Chess Intuition Versus Calculation Understanding What You Need Karthik
Chess Intuition Versus Calculation Understanding What You Need Karthik
Chess Intuition Versus Calculation Understanding What You Need Karthik
- By Karthik PM
“Chess Intuition Versus Calculation” is a book dedicated to all type of
players. It contains different theory aspects on intuition and calculation in
chess, some players will lose on time, and some players will lose quickly by
making mistakes because they lack knowledge on intuition and calculation.
This book will let you know where you stand in the game of chess and
provide methods for improving yourself in chess quickly.
Developing Knowledge.
a. Understanding the human opponent:
As we have passive intuitive minds, we may think the opponent is superior
to us, and we are more likely to make mistakes. No, as we already acquired
the knowledge like openings, strategies, and endings, etc. the possibility of
making a mistake is close to equal.
Both you and your opponent make mistakes, spotting and punishing the
mistake is where the game point has been decided.
b. Gaining more confidence:
Make a plan, try to work it out; if the opponent is more clever, then losing
will reward you a great experience and knowledge.
Playing without a plan and just waiting for the opponent to make a plan will
make you lose the game and the reward will be nothing learned.
Have that confidence that your opponent is just a human and may make
mistakes too. Fight till the end.
c. Rejecting draws and draw offers:
Never ever ask your opponent to draw or accept a draw if your opponent
offers a draw. If you feel the position is a draw, let it become a draw by
playing till the end.
Don’t search for repetition by sacrificing some piece unnecessarily where
you have other plans to do. Always fight for a win.
Making a draw offer to any higher rated opponent will anyway be rejected
by the opponent, by doing this, we only lose our respect, and we show our
negligence to the opponent.
Making a draw offer to any lower rated opponent will decrease your rating.
Making a draw offer in losing position to the opponent is the worst thing
you could do to spoil your respect and pride, the opponent will anyway
reject it.
Making a draw offer in winning position is useless.
Making a draw offer in the middle game where the position seems equal
will only indicate your fear towards your opponent, and you lose a chance
to learn and explore chess.
If higher rated opponent offers a draw, it indicates that the position is better
for us.
If higher rated opponent offers a draw, he may be sick.
In both the scenarios, we are going to win the game if we reject the draw
offer and put some real efforts to win the game.
If lower rated opponent offers a draw, it indicates his negligence and fear.
Accepting it will cost your rating points.
By accepting or offering a draw, we may draw the game but surely lose the
chess forever.
“Be determined, try to play for a win always.”
a. Playing Blitz:
Playing blitz game will rapidly increase your intuitive strength. Start from
10 minutes timer, after winning several games slowly reduce the time to 5
Play a lot of games on this time control, you may end up losing in time or
getting checkmate soon. Never give up, keep playing on this time control.
There are tons of online chess websites where you could play with real
persons, make use of it.
If you’re a person who loses chess games within minutes or doesn't use
your time in classical time format chess games, avoid playing blitz and
concentrate on classical games.
b. Solving difficult puzzles:
Solve many puzzles, take your own time, it may be difficult at the start.
Keep doing, if you’re not able to do it even after 30 minutes of thinking, see
the answer and go to next puzzle.
If you can solve the puzzles yourself, it will help your conscious mind
If you couldn’t solve the puzzles but you see the answers later, it will help
your subconscious mind (Intuition)
By doing this, you will learn a lot of new ideas that is used in real games.
By this time you would have promoted to a psychologically Intuitive mind.
3. Developing from Psychological Intuition
Developing knowledge:
a. Learning/revising Strategic theories:
Learn strategic theories as I already mentioned in developing from bad
intuition, if already learned revise the same. This will give you a brand new
perspective, and you’re now able to understand most complicated concepts
which you might have not understood earlier.
It is not necessary that everyone will retain the concepts learned earlier till
the end of his life, often revising the theories will be a good idea.
b. Learning openings:
Make yourself aware of most of the openings played and how the pieces
were developed. You might have already learned some opening, take it to
the next level by learning little more moves in openings you play.
We can have a data of how frequently our opening is played and how many
top players are preferring our opening from Chess Base. Knowing this can
tell whether your opening lines are good enough.
c. Learning advanced endings:
This time learn minor pieces endings, bishop vs. knight, bishop vs. rook,
etc. this will take your game to further level.
a. Analysing Grand master’s game:
Take some grand master’s game from the database and analyze on yourself,
try to understand what they were thinking and get their thinking process.
