Educational Media

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8 Educational media

People everywhere like to learn through pictures and graphics instead of text because
when content of text travels through audiovisual media it becomes incredibly interesting,
which promotes the purpose of learning.
—Reena Sharma

The educational media are the objects that help in teaching and learning activities and enhance the deliv-
ery of knowledge to the learners. In other words, educational media are learning devices that help the
teacher clarify, establish, correlate and coordinate accurate concepts and interpretation to make learning
more concrete, effective, interesting, meaningful and vivid. Audiovisual aids, audiovisual materials,
audiovisual media, communication technology, educational or instructional media or learning resources
are interchangeably used terms. Broadly speaking, however, all of them have the same meaning.

Scientifically, it is believed that during the communicative process, the sensory register of the mem-
ory acts as a filter. The working short-term memory functions are limited by both time and capacity.
Therefore, it is essential that the information be arranged in useful bits or chunks for effective cod-
ing, rehearsal or recording, and audiovisual aids best suit this function. Therefore, audiovisual aids
in the classroom can enhance teaching methods and improve student comprehension. Today’s tech-
nology offers many choices to the educator who wishes to capitalize on the new generation’s appe-
tite for multimedia presentations. An efficient lesson plan that incorporates the use of audiovisual
aids consistent with curriculum objectives may do miracles in the achievement of purposes of the
teaching–learning process.

Definitions of audiovisual aids

Audio-visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiates or stimulate and reinforce


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Audiovisual aids 295

Audio-visual aids are those devices by the use of which communication of ideas between persons
and group in various teaching and training situation is helped. These are also termed as multi
sensory materials.
—Edgar Dale

Audio-visual aids are anything by means of which learning process may be encouraged or carried
on through the sense of hearing or sense of sight.
—Good’s Dictionary of education

Audio-visual aids are devices which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete,
more realistic and more dynamic.
—Kinder S. James

Audio-visual aids are supplementary devices by which the teacher through the utilization of more
than one sensory channel is able to clarify, establish and correlate concepts, interpretations and
—Mckown and Roberts

Audio-visual aids are those aids which help in completing the triangular process of learning
i.e. motivation, classification and stimulation.
—Carter V. Good

An audio-visual aid is an instructional device in which the message can be heard as well as seen.

Concept of audiovisual aids

Audiovisual aids are planned teaching aids that appeal to the senses of people and enhance clear
understanding and improve quick learning among learners. A Chinese proverb proves the impor-
tance of audiovisual aids in the teaching–learning process:
‘I hear, I forget’
‘I see, I remember’
‘I do, I understand’
Stimulation Motivation
It is generally believed that the best learning can
be achieved through doing things but good learning
can also be achieved through the use of appropriate Triangular
audiovisual aids. Furthermore, audiovisual aids help process of
in the completion of the triangular process of learn- learning
ing, enhance motivation, stimulation and improve
the clarity of understanding in learners as depicted
in Figure 8.1. It can be inferred that the presentation
of content with verbal and audiovisual aids moti-
vates and stimulates the learner, reinforces the learn-
ing and enhances the clarity of the content. FIGURE 8.1 Triangular process of learning.

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296 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Research has shown that oral presentations that use visuals are more persuasive, more interest-
ing, more credible, more professional and more effective than presentations without such aids par-
ticularly when the presentation is long (about 20 minutes or more); the audiovisual aids can help the
audience follow ideas easily and with fewer lapses in attention. In addition, Edwards and Mercer
found in their research study that visual perception contributes about 90% to all human learning.
Moreover, audiovisual aids:
• Help to maintain a high level of interest in the lesson and to create interest in the group.
• Help to get students to use the language, especially at the beginning stages.
• Help to promote greater student participation.
• Can be used at all levels of learning.
• Supplement and enrich the teachers’ own teaching to make the teaching–learning process more
• Serve an instructional role in itself.
• Make teaching an effective interactive process.

Importance of audiovisual aids

Effective communication can be quite challenging, especially when making a presentation or giving
a speech. For communication to be effective, one must keep the attention of the listeners and deliver
information in such a way that it is fully understood. Audiovisual aids are one of the most effective
ways to get the message across and make it memorable. Joey Papa suggested the following benefits
of audiovisual aids (Fig. 8.2):
• Memory retention: The Office of Training and Education of the United States Occupational
Safety and Health Administration has reported that psychologists and educators have found the
use of audiovisual tools led to retention of information for three days after a meeting or other
event. This is six times more than when information is presented by spoken word alone. Visual
aids allow the speaker to use verbal and nonverbal communication to solidify the message and
provide a point of reference for the mind.
• Improved attention span: Everyone has a limited attention span. Once this capacity is spent,
the mind decreases its ability to retain information and listen effectively. Using audiovisual aids
refreshes the mind and engages it in a different way, renewing the attention span. Visual aids
keep the mind entertained and therefore sharp and ready to receive information.
• Organizing communication: Audiovisual aids can be used to organize communication making
it easier to remember points made in a presentation. The introduction of a different audiovisual
aid for each point of a speech or presentation helps the mind to separate messages into smaller
chunks of information. Audiovisual aids also create a point of reference for the mind to quickly
refer to when attempting to retrieve information. For example, the use of icons or labels helps
trigger messages in the mind.

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Audiovisual aids 297

Increase memory

Im ion s
al p a


pro pa
foc eate

ve n

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co Faci

un iz
m gan
mp lita
reh te



FIGURE 8.2 Importance of audiovisual aids.

• Comprehension: Not everyone understands concepts and information at the same rate. Some
people can understand messages quickly while others need help to grasp what is being said.
Audiovisual aids are a way of further explanation. If some people are more visual than audio
learners, the visual aids may be necessary for comprehension. Audiovisual aids create repetition
and the more repetition in communication, the greater the chances are that your audience will
understand and remember effectively.
• Create a focal point: Audiovisual aids help a speaker stay on track. If there is one central
visual aid that the speaker can use, then the speaker’s thoughts and the audience’s attention will
stay on course. There is nothing worse than listening to a speaker ramble and lose the audience.
Audiovisual aids assist in avoiding such a scenario.

Purposes of audiovisual aids

Audiovisual aids enhance clarity in communication, provide diversity in the methods of teaching and
increase the forcefulness of the subjects being learned or taught. Furthermore, students get direct
experience of real-life situations or direct sensory experiences or symbolic experiences through the
use of audiovisual aids. Moreover, some essential purposes of the audiovisual aids are as follows:
• They help in effective perceptual and conceptual learning.
• They are helpful in capturing and sustaining the attention of students.
• They are helpful in new learning. New things are interpreted in terms of past experiences.

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298 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Imagery helps preserve and clarify past experiences and provides near realistic experience.
• They increase and sustain attention, concentration and the personal involvement of students in
actual learning.
• They create interest, secure attention and motivate students to learn.
• It is easier to understand any given concept through the use of sensory aids.
• They help in saving energy and time of both the teachers and students.
• They give the student an opportunity to touch, feel and see a model, map, picture or specimen
and provide a sensory stimulus to enhance learning.
• They provide for purposeful self-activity and student participation.
• They help provide concreteness, realism and lifelikeness in the teaching–learning process.
• Pictures are helpful in studying concrete reality to gain actual meaning.
• They help explicate and increase the meaningfulness of abstract concepts.
• Concrete experience helps combat the tendency to abstractness.
• Visual materials give definite meaning to words.
• They bring remote events of either space or time into the classroom.
• They serve as an open window through which the student can view the world or its entire phenomenon.
• They introduce an opportunity for situational or field type of learning as contrasted with the
linear order verbal and written communication.
• It provides direct experience to the student in the clinical setting and observation experience
through field trips or such other media.
• They provide, facilitate and advance the process of applying what is learned to realistic perform-
ance and life situations.
• They can meet individual demands.
• They are useful for the education of masses.

Characteristics of a good audiovisual aid

An audiovisual aid must posses the following basic characteristics to be an effective aid for the
teaching–learning process;
• Meaningful and purposeful: An audiovisual aid can be only considered good if it is meaning-
ful and purposeful for the particular teaching–learning process. Very attractive and expensive
teaching aids may not have any value until and unless they are meaningful and purposeful for
the teacher–taught activity. For example, a tiny tot can be taught the preliminary things with
real-life specimens easily rather than with expensive computerized teaching tools.

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Audiovisual aids 299

• Motivate the learners: A good audiovisual aid must sufficiently motivate the learner so that he
can achieve learning swiftly, quickly and promptly. Until and unless an audiovisual aid motivates
the learner; it cannot be considered effective in spite of all its other appealing characteristics.
• Accurate in every aspect: Each audiovisual aid has its peculiar characteristics and must follow
some set of rules and principles in preparation and use during the teaching–learning process.
Thus, audiovisual aids can only be considered good if they encompass all the essential charac-
teristics and are accurate in all the aspects.
• Simple and cheap: Along with all the essential characteristics, one of the most essential
characteristics of audiovisual aids is their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The simplicity of an
audiovisual aid promotes broader popularity and more adaptability among teachers and learners.
In addition, cost-effectiveness of audiovisual aids enhances its acceptability and practicability.
• Appropriate size: Audiovisual aids used in the teaching–learning process must not be too large
or too small. Very large tools create problems of handling and transpiration, while very small
tools may not enhance learning because of a poor sense triggering ability due to their small size.
• Up to date: Science and technology is an ever progressing field where things are developing
and progressing everyday and old products are becoming outdated. The field of educational
media and technology has also revolutionalized to a great extent in the last few years. Therefore,
educationists must ensure that audiovisual aids are continuously updated so that a pace can be
maintained with other fields. An audiovisual aid can only be considered good if it is up to date
with reference to technology and new principles of practice.
• Easily portable: A good audiovisual tool must have a characteristic of easy portability so that it
can be easily handled and transported where required. Easy portability increases the access of
audiovisual aids as well as prevents damage and discomfort during handling and transportation.
• Customized to the type of educational materials: Every tool does not fit all the educational
material to be delivered. Therefore, educationists must predetermine which tool will be appro-
priate for a particular type of teaching content. Appropriately customized and adapted tools
promote the teaching–learning process.
• Suitable to the mental level of learners: While deciding on a tool to be used for teaching a
particular group of students, their intellectual ability must be considered so that the objective of
the teaching–learning process can be achieved.
• Variety: A teaching aid may be considered good, if it is providing a variety of experiences to the
learner so that actual learning can be achieved more swiftly and promptly.

Sources of audiovisual aids

The development and distribution of audiovisual aids is done by a variety of organizations such
as government, premier educational institutions, professional organizations, nongovernment orga-
nizations (NGOs), national and international voluntary organizations and commercial industry.
Government, premier educational institutions, professional organizations, NGOs, national and
international voluntary organizations are generally involved in the preparation and distribution

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300 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

of the audiovisual aids used for mass communication and education. However, for the educational
institutions audiovisual aids are generally supplied by the government, premier educational
institutions and commercial companies producing the audiovisual aids. A brief discussion of each
of these sources is given below (Fig. 8.3).
• Government: The central or state government has two main departments: department of com-
munication, broadcasting and mass media and the department of education, regularly involved
in the development and distribution of audiovisual aids for different purposes. The department of
communication, broadcasting and mass media is generally planning, preparing and disseminating
the audiovisual aids required for mass communication rather than educational institutional media.
On the other hand, the department of education has its focus on planning, preparing, developing
and disseminating the educational material and media to educational institutions. The experts in
these departments make use of latest research and technology developments for designing and
disseminating educational aids to the different departments and educational institutions.
• Educational organizations: Some premier educational institutions have experts involved in
regular research and development for generating new empirical evidences for the effectiveness of
different teaching tools. These institutions are given the responsibility to use the latest innovations
in the development of teaching aids and distribute them to the educational institutions as required.
• Professional organizations: Some professional organizations involved in using the latest technol-
ogy towards the development of the most technocratic audiovisual aids may be a source of supply
of audiovisual aids. These institutions are involved in the research and development of the most suit-
able audiovisual aids using technology that meets the latest requirements of educational institutions.
• NGOs: Some NGOs are also acting as a good source of developing and supplying the educa-
tional media. However, these NGOs are usually involved in developing and distributing the
educational media to organizations engaged in
providing mass education but they may also be

a source of educational media for educational E

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institutions. ani ion

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• National and international voluntary organiza- Professional

tions: Some national and international voluntary organizations
Sources of
organizations provide funds to the educational audiovisual
ment aids
institutions for direct purchase of the audiovisual overn
Nong nizations al
aids or voluntary organizations themselves may orga on
n ati tions
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supply the audiovisual aids to these educational nte iz

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institutions to promote the teaching–learning pro- al y o
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cess. Therefore, educational institutions in need Na volu
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of audiovisual aids may contact these national and

of omm

international voluntary organizations such as World


Health Organization and World Bank.

• Commercial producers of educational materials:
Commercial producers of educational media FIGURE 8.3 Sources of audiovisual aids.

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Audiovisual aids 301

are the most largely accessed source of audiovisual aids. There are a lot of national and
international commercial companies involved in producing and supplying educational media.
Generally, these commercial producers contact the educational institutions themselves or may
advertise for commercial promotion of the products. These commercial companies may be
contacted to demonstrate their products and may later be asked to provide quotations for buy-
ing products. Government educational institutions may receive educational media from different
sources; however, private educational institutions primarily depend on commercial suppliers for
buying audiovisual aids for the teaching–learning process.

