Northern Rly Stores T45245019C Due 250424 For 3 Phase Pump 10-90 Deg
Northern Rly Stores T45245019C Due 250424 For 3 Phase Pump 10-90 Deg
Northern Rly Stores T45245019C Due 250424 For 3 Phase Pump 10-90 Deg
Tender No: 45245019C Closing Date/Time: 25/04/2024 11:00
AMM CDANVT acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No 45245019C
Closing Date/Time 25/04/2024 11:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and
time only. Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
S.No. PL Code Item Stock / Ordering Consider Approving Inspection Currency Estimated
(Group) Type NonStock For Eval Agency Agency Allowed Rate
1 452199242503 Goods Non Stock --- Yes CONSIGNEE INR
Description :Three Phase Pump 10-90 Degree Temperature Range with Stainless Steel Impeller Shaft, Diffuser
0.46 KW, 380 to 415 Voltage, 2800 RPM, Detail as Per Annexure-A (Attached) Make- GRUNDFOS, DAB, EBA
RA, FRINLIN or Equivalent. For Maharaja Express Coaches. [ Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of deli
very ]
Consignee SSE/CHG/E/DEE, NR Delhi 2.00 Numbers
3. T AND C
Delivery Period
Payment Terms
S.No Description
Payment Terms
1 100% payment against receipt, inspection and acceptance of material by the consignee at destination.
S.No Description
1 Statutory Variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and duties by State/ Central Governments in
respect of the items stipulated in the contract (and not the raw materials thereof), within the original delivery
period stipulated in the contract, or last unconditionally extended delivery period shall be to Railways' account.
Only such variation shall be admissible which takes place after the submission of bid. No claim on account of
statutory variation in respect of existing tax/duty will be accepted unless the tenderer has clearly indicated in his
offer the rate of tax/duty considered in his quoted rate. No claim on account of statutory variation shall be
admissible on account of misclassification by the supplier/ contractor.
S.No Description
1 IRS Conditions of Contract: The contract shall be governed by latest version (along with all correction slips) of
IRS conditions of contract, and all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender documents.
Other Conditions
Special Conditions
1 1] Instruction to Tenderers for electronic tender with latest amendments No No Not Allowed
(I.T.T.) Rev.1.21 of APRIL 2024 are uploaded on IREPS website
[] and can be accessed after logging in, using the allotted
username, password and digital signature, through the link of Northern
Railway stores documents available in the document section on the IREPS
home page. These instructions and special conditions of contract shall be
applicable to this tender.Tenderers are advised to go through these
instructions before submission of their offer. [2] Tenderers shall furnish
their bank details with their offer. [3] The Tenderers will show the sample
/coloured catalogues to consignee, if required. [4] Tenderers will quote
guarantee/warranty of their item. [5] Tenderers will furnish make/brand of
the offered item. It is compulsory [6] Tenderers are advised to go through
the instructions before submission of their offers. "Special attention is also
drawn in para 2.4.3 of Instruction to tenderer`s for electronic tender (I.T.T.)
Rev.1.21 of APRIL 2024". (7) It should be ensured by tenderer`s while
quoting their rates that their offer should fully comply the tender
S.No. Description
Validity of Offer: No deviation from the offer validity period stipulated in the tender is permitted and offer will
summarily be rejected.
The tenderers in their bid shall indicate the details of their GST Jurisdictional Assessing Officers (Designation, Address &
email id). In case of a contract award, a copy of Purchase Order shall be immediately forwarded by Purchaser to the
GST Jurisdictional assessing officer mentioned in Tenderer's bid
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Digitally Signed By