Try to guess the move for the winning side. This would help in knowing
new patterns in chess.
b. Solving puzzles
This time go for advanced puzzles where the position will be unclear, and
you have to use your intuition.
Most symmetrical positions and structures are easy to evaluate and
understand. Try to solve puzzles where one’s advantage is compensated by
another’s advantages.
Calculation is a major part of one’s chess skill, most of the players have a
question on how to calculate properly, and in this chapter, we will discuss
what calculation is and how to calculate properly.
Since the players with this style use both intuition and calculation for a
move, it is easy for them to manage time and play any format of chess
games. This is the best style of calculation that should be adopted by
The difference between Intuition and Calculation:
1. Intuition is the base for calculation
2. Intuitive decision may not have logical reasoning unlike calculation
3. Calculation takes too much time where intuition may help in few seconds
4. Calculation drains human energy, Intuition doesn’t drain energy.
5. Knowledge and practice are the way to improve intuition whereas
calculation can be improved only by practicing.
6. Calculation is superior to intuition in most of the scenarios and intuition
cannot be trusted completely
7. Intuition may help where calculation fails (unable to evaluate the
position) (only to experienced players)
Chapter 4. Developing calculation
To develop calculation, we have several methods directly and indirectly.
Let’s discuss on how to develop calculation for each type.
1. Developing from tactical calculation
Being a tactical calculative player, we may make mistakes like:
a. Overlooking at a position
b. Sacrificing a piece and calculating as if it was there
c. Omitting strategies often etc.
To avoid these type of errors, we have to follow the instructions below.
a. Learning Strategies:
Learn strategies like pawn structures, how to plan, space, center types,
static, and dynamics, etc. Keep track on what you learn and try to apply the
same in any test games you play online or with friends. Doing this will
eliminate your negligence towards strategies and will enable you to play
more effectively.
b. Practicing Visualisation Technique:
Get some notations of GM chess games and try to visualize the entire game
without the help of a chess board, this practice will enable your ability to
foresee the position after several moves and evaluate it accordingly. This
will highly reduce the risk of the wrong sacrifice.
c. Solving strategical puzzles:
Solve puzzles where the puzzle’s ultimate aim is to create some strategical
advantage and not a material advantage.
Advantages could be:
i. Space
ii. Outpost for a knight
iii. Getting superior pawn structure etc.
Practicing these type of situations will enable us to look for these
advantages on the board and will eliminate overlooking at a position.
d. watching/reading GM’s game with annotation:
By watching/reading GM’s game with annotation, we will learn tons of
strategies used in their game. We do understand that we need not make a
sacrifice and win a game, but we can slowly develop our position to win a
game too.
Watch games which are especially longer than 35 moves to make sure the
game deliver strategies and not tactics.
2. Developing from strategical calculation
Being a strategical calculative player, we may miss an early opportunity to
win a game and may not consider tactics as primary calculation.
To avoid these errors, we may consider the following.
a. Learning tactics:
Learn tactics like Pin, Skewer, X-ray, etc. We might have already known
these things but may not know these things in-depth and how to use it.
Simply revising these things is also a good idea to start with.
b. Solving puzzles:
Try to solve as many as puzzles where the ultimate aim of the puzzle is
material advantage and checkmates. By doing this, we consciously develop
our knowledge on tactics and will come to know its importance.
c. Taking risks:
We often get afraid whether the sacrifice is good or bad and end up playing
something other than that, try to explore and sacrifice pieces in test games
which you may play online or with friends. This will allow you to know
new patterns and compensations for an advantage that opponent possess.
3. Developing from psychological/passive calculation
Being a psychological/passive calculative player, we may consider few
things below to enrich our abilities in chess.
a. Understanding your human opponent:
“Chess is 35 to 40% psychology.” – Judith Polgar
However, psychological traps will not always put your opponent in trouble
but sometimes put ourselves in trouble. Always think that your opponent
knows your threat and will defend it. Even after the opponent’s defense, the
position is normal, you’re good to go with it. Most psychological thinkers
may risk their game by giving a fake threat which could be defended with a
powerful counter-attack, these fake attacks should be entirely stopped.
If we make only passive moves, our opponent will come with a plan which
we may defend once or twice, but after several attempts to attack, obviously
opponent wins.
“Defending is a tougher task compared to offending.”
b. Understanding what the board speaks:
Listen to the board with your calculation,
If the board is demanding us to develop our pieces, develop.
