Cap Final 2024
Cap Final 2024
Cap Final 2024
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Academic Session
Guided By
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Dr. M. D. Waghmare
Department Chemical Engineering PRINCIPAL
Government Polytechnic, Arvi Government Polytechnic, Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Course Title: - Capstone Project: - Exaction and Report Writing Code: - 22060
A. POs addressed by the Capstone Project (Mention only those predominant POs)
a) Identify and analysis well defined engineering using codified method.
b) Design solutions for well- defined technical problem.
c) Use engineering management principal individually.
d) Ability to amaze individual needs.
B. COs addressed by the capstone project (Mention only those predominant POs)
a) Write the problems/task specification in existing system.
b) Select, collect and use required information.
c) Logically choose relevant possible solution .
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
• ABSTRACT 08-09
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy (enthalpy) between two or
more fluids, at different temperatures and in thermal contact. In this problem of heat transfer
involved the condition where different constructional parameters are changed for getting the
performance review under different condition. An excel program has been developed for the
ease of calculation and obtaining result after changing different parameters. The tube diameter,
tube length, shell types etc. are all standardized and are available only in certain sizes and
geometry. And so the design of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger usually involves a trial and
error procedure where for a certain combination of the design variables the heat transfer area
is calculated and then another combination is tried to check if there is any possibility of
increasing the heat transfer coefficient. Since several discrete combinations of the design
configurations are possible, the designer needs an efficient strategy to quickly locate the design
configuration having the minimum heat exchanger cost. In this particular problem the tube
metallurgy and baffle spacing are being changed the results are obtained. Incurrent paper the
baffle spacing and tube metallurgy are the parameters considering change and effect of the
same of heat transfer coefficient have been considered. In this study , the steam formed in
below equipment gets evaporated by the help of heating coil to form a steam and hot water and
condenser which is cooled with the help of cold water to form condensate. Hot water heated
due to coil is pumped to heat exchanger which again gets cooled to form cold water.
Simultaneously more than two processes can be performed in one unit such as evaporation ,
condensation , heat exchanging , etc. for various industrial application. Thermocouples ,
pressure gauge , valves , control panel have been fitted to record temperature and pressure of
process , to control flow , to detect temp. Pressure data , etc. As a result , it is found that it is
effective and consumes less space , as well as two-three process in less time and less electricity,
heating and cooling process also occurs.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Heat exchanger is device use for the transfer of heat between two fluids that are at different
temperature with or without contact each other. Heat exchanger has variety of type such as
that recuperator, regenerator, tube, plat etc.
A shell and tube heat exchanger (STHE) is, the very common type of heat exchanger. It, better
type of heat exchanger used in oil corporation and other biggest chemical processes. It is
sufficient condition for high pressure and temperature. Their name mentions that type of heat
exchanger includes shell (large pressure vessel) with bunch of tube inside shell. One fluid flow
through tubes and another fluids flow around the tube (through the shell) to transmission heat
between fluids. The set of tubes is called tube bundle, and various type of tube: plain, helical,
longitudinally, finned. This type of heat exchanger has larger ratio of heat transfer surface area to
volume. They are easy to produce in high range of size and flow. Another important part baffle
during process and help to prevent vibration. Second, it’s providing flow path of shell fluid
for effective velocity and flow.
• Space heating
• Refrigeration
• Air conditioning
• Power plants
• Chemical plant
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one medium to another. These media may be a
gas, liquid, or a combination of both. Our participation is to modify it in some different form to
procure various processes in one basic media such as steam formation , exchange of heat ,
condensation , evaporation.
At very first as heat exchanger was sedate in laboratory, we examined it whether it is excellent
with our motifs as well as can this be, ok? once this all criteria’s get wrapped up we shifted it
for maintenance under guidance and authorization of Principal and mentor.
Heat is transferred through convection due to the flow of fluid through the channels and
channels was all rusted which we separated and cleaned it very properly and the overall
maintenance was up to date.
Amendment of overall device according to our strategy was impossible in campus so it was
necessary to locate a fabricator near us .
