SALT1-2 Moor Troubles
SALT1-2 Moor Troubles
SALT1-2 Moor Troubles
After the first expedition to locate an ancient tomb was premeturly ended by monsters, the Search and
Locate Treasure Consortium is doubling down. Camp established, they are looking for adventurers to
make thier dreams come true, but the leader of the Consortium is hiding somthing. Will the characters be
able to avoid the Man Slayer tribe that destroyed the first expedition, help Larazmu settle his internal
struggles, and locate the tomb that they have been searching for without getting into Moor Trouble?
By Derek Gray
Adventure Designer
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 1
(APL) for the adventure. To figure out the party
strength for the adventure, consult the following table.
Welcome, to Moor Trouble, a D&D Adventurer’s Party Composition Party Strength
League™ adventure and part of the Convention Content 3-4 characters, APL Level 1 Very weak
for SaltCon 2017. 3-4 characters, APL Level 2 Weak
Though optimized for five characters of
3-4 characters, APL Level 3 or 4 Average
the second level, characters from level one to four
5 characters, APL Level 1 Weak
may participate. Characters outside this range cannot
5 characters, APL Level 2 Average
take part in this adventure.
The adventure takes place on the Moonsea on the 5 characters, APL Level 3 or 4 Strong
road north of Phlan in and around the region of Thar, 6-7 characters, APL Level 1 Average
in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. 6-7 characters, APL Level 2 Strong
6-7 characters, APL Level 3 or 4 Very strong
Before Play at the Table
Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers
Before you start play, consider the following: suggestions for certain party strengths. If a particular
• Familiarize yourself with the game’s rules, as well as recommendation is not offered or appropriate for your
the Adventurers League Player’s and Dungeon Master’s group, you don’t have to make adjustments.
Guide; both of which are available for free. Have copies
readily available. Playing as the Dungeon Master
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself You have the most important role—facilitating the
while running the adventure, such as a way you’d like enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide the
to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a narrative and bring the words on these pages to life.
combat. Familiar yourself with the adventure’s To facilitate this, keep in mind the following:
appendices and handouts. You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in the group interacts with the adventure; adjusting or
running this adventure--such as notecards, a DM improvising is encouraged, so long as you maintain the
screen, miniatures, and battlemaps. adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow you to
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant implement house rules or change those of the
character information, such as name, race, class, and Adventurers League, however; they should be
level; passive Wisdom (Perception), and anything consistent in this regard.
specified as notable by the adventure (such as Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience
backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.) level of your players (not the characters), try to feel
If players wish to spend downtime days and it is the out (or ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to
beginning of an adventure or episode, they can declare deliver the experience they’re after. Everyone should
their activity and spend the days now. Alternatively, have the opportunity to shine.
they can do so at the end of the adventure or episode. Mind the Time. Watch for stalling—play loses
Players should select their characters’ spells and other momentum when this happens. At the same time,
daily options before the start of the adventure unless make sure that the players don’t finish too early;
the adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread provide them with a full play experience. Be aware of
the adventure description to help give players hints time, and the pacing accordingly.
about what they might face. Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game
starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints
Adjusting the Adventure and clues to your players so they can attempt to solve
puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay interactions
This adventure provides suggestions in making without getting too frustrated over a lack of
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters of information. This gives players “little victories” for
higher or lower levels, and characters that are figuring out good choices from clues.
otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure is
optimized for. You’re not bound to these adjustments; Spellcasting Services
they’re here for your convenience.
This adventure was Optimized for a party of five 2nd Any settlement the size of a town or larger can provide
level characters and has adjustments for groups of some spellcasting services. Characters need to be able
various levels by using the below method. to travel to the settlement to obtain these services.
Spell services available include healing and recovery
• Add up the total levels of all the characters. spells, as well as information-gathering spells. Other
• Divide the total by the number of characters. spell services might be available as specified in the
• Round fractions of .5 or greater up, round adventure. A character may purchase a maximum of
fractions of less than .5 down. three spells per day total unless otherwise noted.