If the board is demanding us to attack, attack.
Always play what your calculation tells you to do and not anything your
fear tells.
4. Developing from sole calculation
Being a sole calculative player, we waste time thinking too much in simple
positions, we may also overlook position and make it too complicated.
We may consider the following to eliminate our errors:
a. Learning about intuition:
Learn what is intuition and its types and how to develop it. We only depend
on calculation, and it is not good all the time. Try to play some games
without proper evaluation in your test games online or with friends, this will
enable your intuitive thinking.
b. Playing blitz/bullet chess games:
Playing quick chess games like blitz/bullet will enable your intuitive
thinking and develop your intuition rapidly so that we may save a lot of
time and energy calculating moves.
c. play games with compensation:
Try to play games with compensation like “minor piece for three pawns”,
“Rook for a pawn and a minor piece”, etc. in your test games online or with
friends. This will make your calculation little difficult to stand up, and
intuition comes to help you.
5. Developing from the doze calculation
Being a dozen calculative player, we usually trust the intuition more than
calculation and end up making blunders, we may consider the following to
improve ourselves.
a. Meditation:
Practice any type of meditation, it could be a normal meditation or sitting
for some minutes before the chess board trying to concentrate on the board.
We have to understand that we possess less patience than we actually need.
Try to increase your patience by any means.
b. Understanding calculation is better than intuition in most cases:
Playing quickly only allows our intuition to work and will not give our
calculation power a chance to help us. Calculation is better than intuition in
most cases, and we need to take some time for good calculation before a
c. Blitz/bullets games are strictly prohibited:
Never play blitz/bullet chess games, know that your intuition is strong
enough already to defeat most of the players who use their calculation. Try
playing long classical games which will help your calculation and give it a
Understanding “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Try to understand that your practice need not necessarily result in
proportional results in tournaments considering short term, it takes
reasonable time for the results.
As bodybuilders make hard work each and every day with an utmost
dedication to building their muscles, we work to shape our thoughts, both
takes considerable time, effort, rest, proper diet, etc.
Most of the players quit chess like a person who quit gym after a month or
two not knowing that they’re actually improving.
Most of the parents put additional pressure on players for their failures, it
only creates a lack of patience and similar negative effects towards chess. In
fact, except coaches, no one has the right to criticize a player - including
parents. As a player, have this self-confidence.
Most parents don’t understand they’re trying to help their kid in chess but
end up stuffing misconceptions into the player’s head. These
misconceptions really make it hard for a coach to teach a kid who has
already wrongly learned something, he needs to erase all misconception and
feed new concepts, making it a double work and even longer to improve
chess. As a player, trust your coach and be interactive with him to help you
Chapter 5. Converting Advantages in Time
Most players reach advantageous position and often make blunders and lose
the game in time pressure, there are few techniques which will really be
helpful. Let’s start learning.
1. Simplification Method:
We might have heard a rule “Exchange pieces when you’re up in material”,
Simplification method is quite similar.
Simplification method refers to “Sacrificing any material to end up with
simple winning game”
We may have lot of pawns/pieces but we’re confused how we can convert
this material advantage to win, we may be afraid of opponent giving
fake/real checkmating threats etc. In these types of situation, we are going
to use this method to simplify the game.
Generally, after sacrificing any material in this method, we will end up with
a position where we can simply use our intuition to win the game.
These moves may not be the best moves on the board, but are very
To better understand this, let’s discuss with some examples.
Example 1.
Obviously, calculation is what you should trust the most, however in some
positions calculation may not help you, then intuition comes in handy.
Keeping calculation as primary decision-making tool will save you from
many disasters like making mistakes, blunders, etc.
However, keeping intuition as primary decision-making tool will save you
time and energy, but it is not 100% reliable.
Intuitive calculation is the best way to make decisions where the move is
decided by intuition and verified by calculation before playing. It will save
a lot of time on your clock, and the possibility of making a mistake is also
reduced, however, you may miss out on the best move in a rare scenario
which is usual for any human.
Intuitive games are the games which are played without much calculation in
a blitz/rapid time format. Still, both the players won’t make blunders.
However, there will be some errors. Let’s spot and analyze it!
Game #1
1. e4, e6; 2. d4, d5; 3. e5, c5; 4. c3
A natural French advanced variation, well I knew the theories about this
game that black has to play on the queenside and pressure on d4. Since it is
a closed position, we may slowly develop our pieces!