Principles for using audiovisual aids

The following principles must be kept in mind for the effective use of audiovisual aids.
• Principle of selection: Selection of an audiovisual aid must be based on the basic characteris-
tics of a learner, teacher, educational material, educational institution and the philosophy and
objectives of the teaching–learning process. The basic characteristics of a learner that should be
considered are age, class, mental ability and interest. For selecting a teaching tool, it must be
ensured that teachers have the knowledge, ability and attitude to use a specific audiovisual aid.
Furthermore, educational media must be selected according to the type of educational content
delivered, resources and readiness of the educational institution. Moreover, educational media
must be the best substitute for the real-life experience.
• Principle of preparation: To promote the efficient use of audiovisual aids, sound preparation is
required in special reference to infrastructure, training of teachers and money for the prepara-
tion and maintenance of audiovisual aids. Primarily, self-made, cost-effective, locally available
and teacher–taught friendly audiovisual aids must be used.
• Principle of physical control: For the efficient use and durability of audiovisual aids, it is neces-
sary to have an appropriate control of the physical environment. For example, a proper place for
storage, appropriate environmental temperature, proper cleanliness, etc. An appropriate physical
control for audiovisual aids in the classroom and institution promotes the working, durability
and hindrance-free use of the audiovisual aids.
• Principle of proper presentation: The presentation of the teaching aid is the operation stage.
The teachers must carefully ensure that the audiovisual aid is in good working condition. They
should acquaint themselves with all the operating systems so that aids can be handled without
any undue discomfort. Furthermore, teaching aids must be presented in a manner that every
student can visualize them with the greatest comfort and it should catch the attention of students
and ultimately enhance learning in the learners.
• Principle of response: Teachers must ensure that students respond to the stimulus provided by
the audiovisual aids so that they can judge the effectiveness of the audiovisual aid in promoting
learning in students. In absence of students’ response, teachers will not be able to evaluate the
effectiveness of the teaching aids in the achievement of educational objectives.
• Principle of evaluation: Evaluation is one of the most essential principles because it conveys
the efficacy of a particular teaching aid. The teachers can modify their plans of audiovisual aids

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302 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

used in light of the results of evaluation of a particular audiovisual aid. Evaluation of audiovisual
aids should be made a regular and continuous process so that timely action can be taken and
educational objectives can be achieved without any undue inconvenience and delay.
• Other miscellaneous principles: Some additional miscellaneous principles for the use of audio-
visual aids are as follows:
• Audiovisual materials should be utilized as an integral part of the educational programme.
• Educational aids should be central to the teaching–learning process, under special direction
and leadership in educational objectives.
• An advisory committee must be consulted in the selection and utilization of audiovisual
materials for different group of students.
• Educational aids and educational materials must be mutually flexible so they can be adapted
based on the needs.
• Ethical and legal aspects should be considered in the production and the utilization of educa-
tional communication media.

Types of audiovisual aids

Edgar Dalt’s cone of experience is the most fundamental explanation to understand the types of
audiovisual aids (Fig. 8.4). A basic classification of the types of different audiovisual aids is given
below. Furthermore, a comprehensive description of selected types of audiovisual aids with guide-
lines for effective use is presented in a later section (page 358; Table 8.1).
A) Comprehensive Classification Based on the Mode of Presentation
I. Auditory Aids
– Radio – Tape and disc recordings – Mike (Public address system)
– Phonograms – Megaphone – Microphone
– Gramophone – Language laboratories – Tape recorder
II. Nonprojected/Unprojected Visual Aids: included both graphical and display aids
– Models – Pictures – Charts
– Flannel boards – Graphs – Chalkboards
– Cartoons and comics – Maps – Photographs
– Flash cards – Illustrations – Posters and printed media
III. Projected Visual Aids
– Epidiascope – Slide projector – Overhead projector
– Film projector – Opaque projector – LCD (Liquid crystal display)
IV. Audiovisual Aids
– Television, VCR/VCD – Video and camera – Sound-motion pictures
V. Activity Aid
– Field trips – Model making – Collection of material
– Exhibition – Demonstration – Computer assisted instructions
– Programmed instructions
VI. Traditional Media
– Puppets – Dramas – Folk songs and folk dance

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Graphical teaching aids 303

B) Microscopic Divisional Classification Based on the Mode of Presentation

Classification of audiovisual aids

Projected aids Nonprojected aids

Silent projected aids Sound projected aids

• Overhead projector • Videos
• Epidiascope • Motion pictures
• Slide projector
• Film projector

Graphic aids Display aids Three-dimensional aids Printed aids

• Pictures • Chalkboard • Specimens • Pamphlets
• Charts • Bulletin board • Model • Leaflets
• Maps • Flannel board • Mock-ups • Handouts
• Diagrams • Magnetic board • Globes
• Graphs • Puppets
• Puppets • Exhibition
• Comics • Museum Equipment aids
• Photographs
• Flash cards
• Posters
• Atlas
• Cartoon Audio aids Audiovisual aids Activity aids
• Radio • Television • CAI
• Tape recorder • Camera • Demonstrations
• Public address • Microscope • Dramatics
system • Computers • Programmed instructions
• Field trips

C) Types of Audiovisual Aids Based on the Size of Media

Big Media Little Media

– Computer – Radio - Filmstrips
– VCR/VCD – Graphic - Audio cassettes
– Television – And other visuals


The word graphics is derived from the Greek word graphikos that means visual presentations
on some surface such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper or stone to brand, inform, illustrate
or entertain. Graphics can be functional or artistic. The latter can be a recorded version, such as a

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304 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Verbal Words–words–words
Chalkboard Least effective method
Coloured chalks
Display board Static
Section model
Working model

Effectiveness increases


Slide projector (black and white) Projected

teaching aids
Coloured slides

Filmstrip projection More effective than

Overhead projector method
Motion picture (silent), black and white

Motion picture sound (coloured)

Loop (cassette) colour film

CCTV, demonstrations,TV
Experiments experience
Individual doing experiments

Projects, exclusion

Relative effectiveness of teaching aids

FIGURE 8.4 Edgar Dalt’s cone of experience in audiovisual aids.

photograph, or an interpretation by a scientist to highlight the essential features, or an artist,

in which case the distinction with imaginary graphics may become blurred.
The use of graphic aids in the classroom has become an important teaching strategy in educa-
tion. As educators learn more about how to reach all types of learners, the use of graphic aids assists
in differentiating instructions, giving students greater access to content and helping students achieve
greater comprehension of new information. There are multiple graphic aids that can be used in
today’s classroom and motivate students to learn. The most commonly used graphical teaching aids
include chalkboard, chart, graphs, posters, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board and cartoons,
which are discussed below.

A blackboard is any dark-coloured, flat, smooth surface on which one can write or draw with a
chalk (Fig. 8.5). It is one of the oldest and simplest visual aids. A chalkboard is also known as

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Chalkboard/blackboard 305

Date:12-12-12 Topic: Endo-tracheal suctioning

Topic index Rough work

– Definition
– Purposes
– Articles
– Procedure
– Points to

FIGURE 8.5 Chalkboard/blackboard.

a blackboard that is a dark-coloured writing surface especially black or green in colour used for
classroom teaching by writing or drawing illustrations using sticks of chalks. Originally, chalk-
boards were prepared using smooth, thin sheets of slate or stone of black or dark grey colour.
However, in the new era, green coloured blackboards in becoming more popular because of their
better compatibility viewers’ vision.
The chalkboard formerly known as the blackboard is not a material in itself but a vehicle for a
variety of visual materials. In our country, blackboards are mostly black, however, the black colour
has given way to either yellow or olive green in USA and UK. The use of colour in America for the
so-called blackboard has given rise to a new term—the chalkboard. It is documented that the use
of chalkboard in American education was found as early as 1801. The origin of the term blackboard
has been traced to years 1815–1825 while the term chalkboard was coined during the years
It is so much a part of the learning environment that it has become a symbol of education itself.
It does not provide ready-made materials; the teacher makes his own meaning as he uses it. It is not
only a universally available media of visual instruction but also one of the most valuable devices. A
chalkboard is generally installed facing the class which is either built into the wall or fixed or
framed on the wall with a ledge to keep the chalk stick and duster.

Basic characteristics of a chalkboard

The recommended size of chalkboard is 5 × 6 m. For effective use of the chalkboard, the following
characteristics should be considered:
• Surface should be rough enough to hold the chalk particles used for writing on the board.
• Surface should be dull enough to eliminate the glare that hampers the visibility of the writing
• Surface should be such that chalk can be easily removed with a cloth or foam duster.
• Surface should be mounted on appropriate height within the reach of teacher and visibility of

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306 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Purposes of a chalkboard
The main purposes of the blackboard are as follows:
• It makes group instruction more concrete and understandable.
• It can set standards of neatness, accuracy and speed, if used properly.
• It can restore the attention of the group.
• It helps in avoiding many vague statements that can be clarified by drawing sketches, outlines,
diagrams, directions and summaries.
• It initiates aural and visual sensations and helps in learning.
• It can be a means of motivation and interest.
• It can be used for recording the progress and status.
• It provides many educational opportunities in all curricular and cocurricular activities. The
teacher can present facts, principles, processes, procedures, assign individual responsibilities,
write questions, problems, sources and references, summaries, outlines, directions, practice
individual drills or creative work, make graphic demonstrations, screen for still pictures, projec-
tions, symbolic representations and review the total lesson and announcements.
• It can be used to state questions, cite examples of work desired, pose problems and list sources
for study.
• It helps in illustrating forms of charting and providing opportunity for nursing students to prac-
tice charting.
• It helps in clarifying abstract statements at the exposition stage and providing a summary con-
taining the salient features at recapitulation stage.
• It provides a lot of scope for creative and decorative work.
• It helps in starting afresh by erasing writings and drawings.

Types of chalkboard
Blackboards can be fixed or portable and can be made of wood, slate, glass, magnetic materials or
sun mica. The main types of boards are as follows:
• Ordinary chalkboard held by an easel: A portable and adjustable blackboard put on a wooden
easel, can be taken out of the classroom while taking the class in open, useful for teaching art
subjects in a small class.
• Roller type chalkboard with mat surface: This type of chalkboard is very common in secondary,
modern and infant schools. It is made of a thick canvas wrapped on a roller.
• Magnetic board: These boards are made up of PVC materials/sun mica. Small magnets are used
to hold suitable objects fixed whenever they are put on this vertical surface. The teachers can
make three-dimensional demonstrations with objects on a vertical surface.

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Chalkboard/blackboard 307

• Black ceramic unbreakable board: These are framed with aluminium or wooden frames as per
requirement and chalk is used as writing material.

• Black or green glass chalkboard: It is the same as the black ceramic unbreakable board but the
boards are black/green in colour and made up of glass.

• Lobby stand board: A light weight board where the alphabets/figures are interchangeable and
mainly used in lobbies. It is easy to carry and has a stand height of 6 feet.

• Exhibition board: It is easily foldable and expandable and both sides are useable. It is available
in 2 panel, 3 panel and 4 panel where pamphlets and papers can be fixed with pushpins.

• Double-side stand board: In this type of board, one side is whiteboard that is used for marker
writing. The other side is blackboard and is used for chalk piece writing. It is easily moveable
and fixed on a wheel stand.

• Reception board: It is generally used at the reception counters in the corporate sector, hotels,
restaurants, etc. Golden letters are fixed and usually framed by golden coloured aluminium

• Tariff board: It is used at reception counters as a welcome to delegates, at weddings or at hotels

to show price lists.

• Paging board: These are widely used as welcome boards for contacting people at airports and
railway stations.

• Pressing graph perforated board: These perforated boards are commonly used in schools, col-
leges, corporate offices, hospitals and hotels to display essential information. The boards have
either a vertical or horizontal display and have perforations where plastic or metallic alphabets
and/or numbers are deployed. The usual size of these letters or numbers used for display on
these boards range between ¾ and 1½ inches.

• Write and wipe off whiteboard: A whiteboard (also known by the terms marker board, dry-erase
board, dry-wipe board, pen-board and the misnomer grease board) is a name for any glossy,
usually white surface for nonpermanent markings. Whiteboards are analogous to chalkboards,
allowing rapid marking and erasing of markings on their surface.

• Information notice board: Notice boards and pin boards fit nicely into any office environ-
ment where they are suitable and are used for posting notices, timetables and other informa-
tion relating to company news and events. Notices are attached to the boards by pins so that
they can be easily posted and removed. Notice boards and pin boards are also ideal for meet-
ings and conferences for the same reason that it is quick and easy to display information and
images. Notice boards can be used, for instance, for qualitative research purposes such as focus
groups and workshops where images can be arranged quickly for brainstorming and image

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308 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Guidelines for preparing and using a chalkboard

• A blackboard is generally prepared with a piece of plywood about 30 × 40 inch size and painted
with black board paint.
• To carry from one place to another, it is made in two pieces and hinged in the middle.
• When writing on a blackboard, the teacher should stand on the side and not in front.
• The teacher should not turn his back to the audience for a long time.
• The teacher should write the letters and drawings in a large size.
• The teacher should avoid spelling mistakes.
• Writing should be in straight rows.
• The extreme lower corner of the blackboard should not be used as all members cannot see it.
• The teacher should avoid filling the board with words or figures.
• If the teacher has to write many things or make complicated drawings, he/she should write or
draw in advance to save time.
• Abbreviations should not be used.
• Coloured chalks should be used to enhance attraction and clarity in understanding.
• The board should not be cleaned with hands; proper eraser should be used in an up and down
• Before leaving the class, the teacher should make sure the blackboard is clean.

Advantages of a chalkboard
• It is simple to use with little practice.
• It is economical and reusable.
• It is easily available and can be used any time.
• It can be used in a wide variety of ways, for simple outlines, drawings, summary of main points, etc.
• It encourages active doing and seeing on the part of the audience.
• It is a natural supplement to all aids and mistakes can be quickly erased.
• It can be easily used for giving lesson notes to students.

Limitations of a chalkboard
• It cannot preserve written material.
• It cannot be used for a large audience.

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Chart 309

• It requires imagination, initiation, practice and preparation.

• It interrupts communication.
• It becomes smooth and full of glare when used constantly.
• It makes students heavily dependent on the teacher.
• It makes the teacher paced.
• It makes the lesson a dull routine.
• It makes the chalk powder spread, which can be inhaled by the teacher and students.

A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic and numerical
materials, which presents a clear visual summary (Fig. 8.6). It is a
diagnostic representation of facts and ideas. The main function of
the chart is always to show relationships such as comparisons,
relative amounts, developments, processes, classification and
organization. Edgar Dale defines charts as, ‘a visual symbol sum-
marizing, comparing, contrasting or performing other helpful ser-
vices in explaining subject-matter.’

