Health Shield 360 Policy Brochure
Health Shield 360 Policy Brochure
Health Shield 360 Policy Brochure
Age limit
Age limit 21 to 70 years for Adults and 91 days to 20 years for children
Hospitalisation Cover
Expenses pertaining to in-patient hospitalisation such as room rent, intensive
care unit charges, surgeon’s and doctor’s fee, anesthesia, blood, oxygen,
operation theatre charges etc. incurred during hospitalisation for a minimum
period of 24 consecutive hours are covered under the basic hospitalisation
Claim Protector*
In case the customer has opted for this cover, the list of non-payable items shall
become payable in case of a claim.
Maternity Cover*
Medical Expenses incurred for delivery of child, where You and Your spouse,
both are covered under the same family floater Policy and have served the
waiting period of 1 years up to the limit as specified below. This cover will be
applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
SI 5L/10L/25L= Maternity limit Rs 50,000 for both normal and C section,
maximum upto 2 events
SI 50L/100L= Maternity limit Rs 100,000 for both normal and C section,
maximum upto 2 events
Above features are applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
PED Covered after 2 years
Pre-Existing Diseases that have been declared at the time of proposal and
accepted by Us will be covered after 2 year waiting period.
Domiciliary Hospitalisation
We will cover the Medical Expenses incurred in respect of Your Domiciliary
Hospitalization during the Policy Period provided minimum hospitlisation of 3
days.will be applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
Donor Expenses
Medical Expenses incurred in respect of the donor for any organ transplant
surgery, provided the organ donated is for the insured person’s use.
Nursing at Home
We will pay you `1000 per day up-to a maximum of 15 days post Hospitalization
for the medical services of a Qualified Nurse at Your residence, provided that
the nurse is employed in a Hospital/Service provider and the engagement of
such Qualified Nurse is certified as necessary by a Medical Practitioner and
relates directly to any Illness or Injury, covered under the Policy.
Compassionate Visit*
We will reimburse the cost of the economy class air ticket incurred by Your
Immediate family from and to the place of origin of such immediate family or the
place of residence of the immediate family up to `20,000. This cover will be
applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
Above features are applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
Health Shield 360 offers 4 unique combinations of coverage that will offer a host of benefits to cater to
Health Shield 360 offers 3 unique combinations of coverage that will offer a host
your healthcare needs.
of benefits to cater to your healthcare needs.
Cover Names
Basic Covers PremiumCOVER
Advanced Covers Worldwide Cover
Cover Names
Basic Covers Premium Covers Worldwide Cover
Sum Insured 5L, 10L,25L,50L 5L, 10L,25L,50L 5L, 10L,25L,50L 50L/ 100L
In-patient Hospitalisation
Day Care Treatment/Surgeries
Donor Expenses
Domiciliary Hospitalization
Domiciliary Hospitalization
Domestic Road Emergency Ambulance Cover
Home Healthcare
Convalescence Benefit
Convalescence Benefit
ASI Protector
OPD Cover
New Born Baby Cover
Nursing at Home
OPD Cover
ASI Protector
Nursing at Home
Claim Protector
Claim Protector*
Compassionate Visit
Sum Insured Protector
OPD cover
ASI Protector*
Super NCB*
Claim Protector*
Compassionate Visit*
Note : **Reset will be available unlimited times in a policy year in case the Sum insured including accrued Additional Sum Insured (if any) and Super No-Claim Bonus
(if any), Sum insured protector (if any) is insufficient as a result of previous claims in that policy year. Reset will not trigger for the first claim. Reset will not trigger for
same person with same illness for which a claim has been paid in that policy year.
*Optional Covers are available on the selected options under this Policy on payment of addtional premium.
