Deep Magic 1
Deep Magic 1
Deep Magic 1
Designer: Marc Radle KOBOLD WARRENS
Developer: Celeste Conowitch Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
Editors: Scott Gable, Meagan Maricle Chief Operations Officer: T. Alexander Stangroom
Interior Artists: Julian Hellwig, Marcel Mercado, Art Director: Marc Radle
William O’Brien Art Department: Marc Radle, Amber Seger
Graphic Designers: Marc Radle, Amber Seger Editorial Director: Thomas M. Reid
Editorial Department: Scott Gable, Meagan Maricle,
Jeff Quick, Thomas M. Reid
Senior Game Designer: Celeste Conowitch
Marketing Director: Chelsea “Dot” Steverson
Project Manager: Amber Seger
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Spellweaver MYSTIC
Beginning at 6th level, when you cast a spell that affects You have learned how to unlock and harness the mystical
an area, you can increase or decrease its area of effect. You potential of the mind. This mystical power manifests as a
can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency third eye, through which you can unleash psionic abilities.
bonus. You regain any expended uses of this feature upon
completing a long rest. Third Eye
When you reach 11th level, you regain expended uses of At 3rd level, a mystical eye appears on your forehead. This
Spellweaver when you finish a short or long rest. eye can take the form of a stylized tattoo, an eye‑shaped
scar, or an actual eye. The eye opens whenever you use one
Area of Effect Modification of your mystic powers. Otherwise, it remains closed.
Cone Increase or decrease the cone’s size by Your third eye unlocks psionic energy from deep within,
up to 10 feet represented by a pool of psionic points. The number of
Cube Increase or decrease the cube’s sides psionic points you have is equal to your theurge level +
by up to 10 feet each your proficiency bonus.
You regain all spent psionic points when you finish a
Cylinder Increase or decrease the cylinder’s
height or diameter by up to 10 feet long rest. When you reach 9th level, you regain all spent
psionic points when you finish a short or long rest.
Line Increase or decrease the line’s length
As an action, you can expend one or more psionic
by up to 10 feet
points to fuel the mystical powers of your third eye (see
Sphere Increase or decrease the sphere’s below). Each power has a duration of 1 hour. You can only
radius by up to 10 feet have one such power active at a time:
• You can detect the presence of secret or concealed
Dweomercraft Adept doors or compartments within 30 feet of you.
Beginning at 10th level, you can use the dweomercraft Cost: 1 psionic point
discoveries you know a total number of times equal to • You can see invisible creatures and objects within 30
your Intelligence modifier + your Wisdom modifier. feet of you as if they were visible.
In addition, you can use two dweomercraft discoveries Cost: 2 psionic points
you know on a single spell you cast. Alternatively, you can
• You can see normally in darkness, both magical and
use a dweomercraft discovery on each spell you cast using
nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet.
the Spell Synthesis feature.
Cost: 3 psionic points
Dweomercraft Master • You can detect visual illusions within 30 feet of you,
At 14th level, you recover all expended uses of your and you automatically succeed on saving throws
dweomercraft discoveries when you finish a short or against them. You can also perceive the original form
long rest. of a shapechanger or a creature transformed by magic.
Cost: 4 psionic points
Psychic Blast
Starting at 6th level, you can fire a blast of psychic energy
from your third eye by expending one or more psionic
points. As a bonus action, make a ranged spell attack
Psychic Shield
At 10th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage.
As a bonus action, you can temporarily gain resistance
to additional damage types by spending 1 psionic point
per additional resistance. You can select resistance to
damage types from the following list: acid, cold, fire,
force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. These
additional resistances remain until the start of your next
turn. You can keep, add, or remove these temporary
resistances each new round by expending the appropriate
number of additional psionic points. For example, as a
bonus action, you could add resistance to force, radiant,
and thunder damage by expending 3 psionic points. At the
start of your next turn, you could use a new bonus action
to keep resistance to force, radiant, and thunder damage,
Spell Channel
Starting at 6th level, you can immediately use the
stored spell energy that you absorbed when using Spell
Siphon to cast the siphoned spell, as if you are casting
it yourself. Doing so does not expend one of your spell
slots or require any material components. Once you
cast a spell in this way, the spell energy
immediately vanishes from your
mind and cannot be transferred
into your theurgic libram.
You can use this feature once
per short or long rest.
Spell Fizzle
Beginning at 10th level, if a creature casts a spell that
targets you or includes you in its area of effect, you can
use your reaction to force the creature to make a saving
throw against your spell save DC. (The creature uses its
spellcasting ability for the save.) If the creature fails the
save, you negate the spell’s effect against you. If the
spell includes other creatures in its area of effect, and
the saving throw fails by 5 or more, you can choose to
negate the spell’s effect on them as well.
You can use Spell Fizzle up to a number of times
equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded
down). You regain any expended uses once you
finish a long rest.
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