Basic characteristics of a chart

• Size of the chart could vary based on the type and purpose.
However, the standard size of a chart is considered 90 × 60 cm
or 70 × 50 cm.
• Charts can be carefully stored and preserved for use in future. FIGURE 8.6 Chart.
• They have an educational value.
• Usually the charts are teacher made, but students can make it during their presentation as a
visual aid.
• Charts display specific information.
• They are easy to carry and store.

Purposes of chart
Charts are essential educational aids generally used to:
• Present specific facts, figures and their relationships.
• Symbolically present the educational content.

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310 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Illustrate continuity in a process of certain phenomenon.

• Present abstract ideas in visual forms.
• Present structural developments and organizational structures.
• Help in stimulating the thinking process through illustrative presentations.
• Provide students with motivation for learning.
• Show relationships between facts, figures and statistics.
• Summarize the large information so that comprehension of information may be obtained.

Types of charts
The main types of charts used for communication and educational purposes are as follows:
• Flowchart: Diagrams are used to show organiza-
Trouble employee
tional elements/administrative/functional relation-
ship boxes connected with lines to show the levels
of lines of authority (Fig. 8.7). In this chart, lines, Counselling Yes
rectangles, circles or other graphic presentations are Motivate
(improved behaviour)
connected by lines showing the direction of flow.
• Flip chart: A set of charts related to specific topics Warning Yes
that have been tagged together and hung on a sup- Motivate
(improved behaviour)
porting stand (Fig. 8.8). The individual charts carry a
series of related materials or messages in a sequence.
The salient features of specific topics are generally Terminate employee
presented through these charts.
FIGURE 8.7 Flowchart.
• Timetable chart: These are used to show the sched-
ule of an activity or schedule of an individual. For
example, timetable of a class, tour chart. It provides a chrono-
logical framework within which events and developments
may be recorded. They develop a time sense in students and
help them comprehend and visualize the pageant of time and
• Cause and effect chart: This kind of chart shows the arrange-
ment of facts and ideas for expressing the relationship between
rights and responsibilities, or between a complex of conditions
and change or conflict.
• Chain chart: The arrangement of facts and ideas for express-
ing transitions or cycles. FIGURE 8.8 Flip chart.

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Chart 311

• Evolution chart: Facts and ideas for expressing changes in specific items from the starting data
and its projections in the future.
• Striptease chart: Strip chart has some peculiar characteristics such as (1) it enables speakers to
present the information step by step; (2) it increases the interest and imagination of the audi-
ence; (3) the information on the chart is covered with thin paper strips applied either by wax,
tape or sticky substance or pins; (4) as the speaker wishes to visually reinforce a point with
words or symbols, he removes the appropriate strip or paper; and (5) it produces interest and it
increases learning and aids recall.
• Pull chart: It consists of written messages hidden by strips of thick paper. The message can be
shown to the viewer, one after another by pulling out the concealing strips.
• Tabulation chart: It shows the schedule of an activity or of an individual, for example, the
timetable of a class. These are very valuable aids in the teaching situation where the breakdown
of a fact or a statement is to be listed. Also, it is a useful aid for showing points of comparison,
distinction and contrasts between two or more things. While making tabulation charts, a few
points must be kept in mind. The chart should be 50 × 75 cm or more in size and captioned
in bold letters. The vertical columns should be filled with short phrases rather than complete
• Job chart: A job chart includes the major responsibilities of the category of personnel for ready
• Tree chart: Tree charts include the growth and development of specific phenomenons or organi-
zations in a continuous growing process depicted in the form of a tree.
• Overlay chart: These charts consist of illustrated sheets that can be placed one over another
conveniently and in succession. The drawing or illustration on each sheet forms a part of the
whole picture. It enables the viewers to see not only the different parts but also see them against
the total perspective when one is placed over the other. When the final overlay is placed the
ultimate product is exposed to view.

Guidelines for preparing and using charts

• The chart should be of standard size (90 × 60 cm or 70 × 50 cm).
• The size of letters for captions and labels should be 2–3 cm and the line thickness should be
2–3 mm.
• Every detail depicted should be visible to everyone in the class.
• Display material should be contrasted with a background.
• Flat pictures and other material should be enlarged before placing on the chart.
• One chart should display information about one specific area in a subject.

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312 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• It should not contain too many details.

• It should be neat and tidy.
• The chart should be strong enough to stand for other rough use.

Advantages of a chart
• Charts are helpful in summarizing large information on a single paper so that comprehension
and understanding of content can be prompted.
• Illustrative properties of charts catch the attention of students and motivate them for
• The symbolic presentation of information increases quick learning in the learners.

Limitations of a chart
• If the selection of material for preparing charts is not good, they will not last long.
• Takes up a teacher’s time if she has to prepare the chart.
• Charts only emphasize on the key points. This leaves the students in doubt if the clarification
is not clear.
• Charts lose their charm if they contain too much written matter.
• Poor use of colour combination, improper spacing and margins create confusion in the minds
of the students.

Graphs are illustrations to present numerical and statistical data using dots, lines, shapes, colours
and pictures. Graphical presentation is a visual art based on the use of visual symbolic and visual-
abstract forms. They depict numerical, quantitative relationship or statistical data represented in the
form of visual symbols. The common types of graphs are bar graph, line graph, pictorial graphs,
histograms, pie graph and cumulative frequency graph.

Basic characteristics of graphs

The following basic characteristics must be kept in mind while constructing a diagram or graph.
• They must have a title and index.
• The proportion between width and height should be balanced.
• The selection of scale must be appropriate.

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Graphs 313

• Footnotes may be included wherever needed.

• Principle of simplicity must be kept in mind.
• Neatness and cleanliness in the construction of graphs must be ensured.

Purposes of graphs
The main purposes of using graphs in the teaching–learning process are as follows:
• Graphs are one of the most convincing and appealing ways in which statistical results may be
• They give a bird’s eye view of the entire information.
• The are attractive to the eye.
• They have a great memorizing effect on the learners.
• They facilitate comparison of data relating to different periods of time.

Types of graphs
The most commonly used graphs in the teaching–learning process are bar graphs, pie graphs, histo-
grams, frequency polygons, line graphs, cumulative frequency curves and pictorial graphs.
• Bar graphs: It is a convenient graphical device that is particularly useful for displaying nominal
or ordinal data. It is an easy method adopted for visual comparison of the magnitude of different
frequencies. The length of the bars drawn vertically or horizontally indicates the frequency of a
character. The bar charts are called vertical bar charts (or column charts) if the bars are placed
vertically. When the bars are placed horizontally, they are called horizontal bar charts. There
are three types of bar diagrams: simple, multiple and proportional bar diagrams (Fig. 8.9). The
following points to be kept in mind while making a bar diagram:
• The width of bars should be uniform throughout the diagram.
• The gap between one bar and another should be uniform throughout.
• Bars may be vertical or horizontal.
• Line graphs: It shows the relationships and trends of an event occurring over a period of time.
A single line shows the relation and variation in the quantity (Fig. 8.10). The concepts are rep-
resented with the help of lines drawn either horizontally or vertically.
• Pie/sector graph: It is another useful graphical teaching aid for presenting discrete data of
qualitative characteristics such as age group, gender and occupational group in a population
(Fig. 8.11). The whole area of the circle represents the entire data under consideration.

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314 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

No. of peoples

40 72
20 27
Vegetarian Nonvegetarian

Percentage of total world
population and land area

50 60 Land


14 22 20 22
8 9
Asia Africa Europe North

100 North America

population and land

80 Africa
Percentage of

60 Asia



Population Land

FIGURE 8.9 Different types of bar graphs: (a) simple bar graph; (b) multiple bar graph; and (c) proportional bar

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Posters 315


No. of cars sold (in thousands)

500 456 486
402 387
400 417
347 342
300 328 298
200 203

123 in Delhi
in Mumbai
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
FIGURE 8.10 Line graph showing car sale in two cities during 2001–2007.

11% Basketball
Computer games
Listening music
34% 2%
FIGURE 8.11 Pie diagram showing leisure activities in urban children.

• Pictorial graphs: This method is used to impress the frequency of the occurrence of events such
as attacks, deaths, number operations, admissions, accidents and discharge in a population to
the common man (Fig. 8.12).

Limitations of graphs
• Sometime may be quite confusing to a lay man.
• Generally presents only quantitative aspect of data.
• Can be used for presenting only one thing or smaller information at one time.
• They can present only approximate values.

S.L. Ahulawalia says ‘a poster is a pictorial device designed to attract attention and communicate a
story, a fact, an idea, or an image rapidly and clearly.’ In other words, a poster is a ‘placard, usually

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316 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

High economic class

Middle economic class

Below poverty line

(a) (b)
FIGURE 8.12 Pictorial graph showing proportion of people with economic class: (a) developing countries and
(b) developed countries.

pictorial or decorative, utilizing an emotional appeal to convey a

message aimed at reinforcing an attitude or urging a course of action.’
Posters are generally used for conveying a specific message, teaching
a particular thing, giving a general idea, etc. Posters exert great influ-
ence on the observer (Fig. 8.13).
The poster can be further defined as a graphic representation of
some strong emotional appeal that is carried through a combination
of graphic aids like pictures, cartoons lettering and other visual arts
on a placard.
Posters are the graphic aids with short quick and typical messages
with attention capturing paintings.

FIGURE 8.13 Posters.

Characteristics of a good poster
• A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or a vertical surface, and
is typically good substitute for a first-hand experience.

• The ideal size of a poster must be 28 × 22 inches; however the size may vary based on the pur-
pose of poster. For example, conference posters are generally large in size.

• Very effective visual aids, vary from a simple printed card to a complicated and artistic

• There must be minimal use of words, only four to five words.

• The idea or feeling being presented must be original and clearly understandable.

• The layout of the poster must be simple so that it does not distract the student from the main
content of learning.

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Posters 317

• There must appropriate use of colours and fonts:

• Use bold illustrations
• Avoid fancy lettering style
• Proper use of colour
• The poster must be as attractive as possible so that students can be motivated for learning.

Purposes of a poster
Posters are used to:
• Present a single idea or subject forcefully.
• Communicate a more general idea.
• Publicize important school and community events and projects.
• Thrust the message leading to action for the classroom and community.
• Add atmosphere to the classroom.
• Capture attention by some attractive feature and thus convey the message attractively and
• Motivate the learners in the class.
• Leave a strong lasting impression on the learner’s mind.
• Satisfy the viewer emotionally and aesthetically and to create atmospheric effect.

Guidelines for preparing and using a poster

• Promote one point at a time.
• Support local demonstrations and exhibits.
• It should be planned for specified people on a specified topic and a theme should be provided.
• It should have instant appeal.
• It should tell the message in a single glance.
• It should be attractive enough and pleasing colours should be used.
• For headings, bold letters (20 × 30 inch) should be used.
• The language should be easy and simple.
• The most suitable words should be decided upon to provide a title or a slogan.

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318 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• A few layouts should be sketched and the best one should be decided on.
• All needed material should be gathered to prepare the poster.
• Smudge marks should be erased and finishing touches added.
• The poster must be displayed at a place with good provision of light and where a large number
of people can see it.

Advantages of a poster
• Because of its impressive presentation, a poster captivates the eye, regardless of the message
and is capable of being comprehended.
• A poster is a simple and dynamic medium of presenting a message in a compact form.
• A poster tells the story vividly with the desired effect.

Limitations of a poster
• A poster conveys a single theme and does not always give enough information.
• The lettering if not attractive and accurate makes the poster illegible.
• Smudge marks make the posters unattractive and futile.

Flash cards are used for the presentation of an idea
in the form of posters, pictures, words and sen-
tences (Fig. 8.14). A single card or a whole series
may be flashed in front of the class. In other words,
flash cards are a set of pictured paper cards of vary-
ing sizes that are flashed one by one in a logical
sequence. Flash cards can be self-made or com-
mercially prepared and are made up of a chart or
drawing paper or plain paper using colours or ink
on them for drawings.
They aim to develop the power of observation,
identification, quick comprehension and retention.
Flash cards are small, compact cards, approxi-
mately 10 × 12 inches that are flashed before a
group. Each card contains important highlights of
the topic in the form of words, diagram, photo-
graph and illustrations. FIGURE 8.14 Flash cards.

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Flash cards 319

Basic characteristics of flash cards

• Flash cards are small, compact cards of varying size approximately 10 × 12 inches in size.
• They are made out of cardboards or any other thick material.
• They are the simplest of all aids to present topic highlights in the form of words, diagrams,
photographs and illustration.

Purposes of flash cards

Flash cards are generally used for the following purposes:
• The pictorial contents presented in a series are easily recognized by the group.
• They are flashed before the class one by one to bring home an idea.
• Communication of new ideas requires repetitive study methods, drill-work and review of the
discussion that can be achieved through flash cards.
• Provide students with a systematic approach to drill.
• Helpful to teach recognition by sight.
• They are easy to carry.

Guidelines for preparing and using flash cards

• The messages can be brief, simple line drawings or photographs, cartoons and the content is
written in a few lines at the back of each card.
• They are commonly 10 × 12 inches in size.
• Ideally 10–12 cards can be used for one talk. The number of cards should not be less than 3
and more than 20.
• Preparing a picture for each idea which will give visual impact to the idea.
• The height of writing on the flash card is to be approximately 5 cm for better visualization.
• Selection of a topic and the content to be displayed should be planned.
• Illustrations and words should be simple and should give a brief introduction about the lesson
to students.
• The size of the group should not be more than 30 students.
• Arrange the cards in proper sequence.
• Significant points should be pointed out and care should be taken not to cover them with hands.
• Look at the card while the concept is explained from the card.

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320 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Be enthusiastic while explaining the matter.

• Flash the card in front of the class by holding it high with both your hands so that all the students
can see it. Hold the cards at the chest level where people can see clearly; hold against the body
and not in the air.
• Review the lesson by selectively using flash cards.
• Involve the audience in a discussion.