PREMIUM TABLE (Excluding GST) Basic Coverages
PREMIUM TABLE (Excluding GST) Sum Insured = `5 Lakhs
Age / SI Individual 1A+1K 1A+2K 2A 2A+1K 2A+2K
Basic Coverages
0-25 5,032.43 6,373.22 7,433.57 7,470.70 9,379.12 11,704.59
66-70 66-70
Sum Sum
Insured = =
25 25
LakhsLakhs Sum Insured = 50 Lakhs
Sum Insured = 50
Sum Insured = 50
Age / SI Individual 1A+1K 1A+2K 2A 2A+1K 2A+2K Age / SI Individual 1A+1K 1A+2K 2A 2A+1K 2A+2K
0-25 Age
SI Individual
0-25 2A 2A+1K
26-30 26-30
31-35 0-25
31-35 14,230.22
36-40 36-40
41-45 13,059.13
26-30 11,498.33 15,104.45 15,622.75 18,397.66 23,242.73
46-50 46-50
51-55 51-55
56-60 31-35
11,497.08 13,057.87
56-60 15,620.23
61-65 61-65
66-70 36-40
21,640.64 24,126.99
Sum Insured
Sum Insured ==
Sum Insured
Sum Insured ==
Age / SI Individual 1A+1K 1A+2K 2A 2A+1K 2A+2K Age / SI Individual 1A+1K 1A+2K 2A 2A+1K 2A+2K
0-25 0-25
26-30 26-30
31-35 31-35
36-40 36-40
41-45 41-45
46-50 46-50
51-55 51-55
56-60 56-60
61-65 61-65
66-70 66-70
*Optional Covers are available on the selected options under this Policy on payment of addtional premium. The add-ons are applicable only within the geographical boundaries of India.
**Reset will not trigger for the first claim. Reset will not trigger for same person with same illness for which a claim has been paid in that policy year.
#Worldwide cover benefit is available for 45 consecutive days from the date of travel in a single trip and 90 days in a cumulative basis as a whole in a Policy year. A co-pay of 10% will be applied to every admissible claim over and above to any
other co-pay levied.
## Increase of 10% of annual sum insured immediately preceding each policy year subject to a maximum of 100% provided there is no Claim during the Policy Year. And In case of claim made the accrued Additional Sum insured will get reduced
in the same proportion in which it has been accrued.
1) Prohibition of Rebates – Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 (1) No person shall allow or offer to allow either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk
relating to lives or property in India any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such
rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the insurer.
2) If any person shall fail to comply with sub regulation (1) above, he shall be liable to payment of fine which may extend to rupees ten lakhs.
Only for the customers of HSBC Bank Limited who wish to avail Health Shield 360 Insurance. Master Policy No. (4177i/MSTR/247427045/00/000) underwritten by ICICI Lombard GIC. The advertisement contains only an indication of cover offered.
For more details on risk factors, terms, conditions and exclusions, please read the sales brochure /policy wordings carefully before concluding a sale. HSBC Bank having registered address at 52/60, 2nd Floor, HSBC Building, M G Road, Flora
Fountain, Fort, Mumbai, 400001 is registered as a Corporate Agent (CA0016) of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited. ICICI trade logo displayed above belongs to ICICI Bank and is used by ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. under license
and Lombard logo belongs to ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Lombard House, 414, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400025. IRDA Reg. No.115 Toll Free 18002666, Fax No 022
61961323 CIN L67200MH2000PLC129408. Website: Email: [email protected]. Product Name: Health Shield 360 UIN: ICIHLGP22083V022122. ADV/15348.
The worldwide cover offers a higher Sum Insured with a worldwide hospitalisation cover for
emergency and planned hospitalisation requirements.
Daycare procedures
Note : Worldwide cover benefit is available only when Insured member (Indian resident) is travelling abroad and his single trip is not more than 45 days
and multiple trips taken abroad by customer in a policy year is not more than 90 days. The scope of this cover extends to worldwide including India, USA
and Canada and the Maximum limit of indemnity would be restricted to the Annual Sum insured for claims within and outside India, in aggregate. A co-pay
of 10% will be applied to every admissible claim, if the treatment is taken outside India.
