critical conference I was able to…. the conference, I attended a
thinking through T – Integrating session that gave me good
inquiry, problem S – Applying As I spoke about my strategies, I ideas to….
solving, and reflection realized that there were things I can do I want to conduct a PD for my
differently such as… grade level team based on this

Using a variety of While I couldn't physically For my ongoing professional

instructional demonstrate all the instructional development, I aspire to
strategies, resources, T- Applying strategies, resources, and technologies explore additional instructional
1.4 and technologies to to meet students' diverse learning strategies, resources, and
meet students’ S- Applying needs to the substitute, I did provide technologies to enhance my
diverse learning recommendations for websites and effectiveness as an educator
needs. applications that could support and provide better support for
student learning in the classroom. student learning.
Through email guidance, I outlined I am open to connect with
how these resources could be utilized fellow teachers to gain insights
effectively, offering tips and tricks to into diverse methods of
enhance student learning experiences. supporting my students'
learning needs, whether
Additionally, I ensured that login through online resources,
details for relevant websites and educational applications,
support tools were sent over, interactive games, hands-on
facilitating student access and benefit. activities, or optimizing the use
This helped with creating lessons and of technology such as iPads and
supplemental activities as well. the Clevertouch in my

By acquiring new knowledge in

these areas, I aim to share
these insights with my
colleagues and educators,
fostering a collaborative
learning environment.
Suggestions for continued
growth as an educator would
be to continue working
Employing classroom
While I couldn't physically alongside my mentor to
routines, procedures,
demonstrate the way we do our strengthen my classroom
norms, and supports T- Applying
classroom routines and procedures, I strategies such as routines and
2.6 for positive behavior
did mention ways that I would support procedures. I would also like to
to ensure a climate in S- Applying
students in these areas. This way the learn about ways I can better
which all students
sub could reference when needed. and grow as an educator in this
can learn.
area. Talking to other
educators around me would be
so helpful.
As the teacher responsible for morning
meeting, math, and reader's
Suggestions for continued
workshop, I had initially planned to lay
growth as an educator would
out both long-term and short-term
be to set short and long-term
instructional plans to be implemented
goals every year and every so
Developing and before my departure. However, with
often—maybe for every unit I
sequencing long-term my unexpected earlier absence,
teach. This way, I can use them
and short-term T- Applying finalizing all the necessary details
4.3 as a guide to help me if I ever
instructional plans to became a work in progress. Thankfully,
get stuck or need to be out for
support student our school has a set math curriculum
a certain amount of time. In
learning. that is easy to follow and that the
this case, it would have been
long-term substitute could use as
nice to have set these goals this
guidance. It is also helpful that my
time around so the substitute
mentor had seen me teach the
could use them.
curriculum so she could help as well if
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Teacher Others/Department/School/District

Teacher Leader Model Standard: Domain IV: Facilitating

improvements in instruction and student learning. I emailed the long-term Sharing my insights on classroom
substitute to explain important procedures didn't just benefit my
aspects of my position that I students and my mentor/co-teacher,
c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and could not discuss in person. In but also the kindergarten team I work
professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, those emails, I outlined how with. By explaining how things work in
and content facilitator. specific assignments and the classroom, I helped the substitute
activities should be and could be feel confident when discussing
e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to done. I also shared information activities and projects with the rest of
guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately about the applications that we the team. This is super helpful because
navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet. use for support and extension via it helps with a smooth transition and
our technology.; Even though it less explaining of others when needed.
f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of was not ideal and how I expected
diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual this teacher project to go- I
student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction managed to pass on important
details while I am on leave. I also
stayed in touch with my mentor,
keeping her informed so she
could help the substitute when
necessary and I was not able to
get back to the sub quickly.
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
The teacher candidate shared her idea of mentoring the upcoming long-
term substitute who would assume her role once she left for maternity
leave. Having worked alongside the teacher candidate for the past two
years, I have witnessed her teaching and dedication to the students.
While the teacher candidate would have preferred to be more physically
present during the transition, I observed her efforts in communicating
Effectiveness of resources designed by the Candidate,
through email and providing support/guidance to the substitute teacher.
including presentation, notes, handouts, and other resources.
The teacher candidate also remained constantly in communication with
me, addressing any questions or concerns I had. Both the substitute
teacher and I felt confident reaching out to the teacher candidate for
assistance and locating classroom materials- especially for the subjects
she taught. While it would have been preferable to handle everything in
person, despite the unexpected circumstances, we made it work.

Mentoring the incoming teacher substitute was a great idea despite

having such a short time frame to make it all work. I could see how the
substitute benefited from the teacher candidate’s online support and
guidance- and I would love to see the teacher candidate explore this
concept again in the future when she is able to come back to campus. It
Effectiveness of Overall Project
would be beneficial for the candidate to complete it all in person to gain
that experience- even if the person she mentors is another teacher on
campus who may need some guidance and support on their teaching
journey at the school. Perhaps a young teacher assistant could work as
well- endless possibilities.

While this teacher-led project may not have reached a large audience, it
held significant value for the teacher candidate as it prompted reflection
on her teaching practices, enabling her to pass on that knowledge to the
Value of project for audience. substitute. This project served as a reflective teacher project, benefiting
not only myself in collaborating with the new substitute but also
ensuring the success and support for the substitute in assuming this
teaching role.
The teacher candidate was aware of her upcoming absence by April and
tried to prepare as much as she could for the long-term substitute- while
also under the assumption that she would have two to three extra weeks
for the transition. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstance of having to
communicate and work remotely during her maternity leave, I praise the
candidate for proactively ensuring that all important and necessary
Overall feedback
information regarding her teaching role was communicated via email to
the substitute. Even though she had to unexpectedly leave due to the
early arrival of her baby, the teacher candidate's dedication to helping
the substitute transition into her role was seen. This demonstrated her
commitment to her teaching responsibilities and her earnest effort to
support and guide the substitute.

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

For curriculum design, lesson It would have been beneficial to create a how-to/ follow-up plan for the long-term substitute to
planning, assessment planning refer to as guidance. Such a plan could have facilitated a smoother transition and provided a clear
roadmap for the substitute to follow once the teacher candidate began her leave.
Having the long-term substitute observe the teacher candidate would have been beneficial for the
substitute to see how things are run in the classroom and to ensure that the long-term sub
For classroom practice
understood the classroom environment, the curriculum, teacher teaching methods, and class
For teaching English learners,
Having a detailed how-to or follow-up plan would have been advantageous in supporting students
students with special needs, and
with diverse learning needs and ensuring the ability to plan the rest of the year’s curriculum as
students with other instructional
initially intended.
This teacher leadership project could be tried again with another new staff member or new teacher
For future professional
to help use the strategies that could have been used this semester with the substitute. How would
this project have turned out if done the way it was intended?
For supporting others/department/ Constant communication among all those involved in the transition to preparing for the new
school/district substitute is essential and will continue to be followed for future events.

Other N/A

Other Notes and Comments

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