Kop Soal Pas 7 - F4
Kop Soal Pas 7 - F4
Kop Soal Pas 7 - F4
6. Annisa : Why did not you call me last 15. Hello! There are five people in my family: My father or
night? my dad, my .............. or my mom, my elder brother, my
Dayu : ........................ I forget it. liltle sister, and my self. My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a
teacher. My mother is Mrs, Kurnia. She is a nurse. My
A. I am so sorry
big ......... is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan.
C. Good bye
My little ......... is Rosa. She’s still in kindergarten.
B. Yes, it is
D. How are you The best answer for the paragraph above are?
A. Sister, mother, brother
7. Udin : Can I borrow your pencil? C. Father, mother, sister
Beni : Sure here it is. B. Mother, brother, sister
Udin : Thank you D. Brother, mother, sister
Beni :. .....................
The text is for questions 16 to 17
A. I am very sorry MrsYoana is from Padang, but (16).............. lives and
C. Good bye works in Indramayu. She teaches English at Merdeka
B. Thank you
Junior High School. She is a very kind teacher.
D. Don’t mention it.
(17) ..............husband is a lawyer. He comes from Medan.
They have a son.
8. Lina : What is ............. ?
Zeni : My name is Zeni 16. A. She B. They
A. Your name C.His name C. He D. We
B. Her name D. Their name
17. A. Her B. My
9. Linda : “Hello, My name is Linda. C. His D. your
Rania : I’m Rania.
A. What are you? C. Where do you live?
18. Edo : What time do you have breakfast?
Beni :I have breakfast .................................
A. At six in the evening C. At six in the morning
B. At one in the afternoon D. At seven in the evening
23. Ika : How many desks are there? C. The elephant is in the question mark
Bintang : there are ...... B. The elephant is under the question mark
A. Five desks
C. Two desks D. The elephant is between question mark
B. Five desk
D. One desk 30. The dog is running “across the yard”.
24. There are the things in the picture, except!
A. Desks
C. Computer
B. Globe
D. Whiteboard
A. B.
25. There are four pencil sharpeners
The appropriate picture is...
C. D.
II. Short Form
III. Essay
Text for no. 36, 37
1. People can save, withdraw or
A. hospital
transfer money.
2. People can send their letters,
package, or pay some bills or B. Bank
3. People can meet doctor to
C. Police office
cure their illness.
4. Police work and people can
D. Post office
report some criminal actions
40. Make your schedule at school for a week. The table has
been created for you!
Names of Days
me Mon Tues Wedne Thurs Frid Satur
day day sday day ay day
Good Luck