You have now determined the average party level
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 2
discounted originally as stress induced, but believes
Spellcasting Services more now that they are a call of help from Sorrim, the
Spell Cost leader of the first expedition who has not been found
Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp among the fallen.
Identify 20 gp Larazmu again calls upon the characters; this time for
Lesser restoration 40 gp both business and personal reasons. Not only does he
need to gain access to the tomb, and its hoped for
Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
riches, but his friend Sorrim is missing, and the
Remove curse 90 gp
strange dreams drive him to fear sleep. He asks the
Speak with Dead 90 gp
characters to do no small task, he wants them to head
Divination 210 gp into the outcroppings and boulder fields he has seen in
Acolyte Background his dream to look for Sorrim, locate an herb that will
A character possessing the acolyte background requesting help him sleep, and find the tomb that will end his
spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith may request money problems.
one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services table free. The
only cost paid for the spell is the base price for the consumed
material component, if any.
Acolytes can call upon spellcasting services in and
Adventure Hooks
For each character, offer one or more of the following
around the three towns as follows:
hooks as to what reason they may find themselves
Phlan (Salt1-1). Kelemvor under the employee of the SALT Consortium.
Camp (Salt1-2). Ilmater
Hawksroost (Salt1-3). Ilmater Previous Adventures. If the characters have
previously participated in adventures around the
Death and Recovery Moonsea region, they may have answered the call to
explore the swamps and moors of Thar at the behest of
Sometimes bad things happen, and characters get to a local upstart adventuring company.
die. Since you might not have the same characters Dreams. You have had restless nights. Dreams of
return from session to session, here are the rules when voices coming from the moors of Thar beckon to you.
bad things happen to characters. Academic Pursuits. Rumors of an ancient tomb
brought you to Thar; there is nothing quite like being
the first to document a historical event or place.
Series Synopsis Zhentarim: Larazmu has been tardy in paying some
The SALT series includes the trio of adventures of his debts. He has promised that he is about to
SALT1-1 Rumors of Riches, SALT1-2 Moor Trouble, uncover a tomb of great riches that will solve all his
and SALT1-3 Broken Halls of Goldahroud. problems. Your faction leaders want you to head
In SALT1-1 the characters meet the half-orc monk north and let him know that we are willing to give him
Larazmu who is on a desperate quest to restore his help in locating this treasure so we can be paid. You
financial standing and discover the fate of his friend are also instructed to account for the treasure in the
and priest of Ilmater, Norwood Sorrim. The party has tomb, and report back how much is there so your
the chance to make allies and enemies as they make faction can access an appropriate “tax”
their way to the base camp of the SALT Consortium Order of the Gauntlet: A missive arrives for you
and discover the truth to the Rumors of Riches. from the Order. They want you to find Norwood
SALT1-2 picks up after the party has defeated the Sorrim, who has done many great deeds for the Order.
ogre Bilrog and recovered both a strange key and the It is time to repay the good deeds. (Handout 1)
Journal of Sorrim. They listen to Larazmu’s retelling of The Emerald Enclave: Larazmu has reached out to
dreams that disrupt his sleep and his belief that these the Enclave to inquire if there may be an herbal
dreams will lead them to find Sorrim. As the party remedy of some potency to allow one to control their
learns Sorrim’s fate, they also realize they are not the dreams. This is not a usual request, but the
only ones looking for the tomb. opportunity to get some of the rarer herbs that grow
SALT1-3 leads the players into the Broken Halls of within the moors of Thar, while at the same time
Goldahroud, just one of the many cells of Calim’s currying the favor of Larazmu’s patron is an
Prison. opportunity that the Emerald Enclave is happy to take.