Advantages of flash cards

• They help in the development of cognitive abilities and recognition and recall of students.
• They help to introduce and present topic as well as review the topic.
• They can be used to apply information already gained by students to new situations.
• They can be used for drill and practice in the elementary class.
• They emphasise important points.
• They are very cost-effective because they can be prepared on simple papers.
• They are easy to make, require only hard papers and pens.
• They can work as a useful supplementary aid and can be effectively used with other materials.

Limitations of flash cards

• If used for a prolonged period, they become boring for students.
• The students cannot get a complete view of the concept, as the points are flashed one by one.
• They need to be carefully stored and prevent bending.
• They are ineffective for large groups.
• They are time consuming and cannot include the whole topic of presentation. Only a part of a
topic can be presented through flash cards.


The flannel board or felt board is a piece of rigid material covered with cotton flannel, wool, suede
cloth or paper (Fig. 8.15). A piece of rough flannel or khadi fixed over a wooden board provides an
excellent background for displaying cut-out pictures, graphs, drawing and other illustrations. The
cut-out pictures and other illustrations are provided with a rough surface at the back by pasting
pieces of sand paper, felt or rough cloth. They adhere at once when put on the flannel. It is a very
cheap medium, easy to transport and promotes thought and criticism.

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Flannel board 321

Preparing flannel board

The following articles and steps are required for preparing
the flannel board:
Articles required:
• A piece of plywood, cardboard or poster board
• A piece of flannel large enough to cover the board
• A pair of scissors
• Duct tape (or a staple gun or upholstery tacks if using
a plywood) FIGURE 8.15 Flannel boards.

• Felt squares to make shapes and other cut-outs

Preparation procedure:
• Wrap the piece of flannel around the board you have chosen.
• Secure all edges around the back side with the duct tape, staples or tacks.
• The items to be displayed should also be pasted with the same flannel on back side which keeps
it adherent to the board without visible support.

Purposes of a flannel board

The purposes of using flannel boards are given below.
• They can be used throughout the discussion whenever the needed item can be placed and
explained on (if the purpose is served the item has to be removed).
• They help improve the visual artefact of the written content or illustrations to a large group of
• They also facilitate the illustrative presentation of written content for easy understanding.
• Their use facilitate the auditory, visual and kinaesthetic learning.
• Auditory: The learners can hear the content displayed on the board read by someone.
• Visual: The learners can visualize the displayed content on the flannel board.
• Kinaesthetic: They also can display pieces of information on the board.
• They are generally used as a bridge between the books and in story time programmes.
• They add variety to the storyline.
• They help communicate the idea in an effective manner.
• They describe the way of doing a particular item.

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322 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• They motivate the learner.

• They add variety to classroom activity.
• They intensify the impressions and vitalize the instructions.
• They provide information.
• They supplement and correlate information so saves time.

Guidelines for using a flannel board

• The contents of the board should be organized around the central theme.
• Appearance must be neat and orderly.
• The material should be displayed in an attractive manner.
• Avoid overcrowding on the board.
• It should be clearly seen by the group members.
• The displayed pictures should be sufficiently large in size.
• Remove the picture as soon as their purpose is over.

Advantages of a flannel board

• Makes concepts easy to understand.
• Effectively used for small groups.
• Saves time during the presentation.
• Keeps students well motivated.

Limitations of a flannel board

• Cannot be used for large groups.
• Needs more preparatory time.


A bulletin board is a display board that shows the visual learning material on a specific subject. It is
a soft board that holds pins or tags. It is a simple device placed either indoors or outdoors. Items like
photographs, publications, posters, newspaper cut-outs are generally displayed (Fig. 8.16).
A bulletin board also known as a pin board or a notice board is a place where people can leave
public messages, for example, to advertise things, to buy or sell, announce events or provide infor-
mation. Dormitory corridors, well-trafficked hallways, lobbies and freestanding kiosks often have

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Bulletin board 323


FIGURE 8.16 Bulletin board.

cork boards attached to facilitate the posting of notices. At some universities, lamp posts, bollards,
trees and walls often become impromptu posting sites in areas where official boards are sparse in
The items that can be displayed on the bulletin boards are photographs, CD covers, book jackets,
news stories, sketches, newspaper and magazine clippings, drawings, cartoons, specimens, real
objects, posters, poems, greeting cards, thoughts and even jokes.

Basic characteristics of bulletin boards

• They can be framed soft boards or straw boards or cork boards.
• Their size depends on the purpose.
• Dark blazer cloth works as a back drop.
• The height should be one meter above the ground.

Purposes of bulletin boards

Bulletin boards are used for the following purposes:
• Communication of ideas
• Giving correct initial impression
• Broaden the sensory experience
• Intensify impressions
• Vitalize instructions
• Add variety to classroom activity

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324 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Provide information
• Supplement and correlate instructions
• Save time
• Help students learn how to communicate ideas visually
• Facilitate class study of single copy material
• Encourage participation
• Provide a review

Types of bulletin boards

• Felt board
• Magnetic board
• Fixed type
• Movable type
• Folded type

Guidelines for preparing and using bulletin boards

• Thumbnail sketches: Make several and then select one.
• Procurement of material on a given subject.
• Sorting out relevant material.
• Decide on a theme: Words should catch attention of viewers.
• Use of attention-directing devices.
• Should be displayed in an aesthetic manner and the area should be well lighted.
• Should be kept a little above eye level.
• Place the bulletin board near the doorway.
• The content of a bulletin board should be organized around a central theme.
• Title of the topic must be fixed at the top and the material placed should be appropriately dated
and revised from time to time.
• The material should be organized properly by dividing the board, overcrowding of content must
be avoided.

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Cartoons 325

• The board must have a neat, ordered and attractive appearance.

• Give due thoughts to eye catching leads.
• Make special reference during course of study.
• Students can be asked to collect display material.
• The content on the board should be changed regularly.
• There should be a separate board for posting routine notices of the institution.
• A bulletin board committee is responsible for editing the board from time to time.
• Do not leave the board for long after the teaching purpose is over.
• Take down displays from the board, return the borrowed items and file useful material.

Advantages of bulletin boards

• Display can be effectively used as a follow-up of chalkboard work.
• Adds colour and liveliness in communicating the message to the audience.
• Good supplement for other teaching aids.
• Introduces a new topic to a large number of people.
• Explains important events, reports and special activities.

Limitations of bulletin boards

• Not effective for illiterate groups.
• Takes a lot of time for preplanning and preparation.
• Cannot be used for an all inclusive teaching.
• Has to be used as a supplementary aid to other teaching aids.
• Collection of relevant materials for certain topics may sometimes be difficult.

A cartoon is a humorous caricature which gives a subtle message. In a cartoon, the features of
objects and people are exaggerated along with their general symbols. In short, a cartoon is a figura-
tive and subtle graphic aid. It is a metaphoric representation of reality and makes learning, more
interesting and effective as it creates a strong appeal to the emotions. A cartoon is an interpretative
illustration which uses symbols to portray an opinion, a scene or a situation (Fig. 8.17).
Cartoons are a novel way of using pictures or symbols for presenting a message or a point of view
concerning a personality, news, situation or an event. They are more attention drawing and providing

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326 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

a lot of imagination, particularly on current happenings, in a small

space. They are blended with humour and satire.

Basic characteristics of cartoons

• Cartoons should be of appropriate size so that everyone can see
them and understand the message appropriately.
• Cartoons must be drawn according to the age and educational level
of the learners to ensure their appropriateness for the target group.
• The symbols used in cartoons must be clear and understandable.
• Use of text must be minimal and should be meaningful.
FIGURE 8.17 Cartoon.
• Cartoons should be self-explanatory and instructive.
• Cartoons should be funny, interesting and humorous.

Purposes of cartoons
The main purposes of cartoons in the teaching–learning process are as follows:
• They are primarily designed for capturing the attention of the targeted group.
• They are successful tools for student motivation and the promotion of learning.
• They create humour and fantasy among the learners so educational stress can be minimized.
• A single cartoon can easily present multiple ideas and concepts.
• They trigger innovative thinking in the learners.
• They can present educational content in an interesting manner.

Advantages of cartoons
• Cartoons are humorous caricatures so they capture the attention of the learners and prevent
boredom among them.
• They are quite successful in motivating the learning and messages can be easily understood by
the learners.
• They can easily present multiple ideas and concepts to the learners.

Limitations of cartoons
• A skilled specialist is required to prepare educational cartoons.
• Many educational topics can be presented only through cartoons.

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Objects and specimens 327

• Cartoons as educational aids may sometimes distract the students from the main learning
purpose and objectives.


Three-dimensional aids are considered good substitutes of real objectives. A variety of three-
dimensional audiovisual aids are also known as realia. They are used to substitute the real objec-
tives so that students can get the experience of real objectives in their natural setting. Sometimes it
is not possible to provide a real object experience, in these cases the three-dimensional aids could
be the best option to be used as a teaching tool. For example, a teacher can use a model of the heart
to teach about the heart’s anatomy; when real body dissection is not possible. On the other hand,
sometimes real-life objectives could be too large or expensive to bring into the classroom, then the
three-dimensional audiovisual objectives may be a good alternative. Three-dimensional objects
stimulate the imagination, thinking and abstraction in the students by offering first-hand experi-
ences about real-life situations. Some of the main three-dimensional audiovisual aids, i.e. objects
and specimens, models, puppets, exhibitions, museums and dioramas, which are discussed below.


A collection of real things for instructional use refers to
objects. A specimen is a sample of the real object or material.
Objects and specimens should be mounted in shallow boxes
in an artistic way and the boxes should be covered with cel-
lophane paper (Fig. 8.18). Also each object or specimen
should be labelled using self-adhesive paper.
While using the specimen and objects as teaching aids, a
teacher must keep the following points in mind: FIGURE 8.18 Specimen.

• Planning of the object or specimen display should be

such that a simple and direct visualization of the object or specimen is possible by all the learn-
ers with a great level of ease.

• The display of object or specimen must be supplemented with an active question–answer ses-
sion, so that the teacher can be sure that students have clearly understood the object or specimen
under observation.

• The teacher must provide details of the structure of an object or specimen under display and
offer clarification when and where needed.
• The teacher must ensure feedback and further practice so that students can learn the object or
specimen thoroughly under observation.

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328 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Sources of objects and specimens

• Local markets.

• Manufacturers and factories.

• Discarded material from houses.

• Specimens found in nature can be collected by students from field trips and nature hunts.

• Plaster casts can be purchased.

• Wild flowers, leaves, shells, stones, butterflies, moths and insects can also be procured.

Advantages of objects and specimens

• Collection of objects and specimens by students requires interaction with others leading to the
development of social skills and values.

• When students collect and display objects and specimens, they derive satisfaction of contribut-
ing something worthwhile to the school and the teacher.

• The student’s power of observation and first-hand experience is enhanced by the collection of
objects and specimens.

• Student’s personal collection of objects and specimens can be a good source of doing investiga-
tory projects.

• Collection of objects and specimens becomes an interesting educational pursuit of the teacher
and the students alike.

• They arouse some interest in students for learning.

• They involve all the five senses in the process of learning.

• They heighten the reality in the classroom.

A model is a recognizable representation of a real thing three dimensionally, that is height, width,
and depth is felt as reality. In other words, a model is a life size miniature or over size or original
size whether workable or not, whether it differs from or not from original size of an object to be
studied, which is very useful in teaching (Fig. 8.19).
Further, a model means imitation, replica and copy of the real-life object. However, if the model
is larger or smaller than the real thing, the students should be given a clear idea of its actual size.
In some cases, models are oversimplified, such models should be used with great caution.

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Models 329

Purposes of models
Models are useful and necessary because
• The real thing may not be available in that season or may be far
away from the institute.
• The real thing may be too big to be brought to the institute.
• The real thing may be too dangerous to be felt or handled by the
• The real thing may be too expensive.
• The real thing may be too small to be seen at all or seen properly.
Other core purposes of models used as teaching aids are as follows: FIGURE 8.19 Model.

• Models simplify reality.

• Models help in clarifying the abstract concept of knowledge.
• They also facilitate visualization and learning of the large objects. It is generally not possible
to visualize at one snapshot.
• Models also offer a clear and correct concept of invariably large real objects such as a dam,
bridge and mountain, etc.
• Furthermore, functional models also help in understanding the real working of various objects,
instruments and machines.
• Promotes creative interest in students.

Types of models
• Solid models: They are a replica of an original thing made with suitable material such as clay,
plaster of Paris, wood, iron, etc., to show the external parts of thing. For example, a globe, clay
model of a human or animal.
• Cutaway and x-ray models: They are the replicas of the original things to show their internal
parts. They show how something looks from inside. There are many situations particularly in
technical subjects and in the study of hygiene where it is necessary to see the interior of an
organ or a machine to understand how it works. Cross-sectional models are difficult to make in
the classroom or institutions as they require expertise to construct them. For example, a cross-
sectional model of the human body.
• Working models: These models are either actual working things or miniature replicas for
illustration of an operation. In some lessons, working models that show how things function or
operate in a simple way are very helpful. In many cases, they are used in place of real articles

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330 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

because they are easier to understand. For example, a motor, a generator or a model showing
blood flow in the body.
• Sand models: Sand models are made by using sand, clay and saw dust. For example, a tribal
village or a forest area.
• Scale models: In some study situations, we need a correct representation of things through
exactness of a scale. Small-scale models of the Damodar valley and other projects help students
as well as others form a good idea of big enterprises. Further, a scale is one measurement that
represents another value of measurement. For example, architects may use a scale of ¼-inch = 1
foot for construction drawings. At this scale, a building of 100 feet on each side could be rep-
resented as a 25-inch square.
• Simplified models: There are, however, many learning situations in which models that show
the external form of an object roughly are required. The animals, birds, fish which children of
primary schools make out of clay, sand or straw have great educational value.

Essential qualities of a model

A model must have the following qualities:
• Usefulness
• Accuracy
• Simplicity
• Utility
• Solidity
• Ingenuity

Advantages of models
• Models heighten the reality of things and make learning direct and meaningful as they are three-
• Models illustrate the application side of certain principles and laws.
• Models explain complex and intricate operations in a simplified way and thus make comprehen-
sion easier.
• Models are long lasting and ultimately work out to be cheaper teaching aids.
• Still models are easy to make with the help of discarded materials like empty boxes, pins, clips,
nails and clay.
• Models should be reasonable in size and convenient to handle.
• Models involve the use of all the five senses and make learning effective.

