Guide Rpa
Guide Rpa
Guide Rpa
4 Updating your SAP Intelligent RPA 1.0 Landscape (Desktop Agent and Studio). . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.1 SAP Intelligent RPA 1.0 Compatibility Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation is a hybrid solution made of three components:
Two types of installation are available for SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation.
• A complete installation of the three SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation components for a full use
of the product: development, orchestration, and execution of automation projects. Install and configure
these three components to fully enjoy SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation's powerful capabilities.
• A partial installation for run-time machines where the automation projects are executed on Desktop
Agents. For this installation, only refer to the installation of the on-premise Desktop Agent.
Related Information
SAP Intelligent RPA is available via the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). You must create and
configure an SAP Intelligent RPA tenant in the SAP BTP to get access to the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process
Automation Factory.
Once you have created and configured an SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Factory tenant, declare
your Desktop Agents in an environment. For more information, see Add Agents to an Environment.
To access SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Factory, you first need to create your SAP Intelligent
RPA subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit.
You can automatically create your subaccount using the booster. This tool eases the creation of your
subaccount and your subscription to SAP Intelligent RPA.
Once you have launched it, the booster automatically performs the following steps:
• Creating Subaccount
• Enabling Cloud Foundry
• Assigning Service Quotas
• Creating Space
• Subscribing to SaaS Applications
• Adding Cloud Foundry Users
• Creating Service Instances
• Creating Role Collection
• Assigning Role Collection
You need to have a SAP BTP global account on Cloud Foundry. Once you have signed your commercial
contract with SAP, you will receive access information and credentials for your global account.
You can find complete information about global accounts in Setting Up a Global Account in the SAP BTP
official documentation.
In the SAP BTP official documentation, only refer to the Cloud Foundry environment to set up your
global account.
You must select a region during the creation of your subaccount. Please note that the performance of
SAP Intelligent RPA (response time, latency) can be optimized by selecting a region close to your users.
For more information, see the page about Regions in the SAP BTP documentation.
The booster checks if you have the necessary authorizations, enough quotas and if the providers and
regions are compatible. If there is any issue, click the tile to view what is wrong. You can solve the issue
and click Rerun to perform the check again.
This tab provides details of the subaccount to create. You can modify the content of the pre-filled fields.
Click Next.
The Origin field is not visible for users who are subscribing to Feature Set B.
9. The Review panel opens. Review your setup and click Finish.
A popup appears and shows the progress of the booster that is setting up your subaccount. The setup
usually takes one to two minutes to be completed. If a step fails, you can view what you need to do to
solve this problem.
When the booster is executed successfully, navigate to your subaccount by clicking the Navigate to Subaccount
If you click Instances and Subscriptions on the left-hand side panel, you can see that you have successfully
subscribed to SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation and which plan you have acquired. If you click on
the icon, you can log onto the Cloud Factory and start working on your project.
If you click Role Collections on the left-hand side panel, you can see your role collections and the users
assigned to them.
To access SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Factory, you first need to create your SAP Intelligent
RPA subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit.
To know which feature set you're using in your SAP BTP global account, check the Feature Set Overview in the
SAP BTP documentation.
1. You need to have a SAP BTP global account on Cloud Foundry. Once you've signed your commercial
contract with SAP, you'll receive access information and credentials for your global account.
You can find complete information about global accounts in Setting Up a Global Account in the SAP BTP
official documentation.
In the SAP BTP official documentation, only refer to the Cloud Foundry environment to set up your
global account.
You must select a region during the creation of your subaccount. Please note that the performance of
SAP Intelligent RPA (response time, latency) can be optimized by selecting a region close to your users.
For more information, see the page about Regions in the SAP BTP documentation.
4. In the navigation area of your subaccount, click Service Marketplace under Services to show the
applications that are available to you.
5. Click the SAP Intelligent RPA tile to enter its overview page.
If you don't see any SAP Intelligent RPA tile in the Subscriptions of your subaccount, it means that
you haven't been granted with an entitlement. Entitlement should be granted once you've signed your
commercial contract with SAP, so in this case, raise a BCP Ticket on component CA-ML-IPA to ask
for information about the entitlement of your global account.
Please ignore if you see concurrent-attended and concurrent-unattended tiles in your subscription
screen. Use only concurrent tile to subscribe to SAP Intelligent RPA.
SAP Intelligent RPA is now priced on concurrent executions for attended and unattended modes.
• n unattended Units means that you can execute n unattended bots in parallel.
• p attended Units means that you can execute p *10 attended bots in parallel.
Once your SAP Intelligent RPA subaccount is created and the subscription is completed, you can see that your
subscription is active. Click 1 subscription under Active.