We elucidate wide planning after which the fabricator voiced the cost estimation and various
aspects we have to defeat during the fabrication and modification.
As per our project details and modification factor its necessary to design new equipment for
steam formation where MS was used two coils were fitted. In exchanger according to our idea
tubes where firstly was at rectangular pitch which now is at square pitch, baffles were to
introduce but failed due to leakages and many more problems.
When both upper and lower equipment’s was up to date, we attached it together with the help
of steel welding. Various holes were made to equipped and introduce coils temperature detector
, pressure Gauge , thermocouples, safety valve, water level indicator, ball valve, etc.
After this overall fitting whole system was placed on wooden sheet followed by stand of
four iron rods.
Subsequently model brought to campus and pump fittings and electric fittings was done so as
to indicate the readings on control panel. Hand in hand lagging was gets ended up with the help
of coconut coir rope bags on which Plaster of Paris had been mugged and with this we
concluded with modification and fabrication now here after the time was to experiment it
whether it is lucrative or not.
Water has been added to lower equipment where coils had fitted , the water temperature is level
up to 70C once it starts boiling steam formation begins this steam was sent in upward equipment
or heat exchanger through tubing’s in channel,
From channel it moves in tubes of exchanger where in shell cold water is present during this
process other valves were kept close instead steam valve then steam in tubes moves to other
channel which was in condensate form then the temperature was noted with the help of
thermocouple and amount of condensate had been measured.
Subsequently the second process was carried here the hot water in lower equipment has pumped to
exchanger by means of pump here hot water runs through tubes and cold water through shell
conduction process occurs hot water after cooling is collected in other channel where we
measured the temperature of water after cooling so as to calculate the efficiency of an exchanger
and this water is again recycled for steam formation.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Abstract : The experimental has carried out and numerical simulation for single shell and
multi-pass tube heat exchanger with elliptical and circular tube geometries with different tube
orientations and with different baffle arrangements. The numerically obtained data with
elliptical tubes and compared with that of experimental data of circular tube with varying
Reynolds number and fluid temperatures. As a result, it is found that the heat transfer
coefficient using elliptical tubes is 10% higher as compare to the circular tubes with low
pressure drop.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Abstract : An extensive review of the recent progress in heat transfer enhancement using
longitudinal vortex generation has been done by Jacobi and Shah .. The review given below
is focused on articles that are particularly relevant to the current research. As described by
Firebug , when the attack angle is small, the generated vortices are mainly longitudinal, when
the attack angle is 90°, transverse vortices are generated. Jacobi and Shah and Firebug noted
that longitudinal vortices show less flow losses and better heat transfer characteristics than
transverse vortices. In recent years, the third generation of the enhanced surface designed with
longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs) is receiving more attention. The first report on
longitudinal vortices in boundary layer control was presented in 1960 by Schauer and
Spangenberg. Johnson and Joubert [6] early reported the impact of vortex generators on the
heat transfer performance in 1969. Since then, the use of LVG i s in channel flow application
has received considerable attention.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Author : Tushar Charade, Nishant awate, jai Bad Gujar , Subhas Jadhav
Abstract : A logical analysis to increase the heat exchanger performance is given by the series of
steps namely, the first step considers if the exchanger is initially operating correctly. The second
step considers increasing pressure drop if available in exchangers with single-phase heat transfer.
Increased velocity results in higher heat transfer coefficients, which may be sufficient to improve
performance. Next, a critical evaluation of the estimated fouling factors should be considered. Heat
exchanger performance can be increased with periodic cleaning and less conservative fouling factors.
Finally, for certain conditions, it may be feasible to consider enhanced heat transfer through the use of
finned tubes, inserts, twisted tubes, or modified baffles.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Abstract :- B. Jayachandran and K. Rajasekhar made an attempt to design a shell and tube
heat exchanger with copper and brass as tube material and steel 1008 as shell material. From
their results they have analyzed the shell and tube heat exchanger by varying tube materials and
declared that they are highly efficient when they are used for liquid-to-liquid applications.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Abstract :- has developed the method on the correlation of the pressure for calculating the
pressure drop in an ideal tube tank with equation for calculating the pressure drop in a window
section by Delaware method. The pressure drop in an ideal tube tank is calculated with
correction factor. This correction factor includes influence of leakage and by pass streams.