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Puppets 331

Limitations of models
• They require expertise to make.
• They are time consuming.
• Some models may be very expensive.

One of the old and popular arts in Indian villages is puppetry. Puppetry is an education cum enter-
taining aid where puppets are manipulated by the performer (Fig. 8.20). In writing or selecting a
puppet play, the age, background and tastes of students should be taken into consideration. A short
puppet play is always preferable.
A puppet is a manipulative doll dressed as a character and the performer is a person termed as a
puppeteer. A good puppeteer has to blend his art with dramatization to produce the desired effect.
It is used as an effective teaching aid for languages and social sciences.

Types of puppets
• String or marionette puppets: Marionettes consist of puppets
with hinged body parts which are controlled by nine strings
producing the required movements in the puppet. These puppets
are mainly manipulated by professional puppeteers.
• Stick puppets: Stick puppets are painted cut-outs attached by
sticks. The actions of these puppets are manipulated by the
teacher and students by hiding behind a screen so that only the
puppets are visible to the audience or the class.
• Shadow puppets: Shadow puppets are silhouettes of cardboard
that produce shadows on a white screen. The motion of these
silhouettes is manipulated by the teacher and students.
• Finger of hand puppets: Hand puppets are round balls painted FIGURE 8.20 Puppets.
as heads with overflowing, colourful costumes. They are worn on
fingers which operate their movements. They are operated from
below the stage.

Advantages of puppets
• They create interest.
• They give knowledge in a brief period.
• They are an effective method in teaching.

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332 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• They motivate students.

• They are easy to carry and operate.

Limitations of puppets
• They need group cooperation and coordination.
• They require skills in preparation and supply.
• Skills are needed for presentation.

Many times in the school, a department of the school or class
puts up their work for showing it to the people outside
the school, such a show is called an exhibition (Fig. 8.21).
The pieces of work done by the students for an exhibition are
called exhibits.

Basic characteristics of an exhibition

FIGURE 8.21 Exhibition.
• The exhibition should have a central theme with a few
subthemes to focus attention to a particular concept.

• The exhibits should be clean and labelled properly.

• The concepts of contrast in colour and size should be used for laying out the exhibitions.

• The exhibits should be so placed so most visitors can see them.

• The place and exhibits should be well lighted.

• Both motion and sound should be utilized to capture the attention and interest of the visitors.
• The exhibition should have some exhibits with operative mechanism such as switches and han-
dles to be operated by the visitors to observe some happenings.

• The exhibition should include a lot of demonstrations as they involve the students and the visi-
tors deeply.

• The exhibition should be able to relate various subject areas to provide integrated learning.

Advantages of an exhibition
• Exhibitions inspire students to learn by doing things themselves and get a sense of involvement.

• Exhibitions give students a sense of accomplishment and achievement.

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Dioramas 333

• Exhibitions develop social skills of communication, cooperation and coordination.

• Exhibitions foster better school community relations and make community members conscious
about the school.

• Exhibitions couple information with pleasure.

• Exhibitions foster creativity in students.

Limitations of an exhibition
• Exhibitions require thorough preparation.
• They are time consuming.
• They require a large amount of funds or budget.

A museum is a building that displays a collection of historical relics, antiques, curiosities, works of
arts, works of science, literature and other artefacts of general interest. Museums can be useful both
for public education and specific classroom instructions.

Setting up a school museum

• Schools should have enough space.
• Take the help of students, collect old and new objects and articles.
• Accept donations from various organizations who donate articles.
• Students can be guided to prepare exhibits for museum.
• All the collected and prepared articles should be displayed and labelled.
• A detailed report book should be maintained giving a brief description of each museum
• The museum rooms should be well lighted.
• It should be clean and well maintained for use.

A diorama is a three-dimensional arrangement of related objects, models and cut-outs to illustrate a
central theme or concept. The objects and models are generally placed in a big box or showcased
with a glass covering and the background is printed with a shade or a scene. For example, a harvest
scene, a planting scene, etc.

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334 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Advantages of dioramas
• They provide a good opportunity to learn.
• They give the appearance of actual things which cannot be brought to the classroom.
• They are interesting and enhance creativity.
• Live things can also be shown in dioramas, for example, an aquarium.
• They provide an opportunity for the students to carry out a creative activity.

Limitations of dioramas
• Sometimes they are not a cost-effective method.
• They need expatriation for preparation.
• They may require a large budget.
• They may sometimes misguide the student if is not a replica of the actual thing.


Printed educational aids have been used since a long time and are found essentially important in
the classroom as well as mass education. However, rapid development in science and technology
has revolutionized the use of educational aids in the teaching–learning process. Today, we have so
many advanced educational aids which are far advanced in technology and usefulness than conven-
tional educational aids. However, conventional educational aids still have their importance in the
teaching–learning process. Some important printed educational aids are pamphlets, handouts, hand-
bills and leaflets. However, this chapter presents the most commonly used printed eductional aids,
i.e. pamphlets and leaflets.

Pamphlets are a type of nonprojected audiovisual aids. A pamphlet is a paper that can be folded into
two or three or five, and the matter can be printed either on a single or on both sides. In other words,
a pamphlet is an unbounded booklet without a hard cover or binding. It may consist of a single sheet
of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourth, or it may consist of a
few pages that are folded in half or stapled at the crease to make a single book. A pamphlet gives a
chance to explain to the people who do not have time to stay and discuss the content of information.
A pamphlet must be self-explanatory (Fig. 8.22).

Purposes of pamphlets
Pamphlets are used for the following purposes:
• To mobilize people to support a cause.
• To advertise a meeting or a specific event.

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Pamphlets 335

• To popularize a slogan or a message.

• Furthermore, pamphlets are used for the following purposes:
• Explain an issue to the community.
• Inform people of their rights.
• Win support for a campaign you are running.
• Win support for any organization’s point of view.

Preparing pamphlets
To prepare a good pamphlet, the following things must be followed:
• Discuss the purpose, the message, the target people and content.
• Discuss the quantity and quality of pamphlets.
• If printing is done on both sides of a pamphlet, each side should FIGURE 8.22 Pamphlet.
have an interesting bold headline to get peoples’ attention.
• Each side should also carry the organization’s logo or name.
• Keep the language simple by avoiding long and complicated sentences.
• The best pamphlets are short and simple.
• All facts should be correct.

Steps for preparing pamphlets

• Initially, the purpose and nature of the pamphlets and the target group must be determined. The
target group may be a general person, professionals such as doctors, nurses, etc.
• The second priority should be to define the dimensions of the pamphlet. The best and most used
size is with the dimensions of 8.5 × 11 inches2.
• Some people, however, choose a larger, smaller and more expensive pamphlet sizes if the budget
can handle it.
• Design the pamphlet by writing the content and identifying the images to be included in the
• Give the pamphlet for proof printing and then check for any mistake, ensure modification, if
• Finally print out the needed pamphlets and distribute them according to the best method.
• Think carefully about the target group before you plan for distribution because different
sectors of people gather in different places, example outside the school gates, factory gates,
public places, etc.

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336 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• The best way of distributing is door to door where a team drops the pamphlets off at each
house in the target area or with newspapers.

Styles for organizing a pamphlet

• Tutorial style: This is the first and the most basic style of pamphlets. It gives information on a
particular subject or explains how something is done.
• Frequently asked question style: This is a very effective technique to get an answer to any
question fast.
• Testimonial style: This is a storytelling mode. A story is narrated about the pamphlet issue.
The concepts are introduced one by one historically. This makes the learning process easier for
most learners.

Advantages of pamphlets
• They are the best method of dissemination of information or a message to larger group of people.
• They save time and recourses in dissemination of information to a large group of people.

Limitations of pamphlets
• The main disadvantage of pamphlets is that they can waste a lot of money and time if printed
pamphlets are not distributed properly.
• Only literate and educated people can be benefited with this educational aid. Furthermore,
because of more written content, they capture less attention.
• They do not ensure that the targeted group has surely paid attention and time to read the

Leaflets are printed educational aids of a single sheet paper folded to make a full page of printed
matter on a single side. A leaflet is commonly referred to as any piece of printed information, which
includes fact sheets, guides, small booklets, brochures and usually distributed for a campaign to
disseminate the information or message to a large population (Fig. 8.23). Leaflets are printed edu-
cational media used to propagate a message to a mass population in a short time.

Types of leaflets
• Persuasive leaflets: Persuasive leaflets are used to spread a message and convince people
through the reason and logic printed in the leaflets.
• Informative leaflets: These leaflets are used to present the facts that are already known to the
people in a target group, and therefore attract and satisfy their curiosity.

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Leaflets 337

• Directive leaflets: As the name suggests, these leaflets are used to

offer special instructions and directions to the people in a target
group which is useful for directing and controlling their activities.

Guidelines for preparing leaflets

• A leaflet must be organized under the following headings:
• Heading: Leaflet heading is the part which is most promi-
nently responsible for catching the attention of people and is
therefore considered as the most important part of the leaf-
let. The heading must be precise, focused on the main theme
and written in eye catching words and colours.
• Subheadings: Leaflet subheadings are essential when the
main heading is not successful in covering the theme of the
main text. Further, subheadings may be required if stress is
FIGURE 8.23 Leaflets.
required on a specific point or used to introduce a new para-
graph in text so that a gap between the main heading and text
can be obtained.
• Text: The text in leaflets must be as brief as possible and should begin with impressive and
interesting sentences to capture the attention of readers. Creditable and verifiable facts must
be presented so that readers can believe in the content and can make use of those facts.
• Pictures: To make the leaflet more eye catching, the pictures are mixed in the text so that it
becomes more easily understandable, interesting and meaningful.
• Good colour combinations and background must be used in organizing the leaflet so that leaflet
could be more attractive and amazing.
• The size of leaflet must be customized so that it is easy to carry and read.
• The written words must be large enough so that everyone including the elderly people with
diminished eyesight may read the content.
• Leaflets must be a good mixture of text, illustrations and pictures so that they become more
interesting for the readers.

Advantages of leaflets
• Leaflets are a good combination of written words, illustrations and pictures so they are more
widely accepted.
• They should have facts to enjoy a high level of credibility and prestige in readers.
• They are considered a permanent source of message which cannot be alerted until and unless
the leaflet is tampered with.

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338 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• A wide range of people may be targeted to spread the message through leaflets.
• A very personal question can also be answered through leaflets which can be read in private.
For example, questions and answers related to safe sexual practices.

Limitations of leaflets
• Illiterate people can be targeted through leaflets to spread a message. They remain deprived of
the message if leaflets are used as an education aid for them.
• Planning, printing and designing the leaflets requires a lot of time, effort, men and money.
• Expert, skilled professional manpower is required for planning and designing leaflets.
• Distribution of leaflet is not an easy task, it requires a strong coordination, efforts, time and money.


The use of projected audiovisual aids is not a very recent phenomenon, however, rapid contribution
of science and technology in the development of newer projecting audiovisual aids has revolution-
ized the field of audiovisual aids. Today, there is an availability of the most technologically advanced
projecting educational aids such as liquid crystal display (LCD) projectors, which are the most
widely media nowadays in educational purposes. The other projected audiovisual media that have
been popular in the educational fraternity are overhead projectors, slide projectors, opaque projec-
tors (epidiascope), television, VCR/VCD, cameras and microscopes. Some valuable projected audio-
visual aids are discussed below, viz. slide projector, overhead projector, opaque projector, filmstrip,
television, video cassette recorder (VCR)/DVD player, camera, microscope and LCD player.

A slide projector is a projecting audiovisual device, where
small sized (about 2 × 2 inches) transparent pictorial or dia-
grammatic slides are arranged in a proper sequence for pre-
sentation on a large screen. Slide projectors were the most
popularly used audiovisual aids in health sciences where
teachers used them during lectures to show still pictures
using slides prepared from photographs, pictures or a spe-
cial diagram (Fig. 8.24).
A slide is a small piece of transparent material on which
a single pictorial image or scene or graphic image has been
photographed or reproduced. Slides are a form of projected
media that are easy to prepare. They are still pictures on a
FIGURE 8.24 Slide projector.
positive film which you can process and mount individually

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Overhead projector 339

yourself or send to a film laboratory. The standard size of the slides is 2 × 2 inches and any 35 mm
camera will make satisfactory slides.
The preparation of slides requires imagination and creative ability and they may be prepared
from diagrams, pictures and photographs generally captured during life experiences or certain
learning experiences such as a picture of a patient with a rare clinical presentation, a specific finding
of a pathological laboratory test and so on. At the time of presentation, slides must be presented in
a sequence of topics so that they may be used appropriately and efficiently during presentation.

Types of slides
• Photographic slides: The ideal size is 2 × 2 inches to 3 × 4 inches. Photographic slides could be
black and white or coloured.
• Handmade slides: Slides used in slide projectors may be hand made using an acetate sheet,
cellophane, etched glass, plain glass or a lumarith.

Advantages of a slide projector

• Requires only filming, processing and mounting by self or laboratory.
• Results in colourful and realistic reproduction of original subject.
• Preparation with any 35 mm camera for most uses.
• Easy to revise and update.
• Easily handled, stored and rearranged for various uses.
• Can be combined with taped narration or can be controlled for time during a discussion.
• May be adapted to group or individual use.

Limitations of a slide projector

• Only diagrams, pictures, photographs and abbreviated text can be presented. It can be used to
present the written descriptive text.
• Slide preparation requires a lot of predevelopmental work such as collecting or taking a snap-
shot of the pictures or photographs.
• This method requires a significant amount of imaginative and creative skills.


The overhead projector (OHP) is mostly used in all audiovisual aids. It projects transparencies with
brilliant screen images suitable for use in a lighted room. The teacher can write or draw diagrams on the
transparency while he teaches; these are projected simultaneously on the screen by the OHP (Fig. 8.25).