(Handout 2)
Adventure Overview Treasure Hunters, Adventurers, and other
undesirables. Rumor has spread of an expedition into
This adventure continues shortly after the events of the northern part of Thar that has uncovered a tomb
CCC SALT 1-1. With the key in hand, Larazmu is full of treasures, but it rests within the domain of an
looking for a group to head into the moors and to ogre tribe known as the Manslayers. A brave (or
locate the tomb described in the journal. He has been
foolish) and hardy band of allies will be needed.
troubled by strange dreams since he arrived, which he (Handout 3)
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 3
merchant offers gear up to 25 gp, weapons worth 10
Part 1. Sweet Dreams are made gp or less, and armor worth no more than 50 gp.
of these … Scouting. Some adventurers may wish to get a lay of
the land prior to taking rest for the night. Their
Expected Duration: 30 minutes
actions show that there is a boulder field to the east by
north east, and the surrounding area is devoid of
Too many abandoned their dreams in the bottom of a monsters. Very perceptive characters DC 18 Wisdom
mug of ale waiting for one robust enough to drag them (Perception) will notice shadowed beings out of the
and the keg of their desires along. – Sorrim the God corner of their eye past the main camp line. These are
Whisperer brothers of the Yellow Rose who have not given up on
mending their relationship with Larazmu and are
Meetup keeping monsters away.
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 4
Flaw: Gambler. Larazmu thinks himself a consummate
investor. If there is a chance of making some money, he can Part 2. Here Comes the Rain
hardly resist.
“I am glad you have arrived. I thought that you would like to
know that Sorrim, the God Whisperer is missing from among
Following the general directions given by Larazmu,
the adventurers set off toward the boulder fields to the
the fallen. He was always resourceful, and I have reason to
east that the scouts had reported seeing.
believe he may yet still be alive. That is one of the reasons I
For this section choose one if the two options. Be
have asked you to see me here this morning. Well that, and the aware of time constraints and the party’s strength as
business of the tomb.” there will be only enough time for a short rest after the
Larazmu shifts uncomfortably and seems hesitant for a encounter.
moment before proceeding.
“Ever since we sent adventurers to find out what occurred
here, I have been troubled by horrible dreams. They seem to More than Moors
include Sorrim and the tomb entrance. In my dream, I am right
behind him, and we have found the entrance of the tomb. But
Expected Duration: 45 minutes
we are missing the key, this key in fact (lifts a leather strap on
which hangs a pyramid shaped item), and a shadow falls over General Features
us. We begin to run away from the tomb and into a boulder The general features of the moors are:
field. It is then I see him run between a pair of boulders. I Weather. A chilly wind has brought with it early
stumble as I pass by them, then whiteness begins to cover my spring showers.
vision until I cannot see anything. In the whiteness, I hear a Light and Visibility. The midday rain has begun to
voice, but I do not understand the language it is speaking. I fall in sheets reducing visibility by half and granting
always awaken when it is speaking to me.” disadvantage on perception checks using sight.
Geography and Vegetation. The ground has grown
Larazmu’s Dream Details more stable the further east you have gone as the
If asked further about his dream he can remember the moors fall to the south. Boulders ranging from a
couple of feet across to nearly 8 ft around cover the
area and work in concert with the rain to hinder the
character's vision. Plant life breaks through the
• We fled through a swampy area that gave way to a spaces between rocks, but due to the time of year,
boulder field. Scouts have seen such areas to the there are no blossoms on them.
east. A particularly skilled naturalist could identify one of
• While his dreams have told him about the tomb he the plants as those mentioned in the missive by the
wishes for the characters to help find it, and if Emerald Enclave, or by Larazmu with a DC 12 Wisdom
possible Sorrim. Maybe he knows the location (Survival) or (Medicine) check. If they do not, they
• The whiteness seemed to cover his sight in lines going will have another opportunity later on.
from the bottom to the top
• The voice sounded male, and the language was not
Part 2 is an exploration & recovery scenario. If time allows the
harsh like orcish, nor melodic like that of an elf.
characters can trigger the fight with the spiders, if not use
Option 2: More than Moors.