The above results were checked by comparing experimental measurements available in
literature with theoretical predictions.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Author :- Mr. Irfan Alibhai Vohra, Prof. Azim Aijaz, Dr. B.B. Saxena
Abstract: As per literature and industrial survey at [A1 & A2] the design is carried out
using in-house developed software for design and drafting. This dedicated software enables
qualified engineers to accomplish complex design calculations complying strictly with the
requisite international codes and standards. the dimensions of various components. Also an
experienced team of design engineers undertakes thermal and mechanical design of complex
heat exchangers and generate fabrication drawings to scale along with weights and estimates
based on customer’s specifications. These designs are optimized to arrive at an optimal size.
After carrying out the design, the final output is in an AutoCAD drawing format (DWG) or
DWF (Web format).
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Author :- A zachar
Abstract :- has numerically calculated steady heat transfer enhancement in helical coil tube
heat exchanger to examine various geometrical parameters, impact of fluid flow & thermal
boundary conditions for laminar and transition flow. As well as discussed, the Comparison of
flow and temperature fields of common helical tube and the coil with spirally corrugated wall
configuration. Heat exchanger coil with helically coiled corrugated wall configuration results
in 80-100% increase for the inner side heat transfer rate due to additionally developed swirling
motion and the relative pressure drop is 10-600% larger as compared to the common helically
coiled heat exchanger.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Abstract :- has performed an experimental analysis on shell and tube heat exchanger. The
shell and tube heat exchanger contains the segmental baffles having different orientations
are analyzed for different range of Reynolds number between 303-1516, hence the flow is
laminar flow. The purpose of using the segmental baffles is to increase the heat transfer rate
in shell and tube heat exchanger. With the varying Reynolds number for different
orientations result in variations in Log mean temperature difference, heat transfer coefficient,
Nusselt number & pressure drop.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), or sometimes slurries, by mechanical action,
typically converted from electrical energy into hydraulic energy.
Mild steel is alloyed using carbon whereas stainless steel has chromium as its alloying element. The
2 different alloys produce very different results in corrosion resistance, malleability and ease of
fabrication and cost. It is this key difference that separates the 2 different kinds of steel.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Stainless steel and Ni-based alloy pipes and tubes have superior corrosion resistance, heat
resistance, and low-temperature properties, and have been used as raw materials that can
withstand harsh environments as seen in petroleum refining, petroleum chemistry, and energy
fields, such as power and gas.
A ball valve is a flow control device which uses a hollow, perforated, and pivoting ball to control
fluid flowing through it. It is open when the hole through the middle of the ball is in line with
the flow inlet, and closed when it is pivoted 90 degrees by the valve handle, blocking the flow.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
The heating coil (or inductor) is often a single turn and is designed to embrace the area to be
hardened. In some cases, e.g. cams and crankshaft bearings, the inductor is split, being closed
onto contact faces. Very short heating times of 1–5 s are usual.
Pressure gauge, instrument for measuring the condition of a fluid (liquid or gas) that is specified
by the force that the fluid would exert, when at rest, on a unit area, such as pounds per square inch
or newtons per square centimeter .
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
A thermocouple is the instrument which is used to determine the temperature and thermal
conductivity of the object the wide range of sizes and capacities this is an essential tool in
laboratories, and temperature measuring areas.
Safety valve (SV): an automatic system that relieves the static pressure on a gas. It usually opens
completely, accompanied by a popping sound. Safety relief valve (SRV): an automatic system that
relieves by static pressure on both gas and liquid.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Rubber gaskets are elastic components used for mechanically sealing the microscopic gap between
two mating surfaces or joints. Examples of these surfaces are flange faces of piping and fittings,
mating surfaces of an automotive cylinder head and engine block, tank rims and covers, door edges,
frames, and so on.