In the Entitlements of the SAP Business Technology Platform Cockpit, you can manage the quotas allocation to
a subaccount.
Next Steps
Quota Allocation
A quota represents the numeric quantity that defines the maximum allowed consumption of a resource. In
other words, how much of a service plan you're entitled to use. The quotas are allocated based on the license
You can select one of the plans or both plans according to your needs.
If you have only one sub account, it is recommended to allocate all the units available in Global Quota.
• 1 unattended Unit means that you can execute 1 unattended BOT in parallel.
• 1 attended Unit means that you can execute 10 attended BOT in parallel.
If you have a Cloud Platform Entreprise Agreement (CPEA), untick the box under Assign Quota to have
unlimited quota.
6. Click Save.
You can manage authorizations and trust configurations to finalize the subscription. For more details, refer to
the Custom Scripting section.
For more details about configure entitlements and quotas, refer to the following related topics Managing
Entitlements and Quotas Using the Cockpit
For customers with contracts closed before January 25th, 2021, you can still use the standard plan instead
of the concurrent plan.
1. You need to have a SAP BTP global account on Cloud Foundry. Once you've signed your commercial
contract with SAP, you'll receive access information and credentials for your global account.
You can find complete information about global accounts in Setting Up a Global Account in the SAP BTP
official documentation.
In the SAP BTP official documentation, only refer to the Cloud Foundry environment to set up your
global account.
You must select a region during the creation of your subaccount. Please note that the performance of
SAP Intelligent RPA (response time, latency) can be optimized by selecting a region close to your users.
For more information, see the page about Regions in the SAP BTP documentation.
3. Click Entitlements in the BTP Cockpit left-hand panel. The Entitlements screen displays.
6. Find and select the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation tile.
7. Select the concurrent (Subscription), concurrent-attended and concurrent-unattended plans and then
click Add 3 Service Plans.
If you have only one sub account, it is recommended to allocate all the units available in Global Quota.
• 1 unattended Unit means that you can execute 1 unattended BOT in parallel.
• 1 attended Unit means that you can execute 10 attended BOT in parallel.
8. Click Save.
9. In the BTP Cockpit left-hannd panel, click Service Marketplace under Services to show the applications
that are available to you.
If you don't see any SAP Intelligent RPA tile in the Subscriptions of your subaccount, it means that
you haven't been granted with an entitlement. Entitlement should be granted once you've signed your
commercial contract with SAP, so in this case, raise a BCP Ticket on component CA-ML-IPA to ask
for information about the entitlement of your global account.
10. Click the SAP Intelligent RPA tile to enter its overview page.
SAP Intelligent RPA is now priced on concurrent executions for attended and unattended modes.
• n unattended Units means that you can execute n unattended bots in parallel.
• p attended Units means that you can execute p *10 attended bots in parallel.
Once your SAP Intelligent RPA subaccount is created and the subscription is completed, you can see that your
subscription is active. Click 1 subscription under Active.
Related Information
In SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount
gets its users from identity providers.
As an administrator, you allow users to access their subaccount by making sure that there is a dedicated trust
relationship between the identity providers and the respective subaccounts.
You can choose between the SAP BTP default identity provider, that is SAP ID Service, or a custom SAML 2.0
identity provider.
The default identity provider is SAP ID Service. It is part of SAP BTP. The trust relationship is already
SAP ID Service enables the registration of SAP S-User IDs or SAP BTP Register Users. It provides an access to
SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Factory and the SAP BTP Cockpit.
To set up secure authentication and single sign-on for your users, it's recommended to add a custom trust
configuration. A custom trust configuration can for example help you to comply with the security policy of your
company in term of identification. SAP BTP supports SAML 2.0 identity providers.
You can establish a custom trust configuration using SAP BTP Identity Authentication service. SAP BTP
Identity Authentication provides you with simple and secure cloud-based access to business processes. Fore
more information about SAP BTP Identity Authentication service, refer to the SAP BTP documentation. You can
also use any SAML 2.0 identity provider.
If you want to use SAP BTP Identity Authentication service, or your own custom SAML 2.0 identity provider, you
must configure it and establish trust between your SAP BTP subaccount and the identity provider.
For more information, see Authorization and Trust Management Overview in the SAP BTP Administration
Related Information
The default identity provider of SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is SAP ID Service.
Trust to SAP ID service in your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount is pre-configured in the
Cloud Foundry environment of SAP BTP by default, so you can start using it without further configuration.
You can thus proceed directly to the management of the role collections.
If you do not intend to use SAP ID service, you must establish trust to your custom SAML 2.0 identity
provider. For more information, see Custom Trust Configuration [page 26].