*as per availability.
• Adults from 21 to 70 years of age, Children from 91 days to 20 years of age; child
will be covered under floater plan only
1 Year
Family definition
Self, Spouse and up to 2 dependant children upto 20 yrs. of Age.
Waiting Period
• Initial Waiting Period: 30 days for all illnesses (except hospitalisation due to
• Expense related to hypertension, diabetes, and cardiac conditions within 90 days
from the policy commencement date unless they are PED.
• Pre-existing diseases: 24 months waiting period for declared and accepted PEDs.
• Specific disease waiting period: 2 years, for specific Illness and treatment. (Please
refer to the policy clauses for the full listing).
Conditional Underwriting
• When an insured member declares an existing illness, a medical underwriting is
done for such proposal. On the basis of the medical underwriting the proposal is
either accepted with loading on premium or its rejected
• Customer is enrolled in the policy with loading on premium and also becomes part of
Be-Healthy program of 360 Wellbeing Program
(This is an indicative list of exclusions. For complete details please
refer the policy wordings)
• Medical expenses incurred during the first 30 days of inception of the policy,
except those arising out of accidents. This exclusion doesn’t apply for
subsequent renewals without a break
• Expenses attributable to self-inflicted injury (resulting from suicide, attempted
• Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/ misuse/ abuse
• Cost of spectacles/ contact lenses, dental treatment
A one stop solution for your insurance and wellness needs. Download the IL TakeCare app to avail
the following services and much more as per your policy, all at the ease of your fingertips.
• Wide range of Emergency & Convenient Medical solutions at your fingertips as per the policy terms
Reach us at:
Monday to Saturday between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
IL TakeCare app
If hospitalisation occurs in a non-network hospital:
• Upon discharge, pay all hospital bills and collect all original documents of
treatments and expenses underdone
• Send the duly filled (and signed by insured and treating doctor) claim form
and required claim documents
• ICICI Lombard Health Care will review your requested claim and will
accordingly approve, query, or reject the same (as per policy terms and
• ICICI Lombard Health Care Settles the claim (as per policy terms and
conditions) and reimburses the approved amount
Below are the places from where you can download the claim form.
IL TakeCare App
*Optional Covers are available on the selected options under this Policy on payment of addtional premium.
**Reset will not trigger for the first claim. Reset will not trigger for same person with same illness for which a claim has been
paid in that policy year.
#Worldwide cover benefit is available for 45 consecutive days from the date of travel in a single trip and 90 days in a
cumulative basis as a whole in a Policy year. A co-pay of 10% will be applied to every admissible claim over and above to any
other co-pay levied.
## Increase of 10% of annual sum insured immediately preceding each policy year subject to a maximum of 100% provided
there is no Claim during the Policy Year. And In case of claim made the accrued Additional Sum insured will get reduced in the
same proportion in which it has been accrued.
Prohibition of Rebates – Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 1) No person shall allow or offer to allow either directly or
indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating
to lives or property in India any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on
the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be
allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the insurer. 2) If any person shall fail to comply with sub
regulation (1) above, he shall be liable to payment of fine which may extend to rupees ten lakhs. Only for the customers of HSBC
Bank Limited who wish to avail Health Shield 360 Insurance. Master Policy No. (4177i/MSTR/247427045/00/000) underwritten
by ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd The advertisement contains only an indication of cover offered. For more details on risk factors,
terms, conditions and exclusions, please read the sales brochure /policy wordings carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI
trade logo displayed above belongs to ICICI Bank and is used by ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. under license and Lombard logo
belongs to ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Lombard House, 414, Veer
Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400025. IRDA Reg. No.115 Toll Free 18002666, Fax No 02261961323 CIN
L67200MH2000PLC129408. Website:
Email: [email protected]. Product Name: Health Shield 360 UIN: ICIHLGP22083V022122. ADV/16420