Larazmu further explains that a root is rumored to
grow within the moors that is purported to have the The rain has turned into a gentle mist, ensuring that everything
properties to give one a full night of dreamless rest. It not protected is soggy. A boulder field has cropped up along
is known by its purple blossoms and long green leaves. the path you have been following, the tops of which glisten
He offers the party 25 GP if they can locate some and
with the green of lichen promising a slippery ascent to those
return it to him. If the party negotiates, he will add in
who try to get above the rocks.
a potion of healing saying that it is not doing him much
If the party asks about reimbursement for finding If a character wishes to climb any of the larger
the tomb or Sorrim, Larazmu offers 150 gp for the safe boulders, they can do so with a DC 15 Dexterity
return of Sorrim, and the party the first choice of any (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check made with
items of power and 30% of the treasure they find in disadvantage due to the slippery lichen the covers the
the tomb. Enterprising characters can attempt a boulders. If they succeed, though, they can see a
successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to cocoon resting against a boulder to the side of a fork in
increase their cut to 40% of the wealth, though if they the path. A spider crawls over it repeatedly trying to
do, Larazmu will lament that there may not be enough puncture the cocoon but failing. Bright characters can
to cover funerary expenses as required. use this to their advantage.
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 5
Ahead of you the path splits, with one path going towards a set The charred remains of webbing surround a single
of boulders and the other around them to the east. Near a cocoon that glows with a divine light. The characters
will find that the webbing is difficult to remove,
nook in the bottom of the boulders here, you see a strange
requiring a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, due to the
plant with long green leaves and blue petals.
Sanctuary spell on the person in the cocoon, and any
evil characters are at disadvantage on this check.
Option 1: More than Moors – Combat If the characters announce themselves or become
discouraged, Sorrim will ask who is out there, and
Once the characters have had a chance to examine and drop the Sanctuary spell.
remove the flower, the encounter triggers. If they
choose to ignore the flower, then the encounter Freedom comes with a price.
triggers as they discuss which path they want to take.
As the characters remove the webbing, they reveal a
A faint scraping noise is all the warning you get as you see
human looking to be well over 40 winters old, his dark
twelve hairy legs crest the edge of the boulder.
hair a remainder from younger times. He sits cross-
legged with a walking stick across his lap. He smiles at
Three Giant Spiders attack the party, hungry for food the group as the releases him and struggles for a brief
that Sorrim’s faith denied them. moment to stand. He then begins a martial routine
with his staff to work out the aches in his joints
Role-playing Sorrim
Adjusting the Encounter A cleric of Ilmater who lost his faith, but had it restored through
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat a harsh and taxing journey to find healing for his sick
encounter. These are not cumulative. community. He now seeks to honor his god by building a
permanent shrine in the ruins of Hawksroost. He started the
Very weak party: Remove 1 spider and reduce each’s HP to 13. SALT Consortium with his friend Larazmu to advance that goal.
Weak party: Remove 1 spider. He also hopes to restore his old friend’s faith. He goes by his
Strong party: Add 1 spider last name and due to his sometimes odd behavior and
Very strong party: Remove 1 spider and add an Ettercap muttering to himself, he has earned the nickname “ The god
Tactics: The spiders are aggressive and hungry.
Trait: Faith. Sorrim is dedicated to Ilmater and his tenants
They will use their web when available and attack the
above all else.
nearest restrained character. If more than a single
spider attacks a restrained character, there is a 25% Flaw: Single minded. Sorrim often forgets the subtleties as he
chance that the Giant spider will instead attack the pursues his visions.
other spider as they vie for the new food source.
Treasure: Among the remains of webbing and
detritus of the spider’s webbing, you find a moonstone “Ah thank you very much for freeing me, I take it Larazmu sent
pendant 50 gp tied to a rather dingy piece of cloth and you?”
a bag that looks like a completely tanned rat filled with
50 sp If asked about how he is still alive or why spiders did
not kill him, he simply shrugs and says, “My time in the
Option 2: More than Moors – Non-Combat wrap of the web spinners does not compare to what
Daern had to endure in his worship of Ilmater.”