If you do not intend to use SAP ID service, you must establish trust to your custom SAML 2.0 identity provider.
You can establish a trust configuration using SAP BTP Identity Authentication service, or any SAML 2.0 identity
To do so, you need to establish trust on both sides, that is, in your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
subaccount, and in your SAML 2.0 identity provider.
It is a standard procedure for the SAP BTP, so you can find complete and detailed information in the
Authorization and Trust Management in the Cloud Foundry Environment section of the SAP BTP security guide.
Establishing Trust with an SAML 2.0 Identity Provider in your SAP Intelligent
Robotic Process Automation Subaccount
• You have already created a SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount.
• You have downloaded a SAML 2.0 metadata file from the SAP BTP Identity Authentication service
using the URL https://<Identity_Authentication_tenant>
1. Go to your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount and select Security Trust
Configuration in the SAP BTP cockpit.
2. Choose New Trust Configuration.
3. Enter a name and a description that make it clear that the trust configuration refers to the identity provider.
4. To get the relevant metadata, go to https://
5. Copy the SAML 2.0 metadata and paste it into the Metadata field.
6. To validate the metadata, choose Parse. This will fill the Subject and Issuer fields with the relevant data
from your SAML 2.0 identity provider.
The name of the new trust configuration now shows the value
< It represents the identity provider
SAP BTP Identity Authentication service.
This also fills the fields for the single sign-on URLs and the single logout URLs.
• You have already created a SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount.
• You have downloaded a SAML 2.0 metadata file from your SAML 2.0 identity provider using the relevant
1. Go to your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount and select Security Trust
Configuration in the SAP BTP cockpit.
2. Choose New Trust Configuration.
3. Enter a name and a description that make it clear that the trust configuration refers to the identity provider.
4. To get the relevant metadata, go to go to the metadata of your identity provider.
5. Copy the SAML 2.0 metadata and paste it into the Metadata field.
6. To validate the metadata, choose Parse. This will fill the Subject and Issuer fields with the relevant data
from your SAML 2.0 identity provider.
The name of the new trust configuration now shows the value of your custom identity provider.
This also fills the fields for the single sign-on URLs and the single logout URLs.
7. Save your changes.
To establish trust between an identity provider and your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
subaccount, you must register your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount by providing the
SAML details for web-based authentication in the identity provider itself.
The identity provider you use here is the SAP BTP Identity Authentication service. As an administrator, you
must configure trust on both sides, in your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount, and in
the SAP BTP Identity Authentication Service. The trust configuration on the side of the SAP BTP Identity
Authentication service must contain the following items:
• Metadata for web-based authentication or the relevant configuration information. If available, the
metadata contains the configuration information, including the signing certificate and the required URLs.
• Use e-mail as the unique name ID attribute and map the user attribute Groups to the assertion attribute
Groups (case-sensitive). This assertion attribute is required for the assignment of roles. This makes sure
that there is a trust relationship between the SAP BTP Identity Authentication service and your SAP
Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount.
1. Open the administration console of the SAP BTP Identity Authentication service.
2. To go to the service provider configuration, choose Applications & Resources Applications in the
menu or the Applications tile.
3. To add a new SAML service provider, create a new application by using the + Add button.
4. Choose a name for the application that clearly identifies it as your new service provider. Save your changes.
Seeing this name, users know which application they currently access after authentication.
5. Choose SAML 2.0 Configuration and import the relevant metadata XML file. Save your changes.
Use the metadata XML file of your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount. The
subdomain name is identical to the tenant name.
If the contents of the metadata XML file are valid, the parsing process extracts the information required to
populate the remaining fields of the SAML configuration. It provides the name, the URLs of the assertion
consumer service and single logout endpoints, and the signing certificate.
6. Choose Name ID Attribute and select E-Mail as a unique attribute. Save your changes.
7. Choose Assertion Attributes, use +Add to add a multi-value user attribute, and enter Groups (case-
sensitive) as assertion attribute name for the Groups user attribute. Save your changes.
As an administrator, you must configure trust on both sides, in your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process
Automation subaccount, and in the SAML 2.0 identity provider. The trust configuration on the SAML 2.0
identity provider must contain the following items:
• Metadata for web-based authentication or the relevant configuration information. If available, the
metadata contains the configuration information, including the signing certificate and the required URLs.
• Use e-mail as the unique name ID attribute and map the user attribute Groups to the assertion attribute
Groups (case-sensitive). This assertion attribute is required for the assignment of roles. This makes sure
that there is a trust relationship between your SAML 2.0 identity provider and your SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation subaccount.
You use the administration console of your SAML 2.0 identity provider to register your SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation subaccount.