Insulation materials run the gamut from bulky fiber materials such as fiberglass, rockwool,
cellulose, and natural fibers to rigid foam boards to sleek foils. Bulky materials resist conductive
heat flow in a building cavity. Rigid foam boards trap air or another gas in their cells to resist
conductive heat flow.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
A nozzle is often a pipe or tube of varying cross-sectional area, and it can be used
to direct or modify the flow of a fluid (liquid or gas). Nozzles are frequently used
to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and/or the pressure of
the stream that emerges from them.
Water level indicator definition: A water level indicator is a system that relays information back
to a control panel to indicate whether a body of water has a high or low water level. Some water
level indicators use a combination of probe sensors or float switches to sense water levels .
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Control Panel is a component of Microsoft Windows that provides the ability to view and change
system settings. It consists of a set of applets that include adding or removing hardware and software,
controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, and accessing networking settings.
The jointing methods include screwed joints, welded joints, grooved joints, and flanged joints. The
fittings of these pipes are usually standardized, available in light, medium, and heavy grades
depending on the thickness of the metal.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
2. Heat loss.
3. Vibration.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Evaporation is a type of vaporization that occurs on the surface of a liquid as it changes into
the gas phase. High concentration of the evaporating substance in the surrounding gas
significantly slows down evaporation, such as when humidity affects rate of evaporation of
water. When the molecules of the liquid collide, they transfer energy to each other based on
how they collide. When a molecule near the surface absorbs enough energy to overcome the
vapor pressure, it will escape and enter the surrounding air as a gas. When evaporation
occurs, the energy removed from the vaporized liquid will reduce the temperature of the
liquid, resulting in evaporative cooling.
On average, only a fraction of the molecules in a liquid has enough heat energy to escape
from the liquid. The evaporation will continue until an equilibrium is reached when the
evaporation of the liquid is equal to its condensation. In an enclosed environment, a liquid
will evaporate until the surrounding air is saturated.
Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle. The sun (solar energy) drives evaporation
of water from oceans, lakes, moisture in the soil, and other sources of water. In hydrology,
evaporation and transpiration (which involves evaporation within plant stomata) are
collectively termed evapotranspiration. Evaporation of water occurs when the surface of the
liquid is exposed, allowing molecules to escape and form water vapor; this vapor can then
rise up and form clouds. With sufficient energy, the liquid will turn into vapor .
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.
It's the opposite of evaporation. Condensation is crucial to the water cycle because it is
responsible for the formation of condense water.
5) Continuous Growth
6) Collection
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Heat exchanger is a device that allows the heat to be transferred from one fluid or mediumto
another. Liquids, gases, or solids of various temperatures can be used as the medium. Theheat
transfer process can be among two gases, two liquids, or one gas and one liquid. The fluids can be
separated or in direct contact according to the type of heat exchanger. The heat is transferred
between the two fluids because of their temperature difference without gainingor losing any heat
from the surroundings.
Heat exchanger functions by transferring heat from higher to lower temperatures. Heat canthus be
transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid if a hot fluid and a cold fluid are separated by a heat-
conducting surface.
The operation of a heat exchanger is governed by thermodynamics. Heat can be transferred with
the help of conduction, convection, or radiation. Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy from
one material to another through the motion of a fluid such as heated air or water.
Convection is the transfer of thermal energy from one surface to another through the motionof a
fluid such as heated air or water, and thermal radiation is a heat energy transfer mechanism
characterized by the emission of electromagnetic waves from a heated surface orobject.
The laws of thermodynamics are the fundamental concepts that underpin heat exchangers.
2. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed,but it
can be transmitted from one medium to another, such as heat.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
A heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat between a source and a working
fluid. Heat exchangers are used in both cooling and heating processes . The fluids may
be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact. They
are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations,
chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural-gas processing,
and sewage treatment. The classic example of a heat exchanger is found in an internal
combustion engine in which a circulating fluid known as engine coolant flows through
radiator coils and air flows past the coils, which cools the coolant and heats the
incoming air. Another example is the heat sink, which is a passive heat exchanger that
transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium,
often air or a liquid coolant.
