CEP Th-II 2022

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Session: 2022 ME-212 Thermodynamics-II 4th Semester

Analysis of various types of coal in terms of practicality and

environmental impacts


Deadline: 03-May-2024
Complex Engineering Problem Attributes
Complex Engineering Problems have characteristics WP1 and at least two or more of WP2 to WP7.

CEP Attribute Contextual Definition Attribute

WP1: Depth of Knowledge Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge at the level of one 
Required or more of WK3, WK4, WK5, WK6 or WK8 which allows a fundamentals-
based, first principles analytical approach
WP2: Range of conflicting Involve wide-ranging and/or conflicting technical, non-technical issues (such 
requirements as ethical, sustainability, legal, political, economic, societal) and consideration
of future requirements
WP3: Depth of analysis Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking, creativity and 
required originality in analysis to formulate suitable models

WP4: Familiarity of issues Involve infrequently encountered issues or novel problems

WP5: Extent of applicable Address problems not encompassed by standards and codes of practice for
codes professional engineering

WP6: Extent of stakeholder Involve collaboration across engineering disciplines, other fields, and/or
involvement and diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs
conflicting requirements
WP7: Interdependence Address high-level problems with many components or sub-problems that may
require a systems approach

1. Problem Description
The increasing energy demand worldwide has had a negative impact on the reserves of petroleum. This
has led to a growing interest in the use of alternative energy sources, one of the most promising alternatives
being energy from the coal. The very fuel has gained significant attention in the power sector as a potential
solution to produce power to meet the needs of human beings.
Pakistan has heavily relied on imported oil to meet its energy needs, resulting in a significant trade deficit.
The primary energy supply consists of majorly natural gas, and oil. In 2020, Pakistan imported petroleum
products of USD 10.31 billion, and its trade deficit stood at USD 21.11 billion. This heavy reliance on
imported oil not only leads to a trade deficit but also exposes the country to the volatility of international
oil prices.

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Session: 2022 ME-212 Thermodynamics-II 4th Semester

Shifting towards coal could help reduce Pakistan's oil consumption, ultimately lowering the oil import bill
and the trade deficit. Additionally, it could stimulate local job creation and provide economic benefits in
the long run. Due to its high energy generation potential, coal is widely used in power generation in
different countries. Coal, currently the largest source of energy on earth, is used extensively in electricity
generation in different countries. Coal was formed over many years by dead plants through the process of
coalification. Carbon, sulfur, oxygen, hydrogen, small amounts of nitrogen and some traces of heavy
metals are the main components of coal. Attempts to secure more energy, food, and infrastructure leave a
trail of environmental contamination and human health hazards.
The power sector in Pakistan is also responsible for a significant amount of the country's environmental
pollutants. Thus, there is a need to explore environmental impacts along with the power production using
coal as a fuel in Pakistan. Furthermore, in economies with limited supplies of natural gas and petroleum,
coal has been a major fuel. Therefore, the complex engineering problem aims to evaluate the use of various
types of coal along with impact on environment and human health. In the very context, compare the
various coals (see Table 1) in terms of calorific values, the practicality, and the effects on society
environment. In addition, an organization sold 1.07 × 109 kWh of energy from the thermal system powered
by coal. Evaluate the consumption of all the types of coal composition to generate the stated energy and
its impact on environment.
Table 1: Ultimate Analysis of various coals.

Analysis, Bituminous,
Anthracite Subbituminous Lignite
mass percent medium volatility

C 83.9 80.7 58.8 42.4

H2 2.9 4.5 3.8 2.8
S 0.7 1.8 0.3 0.7
O2 0.7 2.4 12.2 12.4
N2 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.7
H2 O 2.5 3.3 19.6 34.8

2. Objectives
➢ To develop combustion equations of the various types of coals
➢ To evaluate HHV and LHV in Btu/lbm
➢ To summarize and compare the environmental deteriorating fractions in the exhaust produced due
to the combustion of coals.

3. Deliverables
Following deliverables are required from the student:
➢ Introduction encompassing the theoretical background and literature.

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Session: 2022 ME-212 Thermodynamics-II 4th Semester

➢ The complete combustion equations along with lower and higher heating values of the various
types of coal (methodology and calculations).
➢ The recommendation in terms of consumption for the stated power production from the fuel
(Results and Discussions).
➢ Comparison (Origin Pro) and recommendation in terms of practicality and environmental impacts
(Results and Discussions).
➢ Conclusive remarks
Following characteristics are targeted in this complex engineering problem of Energy Resources &

Depth of Knowledge Depth of Knowledge is required in the area of Fuels and

Required Combustion, and various laws of thermodynamics for combustion
and energy calculations.
Range of Conflicting There are various types of coal available for catering to the energy
Requirements demand of the consumers. However, these resources carry different
elements depending on the location. Therefore, students must find
out and suggest the impact of using various coals for energizing
thermal power systems in terms of environmental assessment.
Depth of analysis The students will develop LHV and HHV from Dulong type formula
required and combustion equations for different compositions and mixtures.
In the same way, they will recommend the best type of coal in terms
of practicality and in-depth analysis of pollutants fractions.
4. Assessment
The report of complex engineering problem should have the following sections:

Results and Discussion

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Session: 2022 ME-212 Thermodynamics-II 4th Semester


Description Excellent (4) Average (3-2) Poor (1-0)

Problem awareness (4) Shows excellent awareness of Shows little awareness of Ignorance of few properties
properties and states of the properties and states of the and states of the systems
systems systems
Modern tool usage (4) Shows good awareness of Shows average awareness of Shows no/little awareness of
tools, capabilities and features tools, capabilities and features tools, capabilities and features
CEP solution approach (4) Provide a comprehensive Average solution with few 1. Obvious solution, sketchy
solution to the problem required features functionalities
2. Bare usage of Engineering
Overall structure of report in 1. Has a clear organizational 1. Has moderate organizational 1. Does not have a clear
context of writing tool usage (4) structure structure organization
2. Points are logical and lucid 2. Some points are clear and 2. Points are vague
Knowledge of environmental Deep understanding of the Average interest in Minute information/ Ignorance
sustainability in context of the importance of environment environmental impacts of the about the relation between
impact of designed system (4) system combustion and its effects on

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