To establish trust from a tenant of your identity provider to your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
subaccount, assign a metadata file and define attribute details. The SAML 2.0 assertion includes these
Use the metadata XML file of your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount. The
subdomain name is identical to the tenant name.
Take care that the fields of the SAML configuration are filled. The metadata provides information, such
as the name, the URLs of the assertion consumer service and single logout endpoints, and the signing
6. Choose or create the name ID attribute and select E-mail as a unique attribute. Save your changes.
7. Choose or create a user attribute and enter Groups (case-sensitive) as assertion attribute name for the
Groups user attribute. Save your changes.
Role collections are sets of authorizations that are suitable for distinct user groups.
SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation uses the authorization concept provided by the SAP Business
Technology Platform and Cloud Foundry. Therefore, the recommendations and guidelines for authorizations
as described in the SAP Business Technology Platform Security Guide also apply to SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation.
Related Information
By assigning roles to SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation users, you can grant them access to specific
applications, data sources, or environments (development, test, or production).
This section refers to several specific concepts of SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation such as
agent groups, environment or jobs. To have a clear understanding of the roles, see the definitions of those
concepts in the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Glossary.
For more information about the user roles in SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, see: Authorizations.
Role collections group together the different role templates that can be applied to the SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation users.
As an administrator, you first need to create and set up your first role collections before assigning any users.
2. Go to your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount and select Security Role
Collections .
3. Click the symbol to create a new role collection.
4. Enter the name and the description of your role collection. Click Create.
5. Select the role collection you just created and click Edit.
6. Click the field under Role Name, on the left-hand side. The pop-up screen Select: Role opens.
7. SAP BTP prompts you to make the following mandatory entries:
• Role Name
The roles come with the role templates of SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation.
If the fields in the popup are disabled, and you can't configure any role collection, this usually
means that you didn't subscribe to your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation subaccount.
For more information, see Manually Subscribing to SAP Intelligent RPA in SAP Business
Technology Platform (BTP) [page 11].
• Role Template
Select one or several of the following pre-defined roles in SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation:
• IRPAOfficer
• Application Identifier
Since the application security descriptor contains the role template, it's necessary to choose the one
specific to SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation.
To easily recognize the dedicated identifier for SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, look
for the one with uaa-ipa in the URL.
8. Click Add.
9. Save your changes.
Related Information
You configured role templates in role collections, and now want to assign these role collections to your users.
How you assign users to their authorizations depends on the type of trust configuration, and on whether or not
you prefer to maintain the authorizations of individual users rather in the identity provider or in SAP Business
Technology Platform (BTP). The following options are available:
You want to directly assign a role collection to a user. You can use this option for default and custom trust
You have created role collections containing authorizations in the form of roles.
If you are using a custom trust configuration, enter the user name according to the name ID format
configured in the identity provider. If you are using SAP ID Service, enter the e-mail address.
5. To see the role collections that are currently assigned to this user, choose Show Assignments.
6. To assign a role collection, choose Assign Role Collection. Select the name of the role collection you want to
7. Click Assign Role Collection to save your changes.
You have assigned a role collection to a user.
You want to assign a role collection to a user group provided by an SAML 2.0 identity provider that has a
custom trust configuration in SAP BTP. In this case, the assignment is a mapping of a user group to a role
collection. Your identity provider provides the user groups using the SAML assertion attribute called Groups.
Each value of the attribute is mapped to a role collection as described in this procedure.
• You have configured your custom SAML 2.0 identity provider and established trust in your SAP Intelligent
Robotic Process Automation subaccount.
The name of the trust configuration is different from SAP ID Service. The name of a custom trust
configuration to SAP BTP Identity Authentication service could be as follows:>
The SAML 2.0 identity provider provides the users, who can belong to user groups. It’s efficient to map user
groups to role collections. The role collection as a reusable element contains the authorizations that are
necessary for this user group. This saves time when you want to add a new user. Simply add the user to the
respective user group or groups, and the user automatically gets all the authorizations that are included in the
role collections.
For this reason, the assignment is a mapping of user groups to role collections.
You must use the exact name of the user group as provided by the identity provider.
In the SAP BTP Identity Services - Identity Authentication, you find the user groups in the
administration console of your SAP BTP Identity Services - Identity Authentication tenant under
Users & Authorizations User Groups . Open the administration console using https://
To access SAP Intelligent RPA APIs, you need to get a service key from the Service Instance in the SAP BTP
Cockpit. If you have administrator rights of the global account, proceed as follow:
1. When you create your SAP Intelligent RPA subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit , make sure you enable
Cloud Foundry.
5. Optional: If users further need to access and create other service keys, they need to be members of the
space with a Space Developer role.