Steam is traditionally created by heating a boiler via burning coal and other fuels, but
it is also possible to create steam with solar energy. Water vapor that includes water
droplets is described as wet steam. As wet steam is heated further, the droplets
evaporate, and at a high enough temperature (which depends on the pressure) all of
the water evaporates and the system is in vapor–liquid equilibrium. When steam has
reached this equilibrium point, it is referred to as saturated steam.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Superheated steam or live steam is steam at a temperature higher than its boiling point
for the pressure, which only occurs when all liquid water has evaporated or has been
removed from the system.
Steam tables contain thermodynamic data for water/saturated steam and are often used
by engineers and scientists in design and operation of equipment where
thermodynamic cycles involving steam are used. Additionally, thermodynamic phase
diagrams for water/steam, such as a temperature-entropy diagram or a Moller diagram
shown in this article, may be useful. Steam charts are also used for analyzing
thermodynamic cycles.
Condensation is the change of the state of matter from the gas phase into the liquid
phase, and is the reverse of vaporization. The word most often refers to the water
cycle.[1] It can also be defined as the change in the state of water vapor to liquid water
when in contact with a liquid or solid surface or cloud condensation nuclei within the
atmosphere. When the transition happens from the gaseous phase into the solid phase
directly, the change is called deposition.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Condensation in heat exchangers occurs when exhaust gases cool below their dew
point. The dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water
vapor and begins to condense. In heat exchangers, this process is harnessed to transfer
heat more effectively.
It’s about energy recovery. When vapor condenses into water, latent heat is released.
This transformation from gas to liquid releases a significant amount of energy,
approximately 1,000 BTUs per pound of water. Capturing this latent heat is crucial
for enhancing the overall efficiency of the heat recovery process.
In the power generation and energy industry, condensing heat exchangers are
indispensable. They provide a way to recover more energy from waste gases, thereby
reducing fuel consumption and lowering emissions. This technology is particularly
relevant in applications like steam boilers and natural gas combustion processes.
The process which we tried to carried out is such that we tried to overcome this all
phenomena in one unit to get various industrial application with proper designing.
Evaporation is the process that changes liquid water to gaseous water (water
Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into
liquid water.
A heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat between a source and a
working fluid.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
First We made the block diagram of our idea So, that we could get the proper
understandings. and materials regarding it there where So, many questions
regarding it first we tried to solve it and then we made the list of equipment,
materials are glass-wool which we required in our project. Fixed shell and tube heat
exchanger was available which was the small unit of plug flow reactor.
Shell and tube heat exchanger was impaired we uncoupled it from whole unit and
made channels separated. The whole exchanger was full of dust and dirt. We
cleaned it our campus workshop by the authorization of upper-class department.
The, everyparts of heat exchanger where separated for maintenance.
Dimensions were taken with channel, without channel such as length, width & Hight
of exchanger, length of tube, diameter of tubes and numbers of nozzles. For inlet
and outlet of hot and cold fluid where measured. once the measurement was done.
we carried it to Fabricator, explained him about the whole Criteria which we
planned and collected the materials list from him. Which we purchased for further
fabrication and modification of it. As per our project details tubes in exchanger was
in triangular pitch in afterwards made to square pitch.
The lower unit which we designed was of MS made with two holes of fit heating
coils in it baffles was to introduce in shell but due to leakages in exchanger we
skipped it because after that also it was possible to efficient unit so we decided to
disqualify it.
Holes were made in lower equipment foe pipe lines, thermocouples and many more,
when both the upper and lower equipment’s was up to date, we joint it with the help
of steel welding.
One channel of exchanger was welded and one was attached with the gasket for
future maintenance of it for steam and hot water transportation pipe lines had fitted.
Separately and in both pipe lines ball valve was reduced to maintain and regulated
the flow.
The various holes which were made was for coil, temperature detector, pressure
gauge, thermocouples, safety valve, water level indicator, ball valve, etc.
Now at this point 2/4 of the project was ready, the whole unit was placed over
wooden sheet followed by stand of four iron rods. The work of fabricator was
finished, forward operation was our duty. We brought it in collage campus in our
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
department and worked our it. Pump for pumping hot liquid to upper section in
channel was again brought from plug flow reactor assembly from were we detached
exchanger pump had adapted on wooden sheet on back side of the unit.