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340 CHAPTER 8 Educational media



Focus control


On and off
FIGURE 8.25 Overhead projector.

Purposes of an OHP
• To develop concepts and sequences in a subject matter area.
• To make marginal notes on transparencies for the teacher’s use that can carry without exposing
them to the class.
• To test student performances while other classmates observe.
• To show relationships by means of transparent overlays in contrasting colours.
• To give the illusion of motion in the transparency.

OHP transparencies
• Transparencies are a popular instructional medium. They are simple and easy to prepare and
easy to operate with the OHP which is lightweight.
• A 10 × 10 inch sheet with printed, written or drawn material is placed on the platform of the
projector and a large image is projected on the screen.
• The projector is used from rear to the front of the room with the teacher standing or sitting
beside the projector, facing the student.

Guidelines for making effective transparencies

• Have one main idea on each transparency.
• Include only related figures and diagrams.

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Overhead projector 341

• Ensure that all transparencies are as simple as possible and as easy to read.
• Avoid too much information on any single transparency.
• Use a simple letter style in writing.
• Do not use all capital letters.
• Do not overcrowd the transparency with written content.
• Use diagrams in proportion to its lettering.
• Keep the message clear and simple.
• Emphasize the key messages.
• Use colour and words with discretion.
• Colour can enhance a visual, but can also reduce the effectiveness of the message. Do not over-
use the colours in texts of a transparency.
• Be sure what the transparency says is immediately evident in the transparency in the form of an
illustration to enhance understanding.

Points to remember during an OHP presentation

• Keep the screen above the participants heads (Fig. 8.26).
• Keep the screen in full view of the participants.
• The presenter must make sure that he is not blocking anyone’s
view when presenting.
• Darken the room appropriately by blocking out sunshine and
dimming nearby light.
• Turn the screen off between slides if you are going to talk for
more than two minutes.
• Talk to the audience, not to the screen.
• Switch off the bulb of the OHP when not in use to save electricity FIGURE 8.26 Projector screen.
but the fan must keep running to keep the OHP cool.
• Do not move the OHP when it is in use; it may increase the chances of losing the lamp of the OHP.

Advantages of an OHP
• Permits the teacher to stand in front of the class while using the projector, thus enabling her to
point out features appearing on the screen by pointing to the materials at the projector itself and
at the same time, to observe the students’ reactions to her discussion.
• Gains the students’ attention.

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342 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Permits face-to-face interaction with the students.

• Can be used in daylight with a slight darkening of the room.
• Can present information in systemic developmental sequences.
• Requires limited planning and can be prepared in a variety of inexpensive methods.
• Use of an OHP can be quite cheap and transparencies can be used repeatedly.
• Easily available.
• Easy to operate and handle.

Limitations of an OHP
• Cannot be used in situations of power supply interruptions.
• Requires careful handling as OHP bulbs are very sensitive to power fluctuations and jerky
• Preparing transparencies is a time-consuming process and requires good handwriting abilities.


Opaque projector is also commonly known as epi-
diascope. It can present images or printed matter or
small opaque objects on a screen. Opaque projector
is the only projector on which you can project a vari-
ety of materials like book pages, objects, coins, post-
cards or any other similar flat material that is
nontransparent. The opaque projector will project
and simultaneously enlarge all kinds of written or
pictorial matter directly from the originals in any
sequence derived by the teacher (Fig. 8.27).
It works on the principle of horizontal straight
line projection with a lamp; plane mirror placed at a FIGURE 8.27 Opaque projector.
45 degree angle over the projector reflects the light Source:
so that it passes through the projection lens forming
a magnified image on the screen. This large size projector requires a dark room with a fixed place
because it is not easily movable due to its heavy weight and size.

Advantages of an opaque projector

• Stimulates attention and arouses interest.
• Can project a wide range of materials like stamps, coins and specimens when one copy is available.

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Filmstrips 343

• Can be used for enlarging drawings, pictures and maps.

• Does not require any written or typed materials, handwritten material can be used.
• Helps students retain knowledge for a longer period of time.
• Can be used to review instructional problems.
• Can be used to test knowledge and ability.
• Simple operation.

Limitations of an opaque projector

• Costly equipment, requires careful handling.
• Very large and heavy object, cannot be moved easily to other classrooms or place.
• Needs a dark room for projection.

A filmstrip is a continuous strip of film consisting of indi-
vidual frames or pictures arranged in a sequence usually
with a specific title (Fig. 8.28). In other words, filmstrips
FIGURE 8.28 Filmstrip.
are a sequence of transparent still pictures with individual
frames on a 35 mm film. A tape-recorded narration can be
synchronized with a film strip. Each strip contains between 12 and 18 or more pictures. It is a fixed
sequence of related stills on a roll of a 35 mm or an 8 mm film.
Filmstrips are basically used to present a process in a logical consistency and continuity with
still pictures so that the whole filmstrip makes a complete presentation. Filmstrips are used to
stimulate emotions, build attitudes and point out problems. Filmstrips have been very commonly
used for presenting the still pictures in a sequence and continuity along with verbal or audiotape
explanation to demonstrate common nursing procedures such as bed bath, back care, crutch walk-
ing, intravenous cannulation and nasogastric tube insertion.

Types of filmstrips
• Discussion filmstrip: It is a continuous strip of film consisting of individual frames arranged in
a sequence usually with explanatory titles.
• Sound slide film: It is similar to a filmstrip but instead of explanatory titles or spoken discus-
sion, the recorded explanation is audible and is synchronized with the pictures.

Guidelines for using filmstrips

• Select the filmstrips carefully to meet the needs of the topic to be taught and preview them
before actual presentation.

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344 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• An appropriate and efficient congruence must be established between the filmstrip and the topic
of study. Before starting the presentation of the filmstrip, it must be appropriately introduced so
that the audience is adequately charged to receive the important message.
• The specific details and important points on the filmstrip must be focused by the presenter using
a pointer.
• A part of the filmstrip may be shown again if the content needs to be stressed on or needs more
specific study.

Advantages of filmstrips
• Filmstrips are compact, easy to handle and always in proper sequence.
• They can be supplemented with a recorded audiotape or verbal explanation.
• They are inexpensive when quantity reproduction is required.
• They are useful for group or individual study as the projection rate is controlled by the instructor
or user.
• They are projected with a simple, lightweight equipment.

Limitations of filmstrips
• Preparing the slides is a cumbersome job and requires a lot of effort.
• If the filmstrip is not supplemented with an audiotape, the verbal explanation becomes difficult
to understand, especially to the new learners.

Television (TV) is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that
can be monochrome (black and white) or coloured with accompanying sound. Television is a very
commonly and widely used medium for sharing and disseminating information between large
groups. It is also very popular and widely viewed by different strata of the society because of its
specific feature, the combination of audio and visual technology. Televisions have wide variety of
uses such as entertainment, sharing information and may also be very effective for educational pur-
poses because of their easy and wide accessibility (Fig. 8.29).
The educational use of television was first reported at the State University of Iowa, USA in 1932.
Later, the popularity of television steeply grew and by 1972 it had become a popular medium
for educational instructions. India reportedly started the use of TV in 1959 and in the nineties
the popularity and use of TV grew steeply. Today, TV in India covers more than 70 million
homes giving a viewing population more than 400 million individuals through more than 100

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Television 345

FIGURE 8.29 Television.


Educational uses of television

The instructional television may have the following principal educational uses:
• Television could be interactive (allowing the viewers to interact with the instructor or other stu-
dents live) or passive (airing prerecorded programmes) to share educational material for general
students that are broadcasted at a particular time so that everyone who is interested may view them.
• Television can be used in a classroom setting where either a telecasted or prerecorded pro-
gramme may be displayed for students to supplement traditional learning.
• Television may also be used for teaching students social, cultural, political and religious affairs
of the country by exposing them with the general basic television programmes.
• Television may also be used for behaviour modification through showing specific therapeutic
• Television may also be used for educational entertainment so that students can feel fresh to carry
out the next traditional educational activity.

Advantages of television
Television is a visually stimulating medium and is of interest to children. Therefore, it can be used
to assist reluctant learners by creating interest and removing pressure that can accompany tradi-
tional learning techniques. The main advantages of using television in education are as follows:
• A cost-effective educational media, which is easily available everywhere and large proportion
of students may be covered by a single teacher in interactive television programmes.
• A multiple sensory stimulating educational media (sight and sound), which makes learning
a recreational and leisure activity by providing real experiences in a stimulating way to learn
faster and quicker.

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346 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Television ensures uniformity in learning experience because it offers same basic ideas, infor-
mation techniques to everyone viewing the educational programme.
• Television provides quicker and long-lasting visual and sound impression because it improves
concentration by eliminating the possibilities of environmental distraction.
• Television stimulates and reinforces learning by repetitive presentation of ideas, information
and beliefs to the learner that brings permanent change in the behaviour of an individual.
• Revision and repetition of the same educational programme is possible to telecast, which may
be used to reinforce knowledge to achieve long-lasting learning.
• Real-life impossible experiences are achieved in the classroom through television because the
naturally impossible things such as forests, wild animals and snakes may be brought to the
classroom electronically through television.
• Media for mass education: Television is considered as a good education aid for teaching a large
group because of television’s universal availability.

Limitations of television
• Television educational instructions are generally a one-way process, therefore doubts of the
students cannot be clarified.
• It is not a student-centric approach, where instructions are prepared and are not flexible to be
moulded according to the situation of a particular group of students in a classroom.
• Underprivileged group of students in schools where television is not available remain deprived
of these educational programmes.
• School schedules have to be customized according to the telecast schedule of television educa-
tional programmes.


The video cassette recorder is an electromechanical educa-
tional medium which constitutes of an electronic machine,
prerecorded video cassettes and the television screen for
display (Fig. 8.30). This educational medium is considered
as a useful teaching aid because preplanned tailor-made
FIGURE 8.30 Video cassette recorder.
teaching programmes may be prepared and used as and
when required for multiple times with audio as well video
stimulation for the learners. Gradually with the development of science and technology, the conven-
tional VCR has been replaced by more sophisticated electronic advanced VCD players because of
their handiness and cost factors.

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Camera 347

Educational uses of VCR / VCD player

The VCR and the VCD player are considered as potential educational media for learning a wide
range of motor, intellectual, cognitive, and interpersonal and affective skills. These audiovisual
educational media have certain specific qualities to bring visual and auditory stimulus, which finally
leads to a permanent memory impact and learning. They are used for a wide range of educational
purposes ranging from simple classroom content delivery to facilitating distance education.

Advantages of VCR / VCD player

• Easy to access and use for educational purposes.
• Multiple use and repetition of the same content several times is possible.
• They can be used in daylight in the classroom without any special preparation.
• Recording and playing content does not require any special skills and techniques.
• Combines the advantages of both the motion pictures and a tape recorder.

Limitations of VCR / VCD player

• Older playback equipments are bulky and large to transport to different situations.
• Power supply is mandatory to run these equipments, without power supply they do not have
any use.
• Recorded content cannot be edited in basic equipments.
• Good quality video recording is a time consuming and cumbersome task.

Camera is an electromechanical device capable of
recording and storage of still or movable images
(Fig. 8.31). The camera is the most commonly used
device in medical and nursing education. The use of
camera has further increased with the availability of
more advanced assistive education media such as
slide projectors, film projectors and LCD projectors,
where images taken from real clinical practice are
used to educate students using the abovementioned
assistive educational devices. The emergence of
the digital camera has significantly influenced the
use of camera in medical and nursing education
because the user may obtain any image and can FIGURE 8.31 Camera.
instantly use the image for teaching. Source:

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348 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Educational uses of camera

The camera is very widely and significantly used in education; some of the most essential uses of a
camera in education are as follows:
• Cameras can improve the teaching presentation by making it more illustrative by adding the
images obtained through the camera.
• Some of the images of the patients’ rarer clinical issues may be obtained and published to edu-
cate other people in the profession.
• Pursuing regular photography and making use of relevant images for teaching purpose.
• Assisting students in special education and autistic applications.
• Providing close up, macro or micro views of objects, plants or animals.
• Enhancing slideshows or presentations by incorporating current relevant pictures from own
• Encouraging effort through immediate recognition of achievement.
• Recording student progress (including difficult-to-record evidence for process outcomes).
• Analysing physical education activities through photography.
• Recording sequences of events in science experiments (e.g. lifecycles, motion, etc.).

Some real-world examples of camera use in education

• Using camera for obtaining images of an advanced nursing procedure to disseminate knowledge
to people sitting at remote places through telenursing.
• A nurse may monitor the progress of bedsore heeling in a diabetic patient by taking images at
different intervals and the same may also be used for teaching the nursing students about the
process of bedsore wound healing in a diabetic patient.
• A surgeon may take a few images of a rarer surgical procedure and may use these for publica-
tion, presentation in a conference and teaching students.

The word microscope is derived from the Greek word mikrós meaning ‘small’ and ‘to look’ or ‘see’.
It is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye (Fig. 8.32). The microscope
is a device used for visualization of objects or living things such as tissue samples, microorganisms,
micro-objects and so on, which cannot be seen by naked eyes. In health sciences, a microscope is
the most commonly used teaching device for preclinical and paraclinical subjects such as anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and genetics. The initial microscope used for

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LCD projector 349

diagnostic and teaching purposes was the optical microscope

where light was used to image the sample. Other advanced
microscopes used for medical diagnostic tests and teaching
are transmission electron microscope, scanning electron
microscope and scanning probe microscope.

Uses of microscope in nursing and medical education

• The microscope has played a significant role in nursing
and medical education; microscope is used for teaching
anatomy, physiology, microbiology and pathology to
medical and nursing students.
• Microscopes are used in diagnostic laboratories to carry FIGURE 8.32 Microscope.
out tests, ranging from the simple blood test to the com- Source:
plex histo-pathological or genetic test, where students
can be practically taught through showing live slides of the disease diagnostic tests. This live
practical experience helps them comprehend the theory more conveniently and easily.
• Today, microscopes are used to produce and develop pictures of diagnostic findings, which
could be used for teaching in classrooms.