6. In the Create window, you're prompted to choose a service plan: select the standard predefined plan.
Do not specify any optional parameters or assign any applications.
At the end of the creation process, you enter a name for the service instance of your choice and confirm
the creation.
For more information on the creation of service instances, see Creating Service Instances in Cloud
7. Click the Actions menu of the service instance for which you want to create a service key.
The service key contains the API URL and the credentials under the property uaa (under url) that allow you to
obtain a JWT token, with the help of which you can access the SAP Intelligent RPA API.
You need to add "/oauth/token" to the end of the URL provided in the service keys to obtain an access
token for Postman.
The combined setup groups the installation of the different on-premise components of SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation.
Installation of the Desktop Agent is enabled by default. Install the Desktop Agent for runtime machines where
the automation projects are executed.
Go to the SAP Software Downloads page to download the on-premise components of SAP Intelligent
Robotic Process Automation.
Check out the migration topic [page 65] if you want to upgrade your SAP Intelligent Robotic Process
Automation on-premise components.
Prior to installing the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation on-premise components:
The dependency on Microsoft Internert Explorer 11 has been replaced with a dependency on the Microsoft
Edge web browser. To launch the Desktop Agent on Microsoft Edge, the WebView2 runtime component is
Desktop Agent
(Agent 2.0.X and Cloud Factory /
System Type Version Desktop Studio Agent 3.x) Cloud Studio
Server Windows Server 2016 x64 (*) Supported Supported (1) See the supported
Windows Server 2019 x64 Not supported Supported (1) See the supported
Windows Server 2022 x64 Not supported Supported See the supported
Windows Desktop/Client 11 x64 Not supported Supported (2) See the supported
(2) Agent 2.x requires specific components that might no longer be available on Windows 11. Support is limited
to the available components.
Supported Browsers
Cate- Cloud Fac- Cloud Stu- Web Appli- Browser Ex-
gory Web Browser Version tory dio cations tension Store
Chro- Google Chrome 94 and greater Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Microsoft Edge (1) 94 and greater Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
sers (4)
Oth- Microsoft Internet Ex- Not sup- Not sup- Supported Supported Not sup-
ers plorer 11 (2)
ported (3) ported (3) ported (3)
Mozilla Firefox 88 and greater Supported Not sup- Limited Limited sup- Supported
ported support (4) port (5)
Safari (macOS) 14 and greater Supported Not sup- Not sup- Not availa- Supported
ported ported ble
(1) Starting with the version 2.0.18 of the Desktop Agent, Microsoft Edge is used to log into the Cloud Factory. In
the future version of the Desktop Agent, Microsoft Edge is also used for the rendering of the Desktop Agent. In
such a configuration, the Edge 'WebView2' component is mandatory: if not already installed on your machine,
please install Edge WebView2 from the Microsoft website .
(2) Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported by Microsoft. Support of IE11 is only for capturing and executing
legacy third-party applications.
(3) Rendering of the Cloud Factory or the Cloud Studio doesn't work: we recommend using a supported
browser instead.
(5) Only for the Desktop Studio. Use of Chromium-based browsers instead is highly recommended.
SAP SAP GUI for Supported Supported Supported Supported Version 7.40
Windows (*) and greater.
WIN Not supported Not supported Supported Supported For 32-bit exe-
cutable without
WIN driver
gives full access
to a Windows
Office integra- Excel Supported (1) Not applicable Supported Supported (1) Version 2013,
tion 2016, 2019. Re-
Outlook Supported (1) Not applicable Supported Supported (1)
quires the on-
PowerPoint Supported (1) Not applicable Supported Not available premise soft-
ware installa-
Word Supported (1) Not applicable Supported Supported (1) tion.
File integration PDF Supported (1) Not applicable Supported Supported (1) Doesn't require
third-party soft-
ware installa-
Document In- Supported (1) Not applicable Powered by Not supported SAP Cloud
formation Ex- (4) Cloud Service Service: doesn't
traction (with or require third-
without Tem- party software
plate) installation.
(*) SAP GUI for Windows applications can be automated in SAP Intelligent RPA using the SAP GUI connector
(for manual capture ) and the recorder. Both rely on SAP scripting which depends on the version of SAP GUI for
Windows client.
We recommend using SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 and above. Please also take into account the SAP GUI for
Windows releases as mentioned in the following note to understand the maintenance strategy and deadlines:
147519 .
Check the SAP GUI Scripting API documentation to find the SAP Scripting requirements. You also need to take
into account that:
• Applications may change from one release to the next. This means scripts for a transaction may work in
one release, but not in the other if the application changed.
• Some applications are using controls or logic which are not compatible with scripting (see the limitations in
the following note: 587202 ).