Allow the characters a chance to examine and remove The party can take some time to speak with Sorrim
the flower before the encounter triggers. If they about the original expedition, and the end of the other
choose to ignore the flower, then the encounter members of his group. He does not respond well to
triggers as they begin to move down one of the two intimidation, and will become sharp with those who
paths. attempt it, but is happy enough to share what he
knows after a little prodding from the adventurers DC
As you round the boulder, you spy a spider, upside down, its 12 Charisma (Persuasion) checks, which are made
legs curled in on itself. Nearby are two others along with the with advantage if they offer him a drink of some sorts.
decapitated body of an Ettercap, and the body of an ogre, its Feel free to reward good role-playing with additional
skin purpled and bloated from poison and death. information from any of the lists below.
All groups looked to have met a rather violent end. A swarm
of spiders blankets the ground. They scamper away as you
enter the clearing.
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 6
What Sorrim shares: Lightning strikes the ground not far from you, and you can
• I found the entrance to the tomb, but so have the feel the electricity in the air. The strikes draw your attention to
ogres. They spread out at night looking for me, so a series of mounds that could easily hide the now apparent
that may be the best time to try to gain entrance. fortifications until you are right on top of them. Inside that
• The ogres that have come by here looking for me barricade in between the thunderclaps you hear chanting.
have talked about a shaman, saying “She gonna be
mad …” The barricade provides full cover to both the monsters
• It was during my mad rush away from camp that I inside and prevents the creatures from seeing the
stumbled across the tomb. I thought I had the key characters until the encounter triggers. Tgrizish, the
with me, but I must have lost it along the way. Eye of Gruumsh, is in the middle of a ritual. Her Orog
When I arrived at the tomb, it looked like a camp lieutenant stands behind guarding over the shaman,
was already set up there, but was empty. but clearly is mesmerized by the ritual. A DC 15
• At times during my solitude, I would talk to myself, Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals it as some
though it seemed like someone else was evocation spell, but beyond that, it seems foreign to
answering. I have always been loyal to Ilmater, even those that know the rituals of Gruumsh. As the
but further augury is required to determine if it Characters enter in the area protected by the
was he or one of his servants I was speaking too. It barricades, an alarm is triggered that snaps the Orog
was a deep voice, speaking directly to my mind. from his daze, prompting him to charge the characters.
• They attacked the camp with a fury we did not
expect. The guards on duty fell quickly to the
ogres, and I now know why Hawksroost fell to the Adjusting the Encounter
Manslayers, a most appropriate name. I realized Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
quickly that I would not be able to help fight, and encounter. These are not cumulative.
that if my dreams of building a shrine were to
become a reality, I had to leave them behind. Very weak party: Remove the Orog, and the Eye of Gruumsh
• Not sure how I found the entrance, I just ran into it. has no available spell slots.
Weak party: Change the Orog to a Half-Ogre
I tried to get the door open, but when I heard
Strong party: Add 2 Ogres
something returning, I ran towards this boulder
Very strong party: Add 2 Ogres with 70 Hit points and the Orog
field to hide and fell victim to the spiders. They
has 62 hit point
covered me in webs, and I realized that through
my god, I would be able to survive, concealed by
the spiders and kept secret from the ogres. Tactics: The attackers are being guided by the
being eluded to by Sorrim, the one who is calling for
Sorrim gives the group directions on how to reach the help in the dreams. This means the creatures act
entrance to the tomb. He will grant three players the abnormally tactful, with Orog leading the way with his
benefit of an Aid spell for their upcoming battle. He high Armor Class, and allowing the Ogres to take on
will refuse to go with them, instead wanting to return the softer units that may harm the Eye of Gruumsh or
to Hawksroost, and to Larazmu. interrupt her rituals. The first turn the Eye of
If the party chooses to head back to camp with Gruumsh takes a breath, shouts out “Ti Vras,” and
Sorrim proceed to Part 4, this will cause the characters summons a spiritual weapon in the form of a scimitar
to miss the magic item, though, as well as some to aid in the assault. She becomes involved in the fight
treasure, so use Sorrim to encourage them to head to when the Orog has lost more than 15 hp. Should the
the tomb. Eye of Gruumsh die, feel free to have the Ogres run if
the fight seems too difficult.