An LCD projector is a type of video projector for display-
ing video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat
surfaces (Fig. 8.33). The LCD projector was invented by
the New York inventor, Gene Dolgoff, in 1984. LCD pro-
jectors are increasingly being used in meetings, training
sessions, classroom education and visual entertainment.
They appeal to all the sensory organs and the impact is
FIGURE 8.33 LCD projector.
always greater than simple speech.

Types of LCD projectors

According to their size and portability, LCD projectors are classified in the following three
• Ultralight portable projectors
• Conference room projectors
• Fixed installation projectors

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350 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Guidelines for using LCD projectors

The following guidelines must be followed while using the LCD projector for educational purposes:
• Projection surface: White projecting, the surface should be a neutral colour and best suited for
natural colour tones.
• Setting up the system: The following steps must be followed to set up the LCD projection system:
• The LCD projector must be placed 5–15 feet away from the projection screen, either with a
permanently fixed ceiling or placed on a stable surface.
• Computer/laptop cable should be connected at the back of LCD projector on a video pot and
computer/laptop and projector should be effectively connected (Fig. 8.34).
• The power cable of the projector should be connected to the three-way electrical port which
is grounded.
• Then the lens cap of the projector should be removed.
• The projector should be switched on by pressing the power button on the top of projector
which will lead to a flash of light followed by the projection of image.
• The computer/laptop should then be started. Then the teacher should right click on the desktop
screen and proceed to the graphical properties and graphical output. There, the teacher should
click on the Notebook + Monitor option to have content display on the projection screen and com-
puter/laptop screen both or the same may be done through the keyboard function key and F3 key.
• The content to be projected should be clearly projected on the projection screen. If projection
is not clear then the focus of projection should be fixed using the rings on the lens.
• Further, projection may be adjusted by manipulating the foot of the projector on bottom at
front and back.

Projector screen


FIGURE 8.34 Connecting LCD projector with computer.

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LCD projector 351

• Shutting down the LCD projector:

• To shut off the LCD projector, the power button should be pressed; a message may appear to
check if you actually want to turn off the projector, the power button should be pressed again
and finally projector will turn off.
• The teacher should wait for the projector fan to off before the projector is unplugged from
the electrical port. Also, it must be ensured that the flashing light is off before the projector
is unplugged.
• Warning lights: In addition to the power button light there are two additional warning light
buttons, which are lamp warning light and temperature warning light.
• The blinking of lamp warning light notifies the need of the lamp to be changed.
• The blinking of orange colour temperature status light notifies the need to change the air
filter, and the red colour temperature status light notifies the increased temperature of
the projector and the need to turn off the lamp and allow the running fan to cool the warm
• Additional audio and video devices:
• The projector has several other additional ports to connect VCR, DVD and cameras which
can further improve the utility of the LCD projector in education.

Guidelines for PowerPoint presentations

PowerPoint presentations are the most popular audiovisual aid in the present educational commu-
nity because they are believed to be more interesting and visually attractive. A PowerPoint presenta-
tion is preferred because of its flexibility in both preparation and presentation. The following
guidelines must be followed for the preparation and presentation of PowerPoint presentations:
• Use the horizontal/landscape format for slides.
• Limit the information on each slide to a single topic or idea.
• Use action words and short phrases rather than sentences.
• Pictures, drawings and illustrations make the presentation interesting but as a general rule keep
the slides simple and clear.
• Keep the slide simple and clear without overburdening the slides with special effects and
irrelevant pictures. Irrelevant images and effects may distract the audience.
• Maintain consistency in use of colour throughout the slides and avoid overuse of multiple
colours and graphics.
• Use dark-coloured text on a light background and vice versa. For example, using white or
yellow text on a black background slide.

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352 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Use of bullets instead of numbers is always considered good; only use the numbers to show
sequence or rank of presented content.
• Do not overboard the slide with text; try to keep enough open space around the written text on slide.
• Use the 6 × 6 rule that is 6 lines of text and 6 words per line.
• Ensure the text on the slide is readable. It is recommended to use a minimum of 36 points for
the slide title and 24 points for the body text.
• Ensure the use of standard styles of written text such Arial fonts, which are easily readable.
• Avoid using only uppercase text (CAPITAL), rather, use upper and lower case text, which is
more legible.
• Use contrasting colours to present and highlight specific points but avoid small red text, which
is generally not visible.
• Significant points in text may be presented using bold, italic and large size fonts to ensure
• To make the presentation more interactive, limit the written content and use simple illustrations.
• Do not use multiple animations and transition effects on a single slide. Limit to one or two
animations or transition effects per slide.
• Try developing visual aids that are visually pleasing as well as clear.
• It is generally considered good to limit the number of slides to the number of minutes the pre-
senter has in hand.

Advantages of LCD projectors

• It is a technologically advanced audiovisual aid that can be used for presentation of still slides
as well as videos. Slide show and video can be clubbed together and customized in a single
• It is considered very interesting and visually attractive for the audience.
• Back and forth movement of presenting content can be easily carried out for reinforcing or
recapitalizing the whole presentation.

Limitations of LCD projectors

• It is quite an expensive electronic gadget that is not easy to afford.
• Teachers and faculty require technical skills of computer and PowerPoint presentation while
using LCD projector.
• In case of power failure or technological failure, it may cause a lot of problems, which are very
difficult to manage at the last minute.

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Tape recorder 353


Audio educational aids are popularly known as auditory aids and are considered significantly
important educational aids because of their access, cost-effectiveness and easy operability. Audio
educational aids are very popular in language-learning strategies. The common educational aids that
come under this category are radios, taperecorders and gramophones, and most commonly used is
tape recorder, which is discussed below.

A tape recorder is a portable electronic gadget used to record, reproduce, erase and rerecord sound
on a magnetic tape. This device can be used without any problem by anybody by operating the press
buttons attached to the recorder, viz. stop, play, wind, rewind, record, pause and eject (Fig. 8.35).

Using of a tape recorder in teaching

A record player can be used in the following ways in the actual classroom situation:
• Supplementing a lesson with tape recorder to provide additional information or content.
• Can be used as an appreciation lesson in music or literature class.
• Can be used for students to acquire singing ability, deliver a speech properly and recite a poem
in the right way.
• Can be used for reviewing a lesson already presented.
• A tape recorder can be used for physical exercises, yoga or meditation accompanied with
relevant music.
• It could be used for recording interviews, talks, discussions of various experts, which could be
later used for teaching purposes.

FIGURE 8.35 Tape recorder.

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354 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Guidelines for using a tape recorder in teaching

The following guidelines must be followed for using the tape recorder for educational purposes:
• The teacher must be familiar or practice the basic functioning of the tape recorder before using
it in the classroom setting.
• Proper functioning of the tape and recorded cassette must be ensured by the teacher before final
use in the classroom.
• The teacher must prepare, customize and practice the tape-recorded lesson before use in the
actual classroom.
• The teacher must prepare tape-recorded material and catalogue it properly.
• The teacher may use prerecorded programmes in a tape recorder from previously recorded
actual lessons, radio educational programmes, television programmes, etc.
• The teacher must maintain a tape recorder cassette library on particular subjects which could be
used later by the teacher or other faculty members.

Advantages of a tape recorder

Tape recorder when used for educational purposes has the following advantages:
• Tape recorders are commonly available educational aids that are economical as recording tapes
can be used multiple times and erasing and rerecording is also possible.
• The tape recorder is the most commonly available electronic gadget; therefore, most people are
familiar with its use and functioning.
• A valuable recording can be recoded, stored and used multiple times whenever required.
• In language learning, a tape recorder is very useful because spoken conversation can be recorded
and replayed for correcting the individual.
• Hearing of one’s own recorded voice provides a positive psychic stimulation; therefore, by
using the tape recorder, children may be actively involved in the learning programme.
• Recorded cassettes of interviews or discussion can become an evidence of facts having high
legal value and may be used in case of disputes.


A public address system is an electronic amplification system made up of the tape recorder, ampli-
fier and loudspeaker to distribute the sound to a large group of people. For example, loudspeakers
used for speeches for a large group of people, DJ playing prerecorded music (Fig. 8.36). Small

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Computer 355

public address systems are commonly used in schools and colleges in the auditorium and examina-
tion halls. They may also be used in playgrounds for making announcements and address a large
group of students.

Types of public address systems

• Small public address systems: The simplest
public address system consists of a microphone, a
modestly powered mixer amplifier and one or more
loudspeakers. Simple public address systems of this
type, often provide 50–200 watts of power, are often
used in small venues such as school auditoriums,
churches and small bars. A sound source such as a
CD player or a radio may be connected to a public
address system so that music or sound can be
FIGURE 8.36 Public address systems.
played through the system.
• Large public address systems: Some public address
systems have speakers that cover an entire campus of a college or an industrial site, or an entire
outdoor complex (e.g. an athletic stadium). More often than not, this public address system is
used as a voice alarm system that makes announcements during emergencies to evacuate the
occupants in a building.

A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a
sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed
readily, allowing the computer to solve more than
one kind of problem. A computer is an electronic
machine that can work under the control of stored
programmes, automatically accepting data to pro-
duce the desired results (Fig. 8.37). Conventionally, a
computer comprises two basic components, i.e. hard-
ware and software.
Computers are extremely fast, information pro-
cessing machines. They take a given input, process it
and deliver a certain output. The developments in
microelectronics and transistors have gone so far that
computers are classified in terms of different genera-
tions. The first computer ENIAC (Electronics Numerical
Integrator and Calculator) was invented in 1946. From FIGURE 8.37 Computer.
that point, we have moved into the age of the fifth Source:

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356 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

generation of supercomputer (based on artificial intelligence). In our lives today, however, fourth
generation personal computers are predominantly used. At present, we have the most sophisticated,
handy and modern cost-effective computers that have become an essential part of the education
system. Computers have become an integral part of each discipline of human operation including the
education system because of its specific qualities and characteristics like speed, accuracy, diligence,
versatility, vast memory for storage and automation. Unfortunately, the computer has no brain.

Importance of a computer in education

Educational uses of the computer are concerned with more effective learning with the help of the
computer. In fact, the computer should be regarded as an add-on rather than a replacing device. It is
a technological tool that deserves to be used at the right time, to the right extent and in the right way
to improve what has been learnt using other media and source material. The decision of when, how
and how much computers should be used for learning should ideally be left to the teacher. The edu-
cational applicability of the computer covers almost all subjects ranging from mathematics
(the most structured) to music (one of the least structured). The essential uses of computers in edu-
cation as an educational aid are as follows:
• Computers facilitate active learning in students as they learn through working with computers.
• Computers help in improving the recall ability of learners because of visual impressions.
• They also offer fresh innovative instructional stimuli so that undivided attention of the learner
may be ensured.
• They also enhance interactive learning through constant, systematic and desired feedback.
• The interactive computer system can make the learners more autonomous and help them assume
greater responsibility for their learning by providing individual adaptive instructions supported
by graphics, synthesized speech and modelling software.
• The educational uses of the computer have special significance in distance education because
of economic reasons. The computer enables a large number of students in distance education to
develop new skills at a much lower cost than is possible through the formal learning system. In
distance education, the computer can function as a surrogate for the human tutor even though it
lacks the latter’s intelligence and flexibility.

Advantages of a computer
The certain essential capabilities and qualities that make computers highly suitable for use in educa-
tion and training are as follows:
• Computers help to work in a fast and accurate way.
• They are reliable.
• They save time because they perform operations at a high speed.
• They help in doing repetitive work.
• Ideas can be understood quickly and easily through a presentation.
• Photographs or images can be transferred to computers with the help of a scanner or a digital camera.

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Guidelines for effective use of audiovisual aids 357

• They are used as a voice recognition system.

• They store huge amounts of information in formats such as text, sound, picture, film, etc.
• They take up very little space, usually that of one table; you could also have just a notebook-type
computer on your palm.
• They are portable. One can work on a notebook or laptop computer even while making a trip.
• They are highly interactive and also enable communication from one place to another.
• They are user-friendly and easy to operate.

Disadvantages of a computer
• Computer is not a very cost-effective tool to be used in all educational settings. Everyone cannot
afford the computer for educational purposes.
• Health and safety is crucial to the effective operation of a computer. Stress is widely accepted
as a common and possibly the most dangerous aspect of using a computer.
• Computer use is also associated with physical problems such as musculoskeletal problems, eye
strain and electromagnetic radiation risk of foetus in pregnant women.


The key to using graphics and visual aids effectively requires using them so that they make the
maximum impact (Table 8.1). The principles of using audiovisual aids are as follows:
• Begin the presentation with no aids, as presenters want their audience to be listening to them,
not looking at props, specimens or other visual aids.
• Present the aid at the appropriate point in the presentation and then remove it immediately.
• Present the aid, give audience a few seconds to comprehend it and then comment on the aid.
• Use a pointer, such as a laser pointer, to focus the audience on the part of the graphic that is
being discussed by the presenter.
• Be sure to speak slowly and deliberately as the presenter; explain or use a graphic to avoid
confusing the audience.
• In addition, remember to talk to the audience maintaining eye contact with them, not only to
the visual aid.
• When using slides, tell the audience what they will see, show them the slide, give them time to
digest what they are seeing, then comment on the slide.
• Turn off the projector lamp between slides.
• Do not begin talking about another topic while a slide, depicting a past topic, is still showing.
• Remember people cannot see and listen at the same time.