Minimum Requirements
NodeJS (*)
Supported Browser
(1) Starting with the version 2.0.18 of the Desktop Agent, Microsoft Edge is used to log into the Cloud Factory.
In the future version of the Desktop Agent, Microsoft Edge will also be used for the rendering of the Desktop
Agent. In such a configuration, the Edge 'WebView2' component is mandatory: if not already installed on your
machine, please install Edge WebView2 from the Microsoft website .
WebSockets provide a persistent connection between Desktop Agent and Cloud Factory that both parties
use to start sending data at any time. The Desktop Agent establishes a WebSocket connection (WebSocket
handshake) to the Cloud Factory. When running behind a proxy or a firewall, make sure that the WebSockets
protocol is properly supported and not blocked.Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package x86
available on the
Installing SAP Intelligent RPA on-premise components automatically installs the web browser extension for
Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. To prevent issues during the installation, please close all the Chrome tabs
open on your machine.
To run projects with BAPI activities, your IT administrator must install a Windows component on your PC. If
you have administrator access, please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86 on
your machine. If you do not have this access, please ask your administrator to install the component.
The setup program is provided in the form of an industry standard Windows MSI installer. You can download it
from the SAP Software Center.
You can stop the installation process at any time by clicking Cancel.
Click Next
4. Optional: Choose Browse to change the destination of the installation folder.
The installation process may take a few seconds to complete. An authorization request to bring change to
the computer might appear.
Microsoft Edge is also used for the rendering of the Desktop Agent. In such a configuration, the Edge
'WebView2' component is mandatory: if not already installed on your machine, please install Edge
WebView2 from the Microsoft website .
Make sure you install the version Microsoft Evergreen Bootstrapper for the browser to receive
Microsoft updates.
Registration of a Desktop Agent tenant is required to use SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation.
Once you've completed the installation steps of the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation setup
wizard, you need to register your agent and connect it to an SAP Intelligent RPA tenant in order to execute
1. When the Desktop Agent Tenant Registration window pops up, enter:
• the name of your tenant in the Name field.
• the tenant URL you want to connect to and that you copy from the Agents tab in the Factory and paste
in the Domain field.
Next Steps
Before you can deploy agents, you need to declare them in an agent group. Do the following:
1. Open SAP Intelligent RPA Factory, go to the Agents tab and click Agent groups.
2. Optional: If you don’t already have an agent group, click New agent group. Enter a name for (max. 256
characters), choose the type of agent group (machine or login) and click Create.
3. In the Agent groups tab, select the agent group in which you want to declare the agent, and create a new
node by clicking the (Add node) in the panel on the left.
4. Enter a name and a label for the node. Click Create.
Related Information
Desktop Agent Tenant Registration via the Command Line [page 52]
Starting 2306, the manifest V2 (mV2) extension becomes decommissioned and the Agent2.0 Installer installs
the manifest V3 (mV3) extension by default.
The Agent2.0 Installer is now enhanced to install only the mV3 extension. You don’t see any dialog screen in
the installer to choose between the extensions (mV2, mV3, or both). The mV2 extension is released with a tag
Deprecated in the description of the extension.
• Doesn’t already exist in the browser, the mv3 extension becomes active once you click on the ‘enable
extension’ popup.
• Already exists in the browser, the mv2 extension isn’t removed by the installer. You can then decide
whether to activate the mV2 or mV3 extension.
You can use this method if you want to deploy agents automatically.
When launching the installation of the Desktop package, you can set the install type by means of certain
• Path to desktop.msi: Path where the .msi has been stored in local system.
• path to save your installation log: Path to the local machine to save the installation log.
For example, the following command launches the installation of the package:
To launch the full installation of "Desktop" solution with no user interaction (only display of progress bar) and
with the full verbose mode enabled and the prompted restart if is required:
To deploy the Desktop Agent component in silent mode (no UI) with the full verbose mode enabled and with
forced restart, use:
The above command line must be run on a console with administrator privileges to force a restart. All
unsaved user work will be lost.
