Avaliação - 4º Bimestre - 8º Ano

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ANO: 8º - TURMA: A ( ) – B ( ) – C ( ) DATA: ____/____/_____ NOTA

PROFESSOR: Weliton Tavares VALOR: 4,0 PONTOS _____________


1) – Leia o texto e marque a alternativa correta. (Valor: 0,5 cada)
1) – Como eram chamadas as pessoas que partiram da
Inglaterra em 1620, abordo de um navio, em busca de um
Novo Mundo?
( a ) – Native Americans.
( b ) – Indians.
( c ) – Americans.
In 1620, a group of people who were called the Pilgrims, ( d ) – Pilgrims.
sailed from England to America. They travelled on a ship called
the Mayflower. These people had decided to start a new life in 2) – Qual era o nome do navio que partiu da Inglaterra em
1620, com destino ao Novo Mundo?
( a ) – Maydreams.
They arrived at a place on the north-east coast of ( b ) – Maysweets.
America. They called this place Plymouth. ( c ) – Mayflower.
( d ) – Mayshower.
However, life was not easy at first. They were very far
from home and knew very little about the new land. 3) – O que aconteceu com os peregrinos no primeiro ano de
To make things worse, the first winter was terribly cold. vida no Novo Mundo?
( a ) – Muitos adoeceram e morreram devido ao frio.
Many of the pilgrims got ill and died.
( b ) – Muitos índios morreram.
Fortunately, the Native Americans who lived there were ( c ) – Muitos Peregrinos ficaram ricos.
very kind and helped them. They taught them how to grow corn ( d ) – Eles foram destruídos por uma tsunami.
and other plants. Besides, they gave them medicine to treat and
4) – O que os Nativos ensinaram aos Peregrinos?
cure their illnesses. ( a ) – Plantar, colher, caçar, pescar e construir casas.
They also taught them how to hunt for food and showed ( b ) – Jogar Futebol, atirar de rifle e pescar.
them how they could build better houses. ( c ) – Cultivar alface e tomate.
( d ) – Jogar baseball e atirar com arco e flecha.
The pilgrims worked very hard and their crops grew.
In November 1621, all the pilgrims had food and a home. To 5) – Como os Peregrinos demonstraram sua gratidão aos
show their gratitude, they decided to invite the Native AmericansNativos?
( a ) – Eles deram muito ouro aos Nativos.
to a dinner. That dinner lasted for three days and was the first
( b ) – Eles convidaram os Nativos para um jantar.
Thanksgiving. ( c ) – Eles mataram os Nativos.
( d ) – Eles convidaram os Nativos para viajar de navio.
2) – Associe os nomes que fazem parte da tradição do Thanksgiving aos seus desenhos. (Valor: 0,1 cada)



( C ) – TURKEY


3) – Leia o texto e marque TRUE ou FALSE. (Valor: 0,2 cada)

A) – O Halloween é comemorado em 31 de Outubro.

On October 31st, we celebrate Halloween. One TRUE FALSE
night of the year when ghosts, witches, and
monsters are free to walk on earth. B) – No passado, acreditava-se que fantasmas, bruxas e
monstros andavam livremente pela terra na noite do

Are pumpkins with a face cut in TRUE FALSE

one side and a candle put inside.

In the old days people lit fires to C) – As pessoas usam Lanternas de Abóboras para atrair os
espíritos para suas casas.
scare away bad spirits.
They believed light had power over darkness.
Today Jack-o-lanterns are supposed to frighten
D) – No Halloween, as pessoas geralmente se fantasiam de
away ghosts and witches.
monstros, vampiros, fantasmas e bruxas.
On Halloween, when it was believed that bad spirits E) – A frase “Trick or Treat” significa “Gostosuras ou
came back to the earth, people thought they would Travessuras.”
meet ghosts if they left their homes. TRUE FALSE
To avoid being recognized by
ghosts people would wear masks
when they left homes after dark so
that the ghosts would mistake
them for fellow spirits.
That’s why Halloween costumes are traditionally

monsters such as vampires, ghosts and witches.

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