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358 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Table 8.1 Comprehensive Description of Selected Types of Audiovisual Aids

Types of Standard Essential Characteristics Basic Guidelines for Preparation and Use
Audiovisual Size

Graphic audiovisual aids

1. Charts 90 × 60 cm One chart should display Size of letters for caption, labels should be
or information about one area 2–3 cm
70 × 50 cm Should display specific Every detail depicted should be visible
information Display material should be contrasted
Can be carefully stored and Should not contain too many details
preserved for use in future Should be neat and tidy
2. Graphs Various Principle of simplicity must be Must have a title and index
sizes kept in mind Proportion between width and height must be
based on Give bird’s eye view of entire balanced
purpose information Selection of scale must be appropriate
Attractive to the eye Footnotes should be included wherever
Facilitate comparison of data needed
relating to different periods of Neatness and cleanliness must be ensured
3. Flash cards 10 × 12″ Made out of cardboard Height of writing should be 5 cm
Simple and understandable Size of group should not be more than
10–12 cards can be used for 30 students
one talk Arrange in proper sequence
Message written should be Do not cover content with hands while
brief displaying
Should be held at chest level against body, not
in air
4. Posters 22 × 28″ Minimal use of words (4–5) Use bold illustrations
Presented idea must be simple Avoid fancy lettering
and understandable Attractive and pleasing colours should be used
Must be attractive
Language should be easy and
Display audiovisual aids
1. Chalkboard 5m×6m Surface should be rough and Write letters and drawings in large size
dull Writing should be in straight rows
Mounted on appropriate height Extreme lower corners should not be used
Do not use abbreviations
Coloured chalks can be used to enhance
Avoid spelling mistakes
2. Bulletin Size Framed soft board, straw Words should catch attention
board depends board or cork board Sort out relevant material
on Dark blazer cloth to work as a Title of the topic must be fixed at the top
purpose back drop Should be kept little above the eye level
Height should be 1 m above Place bulletin board near the door
the ground Board must have neat, ordered and attractive
Change the content on the board regularly
Overcrowding of the contents must be avoided

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Guidelines for effective use of audiovisual aids 359

Types of Standard Essential Characteristics Basic Guidelines for Preparation and Use
Audiovisual Size
3. Flannel 1.5 × 1.5 m A piece of rigid material Content should be organized around the
board covered with cotton flannel, central theme.
wool, suede cloth and paper Material should be displayed attractively
The cut-outs are provided Must be neat and orderly
with rough surface at the back Avoid overcrowding on the board
by pasting pieces of sandpaper Displayed material should be of sufficient size
Remove the material as soon as its purpose
is over
Three-dimensional aids
1. Specimen – Boxes should be covered with Plan teaching with certain simple and direct
cellophane paper observation of objects and specimen
Should be mounted in shallow Clarify and emphasize important structural
boxes in an artistic way details
Label each object or specimen Provide review and practice to make learning
2. Model – Three-dimensional Must be of adequate size
Simplifies reality Relevant appearance closely resembling the
Explains the various processes actual organ/object
of objects and machine Material and colours must be of good quality
and appropriate in appearance to illustrate
Must be used for a small group of students so
that presentation and visibility can be enhanced
Ideal models may have written labels for
promotion of self-explanation
3. Puppets – Educational cum entertaining Age, background and taste of the audience
aid should be considered while writing the puppet
Easy to carry and operate play
Material used should be Puppet plays should be short to maintain the
cost-effective and easily interest of audience
available Size of the puppets should be appropriate
Puppeteer should blend his art with
dramatization to produce the desired effect
Local language should be used while narration
of story

• Use colour to influence mood and emotion.

• The colours for type, illustrations and backgrounds influence the way they are perceived. Here
is a basic guide to using colour in presentations:
Red: excitement, alert Purple: dignity, sophistication
Green: growth Yellow: confidence, warmth, wisdom
Blue: truth, trust, justice White: professionalism, new, innocence
Black: authority, strength Orange: action, optimism
Brown: friendliness, warmth Grey: integrity, maturity

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360 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

• Text size: Projected text should be large enough to be read by all viewers (even the people at
the end of the room). Ideally, the following text size must be followed:
• Headline text: 36–44 points
• Subtext: 34–36 points
• Second-level text: 24–28 points
• 28–24 points is a minimum for most situations.
• Font style: Regarding the font style, the following guidelines must be followed:
• Use simple bold running styles of written text content.
• Use only standardized font styles, such as Arial font, which are easily readable.
• Do not use only capital text, they are difficult to read; use both upper and lower case text.
• Images
• Use images to supplement text content, which improves understanding.
• Use images for emphasizing the specific points of the presentation.
• Do not use an image or illustration to fill the space.
• Do not use irrelevant pictures or images with text. Those will rather distract the learner.
• Animation: It is good to use animation in presentations but keep the animations simple and
• Other miscellaneous principles
• The instructional programme should be organized and administered such that the audiovisual
material functions as an integral part of the educational programme.
• The audiovisual education programme should be organized and administered in such a way
that the programme is centralized with a specialized direction and leadership.
• The audiovisual education programme should be flexible. In addition to those education
communication media which are available through purchase, rental or loan, opportunities
should be provided which encourage the teacher to personalize their instruction through the
preparation of their own instructional materials where feasible.
• An advisory committee should be appointed to assist in the selection and coordination of
audiovisual materials.
• Audiovisual materials should be available as and when they are needed if they are to be uti-
lized effectively as an integral part of the curriculum.
– They eliminate frequent duplication of materials.
– Pooling of equipment makes for more frequent and better use of equipment.

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Questions 361

– They are readily available and accessible to the entire instructional staff.
– They provide for space for adequate preparation or production of audiovisual materials.
• Provision should be made for helping the instructors to acquire skills in the use of audiovisual
• Budget appropriation should be made regularly for the audiovisual education programme.
• Evaluation of the audiovisual education programme should be made at regular intervals.
Evaluation of the function and the use of each audiovisual aid should be done continuously.
• Legal aspects should be considered in the production and the utilization of educational com-
munication media.
• Additional presenter tips: A presenter may follow the following tips to make presentation
more successful:
• Arrive early for the presentation so that the presenter can feel psychologically comfortable
and ready.
• Check out the equipment, lights and set-up so that the presentation may proceed smoothly
• Get oriented to rooms, lighting and audiovisual aid for effective operation during needs.
• Brush up on giving your presentation to feel comfortable.
• Give yourself time to feel prepared and confident before the presentation.

1. Discuss audiovisual aids. (NIMS, 2008)
2. Explain the importance of audiovisual aids in teaching in nursing and describe the
principles in use for any two educational aids. (MGU, 2009)
3. Discuss audiovisual aids and their use in teaching; explain with suitable examples.
(RGUHS, 2009)
4. Discuss audiovisual aids in nursing education. (RGUHS, 2007)
5. Discuss blackboard/chalkboard. (BFUHS, 2009)
6. Define audiovisual aids and write the importance of using audiovisual aids in nursing
education. (BFUHS, 2009)
7. Discuss bulletin board and its principles. (RGUHS, 2009)
8. List the various audiovisual aids and discuss how a blackboard is a simple and effective
visual aid used for teaching. (NIMS, 2009)
9. Differentiate between blackboard and bulletin board. (MGU, 2008)

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362 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

10. Discuss educational communication media. (NTRUHS, 2008)

11. Discuss effective use of overhead projector. (BFUHS, 2008)
12. Discuss the role of a teacher in using teaching aids effectively. (RGUHS, 2010)
13. Enumerate the criteria for the selection of audiovisual aids. (RUHS, 2010)
14. Discuss flash cards. (RGUHS, 2010)
15. Discuss the importance of a blackboard. (RGUHS, 2010)
16. List the purposes of audiovisual aids in nursing education and elaborate the advantages of
computer as a teaching aid. (RUHS, 2010)
17. List the types of audiovisual aids and write about three-dimensional aids used in nursing
education. (BFUHS, 2009)
18. Discuss posters. (RGUHS, 2009)
19. Write about projected teaching aids. (RGUHS, 2010)
20. Discuss puppets. (RGUHS, 2010)
21. Discuss slide projectors. (MGRUHS, 2009)
22. Write about tape recorders. (RGUHS, 2010)
23. Explain the uses of a flannel board. (RGUHS, 2010)
24. Discuss the types and advantages and disadvantages of blackboards. (MGUHS, 2009)
25. Discuss the principles in use in audiovisual aids. (MGRUHS, 2008)

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Barron, A. E. (2004). Auditory instruction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Belliveau, P. P., & Perla, R. J. (2007). Antibiogram-derived radial decision trees: Innovative visual educational tools
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Betrancourt, M. (2005). The animation and interactivity principles in multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge
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Bouman, M. (2004). Entertainment-education television drama in the Netherlands. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
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Brett, R. P. (2003). Allocation of support levels to hearing-impaired children: Moving away from using audiometric
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Burn, A., & Durran, J. (2006). Digital anatomies: Analysis as production in media education. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

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Further reading 363

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Chang, C. K. (2004). Constructing a streaming video-based learning forum for collaborative learning. Journal of
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 13(3), 245–63.
Clark, R. C. (2005). Multimedia learning in e-courses. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Clark, R. E., & Feldon, D. F. (2005). Five common but questionable principles of multimedia learning. New York:
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Clarke, J. O. (1975). Improving teaching techniques through the use of A-V materials. Journal Pendidikan. U.K.M.,
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Claudet, J. (2002). Integrating school leadership knowledge and practice using multimedia technology: Linking
national standards, assessment, and professional development: Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education.
16(1), 29–43.
Claudet, J. (2002). Issues and directions in technology-integrated personnel assessment and professional
development. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education. 16(1), 7–10.
Cobb, S., & Fraser, D. S. (2005). Multimedia learning in virtual reality. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Copley, J. (2007). Audio and video podcasts of lectures for campus-based students: Production and evaluation of
student use. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 44(4), 387–99.
Creighton-Zollar, A. (2006). Communicating across preferences: A comparative family systems example. New York:
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Hear how I feel: Evaluation of a video depicting the experiences of adolescents and young adults with a parent
diagnosed with cancer: Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 20(4), 57–69.
Davies, D. K., Stock, S. E., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2002). Enhancing independent task performance for individuals
with mental retardation through use of a handheld self-directed visual and audio prompting system. Education &
Training in Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities. 37(2), 209–18.
Dewald, B. W. A. (2000). Turning part-time students’ feedback into video programs. Education & Training. 42(1),
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Dowaliby, F., & Lang, H. G. (1999). Adjunct aids in instructional prose: A multimedia study with deaf college
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Fleming, M. (1982). Changing conceptions in research on pictures. Communication & Cognition. 15(1), 53–60.
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Franks, F. L., & Glass, R. (1985). Microslide Cassette Programs for low vision students. Education of the Visually
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las Ciencias Revista de investigacion y experiencias didacticas. 2(1), 147–58.
Goodman, S. (2005). The practice and principles of teaching critical literacy at the educational video center.
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Gouzouasis, P. (1994). Multimedia constructions of children: An exploratory study. Journal of Computing in

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Cognitive Processing. 5(4), 232–8.
Lemaire, E. D., & Greene, G. (2003). A comparison between three electronic media and in-person learning for
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Lowe, R. K. (2005). Multimedia learning of meteorology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Further reading 365

Mayer, R. E. (2005). Introduction to multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Mayer, R. E. (2005). Principles for managing essential processing in multimedia learning: Segmenting, pretraining,
and modality principles. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Mayer, R. E. (2005). Principles of multimedia learning based on social cues: Personalization, voice, and image
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Metha, A. A. (2003). Learning in high dimensional spaces: Applications, theory, and algorithms. Dissertation
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Moss, J., Deppeler, J., Astley, L., & Pattison, K. (2007). Student researchers in the middle: Using visual images to
make sense of inclusive education. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 7(1), 46–54.
Ofiesh, N. S., Rice, C. J., Long, E. M., Merchant, D. C., & Gajar, A. H. (2002). Service delivery for postsecondary
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professional knowledge and practice. Cambridge Journal of Education. 34(2), 179–91.
Parish, S. J., Weber, C. M., Steiner-Grossman, P., Milan, F. B., Burton, W. B., & Marantz, P. R. (2006). Teaching
clinical skills through videotape review: A randomized trial of group versus individual reviews. Teaching and
Learning in Medicine. 18(2), 92–8.
Parra-Medina, D., Wilcox, S., Thompson-Robinson, M., Sargent, R., & Will, J. C. (2004). A replicable process for
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Peraya, D. (1984). Audiovisual pedagogy: Myths and actual trends. Revue Belge de Psychologie et de Pedagogie.
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Plass, J. L., & Jones, L. C. (2005). Multimedia learning in second language acquisition. New York: Cambridge
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Puzanov, B. P. (1983). Use of graph-projector at the history lessons in the school for mentally retarded children.
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Ramirez, A. (2000). Assessing the cognitive fit of hypertext-based learning aids for advanced learning in complex
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Reinking, D. (2005). Multimedia learning of reading. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rieber, L. P. (2005). Multimedia learning in games, simulations, and microworlds. New York: Cambridge University
Robertson, M., & Collins, A. (2003). The video role model as an enterprise teaching aid. Education & Training.
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Rouet, J.-F., & Potelle, H. (2005). Navigational principles in multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Roy, M., & Chi, M. T. H. (2005). The self-explanation principle in multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge
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Schnotz, W., & Rasch, T. (2005). Enabling, facilitating, and inhibiting effects of animations in multimedia learning:
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British Journal of Educational Technology. 34(3), 295–308.

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366 CHAPTER 8 Educational media

Skouge, J. R., Rao, K., & Boisvert, P. C. (2007). Promoting early literacy for diverse learners using audio and video
technology. Early Childhood Education Journal. 35(1), 5–11.
Slavenas, R. D. (1981). The effect of audiovisual presentation on interest in books of preschool children. Dissertation
Abstracts International.
Sloan, D., Stratford, J., & Gregor, P. (2006). Using multimedia to enhance the accessibility of the learning
environment for disabled students: Reflections from the skills for access project. ALT-J Research in Learning
Technology. 14(1), 39–54.
Sweller, J. (2005). Implications of cognitive load theory for multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University
Sweller, J. (2005). The redundancy principle in multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Thierry, K. L., Goh, C. L., Pipe, M.-E., & Murray, J. (2005). Source recall enhances children’s discrimination of seen
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Wiley, J., & Ash, I. K. (2005). Multimedia learning of history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Wilksch, S. M., Tiggemann, M., & Wade, T. D. (2006). Impact of interactive school-based media literacy lessons
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Zabel, B. (2007). Using technology and music to motivate science students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
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