For further information on the msiexec.exe tool's command-line options and on Windows Installer technology,
please see:
Desktop Agent Tenant Registration via the Command Line [page 52]
The user interface level of the installation can be configured according to the target environment. For example,
a package distributed to clients should have a full UI, while a package deployed through Group Policy should
have no user interface. Msiexec.exe sets the UI level of the installation with these options:
For example, to install the package with no user interaction (only a progress bar is displayed to show the user
that installation is in progress, but no prompts or error messages are displayed):
Sometimes installation overwrites files that are in use, or needs to reboot the machine in order to finish. The
reboot policy used by the installation can be set by means of the following options:
• /norestart - the machine will not be restarted after the installation is complete
For instance, the following prevents restart of the machine after completion of the installation:
When debugging an installation package you can use multiple logging parameters in order to create a log. This
log will contain different information for each parameter you use:
<path_to_log> where:
• /L - enable logging:
• i - include status messages
• w - include non-fatal warnings
• e - include all error messages
• a - mention when an action is started
• r - include action-specific records
• u - include user requests
• c - include the initial UI parameters
• m - include out-of-memory or fatal exit information
• o - include out-of-disk-space messages
• p - include terminal properties
• v - verbose output
• x - include extra debugging information
• + - append to an existing log file
• ! - flush each line to the log
• * - log all information, except for v and x options
• /log is equivalent to /l*
With this mode, the LOG file generated will be large (around 18 MB).
As well as installing the Desktop Agent and Desktop Studio software via the command line, you can also
register Desktop Agent tenants by this method, using ctxtrun.exe.
This creates a default .json file in the Tenants folder, for example: C:\ProgramData\SAP\Intelligent
The process exits with code 0 if everything is ok, with code 1 if it fails.
The process exits with code 0 if everything is ok, with code 1 if it fails.
• tenantName is myName.
• tenantDomain is
The process exits with code 0 if everything is ok, with code 1 if it fails.
Error Cases
If the health check is not ok, the process exits with code 1.
If creation of the tenant .json file fails, the process exits with code 1 and a log entry is created on Windows
event viewer.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the on-premise components of SAP Intelligent Robotic
Process Automation. You must perform a few additional steps to finalize the installation before starting to
use the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Desktop Studio.
Before finalizing the installation of SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, make sure that you already
installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package x86 on your machine.
Related Information
1. Go to the Microsoft website and expand the Tools for Visual Studio 2022 section. Select Download next
to Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2019 at the bottom of the section.
2. Double-click on the saved executable file to start the installation process.
3. Click Continue and accept the terms to continue with the installation.
4. After the installation progress dialog, click Close to exit the setup wizard.
To enable the advanced phases of development using the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Desktop
Studio, the installation of a Diff and Merge tool is highly recommended.
Indeed, such tools like KDiff3 or Beyond Compare allow you to merge the generated code from workflows and
the code added manually to the scripts.
As an example of source code compare tool, here is the procedure to install KDiff3.
To install KDiff3 on your computer, refer to the following link Installing a Source Code Compare Tool [page 54].
1. In the Desktop Studio, navigate to File and then click Settings. The Desktop Studio settings screen is
2. In the Desktop Studio settings screen, select the Workflow tab and scroll down to the bottom.
Google Chrome
The Desktop Agent installation automatically installs the web browser extension for Chrome. You then need to
enable that extension:
The SAP Intelligent RPA Extension is not accessible publicly in the Chrome store.
There are three versions of the same connector. The latest releases have more fixes and improvements and
work only from the product version 14, or from version 2.0.5.
As a best practice, whenever you install or update the browser extension for Chrome, you must:
When you try to capture a web page in Google Chrome using the UI Automation, it does not capture the
content of the page. Therefore, you must modify the accessibility modes in Chrome to enable accessibility
support for web content.
3. Reboot Chrome.
As a best practice, you must not remove the V3 extension manually from the Chrome browser and install
Agent 3.
If you manually remove the V3 extension from the chrome browser before installing a new version of Agent
3, the result is an erroneous state where Agent 3 is installed, but the V3 extension is not installed.
To reinstall the V3 extension on the Chrome browser, refer to the following steps:
To run an automation in unattended mode, make sure you perform the following steps to run the browser
extension in the background:
Our mutation observer is now improved to detect webpage unloads in the Chrome browser, eliminating the
need for UNLOAD event listeners.
The MutationObserver is an interface that provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM
Microsoft Edge
Installing the Desktop Agent automatically includes the installation of the web browser extension for Microsoft
Edge. You then need to enable that extension:
1. Ensure you have the chromium-based Microsoft Edge version (version 86+).
2. Go to Extensions and enable the third-party store. Developer mode is not required. For more information
see Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Developer Tools overview .
3. Click Chrome Web Store.
4. Search for SAP Intelligent RPA or click SAP Intelligent RPA Extension .
5. Install the extension by selecting Add to Chrome.
6. Open Microsoft Edge. The following pop-up window appears:
You have now installed the SAP Intelligent RPA extension to Microsoft Edge.
To run an automation in unattended mode, make sure you perform the following steps to run the browser
extension in the background:
Our mutation observer is now improved to detect webpage unloads in the Edge browser, eliminating the
need for UNLOAD event listeners.