Electric supply for coil, pump & many more was needed so as again electric box
which was equipped to plug flow reactor assembly had been fitted to our project
unit before attaching it was checked whether its working or not and luckily it was
up to date at this point ¾ of the unit was set and last processing was on way which
was insulation and these was most important process of all because if heat loss will
occur the results were in possible.
Coconut coir rope bags on which (POP) Plaster Of Paris had been mugged up was
our insulation for our project. Project was kept the undisturbed for 2 to 3 days for
drying of insulation.
And, finally the hard work processed had come to an end and ¾ was now at 4/4 and
the time was to test whether it is lucrative or not, or the results will be satisfied or
As above in working we saw the over all journey of fabrication and modification,
then we decided to test it.
First of all we introduce water in lower equipment were coils are induced, water
level is detected by eater level indicator. Then we switch on the supply to coil.
Stage by stage water was heated and forms steams, we ,continues to form steam
un-till ¼ of the hot water is not remained in equipment.
Once the steam formed it was send to. Heat exchanger means first in channel, steam
then moved in tubes. Cold water was poured in shell from the nozzle provided at
the top.
Steam gave its latent heat after contacting with cold water and formed condensate
which get collected in another channel and removed from nozzle. The condensate
formed was measured and also the temperature of it for the calculated of ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 and
Rate of heat transfer. This was the first process of our project which was co- current
or parallel flow.
Now second process the ¼ hot water remained in lower equipment which was
stopped from flowing with the help of ball valve was pumped to channel and then
it moves through tubes and loss its heat by the convection and conduction process
.Here also the amount of hot water which gets cold now is measured and
temperature too, So to get the temperature difference from which we got the
efficiency of this overall unit cold water in shell due to process got hot removed
from outlet nozzle provided at the back side of the equipment or unit according to
our process our motive was to get 3 or more unit operation in one unit. Q, U, hm,
m, Q/L ,∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 ,ղ, had been calculated from this process which we operated for 4
to 5 time to get effective readings. This was the overall concept we tried to mugged
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Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
1) To determine :-
hm = 0.725 * (969.23)2 * (9.81) * (2225*103 * (667.02)3
= 0.725* 6.47424*10-5
hm = 2257995.931 W/m2k
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Q/L =hm*TDπd
➢ To calculate m, :-
m, = Q/ƛ
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Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
➢ To calculate (Q)
Cp = Specific heat
∆T = Temperature gradient
Q = Rate of heat transfer
Values :-
M = V*𝝆
= 0.016 m3/min * 1000 Kg/h
= 16 Kg/min or 0.2666 Kg/h
Cp = 4.187 KJ/Kg. k
∆𝑇 = ( co-current or parallel flow)
= T1 -T2 = 90-50
= 400C or 313k
Q = 0.2666*4.187*313
Q = 97.05J/Sec or W
➢ To calculate (U):-
Q = U*A*∆𝑇lm
U = Q*A*∆𝑇lm
Q = 97.05 J/sec
A = 0.508m*0.254
A = 0.1290 m2
A = L*B
A = 0.8636m* 0.254m
A = 0.2193 m2
U = Q*A*∆𝑇lm
U = 1448.355 W/m2.k
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Mean heat transfer coefficient increase as rate of heat transfer increases with respect
to length of tube.
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Chart Title
Q (W)
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
1) Refrigeration
3) power plants
6) Automobile radiators
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
In conclusion, shell and tube heat exchangers are an incredibly versatile and efficient
solution for a wide variety of industrial applications. With their unique design, these
heat exchangers allow for high heat transfer efficiency, making them an ideal choice
for applications where heat exchange is critical. So, with our new idea it is more
effective in carrying more than 2 processes in one unit with so many applications. The
process of a shell and tube heat exchanger provides a place for two fluids to exchange
or transfer heat through conductive metals. In the shell and tube heat exchanger
process, one fluid flows through the tubes while the other fluid flows through the shell.
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi
Government Polytechnic ,Arvi