Treasure: The shaman directed her minions to
Part 3a. The Entrance at Last attack the original camp, and their more valuable
Depending on character choices, they will either run items are among the treasure.
through part 3a or part 3b but not both. If they choose • A silver holy symbol of Ilmater (12gp)
to take a long rest, or return with Sorrim to camp prior
• An iron-bound chest with 74 gp 108 sp 20cp
to going to the tomb entrance, proceed to Part 3b
• A yew quarterstaff with a bloodstone set on one end
(55 gp)
If the characters agree to follow Sorrim’s directions to
the tomb, read below before triggering the encounter.
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 7
After the battle, the characters can open the tomb They congratulate the characters on a job well done,
using the key Larazmu has given them at the beginning and lament with them about the empty nature of the
of the adventure. When theyhey do read the following tomb. Sorrim offers the adventurers a place to stay
aloud. until a caravan can head south for Phlan. As for the
SALT Consortium, Larazmu hopes to find something of
A small breeze blows in from behind you as the tomb door worth in the markings of the tomb, maybe another
swings open, light plays off the
he dust motes showing that the treasure map perhaps. He freely admits he won’t be
interior has not been disturbed for thousands of years. welcome around the Moonsea due to his debts, but
A solitary coffin lies on a dais in the middle of the room; a mace with Sorrim back his dreams have become much more
that seems out of place among the dusted ruins draws your
attention. You have found the Tomb of Kered!!
Skip to Part 4
Part 4. Conclusion
Only use Part 4 if the party
ty participated in Part 3a.
Actions Half-ogre
Multiattack. The ettercap makes two attacks: one with its Large Giant, any chaotic alignment
bite and one with its claws. Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit Points 30 (4d10+8)
creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) Speed 30 ft.
poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 11
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
17(+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 10 (0)
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of also
ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
5 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to Languages Common, Giant
bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage. Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. Actions
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
range 30/60 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) slashing damage, or 14
creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the (2d10+3) slashing damage if used with two hands to
restrained creature can make a DC 11 Strength check, make a melee attack.
escaping from the webbing on a success. The effect ends Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hit 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
points, resistance to bludgeoning damage, and immunity piercing damage.
to poison and psychic damage.
Giant Spider Large giant, chaotic evil
Large beast, unaligned Armor Class 11
Armor Class 14 Hit Points 59 (7d10+21)
Hit Points 26 (4d10+4) Speed 40 ft.
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19(+4) 8(-1) 16(+3) 5(-3) 7(-2) 7(-2)
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2(-4) 11(+0) 4(-3) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Skills Stealth +7 Languages Common, Giant
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
make an ability check. one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
knows the exact location of any other creature in contact reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 +
with the same web. 4) piercing damage.
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions
caused by webbing.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
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CCC SALT1-2 Moor Trouble 10
Orog Swarm of Spiders (Centipedes)
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
Armor Class 18 (plate) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 42 (5d8+20) Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 3(-4) 13(+1) 10(+0) 1(-5) 7(-2) 1(-5)
Skill Intimidation +5, Survival +2 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
Languages Common, Orc paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Actions Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Multiattack. The orog makes two greataxe attacks. Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+4) slashing damage. opening large enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can't
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 +4) Spider Climb. The swarm can climb difficult surfaces,
piercing damage. including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Orc Eye of Gruumsh Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the swarm
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil knows the exact location of any other creature in contact
Armor Class 16 (ringmail, shield) with the same web.
Hit Points 45 (6d8+18) Web Walker. The swarm ignores movement restrictions
Speed 30 ft. caused by webbing.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d6+3+1d8) piercing
damage or 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
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