Internet Explorer
Installing the Desktop Agent automatically includes the installation of the web browser extension for Internet
Explorer. You then need to enable that extension.
Only Agent 2 supports Internet Explorer (IE), and moreover, you must check the System Requirements
page for the status of IE support because Microsoft no longer supports IE.
You must then enable Active Scripting in the Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone.
Do not forget to close the Internet Explorer after enabling the extension. Otherwise, the content in the
Credentials store pop-up will be disabled.
If you've been redirected to this page from the SAP Intelligent RPA application, it means that your browser
extension has been updated to a new version. You must:
When a new version of SAP Intelligent RPA is released, an update of the browser extension to the latest version
is automatically done in the Chrome or Edge Store.
Every time your browser extension has been updated, you must refresh your tabs.
If you don't refresh the target application that's being automated, it won't appear in the list of screens to
You can export the logs generated from the browser extensions to the Cloud Factory by clicking the upload ( )
Related Information
Manage Traces
Manage Traces
Trace Collector
Manage Traces
This check-up is a quick procedure for validating that the installation is complete.
If that is not the case, check the Property Files on your machine to see if Node.js and SAP JVM have
been properly installed.
5. Launch Desktop Agent in debug mode
Launch Desktop Agent in debug mode via Debug Debug (F5) .
The Desktop Studio debugger should appear:
If that is not the case, check that Desktop Agent has been properly installed.
6. Stop and close the Desktop Studio debugger.
For documentation on how to set up and update desktop agent 3, refer to the desktop agent user guide.
Your Desktop Agents are currently deployed with an old version and you would like to update to a newest
version. Existing packages hosted in the Factory have been uploaded with the old version.
The packages generated from the Desktop Studio embed the SDK version used for the compilation. That's
why the packages generated using an old version of the Desktop Studio are usually not compatible with newer
versions of the Desktop Agent. Make sure that the version of the Desktop Studio in which the package has
been compiled is the same version (or higher) than the Desktop Agent version on which the package will be
To find out in which version of the Desktop Studio a package has been created, proceed as follows:
1. On the Packages tab, click the three points icon on the right of the package.
2. Select Information to open the Package Information window. The versions of the Desktop Studio and
the SDK are displayed in the Project Information section.
Right-click the Desktop Agent icon in the system tray and select About... to find out the version of the
Desktop Agent.
Please check the SAP Intelligent RPA 1.0 Compatibility Matrix [page 66] for specific rules on combining
Agents and Packages.
Before installing and deploying the latest version of Desktop Agents on a large scale, please do the following:
1. Install the latest version of the on-premise components (Agent + Studio) on a developer workstation. See
On-premise Components Setup [page 36] for more information.
2. Open the project, compile and perform local testing. Once the tests are successful, you can export the new
package version.
3. Import the new package to the Factory
4. Add it to a test environment
5. Perform the tests. Once the tests are successful, you can now deploy to production.
Existing Desktop Agents with old versions can now be updated to the latest version.
Cloud Factory is updated automatically on a regular basis. Existing packages exported by Desktop Studio
and imported in Cloud Factory will continue to be distributed to Desktop Agents without further human
However, once a new version of on-premise components is available for download, we recommended that you
follow the pattern explained in the update [page 65] page to avoid potential inconsistencies in your landscape
deployment. Latest version of on-premise components includes fixes and improvements.
The table below lists the compatibility rules between a Desktop Agent and the Desktop Studio Package
imported in Cloud Factory.
• Supported: Agent and package share the same version and are designed to work seamlessly. Usually,
when the package version is greater than the Agent version, the Agent is also able to work with this
package. To avoid potential inconsistencies in your landscape deployment it is recommended to follow the
pattern explained in Updating your SAP Intelligent RPA 1.0 Landscape (Desktop Agent and Studio) [page
• Other cases: The Agent may not work with a different package version and the Factory will not distribute.
SAP Intelligent RPA Cloud Factory, Cloud Studio and Cloud SDK packages are updated automatically on a
regular basis.
Once a new version of the Desktop Agent is available for download, we also recommend that you upgrade your
landscape with the latest version available to maintain compatibility between your projects and agents.
End of mainstream maintenance: On June 30 2024, mainstream maintenance ends for desktop agent
2 on SAP Build Process Automation. For more information, see 3440715 and Best Practices when
Migrating from Desktop Agent 2 to Desktop Agent 3.
Indeed at runtime your project interacts with an agent through SDK activities that come from cloud packages.
But the SDK package version you use may contain activities that have been developed after the agent you are
using and may not be supported by the agent. For more information, see Manage Compatibility of Projects with
The table below lists the compatibility rules between a Desktop Agent and the SDK versions used in the Cloud
Related Information
Version History
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